Review of the strongest conspiracies to attract clients and buyers

Success, of course, must be present in every field of activity. People involved in trading especially need luck. If the wheel of fortune has turned, a series of troubles have begun, you should think: “Are there any machinations of dark forces here?” In this case, you need to turn your attention towards magical things. It can be a talisman, a talisman or an amulet. Recently, it has become popular to use spells and prayers. Each of them has its own purpose; before purchasing such things or using the magic of the word, you should carefully study this issue so as not to get the opposite effect.

Charms for business

Amulet for trade

Since ancient times, trading people knew many prayers and conspiracies in order to protect their business from ruin and dashing people. To attract money and increase income, they used magical things; they kept their existence a secret, not even telling their loved ones.

In the modern world, people who are successful in business often face envy, bitterness, and hostility. Negativity coming from ill-wishers can detract from good luck and even bring misfortune and illness. In such cases, amulets are needed that will become reliable protection against dark energy. Do-it-yourself things have the greatest power.

Witch bottle

Witch bottle - made to protect against the evil eye. For a talisman, take a container made of dark glass and place there: dust collected from the footprint of your foot, cut nails and hair. During the ritual, a spell is read. Seal the bottle tightly and bury it in the ground. The amulet is valid for up to seven years. If anyone finds the bottle, it will lose its protective power.

Amulets made from paper bills and sage plants are considered reliable. This herb has long been known to ward off evil spirits.


The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Roll up a banknote of any denomination.
  2. Melt one end with church candle wax.
  3. Once the cork has hardened, add chopped sage.
  4. Seal the second edge in the same way.

The amulet is ready, place it in a safe or desk drawer. There is no need to read when casting a spell; your magic amulet has sufficient power.

Types of conspiracies to attract clients or buyers

The texts of conspiracies may differ in the field of activity to which they apply and in the strength of their impact. Each business has its own ritual, which must be performed exactly according to the instructions described.

Ritual ceremony with a bell

To the dentist

The use of sugar to develop business and increase the customer base is carried out once every 7 days:

“I’ll sugar the path, right up to the threshold. Let the client not swear, come with good things, and leave healthy. I’ll lure you with sugar, stupefy you, call you to me, fly away.”

The sugar is wrapped in bags and placed in the corners of the room.

Before the next procedure, he is thrown out of the threshold, and the procedure is carried out again.

To the hairdresser

Timely rituals in a beauty salon will not only attract new clients, but also eliminate the machinations of competing organizations. The comb spell is most often used for this business.

There is a very simple but proven text that works:

“Comb, with your teeth, bring people to me with ridges. I straighten my hair and send clients’ money to me. It will be as I said."

Attention! A completely new comb is used for the ritual and should be used throughout the day.

In the cafe

If there is stagnation in business, the number of clients is constantly decreasing, you can carry out a ritual action.

Using salt in magic

On the day when the moon is waxing, the largest banknote is taken and the words are pronounced with the window open:

Amulets used in trade

Amulets are usually called things that can attract good luck and protect against losses. Mineral stones are considered the most effective. Imbued with the powerful energy of the earth, they have a strong magical effect. Before using such amulets, study the features of each of them so as not to harm yourself, since your biofield may come into “conflict” with the energy of the stone.

Agate - protects against the machinations of scammers, allowing you to notice their evil plans in time.

Blue agate

Almandine - a person inspires trust in himself and attracts partners. Fortune becomes his companion.


Apatite helps to reveal business qualities and establish the necessary connections.

Apatite stone

Alexandrite - develops the intuition needed in trading. A successful combination of cufflinks with earrings, pendant with ring.


Amethyst is indispensable when concluding contracts, helping to make the right decision.


Topaz - the owner of the stone attracts people, which helps attract buyers.


Heliotrope - imparts leadership qualities. Necessary in negotiations.

Heliotrope stone

Ruby - attracts money. Protects from enemies and envious people.

Ruby stone

Tourmaline - promotes excellent trading and the conclusion of profitable contracts.

Tourmaline stone

Aquamarine - its owner becomes attractive to people, which helps to establish the necessary connections.

Aquamarine stone

Carbuncle - indicates scammers.

Carbuncle Stone

Chalcedony - helps resolve conflict situations, will help you gain regular customers.

Chalcedony stone

Pearls will protect you from crime.


It is important to know that stones need to be cleaned periodically, since, while protecting you, they accumulate negative energy. Minerals are washed under running water or carried over a fire.

Possible consequences of a conspiracy to attract clients

The thoughtless use of magic in any field of activity can lead to both positive and negative results.

Incorrectly formulated desires and needs can lead to unexpected results.

The use of white magic usually does not have any negative consequences. It will, of course, help attract buyers at the initial stage, but only the owner of the business can retain them. Each person decides for himself which method of influence to choose and what price the performer is willing to pay for magic.

Spells and prayers used in trading

Words spoken with faith in the soul have great magical power. Trade conspiracy:

This spell can be cast in any life situation, and not just as a spell for good trading.

Everyone involved in such a business would like to protect themselves from ruin and damage. The following ritual is performed on the waning moon:

  • Take a rag and wipe off the dust from the counter.
  • Wipe down the floor under the counter.
  • Wrap the key in a rag and say a spell for good trading:

After reading, go to the river and drown the bundle with the key.

Bag of salt

A truly magical remedy is ordinary salt. It has the unique property of absorbing the energy of a word, which is why these white crystals are often used in spells. The ritual itself:

  • Sew a bag from red fabric (linen, cotton).
  • Throw a handful of salt into it and read the following:
  • During the waxing moon, add a pinch of salt to the bag daily.
  • In the next period, this ritual can be repeated.
  • An amulet with a spell for successful trading is carried with you, placed among the products or hidden in the workplace.

You cannot use such attributes to sell low-quality goods, otherwise it will negatively affect your health and cause losses. Ritual and conspiracy for successful trading:

  • Take a small mirror.
  • At dawn, before the store opens, cross all the trade items lying on the counter, display cases and shelves with your right hand and a mirror, while saying:

Each time the conspiracy to trade is read three times. The magic item is then placed in a prominent place.

If things in the company have been shaken, relations with competitors have worsened, try using another powerful spell, first performing the following ritual:

  • Crumple up a small black rag.
  • Roll it thoroughly in salt and say the following words:

Throw the rag into an open fire or fast water, putting all your personal negative feelings into it.

An effective ritual to lure clients

There are many spells for foods, in particular for honey. He is able to provide an invaluable service: attract happiness, improve health and even lure clients.

To carry out the manipulations, come to work at night, put exactly 7 tablespoons of flower honey in a bowl. Throw 30 copper coins into the second container. You will need a green or blue candle. Light it, place it between two bowls and say three times: Try a little honey, put out the candle. Wrap the coins and candle in white natural fabric and hide them in the office. Eat honey within 7 days. In exactly a week the plot will take effect.

Talismans for profitable trading, manufacturing rules

Talismans are objects that attract happiness, luck, and wealth. In the field of trade, such things are especially needed; there is a constant exchange of money; magic is needed to attract a profitable flow. Any object with which you feel an energetic connection can be used as a talisman:

  • Looking at him I want to smile.
  • Association with pleasant moments in life.
  • There is a desire to tremble.
  • When you hold it, you feel warmth, a feeling of excitement and security appears.

In any case, it must be made from a natural material that contains living energy: mineral, wood, natural fabric. Preference should be given to an amulet made by yourself, since it is easier to establish energetic contact with such an attribute. When creating, you must follow certain rules:

  • Thoughts should be pure, positive and aimed at increasing sales.
  • If you are sick or worried about something, don’t get down to business.
  • Time your work to coincide with the new moon.
  • The amulet must be charged with the power of the cosmos. Leave it first under night light, then under the rays of the sun.

Money bag

The easiest magical attribute to make is a money bag. The work uses: a piece of fabric and red thread, dried herbs and spices (cloves, mint, fennel, bay leaf, rosemary, allspice). Sewing begins on the new moon, closer to dusk. The finished bag is left until the evening of the next day, then filled with the collection, reciting a spell for successful trading: After the ritual, the bag is tied and any prayer is read. Closer to the full moon, on a clear night, the finished talisman is placed on the windowsill to charge it with cosmic energy. The best place for the amulet is among the goods, away from prying eyes. It is acceptable to carry the bag with you.

Another powerful amulet is a little thing bought with a charmed coin.

Enchanted Coin

From the new moon you need to start the following ritual:

  1. In your store, set aside small coins from your daily earnings for 6 days;
  2. On the seventh day, use this little thing to buy something you like (a figurine, a souvenir, a keychain).
  3. Throw the unspent money over your left shoulder at the first intersection and say a small conspiracy to trade:
  • On your way home, walk without looking back or engaging in conversation with anyone.

An item purchased in this way will become your business talisman. If you prefer a purchased item, it is recommended to purchase a Toad. It is believed that the figurine of this animal can attract wealth. Place the amulet near the product or cash register. Don’t forget to take care of the Toad, wiping off dust, talking, stroking the magical little thing.

The money tree is an effective business talisman. It is believed that he came to us from China, but this is not entirely true. As a symbol of eternal life and prosperity, it is inherent in many cultures, including Slavic. A souvenir with coins instead of leaves can be found at the workplace or window.

Money Tree

The Indian god - even if he came to us from another culture, many believe in his magical powers. According to legend, if you rub his tummy three hundred times, you will be guaranteed good luck and prosperity. A smiling figurine requires the same positive attitude towards itself.

Indian god

Before placing purchased amulets in the workplace, you need to clean them in order to remove foreign energy. Before they ended up with you, they passed through more than one hand. Rinse the item or hold it over a candle flame. After which it is advisable to leave it for some time under the light of the moon, then under the sun's rays. Before placing the amulet, hold it in your hands and warm it with your breath so that the object absorbs your energy.

Arrangement of rooms in the room

Here we will look at an approximate layout of certain rooms in the premises of the enterprise. The ideal option is that the entrance is located in the north. If this is not the case, then you should take the existing entrance as the north and make calculations taking into account such an imaginary system of cardinal directions.


Here, as mentioned above, there should be an entrance. The use of blue and blue colors in the design of this room will allow you to increase your customer base. It is also recommended to place circulating water here. The more of it there is, the better.


It is best to locate the information department here, if there is one. If it is not there, then place in this zone those employees who are involved in promoting your company and advertising.


It would be ideal to place a recreation area for the team in this part. This area is considered responsible for family relationships, and the team essentially is that.


Accounting can be located here, since this part is responsible for wealth. The more finances come to this zone, the greater success the enterprise will achieve. The management office should not be located here, since all the money will be directed to it, and not to the development of the company, which will entail negative consequences.


This is where management will feel best. You can use dark burgundy shades to decorate your office, since this is exactly the color of this direction. Any manifestation of fire will also have a positive impact on the enterprise and the authority of its management.


In this area it is best to arrange a meeting room and similar premises for working with clients. This arrangement will provide the company with permanent contracts and allow it to conclude truly profitable deals.


If you are planning to acquire a room in which you can have conversations with employees and together look for solutions to various problems, then it is best to locate it here. The liveliness of this zone will allow you to quickly find a solution and apply a non-standard approach to this.

How to handle it correctly

Amulets and amulets require careful and attentive treatment, otherwise they may lose their magical power. There are special rules for their storage and use:

  • Cannot be transferred to other hands. Keep away from prying eyes.
  • If you made it yourself, you can’t tell your friends or even relatives about it.
  • It is advisable to carry it with you.
  • After a certain time, such things require cleansing and charging. To remove accumulated negativity, carry it over a burning candle or wash it in water. Charge under moonlight and sunlight.

Ritual with an anthill

Find an anthill away from the beaten path. Try not to disturb the ants and remove only a couple of branches. The attributes are placed in a green rag bag. When you come home, take a piece of Whatman paper and write down on it the words related to your dream: “I want a lot of clients” or “I want to get a lot of money.”

Fold the leaf and place it in the same green bag. Every morning, take out the bag, mentally say what is written on the piece of paper, imagine that you have already received it all. There is no need to open the bag.

Signs to pay attention to

It’s up to everyone to believe or not in omens. Many of them are rooted in Old Slavic culture, have passed through centuries, and therefore have a significant basis. There are many omens associated with trading; it is believed that if they are observed, profits will increase significantly:

  1. You can't take the buyer's money out of your hands.
  2. Selling after sunset will not generate revenue.
  3. Sellers from other stores should not touch the product.
  4. Holes in your pockets are a sign that money will leave you.
  5. A dog shits under the counter - good trade.
  6. In order for the day to bring good revenue, it is necessary to give change to the first buyer, even if it is not due. The money received for the goods should be kissed and then spat. It is clear that this should be done when the buyer leaves. Revenue must be set aside and added to the main income at the end of the working day.
  7. They don't count money after sunset.
  8. If the buyer is deliberately shortchanged, losses can be three times greater.
  9. The first acquisition was made by a man - a profitable day.
  10. An item that has fallen off the shelf will soon be purchased.
  11. The money from the first midday proceeds must be used throughout the entire display.
  12. Things should be served only with your right hand or two.
  13. A “patch” is placed in the shoes under the right foot, with the official side up. It is not advisable to replace money; the same coin should be used every time.
  14. They don't lend money until the first sale.

People working in sales know that in addition to the skillful professional activities of managers, luck and fortune cannot be discounted. By the way, there will be magic here too. The main thing is to believe in its effectiveness and strength.

A way to attract buyers to poppy seeds and eggs

The ritual is suitable for those who are engaged in trade. Prepare 40 chicken eggs in advance. Buy them from one saleswoman at the market, pay for the purchase by cash or don’t ask for change. Take a poppy from another person in the same market. A pinch of poppy seeds and eggs must be beaten. From the resulting mass, prepare an omelette saying: The next day, take the dish to the crossroads. Leave it there and leave without looking back. This is payment for the support of higher powers. Don't tell anyone that you performed the ritual, otherwise it won't work.

Using these simple spells, you can quickly attract clients, expand your business and significantly improve your financial situation.

The color of business success

Experts in Feng Shui traditions say that the most suitable color for business mascots is red and its shades: from pink to burgundy. This color symbolizes the first chakra, which is called Muladhara. This energy center is considered the most earthly and is responsible for survival in the material world. This color gives a person additional strength, evokes a desire to act with determination, and enhances mental abilities.

For personal amulets, you can use red gemstones, such as rubies. Elements of this spectrum are suitable for decorating a store or office, because this color attracts potential customers.

However, the color red should not be overused. An excessive dose of red awakens aggression, unbalancing a person. The consequence of this may be ill-considered decisions and actions, which will negatively affect the business. Therefore, orange and yellow are considered more favorable colors. They help create a comfortable atmosphere for dialogue. These colors will perfectly complement the main red color, making its impact softer but deeper.

Green is considered a more harmonious color. It goes well with other colors and also has a calming effect. Its influence depends on the paired color. Green in combination with warm shades inspires people and creates a working mood. When combined with cool colors, green calms and promotes concentration on the subject of conversation. In addition, green color relieves eye strain, so it is suitable in different areas.

As for cool colors, which include white and blue in different variations, they promote relaxation. Such colors are often associated with respectability, aristocracy and high position in society. These colors evoke subconscious respect from the interlocutor.

When creating a corporate identity, white and gray colors are often used, which are set in a businesslike manner. Also, when decorating an office or store, a universal solution would be a combination of white and black colors.

Practical magic experts recommend that businessmen first choose a talisman stone and work from there. That is, take the main color of this stone as a basis and use it in the design of an office, apartment, and clothing items. You can buy a car with a similar color. Thus, the chosen color of luck will accompany the entrepreneur wherever they are and guarantee success in all endeavors. Even in the most difficult times, the affairs of such a person will go uphill.

How do financial talismans work?

Any magical amulets work according to the laws of bioenergy, and amulets for attracting good luck are no exception. A person with a strong biofield has a vibrational effect on the surrounding space, and financial flows naturally flow towards him. Thus, a person who wants to attract these energy flows to himself must:

  • adjust and strengthen your own biofield;
  • achieve harmonization in the office and at home;
  • eliminate energy leaks;
  • provide protection from negative influences from the outside.

The state of the biofield depends on the lifestyle, social circle, moral ideals, as well as the correctly set goal. It is important to monitor your health, take into account the interests of the people around you and be able to concentrate on what is most important.

As for the room, it is important to restore order and cleanliness, including on a subtle level. It is recommended to get rid of useless things that clutter up your space.

To create a favorable atmosphere, it makes sense to resort to the practice of Feng Shui by correctly arranging furniture, indoor plants and other interior items.

And financial talismans are designed to strengthen a person’s biofield or raise the energy level of a room.

Ritual from the evil eye of profit

For the ritual, sheets of yellow and purple paper and red threads are used. To do this you need:

  1. Use a red pencil to draw a sun on a yellow sheet.
  2. Then draw the month in black on the purple sheet.
  3. Having placed the drawings on top of each other, roll them up and tie them with thread, saying at the same time: “The red sun and the clear month do not quarrel, they never argue, let us be in harmony.”
  4. After reading the words of the conspiracy, burn the bundle, and collect the ashes and keep them in an envelope with you.
  5. This will be a talisman that protects against conflict situations, envy and the evil eye.

Important to remember! Never try to harm your competitors using magic, as all damage and evil thoughts return many times over.

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