Feng Shui mirror: in the hallway, bedroom, corridor, opposite the front door

There are many prejudices associated with mirrors. Often, a mirror is endowed with some kind of magical power that can have a serious impact on people’s destinies. There is such a sign: a mirror opposite the door is certainly a sign of trouble. Should I believe her? Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door? The answers to these questions are very ambiguous; this question is most illuminated in the teachings of Feng Shui. When hanging a mirror in the hallway, in particular opposite the front door, follow the rules, which you can learn about in the next article.

Mirrors in the interior - a design element and magical power

No one will argue that a mirror is an important element of the interior.

No one will argue that a mirror is an important element of the interior. After all, without it, it’s difficult for us to find out what we look like, fix the mess in our clothes, comb our hair or put on makeup... And according to Feng Shui experts, mirrors also have the property of reflecting and concentrating energy. What is the best way to arrange this piece of furniture in the house?

It is advisable to hang mirrors in every room except the children's room. Why? A child is unlikely to resist the temptation to look in the mirror often, and mirrors have the ability to take away vital energy... An adult rarely spends more than five to ten minutes in front of a mirror, and a teenage girl can twirl in front of it for almost hours, improving her appearance.

In the hallway you need to place a mirror in such a way that anyone who enters the house immediately sees themselves in it. In this way, negative energies that the incoming person may bring with him are neutralized.

You can hang a mirror in the kitchen so that the dining table is reflected in it. Then the amount of food visually “doubles”. In addition, eaters see themselves. Highly recommended for those who want to lose weight, it’s not for nothing that the Chinese have a turn of phrase - “feed the mirror.”


In general, mirrors in the home, according to Feng Shui, double and enhance what they reflect. Therefore, they need to be hung in such a way that they look only at what brings joy and prosperity. Never hang a mirror so that it reflects a trash can or dirty shoes.

  • For example, if you want your refrigerator to always be stocked with food, make sure the mirror reflects the list of products you want to buy.
  • In the nursery, the children's favorite toys and things should be reflected in the mirror.
  • In the hall is what you love and what brings you joy, what you consider a symbol of your well-being and good luck.
  • Remember that the cleanliness of the mirror is also important. Clean it often for reasons other than beauty. It is believed that mirrors have the ability to preserve and accumulate negative emotions and return them back.
  • If you want to attract good luck, choose mirrors in wooden, metal and generally beautiful frames. If you want to attract money into your home, you must have at least one mirror with a gold-painted frame.


Feng Shui: energy of the front door

The front door is the main entrance and exit for the flow of chi energy. In an ideal situation, qi is accumulated and distributed in the space in front of the house, and its flow is activated by the movement of people entering and leaving. In ancient China, the front door was called the “mouth of the house,” through which all positive and negative energy passes.

First of all, you should make sure that there are no “secret arrows” directed at the front door. To do this, stand in front of the door and look around. Pay attention to any sharp corners, gutters, satellite dishes, lamp posts or spiers that direct negative energy towards the front door.

Obstacles on the way to the front door worsen Feng Shui. If there is not enough space in front of the door for the accumulation of chi, this can be corrected by ordering the door in the color of the direction it faces, or by hanging a lantern above it to well illuminate the space in front of the door.

The location of the front door at the foot of the stairs is considered unfavorable for the health of family members. A simple way to avoid negative impacts is to raise the threshold 1-2 centimeters so that you have to step over it when entering the house.

The same remedy can be used if the door opens to an elevator, since this also impedes the free movement of qi.

What problems can be solved with a mirror in the house?

Using mirrors in Feng Shui, you can eliminate the negative influence of “secret arrows” in a room. If you have a square column in your house, and its sharp corners are directed to the places where you spend most of your time, then you can remove its negative impact. To do this, attach mirrors to it on all sides. Make it completely “mirror-like”.

Also, thanks to a mirror, you can solve the problem of missing corners or illusorily extend the wall and even out the irregular shape of the room. But mirrors can be used in large quantities only if they do not reflect the stairs, front door, toilet, windows.

Location and dimensions of the mirror

The shape of the mirror does not matter, since the main purposes of the mirror are correction and reflection. But the location is very good! Do not hang mirrors opposite doors and windows. This is how favorable energy (Qi) leaves. And takes with it prosperity and success. There is no place for a mirror in the bedroom! But if you really need it there, try to hang the mirror so that it does not catch the reflection of the bed and the people who sleep on it. This has a negative impact on personal relationships.

Using a mirror you can improve the atmosphere in the hallway. After all, according to Feng Shui, a cramped hallway is a limitation of family resources. The mirror should be hung here so that it optically enlarges the area. You should also not hang a mirror opposite the stove - in this case, the housewife will be twice as tired. It is better to hang it in front of the dining table where the whole family gathers. In this case, wealth increases.

They say that a mirror contains doubles of those reflected in it. If you often look in the mirror, a piece of your soul will live there. A broken mirror is therefore considered a bad omen, since along with it a piece of the soul will break into pieces. But don't panic if you break a mirror.

In order to avoid trouble, you need to rinse the mirror fragments under running water. This will lead to information about us being washed away. After this, you can safely throw away the fragments and not have to worry about anything. For the same reason, mirrors need to be washed more often - in order to get rid of negative information that has settled on the mirror. A dirty mirror, even if placed according to all the rules, can do a lot of harm.

Is it possible to hang it opposite the interior door?

According to Feng Shui, interior passages are gates for the penetration of magical Qi energy. Therefore, it is not recommended to hang a mirror opposite the doors to the room, as this will block the flow. You shouldn’t completely refuse to place the product in the area of ​​the interior door; you just need to find a suitable place for it.

If there is a blank wall when leaving the room, every time it will cause irritation to the residents, reminding them of the modest dimensions of the apartment. In this case, with the help of a mirror of impressive size, it will be possible to visually expand the space, making it lighter. If a blank wall is part of a dark, long corridor, placing a reflective surface on it will also be appropriate. The mirror will “repel” the accelerated energy and redirect it back deeper into the room.

According to ancient Chinese teachings, mirror surfaces should be hung 30 cm above the floor level, as well as leaving free space between it and the ceiling - this will provide the opportunity for career growth.

It is advisable to attach reflective sheets to the doors of the toilet and bathroom (they must be kept closed at all times), since beneficial energy from the living space will leak through the open opening into the toilet or sink, and vice versa, negative potential will begin to penetrate from the bathroom rooms. The mirror will be a kind of barrier, correctly redistributing energy flows.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to place a mirror opposite the bed. According to Feng Shui, this is not recommended. Reflecting the sleeping person during sleep, the mirror surface acts like a vampire: it takes away positive energy and returns negative energy to him. If it is impossible to change this arrangement, you should cover the mirror with an opaque fabric or curtain; it is permissible to place a divider in the form of a screen.

The mirror opposite the bed should be covered with an opaque curtain

If you attach reflective sheets to toilet and bathroom doors, you must keep them closed at all times.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door?

From time immemorial, mirrors have been attributed various mystical properties. It was believed that the mirror serves as a kind of corridor to another world, and with its help the souls of the dead come to us from there.

On Epiphany holidays, girls told fortunes about their betrothed, looking in the mirror and trying to see the image of their future husband in it.

In Feng Shui, a mirror is also very important. Its shape, degree of purity and where it hangs are important. For example, most of you have probably heard that a mirror should not be hung opposite the entrance. But I don’t think everyone knows what exactly this means and why you shouldn’t do it.

The entrance to the house, as a rule, is the main “supplier” of energy. If the house is planned and installed correctly, the most favorable energy should enter through the door. By hanging a mirror opposite, we do not allow this energy to pass inside, since it is rejected by the mirror right there, in the hallway, and the rest of the rooms remain as if “de-energized” or “exhausted.”

But what does the concept of “hanging a mirror opposite the door” mean? Many people are afraid of this wording and remove all mirrors from the hallway. But in vain! When hung in the right place, a mirror can play many positive roles: visually expand a too narrow space, symbolically complement the missing sectors of the apartment, “attract” favorable energy and a beautiful landscape from the window into the house, and also correctly direct the flow of qi throughout the house.

Therefore, sometimes it is possible and necessary to hang a mirror opposite the door, but it should not be PARALLEL to the front door! That is, standing in the doorway, we should not see our reflection in it. The mirror can ONLY be hung opposite the door at an angle! Then it will play a positive role and help redirect the flow of qi into the rooms.

Sometimes you can and should hang a mirror opposite the door, but it should not be PARALLEL to the front door

Remember your school physics course: the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. That is, with a mirror installed parallel to the front door, the energy will be thrown back. And when reflected in a mirror standing at an angle, it will “bounce” in the direction we need and rush into the rest of the rooms, feeding them.

However, in some cases, mirrors are hung parallel to the entrance. But these mirrors must be round and very small in size. They are used when there is a bathroom door opposite the door to the apartment. In this case, the mirror blocks positive energy from entering the bathroom.

You shouldn't make mirrored ceilings in your house yet. If you really want to, you can make the ceiling in the bathroom mirrored, since we don’t stay there for a long time.

Why shouldn't you do this? As already mentioned, a mirror blocks the path of energy - any energy! Our head, namely its crown, is a kind of antenna that helps us exchange information with the sky, space, and the universe. But when a person’s upper parietal chakra is blocked, his intuition disappears and he becomes more down-to-earth. As a result, he begins to commit various rash acts.

I once had a chance to visit a large casino in Malaysia, the ceiling of which was made of mirror squares. As soon as I entered the hall, I felt as if my information channel had been blocked. Distraction appeared.

The casino was built with the help of Chinese Feng Shui masters. Everything in it was done to ensure that people lost as much money as possible. Mirrored ceilings were just one such trick.

Especially you should not make mirrored ceilings in the bedroom. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, this is the same interruption of communication with the high energies of the sky.

Secondly, people should rest in the bedroom, and the negative energy accumulated during the day should leave the person. Only then in the morning will he get up fresh and well-rested. The mirror will reflect negative energy back and prevent it from leaving.

Thirdly, there are also psychological factors: spouses, lying in bed, will see someone else in close proximity to themselves. Constant movement nearby can lead to divorce. The same applies to glossy stretch ceilings, in which you can see your reflection.

For the reasons listed above, there should be no large mirrors in the bedroom at all.

However, there is a place for a mirror to be on the inside door of a closet, for example. Or it can be retractable. Or a small mirror can be on the dressing table. In this case, the table should be positioned in such a way that people do not see their reflection while lying in bed.

As for the shape, round and oval mirrors are preferred since they have no corners at all. The second most useful are mirrors in the shape of an equilateral octagon, since it is close to a circle.

If the mirror is rectangular, it is desirable that it have rounded corners, or be framed by such a frame. Triangular mirrors, as well as mirrors of any irregular shape, should be excluded altogether, as they create chaotic energy with their corners.

If the mirror is rectangular, it is desirable that it have rounded corners, or be framed with such a frame

Do not hang cloudy mirrors, mirrors with various damage to the amalgam, chipped mirrors, or specially aged mirrors in the premises. The picture in the mirror should always be clear and clean. A cloudy mirror, like all things that look old and worn, carries within itself the energy of destruction and decline.

Under no circumstances should you hang a cracked mirror! The same applies to mirrors, or other objects made up of many reflective parts. They will fragment the image, carrying within them the energy of destruction. Your reflection will be fragmented, which will negatively affect your self-image.

You should not hang a mirror immediately to the left of the entrance, because when you enter home, you will psychologically “fall” there. And according to the principle of the Four Animals, for a comfortable perception of the environment, the person on the left must always have support.

Mirrors should not be located one opposite the other. Otherwise, an endless corridor will form, passing through which, each time you will momentarily lose your sense of reality and therefore experience a little stress. Ultimately, you simply won’t want to go through such a corridor, and part of the space behind it will be virtually cut off from the rest of the house.

What else can you use mirrors for?

Mirrors can be used to reflect harmful objects around the house.

If, for example, the corner of a neighboring building, or any other sharp aggressive structure, is directed at the window of your room, you can put a small round mirror on the window, which would reflect this object. Moreover, the mirror must be concave! Then the negative structure will seem to “drown” in it.

In no case should a convex mirror be used for these purposes, since the influence of the object, on the contrary, will be expanded and scattered to the sides by such a mirror, causing harm to all surrounding houses and their inhabitants. And in Feng Shui, as in medicine, the main principle is DO NO HARM!

If your windows look at the cemetery, then in this case you can use special small round mirrors with the image of Ba Gua. Moreover, the trigrams should be located in the order of the Early Sky: Tian - in the south, Kun - in the north. This mirror will help reflect the harmful Yin influence of the cemetery.

We can talk a lot about mirrors for a long time. But the format of the article, unfortunately, does not allow this. Therefore, I have outlined only the most important points and main principles of using mirrors in Feng Shui.

Looking in the mirror

A special feng shui tip is to hang a small round mirror in the hallway right next to the front door

A special feng shui tip is to hang a small round mirror in the hallway right next to the front door. True, feng shui experts recommend handling the mirror in the hallway with care.

It should be of such a size that the tallest member of your family is reflected in this mirror entirely, or so that this mirror does not “cut off”, so to speak, his head or part of his head. Well, that’s also a completely understandable wish...

You should also pay attention to the fact that all these images of water and mirrors do not reflect the front door. The fact is that, according to the logic of Feng Shui, the vital energy “qi”, having passed through the front door “kou” (kou) into your apartment, will immediately enter the mirror to the right of the door, which gives this energy the impetus for further movement around the apartment .

And if you didn’t miss school physics lessons, then remember that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. This law has not been repealed. So if the mirror hangs directly opposite the front door, then the flow of “qi” will have no choice but to enter your house and immediately leave it.

Let us note right away that Feng Shui strongly recommends not placing mirrors or other objects that attract positive energy opposite the door leading to the kitchen or bathroom.

It is believed that in the case of a kitchen or bathroom, this will enhance the flow of negative energy “pei pu shan te” (pei pu shan te) emanating from these rather complex, from the point of view of feng shui, rooms.

How and where is it better to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui:

According to the ancient art of Feng Shui, mirrors play an important role in every home. But each room has its own specific places for mirrors, which increase the energies of luck, abundance, health and tranquility. So if you want the most positive energy in your apartment or house, here are the necessary steps:

The best places for mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui

  • a mirror on the eastern wall is responsible for health and peace in your home,
  • the mirror on the south-eastern wall is responsible for money, abundance, prosperity,
  • the mirror on the north wall is responsible for your career and life path.
  • Never hang a mirror on the western wall - according to Feng Shui, this is where the souls of the dead can be located.
  • Also avoid south-facing mirrors.

Mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui, opposite the front door, in the corridor

In our country, it is not customary to have two entrances - the front and the “back” and this, according to representatives of some Feng Shui schools, leads to stagnation of energy in the house.

It is recommended to create such a “door” using a large mirror, hanging it where it could be. You will immediately feel the changed atmosphere.

According to Feng Shui, the mirror in the hallway or corridor should not be opposite the front door.

The fact is that the mirror in the hallway contains the main amount of useful energy, which is necessary for good feng shui in the home, and, therefore, for the successful living of the residents.

If the mirror is opposite the door, then this energy, returning to the beginning of its reflective surface, goes through the open door and does not spread throughout the house. This can lead to fatigue, quarrels, and troubles because the house is energetically weakened.

A mirror opposite the front door will reflect good luck and lead to unfavorable turns in your career or worsen your fate.

As a rule, a mirror should not be located at the end of the corridor, because this can lead to disappointment in work and other troubles. In addition, you will be more likely to make mistakes and go on a long journey in this case.

What a mirror should be like according to Feng Shui - in the hallway and not only

  • Opt for large wall mirrors instead of mirrored tiles, which break up reflections. A holistic image is always more harmonious.
  • According to most schools, it is better to buy an oval or round mirror and definitely larger. It should reflect a person in full growth and, naturally, without cloudiness or distortion. If not the whole person is reflected in the mirror, according to the Chinese, this can cause headaches - literally and figuratively. The reason, according to Feng Shui masters, is that partial, disturbed reflection also destroys a person's personal energy, which affects his self-esteem and his health.
  • A good Feng Shui mirror - one that reflects the person looking at it at full height and even a little space above his/her head (this is potential for growth in all directions).
  • A round mirror with a gilded frame that reflects a lot of light is a good choice for the well-being of your home.

Where can't you hang mirrors?

Do not hang mirrors opposite entrance doors or windows. A mirror hanging in these places is not able to let in the streams of positive energy that rush into the house from the outside. It blocks its flow, depriving you of luck.

The bedroom is also a negative place for mirrors. Reflecting sleeping people can cause a lot of trouble. You may begin to experience problems with sleep, conflicts in your family will become more frequent, and your health will worsen. It is not without reason that many esotericists believe that in a dream a person is vulnerable.

Taking into account the fact that mirrors are used to communicate with the world of the dead, it is strictly contraindicated for a person in a state of rest and sleep to be reflected in a mirror. Our ancestors believed that living souls could find themselves through the looking glass or that otherworldly forces could inhabit a person.

Don't place mirrors in places where they will reflect something negative. Unfinished renovations or fallen tiles in the bathroom, a mess in the room - all this enhances the negative energy that the mirror generously returns to the room.

Do not position the mirror so that it reflects your work area. Feng Shui practitioners believe that this way you increase the volume of work. Doubling is one of the hallmarks of mirrors, so rule out the possibility of falling under this influence.

Do not place mirrors opposite each other. This way you will create a corridor that can provoke negative emotions, scandals in the house and deterioration in the well-being of all family members.

Pay attention to the shape of the mirror. Do not use chipped mirrors in your interior. Avoid newfangled trends that involve breaking mirrors into pieces. If a person is crushed in the mirror, his internal integrity is violated, which leads to problems with the biofield.

Remember to wipe down your mirrors frequently to keep them clear. Don't swear or think bad things in front of the mirror, otherwise you won't be able to avoid problems.

Mirror surfaces in the interior

Even the smallest hallway can be made beautiful.

A large hallway mirror has an advantage, especially when it comes to wall mirrors.

Here are some interesting tips on this topic:

  • Use a floor mirror, it is convenient and creates a bright accent;
  • Huge wall-length canvases transform typical windowless rooms;
  • If there is not enough zest, then pay attention to the mirror of an unusual shape, without numerous sharp corners;
  • Buy a frame with non-standard shades and original texture.

The variety of models will surprise you, so always consider style.
A correctly and tastefully selected mirror, installed in the right place, will not only diversify the home environment, but will also attract a lot of positive energy, improve the well-being of the family, and repel enemies and envious people.

Don’t forget to polish the mirror until it’s dazzlingly shiny and perfectly clean!

It can be used to make a wonderful amulet for all family members. A lot depends on the reliable fastening of the accessory. It prevents a unique part of the interior from falling.

Live among the “correct” beauty and then comfort and balance of your inner state will not leave you even through the mirror!

Where can you hang mirrors?

A good solution would be a mirror in the hallway. The Qi energy coming from the front door, reflected in the mirror, will circulate freely throughout the apartment. However, as mentioned above, you cannot hang it opposite the door.

To keep the positive energy flowing, hang a mirror on the outside of the bathroom. Then it will circulate evenly in the space of your home, “without leaking into the pipe.”

A mirror will bring good luck if it reflects a beautifully decorated and served table. The energy of abundance and prosperity will increase.

Use the teachings of Feng Shui to ensure that only positive energy has a place in your home. Talismans that have been known since ancient times will help attract happiness. Remember that broken mirrors must be thrown away immediately. When looking at your reflection, think and say only pleasant things, otherwise you can transfer double the negativity onto yourself.

Mirror in the hallway

The hallway is not intended for long periods of time, but it is from this room that healing energy (sheng qi) spreads throughout the house. There must be a mirror in the hallway. If the room is small, then it is best to place it on the side of the front door.

It would be good if the mirror reflected symbols of prosperity: seascapes, fountains, figures of storks, etc.

You cannot place a mirror opposite the front door, because the energy, before it has time to enter the apartment, will be reflected and leave the home, depriving the inhabitants of an influx of new strength and success in business. It is not recommended to hang a mirror between cabinets, as a person looking into it will feel as if squeezed in a vice.


  • https://ivona.bigmir.net/house/fengshui/332414-Gde-nel-zja-veshat–zerkalo–Otvechaet-fen-shuj
  • https://ru.gbtimes.com/kultura/fen-shuy-v-vashem-dome-prihozhaya-i-koridor
  • https://bizon.ua/pages/fen-shuy.shtml
  • https://woman.delfi.ee/home/kuda-mozhno-i-nelzya-veshat-zerkalo-sovety-fen-shuj?id=80400564
  • https://www.missus.ru/articles/home/design/23-05-2011/mirror_interier/6175
  • https://shkolazhizni.ru/fengshui/articles/47809/
  • https://forum.feng-shui.ru/posts/10228/

Signs associated with the location of mirrors

Russian folk signs also say that you should not hang reflective surfaces in front of the exit from your house. In general, the reasons are similar to the teachings of Feng Shui:

  • luck will not linger in the house;
  • the owner of the house will not be happy either in business or in the family;
  • the owner will have no desire to return to the house;
  • household members may experience health problems;
  • the house attracts envious and unkind people.

Such superstitions are difficult to explain scientifically, but if a person sincerely believes in intangible things, then his nervous system may suffer from a discrepancy between the interior and his internal harmony.

Also, such an arrangement of mirrors is considered unethical in relation to guests. A person who sees himself when he first steps into an apartment is often embarrassed and feels awkward.

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