Why you can’t keep shells from the sea at home: positive and negative interpretations

» Signs » What shells promise in the house



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Seashells in the house first remind us of warm overseas countries and wonderful holidays. However, many have probably heard different opinions about whether it is good to keep these sea souvenirs near you. Let's figure it out together.

Seashells in the house

Shells in the cultural traditions of the peoples of the world

The house of a mollusk is its fortress, this can be said about any shell; the larger it becomes, the more its fortress grows. Different peoples treated shells in their own way, which is why conflicting signs about them have reached us.

Positive attitude

Buddhists reverence shells very much. For them, they symbolize new life, through them you can hear the Buddha himself speak. It is believed that the shell is the Word, and the stripes inside it are conductors for communication with the Universe.

An elongated twisted shell is a sacred object in the East, as it is associated with the movement of the sun from east to west.

In esotericism there is also a widespread belief that the shell carries the energy of fertility and femininity. This largely comes from the fact that pearls grow in some types of shells: a bright and chaste symbol, carrying soulfulness and wisdom.

Some tribes from the islands of Oceania worshiped shells, believing that one of them (the cosmic shell) served as a home for the Great Spirit. Later he created the heavens and the earth from it.

A positive attitude towards shells passed into Christianity, where an open shell became a sign of travelers and hope for a better future.

Negative attitude

Shells are mostly associated with something negative when they are closed. It is believed that this way they resemble a coffin, i.e. end of life.

Or, as was the case among the ancient Germanic tribes, during a change of beliefs. Then they began to have a bad attitude towards shells, since they reminded them of the once revered Rhine, with which all the sea and river riches were associated.

Correct location of the souvenir

It is worth storing it correctly. For example, the funnel must be closed. How - the owners must decide for themselves. You can simply turn the shell over or fill it with small objects - buttons, coins or pebbles, which can also be from the sea coast.

Believing in the positive or negative meaning of shells is everyone’s own choice. But if you really want to bring a beautiful reminder of a wonderful sea voyage that will remind you of the warm southern shores, then why not. Moreover, if you correctly place the souvenir at home, you can neutralize the negative impact in advance.

Seashells in the house are, alas, not the best omen (although there are also contradictory signs), since many people bring shells to their home after relaxing by the sea, at a resort, but, nevertheless, it is advisable to get rid of them. What harm is there from shells or beautiful sea shells?

Harm from shells

Good and bad omens about seashells

So, superstitions associated with shells can predict both good events and not so good ones.

Bad omens

Let's start with those signs that warn against buying shells for your home. According to such beliefs, former sea inhabitants are directly related to the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, they have a negative effect on it: they provoke pressure surges, tachycardia, headaches, etc.

You can easily test this statement for yourself. Observe whether you notice any signs of abnormal heart function? If the answer is yes, folk wisdom recommends getting rid of the shells.

It is also believed that the shell carries exclusively negative energy. This opinion is connected with the fact that a shell is what is left of a dead mollusk, therefore such an object cannot attract anything but illness and sadness.

If they are a souvenir for you, a gift from a dear person, and you don’t want to part with them, experts recommend thinking a few times. Having weighed all the arguments, remaining unconvinced, it is better to store the shells in a place in the house where you spend the least time (corridor, balcony, etc.).

Good omens

First of all, the fact that mollusks sometimes leave their homes themselves speaks in favor of sea shells. In order to find out, you need to examine the shell: when the funnel is red, then, most likely, the mollusk was kicked out of there, and not in the kindest way. Usually for this they are dipped in boiling water. In this case, you will have to look for a souvenir obtained peacefully.

Moreover, it really can bring happiness. So, according to one sign, a shell on your desktop will help you achieve success in your career, earn good money and be respected by your colleagues. Perhaps such abilities are attributed to her due to the fact that shells were once used instead of money, and were therefore considered a sign of wealth and prosperity.

In addition, fishermen made shell amulets for themselves. They were supposed to protect them on the high seas from storms and sea evil.

People also believe that the shell can protect against people who are called energy vampires. Sometimes such people themselves are not aware of their “vampire” quality. They simply feel better after having a row or simply talking to someone weaker energetically. So, a bracelet made of shells, a pendant, or just a souvenir next to you will ruin all the fun for the young vampires; they will not be able to suck the energy out of you.

Positive properties of shells

These are also available. For example, the Chinese believe that shells are a kind of amulets that protect their owners from dark forces, problems and natural disasters. Therefore, men always took them with them when they were going to go out to sea for fishing or on a long journey. They even made amulets from small shells by stringing them on threads. But they had to be worn hidden under clothes so that others could not see.

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Some peoples believe that mollusk shells attract good luck and financial well-being. If you put them on the table in your office, then soon things should go uphill. And if you keep them at home, then peace, harmony and mutual understanding will always reign in the family.

Shells also protect against the evil eye, damage and gossip. If they are in a visible place, the house will receive a kind of protective barrier against energy vampires and negative energy. And you can make bracelets for each family member. Always wearing them on your arm, you will have nothing to worry about. Some esotericists argue that sinks should be in the spouses' bedroom. They will strengthen feelings and love, making relationships stable, happy and harmonious.

Feng Shui about shells

In the teachings of Feng Shui, everything is much simpler and more logical. Mollusks, whose home is shells, live in water. Water is the source of life, a symbol of purification. That’s why shells for the Chinese are souvenirs that bring only benefits:

  • good luck;
  • wealth;
  • travel assistance;
  • useful contacts;
  • oratorical skills;
  • respect of people;
  • fame, etc.

Naturally, Feng Shui recognizes only those specimens of shells that have not been subjected to brutal treatment for the purpose of destroying shellfish (this was mentioned above).

Cowrie shells are especially popular in Feng Shui, as they are distinguished by their variety of colors and patterns. They are often used to decorate the interior: in the form of paintings, for frames, panels, in decorating flower pots, etc., as well as for jewelry.

According to signs, Feng Shui shells in the house cleanse the energy, bringing harmony and tranquility.

Interior designers' opinions

Designers believe that shells can complement the interior, especially if it is designed in a marine style. Souvenirs brought from the sea can be used to decorate photo frames, boxes, vases, and candlesticks. Paintings and panels made from shells look stylish. Large or unusual sinks can simply be placed on a dresser or vanity.

You can decorate a candlestick, vase, box with shells

Mirrors with shell frames look very stylish. Most often they are hung in the bathroom, but such decoration is also acceptable in other rooms. You can simply put the shells in a jar and put them on an empty shelf - this also looks beautiful and interesting.

Video: decorating the interior with shells

Seashells can be not only a souvenir from the sea, but also a wonderful decoration for your apartment. However, signs say that not all shells are safe to keep at home. Choose those that the mollusks left voluntarily, and then happiness will come to your home.

  • Author: Aurora Borealis
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Where is the place for the shell?

To believe or not to trust folk wisdom is an individual choice, but placing the shell in the right place is not at all difficult.

First, you should prepare the souvenir for “work”: take a container with clean salted water, lower the sink into it and leave for a couple of hours. The water will take away all the negativity (then it is better to pour it into the toilet). This procedure can be repeated from time to time (once every month or two, at your discretion). Even if you are a skeptic and do not consider this obligatory, you will still have to wash the souvenir from dust.

Many people say the most inappropriate places for a seashell in the house are the room where children sleep and the bedroom.

The shell should lie with the funnel down. If you absolutely don’t want this, you can put it the other way around, just put a bead or any piece of glass inside.

Feng Shui fans place sinks in the southern part of the house. Those people who want to find their soulmate need to move the shell (or better yet, a couple) to the southwestern sector. For self-development and study, the Chinese recommend keeping the talisman on the northwestern side.

“Feng Shui” magazine: issue 30

Feng Shui: a practical encyclopedia. Incompatibility of the five elements. Feng Shui bathroom. Shell.

release date

: 11.11.2015

Interaction of the Five Elements: Opposing Elements

. How important it is to take into account the element of the sector and the elements of interior items and talismans in this sector. North - not favorable: images of streams of water, stormy rivers, shipwrecks, running horses; store broken things. Northeast - not favorable: talismans made of glass (glass is the element of water, and crystal is the element of earth), images of sunset, moon, night. East – unfavorable: everything dead – portraits of the dead, dried flowers, herbariums, stuffed animals, etc.; cacti; alcohol, weapons. Southeast - unfavorable: static images - moored yachts, parked cars, pictures of autumn, swamps, rain. South – unfavorable: images of aggression, night, Moon, sunset, fog, portraits of people with difficult fates. Southwest – unfavorable: the same as for the eastern sector, plus single symbols and icons. West – unfavorable: images of churches, cemeteries, rain, snow, fog. North-west - unfavorable: symbols of reduction, leakage, rejection, removal.

Incompatible elements

– as is clear from the cycle of destruction, Water destroys Fire, Fire destroys Metal, Metal destroys Wood, Wood destroys Earth, Earth destroys Water. In each room, appreciate the presence of each of the elements. Don't let the elements that destroy each other be nearby. Example - kitchen: sink, washing machine, dishwasher, refrigerator belong to the element of Water, and the stove, microwave, grill, kettle belong to the element of Fire. Therefore, you should not place the stove next to the sink, or the microwave on the refrigerator. However, if there is no other way out, it is necessary to resort to means of neutralization - in the example given, this is the element of Wood (for example, a bamboo mat between the refrigerator and the microwave).

Feng Shui bathroom. This is one of the most complex objects. The bathroom is the element of Water, which is controlled by the elements of earth and wood. Therefore, it is important to reduce the presence of the elements of Water and Fire in this room.

Personal hygiene rules according to Feng Shui

. In an ancient Chinese treatise on the structure of the world and the rules of life, it is said that every resident of the country should wash his face and hands in the morning, and rinse his mouth, wash his body once every five days, and his head once every three days. The Chinese used an aqueous solution of wood ash and “soap” plants to wash themselves. The hair was washed separately with shampoo, for example, made from rice flour.

Traditions of Chinese medicine. Preservation of teeth

. The main recommendations were: rinsing the mouth after eating; brushing teeth and rinsing morning and evening; daily tapping of teeth – 81 times. Interestingly, Chinese treatises recommend not to abuse cleanliness (i.e. not to wash too often). Dry washing is also part of Chinese traditions, as self-massage of the body with warm, heated hands is called.

Sauna in the house

. The main element of this room is Fire. It is recommended to visit the sauna if you are tired, depressed, or feel unsure of yourself. When decorating a sauna, use traditional materials - wood for walls and furniture, stones for hot surfaces. The door should open into the sauna. The compass direction of the sauna door is chosen according to the favorable direction of the owner of the house. The best location for the sauna is the southwestern or northeastern sector, the unfavorable is the southern sector. If you have a Russian sauna with a stove, there are also several recommendations for this case. Do not place the stove opposite the entrance, do not use the space in front of the stove for bathing procedures, and do not place benches or containers with water here.

The talisman from the sea is a shell.

Shells are considered a symbol that brings good luck to people whose activities are related to communication. As a talisman, you need to use a shell from which the mollusk died of its own death, and was not boiled alive (in this case, the surface of the shell will turn reddish). After purchasing, the talisman must be cleaned by immersing it in sea or salted water for several minutes.

Bathroom decor

using sea creatures: seahorses, whales, starfish, jellyfish, crabs.

Clean on a schedule: choosing a good day to do laundry.

The waning moon helps to rid the fabric of dirt. It is better to do laundry when the Moon is in water constellations: Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer. It is better to iron washed items right away rather than saving them. You cannot iron clothes on the waxing Moon, which is in the sign of Capricorn. Regarding dry cleaning, the rules are the same - take things to the dry cleaner on the waning moon. Don't do this when the Moon is in Capricorn.

Meditation in water

– meditative techniques using a warm bath, shower.

Knife on the table

If, when removing dishes from the table, you leave a knife, this object will become the center of accumulation of negative energy, which will then pass on to the inhabitants of the house. The energy of sharp objects is very bad, it heats up the situation between household members, promotes quarrels and discord in the family. Moreover, leaving a knife on the table at night disturbs a person’s sleep, he constantly feels anxious and worries about trifles. And it’s much easier to cut yourself with such a knife. If a knife left on the table has cracks or chips, such an item should not be kept at home at all. It is better to get rid of it by burying it in the ground away from the house.


It is believed that cowrie shells provide the “life force of continuity” and bestow good fortune of abundance and fertility. This view is common throughout Asia (Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Tibet, Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam), as well as in African areas.

In ancient Egypt, cowrie shells were highly valued as symbols of femininity. They were made in silver and gold and were worn by women of high birth.

In African tribes, the silvery white cowrie is worn by young ladies who are of age to marry. Shells are also sewn into the wedding attire of the bride and groom to promote abundance, wealthy offspring and prosperity.

Not any shell is suitable for making this type of amulet. An ideal cowrie is considered to be:

Over the centuries, Tibetan women have sewn more than just any type of white cowrie shell onto their waistband. The texts say that the most powerful amulet for pregnancy is made from the shell of a cowrie that “was pregnant” when it washed up on the beach! This cowrie should also have no holes.

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