Feng Shui for business - Eastern wisdom for developing your career

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the Feng Shui symbols that help in business?
  • What colors will help increase income
  • How numerology can help business
  • How to activate the career sector at home, in the office and in the store

Nowadays, anyone can start a business. But not everyone manages to make it profitable and be successful for a long time. Of course, knowledge in the field of economics and marketing, as well as the ability to negotiate, are very important in developing your business. But now, following such ancient Chinese practices as Feng Shui is becoming increasingly important in “business success.” Using its principles in your work, you can significantly succeed in business. Many people are confident that Feng Shui for business is very effective, but there are also those who are skeptical about its power.

Feng Shui signs and symbols for business

If you want to become richer and more successful, you must correctly use Feng Shui symbols and strictly follow the principles of this science.

For example, according to Feng Shui, the south-eastern wing of the premises is considered to be a territory that attracts wealth and money in the trading business. Therefore, if you want to attract positive energy, this zone must be protected by any means. What methods should be used for this?

The most popular Feng Shui symbols include turtles, bells, fans, Fu dogs, and coins connected by red ribbons.

You've probably noticed that sometimes, when you enter a store, you hear the ringing of bells mounted above the door. It turns out that with their help, the owner protects the zone responsible for increasing wealth and attracts positive energy.

And such a common Feng Shui talisman as a turtle is a symbol of wisdom, longevity, in addition, it protects against misfortunes and attracts wealth. It should be placed in the northern part of the room.

Fu Dogs (also called Buddha's Heavenly Lions) protect and make family relationships stable, and relieve bad luck and sorrows. A businessman, placing them in the wealth sector in his office, will soon succeed in his business.

According to Feng Shui for business and trade, Chinese coins tied with a red thread are very attractive for money.

If you want to attract positive energy into your home or find a place in your apartment with stagnant energy, you should definitely buy a fan - it is considered the most popular symbol used to protect the office and home.

Under no circumstances should a toilet or bathroom be placed in the south-eastern part of the room. It is believed that if the rooms in the house are located this way, then all the wealth is washed down the drain. According to Feng Shui for business, to avoid this, you need to hang a mirror on the door of these premises (but so that it does not reflect the front door) or a picture with a flowering tree.

Articles recommended for reading:

  • How to choose a talisman according to your zodiac sign
  • Strong amulets for the home and their meaning
  • Feng Shui sectors - Eastern wisdom for your well-being

Photographing the aura and energy centers (chakras)

Analysis of the aura glow will help you understand the causes of many problems related to health, emotional state, communication with other people, understanding yourself and your inner world
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You will receive a detailed explanation regarding the individual characteristics of your aura. Our master will determine the level of energy in each chakra and in the entire energy system as a whole. According to the data determined by the auro-sensor, you will learn about how the energies of Mind, Body and Spirit are distributed in your life and much more.

Find out more

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Amulet “Coins of Happiness” Money and well-being

170 ₽


S. Savchenko “Tarot and business. Finances, career, financial situation" A manual from the head of the Russian Tarot School

350 ₽


Incense HEM Hexa Feng Shui “Feng Shui 5 in 1” Indian incense

65 ₽


Feng Shui colors for business

Each color, according to Feng Shui for business, also has its own symbolic meaning. Let's look at the most popular colors that will help you attract money and success.

Green. Great for business activities. Provides a good mood and a feeling of freshness. The dark shade of this color is ideal for business and money according to Feng Shui, it attracts wealth. Light makes people kinder. This color can be used in almost any business, but it is better to use it where the environment is involved, as well as for the design of medical centers and food enterprises.

Red. Businessmen use it to decorate their premises (marketplaces, centers, shops, restaurants) for a reason. According to Feng Shui for business, it brings not only money, but also good luck and happiness. The main thing is not to overdo it, since too much red is associated with blood and war, causing stress.

Yellow. In large quantities it causes anxiety. It is better to use it in activities related to children and cosmetics business.

Orange. It is considered a warm color that helps increase attention and develop creativity. Any of its shades can be used in activities related to children, as well as when decorating the interiors of cafes, restaurants, and travel companies. But under no circumstances should he dominate. In this case, a feeling of cheapness and a disregard for others arises.

Blue. It calms, creates a feeling of security, but at the same time is a symbol of conservatism and predictability. Think carefully before using it in business: when there is too much of it, it causes boredom and can alienate young people.

Violet. It is believed that this color promotes health and calms. According to Feng Shui for business, it can be used in the corporate symbolism of confectionery factories and wellness centers.

Tips and tricks

5 simple techniques that are relevant for any practice related to self-tuning will help make your work easier:

  1. Write down the wordings on cards, allocate 1-2 per day, so that you can say them in the evening or in the morning, but without thinking.
  2. Keep a diary using the necessary phrases. When left alone with yourself, it is good to read notes out loud.
  3. Make up several affirmations with each word, write them down, and choose a card at random to read every day.
  4. Meditate, mentally repeating the most important phrases. In this way, it is possible to configure the brain to work in a strictly defined direction.
  5. Exclude sources that evoke negative emotions from your news feed. These could be blogs of “achievers” (people who are sure that without super-success and constant overcoming, the “human individual” is of no value, and their “exploits” are accessible to everyone), crime reports, sources condescendingly teaching life, and so on. The more negative emotions a person experiences, the harder it is for her to cope with everyday tasks. With moral (and physical) decline, there is no talk of achieving one’s real goals.

But the most important thing is that having found the reason for the unsatisfactory situation, you must try to eliminate it. Sometimes radical steps may be required (change of job, place of residence). It is necessary to do them gradually, avoiding aggravation of the situation.

Important! When setting goals, it is necessary to make room in your plans for personal time and hobbies. Improving your financial well-being is necessary, but there will be no benefit from the money if, as a result, you have to give half of it to doctors due to a nervous breakdown or illnesses associated with wear and tear of the body.

How to choose a phone number according to Feng Shui for business

Numbers for Feng Shui business are also of great importance. Many have not only heard about the magic of numbers, but also used it. Using numbers in a certain sequence can generate negative or positive energy. Mobile phone stores sometimes offer clients a choice of numbers. Businessmen should take advantage of this opportunity.

When choosing a phone number for a business, according to Feng Shui, you should not choose ones that contain the numbers 2 and 4. The most suitable ones are 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Usually almost all of them are present in the issue, but in this case you need to pay attention to which of them are repeated more often.

How to correctly pronounce words that bring good luck

Correct pronunciation of each word for luck does not guarantee results. You won’t be able to achieve quick earnings or luck in gambling. However, words repeated day after day that attract good luck and money will set you on the right wave.


  1. When pronouncing formulas that attract benefits, you must not just believe in what is said. It is important to know that this is exactly what will happen, even if at the moment the situation seems hopeless.
  2. Words that attract good luck should not be pronounced ironically. Sentences with implicit negative connotations are also prohibited.
  3. It is imperative to pronounce words that attract good luck or money in your native or well-known language. An incomprehensible set of sounds will not bring any benefit. This is precisely the reason why Indian mantras that attract good luck are suitable only for those who know the language or an accurate translation of a specific text.
  4. Each time the attracting word should sound clearly, distinctly, and confidently. Even the combination “wealth, success” pronounced separately in this way in the morning in front of the mirror will be beneficial.
  5. It is advisable, when left alone with yourself, to pronounce individual words that attract good luck, out of context, loudly.
  6. The frequent use of words in the speech of everyone who attracts luck and money will have a positive effect on life, but success cannot be achieved only by talking.

Important! Despite the benefits of each word that attracts good luck, some of them should be said less often than others. The reason is the need to set a realistic goal. Illusory, vague formulations and associated words have little power.

How to create a Feng Shui logo for business

According to Feng Shui, a logo for a successful business must combine a color palette, shape and text. First of all, the logo reflects the activities of the company you created. There are five main elements in Feng Shui.

Determine which element your activity is more inclined to, and use this sign in your logo creation work.

Fire: this sign includes catering establishments, marriage agencies, companies providing entertainment services, design studios, companies responsible for the supply of products, as well as all those related to trade and sports.

Metal: enterprises related to the jewelry business, banking, legal proceedings, as well as pawnshops, notary offices and government agencies.

Water: companies associated with beauty and health, recruitment companies, wedding agencies, and cleaning companies are friends with this sign.

Land: agricultural enterprises, farms, real estate, hotel and construction businesses.

Tree: Feng Shui associates with this sign all institutions related to the education and upbringing of children, shops selling flowers, books, tailoring shops, tourism businesses, and printing enterprises.

The name for a Feng Shui business also plays a huge role in its promotion.

How to activate the wealth sector and career sector

Before opening your own business, in order to attract money according to Feng Shui, you first need to activate two sectors in your home - wealth and career. They are the ones responsible for developing your entrepreneurial abilities and replenishing your budget.

Feng Shui for business and money advises increasing the influence of positive energy in the wealth zone. Let us repeat that the south-eastern side of the room is responsible for attracting money into your life.

Place in this place an aquarium with a goldfish (the size is unimportant) or a three-legged toad on coins (a very strong talisman of abundance according to Feng Shui), you can also opt for options with a porcelain figurine of an owl or a money tree , just be sure to wrap its pot in red paper and tie it up ribbon of the same color.

According to Feng Shui, for a successful business, you need to place a turtle figurine or Chinese coins in the northern part of the room. Also here you can hang a panel “Prosperity” or a composition with the Chinese character “Business Success” .

How to enhance the effect of words to attract money and good luck

To make words that attract various benefits work better, there are several techniques:

  1. They determine the goal (money, material objects, position) and decorate the house, following the rules of Feng Shui. The system offers various options for attracting prosperity and wealth into life.
  2. To further enhance the attraction of money, they make (buy) highly specialized amulets.
  3. The effect of words that attract material wealth is enhanced by aromatherapy. It is believed that cinnamon, basil, and mint are aromas that help attract money, joy, and good luck.
  4. To increase the effectiveness of phrases that attract benefits, they regularly count money and keep records of expenses and income. The erroneous opinion “if you waste money and turn a blind eye to expenses, the money will constantly come” leads to complete ruin.
  5. Regularly pronouncing the right words, it is important to analyze what causes failures and financial problems. Finding the reason makes it easier to achieve success.
  6. An alternative to all methods of strengthening is regular prayers within the framework of the religion that the person in need adheres to. Orthodox Christians should pray to certain saints, while pagans should pray to gods and spirits. The rest can act within the framework of their tradition.

An acceptable practice for strengthening words is working on feelings of envy. This feeling is natural, but brings little benefit. It is acceptable to be envious as long as envy does not become the main motivator. Envy, constant comparison of oneself with others, makes it difficult to achieve a goal, clouds the mind, and makes one waste energy.

Important! Trying to replicate someone else's success pattern is futile. Even when uttering similar words and formulations, the person will follow an individual path. The reason is the difference even between similar people.

Feng Shui for business in the office

When we have finished activating the career and wealth sectors in our home, we begin to enhance the positive energy in our study or office.

You should pay attention to the location of the future workplace. According to Feng Shui, high-rise buildings, tall trees, and pillars are obstacles to the successful development of your business and, on the contrary, are even conductors of negative energy.

It is better not to rent or buy a building that has already had more than one owner. The negative energy of this place will definitely have a negative impact on your business.

You should not rent an office at a transport junction - luck in business according to Feng Shui will turn away from you, and incorrectly flowing energy will bring confusion to your business.

According to Feng Shui, a basement is also not suitable for business and trade.

How to properly organize a workspace in an office according to Feng Shui? First, divide the room into sectors and try to activate those that are responsible for wealth and career.

According to Feng Shui, it is better to place a table and computer equipment in the career area, that is, on the north side. On the wall behind your boss, hang a picture of high mountains. She will support the authority of the boss and help him be firm in his decisions.

To activate monetary energy in the wealth zone, install a fountain that will activate the corresponding energy and relax you in moments of rest.

People who do business and follow the advice of Feng Shui select an office with a small hallway that protects against negative energy seeking to get inside.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Spell candle with herbs “For successful trading” Candle for activating the spell + instructions

630 ₽


Bronze runic talisman “Successful career” Runescript for successful work

250 ₽


Incense HEM Hexa Feng Shui Wood “Feng Shui Tree” Indian Incense

65 ₽

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How to name a pet for your own benefit.

There are many different names of animals in the world that are perfectly capable of attracting good luck, health, happiness, and everything that the owner dreams of. So approach the choice of nickname with all responsibility, consider different options: what does this word express? What does it mean, positive or negative? What does it mean (possibly) translated from a foreign language? 1) If you need money, finance, wealth, name your cat or kitty, Money nickname: “Bucks”, “Eureka”, “Ruble”, “Pound” (pounds sterling!), Zlata, Gold, Diamond, Gold, Brulik , Diamond (if you are not afraid of long names), Sultan, Sheikh, Ruby, Diamond, Topaz, Barin, Amber, Baron, Lemon. Don’t be afraid to name the cat, for example: Master or Sheikh - these words mean that your cat is rich, and since he is rich, then you will soon become rich (after all, all sheikhs or sultans, for example, are fabulously rich! Isn’t that right?), and also: Marquis, Dandy, Agate, Malachite, Leo (lion, king), “Mani-mani”, Benefit, Income, Profit, etc. 2) If you don’t have enough miracles, magic in your life, if you want the fulfillment of your beautiful and good wishes, name your pet: Fairy Tale, Miracle, (Gold) Fish, Genie (or Ginny), Miracle, Diva... 3) You need success and luck in business, in business, so name it: Success, Insight, Brand, Luck , Oscar (for creative individuals); cat - Luck, Lucky (luck), Strelka, Belka (for quickly making successful decisions), Idea, Nika (goddess of victory), and actually Pobeda, and also Super, High-rise, 4) You want happiness in your personal life, romance , love? We call our free cat... of course - Love, and you can also Caress, Romance, Lady, Assol (!), Lada, Interest, Bliss, Beauty, Uslada, Comfort, Swallow, Nirvana, Blago, Lyubimka, etc. 5) Do you want to add light, joy into your life, name the animal: Light, Harmony, Joy, Positive, Delight, Joy, Freedom, Purity, Friendship, Style, Ray, San (sun), Smile, Light, Rada, etc. 6) Well, if you want, for example a car, you can call your cat a brand of car (which you dream of, of course), for example, call it: Volvo, and in a conversation, you can always say: “I have a Volvo...” Or “Merce” or “Lexus”... I’ll add one more thing The only thing is that you can of course call not only your cats, but also pet dogs, monitor lizards, and even birds or fish with such useful and positive nicknames, believe me, it will be pleasant and useful (for you, first of all), and of course, cool.

Feng Shui for a store

If you want to apply the principles of Feng Shui in your trading activities, you must adhere to the same recommendations as when choosing an office. But there are still some differences. For example, wind chimes attached to the front door of your boutique will help accumulate the energy of abundance.

The atmosphere of your retail outlet will be positively influenced by living plants placed directly at the entrance.

If you want to preserve the positive energy you have accumulated, under no circumstances place mirrors in the room so that the front door is reflected in them.

Helpful ways to improve your life.

1) And now, if you have already chosen a good nickname for your cat (even renaming is possible, believe me, the animal will get used to it), then you need to: take the cat in your arms and pet it for so long until it wants to jump off, In this case (while stroking), repeat the chosen nickname several times. And in the first days, you need to pet your animal (more often) and call the chosen nickname so that the pet gets used to its new nickname. 2) So the animal got used to its nickname. Great! Now you are constantly stroking a kitty or cat, you will “smooth” (!) whatever you want, and along the way, cats or kitties will improve your health, improve your karma, aura, psycho-emotional state, protect you from depression, stress, etc. 3) If an (evil) neighbor came to see you or came to visit you (a bad person, an energy vampire, etc.), then during the visit of the guest, hold your cat in your arms or, sitting next to the cat, stroke his neck and tail, this will protect you from the negativity that the guest radiates, because the cat is quite capable of reflecting negative energies, or transforming them into positive ones.

Feng Shui Tips for Business

  1. Use red color to decorate your premises so that your business always goes well.
  2. The manager's chair, according to Feng Shui for business, should not have its back to the exit, in which case luck will turn away from you. In addition, you are exposing yourself to a “stab in the back.”
  3. Try to install the desk in the farthest corner of the office, diagonally from the front door. This is where all the power of the office gathers.
  4. If you want to attract conscientious workers into your activities, place crystals in the northeast corner of the room.
  5. Maintain the balance of male and female energy. This will help ensure proper circulation of Yin and Yang energies.
  6. To make profitable deals, do not forget to attach coins and images of dragons to important papers - symbols of good luck.
  7. Cacti in the office attract bad luck.
  8. If your gaze stops at the wall during a short rest, let images of fields or waterfalls be hung on it. According to Feng Shui, a waterfall is the element of water, it will contribute to success in work.
  9. Pictures of tall buildings, as well as hills and mountains, are symbols of “blockage” in your business.
  10. The space in front of you on the desktop should be free. Clutter prevents you from developing. If it is absolutely necessary, put all the papers in neat piles on the sides of the table.
  11. Only those born in the year of the tiger can decorate their office walls with paintings of a tiger. It is very important to follow this rule for those born in the year of a small animal (for example, in the year of the rooster or rabbit). Small creatures are prey for large predators.
  12. The money tree is a symbol of wealth and success. However, it is better to remove a dried and dead plant. This will have the opposite effect.
  13. Yellow flowers have a beneficial effect on the office atmosphere and are a symbol of good luck.
  14. According to Feng Shui for business, used furniture accumulates a lot of negative energy, it is better to get rid of it, but if this is not possible, it must be cleansed of negativity.
  15. According to Feng Shui, the money cat Maneki-neko, which is located in a place visible to the business owner (on the desktop, opposite the entrance to the room), helps the owner to receive maximum favorable energy.
  16. According to Feng Shui, the best material for work furniture is wood, which represents solidity and growth in business. Glass interior items are unfavorable for the office as they symbolize a lack of business transparency and support.
  17. To make business meetings ideal, hold them at a round table.
  18. The briefcase in which you carry and store documents should be black, denoting profit and success in business.
  19. It is better if your corporate symbols include an image of a dragon, a symbol of good luck.
  20. The correct placement of mirrors in the office will help attract customers and successfully expand the product line, which means climbing the career ladder.

Safety precautions or what not to call a pet.

I don’t argue, it’s fun to name your cat: Shish kebab or Pelmen, Mouse or Pomoika, Pig or Piglet…. Yes, it’s funny, cool, but if you think about it, our animals, in many ways, are an expression of our attitude towards life, towards ourselves, towards people, and towards everything! After all, if a person is cruel to animals, then most likely he is cruel to those around him (to loved ones or even strangers). And if you also name your (unfortunate) animal: Creepy, Reptile, Demon, Screwdriver (alcoholic mixture), Gnaw, Lace, Work (from the word “slave”), Kronos - (and imagine, some of their cats also call their cats with such nicknames) , so, in this case, you don’t expect anything good, either from an animal or from life. Why is that? Yes, because everything that surrounds us quite strongly and actively influences us, both inanimate and naturally animate... Well, if you call your cat, for example: the cool nickname “Chaos” - then you will get (believe me), in a relationship, in business, in life, there is only chaos and confusion, etc., etc. So don’t call your mustachioed and tailed ones: Smog, Ash, Tyrant, Brawler, Seth (desert god), Lucifrif, Godzilla, Wasabi, Sprat, Whiskas or even Bastard (!) - there is no need, no need, to spoil your beloved aura, karma, your body, your soul and of course your beautiful, bright, wonderful life. And you should also not name your pet in honor of your friend or any other person, this will not bring anything good, neither to you, nor to the pet, nor to the person in whose honor the nickname is.

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