How to use a compass: rules and principles of operation

Features of using a compass to determine the cardinal directions on the ground, on a map, in an apartment. Instructions for installing and working correctly with the compass on Android and IPhone.

Our attention is attracted by the devices and benefits of civilization. And just 2-3 centuries ago, people knew more about nature and knew how to navigate the area, relying on observations and signs.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a traveler or geologist without a compass in his hands. This device helps where satellite signals are not received and there is no Internet.

However, you must handle the compass correctly and also be able to interpret its measurements.

Let's talk in more detail about how to do this.

Indication of cardinal directions in English on a compass with translation

the traveler holds a compass in his hand to determine the direction of his movement.
Since there are different types of compasses, their scales have a different number of cardinal directions indicated.

However, the required set is 4 main ones:

  • N (North) - north
  • S (South) - south
  • E (East) - east
  • W (West) - west

Or the scale displays the cardinal directions in letters of the Russian alphabet, namely the first of the words.


The design of the device seems complicated at first glance. Determining the cardinal directions using a compass is carried out thanks to special markings and many moving components. Lens models consist of several basic elements:

  1. Lid. Serves to protect the floating dial from damage. Consists of luminous aiming dots and threads.
  2. The basis. Contains several moving components. The floating dial is located in the middle, rotates freely, and there are luminous figures in the form of arrows and letters. The outer scale indicates millimeters, the inner scale indicates degrees. The frame is glass with a fixed line indicator. The frame ring makes a characteristic crackling sound when moving. Each of them is equal to 3º. One full circle contains 120 clicks.
  3. Rear sight. Data indicating the cardinal directions is read from the dial using this component. Objects are detected using an aiming slit and a front sight. The rear one closes the device; for operation it is necessary to open it more than 45º.

The markings on the compass are always the same, but the equipment is different. The most complex are considered to be military devices, which have a solid body, a lid with glass inserts, and a dial that glows in the dark. The devices are often equipped with a clinometer, a thread for fixing on a tripod, and a bubble level.

Where do the red and blue compass needles point?

the red compass arrow points to the north.
We are accustomed to the fact that on the globe the North Pole is located at the top, which the blue compass arrow points to, and the South Pole is located at the bottom. And the red one strives for him.

However, based on the laws of physics, the opposite is true. In reality, the blue arrow indicates the location of the South Pole, and the red arrow indicates the location of the North Pole. Because bodies with the same charges repel, not attract.

Keep in mind also that the familiar North Pole drifts and changes its location not symmetrically to the South Pole. Therefore, the red compass needle actually slightly distorts the direction of this part of the world.

Interesting facts about the compass

Before getting its modern look, the familiar compass went through a long process of improvement. In this regard, there are many amazing facts left in history that have survived to our time:

  1. The first needle made for the Chinese device was shaped like a tadpole.
  2. Fleur-de-lis (French for "lily flower") is a frequently used symbol to indicate north on a compass.
  3. During World War II, compasses (in the form of blades or buttons) were secretly delivered to prisoners of war in camps to help them escape.
  4. The Qibla compass is a navigational device used by Muslims. It shows the direction to the city of Mecca, where believers turn to perform the ritual of prayer.
  5. Old Arabic devices had 32 cardinal points on the dial, but modern ones are marked in degrees.
  6. In current liquid devices, mineral oil, ethyl alcohol, and purified kerosene are used as liquid.
  7. In China, the compass was initially used not for navigation, but for building houses according to Feng Shui.
  8. In aviation, a navigation device indicates the course only on straight sections (for example, from Asia to America). During the flight, the pilots are guided by air traffic controllers.

The compass is an amazing device that has undergone minor changes since its creation. Once upon a time, thanks to such an important invention, new lands were discovered: sailors dared to go out to the open sea. Today it is widely used in various fields of human activity. This is exactly the case when an ancient discovery has not lost its relevance to this day.

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What is azimuth on a compass and how to determine it?

the compass is adjusted before determining the azimuth
The angle formed between the north direction and the object is called azimuth.

The angle is counted clockwise.

There are 2 ways to determine azimuth:

  • approximate, or by eye
  • precise - using a protractor

In the second case, the arrow pointing north is o on the protractor.

Compass error magnetic declination

Magnetic declination is a certain error of a magnetic compass. The magnetized needle is constantly trying to strive for the geographic meridian. At the same time, it points to the geomagnetic poles of the Earth. They do not equate to geographical aspects of the world. That is, the geographic poles are located along the zero meridian, the so-called Prime meridian. The magnetic pole is located a little to the left. It turns out that a person who wants to go to a certain geographical object using a map and compass may receive a distorted route.

As a result, we can conclude that knowledge in this area is necessary for everyone, because no one can predict their future location. This is simple information that can be useful to travelers and nature lovers. Explore this world, it is much more interesting than you imagine.

How to use a compass correctly in the forest or on the ground?

The compass lies on the grass before determining the cardinal directions and orientation on the terrain.
First, check the serviceability of the compass:

  • place it on a flat horizontal surface and wait until the arrow stops
  • fix its position
  • bring any metal object and release the latch
  • the arrow should react with oscillations
  • remove the item abruptly
  • if the arrow returned to its original value before removing the lock, the compass is working

Before entering the forest, determine your direction of movement. Consider its opposite meaning when turning in the opposite direction.

  • Get attached to a large object in the area. For example, a river, power lines, wide clearings, roads and paths. Remember that any magnetic sources must be located outside the compass operation, otherwise its readings will be incorrect.
  • Determine the azimuth of this object.
  • Take it into account when moving in the direction you need.
  • It's ideal if you have a notepad on hand. Keep a record of the number of steps after each turn.

Avoiding obstacles

Don't panic when you have to deviate from the set course. If you know how to use a compass correctly, it will help you calmly get around any object and return to your chosen route. You will need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Stop in front of the obstacle and take another bearing.
  • Determine which side is more convenient to get around the obstacle. If the detour is on the right, add 90 degrees to the azimuth; if on the left, then subtract 90 degrees. Let's say the azimuth was 170. Then the new value will be 80 or 260 degrees.
  • Move in a new direction, counting the number of steps until the obstacle is completed. Then turn around 180 degrees and walk the same number of steps in the opposite direction to return to your original path.
  • Having returned to it, orient yourself again to the cardinal directions on the compass and continue moving along the azimuth corresponding to the figure on the map.

Of course, all these simple techniques require the development of a certain skill. To ensure confident use of the compass when hiking in unfamiliar terrain, you will have to practice several times in familiar terrain.

How to use a compass correctly in an apartment?

one of the compass models is for distributing the space of a house/apartment.
Follow the steps:

  • study your compass, the features of its operation, check it for serviceability
  • select a reference point, for example, a door or window
  • determine its location from the middle of the room
  • keep the compass strictly horizontal, for example, on a book
  • lean it against the wall so that a right angle is formed between them
  • The height of the compass in this case is at the level of your waist
  • triple check your measurements and take the average
  • Please note that household appliances, furniture, metal objects in the apartment create a background for the correct operation of the compass
  • permissible deviations for verification measurements are 10-15%

Sometimes, in order to reduce the influence of power transmission and home appliances, compass measurements are taken of the cardinal points at a distance from the house/apartment.

Azimuth is the angle relative to the direction North

Cases when you need to go exactly south or north are very rare, so before you go on a hike, you need to learn how to walk in any direction using a compass. Azimuth will help us with this. To understand what it is, take a map and mark two points on it, let one of them indicate the place where you are, and the second indicate your destination. Connect them with a straight line, and from the point where you are, draw the beam exactly north. The angle between these two lines will be called azimuth, knowing it, you can get to places where the road to which is unknown to you.

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How to determine your location using a compass and map?

There is a compass and a pencil on the map

  • If both of these items are in your hands, then first open the card and look at it carefully.
  • Find the objects marked on it in the area around you.
  • Expand the map so that they coincide in location relative to you.

There are several ways to determine your location on the map:

  • for nearby objects
  • distant
  • direction of movement along the road, path, clearing

When you have completed this step, place the card on the ground.

  • Place a compass on top.
  • Remove it from the clamp.
  • Turn your face to the north, the blue arrow of the device will point towards it.
  • Next, check the map and the point that you chose as a landmark or your current location.
  • Record the direction of your movement.

Specifics of using compasses

The way some devices operate is slightly different. You should pay attention to the following devices:

  1. With an arrow glued to the dial. In such cases, the latter does not need to be combined with the north. However, as many tourists note, such a device is slower in operation than conventional models.
  2. With a small mirror. It helps you control the values ​​shown by the needle on the scale.
  3. Transparent. It’s much more convenient when working with maps and simplifies the process of navigating the terrain.
  4. Liquid. They stabilize faster after sudden movements.

Important! There are also military and artillery compasses, which differ significantly from tourist compasses: the body is made of shock-resistant material, the arrow instantly takes the desired position.

Transparent compass

Compass errors, magnetic declination

Back in the 19th century, it was proven that the geographic poles do not coincide with the magnetic ones. In the north, the distance between the latter is about 700 miles, in the south – 1500. These values ​​are taken into account on all maps and in modern electronic devices.

Magnetic declination is the angle between two meridians (geographical, magnetic) at a specific point on the Earth, showing the difference between the compass readings and the true north direction.

In most cases, the discrepancies are insignificant, but sometimes they can reach 25°.

Since planet Earth is in constant motion, the layers of the earth's crust shift, the values ​​of the magnetic declination change. Periodically updating maps will help avoid errors in calculations.

What to do if the compass is broken

If the device breaks down, do not worry too much. It is possible to make it yourself using available materials.

Among them are suitable:

  • needle;
  • bottom of the bottle (plastic);
  • a piece of bark, cork;
  • battery, magnet.

Compass from improvised means
Method of making a compass from a needle and water:

  1. Make a shallow trench in the bark or cork.
  2. Magnetize the needle. Place one end of the latter on a magnet, and the other on a burning match. This procedure will lead to demagnetization of the other half. Second option: take the needle with an insulated object and apply it to the battery poles. The edge touched by the negative value will subsequently point north.
  3. Place the magnetized needle in the gutter and lower it into the lid with water.

Attention! After completing several rotations, the created arrow will point to the north direction.

When is a compass better than a navigator?

Due to the rapid development of technology, new gadgets come on sale every day. GPS navigators occupy a place of honor among them. They contain a geographic map and a route planning function. Satellite communication allows you to accurately determine the location of a tourist and accompanies him along the way.

The main disadvantage of a GPS navigator is the battery, which requires periodic recharging. If it fails, the tourist will not be able to use the device (obtain the required data).

Using a tourist compass and a topographic map is much safer. Under natural conditions, their readings are accurate and do not depend on the condition of the battery. When orienting, it is only important to carry out all measurements sequentially, according to the rules.

The disadvantage of the navigator is that the battery drains at the most inopportune moment

How to download and properly use a compass on iPhone?

The iPhone lies on the railing with the compass program open next to the regular compass.
Often the compass is already installed on the iPhone among special applications. If it is not there, look at the AppStore and write “compass” in the search bar.

Select the application that you like from the list that appears. Or focus on the number of downloads, that is, the level of popularity of the utility.

After installing the compass application on your iPhone, to check its operation, proceed as follows:

  • calibrate it. Launch the app and spin in the air with one hand as if you were drawing an infinity sign. This feature is available for iOS7. In other cases, the setting is done differently.
  • A compass scale and an arrow pointing to the magnetic north pole will appear on the screen.
  • If information about the geographic pole is important to you, go to Settings - Compass and check the box Apply true north .
  • The white arrow outside the compass dial shows you the direction of your view at the current moment in time. Adjust your position so that both arrows point north.
  • Tap the screen once.
  • Now when you move you will see a red moving zone. It shows your deviation from the fixed route. To remove it, touch the screen again.
  • Combine compass data with maps. Launch them. In the compass app, you will find numbers with the coordinates of your current location at the bottom of the screen. Double-tap them to get extended help about your location.

Types of compasses

When choosing a device, you need to take into account your needs, your goals, and the features of the device.


Another name for the most common device is Adrianov, named after the Russian scientist. A magnetic compass consists of a housing, inside of which there is a dial with the sides of the horizon and degrees indicated. After interacting with the earth's magnetic field, an arrow located on the axis shows where north is.

Most often there is air inside the housing, but there may also be a viscous non-freezing liquid. Some models are equipped with clamps to hold the arrow in place when the device is not in use.


The model is especially popular among tourists, with which you can easily determine where north, south, west, east are. A magnetized arrow with a reddish tip points in the direction of the magnetic north pole. With the help of a mechanical compass, as well as a geographical map, it is possible to find out the location of landmarks.

Mechanical compass Find price on AliExpress

For the military

It differs from the previous one in the presence of a lens (magnifying), ruler, and sighting device. The latter helps to view very distant objects. The compass is designed for accurate orientation in field conditions. The main advantages of such a device are that it is considered to be the most accurate compass with a durable metal body.

Compass for military

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A mining device is used to calculate the azimuth of a landmark or route. Its peculiarity is as follows: the graduation of the dial is directed counterclockwise. This compass has a half-limb, a clinometer. With their help, it is possible to find out the angles of incidence of rock layers.

Geological compass

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Contains a gyroscope - a special device capable of responding to changes in orientation angle. The compass is widely used in aviation and navigation. It shows the geographic pole with high accuracy. The indicators of such a device do not go astray even when rocking.

Gyroscopic compass


Used to determine cardinal directions using celestial bodies, such as the Sun. However, even the high accuracy of the readings did not bring popularity to the device. This is due to the complete uselessness of such a device in cloudy weather, when it is impossible to determine the position of a celestial body.

Astronomical compass

For orienteering

Athletes must be able to use orientation devices and understand the symbols on a geographical map. Choosing a compass for orienteering is not an easy procedure. The most suitable model must meet the following requirements: the needle stabilizes as quickly as possible, the compact device (light weight) fits in the hand and does not slip.

Orienteering compass

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A modern compass with magnetized sensors is accurate and performs additional functions. In addition to determining the coordinates, it remembers the route mileage and information about the stages of movement. It is extremely convenient to save a starting point on the terrain, then move on. Such models are in demand among tourists and military personnel.

Important! When purchasing an electronic device, you need to remember: the battery charge lasts about three days. Therefore, on a long hiking trip, it is recommended to take a regular magnetic device.

Radio compass (ARC)

An automatic on-board radio direction finder is used to navigate aircraft during flights. It shows the direction to the object that emits radio waves. Having tuned to the desired frequency, the device provides the required information.

The radio compass determines the location of the radio station and gives the correct heading regardless of the time of day or weather.

Radio compass

Travel electronic compass

It is considered the best option for a short hike. In addition, it shows the exact time and performs many other tasks. Such a device does not contain a magnetized needle; the location of the cardinal points is determined by electronic circuits.

Travel electronic compass

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How to download and properly use a compass on Android?

several Android smartphones with an installed and working compass.
To download the compass application, go to the Play Market.

  • In the search bar, enter “compass” and select the application you are looking to install. Or any one that has a higher percentage of popularity and downloads.
  • After downloading the application, open it and calibrate the compass. You will see a hint on your phone on how to do this.
  • Next, explore the menu and capabilities of the application and use it as needed. Take into account all the nuances discussed in the previous sections.

So, we looked at the features of correct operation of the compass, both as a separate device and as an application for a smartphone. We learned to navigate the terrain and determine the cardinal directions in the forest or apartment.

Although our age of technology makes it possible to use GPS navigators almost everywhere, Internet coverage has a limited range of action.

Who needs to know the cardinal directions

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Firstly, it is important for pilots and sailors not to go off course or change the route correctly. Military personnel working in the field also need a way to navigate the terrain. Builders and architects, when constructing and designing buildings, also take into account how structures stand in relation to the cardinal points. Archaeologists, geologists and other scientists working in open areas rely on the cardinal directions in their research. And there is no need to talk about various types of tourists. In general, knowledge of finding the cardinal directions is very important in our lives. And all these people use a compass.

Compass by PixelProse SARL

The multifunctional online compass from Google Play from PixelProse SARL does not contain any advertising in its free version. It provides the user with the following options:

  • If you want to find an unfamiliar place, enter its address or name into the search. The app will then show you where it is.
  • The program can even provide the shortest route to a user-specified location.
  • The built-in qibla compass will help you correctly determine the direction in which the Kaaba is located in Mecca for Muslim rituals.
  • You can save locations in the application memory to facilitate subsequent searches. You can even keep lists of your favorite addresses and attractions, organized by topic or category.

The accuracy of the readings is verified using GPS. The app also shows the altitude as well as the latitude and longitude of your current location.

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