The meaning and magical properties of the Eye of Fatima amulet: how to protect yourself from negativity?

Description and history of origin

The Eye of Fatima is a popular souvenir from Turkey.
The eye of Fatima is common in Turkey and some neighboring countries. In each region it is called differently: nazar, the never-sleeping eye, matoperta, the eye of Satan, Turkish, blue or blue eye.

Although the Ottoman Empire is considered the birthplace of the amulet, historians believe that it appeared long before our era and is one of the oldest amulets ever found by man. They came to this conclusion after the discovery of archaeological finds from the times of Ancient Egypt and Antiquity, decorated with a never-sleeping eye.

In the Middle Ages, the amulet became widespread in all lands that were part of the Ottoman Empire, including Syria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece and Cyprus. Because of this, different nations have their own legends about its origin.

Legend of Wisdom

One of the legends about the origin of the blue eye tells that once upon a time in the Ottoman Empire there lived a caliph who dreamed of gaining all the knowledge of the world. He turned to a local seer with a request for help. He replied that the caliph would gain wisdom after marrying his seven daughters to foreign rulers.

The caliph followed the seer's advice, and soon the fame of his wisdom spread throughout the world. But in his old age, his eighth daughter was born, whom he named Fatima. The girl with big blue eyes became her father’s favorite, and the thought that one day she, too, would have to be married to a foreigner drove the caliph into despair. When Fatima grew up, her father decided to use a trick, slipping a weaver's daughter to a foreign groom instead.

Legends tell about the origin of the blue eye.

But the old caliph could not keep the secret and told his daughter at what cost he gained wisdom. Fatima listened to her father and convinced him not to give up his knowledge for her sake. She married a foreign ruler and went to a foreign country, thereby preserving her father's wisdom.

A Tale of Fear

The Crusades brought a lot of troubles and destruction to Muslim lands. Since most European conquerors had blue eyes, the inhabitants of the eastern regions began to associate them with the eye of Satan.

To protect against dark forces and misfortunes, Muslims began to wear amulets in the form of a blue eye, believing that in this way they could repel any external negativity. And soon the Crusaders' invasions stopped.

Legend of love

Another legend connects the origin of the symbol with the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad Fatima. The girl had unearthly beauty and had many admirers, but her heart belonged to a young warrior named Ali.

One day, Muhammad sent Ali on a long military campaign, promising that if he managed to return alive, he would get Fatima as his wife. Before parting, the girl gave her lover a round stone in the shape of an eye to protect him from death. After some time, Ali returned from the war, and the lovers got married.

The eye of Fatima is credited with the ability to protect against evil spirits.

Since then, the amulet that helped the warrior return alive from the battlefield has been called the eye of Fatima. He is credited with the ability to protect from danger and evil spirits.

Other versions

In some Turkish regions there is a legend about a poor peasant Nazar, who had sea-green eyes. There were rumors among fellow villagers that his gaze had destructive power.

Not far from the place where the poor man lived, in the coastal area lay a large boulder that threatened to break through the bottom of the merchant ships sailing here. The ruler of the city turned to Nazar with a request to split the stone with the power of his gaze. Tom managed to do this without difficulty.

When people came to look at the pieces of the scattered boulder, they saw that they looked like Nazar's eyes.

They began to wear these stones as a talisman, believing that with their help they could gain magical abilities.

What is it, what is the significance of the talisman?

The appearance of the Eye of Fatima amulet is probably familiar to everyone. It is a flattened, round glass blue pebble. It has a white circle with a blue iris and a black pupil drawn on it.

The main purpose of a powerful amulet is to protect its owner from damage, the evil eye and evil intentions . It is also generally accepted that it can protect against many ailments, health problems, flows of negative energy and even accidents.

The amulet is very strong and the presence of this amulet in a person means that he is reliably protected from negativity.

The most common mascot names:

  • Eye of Fatima;
  • Nazar bonjuk;
  • Blue Eye;
  • Nazar;
  • Matopetra.

The history of the first appearance of this symbol goes back to distant, pre-Islamic times and dates back to the 5th century BC. e. Even then, people believed in the magical properties of this amulet and used it as a protective talisman against evil spirits.

The Eye of Fatima amulet cannot be called the most widespread and popular among the countless number of Muslim amulets, but its legend can rightfully be called one of the most interesting, beautiful and attention-grabbing . Perhaps this is one of the reasons why many tourists and people who believe in the magical properties of amulets prefer the Eye of Fatima.

According to ancient legend, the Prophet Muhammad had an only daughter of extraordinary beauty with a kind heart. Having met her future husband, she fell madly in love with him, but circumstances were such that he was forced to go on a long journey. Worried about her beloved, she made a talisman with her own hands and, giving it away, said that she would watch him from a distance and protect him from damage, illnesses, negative energy and ill-wishers.

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At the end of the journey, Fatima's lover returned safe and sound. Muhammad's daughter had sky-blue eyes, which is why modern amulets depict an eye in this color.

There is another legend, less ancient . The events took place during difficult times for the inhabitants of the countries of the Far East, when they were raided by the crusaders. They left behind devastation, death, hunger and horror.

It was then that the elder sage said that only the same eye, possessing powerful strength and energy, could protect them from blue-eyed attackers. Then local residents began to make amulets with the image of a blue eye. They were worn around the neck or on the wrist.

Appearance and properties

The amulet is a blue glass bead that resembles a flattened drop of water. On its surface there is a pattern in the shape of an eyeball: a black pupil with white and blue circles located around it.

The Turkish eye has the following effects on a person:

  • protects against black magic, envious people and energy vampires;
  • attracts luck and money;
  • protects against diseases;
  • improves the psychological environment in the home;
  • helps in making dreams come true.

The Turkish eye attracts luck and money, protects against diseases.

Areas of application

The watchful eye has become widespread not only in Turkey, but also beyond its borders. Most often it is used in household magic and art.

Traditional forms of magic

Nazar is a common element in the decoration of dishes, vases, refrigerator magnets, key rings, clothing, jewelry and other products. The popularity of the symbol is associated not so much with commercial interest, but with belief in its supernatural power.

For the same reason, in Turkey, blue eye is used to decorate the facades and interior walls of residential buildings and shops, and is applied to furniture and other interior items. The local population believes that in this way they can protect the premises from robbery, fire and other disasters.

Motorists hang a talisman in their cars to avoid accidents and thefts.

People exchange talismans with the Turkish eye.

To protect against the evil eye, the waking eye is hung from baby strollers and cribs.

Lovers exchange talismans with the Turkish eye to strengthen and increase their love.

In modern culture

Mention of the amulet is found in popular culture.

The most interesting examples:

  1. There is a monument to Nazar in the Netherlands.
  2. In the computer game Terraria, gamers need to find a blue eye to protect themselves from a curse.
  3. Matoperta is an element of the logo of the German game engine CryEngine 3.
  4. Rose Hethaway, the main character of the Vampire Academy book series by American writer Richel Mead, received a blue eye as a gift from her mother.

Amulet All-Seeing Eye

The All-Seeing Eye talisman has acquired many interpretations, each religion interprets and depicts it differently. In Christianity, for example, the eye was placed in an equilateral triangle. The figure symbolizes the Holy Trinity, and the eye is the eye of the Creator. It is believed that this image appeared in Russia in the 17th century, but was gradually supplanted under Nicholas II and remained only a decorative element in Orthodox churches.

If we talk about the meaning of the All-Seeing Eye of God amulet, then it denotes the hidden truth, appeals to conscience and calls not to hide anything - neither to you, nor from you. It is also a sign of perfect good and its victory over evil.

Use Cases

As a personal amulet, you can purchase jewelry with a watchful eye. Tattoo lovers can get an image of the symbol on their body.


A pendant in the shape of the eye of Fatima will become not only an amulet, but also a stylish decoration that emphasizes the individuality of its owner. It should be worn over clothing by people who want to reflect the negativity coming from ill-wishers.

The pendant with Fatima's eye is a stylish decoration.

Hang the pendant on a thick natural thread, cord or silver chain.


To be worn on the hand, the Turkish eye is inserted into bracelets made of silver, gold, copper, beads, multi-colored beads and decorative stones. On sale you can also find jewelry consisting of a red ribbon or thread to which the eye of Fatima is attached.


A tattoo with the eye of Fatima has a powerful protective effect on a person, helps him develop intuition, wisdom, and gain confidence in his own abilities. When applying a drawing, you should not waste time on trifles: the more space it takes up on the surface of the skin, the more noticeable its magical effect will be.

Tattoo helps develop intuition and wisdom.

It is recommended to get a tattoo on the forearm or the inside of the hand.


A person wearing a pin with a Turkish eye will be able to provide himself with double protection from damage and the evil eye, because the talisman combines 2 symbols at once, each of which in itself is capable of protecting against energetic negativity.

It is customary to wear a pin with a nazar as a brooch. It is important that she is in sight at all times.

Who can wear the talisman

Unlike Christian amulets, Islamic amulets only work if they are clearly visible. They not only provide protection to the physical shell, but also serve as a warning signal that this person is under protection. Wearing an amulet in plain sight usually does not cause discomfort.

The blue eye is not only a powerful talisman, but also a fashion accessory that is suitable for both men and women. It will have a positive effect regardless of the age and gender of the person.

The peculiarity of the talisman is that its magical power increases with its size. The bigger Nazar Bonjuk is, the more power he can develop.

Large amulets have more than just protective abilities. A large blue stone can fulfill any wish that a person makes. For this to happen, you need to think carefully about what you want, vividly imagine it in your imagination and tell it to the amulet, holding it in your palm.

The following benefits are usually asked from the talisman:

  • happiness and success in all endeavors;
  • well-being and peace in the family;
  • material goods;
  • good luck in love.

It is worth remembering that the amulet can only help if what you want does not harm anyone, otherwise the amulet simply will not fulfill it. If you wish evil upon someone, an amulet called the Blue Eye can return everything like a boomerang.

The Eye of Fatima amulet is highly recommended for use by people who have problems with the aura and energy. These include women who are carrying a child.

Girls in this position are very sensitive to all the fluctuations in the energy that surrounds them, so they need to be provided with support and protection. Such a talisman, given by a beloved husband, can protect both a girl and a child from the evil eye and damage.

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