Why do birds knock on the window with their beaks according to folk signs?

Sign - a bird hits the window

In Rus', such a belief had a negative meaning.
Birds were considered the souls of deceased family members who flew to warn about important news or to call a living relative. For a detailed decoding, it is advisable to have time to pay attention to which particular bird was knocking on the window. For example, predatory individuals arrive only before diseases. In the old days they foreshadowed epidemics. The age of the feathered friend determines who gets sick - an adult or a child.

Magicians believe that the omen will not work and troubles can be avoided if the bird hits the window and flies away. They say that in order to bring evil, she must get into the home.

Weather signs are also associated with birds - some species, which have long been neighbors with humans, move closer to human habitation before the cold snap.

If a nest is found near your window, signs about birds will not be of much importance. Perhaps the bird simply thought that the reflection in the glass was a rival with whom it urgently needed to get into a fight.

Rituals for protection from harm

Neutralization of signs that bring trouble is not only possible, but also recommended. The following rituals help:

  • place a board on a window or windowsill on the street side, thereby sealing the home from evil influence;
  • share bread with those in need;
  • using a lit candle and reciting a prayer, walk around the house;
  • A brownie can also help if you treat him with milk, sweets or honey;
  • bunches of rowan berries hung above the window will serve as a talisman;
  • wrap a red ribbon or thread around the window handle;
  • while reading a prayer, sprinkle each window with holy water;
  • find coins on the floor of the house or take them out of your wallet, then take them to the intersection and throw them over your right shoulder.

The chosen ritual should be carried out for three days.

Often the sign of a bird hitting the window of an apartment or at work promises positive events and major changes in life. But some superstitions foretell trouble. Knowing the interpretation of these signs and rituals, a person can protect his home from troubles.

Pigeon is a special case

These birds have long been considered the chosen ones, symbolizing faith, grace, carrying news from the afterlife, companions of pleasant events, weddings.
But it is also believed that if a bird hits the window, the spirit of a deceased relative or friend is trying to warn you about something. A dove flew out the window in the morning - wait for the wedding. True, an important factor in this case is his behavior: a calm individual means positive news. The bird sat on the windowsill and behaves quietly - to good events: reconciliation, good luck at work and in your personal life.

The messenger of peace can beat on the window, signaling that relatives will soon come.

A dove knocks on the glass after lunch - expect trouble, you may have to go through grief.

Interpretation of signs by time of day

Depending on the time when the bird visited you, the sign will have different interpretations. Let's look at an example for a home:

  • In the morning. If the family has been quarreling for a long time, peace and tranquility will finally come to the house. Financial difficulties will also end soon. The streak of life's trials is coming to an end.
  • During the day. There will be an obstacle on the way to the goal.
  • Evening. Take a close look at those around you. Perhaps there is a traitor among them.
  • Night. You will lose something valuable (not necessarily in terms of finances). A relative or close friend will show himself as an unworthy person.

The interpretation of signs for the office will be different. For example, if a bird comes to visit in the morning, you will make a profitable deal. A visit in the evening means problems will arise in the team.

A little bird hits the window

Many believe that this is a sign of death or serious illness. But before you get scared, remember what kind of bird hit the glass.

A number of signs are associated with specific individuals:

  1. A tit knocks on the window indicating pregnancy. It is often considered a symbol of joy, good luck and prosperity, identifying it with the Blue Bird. Therefore, a tit beating against glass portends happiness. A wedding or meeting your future husband is possible. If you are into gardening, the harvest will be good this year. However, in a good half of the regions of our country they believe that the tit is a harbinger of death, illness, poor harvest and other troubles.
  2. A swallow hits the window - signs promise a good event. A long-awaited pregnancy is possible. Relatives whom you have not seen for a long time may arrive, or guests may come. There is a high probability of good news from loved ones.
  3. The wagtail is hitting the window - you must not let it in under any circumstances. She predicts death. Much less often, this superstition foretells news or guests, but they are rarely pleasant after the arrival of the wagtail.
  4. A sparrow hits the window - signs of ancestors promise monetary losses. This bird has been considered a thief since ancient times. Pay more attention to your wallet when you are in public places and do not waste money. Don't fall for scammers' tricks. Pay attention to the security of the locks.

Varieties of winged

Why a bird hits a window, the prediction is not the same and depends on the species.


This feathered guest always brings good news. Success can be expected at work or in obtaining additional financial support. Sometimes he predicts the visit of a welcome guest. Often a dove signals an imminent addition to the family.


These birds can bring both joy and sadness, because they are considered guides between worlds. What news she brought can be determined by her condition:

  • if she is beautiful and sweet, then the news is good;
  • in addition to knocking on the glass, it makes sounds - this is news from the dead and portends good luck;
  • the bird is restless - the first person who is remembered after her visit will fall ill, and may promise losses.

The tit appears rarely at windows, but its appearance always indicates some event. It is recommended to keep this in mind according to the information provided above.


These varieties foreshadow only bad events. Changes will be rapid and unfavorable. It is necessary to carry out special rituals to remove negativity.


If she starts beating against the glass, this may mean the recovery of the patient who lives here, because she is a messenger of health. Sometimes the magpie brings other good news.


When a bird sits on the windowsill or knocks on the glass, it can mean both good and bad changes. The sign should be interpreted taking into account some points:

  • white plumage - quarrels, tears;
  • colored - joy;
  • with a yellow head - quarrels with relatives over property issues.

Important! It is difficult to pay attention to the color of the winged bird, but this is necessary for a better explanation of the sign.

How to avoid negative consequences

On our website there is a separate article about the sign when a bird crashes against a window. It foretells serious illness or death of someone living in the house. It is urgent to take action to avoid disaster.

All family members should pay maximum attention to safety - monitor their health, avoid getting into situations that could end badly, and be careful when using transport. It is advisable to go to church and light candles for the health of all relatives, attend a service, and pray in front of the icon. Ask the priest which face to choose.

Birds that often die near the house and crash to death against windows and walls signify damage or a curse. Moreover, it is impossible to say exactly where the negative lies - on people, the house or the place itself. On our website you will learn how to identify damage, remove the curse and cleanse your home of negative energy. Read more about crashing birds in a separate article on our website.

There is an ancient ritual that wards off the misfortune brought by birds. Immediately after the incident, collect all the bread in the house. There is no need to buy, only the one that happened to be at that time is suitable. Feed it to the birds near the church. This way they can pay off the misfortune that they will inflict on someone else.

Knowing the signs about feathered friends will make it easy to predict troubles or, conversely, learn about upcoming good news. But the main thing is that, thanks to understanding the sign, you will definitely not miss out on good luck and prevent misfortune.

What to do to prevent the omen from working

In order for the sign not to work, it is necessary to fight it with its own weapons - a folk conspiracy. Throw a handful of cereal out the window, saying: “Fly for food, not for your soul!”

For this purpose, in some regions they pour salt into the palm of their hand and blow it out the window, after which they say the same words.

Other sayings are also used: “everything bad is out the window” (3 times), “take my gift, save my goods,” “our souls remain, but our enemies will disperse.”

Remember what or who you were thinking about at the moment when a feathered guest came to you. Perhaps this is the answer to your thoughts, and the sign refers to the one who occupied your thoughts at that time.

To prevent this from happening in the future, tie a scarlet ribbon to the window in a convenient place. They say it serves as a talisman in such cases.

Nature knows more than man. The latter’s task is to correctly interpret the signs sent to him by nature.

The main thing that should be firmly understood is that the bird itself will not cause trouble. Unhappiness can only be attracted by the person himself, fixating on thoughts of bad things. To each according to his faith - says the popular proverb. This means that the sign begins to act only from the moment they believe in it.

Some people are afraid of a black cat, some believe in a woman with an empty bucket, and some believe in spilled salt. And in the first, second and third cases, omens most often promise bad things to people. Think about it, why? Why do we always believe in the bad and do not hope for the good? Why do we behave like poorly educated people?

Maybe it’s much simpler and wiser to just let go of the situation and, instead of funny, meaningless conspiracies and rituals, tell yourself: “Nothing terrible happened.” And what will happen cannot be avoided.

Therefore, we believe that uninvited guests fly to us in search of treats, we make feeders, feed the birds in winter and summer, and we rejoice looking at their cheerful chirping. And everything will be fine with us!

A bird flew into the window

Nest under the window

If birds have built a nest near the house, for example, under a window, this is always a harbinger of joyful changes. Most often, these changes concern personal life. This could be the birth of a child, the wedding of the owner of the house or one of his relatives. For single people, such a sign foretells a meeting with a lover, and for those who have been married for a long time - a harmonious and pleasant relationship, mutual understanding.

Options and interpretations

Birds, depending on specific beliefs (which vary greatly from place to place), are messengers of God and angels, the souls of deceased relatives and friends, messengers of the other world. Accordingly, the first thing that comes to mind when a bird knocks on the window is imminent death in the house .

But there are other messages from the afterlife (or from the heavenly palaces - at the choice of the interpreter).

It is also important which window the bird hit.

  • A knock on a car window indicates the fate of the driver and passengers and predicts dangers along the way . A bird hitting a car is a danger in itself, especially if it is a stork weighing three kilos at a decent speed.
  • The bird hit the window of the house - it has something to say about the fate of the inhabitants of this home. Also, the sign refers more likely to the one who heard the knocking and saw the bird, or to the owner of the room whose window the bird chose as a target.

Each bird has its own meaning

Even a city dweller can somehow distinguish a crow from a swallow, and nothing more is required.

  • Let's start with the crow. A bird clearly associated with death will not report anything good, only misfortune, illness and death .
  • The dove, to which the souls of the dead often turn, also flew in to announce: dead relatives are waiting to come to them . Or that they are bored. It's time to remember them, otherwise the dead will be offended and send diseases .
  • The sparrow, as the most famous “thief” among birds, predicts monetary loss, theft, deception . Keep your wallet close to your body and don't trust "exclusive offers with 200% savings."
  • The stork confirms its role as a child deliverer and predicts pregnancy . Whether this news is good or terrible depends on the owners’ love of children and readiness for an addition.
  • Swallow - to the news .
  • A white wagtail hit the window - a sign of tears , a yellow one - a sign of fun . It is very easy to distinguish them by eye: yellow is bright, like a lemon, in contrast to the faded product.
  • A tit knocked on the glass - a good sign, a promise of happiness and income .
  • Swifts hitting the windows are an addition to the family , just like the stork.
  • Owls, eagle owls, woodpeckers, cuckoos, and other forest birds are very unlucky messengers; they prophesy epidemics, cataclysms with great casualties. It is worth remembering that the sign was created in those days when diseases spread non-stop and epidemics occurred two years later on the third.

The bird crashed

An unlucky feathered creature does not bode well for the owners of the house: a bird crashing against a window means a serious illness . If this happens often, it’s worth thinking: who wishes you harm? Who could damage or curse?

The bird flew away

A quiet one-time knock, which did not frighten anyone in the household, softens the meaning of the sign . So, a dove quietly knocking on the window and then flying away is more likely a sign that loved ones (living and dead) are remembering than a promise of death.

If a bird hits the glass so hard that it cracks, it is bad luck . Even if she flew away after that. Blood and feathers at the “crime scene” are not good.

The bird remains and continues to knock

Sometimes it happens. A good way to understand what news a bird brings is to bring a child to the window. How does he react? It is believed that children are more sensitive to the supernatural than adults and have a connection with the afterlife.

The child is frightened - the bird reports misfortune . If the child is calm or happy, the bird is coming to you with good news.

Also, repeated knocking on the window means that the unmarried inhabitants of the house will soon get married . It is unknown whether this is a good omen or a bad one. It doesn’t work with young men: the bird persistently pestering them is not hinting at his wife, but is simply annoying.

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