Feng Shui Meaning and Use of Bamboo Symbol

More and more often we hear the word “Feng Shui” not only on TV, but also on the lips of friends. It denotes the name of ancient Chinese philosophy. Feng Shui or Feng Shui deals with the arrangement of the world and the surrounding space around a person. Explores and studies the law of energy movement. Its main goal will be to use favorable energy flows for the benefit of man. According to this philosophy, different interior items can have both beneficial and negative effects on a person. One of them will be bamboo.

Bamboo: Feng Shui meaning

The strong and unbending plant is characterized by its unpretentiousness and rapid growth. In Feng Shui, it symbolizes inner strength, resilience, wisdom, unbending will, health and longevity.

Bamboo in a pot

Other meanings of bamboo are lightness, peace, harmony. This is a plant that distributes energy flows in the right direction. It can protect you from evil spirits, protect your home from negativity, and help you fulfill your desires.

If you look closely, you will notice that each subsequent sector of bamboo is longer than the previous one. This symbolizes regular and gradual improvement in life.

Eastern display of happiness and spiritual truth

Growing bamboo is a symbol of eternal love, fidelity, reliability, and good luck in the family. It symbolizes sustainable growth, power, and good health for the whole family. This is a very powerful symbol of longevity, the ability to overcome any obstacles.

At the same time, this plant is associated with grace, constancy, flexibility and plasticity. This evergreen beauty resembles old age in its prime, long friendship, longevity.

Number of bamboo stems

Living bamboo stems have a powerful positive effect. Placed in an apartment or office, they will not only decorate the room, but also gradually improve the life of the inhabitants. The number of stems in the house also has sacred significance:

  • 2 - harmonize the relationship between a man and a woman, give love, mutual respect, fidelity;
  • 3 - will attract happiness;
  • 5 - will bring wealth, stable material wealth;
  • 7 - give health, physical strength, vitality and longevity;
  • 8 - continuous increase in well-being in all areas, because an inverted eight in Eastern philosophy means infinity;
  • 9 - attract good luck;
  • 20 - tied with a scarlet ribbon, they will restore the shaky relationships between family members, revive respect, friendship and love in the house;
  • 21 - activates life-giving energy flows, which you can direct in the direction you need.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

Important! It is not recommended to put 4 stems in a vase, since in Feng Shui the number of four is associated with death. Such a composition made of bamboo will have a destructive effect on household members and will bring failures and misfortunes.


The Chinese have revered bamboo since ancient times, so it is not surprising that legends of Chinese culture are associated with it. Here are two legends full of sadness, love and compassion.

The first legend tells about events that took place 2 thousand years before the present day. In one of the Chinese regions, evil dragons were rampant, bringing a lot of problems to the population. Emperor Shun himself gathered to fight the nine creatures.

Time passed, but the ruler did not return. Then his wives went on a search together. On the way, they learned that their husband had died.

Unable to hold back their tears, the girls burst into tears, and the drops fell on the ground near the river bank and the bamboo that grew nearby. Spots appeared on the stems - as if bitter tears had burned away the traces. Years passed, but the spots and the legend of spotted bamboo remained.

Another story tells of the scholar Meng Zong, who was a very respectful son and treated his mother with love and respect. One day a woman got sick, then she wanted to eat bamboo shoots.

The son went in search, but could not find them because it was winter. Standing by the bamboo trunk, the young man burst into tears from resentment and fear. Suddenly, shoots sprang up in place of his tears.

The scientist collected them, took them to his mother, and she soon recovered. This legend teaches that the respectful love of children can bring favor from heaven.

Where to put bamboo at home?

The location of the noble plant in the house is of great importance. Bamboo indoors will help strengthen the desired sphere of existence if you place it in a certain area of ​​the room.

A white vase with bamboo placed in the east will attract happiness. It is here that it is recommended to place 20 stems tied with a scarlet ribbon. This composition was called “Tower of Love”.

The southeastern zone is responsible for material well-being. If you lack money and wealth, place the plant in this place. Since the element of the southeast is water, it would be useful to place an image of a reservoir or a talisman representing water next to the bamboo.

A bamboo “bouquet” placed on the table in the center of the room will help improve your health. A plant placed in the southwest will attract love and strengthen family relationships.

Magical properties of the plant

Indoor bamboo is a hardy and durable crop, and it grows quickly. It is these characteristics that underlie its magical properties - bamboo is a symbol of growth in almost all significant areas of life, attracting various blessings to the home. By buying a plant or receiving it as a gift, you gradually improve the financial situation of the family, correcting damaged relationships. A person who spends a lot of time near bamboo strengthens willpower and becomes more disciplined.

In addition, this plant is a good amulet. According to omens and superstitions, it effectively protects the house from negative influences from the outside - wear and tear, the evil eye or ordinary envy. Unfriendly people among acquaintances gradually stop coming to the house where bamboo grows.

How does bamboo help in Feng Shui?

Living stems or bamboo products help the owner overcome all sorts of obstacles that come his way. As quickly as bamboo grows, success in all areas of life increases - work, study, material well-being.

Bamboo or products made from it will bring good luck. According to Feng Shui, the plant represents five elements at once:

  1. Tree (stems).
  2. Water (it is necessary for growing it).
  3. Earth (this is a ceramic vessel).
  4. Fire (scarlet ribbons that tie the stems).
  5. Metal (coins at the bottom of the vessel).

If all the elements are combined together, it will bring harmony to your life, increase wealth, attract love and restore health.


You can get additional Dracaena Sander plants using vegetative parts. To do this, use the apical shoots or segments that remain after pruning the crop . Let's take a closer look at the nuances of the procedure.

Bamboo of happiness from apical cuttings

We cut small cuttings from the mother plant, the length of which should not exceed 15 centimeters. We install such vegetative parts in a moist nutrient substrate and cover them with film. In addition, you can root cuttings in water with an added growth stimulant.

From pieces of stem

You can also get additional lucky bamboo plants from pieces of the stem. To do this, take pieces 6–8 centimeters long (each specimen must have a dormant bud). are rooted according to a similar principle: in water or a moistened nutrient substrate.

Important! For rooting of vegetative parts it is necessary to create special conditions. The recommended air temperature in the room where the crops are located is within 22–25 °C.

Bamboo care

The plant is unpretentious and ideal for beginning gardeners. To prevent bamboo from turning yellow, follow a few rules:

  1. Filtered or melt water is used to grow grass. It is changed weekly. Stagnation should not be allowed: according to Feng Shui, this is an unfavorable sign. It is important to ensure that the liquid level covers the roots by 1–2 cm, otherwise the shoots will rot.
  2. Bamboo does not like direct sunlight, so it is installed in different parts of the house. If the room is too dark, periodically move it to a lighted place.
  3. Yellowed bamboo shoots are removed with garden pruners, and the cut site is disinfected with wax. To do this, an ordinary candle is held over the fire, and the melted wax is collected in a tablespoon. It is enough to dip the top of the plant into it to protect it from drying out and developing infection.
  4. To feed bamboo, use a dracaena product or liquid for cut flowers. Both additives are sold in flower shops.

Bamboo in the interior of the house

Lucky bamboo and other popular varieties of Dracaena Sander

The most common type of dracaena is the Lucky Bamboo plant. This name literally translates as lucky bamboo. The shoots of this culture can be erect . And to create a decorative effect, they are often twisted into rings into a spiral.

To do this, the stem is placed in a curved tube where it will develop. When the shoot reaches the required size, the tube must be carefully removed . The trunk of Sandera retains its ring-shaped shape for a long time, but the shoots of the adult culture stretch out and take on their original appearance.

Several more varieties of dracaenas have been bred through selection. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  • White Stripe Victory is different from the standard plant presence of white longitudinal stripes on leaf blades light green;

  • White Stripe Gold has a yellow border at the tips of the leaves and white stripes that are located across the entire surface of the plate.

Important! Ornamental varieties are much less common than standard lucky bamboo.

Bamboo products

In addition to the living plant, bamboo products are used to attract good luck. These are bamboo sticks, flutes, interior items or an image of the grass itself. They act as neutralizers of negative energy that is created in the apartment by protruding corners of cabinets, overhanging shelves, and sloping ceilings. Furniture elements with bamboo, made in oriental style, will be an effective addition to the interior.

Bamboo sticks

They have a cavity inside that traps negative currents and extinguishes them. The products are tied with red thread, since such an accessory enhances the properties of bamboo. Sticks suspended from the ceiling slow down the movement of qi energy, which is important if the layout of the rooms is unsuccessful. They can be placed near the window and front door, then negative flows will be neutralized.

Bamboo flute

As an element of protection, a bamboo flute is used, tied with a red thread and having scarlet tassels. It is hung on the wall at an angle of 30–45 degrees so that the short end points down and the long end points up. The talisman will neutralize “secret arrows” aimed at the owner, provide support, and drive away evil people.

For a flute to bring good luck, it is important to choose a solid product with protruding ribs. When purchasing, pay attention that the length of the sections gradually increases, the ribs should not be smoothed. Only such a product will become a talisman, drive away evil spirits, and give peace and happiness.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

It is important to handle the instrument with care, not to touch it unnecessarily, and not to play on it. Otherwise, the flute will lose its inherent energetic power.

Wind chimes

Bamboo wind chimes (or windmills) create vibration as air moves. They redirect energy, filter out the negative and let the beneficial part through. It is better to place them in the southern or southeastern part of the home on the air flow. When the bells touch, a gentle sound appears.

You can hang a bamboo mill between the front door and the stairs; this will help curb the rapid flow of energy. If the bells are placed between two doors opposite each other, this will prevent energy leakage.

When purchasing a living plant, do not forget to care for it. After all, only healthy and powerful bamboo will give happiness, prosperity, love and success in all areas.

How to twist?

The stems of the plant are elastic, so they can be twisted into twisted spirals. To do this, you must resort to the following methods:

  • Fixation on a guide object (stick, rod or cylinder), around which young shoots will wrap.
  • Growing in a transparent spiral flask. A bamboo stalk should be placed in it, which will grow within the outlined boundaries.
  • Growing in a closed box with a window. You need to plant the plant shoot in a cardboard box with the side cut out, gradually it will reach towards the light. Open other sides alternately as you grow

Giant panda in bamboo thickets

In the bamboo thickets there is a very interesting animal of the bear family - the bamboo bear. Its distribution area is the forests of Southern China. These are very beautiful big pandas. The name of this animal is not accidental, because it loves to feast on the stems and leaves of bamboo. A bamboo bear can eat up to 40 kg of plants per day. In addition, it also feeds on small animals and bird eggs.

In nature, the giant panda is a small animal, there are about 100 individuals in total. The Chinese have created special reserves to protect this species. The bamboo bear is listed in the Red Book.

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