Stars in Ba Zi: their meaning and decoding (part 2) » Feng Shui » Stars in Ba Zi: their meaning and interpretation (part 2)

The symbolic stars in Ba Zi are a broad and meaningful topic. Therefore, we continue to talk about what they are and how they affect our lives.

In this article we will consider the meaning of such positive signs as:

  • Vault Star (Tomb)
  • Golden carriage

We will also consider the features of the following negative (and not quite) stars:

  • Bankruptcy Star
  • Constellation Plunder
  • Star of Self-Punishment
  • War Star
  • Angel of Death or Demon of Destruction
  • Sheep knife

Vault Star (Tomb)

The Star of the Vault, also often designated as the Grave, in fact symbolizes not death at all (as it may seem at first glance), but the presence of a special “vault” for a person, where he keeps money and other possible treasures. Therefore, the presence of this star in one of the pillars of fate is a very good sign, indicating that its owner is capable of becoming an influential and wealthy person. Moreover, these chances increase noticeably if several Graves are present in his life map.

This star is associated with earth elements such as: Goat, Dragon, Ox and Dog. The largest number of Vault stars is observed in people who have Tree as their day element - this sign has as many as four Graves, while all other signs have only one.

Characteristics of stars

All symbolic stars have many characteristics that vary by cell. The main one is the Personality cell, which characterizes a person and his basic qualities. The remaining characteristics relate to the spheres of life of the elements surrounding the personality. These are money, career, creativity, family, children, relatives, etc.

What are the characteristics and meanings of the main symbolic stars?

Noble man

This is a lucky and favorable star in terms of characteristics. If a person has it in his chart, it will be easy to build a life because good luck accompanies him. It enhances the meaning of positive stars in a person’s chart. But sometimes it is suppressed by negative stars and does not show positive qualities for the owner. Ideally, in a person’s chart, the Noble Man star should be in the month or year of birth.

Flower of romance

This is an ambiguous symbol. Positive aspects - sexuality, attractiveness, happiness in personal relationships. Negative aspects - gambling and depravity. Owners of the Flower of Romance are easily carried away, become gamblers, or are characterized by promiscuity in their relationships. For the Flower of Romance star to bring happiness, it must be the only one in the chart and be in the right place. Otherwise, a person must be able to control himself.

traveling horse

Other names are Post Horse or Yamskaya Horse. A star of activity and striving for goals. It in the map helps a person to constantly improve and move towards development. Perfectly assists the owner in travel, relocation and business trips. If the star is connected to the Resource cell, then it will be easy to study and gain new knowledge.

Symbolic star Traveling horse

Art and loneliness

The presence of an Art star in a chart indicates a person’s inclination towards creative endeavors and subtle taste. But such people are also prone to a lonely lifestyle; they are burdened by unnecessary company and attention. Problems arise with starting a family. But if there is a family, then such people treat their spouse with tenderness and love.

Red Luan

This is a positive symbol for the owner. Helps improve personal life, and also makes its owner attractive. A person with such a symbol will never be lonely and unhappy. But it is important to understand that opposing symbols can destroy the influence of the Red Phoenix.


The General's Star is the leader's star. This is a person with the qualities of a commander and authoritative influence. The owner of the symbol can easily become a boss in both a civilian position and a military career. In any case, the star imparts wisdom and discipline. In a map it can enhance the influence of other stars that are located nearby. There is a possibility of negative traits appearing if it is adjacent to other unfavorable symbols.


Bad symbol. The Bankruptcy Star in the chart speaks of big financial problems, possibly the collapse of material well-being. How severe the money crisis is depends on the symbols that surround the Bankruptcy star. The stronger they are, the fewer problems there will be from an unsuccessful symbol. It is very bad if such a symbol is in the card of a person who is engaged in business. Huge problems with business can be expected, and some experts generally advise that in this case the business should not be registered in one’s own name. It can also negatively affect family and health.


This is a positive symbol. If there are several Vaults in a person’s chart, then there is a chance of becoming rich, successful and influential. One of the clearest examples of having a Four Pillar Warehouse is Bill Gates. It was the Money Vault in the map that contributed to enrichment and material well-being.

Bill Gates is a prime example of the presence of Storage in the four pillars


The presence of the “Robbery” symbol leads to direct losses. These are not necessarily monetary or valuable losses. This includes loss of status, trust, prestige, and place in society. Supported by four signs: Dog, Ox, Goat, Dragon.

The owner of this symbol can both lose a lot and learn to take away from others. Sometimes such people have a combination of cunning and the ability to think outside the box. There may be a tendency to deception, theft, and resourcefulness.


Owners of the “Self-punishment” symbol in their cards very often create problems for themselves in many areas of life. This happens due to inattention, absent-mindedness, constant rushing, and also due to personal prejudices. To neutralize the effect of the star of Self-punishment, you need to work on yourself and your discipline all your life.


Another name is Academician's star. In itself, it already speaks of a favorable opportunity for learning, of the presence of talents in literature and science. Such people make writers, as well as great scientists and philosophers. More often, people with such a symbol in the map occupy a prominent place in society and have a high social status.


This card does not signify aggression or the talent of a natural killer. Such a star only indicates the presence of strategist skills. War can have a double meaning, which allows such talent to be turned both positively and negatively.

This may be an intelligent person with leadership qualities, or he may become a natural deceiver, a cunning manipulator and an opportunist. The owner of such a symbol is able to quickly adapt to the situation and change depending on external circumstances.


They are lovers of justice and honesty. People with the Warrior symbol will always stand up for the poor, weak and disadvantaged. This person is interested in the truth on a global scale and will always be happy to climb the barricades for it.

Golden carriage

More often, the presence of the Golden Carriage star leads to material well-being, which will be reflected in external attributes. This is the presence of a rich house, an expensive car, jewelry and a golden toilet. But the combination with negative symbols in the map leads to global collapse and great losses, including financial ones.

Angel of Death

Another name is Demon of Destruction. Do not be afraid of the name; more often it is a harbinger not of problems from the outside world, but of minor troubles that the owner of the symbol is endowed with. These are most likely some internal fears that interfere with full development. Large complexes will lead to problems with character and communication. Conflicts with the law and even imprisonment are also possible. But in any case, these are internal inconsistencies that can be resolved with constant work on yourself. But if the placement of the symbol is positive, then the owner can become a diplomat or simply have a wide circle of communication due to his ability to find a common language with everyone.

Sheep knife

The Sheep Knife symbol also has a double meaning. Positive qualities are determination, the ability to achieve one’s goals, and clarity of decisions. Such people rarely doubt and always know what they want to achieve in life and from others.

Negative aspects - stubbornness, conflict, inability to listen to other people's opinions and lose. A person recognizes himself only in first place. If these qualities are strengthened by other similar symbols, he may experience serious problems in life.

Blooming canopy

These people appreciate and understand beauty. Aesthetics are paramount for them. These are those individuals who are able to admire the sunset and will see universal beauty even in small things. A person whose chart contains the star Blooming Canopy has developed imagination and the ability to think out what is happening. But it is worth noting that in most cases, the owners of such a star are unable to actively communicate with others, they like to be alone with themselves, are thoughtful, and are immersed in their thoughts. Therefore, it is difficult for them to establish personal relationships and start a family. A strong canopy star contributes to the emergence of unnecessary problems in life, but a weak one may well have a positive impact on a person’s destiny.

Of course, not all Ba Zi stars are listed, but only the main ones. They appear in most people's charts. It is important to understand that you need to look at the map and draw it up only based on the complex of stars, since they influence each other and can have additional effects, depending on the person’s complete map. The same symbol, adjacent to other stars, can become both a positive and negative vector in the fate of an individual. But more often, the general characteristics of a star come true, since they influence the fate and actions of every person.

Golden carriage

The golden carriage belongs to the Spirits of good luck and symbolizes a comfortable and prosperous life. According to Feng Shui experts, its presence in the life chart indicates that its owner has every chance of acquiring an expensive car, decent wages, comfortable housing and other material benefits of wealthy people.

Many years ago, its presence in Ba Zi indicated that such a person would certainly be rich, and also own an expensive carriage and servants.

If the Golden Carriage is present in the year column, this is a sure sign that its owner has excellent entrepreneurial skills. If it is located in the earthly branch of the month, then it personifies talent and glory.

However, in some cases it may indicate a serious loss, injury or accident. After all, it can be influenced by some other stars located nearby. Therefore, this symbol does not have a clear interpretation. It is better to ask a specialist about its exact meaning in each specific case.

What is a symbolic star?

The stars are just a combination of signs; with their help, without detailed analysis, you can draw quick conclusions. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, you need to understand that such an analysis will be incomplete and superficial. To see the full picture, you should study a lot of information about a person. The masters have deduced several hundred symbolic stars, but not all of them are worthy of study, since most of them are unreliable. Mostly about 20-30 stars are used, no more.

Symbolic stars are calculated using certain formulas that take into account the animal of the birthday, the year of birth, or the celestial trunk of the birthday.

There are only 12 animals, so several stars can correspond to the same earthly branch, and all of them will have different meanings and influences on human life. Symbolic stars are divided into two groups: Spirits of Good Luck and Spirits of Failure, they are also called Gods and Devils, Spirits and Demons.

This division is very arbitrary, since even good stars can harm a person if they are located in the wrong place. But Demons in some cases not only do not bring misfortune, but also help to cope with bad habits. It happens that in the Ba Zi chart there is a numerous cluster of stars, this is not very good, since a person has a confused fate and a complex character. He has many advisers in his head, giving different, sometimes even contradictory, instructions.

Constellation Plunder

Another unpleasant sign on the map is the Constellation of Plunder. It suggests that a person is capable of various frauds and dishonest acts, both with money and with any matters in general. Moreover, he can take away various benefits not only from those around him, but also lose something. This doesn't always apply to money or material things. Under the influence of this star, he may miss a good chance or a profitable deal.

Good symbols on the map

Conventionally, we can distinguish good and bad stars, which are also called the Demons of good luck and bad luck.

Positively influence our lives:

  • Noble man
  • Flower of romance,
  • traveling horse,
  • Art Star,
  • Red Luan,
  • General's Star,
  • Blooming canopy
  • Academician's Star,
  • Star of the Vault (Tomb),
  • Golden carriage.

Unfavorable stars on the map

There are a number of stars associated with the theme of physical damage, danger and threat to health. These are the stars:

  • Bloody knife
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Evening Dawn,
  • flying knife
  • Disaster Star,
  • funeral doors,
  • Hanged,
  • Sheep knife. When a person discovers such a star, and more than one, in his Bazi chart, he becomes scared.

How to properly watch such symbolic stars?

It is important to understand the following:

if a star is in the chart, this is not a threat to health, but a warning that a person needs to be more careful. He is at greater risk of being put into a situation where he could be hurt or injured.

But where, when, under what circumstances and whether there will be danger at all - we draw these conclusions by analyzing the Bazi map as a whole.

It is quite unfavorable when several stars of disasters gather in a chart - they come in one pillar or in different ones. For example, Flying Knife and Carnage are the same Earth branch in the chart.

Or the Star of Disaster

Bloody Knife
in one pillar. Yes, this can serve as a sign of operations, injuries, injuries with blood. But still not a 100% sign. Much depends on what elements these stars are in the chart, what period of luck the person is in, and what kind of life he leads. Therefore, please do not immediately perceive the presence of various knives in your map as a disaster. Things may not be so bleak at all. Source:

Noble man

The Noble Man star is considered one of the most auspicious stars in the Four Pillars of Destiny. Symbolizes: help, support, unexpected luck.

A sort of lifesaver. It means help both from people (advice given in time, patronage, direct assistance with deeds or money), and the help of a Higher Power, a guardian angel. That is, in a difficult situation, the right solution is found or circumstances develop in such a way that the problem can be solved with minimal losses.

The Noble Man star is generally interpreted as help in any situation. In fact, in each map this star manifests itself in a certain area. Some will be lucky in money matters, while others will receive help from friends and colleagues all their lives.

The Noble Man star in the chart does not always work. Under certain conditions, its influence is leveled out or disappears altogether. There is a specific combination of a Noble Person with another symbolic star when the influence of the Noble Person changes its meaning.

It manifests itself not as assistance, but as salvation from losses in some area. For example, the card indicates difficulties with finances, that is, a person will invest unsuccessfully throughout his life and lose money. But the star Noble Man comes and the negative influence described above disappears.

Famous people with the “Noble Man” card

The Noble One shows his strongest qualities if he is in the month or year

in a person's Ba Tzu chart.

Angela Merkel became the first female chancellor of Germany and the first representative of the former GDR in this post. And in general, the second woman (after Empress Feofaniya, who lived in the 10th century) to lead Germany.

At the same time, at 51, he is the youngest chancellor in the entire history of Germany. She is also the first representative of the new federal states in this post and the first federal chancellor with a science background.

The Hebrew University awarded Merkel an honorary Doctor of Philosophy. The University of Leipzig awarded him an honorary doctorate. Honorary Doctor of Science from the Wroclaw University of Technology. Tel Aviv University awarded the title of honorary Doctor of Philosophy.

According to Forbes magazine, Angela Merkel has become the most powerful female politician in the world eight times over the past 11 years.

Courtney Love

rock singer, actress

An Unexpected Inheritance When Courtney was 16 years old, she received an unexpected inheritance. To celebrate, the girl went to travel and in 1982 settled in Liverpool with friends.

There, Love began to get involved in music, and her teacher was Ian McCulloch from Teardrop Explodes. Upon arrival in America, two years later, Courtney began composing melodies herself.

In 2005, Courtney Love said she was so broke that she only had $4,000 left. The singer paid off her debts in 2006 by selling 25% of the rights to Nirvana's discography.

Flower of romance

Other names: Peach blossom, Peach blossom. One of the most famous stars. In numerous articles on the Internet, this star is described as a symbol of attractiveness and sexuality. It is concluded that the presence of the Flower of Romance in the pillars of fate practically guarantees a person popularity with the opposite sex and a happy family life.

However, sadly, the Flower of Romance in the Symbolic Star system is considered more likely to be an unfavorable star.

Indeed, the Flower of Romance gives its owner attractiveness and can become an assistant in the field of relationships. But only if it is located in a certain place in Ba Zi, it is a favorable element and this Flower is alone in the chart.

There are about two dozen different manifestations of the Flower of Romance, depending on its location in the chart, the element by which it is represented and combinations with other stars. And mostly these manifestations are negative.

Here are some of them:

• There is more than one Flower of Romance in a card - an indication of promiscuity. • The low Qi phase of this star is an indication of a tendency to gambling, debauchery, instability in relationships, and frequent job changes. • In a woman’s chart, the Flower of Romance is in the house of the Spouse and at the same time the element of Power is an indication of problems with men; it is difficult to create long-term relationships. • The element of the Flower of Romance is Self-Expression - a person indulges his vicious inclinations and may exhibit antisocial behavior.

There are, of course, positive manifestations of the Flower of Romance star. Under certain conditions, it gives a person a sense of compassion, tolerance, generosity and a sense of beauty.

Brings popularity, success in the profession, social activities.

Star of Self-Punishment

The Star of Self-Punishment has a destructive effect on the life of everyone for whom it appears on the life map. As its name says, it makes a person constantly doubt his abilities and blame himself for all troubles. He suffers from chronic absent-mindedness and inattention, which is why he constantly creates new problems for himself.

You can smooth out its influence on your life only under one condition - you need to constantly engage in self-development and do everything to strengthen self-confidence.

Methods and tools of Chinese metaphysics for self-development and improvement

Symbolic star rating (Shen Sha) is one of the methods of reading a card in Bazi. Some masters take them into account, others do not, and the approach to assessing and the importance of these stars in bazi may differ. In addition to the astrology of the four pillars, symbolic stars can be used to select dates, be taken into account when moving in certain directions, moving, used in physiognomy, and also for activations. Basically, star rating is used as an auxiliary method, rather than a basic one. This method should not be separated from the main assessment of the card, which includes the strength and weakness of the card, 10 gods 十神, the interaction of 5 elements, etc.

War Star

The War Star is often considered a negative sign in a person’s destiny. However, like many other symbolic stars in the Ba Zi, it has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it says that the owner of this sign is an insidious and cunning person, perhaps even capable of theft or deception. But on the other hand, this star characterizes smart and purposeful people who know how to carefully think through long-term strategies or plans and achieve their goals no matter what.

The owner of the War Star is a difficult and secretive person. It is sometimes very difficult to understand his actions. But there is no doubt - they are all part of a carefully thought-out plan, the existence of which you will never guess.

Characteristics of the stars: Noble man, Flower of romance, Traveling horse

Although the symbolic stars are virtual, since they are calculated using formulas, their interpretation occupies a significant place in the Ba Zi system. The Noble Man star is considered almost the most favorable. It symbolizes unexpected luck, support, and outside help. Not only people, but also a guardian angel and higher powers can act as assistants. A person who has this star is lucky in life. He easily solves any problems, gets out of unpleasant situations with minimal losses, and is lucky in the financial sphere. This star does not always manifest itself; sometimes its influence can be destroyed by another.

Star Flower of Romance has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it gives a person attractiveness, sexuality, a happy family life, and popularity with the opposite sex. But on the other hand, it imparts negative characteristics, such as promiscuity, inconstancy, gambling, and depravity. If the Romance Flower is located in the right place and only one, it helps a person in the area of ​​relationships. If it is in the husband's house, the woman may have difficulties with men; the low Qi phase of the star indicates a tendency towards debauchery and gambling.

The Traveling Horse star, also called the Postal or Yamskaya Horse, symbolizes travel, changing jobs, and places of residence. She helps a person on long-distance business trips, in moving up the career ladder, in health improvement and treatment, and in changing place of residence. Basically, the Traveling Horse brings prosperity. If it is associated with the Friends element, it is best for a person to travel in company, with Resources - learning will be easy, with Money - one should expect success in the business and financial sphere, with Self-Expression - a person will be able to make public speeches easily, with Power - a meeting with management will be productive.

Angel of Death (Demon of Destruction)

A star with a truly terrifying name - the Angel of Death is also known in Feng Shui as the Demon of Destruction. It destroys a person from the inside, instilling in him multiple subconscious fears and chronic dissatisfaction with life. In connection with this, its owner constantly gets involved in illegal affairs and may even have a criminal record. Although if you look at it from the other side, the Demon of Destruction gives a person intelligence, the ability to negotiate with different people and a sharp mind. Therefore, if you wish, you can still use its influence on your destiny for your benefit.

Sheep knife

The sheep knife is a symbol of temper and cruelty. He rewards a person with these not the best qualities, and at the same time brings into his life problems in relationships with loved ones and troubles at work. However, if such a sign appears in a weak Ba Zi map, it can, on the contrary, bring success in military affairs, as well as endow a person with determination and enviable perseverance.

As you can see, learning to understand the meanings of certain symbolic stars is a whole science. But you must agree that this is very interesting. After all, such knowledge will allow you to easily “read” your destiny and find out what awaits you in the future. Therefore, if you are an ardent follower of Feng Shui, you can delve into the study of this topic in more detail and in just a couple of months you will be able to confidently tell about your life everything that is written on the Ba Zi card.


Characteristics of the stars: Angel of Death, Sheep Knife, Blooming Canopy

Symbolic stars very often have names that are scary at first glance, but in reality not everything is so terrible. The Angel of Death or the Demon of Destruction does not bring trouble to a person from the outside; the problem lies in the owner of this star himself. He may have certain complexes, dissatisfaction with life, subconscious fears. As a result, problems with the law and a criminal record may arise. On the other hand, the Angel of Death endows a person with diplomacy, a sharp mind, and quick wit.

The Star of Prosperity refers to the Spirits of Luck. It allows the owner to reach certain heights in life and not need anything. A blooming canopy gives a person receptivity and sensitivity. The owner of the star has a rich inner world and a well-developed imagination. On the other hand, he can withdraw into himself, immerse himself in his thoughts. Sheepknife is a dual star. It gives a person perseverance, stubbornness, determination, cruelty, and temper. If the Ba Zi card is strong, such qualities will bring problems to its owner, but with a weak card, the star allows one to achieve heights in the military field.

Of course, not all stars are listed, but only the most common ones. Despite the fact that there are more than two hundred of them, masters use only a few dozen. It should be remembered that symbolic stars provide only additional information, and in order to get a complete picture, it is necessary to analyze the Ba Zi map in detail.

Although the stars are mainly designed for the average person, their characteristics come true in most cases.

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