Book of Changes interpretation of hexagrams. Chinese Book of Changes I Ching

Fortune telling online > On the Book of Changes > Interpretation of hexagrams > 8

Title: Bi/Approximation Judgment: Unions and unions bring good luck. Ask the oracle again. If you have consistency, elevation and perseverance, then there is no guilt. Gradually, insecure people unite. If you arrive too late, you will face trouble. Image: Water on earth symbolizes union and approach. Also, ancient kings gave fiefs to vassals in order to surround themselves with friendly support.


The descriptions relate only to those lines that were marked during the formation of the hexagram. Count the lines from bottom to top.

  • Bottom Line: Stick with him, he's perfect. The truth is like a full clay cup. Ultimately, luck comes from outside.
  • Second line: Stick to it internally. Perseverance will lead to success.
  • Third line: You have formed an alliance with the wrong people.
  • Fourth line: Hold on to him in external manifestation. Perseverance will lead to success.
  • Fifth line: It is important to get closer and establish an alliance. When hunting, the king uses beaters only on three sides. Citizens do not need to be forced. Great luck.
  • Top line: They don't have a head to hold together. Trouble and misfortune.

Find out the interpretation and love meaning of hexagram 8 when fortune telling online using I Ching coins according to the Chinese Book of Changes. Explore the most detailed interpretation

Expanded interpretation of the sign

This hexagram indicates the clear benefits and necessity of fortune telling. It is the I Ching that gives a person the necessary instructions and warnings for the future. The Book of Changes connects the interpretation of this sign with thoughts of lofty things. We need to move away from material goals and think about why this or that meeting is needed, what is the role of each individual. Thus, the fortuneteller’s desire to learn about the team and his surroundings comes in very handy. The prediction of the Chinese book speaks of danger, and therefore one must be vigilant and be fully armed. Knowing about your comrades is also useful information, if you are not too late.

The most significant point in the current situation is an open heart and a desire to communicate. Meet people halfway and pay attention to people’s inner qualities. It is in this that the truth lies, and not in the external image. A variety of personalities will appear along the way, but there is no need to accept unreliable ones.

Be sure to decide on the position of a leader chosen by conscience, and not by sympathy. High-ranking personalities will be in your environment, so you may notice their mistakes in the secular and business spheres. The nobility of these individuals will not allow them to take it out on their subordinates.

It's time for determination because luck is in full swing. Don't be afraid to be a simple performer, because you are in the army of the winner. Advice from your manager and friends in such a situation is very useful. You must be honest, understanding and respectful. Stage-by-stage communication must also be maintained in the love area. A serious relationship is your goal, but check whether your partner is ready for such a turn. Remember that now is not the time for gambling.

Full interpretation of hexagram 8

On the earth's surface, waters merge everywhere, which reflects the approach, unity and the laws that regulate these processes. This is also hinted at by the lines in hexagram 8 Bi (Approximation), where all but the fifth (ruler) are inferior. Pliable lines are kept in an alliance, subordinate to a more powerful and stronger personality - the leader. The leader himself also forges alliances with others in order to strengthen his power.

Interpretation by Yu.K. Shchutsky

The hexagram reminds that conquest is just a moment, and the result still needs to be consolidated. The bet is placed precisely on this consolidation, so that the victory does not go away. The conqueror and the conquered area must come closer together so that one submits to the other. It is important to determine the forecast for further development. And now we are not talking about trying to improve the life of the conquered region, but about suppressing external forces that will destroy.

In a particular case, victory becomes the beginning for the development of something new. It is important to get closer in time. If the defeated do not join the new leader in time, they will find themselves in the position of distant and subordinate ones. We can also look at the situation from a cognitive perspective. While new knowledge has not yet been acquired, one has to move towards it and seek information.

When knowledge is gained, it means that all actions were not in vain and led to the desired result. Then all obstacles disappear, and nothing prevents you from moving forward. It may also be that higher knowledge should become closer to what was previously known. Then a stable system of values ​​is supplemented with new data and a unified system of knowledge is formed. Everything unnecessary is doomed to oblivion.

Interpretation by A.V. Shvetsa

On the external level we see Immersion, and on the internal level we see dedication. In Immersion, Yang hides in the Yin shell. If maximum dedication is observed, then the process is responsible for advancing to the state of the Absolute. But everything manifests itself at the level of chance, so you need to allow it to have an impact on your life.

For example, you can try to drive the game from four sides, and then its sad fate seems completely predetermined. But you can let chance decide everything and give it a chance. This is what the great ruler does, who fences the game on three sides and leaves the fourth open. If she finds the way, then she will be given life.

Interpretation of Hayslip

The hexagram indicates that everything bad and sad is left behind. However, there are still difficult problems that need to be addressed. Success is on your side only if you actively cooperate with others. So don't try to stand aside, but take part in public affairs.

There is no need to ignore your own responsibilities. Be true to yourself, because in the relationship between loving people or teacher and student, there must be respect and mutual understanding. Do not hesitate to listen to friendly advice and tips from your manager. Remember that this will affect the implementation of your plans. You should stay away from gambling now.

Hexagram No. 8 (BI): “love” interpretation

The Bi hexagram in the I-Ching love chart is a very favorable sign because it indicates that your expectations will come true in the very near future. For example, if you dream that the object of your desires will pay attention to you, then it will happen, or if you want your love relationship to move to a new level, then it will come true. But there is one important point in the interpretation of the Bi hexagram - you should try not to interfere with the positive events that will occur in your life. Don’t rush to “improve” the situation, don’t put pressure on it, otherwise you’ll ruin everything. For example, if the love alignment of the I Ching is carried out on a man, then the Bi hexagram may indicate that your relationship will become deeper and closer, but if you try to force yourself on a man, force him to do something, you will completely erase all the positive Effect. So the hexagram Bi reminds you that a positive wave of success is coming, but you must give it the opportunity to realize itself naturally.

The appearance of the Bi hexagram in the I-Ching love chart indicates that the period has come when you need to completely and completely trust your destiny. By the way, in a certain context of I-Ching love fortune-telling, this can also mean that the person on whom the fortune-telling is being carried out trusts you and treats you very positively, and even does not mind deepening your relationship. And, of course, if the question was asked about treason, then the answer is that you are not suspected of it, and your own jealousy is in vain.

The semantic translation of the hexagram Bi means “bringing closer”, which, naturally, in love fortune-telling I Ching indicates that you will become even closer to the one you love. This is especially important if the love alignment of the I Ching is carried out in a situation of acute conflict, in which case the hexagram Bi indicates that everything will work out very quickly and reconciliation will occur.

Please note that the hexagram Bi also symbolizes a situation where it is necessary to strengthen relationships with those who are dear to you and for whom you feel sympathy. For example, with your girlfriends and friends. This way you will not only find good advisers in them, but also protect yourself from envy and even from attempts to interfere with your happiness. It’s no secret that quite often it happens that your friends also fall in love with those you like, and then behave, to put it mildly, ugly. Here is the hexagram Bi and warns you to strengthen ties with your “allies” in advance.


It is important that we get closer to others, that we can complement and help each other while being in a stable and strong union. But such a merger is possible only if there is a strong personality around whom the masses will gather. Becoming a center of universal unification and influence is a serious task with a huge share of responsibility.

Such a person should have greatness of spirit, strength and consistency. Therefore, for those who want to become such a center of universal attraction, it is important to understand themselves and understand whether they are ready to fulfill this role. If you do not have a calling by nature, then you cannot count on forming a union.

When such a strong person arises, even wavering individuals gradually become part of the alliance. Those who are late have to face the consequences. Relationships in a group are built according to certain internal laws, and general experiences strengthen them. If you came to the union late, you will not experience this invaluable experience of universal experience.

If you need to be inside the union, but do not feel the strength to lead and create it, then your task is to become a member of any other association and take the right place.


Water spreads across the earth, filling all empty spaces, and tenaciously clings to them. Social organization in Ancient China was based on the principle of unity of dependents and rulers. Water flows to merge with water, because all its parts by nature obey the same laws.

Likewise, human society should be united through common interests that allow all individuals to feel part of the whole. It is the duty of the central authority to see that every member of the society retains an interest in being part of this union.

Lines in hexagram 8

Bottom line

Fundamental sincerity is the only correct basis for the formation of any relationship. Displayed as a full clay bowl filled with contents. Empty form is nothingness, manifested not in wise words, but in the power of what is within the speaker. Such power is so enormous that it can attract good luck from outside.

Second line

If a person responds correctly and persistently to commands from above that awaken action, then he will never lose himself. If a person seeks communication with others, ignoring his calling, then he loses himself and runs away from his own Self. He does not follow the path of a great man, but is deprived of his dignity.

Third line

We are often surrounded by people who do not belong to our circle. Therefore, it is important to be careful not to become involved in a false group through force of habit. It always ends badly. Sociability without approaching is the only correct attitude towards others, otherwise it will not be possible to connect with those people who belong to our circle.

Fourth line

In hexagram 8 Bi (Approach), the fourth line marks a wonderful connection with the person who is the center of the union. We can and should openly demonstrate our own affection. But at the same time, it is important to remain constant and not stray from the true path.

Fifth line

When hunting in Ancient China, it was customary to drive the game in on three sides, leaving the fourth open so that the animals still had a chance to escape. If they did not think of this, they found themselves in front of the king, ready to shoot. That is, only those who themselves walked into the trap died. If they found a way out, they were allowed to escape. This showed a royal attitude, where the hunt did not turn into slaughter, but only those who seemed to surrender voluntarily were killed.

The line shows us an influential ruler to whom others are drawn. He accepts those who come to him and releases all those who decide to go their own way. He did not invite anyone and did not express flattery, because everyone flocked of their own free will and desire. Therefore, people develop and strengthen their voluntary dependence on this leader, but they are able to openly express their opinions.

There is no need to use brute force, because people obey of their own free will. This principle of freedom must also be applied on a larger scale in life. If a person cultivates strength and purity in himself, then influence and submission from the crowd will come by themselves.

Book of Changes. Hexagram 8: Collaboration

Working together leads to success. High level teamwork is achieved when players in a team have a clear goal at the right time. The team forms unique relationships in a sensitive manner; chemistry is brewed in the vat of shared experience. For a team to be successful, commitment is required.

All successful teams have a shared vision and a good leader. If the leader is strong, the team will prosper. In political affairs and in business, as in basketball, it is difficult to win without a strong center.

You need to understand the team structure if you want to reap the benefits. When sticking with others, stick to your own principles, but be willing to subordinate your personal desires for the good of the group. If you want to become a leader, remember that bringing people together is a serious responsibility. Evaluate yourself carefully to be sure whether you have the strength for this role. If not, then it is better not to take it on, as it will be worse if you lead people without proper training.

Interpretation of lines:

Line 1 (bottom line)

Sincerity is the basis of all successful relationships. In a thirsty world, it is not the shape of the water container that matters, but the content!

Line 2

When circumstances arise such that you are given the role of leader, you should enthusiastically contribute to the common cause. Gain the respect of management and act for the good of the team. This approach will lead you to success.

Line 3

People find themselves in different social circles and professional relationships. It is vital that everyone around you strikes the right balance. Be open to your loved ones, social with your friends, and careful with everyone else.

Line 4

This is the time for loyalty. Show your support for those in leadership positions; they deserve it, but do it without compromising your own integrity.

Line 5

Good luck awaits you if you are careful and do not force things. Let people come and go, when the right person comes, you will know.

Line 6 (top line)

Even when a business starts out successfully, problems are inevitable. Remember this.

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