72 27 feng shui number meaning. Successful combinations of numbers according to Feng Shui


Hi all! Ordinary numbers familiar from childhood turn out to have their own mystical meaning. Each carries a unique energy and vibration. There are lucky numbers and not so lucky ones. The meaning of a number or combination of numbers provides the opportunity to choose in any situation. On each entrance door there is a number, where each has its own meaning. Let's look at what the numbers mean in Feng Shui!

From the article you will learn:

According to legend, the symbolic system of numbers first appeared in India long before the advent of our era, and was studied in parallel by two sciences - mathematics and philosophy. Numerology later spread throughout Egypt and Babylon. By the sixth century BC, the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras developed the basic principles of the influence of numbers on our lives. The significance of Feng Shui numbers also cannot be underestimated, because it is generally accepted that each of them contains a secret, deep meaning of Eastern philosophy.

What is the meaning of feng shui numbers?

The main difference from the Pythagorean theory, which considers the total sum of numbers, is that each element is important here, and their correct combination can create lucky combinations of numbers according to Feng Shui. When classifying, Feng Shui conventionally divides them into two categories inherent in Taoist teachings. This:

  • Yang – odd numbers. Have a more favorable effect;
  • Yin – even. Less positive, but Eastern philosophy calls for a harmonious balance in life, so they are also necessary for balance.

Choosing Feng Shui numbers for money

The founders of Taoist philosophy - the Chinese - in modern life can pay a lot of money, choosing a lucky phone number for themselves, buying an apartment or house with successful numbering. Let's find out what monetary numbers are.

As mentioned above, an important aspect is the combination of certain numbers, as if complementing each other. To interpret the overall combination, you need to know the meaning of each part. So:

  1. Purity, the beginning of everything, crystal reputation, honor. Strengthens the influence of neighboring readings;
  2. Ease, literally “easy.” When combined with others, it increases their effect, not only positive, but also negative;
  3. Growth, beginning, strength;
  4. Consonant with the word “death”, therefore it is considered unlucky;
  5. Nothingness, absence of everything, balance between elements;
  6. Wealth, abundance;
  7. Confidence, execution;
  8. The sum of all the best; the happiest option;
  9. Health, happiness;
  10. Duality - everything and nothing, harmony, integrity.

Now let's look at combinations that can generate a lucky phone number according to Feng Shui.


In our country, 13 is considered a bad number, but we are not afraid of it as much as the Chinese are four. Moreover, this is not only a Chinese phenomenon.

  • in Japanese 4 it is pronounced “shi”, similar to the word “death”,
  • in Korean 4 it is pronounced “sa” similar to the word “death”,
  • in Vietnamese these words are similar, but more distantly.

Tetraphibia is not only a Chinese phenomenon, but is characteristic of the entire southeast of Asia. Often buildings lack 4, 14, 24, and so on floors; there are no floors from 40 to 49. In Hong Kong, it also happens that there is no 13th floor. Hong Kong used to be a colony of Great Britain, and they inherited from the British a dislike for the number 13. As a result, the 50th floor by number turns out to be the 35th in fact.

Hong Kong builders can be understood. Apartments and offices here are more expensive the higher the floor. Any property on floors with four rooms, on the contrary, is cheaper. In this way they “raise” the price of real estate, and tetraphibia is not the main motivation here.

The Taiwanese and South Korean armed forces generally do not use the number 4 in the serial numbers of ships and aircraft. But the Chinese army despises tetraphobia and does not pay attention to it.

Almost all Chinese avoid fours in phone numbers, houses, apartments, cars or anything else.

Some number combinations in China sound scary. 14 - you want to die, 24 - you will die easily, 74 - you will definitely die and 94 - you will die forever. The last phrase sounds illogical to us, but for the Chinese it makes sense, and this meaning is terrible.

In neighboring Japan, the number 49 sounds in the most terrible way - “pain to death.”


How to choose a business phone number

The numerology of a phone number according to Feng Shui can have a certain impact on business, relationships not only with partners, but also with people around them in general. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to combinations of the digital series. There are the most successful and, conversely, unlucky options. Favorable ones include:

  • 8, 6+1 in any order;
  • 6+8 will ensure stable growth of wealth;
  • 2+8 or 2+8+8 guarantee the emergence of wealth quickly and easily;
  • 7+8 will definitely ensure abundance;
  • 4+8 will lead to hard-earned wealth;
  • 7+8+9, in any combination, promises financial success in life;
  • 8+8+8, 1+1, 6+6, 2+2+2 are the most successful options, as is the person’s date of birth.

Which feng shui phone number should you not take?

Unfavorable combinations that should be avoided when choosing a phone number:

  • 2+4 will lead to losses and losses, although a literal “easy death” is likely;
  • 5+8 financial losses;
  • 2+7 or 9+5 predict the likelihood of a fire;
  • 6+4 to global monetary losses;
  • 5+6 threatens disappointment in business.

If you have the opportunity, then you should be guided by these criteria when choosing a house number according to Feng Shui, and its influence on your life will become more predictable.

How to determine a person's level of monetary energy?

Money energy depends on date of birth

Money numerology also applies to a person’s date of birth. Depending on what date a person was born, we can talk about the presence of monetary energy in his life:

  • If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th, then your money energy number is 1.
  • If the birth occurred on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th, then the number of monetary energy in life corresponds to 2.
  • Your number is 3 if you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th.
  • 4 for people born 4,13, 22, 31.
  • 5 if the date of birth falls on the 5th, 14th or 23rd.
  • 6 for people born under the number 6,15 or 24.
  • Numerology reserves 7 for those born on 7, 16 or 25.
  • 8 if the date of birth falls on the 8th, 17th or 26th.
  • 9 is the number for those born on 9, 18 or 27.

Numerology says that ones and twos will have to fight for their financial success in life. It is typical for twos to give even the most necessary things to those who need it, as a result they themselves have nothing left.

Threes like to fight for their financial success, they are very passionate about it, and as a result they achieve a lot. Fours like stability; they will never risk a stable income for ephemeral mountains of gold. Numerology says that fives include people who know how to both earn money and spend it with pleasure.

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Publication from Numerologist Olga Golodnykh (@soznum) April 26, 2021 at 9:37 PDT

Sixes are people who have high monetary energy. These are real entrepreneurs. They know how to increase their income and get great pleasure from it. They enjoy solving problems that help them increase their earnings.

Sevens are people who deliberately do not develop their own material well-being. And all because they are more interested in the spiritual sphere of life. Although sometimes they have moments when they want to be rich, it is true that they tend to use illegal sources for this.

Numerology says that eights are financially prosperous. Money flows to them like a river. Eights need to work on learning how to get money from two or three sources, this will help them feel confident.

Nines are capable of attracting good money into their lives, but they are rarely interested in it. Usually they dedicate their lives to comprehending deep life knowledge. But no matter what numbers your money energy falls into, it can always be increased using other methods.

Personal meaning of fate according to Feng Shui - Gua number

The Chinese practice of Feng Shui, in order to help a person find his way and achieve certain heights, recommends paying attention to the number that reflects the personal energy orientation. In accordance with the characteristics of this combination, with the correct correction of directions indoors, you can quickly correct the failures that are haunting you.

How to calculate Gua number according to Feng Shui

There are several formulas, so for correct calculation you need to select the specification you need by year of birth and gender:

  • People born before 2000:
  • A man must find the sum of the last two digits of his year of birth. When you receive a 2-digit answer, again find the sum of these numbers. The last step is to subtract the result from the number “10”.
  • The woman must perform the same actions with the last digits of the year of birth, but another “5” must be added to the final result.
  • If you were born in the year 2000 or later:
  • The man counts everything exactly the same, only the subtraction must be done from “9”;
  • Girls need to add “6”.

Important features when calculating

In the rule of how to determine the Gua number, there are certain exceptions when calculating that you should not forget about.

  • If you get a total of “0” (for example, a boy born in 2009), then the Gua number will be “9”;
  • There is no Gua number equal to “5”! When the result of the calculation corresponds to this figure, the woman is assigned “8” and the man “2”;
  • Chinese New Year begins in early February, according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, people born in January or early February need to indicate the previous year.
  • Once you figure out your meaning, you can determine the positive right directions according to the eight cardinal directions.

Two main groups

It is customary to distinguish 2 groups of people based on the reading of the Gua number - Western or Eastern. The first includes "2", "8", "7" or "6". In this case, you own the western, northeastern, north- and southwestern sectors. The eastern group includes results of “9”, “4”, “3” and “1”, with favorable directions in the east, north, south and southeast.

Having learned your “Number of Destiny”, try to apply this knowledge in everyday life. Optimal directions can be used for the head of the bed, workplace, and front door. Moreover, the more often these sectors are addressed, the more they accumulate strength, the more positively and favorably they influence life, bringing harmony, good luck and happiness into it.


— Under the influence of the Sun, it means creative energy, cheerfulness. Favors the creative implementation of ideas, provides an opportunity to show your creative inclinations, achieve success and recognition. A good option for literary figures, stage workers, designers, and for those involved in creative professions. Also great for writers or journalists. A house with this number allows you to look at life objectively, still be happy and love life. Such housing usually has a decent amount of lighting fixtures, and the colors used are sunny and bright. The home usually has a pleasant and open atmosphere. Number 1 tests a person for kindness of heart. A good person will have prosperity and happiness in his home, while a bad person will have problems with mental and material issues and illness.


- Under the influence of the Moon. The influence of intuition and mental contemplation. Great for people whose work involves children. Also suitable for those involved in catering and working with water bodies. There are many mirrors in the interior of the apartment. The most memorable place in the house is the original bathtub. The entire house is decorated in delicate milky or cream tones, sometimes the color of emerald is used. People with weak psyches should not live in a house with such a number; it can worsen mental illness. The presence of running water calms the house.


— Under the influence of Mars, it means a strong will, a call to action, not to thinking. Home for quick decisions and follow-up. The number requires the release of energy and action, so the professions of a firefighter, mechanic or operative are well suited. Energy will require implementation and you won’t have to sit idle, there will always be something to do. Laziness leads to serious illnesses. The main color in the room is all variations of red. The main rule for those living in the house is to try not to get involved in conflicts.


-Is under the influence of Mercury, means contacts, interconnection. Eloquence and mental talents will be greatly needed. Professions related to communication: telephone dispatcher, stock exchange worker. The well-being and happiness in your home depends on your honesty. Use all shades of blue in your home interior. Those living in the house will really enjoy walks and travel.


— Under the influence of Jupiter, it means expansion, change. There will be a desire to engage in large-scale issues of politics and science. Working on spiritual ideas. There is a desire to rush into the distance, beyond the border or the edge of the unknown. Lucky color is purple. The decoration of the house will be bronze dishes and telescopes. Try to suppress the urge to lose your temper. It will not be superfluous to take care of the liver.


- Under the influence of Venus, it means relaxation, love and comfort. There are warm-hearted and friendly people who can do a lot of things with their own hands. The house is very cozy and comfortable, there is always a lot of tasty treats. But overweight brawlers can also live with a bad option. A lot of soft and cozy furniture and carpets in soft, natural colors are used. Usually in such houses there is a cat or a dog, and there are a large number of plants. Do not deny yourself the desire to spend time among nature. In anticipation of conflicts, decide who the initiator is; perhaps the desire to quarrel will disappear.


— Being under the influence of Saturn means many trials. Those living in such a house will face many trials of cold, hunger, and many restrictions. But this is a wonderful option for mastering a skill, specialty, and spiritual development. All wrong behavior is reflected in problems with the back, bones, and joints. It's good to do oriental gymnastics. Dark blue colors for the interior will fit well.


— Under the influence of Uranus, it means freedom, unpredictability and mutual assistance. Good for all enterprises and inventions, making many friends. Professions related to mysticism and unusual technologies. Realists are threatened with collapse of plans and confusion. All rainbow colors are suitable for home decoration, the color of the sky is possible. Electricity should be used carefully and glass should be kept perfectly clean.


— Under the influence of Neptune, it means addiction, mental problems. Quite a heavy room. Suitable for sailors, psychics, clergy, musicians. The rest are destined for trouble with missing things, addiction to smoking and drinking, a predisposition to insomnia, and threats of poisoning.


- An ambiguous number - some believe that this is emptiness and means nothing, others, on the contrary, believe that this is a beginning without an end, the completeness and integrity of the world. I think that you need to believe in the positive and positive, so I choose the second option, since I myself live in apartment number 100

Choose your favorite numbers or harmonize your home with additional “favorite numbers”! Good luck!

The energy of numbers has always excited people and forced them to study their influence on human life. There is a whole science of numbers - numerology, which originates in ancient times. In Feng Shui, numbers are also considered a source of energy.

And first of all, I would like to consider the controversial meaning of the number 4.

Number (digit) 4 in Feng Shui

A feature of the Cantonese dialect (a dialect that appeared in Guangzhou, China) is the large number of similarities in the sound of words that have different meanings. One of the not the best matches was the number 4 - for the Chinese its name will sound like “death”.

Of course, it is not very pleasant to constantly utter the word “death”, because words and thoughts themselves carry strong vibrations, have energy and influence life. Therefore, the Chinese do everything not to be associated with the number 4 - so that the number of an apartment, house, office, or even telephone does not have this number. Some developers, along with the number 13, try to avoid the number 4 (i.e., in a number of houses, as well as in hotels and hospitals in China, there may easily be no 4th floor). In addition, license plates containing the number 4 are generally prohibited in Beijing.

For us, the number 4 does not pose any potential danger. On the contrary, only positive values ​​can be assigned to it:

  • In geography, there are 4 cardinal directions - 4 main compass directions: north, south, west, east.
  • The annual cycle is conventionally divided into 4 periods - seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring.
  • Feng Shui speaks of the existence of the energies of 4 celestial animals: green dragon, white tiger, red phoenix and black turtle.


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Quote from AllaFIT message

Read in full In your quotation book or community!

Today is the day of the Summer Solstice! Happy holiday, dear readers!

I can say that on this day it is good to carry out various white solar rituals. For me, a significant event was that we switched from the bee-line to a megaphone (the bee-line just often gave us glitches, it was already tormenting us). I chose joyfully and competently phone numbers on contracts. I previously wrote down all the lucky numbers according to Feng Shui - 1,6,7,8,9 and the combination 28 - bringing easy money, 68 - also wealth, prosperity, longevity (now, of course, I remember them very well). And I spent a long time choosing and looking through the numbers in all three stores. After all, today and the summer solstice are really significant. These are the meanings of the numbers that are close to me. And of course, like many Chinese, I attach importance to the meaning of each number, and not by adding and going to another number. Although there are nuances here too. Two unfavorable fours bring prosperity, because in this situation it is the addition method that works, and here comes the wonderful number 8. And today is the 21st day, and this is a good and lucky number - easy luck, winning .

In general, the articles are similar, but they are interesting to read.

Friends! Every day we come across numbers - we dial phone numbers, write down the birth dates of friends, remember car numbers. And we hardly often think about the fact that each number carries a certain Energy, and not always positive. Now you can choose your own car number. Therefore, foreign cars with numbers 1111, 7777, 4444 are driving around the city. But is it enough to choose such a “thieves” number for a successful life? Let's figure it out.

There are several complementary approaches to analyzing numbers.

For example, Chinese numerology divides all numbers into Yin numbers (even) and Yang numbers (odd). On the one hand, odd numbers are considered the happiest and most favorable. On the other hand, all Chinese philosophy is based on the idea of ​​balance between Yin and Yang. Therefore, to ensure such balance, even and odd numbers must be present in equal numbers. It is very good when the number of a house, car, telephone or date of birth contains elements of both Yin and Yang. So, we can conclude that in general, car numbers consisting of identical digits cannot be favorable. Let's figure it out further.

When choosing a number - for example, a license plate for a car - first of all, you should pay attention to how the numbers “sound” and whether they attract favorable Energy. In China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Macau, people listen to how numbers sound in Cantonese. By the way, it is in these countries that more than 90% of motorists choose their own license plates based on a very complex analysis of their favorability. According to statistics, cars with lucky numbers are much easier and more profitable to resell in the future. The luckiest numbers are considered to be “8”, “6” and “9”. They carry positive vibrations in any combination: “168”, “8998”, “7788”, and of course “8888” (four eights are a special case, favorable even in the absence of Yang). Let's take a closer look at the meanings of the numbers, and figure out which numbers can be called lucky and which ones are best avoided.

The number "1" is very successful. The unit symbolizes unity and sounds like “win, honor.” The one enhances the favorable meaning of other lucky ones, such as “1898” or “1389.”

The number "2" sounds like "easy". Two brings special luck if it is placed in front of other numbers. You yourself can already decipher that the number “21” sounds like an “easy win.”

The number “3” is also considered favorable and symbolizes “life”. Three also sounds like “growth”, “path”. The combination “328” is very popular; it means “an easy and successful path in business.”

The Chinese try to avoid the number “4”, since four means “death” in Cantonese. The most unfavorable combination is “24” meaning “easy death”. Avoid it, because an unhindered death is not what you want, is it? But in combination with five (the number “5” sounds like “no”, “will not happen”), four is not dangerous, since “45” means “there will be no death.” And the most important rule is never put 4 at the end of a number combination.

As for the five, it should not be combined with other favorable numbers, since its meaning - “no”, “will not” - will weaken luck. Try to decipher the number “51” yourself. You will not see anything good - it will be “lack of gain”, “loss of honor”.

The number “6” is very favorable, it means “wealth”, “income”. Moreover, six is ​​double three! Therefore it means "double growth", "double everything you have." If your car number is, for example, “1368”, then this means “you are lucky, and your wealth will double all the time.” And the combination “68” means “a lot of money.”

The number “7” means “confidence”, “certainly”. For example, the combination “78” means “guaranteed wealth.” But you should not use seven with unfavorable numbers. So the combination “57” will express “no confidence”, and “74” sounds like “surely will die”.

The number “8” is considered the most favorable and happiest, especially now, in the eighth period of time according to Feng Shui (2004-2024). The number eight brings great wealth and prosperity. The number eight also symbolizes growth and development and is interpreted as “great wealth”, “prosperity”. So “18” means “rich gain”, and “88” means “extraordinary wealth”.

The number “9” is also very successful. It symbolizes “health” and “longevity”.

Now you can choose your lucky number yourself. Of course, you will pick up something like “2688” - “Money flows easily and in large quantities”, or “9988” - “longevity and wealth”. Even better is the option “7968” - “excellent health, longevity and double wealth.” What else does a person need? Of course, you also need love, but it is not subject to numbers. On the surface, choosing a lucky number doesn’t seem that difficult, right? But still, for this it is better to contact a specialist, because you need to take into account many other factors not described in this article.


Second article

Choose a lucky number.

Numerology is an important part of our life. We constantly deal with numbers at home, at work, remember telephone numbers and car numbers... And when we buy a car ourselves, we really want the numbers to be... HAPPY. How to choose a successful combination?

Alex Thau reports:

In Feng Shui we use numbers to describe the Five Elements in the Eight House formulas, and especially in Wandering Stars Feng Shui. The numbers are also used to predict the future and analyze the quality of Chi energy in the surrounding space. However, I ask you not to mix these methods when choosing your car number. This is a completely different direction and the interpretation of the numbers will be completely different.

When buying a car, we need to focus our attention on how the numbers “ sound ” and attract a favorable vibration. So in China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Macau, people listen to the phonetics of numbers in Cantonese. For example, the numbers “8”, “6” and “9” are considered the luckiest and most auspicious in any combination of “ 168”, “8998” and especially “8888”. Twos and threes are also in great demand.

Recently, while in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, I spoke with Hyundai car dealer Mr. Fan and inquired about the demand for various numbers. It turns out that in 90% of cases, buyers want to choose the number of their car themselves. Usually these are Chinese or Indians, but more and more native Malays are also showing ingenuity and intelligence, since cars with lucky numbers are much easier and more profitable to resell after a year or two.

So, how much money are people willing to pay for the right to choose a lucky number? As Mr. Fan says, “If you're not that picky and just want to avoid bad, unlucky numbers, then it will cost you around RM200-300 (US$60-90). But, if you want some special combinations of numbers or repeating numbers, you should be prepared to shell out 2 to 3 thousand ringgit (600 - 900 US dollars) or more for such a service. So, for example, numbers 2288 will cost about 600 dollars, but 8888 will cost you 3,000 US dollars.”

Let's dwell on WHICH numbers are lucky and which are not, that is, let's understand the meaning of the numbers.

The number “8” is considered the most auspicious and lucky, especially in the eighth period of time according to Feng Shui (2004-2024), in which we now live. The Chinese believe that the number eight brings wealth and prosperity. The number eight also symbolizes growth and development and is interpreted as "immediate wealth here and now." So, one should not be surprised at the popularity of the number 8 in our time. My Ford Econoline car had a wonderful 888 combination and really brought me great luck.

The number "3" is generally considered auspicious as it symbolizes "life". Phonetically, in Cantonese, 3-ka sounds like sang and means to live. One of the popular combinations is “328”, which includes a three. This combination means “an easy and successful path in business.”

The number "6" is very auspicious because it sounds like an onion, which means "highly profitable." Additionally, a six is ​​a double three, which is interpreted as “doubling everything you have.” If your car number is, for example, “1368,” it means “your wealth will double all the time.”

The numbers "1" and "9" are very lucky. One symbolizes unity, and nine symbolizes longevity. These numbers enhance the auspicious meaning of other lucky numbers, such as “1998” or “1389.”

The number "2" sounds like yi or "easy". It is believed to bring good luck when placed in front of other numbers, such as 23, 26 or 28. These combinations will mean "easy growth", "easy income" and "easy prosperity and wealth" respectively. However, you should avoid combination 24, which is considered extremely unfavorable because it sounds like “easy to die” - not at all what you want, right?!

The number "5" sounds like nang or "will not". The best thing is to combine five with four. Since 4 sounds like “death,” 54 would mean “will not die.” You should not combine the 5 with other favorable numbers, as this will negate your luck.

The number "7" sounds chatty and means "confidence." It is best to combine 7 with 2 or 8, where the combination will mean “prosperity for sure.” Avoid combinations of the number 7 with other unfavorable numbers, especially with the 4, because such a combination will express “surely die.”

The number "4" is a number that all Chinese try to avoid because they want to live happily ever after, because 4 means "death" in Cantonese. However, the number 4 is not always unfavorable and unlucky. For example, the combination 48- is unusually favorable because it means “wealth and prosperity at any cost.” And combination 43 means “even if you die, you will live.” Remember an important rule - never put 4 at the end of a number combination.


And the third article.

How to determine lucky and unlucky numbers in Feng Shui

As a rule, taking into account the influence of lucky or unlucky numbers is considered superstition, but in Feng Shui, numerical symbolism is given serious practical significance, far from any mysticism. Prejudice regarding superstitions in the interpretation of the meanings of numbers is caused by a peculiar feature of the Chinese language, in which homonymy is very developed. Thus, there are many similarities in the sound of words with different meanings. For example, two different words - "four" and "death" - will sound the same in Cantonese. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Chinese are willing to pay decent money so that the number of their house, office, car, telephone or credit card does not contain fours reminiscent of death, or other numbers that have an unfavorable effect even at the mere mention of them.

The word “two” sounds like the word “easy,” so the address of, for example, house number 24 will sound too similar to the phrase “easy death.” “Eight” sounds the same as the word “prosperity,” and as a result of the homonymous similarity, the number “28” temptingly promises “easy money.” Who would agree to change such a number, for example, to number 174, which, when pronounced out loud, convincingly conveys: “Everyone dies together.” The symbolism of numbers in their homonymous meaning, i.e. by sound, can play a decisive role in choosing a date for an important family or business event (wedding, signing a contract, sales agreement, etc.). As mentioned above, in anticipation of a date favorable to the burial of the deceased, the burial ceremony was sometimes delayed for several weeks.

This example shows that the importance of numerical symbolism for the ancient Chinese can hardly be overestimated, as well as for our contemporaries. Telephone companies unconditionally fulfill customer requests to change certain numbers to others; it is quite possible to even change a house number. Thus, the ill-fated numbers “4” or “14”, which sound like “death” and “certain death” in Cantonese, can, with the permission of the authorities, turn into the mellifluous “4B” or “14B”, in which the letter “B” resembles a figure eight , promising unfailing prosperity. Issuing license plates in China has long turned into one of the most profitable types of business: since 1988, the Hong Kong Transport Authority has regularly held auctions of license plates, but the sale of license plate number 8 for $650,000, which took place at the first auction, is still remains a Guinness Book record.

Funds from such auctions go to charitable purposes and needs, leaving the buyer the right to use their acquisition for life, and only after the death of the rightful owner can the number be put up for another auction again. Number 2828, which literally means “easy money, easy money,” sold for more than $63,000. The number “28” will cost the buyer much less for a hotel room in Hong Kong (located, of course, on the 28th floor), but you should worry about becoming its owner much earlier than 28 days in advance! Only an advertising business can successfully compete with a numbered business, in which numerical symbolism is one of the main working tools, along with color: the design of a sign takes into account not only its size, but even the number of strokes in each hieroglyph, and the resulting numerical proportions also manifest the influence of the ubiquitous bagua.

Various influences of numerical symbolism accompany a person everywhere. It can be said without exaggeration that they create a certain environment around him, favorable or not. With the exception of the number business or areas of human life in which digital information is used for management purposes or for calculations, the influences of numerical symbolism are outwardly little noticeable, almost imperceptible, but they are there. In addition to choosing the dates of important events and the numbers of houses, cars, telephones, credit cards and other things, the symbolism of numbers is widely taken into account in China in the proportions of premises, furniture and clothing, largely determining their national identity and becoming an integral feature of Chinese national culture.

In Western numerology, when interpreting numbers, semantic meaning is attached only to the final result of adding all the digits of a number and reducing them to one. For example, house number 135 as a result of such arithmetic transformations (1 + 3 + 5 = 9) will turn into 9, which will determine its symbolic meaning. In the East, with the symbolic interpretation of numbers, each of the numbers receives an independent interpretation, affecting the meaning of the entire number. Homonymous interpretation (i.e. by sound) is also acceptable in relation to two-digit or large numbers, for example, “28” sounds like “easy money”, and “58” sounds like “no money”. The number “48,” although it includes a four, is interpreted as “great wealth”: in it, the four does not mean “deadly money,” but money obtained through hard, exhausting labor.

Correspondences of numbers, colors, directions, elements and bagua zones

The number “1” is considered very lucky in Feng Shui, although it does not have a specific meaning.

"2" means illness and is one of the two most unlucky numbers.

"3" relates to anger, disagreement and conflict.

“4” correlates with love and sexual relationships, as well as with knowledge, which is at odds with the homonymous interpretation.

“5” is another very unfavorable number, meaning failure and depression.

“6” is considered a very lucky number, meaning saving money.

“7” is associated with spirituality and communication, prosperity.

“8” is the most favorable number, meaning prosperity in the near future.

“9” joins the list of lucky numbers, also promising luck and good fortune in the future.

Depending on how the numbers are arranged and what they mean, you can either attract chi and improve the feng shui of your home, or influence success in a negative way.

Feng Shui is a system that is constantly moving and changing, just as life circumstances change. Naturally, regular adjustments to your home through major repairs or reconstruction are difficult to implement and are unlikely to be suitable for anyone. Therefore, it is recommended to correct Feng Shui at home or workplace with the help of accessories and symbols, which are always easy to remove or replace with others if necessary.


Of course, I didn’t include a single unlucky number in the numbers, I simply avoided them so as not to accidentally end up with the wrong interpretation. Although, perhaps it would have been enough for the number to end only in 8 or 9. But still, I believe that the other numbers are not interconnected. must be negative.

And it turned out funny. At first I was looking for numbers at one rate, but there were few contracts there. There was one number with good numbers, and the second number with a negative five. Well, we didn’t pay much. We went to other stores, there were no normal numbers and numbers anywhere. And again they returned to where they bought the first contracts. Thank you, they treated everything with humor, but of course there was also some seriousness. I believe these numbers, as it always worked out like this in life, some numbers bring good luck, and some don’t. In general These cool guys, very positive too, I asked for all the megaphone contracts and thick packs, went through them all and chose them. Hurray! Hooray that they were, these numbers.

Good luck and wonderful numbers to you, dear readers! You can easily learn to remove the negative influence from a bad number, say, an apartment or a house, when you know the meaning of the numbers. For example, it’s better to write four in letters and not in numbers, circle it well with a red circle, then you can then, after exactly the four, draw it in with a pencil, let’s say 8 and end up with 48 in front of the Universe - prosperity and wealth.

Series of messages “FENG SHUI”:
Part 1 - Home cleansing rituals Part 2 - The meaning of numbers according to Feng Shui Part 3 - Be sure to read! Part 4 - Recipes for wealth... Part 26 - How to protect yourself from evil with the help of salt Part 27 - How to store money in your wallet so that there is more and more of it Part 28 - The best and most effective Simoron rituals, part 1.

Other meanings of numbers in Feng Shui


– emptiness, potential, the beginning and end of something.


– the energy of new beginnings, an unhindered and open flow of energy. In combination with other numbers, it enhances their favorable meaning.


– partnership, cooperation, balance. In Chinese it sounds like the word “easy”.


– family, creative self-expression, self-realization, development.


– radical transformation, change, adventure. In Chinese it sounds like “nothing”, so some people consider this number to be unfavorable.


– patience, care, practicality, leading to wealth.


– contemplation, personal growth, loneliness (not in a bad way), confidence in something.


– endless energy, never-ending flow of well-being, abundance, business success. Currently (period 2004-2023), the favorable characteristics of the eight are enhanced due to the fact that 8 is the number of the period.


– highest well-being, satisfaction in success, gratitude, health, longevity. During the period from 2004 to 2023. nine symbolizes distant well-being (since 9 is the number of the next period from 2024 to 2043).

How to find a lucky banknote?

The banknote with the most powerful money code will serve as your talisman. Numerology offers this way to attract big money - find a banknote that will attract more monetary energy into your life.

Pay attention to the code that is on the banknote. You need to add up all the numbers that are presented there to get a single digit number. This single-digit number is a code through which you can attract or, conversely, repel monetary energy.

The banknote with the most powerful money code will serve as your money talisman. You cannot spend such a bill; you must always carry it with you in your wallet.

Let's decipher all 9 numbers as a code for attracting money:

  • Combinations of money numbers, where the code is “1” will help you find financial well-being in the trading sphere.
  • If you come across a bill with the code “2”, do not choose it as a money talisman, otherwise the money will begin to decrease rather than increase.
  • But for triplets it will serve as a wonderful money talisman. The peculiarity of this number is that it will greatly help to negotiate and successfully conclude a deal.
  • The code “4” in the sum of the numbers will open up new financial opportunities for you.
  • The code “5” in the sum of the numbers on the bill will help you achieve a higher financial position.
  • A banknote with code “6” will become a real money talisman; it will open up opportunities for you in very profitable areas of business.
  • Numerology for attracting money, where the code is “7”, “8” and “9”, contrary to public opinion, numerology warns that these codes do not attract money energy in the best way. In principle, a banknote with such a code helps to achieve a high level of income, but it comes through hard work.

Non-monetary numbers

NumberBanknote denomination or total amountMeaningRecommendations for use
1Wastefulness, energy useless for the owner.You cannot put aside finances with such a denomination - situations will arise that require an urgent investment of the accumulated amount.
  • poverty;
  • need;
  • debts;
  • victims.
It is dangerous to take out a loan and borrow money; it will be difficult to return the money.
  • 700;
  • 3 400;
  • 4 300;
  • 7 000;
  • 70 000.
  • danger;
  • material losses.
It is forbidden:
  • present;
  • borrow;
  • contribute.

Double figures

  • luck;
  • wealth;
  • Additional income.
Invest in the development of new projects. You cannot collect banknotes and put them on deposit.
  • successful acquisitions;
  • winning at the casino.
It's good to invest. It is not advisable to make bank deposits or store. Situations will arise that require certain financial investments.
  • work;
  • limitation;
  • attraction of finances for the most necessary benefits.
Investments and deposits do not bring profit.
9Energy of helpGive and invest in charity.

Interpretation of numbers

To determine the quality of energy of a certain number, look at the combination of numbers and their arrangement (which number is at the beginning, which one is in the middle, which one is at the end), at the meaning of each number individually and as a whole (by reducing it to one number).

Take house number 107 for example. This house will have an overall potential pure energy of success and abundance, which is provided by the energy of new beginnings, potential and personal growth.

Numbers consisting of repeated digits are very strong because... their energy increases through repetition (for example, 11, 222, 8899, etc.).

Good luck to you!

The meaning of Feng Shui numbers is very important to know, because each of them directly affects human life. Any number that appears in the space around you plays an important role.

Feng Shui number 4: interpretation in Chinese numerology

Everything in the world has an inherent energy - a kind of internal force that can influence the world around us. Being non-material, it is precisely this that underlies the movement of all processes associated with living/non-living objects. Through the same energy, all living things can sense the world at the level of the senses, and a person is able to sense what is happening around him figuratively and through the prism of special feelings (bliss, compassion, love, happiness, etc.).

Powerful spiritual energy, filling a person’s soul, endows him with special secret knowledge, which is the key to a deeper understanding of the world and all its important processes.

Mathematical manipulations with numbers underlie the numerological schools of the West and East.

The knowledge about secret predictions using numbers, which our ancestors used in the distant past, was transformed into a system much later.

Attempts to unite various schools into a single system have shown that there are significant differences between the existing numerological schools of the Western and Eastern directions.

Meaning of numbers from 0 to 9


  • A symbol of death and destruction, it is considered an unfavorable number. If you strive to live “according to Feng Shui”, this figure should be avoided even in combination with others
  • In number combinations, changes the favorable meaning of other numbers to negative

Five is also a negative symbol. “Multiplies by zero” everything useful that other numbers can provide in your life. Therefore, it is better to avoid five

Seven is a symbol of good luck, success, luck. It is believed that it gives a person enormous self-confidence, he begins to notice many opportunities around him, realizes his creative potential faster and achieves his goals.


  • The luckiest number in Eastern philosophy. Attracts financial well-being and prosperity into a person’s life
  • Helps you constantly develop and move forward, stop at nothing to achieve your goals
  • Symbolizes the unification of heaven and earth
  • Endowed with very powerful energy, attracts health and longevity into a person’s life, protects against problems, troubles, protects against diseases

Zero is emptiness, nothing. Doesn't have any specific meaning. In some sources it is interpreted as a favorable symbol that maintains harmony in a person’s surrounding space.

Interesting Facts

The city of Beijing lost the election race for the 2000 Olympics. But due to their hostility to the number 4, they did not apply to host the 2004 Olympics. But in 2008 they entered with pleasure and won.

A medical study was conducted in the USA. It turned out that the death rate among Asians from heart attacks on the fourth day of the month is 13% higher than on other days. This is a vivid example of how a belief materializes, and in a disgusting way.

Despite the passion of Chinese emperors for numerology, the four are found in the Forbidden City. There are four watchtowers on the four corners of the main wall.

Lucky and unfavorable combinations of numbers

You can choose lucky digital combinations for yourself. You can use this knowledge when choosing a phone number or car number, as well as in any other cases when you come across numbers.

The following combinations are considered the most favorable in Feng Shui:

  • 6-8 - attracts financial well-being, activates flows of monetary energy, gives prosperity and success at work, ensures rapid career growth
  • 2-8 - a monetary combination for the quick fulfillment of desires related to the acquisition of material goods. Can be used if you want to quickly buy an apartment, car or something else
  • 1-6-8 - attracts luck and success in all areas of life. Symbol of harmony, happiness and prosperity
  • 7-8 is a symbol of guaranteed wealth, which you will come to sooner or later. Fate itself will send the appropriate opportunities - it is important to notice them and not miss them
  • 4-8 also means wealth, but you will have to work very hard for it. Four in this combination is a sign of incredible effort and hard work. But in the end, your hard work will pay off.
  • 7-8-9 - harmonizes a person’s energy state, a favorable symbol without a specific meaning

Watch a video about the meaning of numbers in Chinese numerology:

There are also unfavorable combinations that it is advisable to exclude from your life:

  • 2-4 is a symbol of death, but not in its literal sense. It can lead to the loss of something important, to the destruction of significant things in a person’s life. Losses, unexpected expenses, separation, illness
  • 5-8 - to financial losses. If this combination of numbers is constantly present in your life, there will never be money, no matter how hard you try
  • 9-5 - a threat to the surrounding area, you risk losing acquired property or loved ones, becoming a victim of a catastrophe, natural disaster
  • 6-4 - collapse in financial affairs, a person can go bankrupt in one day, become poor, starve
  • 5-6 - puts a block to the fulfillment of desires. Everything comes at the cost of incredible effort, nothing comes into life easily. Success is possible only through overcoming oneself, daily and incessantly.

It is worth noting that odd numbers are considered the most favorable in Eastern numerology, because they are influenced by Yang energy, creative and beneficial. Even Yin numbers can lead to losses and losses.

And if you use number combinations, it is important to maintain balance - for every even number, add one odd one. Then negative consequences can be avoided.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!
For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

In the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, numbers play an important role. It is generally accepted that each of them directly affects the fate and life of a person, creating a favorable or unfavorable magical environment.

Feng Shui numbers are considered in combination with each other, divided into Yin - even and Yang - odd. To avoid imbalance and attract positive energy, it is recommended to have both in equal quantities.

Let's take a closer look at the meaning of numbers according to Feng Shui.

About the number 27

If you were born under this number, then you are blessed by the Lord. Heaven will protect you throughout your life. The number affects the character of the person born under it.

But you need to understand that the number is only the initial value. The rest depends on upbringing, society and human genetics.

Typically, people under the number 27 are open, kind, compassionate and helpful, and responsive. They often become teachers. They are pacifists. They are doing well with money, all their projects are profitable. They are leaders and can inspire other people. They have a creative mind, they are intelligent. They are great at expressing their emotions.

There are also weaknesses. People don't know how to let go of negativity. They enjoy success only long after it has occurred. You need to be able to abandon your goals if you cannot achieve them. You need to learn to forgive, this is the most important thing. Stubbornness often gets in the way of relationships. Below is more about 27 in numerology.

Decoding numbers

Note that in Feng Shui there are several options for interpreting numbers and number combinations. The meaning of numbers when using the rules of classical numerology of the East differs from the interpretation used today. The everyday interpretation of the rules of numerology according to Feng Shui is based on the sound of the word. Let's consider a modern approach.

Unit (1) is a good number, meaning the primary source of everything that exists. “1” – creation, construction, good reputation. It sounds like “prize, honor” and enhances the favorable influence of other numbers.

Two (2) is the key to the harmony of the energies of Yin and Yang, necessary for the origin of life. Sounds "easy" and brings strong luck if placed before another lucky number in the combination.

Three (3) – life, rapid development. It sounds like the word "growth", a favorable element of many number combinations.

We have selected interesting articles for you:

Four (4) is an unfavorable number, sounding similar to the word “death”. The Chinese avoid combinations with this number. But the combination “44” is favorable, because if you calculate the sum, it is equal to 8.

Five (5) – means emptiness and absence. The appearance of five minimizes the beneficial influence of other numbers. It is recommended to avoid combinations with the number 5.

Six (6) – means wealth, prosperity. A favorable figure that generates income.

Seven (7) – luck, confidence. Sounds like “for sure.”

Eight (8) is one of the lucky meanings, attracting success and prosperity into life. Pronounced "jewel", it is a symbol of development and growth.

Nine (9) is a lucky number, meaning the fullness of heaven and earth. Symbol of health and long life.

Zero (0) – from the point of view of some experts, means emptiness, others believe that “0” is the basis of the balance of existence.

Four in classical Chinese culture

I will continue to talk about numerology in China. Now let's talk about the most unfortunate number from the Chinese point of view - 4.

Classical Chinese numerology does not see anything bad in the number four. This number symbolizes stability, rationality and balance.

  • The four cardinal directions are north, south, west and east,
  • Four seasons of the year - summer, winter, autumn and spring,
  • The four great inventions of China are paper, compass, gunpowder and printing (the technology for printing documents was invented by the Chinese; a particularly rich collection of seals can be seen in the Shanghai Museum),
  • The four worthy activities of a noble person are playing a musical instrument, chess, calligraphy and painting (we talked about this in the article about Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai),
  • The four great towers of China are Penlai, Yuyan, Tenwan and the Yellow Crane Tower.

As you can see, the four is very popular in classical Chinese culture. It is also common in the religious sphere:

  • Four main texts in Taoism,
  • The Four Sacred Texts of Confucianism.

Numbers that attract money

It turns out that the most beneficial numbers in Feng Shui are 8 and 9. If you believe in symbolism, it is possible to identify lucky combinations that bring not only good luck, but also money. Let's highlight several “money” combinations:

  • 7-8-9 – luck in any endeavors and affairs;
  • 4-8 – wealth acquired through hard work;
  • 7-8 – unconditional receipt of wealth;
  • 2-8-8 – rapid receipt of income;
  • 6-8 is a winning combination of numbers, meaning constantly increasing wealth.

Remember that money is an egregor that takes away energy. Switch your attention and redirect your energy to the positive, and you will make more money.

About the numerology of money

Nowadays, almost everyone uses cards and cash has simply become inconvenient. Therefore, to calculate the number, you need to add up the numbers of the card or personal account number. The resulting number is analyzed numerically and analyzed.

1 - use money from new sources. 2 - money should not accumulate on this card. Transfer them, spend them. 3 - you are a creative person or a student, money comes from different sources. 4 is an ideal card for saving. Don't waste your money. 5 - if you are going on a trip, transfer money to the card with number 5.

Also, don't keep all your money on this card. 6 - this card will cover all your needs in full. If 6 is present several times, then you will suffer from little income. 7 is a universal card. If there are many sevens in the room, then everything will be fine. 8 is a lucky number.

Listen to your intuition and increase your wealth. 9 - funds will come and be spent on time, but gradually.

There is an analysis of birthdays. 1, 10, 19, 28 - energy number 1. 2, 11, 20, 29 - 2. 3, 12, 21, 30 - 3. 4, 13, 22, 31 - 4. 5, 14, 23 - 5. 6, 15, 24 - 6. 7, 16, 25 - 7. 8, 17, 26 - 8. 9, 18, 27 - 9.

More details below.

Personal meaning of fate according to Feng Shui - Gua number

According to Eastern numerology, each person has an individual, special number - Gua number. Associated with it is the knowledge necessary for living in harmony and peace. Knowing the meanings of numbers, including personal Gua, will bring awareness of the right direction for self-development and knowledge, and will help you find your calling and place in life.

Based on the provisions of eastern numerology, it can be argued that the Gua number influences some aspects of a person’s horoscope:

  • helps to find inner balance, helps to reach a state of harmony;
  • influences the knowledge of the inner world and the laws of the universe;
  • helps determine the right directions for spiritual development;
  • the number allows you to achieve balance in all areas of life, helps you find good luck, luck and support from above;
  • affects the climate in the family, relationships with other people;
  • helps to love and accept people.

The Gua number is calculated by date of birth. Depending on the resulting value, the resource influencing life and favorable directions for the correct use of Gua are determined.

Compatibility of people 4 with subjects of other numbers

If you divide people by gua numbers, they will form three groups - a, b, c, where “a” includes a group with numbers 1,4,7, “b” - 2,5,8, “c” - 3 ,6,9. Depending on the position of the groups, the compatibility of the people of these groups depends. Let's take a brief look at this classification.

If we take group “a” as dominant, then it will be neutral towards group “b”, and deficient towards “c”. But being the main group “b”, it will be neutral towards “c”, and negative towards “a”. And finally, the last position, where “c” is the main one, then “a” is neutral to it, and “b” is defective.

Thanks to these ratios, they calculate the attitude of politicians towards each other, whether they can agree on what is important for their country. The same calculations are important in the love sphere.

Favorable and unfavorable combinations of numbers

Using the knowledge of Eastern practice, it is possible to determine successful combinations of numbers for yourself. You can use this when choosing a telephone number, the number of your future house or apartment, or car.

The following combinations are considered the most lucky Feng Shui numbers:

  • 6-8 – entails financial well-being, activates energy cash flows. Brings success and prosperity at work, rapid movement up the career ladder;
  • 2-8 – a combination that influences the fulfillment of desires that are associated with money and the acquisition of any goods;
  • 1-6-8 – attracts luck, luck and success to all areas of life, symbolizes harmony and happiness;
  • 7-8 - symbolizes unconditional wealth, to which a person will come at the right time;
  • 7-8-9 – brings harmony to a person’s energy state, health and longevity.

There are also combinations of negative numbers that are recommended to be removed from life:

  • 2-4 - symbolizes death, but not in the literal sense, leads to the loss of important things, expenses, separations and illnesses, losses;
  • 5-8 – leads to loss of finances; the presence of this combination in a person’s life ensures a lack of money, even with great effort and diligence;
  • 9-5 – threat to life, property and health;
  • 6-4 – financial collapse, instant bankruptcy, poverty;
  • 5-6 – blocks the fulfillment of desires, every business and success will come only if you overcome hard efforts.

Numbers 4 and 5 should be avoided even in combination with other favorable values. Don't forget about the creative energy of even numbers, remember balance.

The number of wealth in Feng Shui is a combination of several numbers that can enhance each other. Indeed, even in the time of Pythagoras, whose main teaching was the doctrine of numbers, people began to realize that the variety of physical phenomena is subject to a certain order. This order can be expressed numerically. That is why the Feng Shui monetary number will be a certain combination of numbers depending on the purpose of use.

Unfavorable combinations

In addition to successful ones, there are those combinations that you should beware of

You need to be very careful with a four or a combination that contains a four. No matter what order they come in. Unfavorable combinations are:

  • 13 – inhibit development;
  • 66 – carries emptiness;
  • 443 is a very unlucky combination;
  • 40 – losses in the early stages of movement, inhibition of everything planned;
  • 47 – does not bring good luck;
  • 34 – brings negativity;
  • 49 – awakens negative energy;
  • 24 - is a deadly combination, denotes failure and ruin, losses, separation, illness;
  • 58 – denotes material ruin, financial debts and failures;
  • 95 – attracts failures, natural disasters, ruin, death of loved ones;
  • 64 – loss of money, ruin;
  • 56 – slows down development.

The meaning of numbers in feng shui

To understand numerical combinations that carry the energy of money, you must first understand the meaning of individual numbers. This way you can independently create the order of numbers you need. Unlike the Pythagorean teachings, Feng Shui considers combinations of numbers, without adding them and reducing them to one number. In addition, there is a division into even numbers - they belong to Yin and odd numbers, belonging to Yang. To avoid an imbalance, the presence of both is necessary in equal quantities.

So, with the help of numbers, you can either attract positive energy or repel it. Numbers in Feng Shui have the following meanings:

  • 1 is an honorary number for Taoists. The unit symbolizes the beginning of everything and the unity of spirit. In Feng Shui, this number is considered positive, which means it brings good luck, gain and honor.
  • 2 is not very favorable, since translated from Chinese it means “easy,” but when combined with other numbers, two gives a boost.
  • 3 – symbolizes the juice of life and growth, in translation it sounds like “strength” and “growth”.
  • 4 is a negative number meaning death, unfavorable changes. When combined with good numbers, it will give obstacles to achieving the goal.
  • 5 – symbolizes the harmony of the five main elements, the balance of energies and movement. However, when translated it sounds like “nothing” and is therefore not used by the Chinese.
  • 6 is a lucky number that carries the energy of stability and wealth.
  • 7 - acts as a symbol of confidence and deep knowledge, translated as “surely” or “surely.”
  • 8 – in the East, this number is the most revered and beloved, since it means the totality of all benefits: success, great wealth, abundance, development, prosperity, etc.
  • 9 is another one of the most successful numbers from a Feng Shui point of view. This figure represents completeness, health and well-being.
  • 0 – not everyone has a positive attitude towards this number. For some it means emptiness, for others it means the Absolute.

Numerology of money

“According to income and expenses,” some say. “According to expenses and income!” - others disagree. Numerologists are unanimous on this issue: earning money and spending it are two different talents, and only possessing both of them allows you to achieve financial heights.

What amounts are best given as a gift? Which ones are more profitable to invest or lend? How many people must there be in a company for the business to be profitable? Today we will reveal some secrets of handling money that will help not only survive the crisis safely, but also come out of it in the black!

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