Roof according to Feng Shui: laugh or act?

Not a single building is complete without a roof. People in any era strived to have a reliable roof over their heads. Now the modern world makes new demands, according to which, in addition to reliability, the roof must look good. The teaching of Feng Shui has a great influence on people, according to which the roof is the head of the building. That is why the roof must be durable and in harmony with other parts of the house. The color of the roof according to Feng Shui is also of great importance, which we will discuss in this article.

We identify matches

According to Feng Shui, the roof is a protective canopy for the house. Therefore, you need to not only think about how to build the roof yourself, but also what color.

In this regard, people living in the house try to conserve energy in it, which allows:

  • develop good relationships with loved ones;
  • improve health;
  • exaggerate money;
  • solve important life problems.

According to Feng Shui traditions, the color of the roof should correspond to the head of the house and “not fight” with the heavenly elements.

Roof according to the element Wood

It happens that the life of the owners of two neighboring houses of the same type, with the same roof color, is different:

  1. Some live joyfully and financially secure.
  2. Others still lack something for emotional and financial well-being.

It would seem that the color of the roof, according to Eastern teachings, is conducive to a happy and prosperous life, but for inexplicable reasons it does not turn out that way. This reason still has an explanation.

If the color of the roof is favorable for the head of the family, by the way, he can be either a man or a woman, then in such a family there will always be joy in life, peace, financial well-being and happiness.

If the color of the roof does not match the personal biofield of the owner of the house, then the family will experience emotional and physical stress. Feng Shui masters determine color for a person.

Attention. According to the rules of Feng Shui, a person can feel great if he is in an environment that is in harmony with him. The emergence of disharmony leads to an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires and all sorts of difficulties.

The facade of a house in Feng Shui... Why is it not always easy to determine

The facade of a house is a fairly important concept in Feng Shui, regarding which many things are determined. But not everything is so simple with it, and there is not even a consensus on what exactly should be called the facade of a house and how it is determined. Due to the fact that each Feng Shui master applies his own approaches, it often happens that the concept of “house facade” from different positions means completely different things. How can we clarify?

Often the “facade of a house” is divided into the so-called “structural” and “architectural”.

Structural façade

It depends on the surrounding terrain and landscape. This is the side from which the maximum Qi energy comes into the house. Behind there is an increase in terrain, and to the left and right there are mountains, the so-called “embraces”. In front of the house itself there is an open space or lawn-platform where Qi can gather and accumulate.

The landscape determines the structure of the area. Therefore, that part of the house that meets these requirements can be called the structural facade of the house.

Architectural facade of a house

It no longer depends on the external environment. The architectural façade is the most prominent, prominent, noticeable part of a building. What the architect intended should be its main aspect. Simply put, this is the face of the building. You can imagine how if the house were a person, and looking at it, you had to think, where is his face? The direction he is facing could be an architectural façade.

The influence of color on a person

Often, it is much more important to determine not how neighbors live under a certain roof color, but how the color of the roof affects your family.

Before giving preference to generally accepted traditions, we do not mean the traditions of Eastern teachings, it is necessary to find out how the color of the roof will affect you, from the point of view of subtle energy.

Color sectors of Eastern teachings

To do this, let's take a look at what the different colors symbolize according to Feng Shui:

  1. Red color is a symbol of resurrection, the colors of life. But, if the red color is too saturated on the roof, which is associated with fire, you can overdo it, that is, the balance of energy may be upset. The expected happy life and activity, in this regard, can turn into a “fire” of discord in relationships.
  1. The color yellow symbolizes abundance, experience, health and wisdom. Decorating a roof with this color is associated with harmony and warmth. By choosing the right shades of yellow, you can achieve a comfortable stay in your home.
  1. Green color represents the rebirth of life and hope. In this understanding, European psychologists agree with Feng Shui masters. The roof, decorated in green tones, promotes peace and harmony.
  1. The blue color symbolizes the heights of heaven and the depths of the sea. And as we mentioned above, Feng Shui traditions ask “not to fight” with the elements of the sky. The blue color, of course, will add solemnity to the roof, but its effect on a person is not so favorable.
  1. Black color is a symbol of change. It is possible to place accents using this color in the design of the roof, but to make it predominant means making the building quite gloomy not only in terms of appearance, but also the flow of free energy.
  1. White color symbolizes the manifestation of divine powers, eternity and infinity. It is organically woven into the design of the roof, again, if it corresponds to the head of the house.
  1. Brown color is an indicator of stability and constancy. However, Feng Shui masters recommend not to overuse it, but to use its shades.
  1. The color pink is a sign of romance. Aesthetically, the pink roof looks quite strange. But each person has their own tastes and wishes. So, it may be that the developer wants to paint the roof exactly this color.

Advice. But keep in mind that the Feng Shui color of the roof in a pink tone predicts the creation of a frivolous atmosphere in the house.

Taking into account the color of the area

It is also important to take into account the color of the area. When placing a house near roads or multi-story buildings, you are allowed to experiment with colors and shades as you wish. Bright, saturated colors will even cheer up such a dull and gray, at first glance, area. Just try to avoid almost black shades: they can significantly reduce the size of the house in the visual field and make it blend in with everything else.

If the house is located on a small area where there is a lot of greenery, flowers, or there are small lawns or ponds, then the optimal shades will be all natural pastel colors. At the same time, shades of natural materials (such as cork, wood) are welcome. One rule: do not make green the main color, otherwise the entire area will merge into one spot.

But if the house is located in a complex area where there is an abundance of greenery and other buildings, then it is better to use different shades of white, light gray or pale brick color. Then it will be possible to achieve maximum harmony of the house with the surrounding color.

Now the basic rules of architectural and design direction have been reviewed. Of course, you don't have to follow them all exactly. Yes, and it’s completely unrealistic. You just need to keep all this in mind so that you don’t regret the work done.

Color and elements

Already from the material described above, it can be understood that there is no unambiguous definition for the color of the roof. Eastern sages who contributed to the development of the teachings of Feng Shui do not give precise interpretations. There is only one exact recommendation, its meaning lies in the correspondence of a certain color to the element.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, each color belongs to a specific element:

  • black and blue - to Water;
  • green - to the Tree;
  • red - to Fire;
  • white - to Metal;
  • brown - to the Earth.

Roof color of the element Earth
This does not mean that only primary colors can be used in the design of roofs. If we are talking about the Earth element, then in addition to green, peach, sand and other variations are applicable.

Speaking about the variety of modern roofing coverings and their color range, it can be noted that manufacturers have tried to create more harmonious shades of this element.

It is believed that using the colors of the Fire element in the roof is quite dangerous. But, if they are weakened by the colors of the Earth element, the house will be favorable for the people living in it, especially for those who are in power.

The fusion of the elements of Earth and Fire is presented in many collections of roofing coverings on the modern construction market. The softened palette of colors of the two elements allows the formation of the roof to comply with the traditions of Feng Shui.

Tick ​​colors include:

  • red softened with white;
  • autumn red;
  • sand.

Nuance or contrast

When choosing color harmony for decorating a house, two principles are usually followed: contrast or nuance.

A nuanced combination involves choosing the color of the roof with a soft transition to the shade of the facade, almost “tone on tone”. Such combinations include pairs (facade and roof): light brown and terracotta, vanilla and yellow, blue and sea green.

In contrasting harmony there are colors of different saturations of opposite shades, for example: pale beige and burgundy, pastel green and coffee, whitish blue and anthracite. An effective solution is a combination of a neutral-colored façade with a roof deck assembled from ondulin sheets of different colors. In this case, the coating is laid out according to a certain pattern: checkerboard, diagonal or scattered.

By the way! For those who want to make their roof not just beautiful, but also environmentally friendly, a green roof is perfect.

Cautionary Statements

Please note that teaching experts have put forward the statement that the blue and black colors in the roof are connected on an energetic level with the water element. And water, as a rule, tends downwards. A roof with a blue or black design is like a waterfall of energy that is associated with water.

Roof according to the element Water
Energy, like water, descends on its urge and takes with it the mental, emotional and physical strength of people, which leads to a decrease in their mental, emotional and physical activity.

Accordingly, energetically weakened people cannot:

  • actively build a life;
  • achieve the success they dream of.

Do you remember what color the roof of your house is? Blue or black? Now think about it, do you have a feeling of excessive loss of strength and the pursuit of constant failures in everyday life?

Or perhaps your accumulated fatigue has turned into some kind of disease?

A black or blue roof can lead to excessive nervous tension, which affects not only the head of the house, but also the children and all loved ones living together. The element of Water at the top of the house is not very favorable, according to the teachings.

Imagine that the roof is the top of a mountain. If it consists of water, then naturally the water will flow down, spill, erode the banks and cause losses. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, the color of the roof of a house, related to the water element, is considered extremely unlucky.

Advice. Be sure to try, of course, if possible, for the roof of the house to have a different color. You can change the blue roofing material to maroon.

Feng Shui roof type

It is believed that the shape of the roof reflects the relationships within the family.

Round. A round roof is considered ideal for a residential building; it symbolizes immortality (infinity). The circulation of energy flows is balanced, and strength is instantly restored in the house and stress goes away.

Pagodas. Pagoda or “heavenly” roofs are found on Buddhist temples; they have smooth slopes that accumulate Qi energy, and pointed corners block the negative impact on residents.

Four-slope (pyramid). Four slopes are located on the cardinal points; they attract positive energy, which is transformed into family stability and stability, both financial and relationship.

Single-pitch. A flat roof creates disharmony and negatively affects the entire house. Often in such dwellings there are quarrels within and conflict situations with neighbors.

Wavy. Choosing this form is a direct path to ruin, losses and fading of feelings. Usually it is erected in garages, outbuildings, and workshops.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the energy of the house can be adjusted; for this, the facade of the building and garden plots are improved: trees and climbing plants are planted, artificial ponds are installed, etc.

We give preference

According to Feng Shui, the most favorable colors for a roof are those that belong to the elements of Wood, Metal and Earth. According to popular belief, the color of the roof should match the color of the soil, since the house represents a kind of family tree.

According to the statements stated above, we can conclude: in order to correctly design the roof from the point of view of Feng Shui, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth analysis.

Masters of teaching can do this thoroughly. They are able to understand the movement of energy in the house, analyze the current situation and help avoid failures and vicissitudes of fate.

The teaching of Feng Shui, like an art, does not tolerate gross miscalculations. Therefore, you should not risk your well-being by using your little experience in this matter. Take care of your roof and the well-being of your family!

Harmony from façade to roof

House facade color

According to Feng Shui, the color of the facade of a house is one of the most important aspects of landscaping. It is the first glance at a home that creates the right mood, which ultimately affects the general condition of a person. The more complex the architecture, the deeper the color of the facade should be, but at the same time variegation should be avoided.

  • Light shades emphasize the shape,
  • and dark ones are good for fitting a separate building into some kind of architectural ensemble.

Color of the fence around the house

According to Feng Shui, the color of the fence around the house is important from a slightly different point of view. This structure performs protective functions, and their shade serves as an obstacle to negative energy.

  • It is advisable to avoid both unreasonably flashy decorations and overly aggressive paints.
  • Natural colors reminiscent of stability are welcome: dark green or dark blue, brown, gray, black.

House roof color

According to Feng Shui, the color of the roof of a house is chosen so that it matches the ruling Element of the owner of this house (head of the family). Especially if a person is ruled by Metal, Earth or Wood. It’s a little more difficult with fire and water people. Their basic colors - blue and red - are too strong and aggressive, they can upset the overall energy balance. In this case, it is advisable to prefer halftones or dilute the background with other suitable shades.

Monochrome design

  • Home style.

You should take into account the fact that color can have a significant impact on the dimensions and dimensions of the house. Dark shades can always visually reduce the volume of a building, while light colors, on the contrary, significantly increase the visual perception of the house. It is for this reason that for painting small buildings it is advisable to use light colors, and when painting large buildings, almost any color can be used.

Currently, there are various design options, and choosing the right color scheme for facades can be very difficult. Many people are interested in the combination and selection of paint according to Feng Shui. You can understand which specific color scheme project will be appropriate in each specific case after familiarizing yourself with the selection rules.

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