Feng Shui clocks: where you can and cannot hang them, how to choose a clock?

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Currently, the choice of wall clocks is so large that you can choose them to suit any style. Many people prefer to choose the most original model, which will be the most interesting, and most importantly, look harmonious on the wall.

But few people think about the fact that watches can actually influence our lives.

Chinese sages repeatedly say that all the things we deal with affect our energy. This is why it is so important to arrange all objects according to Feng Shui.

The watch is no exception in this case. They affect Qi energy, so they can attract troubles or, on the contrary, avert them. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right place for them. However, it is worth considering that all this applies only to mechanical models.

If you want to improve your career, get rid of problems at work and get promoted, then be sure to hang your clock on the North Side.

Just keep in mind that they themselves must be square or round in shape and made of metal. But the dial is best to choose blue, gray or black.

The North-West is great for travelers.

South or Yugo-Zapata should be chosen by those who lack love and recognition. The watch will quickly bring what you want into life. However, it is worth considering that you need to choose a watch with a triangular or round shape, and bet on green, yellow and red colors.

For those who want to focus on raising children, excellent studies and the development of creativity, it is worth hanging a clock on the western wall. But they must be in a metal case, oval or round in shape, and the dial itself must be light gray or white.

A clock hung on the eastern wall has a beneficial effect on family relationships. It is better to choose a wavy or round shape, and the material is ceramics or wood. The color scheme is also important in this matter. They should be in blue, black or purple.

feng shui clock

  • A device capable of measuring such an invisible and intangible element as time remains a sacred object even today, which is why it occupies a special, honorable place in the philosophy of Feng Shui. Experts say that Feng Shui clocks , as a symbol of the transience of human life, should, firstly, be chosen correctly for your home, and secondly, find the most favorable place for them, then they will become not only an excellent addition to the interior, but and can significantly improve the quality of your life on an energetic level.
  • From the very beginning, it is worth mentioning that Feng Shui experts do not pay any attention to electronic gadgets. It is believed that if you really want to have them, then this is allowed only at work. And even then, it’s a stretch. After all, they can significantly ruin the life of their owner - even causing migraines.


  • According to Feng Shui, mechanical watches are the true masters of time and energy, which they can accelerate. With the right approach, they can easily create a favorable energetic atmosphere in your home, especially if you place them in those rooms where your household spends more time doing active things. In practice, such places are rooms for receiving guests or professional activities, a kitchen, and so on.
  • According to Feng Shui, an hourglass is a device that is often used in Feng Shui philosophy, because they are made from natural materials and are therefore considered “living”. The smooth flow of grains of sand symbolizes infinity and activates the positive vital energy of the space and the people in it.
  • You can increase the beneficial effect of the hourglass on your home by purchasing a device with a wooden frame. This will significantly add vital energy in the places where you earn money (office, workshop, etc.), give impetus to new ideas and projects, help you master new knowledge and skills, and in general, get rid of the blues, laziness, and lack of discipline.

Bright retro style

The room is done in bright and rich colors, but does not use patterns or tackiness. Preference is given to harmonious and smooth lines and chrome parts.

In such an interior, watches of marble, silver or bronze color with streamlined shapes look beautiful.

Feng Shui clock: where to hang it?

In order to decide where you want to place the clock in your home so that it not only pleases the eye, but also brings maximum energy benefits, you should formulate for yourself what the main problem in your life you want to solve.

Location color and shape

What part of the world you will focus on, what materials the watch is made of and what color scheme it is made in will depend on how it can help you - to the best of its, believe me, considerable strength:

  1. Get your bearings to the east Worth it for those who cannot find a common language with their family members. That is, if you want to reach mutual understanding and stop quarrels, then place it on the eastern wall of your home round watch made of natural wood, painted in blue-violet-black colors.

    For mutual understanding

  2. The south-eastern part of the house is the best place for watches for those people who dream of getting rich and stopping all financial troubles. For this purpose, you should also choose a green round watch.
  3. According to Feng Shui, the southern wall for placing should be chosen by those who in life lack recognition of their successes and merits, even, let’s not be afraid of this word, real glory. It would be great if they have sharp corners - triangular or rectangular, in red or green shades. And the more expensive they are, the better: ideally, let them be top-class hand-made.
  4. The southwest is for those who are in pursuit of love experiences and affairs. The most suitable geometry for you is a triangle or square in delicate warm colors (pink, yellow, beige or even orange). Also choose the most fragile and romantic material: porcelain and ceramics.
  5. Harsh North – the side for careerists. Accordingly, watches should be chosen as strict, “office”, metallic ones, mainly in cool colors: black, metallic, bluish and the like.


  6. The north-eastern side of the home is suitable for placing a clock for those people who crave learning, receiving new information, and self-development. To achieve maximum energy effect, you should choose a round metal watch - gray, black or blue.
  7. The North-West is a direction for those who either lack help in any task, or want to travel, but something always gets in the way. As in the previous case, such people should look for a watch made of metal, round in shape, in black and blue colors.
  8. The western wall of the house should be decorated with a white or silver metal clock if you want to actively engage in creativity or give birth and raise babies. They can be made in round, square or oval shape.

Find the right place

Think about where you would most often look to tell the time. You probably don't want to crane your head at strange angles to look at the time.

You can stand or sit in different parts of the living room and decide where the clock is easiest to see.

  • Near a window or door is often not the best location, as bright sunlight outside can make it difficult to see.
  • It's also important to consider how often you'll be looking at your watch. It may be that they are in an aesthetically pleasing place, but not in a place where you often look, this is also important.

Arrange them so that the watch suits your needs. If the wall clock is more like a work of art, then considering the location will depend on the decor and how much you want the clock to be a decoration rather than serve its direct function.

Feng Shui clocks: where is it prohibited to hang them?

We have already learned which cardinal directions are best to focus on when placing a mechanical clock in your home if you want to change your life according to the philosophy of Feng Shui. But at the same time, one must not lose vigilance, because in every home there are zones in which it is strictly forbidden to install a clock.

Let's look at the nuances that must be taken into account as recommended by Feng Shui followers:

  1. The very first and most severe prohibition is that you cannot hang a clock opposite the front door according to Feng Shui . But when leaving your home, on the contrary, it is better to look at the dial, so it is ideal to hang a clock above the door according to Feng Shui.
  2. In the bedroom (especially for married couples who exchange energy with each other in the process of intimate communication), it is better not to place any clocks, especially if they go loudly or strike the time. As a last resort, if this cannot be avoided, you can tuck a quiet, inconspicuous alarm clock somewhere in an inconspicuous place.

    It is not advisable to hang it in the bedroom

  3. It is worth hanging a fairly large round clock - this will help discipline the kids and teach them to appreciate the passing time.
  4. non-working clocks in your home - you should either immediately take them for repairs, or get rid of them if restoration is impossible (at least take them out of the house - for example, to the office, if you don’t dare throw them away). The fact is that according to Feng Shui, a standing clock symbolizes a slowdown or even a complete stop of favorable energy flows; their presence simply negates all the positive effects of other talismans and energy schemes.
  5. Never accept a watch as a gift or present it to anyone, because getting into the energy rhythm of another person is almost impossible without imbalance. Moreover, you can cause irreparable harm to yourself by accepting such a gift. If the situation is hopeless and it is impossible to refuse the gift, then pay for it, at least symbolically.
  6. If you have several clocks in your home, then you must make sure that they show the same time , otherwise you are guaranteed an energy imbalance, and with it - mutual misunderstanding of your family members, endless quarrels and squabbles out of nowhere.

In the bedroom

The bedroom is a place that from time immemorial has been considered unsuitable for watches. The sign says that this mechanism will disturb the sleep of the inhabitants of the home. They will need more time to relax and rest. Prosperity will leave their lives and they will face financial difficulties.

The sign also has a practical explanation. The sound made by moving arrows and chimes will not allow people to fall asleep quickly.

Can I set an alarm?

Almost every one of us wakes up for work by an alarm clock. However, Chinese practice advises getting up without it. This is an excellent form of self-control that will help regulate the biological clock, which not everyone can do.

If you cannot do without an alarm clock, it is better to choose a small device that can be easily hidden in your nightstand. On weekends, it is preferable to put it away in a dresser drawer or closet. This will help you not to think about the upcoming work week. And, most importantly, not a single arrow in the house should stand still, otherwise life will stop along with time.

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