How to compose and decipher the four pillars of fate?

Pillars of Luck or Tacts of Luck

Figuratively speaking, if the Bazi Map (Pillars of Fate) can be compared to a car, then the Pillars of Fortune can be compared to the road on which it is driving.

The Pillars of Luck are ten-year periods in a person’s life, during each of which certain energies exert their influence. In each Pillar of Luck come the energies of some Heavenly trunk and Earthly branch, which interact with the energies of a person’s Ba Zi card and with the energies of the year, month and day.

Keep in mind that the Heavenly Stem of the Pillar of Fortune reflects the first 5 years of the ten-year period, and the Earthly Branch reflects the second 5 years. However, the interaction of the Heavenly trunk and the Earthly branch within the framework of One Pillar of Luck is also important - whether they conflict with each other or support each other. If there is a conflict between them, then dividing the period into five-year periods will most likely be considered correct, although this is rather a rule for certain situations. In general, the influence of the pillar is interpreted precisely on the basis of the interaction of the elements of the Pillar of Luck with the Element of Personality specifically for a ten-year period.

The change of period does not occur instantly; the influence of energies can change over the course of a year or several years.

Calculation of the Pillars of Luck is the topic of a separate article. >

When considering the influence of the Pillars of Fortune, you need to consider:

  • — interaction of the pillar of luck with the pillars of the Ba Zi card (the entire pillar);
  • — interaction of the pillar of luck with the pillars of the Ba Zi map (each Heavenly trunk separately and each Earthly branch separately);
  • - the usefulness of the elements of the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch in terms of the strength or weakness of the Bazi card;
  • — the usefulness of the elements of the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch for 10 deities and demons of the BaZi card;
  • — interaction of the pillar of luck with the pillars of the current year.

When analyzing influences, it is important to take into account the spheres of influence of the Pillar of Luck, the years of influence of the Pillar of Luck, the tree of relatives, etc.

For example, when a pillar of luck with the element of Self-Expression comes to an adult, we say that this is the right time to “prove yourself.” That is, to do something important and global in life, for example, get your dream job or open a business. Otherwise, this potential will remain unrealized, which manifests itself as dissatisfaction with oneself and the already existing life. As a result, the person transfers it to his immediate environment in the form of irritation, conflict, provokes family quarrels, etc.

Choosing a profession based on the pillars of luck

Often a person’s life changes greatly with the arrival of a new pillar. This is especially noticeable on those maps that are either well balanced or very skewed (there is a lot of some element, following, and so on). However, if there is “one but fiery passion” in the map, the arrival of a new tact will not radically change the picture, but will make some adjustments - for example, a person will do the same thing, but in a different area.

And what a person does directly is just more natural to choose according to a strong element, an element that came in a new tact, but the sphere - in the field of useful elements. Then you will be close to useful things and immediate work responsibilities will not disgust you! And if you take into account the 10 Gods in the nature of the work, you can come up with a wonderful option that suits you!

When there is a strong, pronounced element in the birth chart, especially one that forms a structure (sprouting from the earthly branch of the month), the person is “drawn” by it and naturally comes to the sphere with which the predominant element is associated. If there is a lot of Earth in the chart, you are drawn to work with real estate or in accounting, a strong Tree attracts creativity and development. What’s nice is that even a beginner in bazi can see which element is abundant. Strength is more difficult to determine; here you already need to know about “tops and roots” - earthly branches and heavenly trunks, germination and rooting. And be able to see if the element is damaged.

If a strong element is useful, then a person has every chance to intuitively choose what he loves, work with passion and, if the bazi card allows, achieve heights in the profession.

If the useful elements in the bazi chart are weak or absent, recommending professions from the “useful list” is difficult and often useless. “It never even occurred to me,” “I don’t want to,” “It doesn’t work out” - that’s what a person with such a card thinks. If the useful elements are weak and have not sprouted into heavenly trunks, although a person may think about a profession in this area, he is unlikely to decide. If they are only in the hidden trunks of heaven, you will have to literally “break” yourself and pull out the necessary character qualities.

Is there life in bad luck

Friends, summer greetings to everyone!

Minli's audience is growing, and that's great. Newcomers discover Chinese metaphysics, “oldies” grin kindly, and energies continue to replace each other, turning the world towards us in very different parts. Let's talk today about a phenomenon that for many is the first reason for interest in the metaphysical sciences - the so-called “bad luck”.

Materiel is our everything

In Chinese metaphysics, Feng Shui studies space, and Bazi studies man. These sciences are closely intertwined in basic categories. They also have a general fundamental rule “33/33/33”, which states that in the overall quality of a person’s life, 1/3 of luck comes from Heaven (fate, bazi), 1/3 comes from the Earth (home, habitat, feng shui) and 1/3 are the efforts of the person himself (analysis, will, strength).

What is luck and how can it be “bad”?

Life and energies are cyclical. We see this clearly in the Chinese calendar. Hours, days, months, years and ten-year measures rhythmically replace each other.

Moreover, for each individual person, the bazi map is formed at the moment of birth and remains unchanged throughout his life. It can and should be studied, assessed, understood, but it is stable, it is a kind of energy passport of the individual. Each bazi card has its own unique energy balance and the bazi speaks about the usefulness of the elements. For example, a weak Wood needs Water and Wood for support, and a strong Water needs Wood and Fire for weakening. And if there are useful elements, then there are also not useful ones.

Of course, these are not real elements, but simply a convenient “Bazi alphabet” that can be easily translated into the language of specific recommendations.

In addition to constants (map), there are also variable factors that also influence a person’s life - these are the coming ten-year ticks or pillars of luck. Every 10 years, the energy influencing a person changes, bringing new moods and events. They can be either favorable, useful, for the balance of energies, or unfavorable. So you can work with them to help yourself - either by making the most of tailwinds, or by laying straws and going around sharp corners.

Here, in a literal sense, there appears an unplowed field for using that third of the luck that is given to us)) As usual, there are many fears, their eyes are big, but the good news is that even with “bad” luck you can live quite well. To do this, you need to understand what exactly luck has brought you and try to get along with this energy.

Your Honor, Lady Luck

So, it has come - that very bad luck or year/tact with energies unfavorable to a person. Or it hasn’t arrived yet, but it looms ahead, and we are already afraid in advance and it seems that it’s only me who has been dealt such an ill-fated card of fate.

The most correct thing to do on this note is to exhale, praise yourself for your fortitude (of course, living with a good map is easy for everyone, but try with a difficult one!) and try to “make lemonade out of lemons.” Despair rarely becomes a good adviser, and all the “+” and “-” ratings are nothing more than social myths. Energy just changes its character, and being offended by it for this is the same as being offended by autumn coming after summer. In addition, just as there are beautiful fine days in the fall, so in periods of weak luck there are favorable days, months and even years. Knowing them, we can prepare in advance and take full advantage of them.

In addition, it is extremely rare that drawdown occurs in all directions. Windows of opportunity always remain, and you need to be able to see them. There are periods for study, and there are periods for creativity. There is one for high-impact work in a company, and there is one for solitary work as a freelancer. There is a time for marriage, and there is a time for freedom. A time for risk and a time for caution. There is a time for conflict, and there is a time for patience. When you know that this is exactly the period now, and it will not last forever, difficulties are easier to bear.

More specifics

Metaphysical tools are also wonderful because they allow you to formulate specific advice. What can we say to those whose lives have entered a period of weak, negative luck with the dominance of energies unfavorable to the map:

  1. Try to prepare in advance and make a plan for action or even inaction. Here, at least a basic understanding of BaZi and Feng Shui will be useful, and at a maximum, working with a consultant and individually calculated Qi Men activations.
  2. “Make friends” with your bazi card, study its strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to get the most out of what you have and neutralize errors. So, with unhelpful Self-Expression, you should often remind yourself that silence is golden, and with useful Power, you can take on legal problems or even get married successfully.
  3. Catch the wave: learn if a period of strong Resource has come and express yourself to the maximum in Self-Expression. But do it consciously, in a way that is safe for your relationships, career and life. You will still be drawn to act within the framework of the element that has come, and if it is not useful, and you simply surrender to its will, the results may be unpredictable. Therefore, think in advance about the “sandbox” in which you will sublimate, splash out what overwhelms you)
  4. Manage the balance of energies—as opposed to negative ones that come from outside, add positive ones, creating them yourself. These may be interests and hobbies with a certain character or consciously practiced behavioral patterns. For example, the element of Fire can be added to life by dancing, and the element of Metal by singing. It may not be easy, but it's worth a try. It is better to choose the qi that is already in your map and is strong enough.
  5. Respect and accept the will of Heaven - do not set ambitious goals for yourself during periods of weak luck. Take small steps, rejoice even in small victories and the absence of global troubles. Everyone has difficult periods. Happy cards with 30-40 years of luck in adulthood are very rare, and even with them, people sometimes manage to live unhappily.
  6. Analyze your home and create as favorable Feng Shui as possible. Place the bed and stove in favorable places, correct unfavorable energies in a timely manner, especially if their arrival coincided with the “exacerbation” of the unhelpful in the bazi.
  7. Use Qi Men Activation to gain useful Qi. Sometimes it happens that a difficult year has come, and the home does not support us - the neighbors may start renovations in bad stars for us, or the layout of the apartment does not allow us to roam around. In this case, walking will be the best solution. They allow you to directly infuse beneficial Qi and are often therapeutic in themselves. You walk, think, observe, and the process, as they say, goes on))
  8. Practice charity and free assistance. If you don’t have enough money, share your things, the harvest from your dacha, your knowledge with colleagues, your time. You can go to the store for your neighbor’s grandmother or take a walk with the baby in the stroller while the young mother sleeps for an hour or runs off for a manicure. The rule here is simple: it is better to give it yourself than to be greedy and lose more. If fate tells you to say goodbye to something, you need to make the process manageable. Especially if an unfavorable Wealth Robber has arrived.
  9. Believe and hope for a favorable outcome in any situation, without blaming fate as a villain. Each consciously lived month will make you a little stronger and wiser, add knowledge and experience to your life’s treasury, and expand your horizons of understanding yourself and the world.

And further. Practitioners have repeatedly noticed that those times that a person expects as difficult and prepares for them with concentration often become very productive and give rise to personal growth and success in important directions. Focus on the positive that is.

All the best and favorable energies!

Natalia Tsyganova

Yulia Chakileva

Signs in the Ba Zi map

An important component of deciphering the map is identifying and assessing the influence of Symbolic stars, which directly indicate our specific weaknesses and strengths. In addition, the mergers and collisions of the Heavenly trunks, the mergers, collisions and punishments of the Earthly branches are important. Understanding their meaning, it is possible to predict many events in a person’s life.

First, the map needs to identify five aspects of life: Power, Money, Competitors, Resources and Self-Expression. To find them easily, you need to know exactly the cycles of Generation, as well as the Control of Elements, which coincide both in Chinese astrology Ba Tzu and in Feng Shui.

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