Wood Rooster Key Traits of the Chinese Zodiac

The Wood Rooster knows how to work his pleasant nature to his advantage.

Wood Roosters are real pranksters on the outside, but deep down they have strong emotions and want affection more than anything else. However, they must learn to be independent and not rely too much on others.

When it comes to money, they are very lucky, so they seem to lose on one side and win on the other. You can count on them to be honest and keep their word. Their ideals are high and they usually achieve their dreams because they are determined. These people seem to work better in teams than alone.

Briefly about the Wooden Rooster

  • Year of the Wood Rooster : 1945, 2005 , 2065
  • Element - Element : wood and metal
  • Associated Western Sign : Virgo ♍
  • Elements of the Rooster : Wooden Rooster , Fire Rooster, Earth Rooster, Metal Rooster, Water Rooster.
  • Qualities : diligent, meticulous, sociable and charismatic;
  • Problems : Sometimes not very honest, secretive and irresponsible;
  • Secret need : achieving wealth and social status;
  • Advice : They should try to be less idealistic and more grounded.

Wood Roosters will achieve great success in life, but can get lost doing too many things at once, be it household problems or their work. Regarding their social and family life, they are very reliable and loyal.

Astrology and sign characteristics

The character of each year's sign differs according to its elements.

Each of them corresponds to a specific year of the Rooster and its color:

  1. Metal is a symbolic element.
  2. Gladioli and cockscomb are the flowers of the sign.
  3. Numbers: five, seven, eight.
  4. Colors: white, gold, yellow, brown.
  5. Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  6. The elements of the sign are red fire, yellow earth, white metal, blue water, green wood.

What are the rooster's birth years ahead?
This is 2029, 2041, what awaits people in the future, many scientists are trying to find the answer to this question, and it is up to everyone to believe or not their predictions. The Red Fire Rooster came to earth on January 28, 2021 and left it on February 15, 2021. The next year of the Rooster will begin in 2029 on February 10 and it will be Yellow Earth.

Astrologers from different countries predict many events and changes. According to observations at the beginning of this year, the earth emits negative energy, so clashes and disagreements between people and communities may arise during this period.

Therefore, ideas will be implemented with difficulties, health conditions may sharply deteriorate, and infectious diseases may arise. The end of the first quarter will also be unfavorable, conflict situations will escalate, and problems associated with nervous system disorders will arise. The astrologer advises people to be careful on critical days and follow the calendar forecasts.

Characteristics of the Chinese Wood Rooster

Wanting to do everything perfectly, the Wood Rooster person believes that anyone can reach their maximum potential and do an excellent job.

These people will never do a job halfway. Their duties will be carried out with hard work and attention to detail.

As stated earlier, they want everything to be perfect, but this attitude does not always help because Wood Roosters can end up alone. Not everyone wants to be as meticulous as they are, not to mention they are demanding and don't like to see others fail.

Don't think that they have a hard time working in a team because they have the power to inspire. Wood Roosters are not at all selfish or individualistic.

Wood Roosters think that everyone has the intelligence and imagination to come up with good ideas, but they are also rational about what can be achieved, so they won't ask the impossible if they are the boss at work.

The projects they are implementing are likely to be completed earlier than expected. And when someone checks their work, they will be happy to find better results.

More sociable than Roosters in other ways, many would say they are dishonest. However, Wood Roosters are mistaken because these people are actually straightforward and do not like to play with words.

The only difference between them and Metal or Fire Roosters is that they don't like to give advice or assume that their ideas will work better.

In critical situations, these people prefer to remain silent until someone asks them for help. This gives them an advantage because they can express their opinions whenever they feel that they cannot offend anyone.

As for money, we can say that it is unstable. It's not that luck doesn't get in their way, it's that Wood Roosters can lose and then win again when they least expect it. If they had bought gold or invested in real estate, they would have had much better luck.

Being more grounded would be very helpful for them as they may have too many jobs and not stick with what seems to be working. It is suggested that they should not associate friends and money with each other because they end up quarreling with the people they lend their finances to.

When it comes to love, people with wooden roosters have charisma and sensitivity that make them attract many people of the opposite sex. But they won't last too long, being carried away by a new relationship.

If Wood Roosters want a happy family life, they need to pay more attention to their own emotions. Although they place great importance on themselves, they also care about others.

What's interesting about them is that they really want to help when needed. Moreover, Wood Roosters may give up their dreams just to make others happy. Even when strangers are involved, they still want to help as much as possible.

Wood Roosters are caring and always prepared to do work that will require them, so working with charities or volunteering would be a great idea for these people.

Compatibility of the Rooster with 12 animal signs

The Rooster's relationship with the 12 animals of Chinese astrology can be described by various interactions

  • Harmony: Snake, Ox
  • Combination: Dragon
  • Encounter: Rabbit
  • Harm: Dog
  • Destruction: Rat

Read more about interactions between animal signs

This approach will help to assess their relationship with each other, and draw conclusions about the compatibility of the Rooster with its astrological companions. Those who prefer simplicity in compatibility predictions can take these descriptions as additional “hints.”

Rooster and Rat

The mixing of the Rat and Rooster energies means increased sexual tension. Attraction alternates with hatred. The rat constantly feels like a victim. And even despite the occasional romance in relationships, the union of these signs can be considered inferior.

Rooster and Bull

The Rooster and the Ox become good friends who dote on each other. Partners show mutual support and devotion, which can ensure long-term and harmonious union of these signs.

Rooster and Tiger

Maybe the Tiger and the Rooster are drawn to each other, and sometimes even go crazy. But their problems begin at the very beginning of simple communication. Both partners “explode” from time to time. Sparks fly in all directions from the emotionality of two sharp natures. Therefore, in relationships there are always verbal skirmishes and disputes.

Rooster and Rabbit

Even if the Rabbit and the Rooster try to achieve harmony in their relationship, success is unlikely. The impressionable Rabbit and the daring Rooster cannot come to a “common denominator”. Therefore, such relationships will not last long. Over time, the “prickly” Rooster gets tired of the Rabbit. And then he may decide to break off the relationship, leaving the Rooster alone with his ambitions.

Rooster and Dragon

The Dragon is a source of strength for the Rooster. Partners constantly help each other in finding the right path to well-being in life. The relationship between these two signs is based on harmony. Over time, both the Rooster and the Dragon will be able to recognize their other selves in each other. This could be the reason for eventual reunion and the pursuit of happiness together. The impressionable Dragon is constantly attracted by the enterprise of the brave Rooster. The couple tries to exist under the motto of cheerfulness and success.

Rooster and Snake

The observant Snake gladly supports the practical Rooster when he is busy with something important. They complement each other with positive qualities. So both signs are actively developing their own method of harmonious coexistence.

Rooster and Horse

The Horse is ready to admire the Rooster. But this is so difficult to do when the Rooster constantly shows his “prickly” character, showering the Horse with his criticism and his discontent. The energy flows of these signs contribute to the appearance of tension. None of the partners wants to make self-sacrifice for the sake of joint harmony. This couple looks almost perfect in society. But when partners are left alone, misunderstanding arises between them, and then a quarrel. To avoid difficulties in relationships, the Rooster would do well to learn to control himself.

Rooster and Goat

The dreamy Goat does not like it at all when the harsh Rooster urges her on and demands more dedication from her. And even if they manage to tune in to harmony at the beginning of the relationship, this harmony quickly goes away over time, when the Rooster and Goat begin to get to know each other better.

Rooster and Monkey

The Rooster and the Monkey can constantly argue, which is why society believes that this couple will not be together. But in fact, both the Rooster and the Monkey are absolutely happy with each other. The partners are simply delighted with their “lively” relationship.

Rooster and Rooster

There are no two leaders on the same field. When these identical signs meet, chaos begins around. Cockfights almost never end well.

Rooster and Dog

In their relationship, the Dog and the Rooster constantly demonstrate their negative qualities to each other. The vulnerable Dog with great difficulty endures the attacks of the daring Rooster. These signs are opposite in everything: in their needs, in their outlook on life, and in their character traits. Therefore, in the relationship between the Rooster and the Dog, many problems and conflicts constantly arise.

High standards for everyone

Wood Roosters are great friends who love company, they like to be part of a team, but not be the center of attention. You will most likely find that they are working to make the world a better place or change what is wrong in our society.

They expect everyone to make a difference, volunteer, and lend a helping hand to the environment. When Wood Roosters take some action towards their goal, they don’t even think about giving up and quitting what they started.

The Chinese wood element makes them sociable and cheerful. They are likely to cooperate with all Roosters because they enjoy creating a community around themselves and helping their peers achieve their goals. Like the strongest trees, they can withstand prolonged stress.

But it does mean that they will have high standards for themselves and others. Many people find it difficult to make them happy. Some will give them up because they can't live up to their standards. Wood Roosters can see the world very realistically.

When someone has a problem, they immediately rush to help. Wood Roosters can work hard and improve the social conditions of those around them. Their honesty and justice cannot be stopped.

Therefore, they will work well as lawyers, volunteers and doctors. In fact, anything that would require them to work with people would be ideal in the quality of their work.

When it comes to their life lessons, Wood Roosters need to understand that others are not as strong and capable as they are. They should show all their sympathy and understand that not everyone is strong and reliable. Their high standards and expectations should be lowered a little. This is the only way they can avoid disappointment.

Children born in the year of the Rooster

The Rooster child, according to astrologers, is brave, noble and sociable . Mothers can be proud of their Rooster teenagers, who are passionate about learning and books. Although this hobby irritates others and peers. The high intelligence and extensive knowledge acquired by children of this sign, starting from a young age, help them subsequently become outstanding people.

In a team, they are always honest and open, do not like gossip and intrigue, and will always say what they think about a particular problem.

Roosters are independent, self-reliant, optimistic and dreamy little ones. They always have a lot of plans and ideas in their heads, most of which are quite crazy from a logical point of view.

In fact, all Roosters are great critics . Therefore, a child’s comments on any occasion should not be taken as an insult. This is just an indication of what he considers not entirely correct and would like to change the situation. However, the decision is yours. Children of this zodiac sign simply do not accept criticism addressed to them. They cannot always sensibly assess their mistakes and explain to them the extent of guilt in a calm and even tone so as not to hurt their pride.

Optimistic Rooster child according to the eastern horoscope

Among their peers , Rooster children love to stand out . If given the opportunity, parents should support their children in word and deed.

Male Wood Rooster

The Wood Rooster man is active and wants to help his loved ones. Loyal, he will always be interested in making his friends and family happy. When it comes to work, he is very responsible and comes up with many useful ideas.

His superiors will always be impressed by how much he can improve work and productivity. Energetic, this man is sometimes too busy to take care of his personal life.

Smart and educated, the Wood Rooster man can talk to anyone. Not to mention how much he knows about any subject.

But he can be so stubborn that he only believes in his own ideas and principles. Many people will be confused by his attitude.

However, the Wood Rooster man remains respectful and a pleasure to communicate with. Because of his charisma, many ladies will be at his feet and want to talk to him.

The Wooden Rooster man is one of those gentlemen who can make any woman remember his charm, because he has an excellent imagination and does not allow others to get bored.

In the family, he will be faithful to his wife and will serve the interests of his children. It is rare for a person in this sign and element to ever lie or deceive. The Wooden Rooster man can be busy, but not with the ladies.

The Wood Rooster man loves to surprise those he loves because he is romantic and pleasant. You rarely see him argue. The Wood Rooster man finds peace only at home, with his family, and he likes to be reminded that he is loved.

What year was the Rooster born?

The Year of the Rooster is the 10th among the signs of the eastern horoscope.
When the Year of the Rooster comes, the 10th cycle of the Chinese horoscope begins. They say that once upon a time, Buddha called all the animals to him without exception, and the first 12 of them to arrive were awarded power over the whole year in the Chinese horoscope. In the East it is generally accepted that everything in the world consists of 5 matters:

  • water,
  • land,
  • wood,
  • fire,
  • metal

That is why each subsequent year is assigned the corresponding matter.

Rooster:Year of birthCharacteristic
Metal1921, 1981Responsible, workaholic, confident, persistent, purposeful, devoted and an excellent family man
Water1933, 1993Eloquent, sociable, purposeful, tireless fighter, energetic, impressionable
Wood1945, 2005Reliable, sociable, successful in life, versatile, caring and sensitive
Honest, reliable, organized, straightforward, purposeful, tactful
Zemlyanoy1909, 1969Hardworking, insightful, careerist, persistent, responsible

Next year 2029 will be the year of the Earth Rooster

Year for other signs

What does the Rooster have in store for each of the signs of the Chinese horoscope?

  • Rat. A favorable year, changes do not shock her too much.

  • Bull. Confidence in the future has returned; there will be a return from any work.
  • Tiger. A year of struggle, rebellion, disappointments and problems.
  • Cat. An unsuccessful year, fraught with worries.
  • The Dragon. There will be many opportunities to shine. Before doing anything, he will think many times.
  • Snake. Moments of success can give way to moments of despair. But the wise Snake will treat them evenly.
  • Horse. The year will provide a reliable rear and profitable work.
  • Goat. Will be lazy at work and spend money wastefully, thinking that this will last forever.
  • Monkey. The surroundings are not very amusing. Not a very fun year for the Monkey.
  • Rooster. Order, bright prospects, interesting work.
  • Dog. A difficult year of disappointment and struggle.
  • Pig. Everything will only change for the better, work will bring income and prospects.

Chinese horoscope of Rooster luck and Feng Shui tips for 2022

Favorable directions: south, east

Lucky Colors: White is a color traditionally associated with autumn, purity and maturity.

Lucky numbers:5, 7, 9

Favorable months: Chinese lunar months April, June, November

Unfavorable months: January and September

Lucky Element: Metal, which works in harmony with water, but is overloaded with the element of fire.

Feng Shui objects for good luck:

Feng Shui Black Obsidian Wealth Bracelet - will bring good luck, good news and protection to its owner.

Feng Shui A pair of tangerine ducks for Love and fidelity - they symbolize happiness, marital fidelity.

Compatibility between Rat man and Rooster woman – the patient is more likely to be alive than dead

He is a Rat, she is a Rooster - compatibility is not the worst. Because of her desire for order, the Rooster girl can bore and irritate the impulsive Rat guy. But one way or another, she will take him under her wing and teach him to be more balanced and consistent. If only the Rodent understands that the partner is doing everything for his own good. The Rooster woman is economical and romantic. She will arrange her lover’s life in the best possible way. Clothes will hang in your closet in order for years after purchase, organized by color and with tags indicating the date they were last washed. Such a housewife’s socks never lose their pair (even in the mysterious depths of the washing machine) and certainly don’t lie around anywhere. In turn, it is very important for the Rooster girl to feel loved and desired. She misses the romance from Rat's boyfriend. But a bouquet of flowers and a bright compliment from the Rodent will be enough to stop the scandal so scrupulously prepared by the Feathered Wife.

A positive aspect will be the ability of the Rooster woman to turn into the sweetest hen after the birth of children. She is a wonderful mother who will take great pleasure in raising her children. The rat will undoubtedly appreciate her care for the offspring. This will serve as a good anchor for building stronger relationships.

The Rooster woman is economical and loves to arrange her life

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