Horn of plenty - a talisman of monetary abundance and good luck

Living in wealth and abundance is a common desire. Since the times of Ancient Greece, people have believed that well-being and prosperity come to the house thanks to a magical cornucopia. According to legend, this amulet was once created by the god Zeus from the horn of the mythical goat Amalthea. Another myth says that the symbol appeared after the victory of Hercules over the bull-shaped god Ahelos. In the Middle Ages, the talisman found a new incarnation and began to be called the Holy Grail.

History of the symbol

There are 2 beliefs about this:

  1. The ancient Greeks were sure that the cornucopia was given to them by Zeus himself . Once in his infancy, he was saved by a goat whose name was Amalthea, which translates as the giver of wealth. One day, she accidentally dropped her horn. Having become God, and remembering his savior, Zeus endowed this horn with properties that promote abundance. But this concept itself is not associated only with material well-being. First of all, it is spiritual bliss. In those days, this symbol could be seen on minted coins, as evidence of a prosperous country.
  2. Another legend tells about the duel between Hercules and Ahelous, who is the god of rivers . A powerful rival broke off his horn, but generously returned it to Achelous. In gratitude, he gave it to people as a symbol of abundant life. And in the Middle Ages it was called the Holy Grail.

Feng Shui for abundance

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese science of harmonizing space and attracting well-being into our lives. Often people misinterpret the concept of “feng shui”, believing that these are some mystical rituals filled with secret meaning, accessible only to the “chosen ones”. Often, pure symbolism is also put into the concept of “Feng Shui”: supposedly using this or that figurine or talisman, you can automatically get rich and become happy. All this is quite superficial and far-fetched. In fact, Feng Shui is nothing more than common sense, the teaching of how energies move around us and space works. If we understand the main principles and foundations of Feng Shui abundance, then we will stop suffering and take responsibility for our lives into our own hands.

If we really want to change our life for the better and harmonize our home, following the advice of Feng Shui, we should start with redevelopment (if you already have a home) or planning from scratch (if you are just planning to build a house) of the site and living space. Then you need to start working on the interior decoration and interior, and last but not least, filling your home with various symbols and amulets.

So, if you are very hungry for money, you can take on the task of decorating your own Feng Shui bowl of abundance This cup is also called the cup of wealth. It serves as a symbol of unity, harmony and achievement of goals. You can fill it yourself at your own discretion, and not only in a single quantity - you can fill and place several of these bowls around the house. The bowl of abundance and the vase of abundance in Feng Shui are different names for the same concept. It is called a vase when a vessel is chosen that is more elongated, more like an elongated vase than a round and squat bowl.

It is best when your cup of wealth is made of metal (can be precious) - the more expensive the metal, the better. Copper is also quite suitable for this purpose. You can also choose a bowl made of expensive, carved wood, but in no case should it be ceramic or glass - in this case, the bowl will not work and you will waste effort and money.

The items you put in the bowl can be chosen according to your taste. In principle, they can be anything, but still there are several mandatory things that need to be put into the bowl for it to “work”:

a handful of soil from a rich man’s plot . Moreover, the person must give you this land personally; under no circumstances take it without asking. Place the soil in a beautiful cloth or bag, always red;

Chinese coins for good luck (with a hole in the center). Place nine coins on a red thread and also wrap them in a red cloth or bag;

- money . This can be any amount comfortable for you. But if you adhere to the strict recommendations of the ritual, this should be a specific amount of 988 (no matter in what currency). Money must also be wrapped in a red cloth or bag.

Place everything you got at the bottom of the bowl and add other things: semi-precious stones, jewelry, shells, pine cones, dried flowers, paired animal figurines. Thus, the cup of abundance should be filled to the very brim.

The main thing in the process of filling the cup is our feeling of fullness and wealth at this moment - feel how money comes into your life in a large flow, how you hold it in your hands. Also wish all the people around you to get rich too, don’t focus only on yourself - everyone wants wealth and happiness.

According to Feng Shui, placing a filled cup of abundance in the bedroom so that you often meet it with your eyes. The most basic recommendation here is to place the bowl in such a way that it is hidden from prying eyes, so that it is seen by as few people as possible. Therefore, do not place the bowl in the living room or hallway - it will not bring you any benefit. It is best to place the cup of wealth in the southeast zone of the house. Just don’t place the bowl on the window, otherwise everyone passing by will look at it, which is strictly not recommended.

The cornucopia in Feng Shui is another symbol of wealth and prosperity . Just like the cup of wealth, mountains of abundance must be filled to the very brim. then it will symbolize excess, wealth and luxury. From a filled horn, happiness, health, luck and financial wealth will “pour” into your life. Put things that are dear to you into the horn, things that you want to increase, you can even put models of the house or car you want to materialize them in your life. The cornucopia is an ancient Greek symbol of wealth and fertility.

Such a horn can also be given to people dear to you, since such an offering is considered great generosity and a good deed; everything you give will be returned to you a hundredfold. You can make a cornucopia with your own hands - from beautiful thick paper, for example. Once filled, hang it on the wall and enjoy its performance. This amulet is considered very reliable and powerful.

You can learn more about Feng Shui and learn how to harmonize space using the most powerful ancient Chinese methods by ordering a correspondence course Practical Feng Shui >> Anatoly Sokolov .

Horn of plenty - symbol

It is associated with luck and longevity . Often, no one can explain the origin of future abundance and fabulous wealth. Some are even inclined to think about its connection with the kingdom of Hades.

Reference! There is a popular legend that the goddess Fortune will throw down her cornucopia over a person. This means not just prosperity, but also great love, the completion of which is the happy birth of children.

Esotericists talk about its feminine principle, relying on its hollow interior, which speaks of the universal acceptability and reproduction of everything that gets there.

The owner of this thing, by the providence of God himself, is endowed with what he needs most at the moment: health, success, mutual feelings, financial well-being , etc.

People believe that simply by looking at a picture where a horn is depicted, a person will definitely receive God's blessing for himself and will be protected from any troubles.

How to make a “Cornucopia”

The cornucopia - as a symbol and most importantly as a means of attracting abundance and wealth for you, can be made of any material: stone or fabric, wood or glass, in fact it doesn’t matter. Also, it doesn’t matter whether you make the Cornucopia yourself or buy it. What matters is the filling of the horn. The content should correspond to your goals and desires. For example: your desire is to get rich, which means the filling of the horn should include: coins, paper money, small bars of gold (of course, all of these are imitations of real money), as well as imitations of precious and semi-precious stones, or anything that you think reminds you about wealth, money, luxury. Or another example: you dream of health and healthy eating, to fill your cornucopia, buy small dummies of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. So, you can attach everything you want to the bell of your horn: if you want a car, buy a small car of the desired model and color, if you want a house, buy a tiny model of a house, etc. In short, any symbol of your dreams should seem to fall out of a cornucopia. You can attach these items to short threads or cords; you sew one end of the thread from the inside; if the Horn is made of fabric, the symbol itself is attached to the other end of the thread. If the Cornucopia is made of some hard material, then secure the end of the cord or thread with instant glue or a glue gun.


In Ancient Greece, abundance was considered to be endless material benefits, spirituality, development and further comfortable existence. As a talisman, the horn attracted luck and a prosperous life to its owner.

He was endowed with magical power to fulfill any desire, including the birth of a new life , uniting together female motherhood and male paternity.

In ancient times, they believed that a person with this attribute would certainly be rich, and good luck would reside in his house.

To do this, just put inside what you dream about most:

  • fruits and vegetables will keep your home warm and cozy, where there will never be a shortage of food;
  • money and expensive items - will attract finance;
  • a herbarium of flowers and spikelets promises bright love feelings;
  • a bouquet of herbs will improve health.

What does it mean and symbolize?

By abundance, the ancient Greeks understood an endless flow of material goods, spiritual wealth, growth and prosperity.

For this reason, coins with a horn were minted as a symbol of the welfare and growth of the state. Anyone who chose this ancient symbol as their talisman attracted good luck and prosperity. Any wish became fulfilled if there was a magic amulet in the house. And also the cornucopia was associated with the kingdom of the dead - Hades, where life arose, the unity of the feminine and masculine principles, fatherhood and motherhood. The talisman gives wealth to the owner personally and to the house in which it is located. It is important to fill the bell of the horn with those objects that you would like to see in abundance in your life. What is put in the horn, that is what he gives to the owner. Objects and symbols with which dreams are associated work to attract what you want. Attributes that contribute to the fulfillment of the plan are presented in the table:

Contents of the hornWhat is involved?
Gifts of the earth: fruits and vegetablesFood, warmth and comfort of home
Banknotes and coins, jewelryFinancial stability and well-being
Flowers and spikeletsWealth of feelings, love, relationships
Aromatic herbsHealth

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How to use and activate?

Wherever you place this amulet, a zone of wealth will immediately form there. The best place is at the entrance to the house and always with a socket into the interior of the apartment.

Important! You should not place the talisman only in the bathroom.

The activation process is started with a simple mental appeal asking for help in fulfilling what you want. And don’t forget to express your gratitude to the Grail in advance.

This talisman will be a good gift for family and friends, especially if you include some pleasant surprise in it. This could be money, jewelry, sweet treats and a bunch of other useful things and amenities.

The main thing is to do this from a pure heart and with great love, then both the giver and the recipient of the gifts will be happy.

Answers to the game CodyCross Group 28

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Answers to all puzzles in group 28 “CodyCross”

Puzzle 1

Fluffy, soft-bodied corals Answer: SEAMONS

Monetary remuneration received by a writer Answer: FEES

Prefix before phone number Answer: PREFIX

Protective pad at the bottom of the heel Answer: HEEL

Memorial structure in the form of a stone pillar Answer: OBELISK

Fast tempo on a musical score Answer: ALLEGRO

Photo processing specialist Answer: RETOUCHER

Warship, submarine hunter Answer: DESTROYER

Large sports facility with stands Answer: STADIUM

Candy with roasted nuts in chocolate Answer: GRILLYAZH

The result of a successful air flight Answer: LANDING

Palace of the French Kings Answer: VERSAILLES

Break between acts in the theater Answer: INTERRUPTION

Form of government based on individual power Answer: TYRANNY

Completely, without a trace Answer: WHOLE

Puzzle 2

Horn __, symbol of prosperity and wealth Answer: ABUNDANCE

Collectible pictures from packages of chewing gum Answer: INSERTS

Insult affecting dignity Answer: HUMILIATION

End of service of both officer and government Answer: RESIGNATION

Nikita __, famous Russian director Answer: MIKHALKOV

A tourist's sleeping bag Answer: SLEEPING BAG

French name for a wardrobe for storing clothes Answer: CHIFONIER

A rubber cover that fits over a bicycle tube Answer: TIRE

__ young lady is a girl pampered by life Answer: KISEYNAYA

Open bun with cottage cheese Answer: VATRUSHKA

Beautiful card with congratulations Answer: CARD

Don't look such a horse in the mouth Answer: GIFT

Inserted into the phone to receive communication Answer: SIM CARD

Abbreviated name for the science of mechanical strength Answer: SOPROMAT

Puzzle 3

Celebration on the occasion of moving Answer: HOUSEHOLDING

Transmission of thoughts at a distance Answer: TELEPATHY

Winding mountain road Answer: SERPENTINE

One of the largest rock festivals in Russia Answer: INVASION

Lagging behind in competitions Answer: OUTSIDER

“My years are my __” Answer: WEALTH

State-supported institution Answer: BUDGETARY

The room behind the stage, hidden from the viewer Answer: BACKSTAGE

Popular dance in the USA in the 1920s Answer: CHARLESTON

Dinosaur with a sharp claw on its thumb Answer: IGUANODON

The name of the Queen of Great Britain since 1952 Answer: ELIZABETH

Forest June berry, useful for anemia Answer: STRAWBERRY

Dentist's instrument with high rotation speed Answer: DRULM

State __: coat of arms, flag and anthem Answer: SYMBOLICS

Ornamental stone made of quartz interspersed with mica Answer: AVANTURINE

Fuel-powered lumberjack hand tool with engine Answer: CHAINSAW

Snow-white thermal springs in Turkey Answer: PAMUKKALE

Nickname for journalists with cameras Answer: PAPARAZZI

Puzzle 4

Self-tightening knot in the form of a loop Answer: SNORK

Famous confectionery from Tula Answer: GINGERBREAD

Most cars are fueled with it Answer: GASOLINE

Household servants of the landowner Answer: MORANT

The largest search service originally from Russia Answer: YANDEX

Shpuntik's friend, invented by Nikolai Nosov Answer: VINTIK

“Every cricket, know your __” Answer: SIX

The island home to the largest dangerous monitor lizards in Indonesia Answer: KOMODO

One rotation cycle Answer: REVERSE

Cartoon about ancient animals “Glacial __” Answer: PERIOD

Last name of the “King of Rock and Roll” Answer: PRESLEY

Traveling circus with a tent Answer: SHAPITO

The Magus with a Talking Donkey Answer: BALAAM

Traditional Chukchi dwelling Answer: YARANGA

Electronic device (English) Answer: DEVICE

Hole in the iris of the eye Answer: PUPIL

Pilates, CrossFit and Step Aerobics Answer: FITNESS

A group of prominent figures in one of the areas of culture Answer: PLEIADES

A picture assembled from several photographs Answer: COLLAGE

Short trousers, initially tucked into boots Answer: BRIDGES

Puzzle 5

Complete reluctance to do anything Answer: APATHY

US state closest to the equator Answer: HAWAII

Mythical creature that breathes fire Answer: DRAGON

Ceremonial outerwear with embroidery for the military Answer: UNIT

Basis, foundation Answer: BASIS

Spanish singer, Jr. Iglesias Answer: ENRIQUE

Proverb “__ is where we are not” Answer: GOOD

Bees collect it from flowers Answer: NECTAR

Task to complete Answer: MISSION

Short pipe for connecting hoses Answer: FITTING

Award in the form of a round metal plate Answer: MEDAL

Powers granted to the deputy Answer: MANDATE

Subsidiary farming on a personal plot Answer: VEGETABLE GARDEN


It is quite possible to make an amulet symbolizing good luck yourself from a variety of available means:

  • crocheted from threads - will be an excellent decoration for a wall in the bedroom or hallway;
  • sewn from fabric with the desired gifts placed inside - placed on the wall in any room;
  • can be made from strips of newspaper (papier-mâché), glued to a plasticine base, and painted with watercolor or acrylic-based paints;
  • sculpt from paper napkins soaked in water, without even requiring any special artistic skills;
  • make a plaster bas-relief by first creating a plasticine template and a mold for pouring (glued to the wall with glue);
  • It has long been believed that luck and a happy life are given not only by the horn itself, but also by a picture with a mythological plot, where Hercules and Ahelous are fighting, or a goat feeding a baby, as a symbol of God's providence, giving a person abundance and preventing misfortune;
  • those with creative abilities are able to depict a myth in the form of a bas-relief sculpture, which will become a unique decoration and further increase its wealth.

Cornucopia made of corrugated paper.
The greatest power, undoubtedly, is inherent in an amulet made of natural material, varnished, trimmed with jewelry and gold, but for this you need to be a professional craftsman.

The Holy Grail or cornucopia is a symbol of the Gods. He will give his owner everything he wants. The main thing is to use this talisman correctly and know the features of its activation.

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How to create?

The magic of the ancient amulet works in both directions: both the one who was given the Cornucopia and the one who gave it with all his heart receive good luck and wealth. A talisman made independently for personal use or as a gift has enormous magical power. The material from which the talisman is made is also important and can endow it with magical charms:

  • Turquoise. Discovers new talents.
  • Pomegranate. Will make life brighter and more joyful.
  • Black obsidian. Gives you unprecedented strength.
  • Rose quartz. It will give charm and irresistibility, enhance female beauty and attractiveness.

With some artistic skills, you can create a bas-relief from plaster. A talisman made of papier-mâché, crocheted, sewn from fabric - any technique of creation and activation is good. After all, an amulet created with one’s own hands is filled with the energy of the desire of the one who created this amulet. Not only the attribute itself, but also its design works well to attract good luck. For example, a painting with the theme of abundance, a plot from Greek mythology that describes the history of the origin of the talisman.

The power of the ancient amulet in any version is so great that anyone who simply looks at it will receive reliable protection from troubles and adversities.

Frivolous goddess Fortuna

Fortune was a goddess with a fickle and frivolous disposition. She was not known for her loyalty to those who revered her. Today she could bestow a person with all sorts of benefits, and the next day she could completely forget about him. It also happened differently: a complete loser suddenly became the darling of fate, and here the Romans also saw the tricks of Fortune.

Since the choice of the goddess is not determined by anything, she was sometimes depicted blindfolded. It reminded me of the image of Themis, the patroness of justice. But Fortune was less serious and responsible. In fact, the favor of the goddess is just a matter of luck, nothing more.

Interestingly, in the Middle Ages it was customary to depict Fortune in revealing outfits. Such clothing signified the frivolity and recklessness of the goddess. Then the symbol of Fortune becomes the image of a girl of easy virtue who does not know how to value a good attitude, does not think about the future, and constantly changes her chosen ones.

Peter Paul Rubens (workshop) “Fortune”, 1636-1637 Location: Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain

Symbolic meaning of the oar

The goddess Fortune with an oar symbolized the choice of the right direction, instructed sinners who had strayed from the righteous path, showing them the true path in life. The paddle is a symbol of movement control. It helps to overcome obstacles and guide the boat to the desired shore, even if the ship is moving against the current.

Also, the oar in ancient Egypt meant power, the ability to manage. The oar, being an attribute of river deities, carries the meaning of the highest knowledge, invincible strength and an infinite number of skills.

How to buy a souvenir horn as a gift?

First you need to figure out what types of gift horns exist in the Caucasus. We no longer take into account the fact that absolutely all horns differ in size, width, neck diameter, and twist angle. It is more correct to classify Caucasian gift horns into:

Mountain aurochs horns are the rarest species and are considered an elite gift. Most often they are given to managers, directors, officials and law enforcement officers.

Bull horns are the most common type, sizes range from 10 cm to 1 meter. Although, “meter ones” are very rare.

Both bull and aurochs horns are made using the same technology: grinding, polishing, applying ornaments, framing - cupronickel or brass, additionally “medallions” are made or stones are inserted. All this is at the discretion of the master.

Silver horns are the standard of beauty and craftsmanship. I’ll tell you straight, not every craftsman undertakes their manufacture, since it requires several months of painstaking labor and jewelry work. They are given to high-ranking officials, managers and businessmen.

If you want to give a person a Caucasian horn , then you need to focus not only on your pocket, but also on his social status.

I’ll answer two more questions: how to check the quality of the horn and is it possible to drink from it? Here's what you need to pay attention to:

  • reliability of fastening of metal parts to the horn itself;
  • no glue smudges at the joints;
  • it is desirable that there are no cracks on the horn itself (there will always be microcracks);
  • no scratches or corrosion on metal parts;
  • make sure that the “cap” and “tail” (the so-called frame) do not dangle;
  • there should be no chips on the rim of the neck;
  • very often the “tail” is bent, this should not happen either.

There is no point in describing further, since everything else is the lot of specialists and craftsmen. Yes, regarding drinking from a horn - after all, it is a keratinized part of the animal, so I do not recommend it. Today, few people in the Caucasus polish their horns from the inside, so they are not always suitable for drinking. However, if you are serious about it, be sure to disinfect the inside with an alcohol solution before use.

That's all, I tried to reveal the main points, I really hope that my knowledge will help you in choosing a horn for a gift.


The symbol of wealth and prosperity is used not only in literature, architecture or fine arts. Quite often used in heraldry, on coats of arms and flags. During the Russian Empire, he decorated the coats of arms of a number of cities (Pyatigor, Novaya Ladoga, Rossien and others). Still adorns the coats of arms of states:

  • Peru;
  • Panama;
  • Colombia.

Depicted on the flags of Kharkov and New Jersey, the coats of arms of Kharkov and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the seals of Wisconsin and New Jersey.

Interesting fact: the symbol can be depicted in different ways. If the wide part is directed upward, it means fullness, an excess of all kinds of benefits and wealth. If the wide part is directed downward, it symbolizes the same values, but erupting on people in an endless stream.

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