Oleg Torsunov: Life in accordance with the rhythms of the Universe

Summary of Torsunov's lecture “What is time. Daily regime"

The time indicated in the table and text is not the time according to a clock, verified with Moscow time zone time, but astronomical time, where midnight is “12 o’clock at night” in the table - the middle of the night is the midpoint between the moments of sunset and sunrise, and “12 hours of the day" in the table is true noon - the midpoint between sunrise and sunset in your area.

(read the article about the Vedic daily routine on the self-knowledge website. There is also about the diet, and many other equally interesting and informative articles that can be discussed or supplemented on the self-knowledge forum)

For example, “3 am” for the coordinates of the center of St. Petersburg on April 3, 2009 means 5:02 on the clock. Sunset 20:47, sunrise 7:19 - meaning midnight at 2:02, noon at 14:02

Sunrise and sunset can be found on Yandex Weather.

Learning to convert solar time to local time

Why do we convert solar time to local time? Because to select favorable dates and hours, we work with the Chinese calendar of cosmic energies. It does not depend on government orders, but on real solar time - when planet Earth is at a certain angle to the Sun. But how to take this into account?

Our Earth is divided into 24 meridians of 15 degrees, each meridian is a time zone, and the time there is average. But if you live on the border of the meridian, then the sun will set earlier or later for you than for those who live in the middle.

To find out the real solar time in your locality, we will take the following steps.

To calculate the real solar time in your locality, first find out the geographic longitude and time zone of your locality. This can be done using the Internet.

Example . For Moscow, the geographic longitude is 37 degrees, and the time zone is GMT+3. Multiply 15 degrees by 3 and get 45 degrees. This is the base meridian.

Moscow is located to the west, at a longitude of 37 degrees. The difference between the base meridian and the longitude of Moscow is 45 - 37 = 8 degrees.

As you know, the Earth revolves around the Sun in 24 hours, or 1440 minutes. This means that one degree of rotation is 1440 minutes/360 (full rotation) = 4 minutes/degree. Take the value of 8 degrees and multiply by 4. The result is approximately 32 minutes. This will be the difference between Moscow time and real solar time.

Let's say you need the hour of the Goat, which in solar time lasts from 13 to 15 hours. If you live in Moscow, then for you it will begin and end not at this time, but about 30 minutes later.

You can see the correspondence between astrological and generally accepted hours in the table

This was an example. For your locality, you calculate the time using your geographic longitude and your time zone. For another place it will already begin and end at a different time - earlier or later, depending on its geographical longitude. Here you do not need to add your time difference with Moscow, but you should take your values ​​and calculate them using the formula.

Time Difference = (Time Zone*15 – Geographic Longitude)*4

But fortunately, there is no such need to count the time manually every time. Although, perhaps, for general understanding, it will be useful to know. On our website you can use a solar time calculator that will automatically recalculate the time for your area.

It is necessary to take into account the time correction for choosing dates in order to determine when a two-hour time interval will begin and end specifically in your locality. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to choose a time at the border of the day. If you incorrectly determine the hour, you can make a mistake and choose the wrong day, which has a completely different energy.

You can freely learn how to choose the right days and hours for important matters from the mini-course “How to choose a date successfully”

Brief summary of Torsunov’s lecture “Day regimen”

This lecture discusses the forces of the Sun and Moon. For those who don’t understand the notes, find and listen to the lecture “Daily Routine.” Materials from Ayurveda.

The moon is active from 4 pm to 9 am.

Sun from 4 am to 9 pm. The sun crosses the equator - the sun begins to influence the entire hemisphere with its energies - 4 am.

Time is an aspect of God and acts cyclically on all things and factors, moving them towards destruction. The only way not to be punished by time is to live with the times. a necessary element to live happy.

There are limits to life; a person who understands this is happy, but a person who does not understand it suffers. The non-understanding and non-listening commanding aspect (“it’s time to get up!”) falls under the influence of the punishing aspect.

Blessings of understanding time: 1. A person does not expect a happy future - he knows that the future brings death closer and seeks happiness in the moment now. 2. 50% of diseases are cured by a daily routine. 3. Knows in advance the approach of his death (a few days - a month in advance)

——————————————— Main part. Daily regime. ———————————————-

Timely sleep:

from 9 pm to 11-12 o'clock at night the mind rests - only in these two hours. mental fatigue accumulates over the years. manifests itself through the eyes. Nothing makes a person happy. there is a desire to die. there is no higher goal, no desire to achieve happiness. Fatigue accumulates and then the rhythm of all organs, including the heart, suffers. There is nervous tension, a desire to smoke, drink coffee, nervousness and strong irritability. Then diseases: the immune system, etc., anger at the whole world, etc. from 11 to 1 am - restoration of vital energy. from 1 to 3 am - emotional forces.

From 9 pm the power of the Moon prevails over the power of the Sun. The moon cools the mind and allows you to accumulate psychic energy. The sun allows you to waste energy. Therefore, sleeping during the day does not allow you to rest.

A sign of holiness is that a person can sleep for three hours and feel good and cheerful all day. Symptoms of the punishment of time are listed in fatigue of the mind. You need to sleep 8-9 hours at 14 years old, 6-7-8 hours in adulthood, 5-6 hours in old age

Morning rise:

from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. you can only engage in spiritual practices; only highly spiritual people can get up at this time; the rest will lose their health. from 4 am to 5 am: a person is able to lead people, is capable of being a very advanced person, very cheerful, is able to overcome himself, all the difficulties in life and achieve great success and in the material field from 5 to 6 am to get up - a person at least he will achieve his goal in life, there will not be very big problems, he will not get very sick, but he will not achieve anything deep in life. from 6 to 7 am - the train left, and nothing good

The first roosters are at three in the morning, the second at 4, the third at five. fourth - after six and means “the train has left”

three types of solar energy: 1. quanta of the sun (solar heat felt by the skin) 2. primary element of fire - penetrates inside, causes digestive fire, affects the subtle bodies, enhances the activity of the mind. maximum at 12 noon. 3. joy, optimism. accepted only by those who get up early, that is, on time. proof: birds singing from 4 to 6 am.

getting up from 6 to 7 loses vigor and tone, they feel that they constantly do not have time, are late. getting up from 8 to 9 - constant chronic diseases, lethargy, nausea, mental weakness, lack of confidence in one’s strength. cannot live without coffee, hyper or nipotonics. prone to accidents, getting up at 9 am means premature death is possible.

The deadline for lunch is 3 pm, so the latest to avoid going into the red is 9 am. although 6 am is late. a person who gets up late is not able to perceive the truth. a person who gets up after 6 am cannot change his life and karma. this is impossible, because the strength for this is given by the sun through optimism only at 4-6 in the morning. a morning shower—chilling, invigorating—a must and a must. with your head so that the subtle body of the mind is cleansed and then 60-70% of depression will go away.

about the author

Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov, doctor and psychologist, has a higher medical education. He graduated from the Samara Medical Institute, an internship in dermatovenereology, as well as the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, specializing in corporal acupuncture. Another education - in the classical system of Indian medicine Ayurveda - Torsunov O.G. received in India.

Thus, Torsunov O.G. is a specialist in a wide field of medical sciences: Ayurveda, dermatovenereology, acupuncture, acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, reflexology, lithotherapy and traditional medicine. He also has unique healing methods using mudras

(specific combinations of fingers) and
(certain graphic symbols), used, as a rule, for the treatment of mental illnesses. Having been practicing medicine for many years in various areas of medicine, Torsunov O.G. developed his own methods of treating and diagnosing diseases, which were successfully tested in the system of the Russian Ministry of Health, showing their high efficiency. His own method of lithoreflexotherapy (treatment with precious and semi-precious stones and minerals) has proven effective in treating almost all chronic diseases and has no analogues in the world. Torsunov O.G. has a unique ability to diagnose using a patient’s photograph, which gives him the opportunity to provide assistance and conduct consultations without direct contact with the patient and allows him to treat patients regardless of their location around the world.

Torsunov O.G. has two Russian patents for inventions: “Method of applicator phytoreflexotherapy” and “Healing napkin”. She pays great attention to the issues of proper nutrition and daily routine, and has her own scientific developments in this area.

Popular science lectures by Torsunov O.G. were held many times in various cities (Moscow, Riga, Kiev, Almaty, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Omsk, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Saratov, Samara, Barnaul, Krasnodar, Pyatigorsk, Ivanovo and many others) and always enjoyed the constant interest of listeners. Numerous television and radio broadcasts took place in these cities with his participation.

Torsunov O.G. carries out extensive scientific work. He constantly improves existing methods of medical diagnosis and treatment of patients and at the same time develops fundamentally new and more effective methods of healing that are in maximum harmony with human nature. However, the scope of research of Torsunov O.G. goes far beyond the usual boundaries of medicine. Spending a significant part of his time in India (Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh), he studies in depth the ancient scientific sources there - the Vedas

, which set out the fundamental principles of the social organization of society (
Manu Smriti
), public morality (
Niti Shastra
), Vedic astrology (
Jyotish Shastra
), the science of space (
), and yoga techniques (
Yoga Sutra
of Patanjali).

Meeting in India with prominent thinkers and philosophers, collaborating with specialists in the fields listed above, Torsunov O.G. Opens, based on Vedic knowledge, new ways of healing and harmonious interaction of a person with the outside world. The results of these developments find wide practical application in the treatment methods he proposes.

Torsunov O.G. – author of a series of scientific articles, “Good Advice from Doctor Torsunov,” popular in the CIS, devoted to effective methods of treating influenza, acute respiratory infections and atypical pneumonia, tonsillitis, bronchitis, hypertension, hepatitis and other diseases. These publications have become a good guide for many people. Books by Torsunov O.G. from the series “Laws of a Happy Life” and “Real Health” are known not only in the CIS countries, but also abroad. Torsunov O.G. is the organizer of the Russian branch of the Bombay Institute of Ayurveda named after Bhaktivedanta.

In his lectures Torsunov O.G. promotes a healthy lifestyle. In particular, she pays great attention to the daily routine and proper nutrition (correct selection, compatibility and preparation of food). His conversations go far beyond the scope of purely medical topics; they examine in detail the issues of relationships between people and their influence on health, the psychology of family relationships, proper upbringing of children, Vedic culture and medicine, astrology and the influence of planets on the character and health of people, the structure of the subtle human body , issues such as karma and reincarnation are also discussed. After each lecture Torsunov O.G. answers numerous questions and conducts free diagnostics for listeners.

Level of skill of Torsunov O.G. is amazing: for example, from a telephone call, he can, simply by listening to the voice of the caller, identify a number of diseases from which he suffers, indicate the reasons for their development and give practical advice on improving health.

You can visit the official website on the Internet, get acquainted with the new lectures of O.G. Torsunov. about healing methods, ethics of behavior, Vedic astrology and much more.

Center for Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda:



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