Feng Shui and a clean mirror: how to bring happiness into your life with the right bathroom right now

The Chinese science of Feng Shui not only allows you to properly organize the interior and space around you, a large section of it is devoted to nutrition. Feng Shui allows you to correctly divide all products into groups and determine your own type of element. Such food is not only healthy, but also tasty. There are also special recipes to solve problems with excess weight and thyroid gland.

Nutrition is a real science that teaches not only how to choose foods wisely, but also how to properly prepare a diet. It is recommended to divide the kitchen of the house into 2 zones: working and dining. For cooking, it is best to use ceramic dishes; it is recommended to choose a table of round, oval, octagonal shape - all this will create harmony and improve health.

Food should be eaten in this order: first cold dishes, then hot and dessert.

You can drink liquids at any time.

How to get rid of excess weight?

If you follow the rules of Feng Shui, you can use cooked food as an excellent means for losing weight. Excess weight will go away smoothly without causing any harm to the body.

To prepare a tasty and healthy dish, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • fresh green peas – 100 g;
  • seaweed – 100 g;
  • clean water - 1 glass.

All ingredients are mixed, poured with water, and then cooked over low heat for 5 minutes. One serving per day is enough, the duration of the diet is 2 weeks. This is quite enough for the weight to return to normal. If, along with excess weight, there are disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system and the thyroid gland, then the following recipe is suitable:

  • seaweed – 200 g;
  • clean water - 1 glass.

The cabbage is cooked for 5 minutes; you only need to eat the freshly prepared portion, that is, you cannot put it off. The course of treatment with such food is 1 week, you need to eat 2 servings per day.

You can also use a more satisfying dish:

  • green beans – 60 g;
  • rice – 30 g;
  • seaweed – 30 g;
  • unrefined sugar – 60 g;
  • cinnamon – 6 g;
  • clean water - 1 glass.

All ingredients are mixed, then poured with water and boiled for 7 minutes over low heat. The dish is taken 1 time per day for 2 weeks.

Chinese dishes to stimulate digestion

Chinese cuisine is a completely separate sphere, which states that each product has its own energy and effect on a specific organ. Many kitchen recipes are aimed at optimizing the functioning of the digestive system and stimulating the functioning of the stomach. Not only your general health, but also your well-being depends on proper nutrition.

To prepare a balanced meal designed to stimulate digestion, you need to prepare the following products:

  • honey – 10g;
  • boiled jacket potatoes – 250 g.

The potatoes must be cooled and peeled, then gently mashed. The resulting mass is mixed with honey. You should take the dish every day in the morning before your first meal. The course lasts 2 weeks.

To stimulate digestion, you can use another recipe; to prepare it you will need:

  • cabbage – 500 g;
  • honey – 10 g;
  • rice – 50 g.

The rice is cooked until completely cooked, after which chopped cabbage is added to it, the mixture is boiled for 5 minutes. The dish is divided into 2 servings, it should be taken 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. The course lasts 2 weeks.

Abstract to the software “Home encyclopedia (bonsai, feng shui, sushi) (CDpc)”

The distribution area is the whole world.
The fashion for everything “oriental” came to us along with kimonos, sushi, tea ceremonies, and the traditions of interior design in Asian style. It is generally accepted that any admirer of the customs of the countries of the East is wise, not subject to the bustle and chaos of the outside world, and is able to see the beauty in the ordinary and admire it. With the help of this disc, try to become more familiar with the teachings of Feng Shui, the ancient oriental art of bonsai, and learn how to prepare sushi and rolls at home. Our “Home Encyclopedia” will give you the opportunity to make your home warmer and more comfortable, to build your own world. In the “Bonsai” section you will receive all the information necessary for a beginning bonsai artist: about tree species, bonsai styles, about seed germination and methods of plant propagation, about the selection of soil, containers and tools, about the formation and replanting of a tree. The section on Feng Shui will introduce you to the origins and historical purpose of this practice. The distribution area is the whole world. The fashion for everything “oriental” came to us along with kimonos, sushi, tea ceremonies, and the traditions of interior design in Asian style. It is generally accepted that any admirer of the customs of the countries of the East is wise, not subject to the bustle and chaos of the outside world, and is able to see the beauty in the ordinary and admire it. With the help of this disc, try to become more familiar with the teachings of Feng Shui, the ancient oriental art of bonsai, and learn how to prepare sushi and rolls at home. Our “Home Encyclopedia” will give you the opportunity to make your home warmer and more comfortable, to build your own world. In the “Bonsai” section you will receive all the information necessary for a beginning bonsai artist: about tree species, bonsai styles, about seed germination and methods of plant propagation, about the selection of soil, containers and tools, about the formation and replanting of a tree. The section dedicated to Feng Shui will introduce you to the origin and historical purpose of this practice, tell you about the talismans, symbols, tools, mantras, and meditations associated with it. It also provides extensive information about the features of planning, furnishing and selecting colors for a house, garden plot and other elements of your environment. Examples of good and bad feng shui are given. The cooking section contains not only detailed recipes for sushi and rolls, but also video tutorials on how to prepare them. Contents: The art of Feng Shui Feng Shui - the energy of the home Bonsai in your home Maintenance and care of bonsai Japanese cuisine at home Computer system requirements: MS Windows 98/Me/2000/XP; Pentium II, 500 MHz; RAM 64 MB; HDD 250 MB; monitor SVGA, 1024x768, true color; Internet Explorer 5.0 CD ROM reader 8x sound card; speakers or headphones; mouse.

Menu selection taking into account the elements

Chinese food according to Feng Shui also includes such an important concept as dividing the diet according to the elements. All products are divided according to 5 primary elements: Metal, Fire, Wood, Earth, Water. The spontaneity of food is determined by the smell, taste, and appearance of specific products.

Today the same division is accepted as centuries ago:

  • Fire foods are all foods that have a red color, a burning and pungent taste. These include crustaceans, red vegetables, lamb, plums, red wine;
  • Water products are all ingredients that are dark in color and taste salty. This is a fairly large assortment, including leeks, dates, table salt, all dark mushrooms, olives, beans, soy sauce, black pepper;
  • Earth products have a sweet taste, colors are brown, yellow, orange. The diet includes most citrus fruits, curry, pumpkin, beef, sweet onions, apricots;
  • Tree products are all sour and green ingredients, including any spicy greens, beans, pears, olives, sauerkraut, lime, apples;
  • Metal products have a spicy taste and are white in color. This category includes yoghurts, white fish, horse meat, refined rice, egg whites, mustard seeds, soybeans, cream, and milk.

To correctly create a diet according to Feng Shui, you must first find out your own type of element. Chinese medicine allows you to do this by year of birth. The formula for calculating the element is as follows:

  • for women, this is the Gua number, it is defined as follows: the last 2 digits of the year must be added, added 4, and then the resulting value divided by 9. The resulting integer is the definition of the element;
  • for men, a different method is used: the last 2 numbers of the year are added, after which the resulting value must be subtracted from 100 and the remainder divided by 9. The remainder is the Gua number.

The elemental number obtained using the formulas is determined as follows:

  • 1 – element of Water;
  • 2, 5, 8 – Earth;
  • 3, 4 – Tree;
  • 6, 7 – Metal;
  • 9 – Fire.

What suits people of Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Metal?

Food according to Feng Shui involves dividing the diet according to the elements. Compliance with nutritional conditions allows you to restore health and increase energy. The basic rules for creating a Feng Shui diet are as follows:

  • For people belonging to the element of Water, liquid food is suitable. The diet must include cereals (millet, corn, buckwheat, barley). Dairy products are prohibited, although it is sometimes allowed to dilute the diet with fresh butter, low-fat milk, and cheese whey. It is advisable to add pears, dried fruits, sea buckthorn, persimmons, quince, apples, grapes. You can use all the spices, but avoid salt. Vegetables are allowed only such as cabbage, root vegetables, legumes, pumpkin, greens, and from food of animal origin - lean lamb, eggs, chicken meat. Of the sweets, only honey can be consumed;
  • The element Earth is characterized by the same characteristics as Water. For cooking, you must use corn, rice, vegetable oils, fermented milk products, all berries with a sour taste, garlic and onions, radishes, tomatoes, beets, and fruits. Hot spices, fish, meat, and almost all seafood are allowed;
  • The element of Wood is people with a thin physique, their bones are strong and dense, and there is high energy. But there are many prohibitions for this element. You should not eat nuts, vegetable oils, sweets, or dairy products. Spices can be added only in minimal quantities; saffron and ginger are best. Vegetables are allowed in their raw form, the diet is diluted with legumes, cereals, dried fruits and fruits;
  • Fire people are energetic and strong; according to Feng Shui, food for them should be energy-intensive. Recommended are grains, vegetable and butter oils, wheat sprouts, legumes, egg whites, cold poultry meat, sweet vegetables, milk, melons and watermelons. Their spices can be added to fennel, cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, and from herbs - only dill;
  • The element of Metal means people are fragile, thin, and their energy reserves are often insufficient. Food must contain dairy products, cereals, vegetable oils, nuts, sweet fruits, cooked vegetables, jams, and sugar.

When preparing a diet according to Feng Shui, it must be carried out according to the specified rules. As a result, you will be able to choose a healthy diet that will fill the body with energy and return you to excellent health and activity.

Cooking according to Feng Shui: food as medicine

According to Feng Shui, all objects around us have energy that they exchange with each other. This affects a person’s life, his health and success. Food is a very important element in this process. The energy contained in food has a very strong effect on us, and this must be used for our own purposes. Feng Shui will help you turn ordinary food into medicine, and its preparation into a pleasant and meditative process.

Positive attitude

You've probably been familiar with the trick since childhood - if you're in a bad mood, it's better not to even start cooking food, the risk that the dish will burn or not cook through, be too salty or bitter... in general, tasteless. Surprisingly, this sign is consistent with the basic rule of Feng Shui: you need to cook with your soul! Remember: food absorbs our emotions, that is, our energy, and then returns them to us and those we feed. When cooking, focus only on your taste sensations. Thinking about the future of enjoying delicious food will help you feel positive.

Chinese cuisine!

It is the kitchen that is the energy center of the apartment - the energies of all the elements are concentrated here: Earth, Water, Metal, Wood and Fire. Their interaction should be harmonious. Avoid the accumulation of all-metal work surfaces in your kitchen, give preference to natural materials.

Typically, food is not only prepared, but also stored in the kitchen, and here it is also important to find a balance with the elements. It is best to store food in earthen storage containers (glass, clay, ceramic, porcelain dishes). Wood storage (wooden boxes, utensils) are well suited for baked goods. But it is better to avoid fire storage facilities (plastic, aluminum, steel containers) - their heavy energy is concentrated in a closed space and transferred to the products.

It is better to keep vegetables and fruits not in the refrigerator, but on the floor (especially if there are ceramic tiles in the kitchen).

Each product contains two principles - yin and yang. When you are sick, tired or depressed, use foods in which yang predominates: animal products, eggs, above-ground vegetables, fruits, ginger, garlic, dark rice. If you can’t relax, suffer from insomnia or anxiety, yin foods will help: root vegetables, white rice, steamed dishes. Fish carries a balance of two principles, so dishes made from it will be useful in any case.

From winter to summer

You also need to cook keeping in mind what season it is. Summer and winter diets should be different, because the change of seasons is a transition from yin to yang (from winter to summer). You need to consider which origin is dominant. In spring, give up fatty foods, oils, and prepare light soups. In summer, you should eat more spices, sweet and sour foods, vegetables and fruits, and salt your food more generously. In the fall, you can gradually introduce fattier foods and hot drinks into your diet, which should prevail in the winter.


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Feng Shui diet
I’m talking about the Feng Shui diet, one of the most “delicious” and rational, based on the interaction of cosmic energies.


Losing weight according to Feng Shui is an extremely exciting task. Mostly due to the fact that the Feng Shui diet itself... simply does not exist! So what will this article be about then? As you know, this Chinese teaching helps to harmonize the space around you and yourself in space. By following the rules of harmony, you can learn to always stay slim without resorting to strict diets!

Space allows you to rethink many of your problems and solve them through simple changes to your home.

This is due to the fact that, according to Feng Shui, a person’s habitat (his home and workplace) is not only a reflection of the internal state of each of us, but also actively influences everything that happens in our lives.

If we talk about weight loss according to Feng Shui, then it, first of all, starts from the kitchen - everything that happens to our figure and gastrointestinal tract depends on this place in our home.

So, the optimal place in the house to locate the kitchen is the southern and eastern directions; the northern direction should be strictly avoided.

The door to the kitchen - especially if it is located opposite the front door, as can be seen in most modern buildings - should be kept closed. This will help maintain proper energy not only in the place where food is prepared, but also in the house as a whole.

In addition, it is believed that wealth and prosperity flow out of the house through the front door, the symbol of which in Feng Shui is the kitchen room. Wind chimes or Chinese bells will help neutralize this phenomenon

Perhaps there is no need to say that the kitchen should always be in perfect order - it is in this room of the house that energy parasites tend to appear.

The “head” of the kitchen space, without a doubt, is the stove. No matter what part of the apartment your kitchen is located in, the stove should always be in its southern part!

And it is advisable to place a hood above the stove itself - not only for reasons of Feng Shui recommendations, but also for hygienic reasons.

I would also like to mention that everything in the kitchen should always be in good condition: taps should not leak, all stove burners should work, all appliances should be in working order.

If we talk about colors, it is better to give preference to white, orange, green and yellow. Brown color is also acceptable.

And about style. High-tech kitchens are considered unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui, so all owners of such kitchens can be advised to add as much wood as possible to the interior. The ideal option would be a kitchen in a rustic style.


I think each of you will agree that it is our diet that allows us to either always remain in excellent shape, or forces us to gain weight - from trying to combine incompatible foods, from their excessive quantities and much more.

After all, all nutritionists first of all advise normalizing eating habits, considering fitness classes for the most part as a reasonable addition to the diet, which will allow you to quickly cope with the task.

And since Feng Shui is a teaching about harmony, you should harmoniously combine in your diet those foods that are recommended for people of your type - or element of birth, as Feng Shui masters usually say.

According to Chinese teachings, our lives, the entire Planet and even the Universe are influenced by 5 elements - Water, Fire, Earth, Wood, Metal.

Likewise, every person has an overpowering force of one of these five elements, which controls his destiny.

To calculate your birth element, you will need the year you were born. For example, you were born in 1873. The last digit of the year determines the ruling element. So if the last digit is:

0,1 - you are ruled by Metal;

2,3 - your element is Water;

4,5 - you are under the protection of the Tree;

6,7 — you are ruled by Fire;

8,9 - undoubtedly, you are a “child” of the Earth.

People whose birth occurred between January 20 and February 20 should be wary of these calculations.

The fact is that Feng Shui, as we remember, is a Chinese teaching, therefore the chronology for calculating the element of birth should be chosen according to the astrological calendar, which is used by all Chinese.

So check astrology charts to help you determine the exact Chinese year of your birth.

Now that you have found out your birth element, you can begin to lose weight directly.

Are you standing, sadly looking at the food found in the refrigerator, and don’t know what to do next?

Without a doubt, give up everything you don't need and purchase the nutrition that Feng Shui recommends for the person with your birth ruling element.

But what products are recommended for you? More on this later. Be careful!


If your element is metal

We have already found out that the numbers 0 or 1, one of which became the last digit of your year of birth, are witnesses to the protection of Metal.

What products are recommended for people with this birth element?

First of all, of course, let's mention meat products. You should actively use poultry (preferably duck and chicken) and lamb in your diet.

Also, don’t forget about seafood, among which I especially want to highlight crustaceans.

You should give a lot of space in your diet to dairy products - milk itself, cottage cheese, whey, sour cream and other things.

Among vegetables, you should choose root vegetables (potatoes, beets, rutabaga, carrots, radishes), as well as green vegetables - asparagus, cucumbers, onions, salads of all types, spinach.

Pay close attention to any fruits that have a sweet taste. By the way, the watermelon diet is an ideal means for losing weight for people with the ruling element of Metal.

You can safely add vegetable oils - they are absolutely not contraindicated for you. You should also pay attention to all types of nuts, including them in reasonable quantities in your diet.

Among cereals, it is better to stick to white rice.

The ideal seasonings would be cinnamon, ginger, cloves, as well as the usual black pepper and garlic.

For those who are keen on healthy food, Feng Shui advises replacing all types of bread in your diet with sprouted wheat bread.

If you like homemade preparations, then Chinese teaching suggests that you replace the usual sugar and honey with homemade jams.

If your element is water

People whose ruling element is Water include those whose birth year ends with the numbers 2 and 3.

Anything that is black in color can certainly be called your product.

If you are a meat eater, we can recommend that you use lamb and pork in your diet. is also the best option .

In general, all meat products - such as sausage, salami, etc. - must be low-fat and, naturally, of the best quality.

If you love porridge, then you should devote more space to buckwheat and barley porridge in your daily diet.

barley and oats to them - this will restore the natural balance of your body.

Dairy products should also be an integral part of your diet, but you should give preference to low-fat types.

The only exception can be natural butter.

To improve the taste of the finished dish, you can use all your favorite spices, except salt should be used with caution.

Water people tend to gain weight precisely because of the presence of excess fluid in the body, which is retained by salts.

Among vegetables, pay attention to root vegetables, as well as green vegetables.

A good option for you would be zucchini (eggplant should not be excluded either), celery, as well as beans (especially black ones) and peas.

Vegetable salads are best seasoned with olive oil.

Fruits and berries - with sour and astringent tastes - for example, persimmons, barberries, green apples (the optimal combination of your color and your taste).

If your element is a tree

If the last digit of your year of birth is 4 or 5, then you are undoubtedly a person whose controlling element of destiny is Wood.

If we talk about the general indicators of food products, then Wood is quite contradictory: for example, sour and neutral tastes occupy prevailing positions. Amazing, isn't it?

Meat fans can be advised to opt for pork and beef, rabbit meat into account Poultry meat would be less preferable.

Choose fruits and vegetables with both sour taste (apples, lemon, lime, pomegranate, etc.) and neutral taste (cucumber, broccoli, asparagus, potatoes).

It should be mentioned that for Tree people, it is preferable for others to eat those vegetables and fruits that grow in your geographical area - otherwise problems with the gastrointestinal tract cannot be ruled out.

But it is not advisable to season salads with oils if you want to lose weight - prefer lemon juice or diluted fruit vinegar.

The best porridge for you will be mamalyga (corn). You may rarely eat it, but this is only an additional reason to cook this tasty and healthy dish more often.

But your element’s love for a neutral taste is most fully expressed in its dislike for spices, especially hot ones. Therefore, use them to a minimum!

The same applies to sweets - the Tree categorically does not accept honey, sugar, jams and other things.

If your element is fire

People whose birth year ends with the numbers 6 and 7 are considered “children” of Fire. If you are lucky enough to be on their list, you are truly lucky!

The fact is that Fire people gain weight as quickly as they lose weight, so with the right selection of products, achieving the desired shape will not be difficult.

Perhaps the only thing in which the list of Feng Shui products for your type infringes is meat.

You are allowed to include lamb (and preferably young) in your diet to a minimum, basing your main diet on turkey meat. Of course, turkey is not such a desirable option, so you can replace it with chicken.

All red vegetables and fruits should be in your favor: beets, red apples, red plums, tomatoes, radishes.

Salads can be safely seasoned with sunflower oil, and if you prefer olive oil , use it.

Among dairy products, it is worth focusing on milk and butter itself, periodically including cottage cheese in the diet.

You can also simply consume crustaceans - they will not only not lead to weight gain, but will also help improve digestion and saturate the body with the necessary elements.

Spices should be used wisely, although people of your element tend to overdo it. By the way, it is better to add Indian spices to food, such as cardamom and suneli hops.

If you have a sweet tooth, then be careful with honey. Everything else can be consumed in reasonable quantities without a twinge of conscience.

If your element is Earth

8 and 9 are the last numbers of the year of birth of those whose ruling element is the Earth.

If you are a meat eater, and your ruling element is the Earth, you can sympathize: Feng Shui included only beef - no more and no less...

But this is no reason to despair: you can prepare many amazing dishes that will surely satisfy your “meat cravings”.

If you love dairy products, opt for fermented milk - fermented baked milk, “snowball”, whey, kefir, etc.

But your choice of fruits and vegetables is simply limitless, although fruits with moderate sweetness should take the leading positions in your diet.

Sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, pumpkin - this is not a complete list of vegetables recommended to you by Feng Shui.

If you want to season your salad with oil, it is best to choose rare types with a rich taste - for example, almond. But olive will also be a worthy choice.

As for fruits, you can eat any - even overseas oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, kiwis and other goodies are welcome.

Your favorite porridge should be millet - it is ideal for people of your element.

If you are a fan of honey, then you are extremely lucky: Feng Shui advises the people of the Earth to replace all types of sweetening products with honey. But there are so many benefits in it!

Yin and Yang

As you know, the whole world and life in general are ruled by two energies - Yin and Yang.

Using the last digits of your year of birth according to the astrological calendar, you can also determine which of these energies controls you.

So, if the last digit of your birth is:

0,2,4,6,8 - you are controlled by Yang;

1,3,5,7,9 — the governing force is Yin.

But here we should do the opposite. The controlling force, as usual, extremely pulls the body in its direction, so Yang people should eat yin food more often - and vice versa.

Yang food, speaking in general terms, includes everything fried, spicy and fatty.

If we move on to a more specific definition, then products with Yang energy include products of animal origin - poultry and animal meat, offal (liver, kidneys, etc.), eggs.

All alcohol-containing drinks also have Yang properties, top of which, of course, can be placed red wine.

Yin food is cool, moist and light.

All products of plant origin have Yin energy - vegetables and fruits, lettuce, asparagus, peas, beans, soybeans...

This also includes seafood and fermented milk products (such as whey and cottage cheese).

But do not forget that all products during the cooking process often change their original energy to the completely opposite one. Thus, frying, smoking, baking change the energy of the original products to Yang, and stewing, steaming, cooking by intermission - to Yin.

All dishes containing a large percentage of water can also be classified as Yin food (soups, for example).

And a little about the compatibility of food elements. You can diversify your diet if you know which elements are “friends” and which are antagonists.

Water is “friends” with Metal and Wood, Fire with Earth. At the same time, it is difficult for the food of Metal and Earth to get along with Wood, and for the food of Fire - with Water.

Remember: if you eat according to the recommended Feng Shui diet for your element, but still begin to gain weight, you should temporarily change the diet to the one recommended for the antagonist element.

This way you can restore balance to your diet and “calm down” the raging control element.

The same can be said about the Yin-Yang energies - they simply must complement each other, and too obvious an advantage in the direction of one of them should not be allowed.

Zones and elements

The first and foremost tip when it comes to bathroom feng shui is to make sure that you create and maintain a positive level of energy in the bathroom. Dry fresh towels, tidy shelves, clean air - in this case we are talking about such things. This sounds very simple, but in the pursuit of the “correct” Feng Shui of the bathroom, such little things are usually easily overlooked.

Secondly, you need to understand what elements and colors of the interior will correspond to the so-called feng shui zones. The bath itself is the feng shui element Water. Let's say your bathroom is located in the southwest. According to Feng Shui, this is the zone of “Love and Marriage”. In this case, you need to focus on strengthening another feng shui element - the Earth. This means, in accordance with Feng Shui recommendations, you can use the colors of two elements in the bathroom - a rich red color (Feng Shui element Fire) or a warm, earthy color (Feng Shui element Earth). Additionally, you can enhance the energy of another feng shui element - Love, by hanging in the bathroom, for example, a beautiful painting depicting two lovers, or a composition of two tall candles surrounded by a rose quartz crystal.

When planning Feng Shui for your bathroom, you should also remember to limit the elements of Metal, Wood and Water, especially if your bathroom is located in the southwest of the apartment. And, of course, you shouldn’t hang pictures of sad, lonely people in your bathroom.

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