Why you can lose or find an earring: working folk signs

» Signs » What to do if you find an earring



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The loss of a valuable and beloved item is always bad news for us. Especially if she is dear or dear to her heart. But in addition to loss, we can also gain a valuable thing. Many people believe that if you find or lose an earring, it has some magical meaning and a special omen.

Find or lose an earring

What happens if you lose an earring?

If a man wears an earring, then his appearance is endowed with many meanings. We all know that pirates loved to wear earrings of different types. It was believed that when a pirate died, the person who could bury him would take all his gold for himself. Cossacks also wore ear jewelry. For them, an earring in the ear was of great importance. She said that there was only one son in his family and there were no other Cossacks. But, in any case, losing jewelry has a bad meaning for a man and, of course, an unpleasant aftertaste.

When a man loses an earring, it is a very bad omen. Sheer troubles and disappointments await him. But for women it’s the other way around. When a woman or girl loses an earring, happiness, luck and positive moments in life await her. When a woman loses an earring, the material from which the item is made will help determine what it means. The sign may indicate the following:

  • an earring made of gold - announces an acquaintance with your future husband;
  • silver earring - says that a serious love relationship will begin soon;
  • losing costume jewelry is a sign of a light romance.

When an earring is lost and found just a few days later, do not be upset - the meeting will still take place. But this relationship will not last long. They will last literally several days or weeks. Such signs relate to the loss of only one earring. And when the loss was of both jewelry at once, happiness will arrive in double volume. You need to know that such wonderful signs for girls will only come true if you accidentally lose an earring. When you do this on purpose, don’t expect happiness, you’ll just live as you lived, nothing planned will happen.

Why find an earring

Basically, the signs warn that things lying on the street should not be touched. A wallet, icon, money (any item) can remove damage, convey bad luck, poor health, illness. The one who picks up this little thing will take on all the negativity. However, this is the opinion of magicians and psychics, which differs from the popular one.

Pirates did not wear earrings out of love for beauty. Their jewelry was made of high-quality, selected gold and after the death of the filibuster could become payment for a decent funeral.

If you believe the signs of our ancestors, the man who finds the earring will soon make a big profit. Especially if the product is made of precious metal.

The find fell into the hands of a woman; a serious relationship and a strong union are predicted for her. If you have a young man, higher powers warn of pleasant surprises. We found two earrings, the omen doubles its power.

If a married girl loses her jewelry

Why is an earring lost for married women? Women who have already been married will not be so happy about losing an earring, because if a new man comes into their life with their husband, it will destroy their family. Only jewelry given by the husband has such a bad omen. When a woman bought jewelry for herself or someone else gave it to her, then all bad weather will bypass her family.

When a married girl loses her earring, it not only means that she will divorce her husband. She can have a big fight with her family and friends. Very often, parents whose children will soon leave home lose their favorite things. This almost always happens before children enter higher education institutions. Also before the marriage of daughters or sons.

How to find a lost earring at home? Magic ways

See earrings with French loop in SUNLIGHT

We call them magical not because you have to cast a spell to find the jewelry, but because they actually work. And the main strength of these methods is their simplicity.

So, how to find a gold earring at home? Start with the banal - look at the places where you usually remove jewelry. This could be a bathroom, bedroom or entrance to an apartment. Perhaps the decoration was simply “hidden” under other things. It is also worth examining the clothes you were wearing on the day you went missing - an earring could have gotten caught in your collar or fallen into your pocket.

If the loss is not found during a superficial inspection, proceed to a more detailed check of the entire apartment. To avoid crawling on your knees near every bedside table, closet and sofa, use a vacuum cleaner. Cover the inlet with gauze and gently brush the brush in all hard-to-reach places. If your jewelry is lost at home, you will definitely find it.

In what cases is losing jewelry considered a bad omen?

Losing jewelry may not always be a happy omen; it can also spell trouble. They foretell trouble only in cases where the woman knows which ear she fell from. For example, if a product comes off the left ear, then this sign is very important and is considered quite bad. For a woman, this sign predicts a bad test that she may not be able to cope with.

If an earring comes off your right ear, this sign has a favorable outcome. A girl can meet her love and be happy. If a woman’s earring comes off, a wonderful fate and prosperity in everything awaits her. Lost jewelry from the right ear only has a special meaning if it was truly a loss. When jewelry is thrown on purpose, you shouldn’t expect good news.

Sometimes people get confused between the words fell, broke or came undone. Such concepts are not considered superstition; the earring should only be lost. Also, the sign or signs apply only to jewelry and jewelry.

Is the woman married or not?

Folk omens about missing jewelry are interpreted somewhat differently for married and single women.

Usually for young girls this is a quick wedding. For married women, there may be several ways things can develop.

Signs for women in a relationship or marriage

For a married woman, losing her gold earring means pleasant events that will happen in the very near future.

For a married woman, losing her gold earring means pleasant events that will happen in the very near future

If the right earring is lost - quick profit. But if the jewelry from her left ear is missing, adventures await her in her personal life. In this case, a passionate admirer may appear on the horizon.

A sign for a married woman, if she has lost both earrings, double luck awaits her in the near future. However, if the earrings were stolen, you need to pay attention to your friends. One of them wants to recapture her husband.

If earrings given by your spouse are lost

Losing jewelry given by a spouse is considered an unlucky omen. This doesn't just apply to losing your wedding ring. If a woman received silver or gold as a gift from her husband, and then the jewelry was lost, this means that the spouses will soon have a disagreement or a major quarrel.

If a woman has lost a gifted gold earring from her right ear, her husband will soon have financial problems. Losing your favorite silver earring on the street late at night means your husband is in a serious relationship with another woman.

Therefore, if the earrings given by the husband are lost, the family will face serious upheavals, which may even end in divorce.

To avoid this, the woman must ensure that her husband again gives her earrings as a gift. But they must be more expensive and more luxurious than the previous ones - this is a prerequisite. Then all troubles will pass by, and the couple will live happily and amicably.

For an unmarried girl

A girl who has not yet tied the knot should not be very upset and mourn the lost earring. Folk signs and superstitions predict only pleasant events for an unmarried girl.

When a young lady loses her silver or gold earring on the street before sunset, she needs to prepare for the matchmakers meeting. She will very soon marry a rich groom and leave her home.

When a girl loses her silver or gold earring on the street before sunset, she needs to prepare for a matchmaker meeting

If the jewelry goes missing in the evening or at night, she will be offered a serious relationship, without formalizing the marriage.

Popular interpretations of missing jewelry also depend on its quality.

  • The loss of an earring made of platinum or gold means an imminent marriage. If an expensive earring came undone and fell out of your ear in the house, and was later found, you need to make an effort to make the wedding take place.
  • Heavy stud earrings with stones often get lost. It’s especially offensive when these are expensive minerals or precious stones. It is easy to break the clasp of a nail; more often, they simply jump off their perch. The loss of an earring with a precious stone means that the girl will soon marry favorably. Her family life will be happy and cloudless.
  • The disappearance of a silver earring means that the girl is in for a long-term relationship, which may end in marriage.

If jewelry that can be safely classified as costume jewelry is lost, a meeting with a pleasant young man will soon take place. You need to pay attention to the material from which these earrings are made.

If your jewelry earrings are lost, you will soon meet a pleasant young man

  • beads - acquaintance will take place at a party;
  • clay - meet your fate visiting friends;
  • tree - meet in nature;
  • medical steel - you will meet at any government agency, and it is also possible to meet at a cinema, museum, concert or fair;
  • other metals - a fateful meeting will take place in transport or on the street;
  • leather or thread - dating on a social network.

If the loss is eventually found, not everything in the relationship will be smooth. If one and then a second earring goes missing, the girl faces a difficult choice between two gentlemen.

Find jewelry

All jewelry, even those that have no value in terms of material, have a talisman or amulet for some people. They know how to accumulate bad energy, which comes towards its owner. From this we can draw a small conclusion that finding lost jewelry is a bad sign. Superstitions say that when a gold or silver earring is lost, it means that the item is already completely filled and has accumulated enough evil and bad energy.

But even if a precious earring was found, it will not do anything good for the finder. Signs insist that the finder will begin to get very sick and experience family troubles. Many people believe that you should not wear jewelry that you recently lost and then found again. There is more than one reason for this:

  • valuable things are lost if they are already oversaturated with bad energy;
  • favorite things disappear if they begin to cause harm to their owners;
  • During the time you were looking for her, she could have absorbed a lot of bad energy.

In order to remove the negative influence from the product, you need to do the following:

  • rinse the product under running water;
  • hold it over the candle flame;
  • take it to church for blessing.

After such procedures, you can safely give or wear jewelry, as the energy will be restored and everything will be fine. A woman should pay special attention; if not one, but two earrings are found at once, this means that she has found double problems. This finding is associated with a lot of bad energy, so you should be careful. In this case, men are luckier. When they find a gold earring, they gain positive energy. This sign promises them wealth and success.

Negative reset

Our ancestors believed that talisman earrings could accumulate the negative energy of the surrounding world. It could be damage, hatred of rivals, envy of friends, spells cast, etc. It was especially appreciated if the girl’s mother or a close blood relative made a conspiracy to decorate. You can charge the talisman with magical power yourself.

Our ancestors believed that talisman earrings could accumulate the negative energy of the surrounding world.

If an amulet earring falls off your ear early in the morning, you need to be wary of unpleasant events during the day. This could be a major quarrel, damage to property, theft, injury, etc.

When charmed jewelry is lost, it averts great misfortune from its owner. If a lost earring is found, it must be cleaned. It’s great if the ceremony is performed at baptism.

Jewelry in dark magic

All the meanings written above have a special meaning. They only apply if a person, that is, the owner of expensive jewelry, has lost or found it accidentally. But do not forget that such negative things can be deliberately planted on someone. This is done in order to transfer all the bad things from yourself to another person: serious illnesses and a lot of unsolvable problems. When people throw away a beautiful product, they do it with strong negativity and bad thoughts. They hope that someone will find him and take on all his problems.

Now you know what awaits you if you find or lose a gold or silver earring. When a woman loses an expensive item, she gains good energy and good luck in everything. And when a thing is found, the finder also acquires everything bad for himself. The same thing awaits men, but in the opposite direction. Be careful and better not pick up someone else's lost item. It is advisable not to wear other people's things and jewelry. Don't harm yourself and your loved ones.

How to get only benefit from a find

The girl who finds this decoration is promised an early marriage. And the one who has already known the joy of marriage - a new addition to the family. For men, found earrings portend financial well-being and career growth. But for all this to come true, you just need to find it; you don’t have to raise it.

If the jewelry looks so tempting that leaving it in place seems blasphemous, then after discovering the earring, it should be kept away from the body and it is undesirable to bring it into the house until the possible negativity is completely eliminated. It’s even better to immediately sell the product in a pawnshop, and use at least part of the proceeds for a good cause. This will not only help you get rid of possible damage or the evil eye, but also enhance the positive effect.

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Pattern of men's underpants

The interpretation will take into account the metal

When turning to folk beliefs for help, you should take into account what material the jewelry was made from. In most cases, the power of prediction is influenced by the value of the metal, and the interpretation itself will depend on it.


According to signs, the loss of a silver earring can promise the following events:

  • marriage proposal;
  • pleasant and useful acquaintance;
  • unexpected profit;
  • good news.


The loss of a gold earring is considered a favorable sign and prophesies good events. Most likely, they will affect the love sphere: the owner of the lost jewelry will meet a pleasant young man and connect her life with him.

In addition, the loss of a gold earring can promise:

  • financial profit;
  • bonus or praise from superiors;
  • career growth;
  • relief from a serious illness.

Other metals

If the lost earring was made of cheaper metals than gold and silver, the essence of the prediction does not change - pleasant changes await the former owner. True, their character will not be so clearly expressed. It could be:

  • joyful chores;
  • interesting acquaintance;
  • Meeting with friends;
  • invitation to a party;
  • romantic date.

Earrings found on the street

Finding an earring on the left or right ear on the street for a girl means a change for the better. However, picking up decorations from the ground is not safe.

It is not safe to pick up earrings found on the street from the ground.

Very often, jewelry, gold items or money are used in magical rituals that are aimed at cleansing a person from misfortunes or illnesses.

In black magic rituals, all negativity is thrown off onto things that are sure to be lifted from the ground. Therefore, all found jewelry must be cleaned.

If you are lucky enough to find an earring from your left ear, your personal life will simply begin to flow with pleasant events. For an unmarried girl, this means quick matchmaking. For a family woman - an improvement in relations with her husband or the appearance of another man in her life.

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What to do with the second one

When one earring is lost, it becomes impossible to wear the second without a pair. The remaining product should be removed and stored away for a while. Maybe the missing item will be found, and the second earring will come in handy. If the loss is returned by another person, you should sincerely thank the finder.

Superstitious and impressionable people may resort to spells or visit a church if they suspect that magical rituals were performed on the decoration.

If the loss is not found, then you can do with the second earring at your own discretion:

  • throw away;
  • melt into another decoration;
  • order a copy of a lost item from a jeweler so you can wear your favorite pair again.

Earring material value

The more expensive the jewelry, the more negativity it takes away. Therefore, when you lose a gold or platinum earring, you don’t need to be too upset. She took with her illnesses, damage, negativity that ill-wishers sent. A girl expecting a wedding will soon receive the proposal she wants.

The loss of silver jewelry predicts happiness in family life, prosperity and longevity. You will definitely live together until your silver wedding. Even jewelry promises a pleasant acquaintance.

Interpretation for men

In the case when the earring is lost by a representative of the stronger sex, the omen has a negative meaning. According to ancient beliefs, ear jewelry was a kind of protection for warriors from enemies and enemy attacks, and also symbolized material wealth and a worthy position in society. Losing an earring for a man can mean:

  • Significant waste;
  • Loss of savings, ruin;
  • Unplanned expenses.

Losing an earring in a dream

Jewelry can be lost during sleep. If it is not found later, then the omen is deciphered as a loss, taking into account which ear it fell from. But if you find it, you can expect pleasant news or an expensive gift.

Most often, earrings fall out due to a broken bow or lock. But it doesn’t happen just like that. If the metal is noble, the appearance of a defect indicates a romantic relationship on the side. If your jewelry breaks, you need to hold your tongue when talking with friends.

Don't ignore the signs of fate. Predictions were created on the basis of centuries-old observations. By listening to them, you can avoid misfortunes.

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