Svarog Square or Star of Rus': the meaning of the symbol and tattoo

Star of Rus' or Svarog Square. Among the Slavic amulets, it is the Star of Rus' or, as it is often called, the square of Svarog that is one of the most ancient and filled with secret meaning. Due to the fact that it consists of several parts that are inseparable and pervasive. Most historians involved in the study of Slavic symbols agree that this is an encrypted symbol of the family hearth with four flames that burst out of it. In some sources you can find information that the Star of Rus' and the Star of Lada are one and the same. This statement is incorrect - they are very similar, but the significant difference is the intertwined ellipsoidal petals - in the Star of Rus' they are sharp, in the Star of Lada they are rounded. Accordingly, these two Slavic amulets have different meanings.

History of the origin of the symbol

The Svarog Square is mentioned in the most ancient Slavic artifacts. It is known that the pattern decorated the clothes of princes Vladimir and Svyatoslav. Legends tell about the power of the sign, which helped people master secret knowledge and gain special wisdom . The Magi combined all the key images of Slavic mythology in the ornament for use for good. Later, the sign spread in the military tradition and helped the knights. The ancient symbol is related to the Lada Star. Some consider them identical, but this opinion is wrong. Lada is the ancestor of the Slavic gods, who gave people a similar symbol with rounded petals.

Svarog is one of the most important gods of the Slavic pantheon


Man invented the Star of Rus' in ancient times. Consisting of 4 fiery tongues, the complex ornament symbolizes protection, secret knowledge, and divine protection.

The related Lada Star protects, symbolizes feminine wisdom and the importance of the family hearth.

Svarog Square is another name associated with this group of symbols. God Svarog among the Slavs was one of the most important, called the heavenly ruler. He patronized blacksmiths and was associated with the fire element. The amulet dedicated to him is 4 connected fiery petals, symbolizing an unquenchable flame. It is often found in Vedic artifacts. Scientists believe that the key to secret knowledge is hidden in the sign .

Star of Rus' - an ancient powerful amulet

Features of use

It is important to choose the right amulet. If a man needs a talisman, then we are talking about the Square of Svarog, if a woman, then about the Star of Lada-Virgin, but if you need to protect your entire family, then you need to turn to the Star of Rus'.

It is important to hide the Star when worn - the sign has full power when hidden. The ring should be turned with the Star inward, the amulet should be put away under outer clothing. If you decide to get a corresponding tattoo, it is recommended to first check the effect of the symbol with an amulet - to be completely sure of compatibility with the sign. The place for the tattoo should also be chosen in such a way that it will be extremely rarely visible.

Carrying out active protection of the owner, the sign absorbs negative thoughts directed at the person. They are mostly neutralized in quantity, but some charge of evil remains. To remove it, you should heat the amulet at least once every 1-2 months over a live fire (candle, fire - natural materials, a lighter will not work), rinse it with spring water or bury it in the ground for a day.

Svarog Square and Star of Rus'

The amulet, amulet Star of Rus' is primarily a male symbol. A representative of the stronger sex, using it for protection, receives the power of the divine blacksmith and participates in the great Slavic Svarog forge, where the fate of the world was forged. Previously, the amulet was used by artisans and warriors. Now it is recommended for those engaged in manual labor, serving in law enforcement agencies, and the armed forces . The Svarog Square helps people seeking to revive the former greatness of the Slavs. It is an identifying mark of those who continue the ancient family and preserve history and traditions.

Thanks to the divine power and sacred meaning, the Svarog Square amulet gives the owner:

  • good luck;
  • secrets of the craft;
  • secret knowledge about the world order.

Svarog Square is recommended to politicians

This amulet is recommended to politicians: it helps to gather, concentrate, and focus on the main thing.

Svarog, to whom the powerful amulet is dedicated, differed from the rest of the pantheon by his love of working with his own hands, without resorting to divine talents. He gave his children a yoke and a plow, taught them to work with the land, receive and harvest crops. He bestowed weapons, taught them to defend their native land, and protect their family from enemies. The Slavs believed that he created fire, earth, and the sun of the day. Every source of living fire is a sanctuary of Svarog.

Interesting video on the topic

Other interpretations of the symbolism of the Svarog Square can be found in the video source:

From the video you can find out what the sign meant for our ancestors and what they associated it with. The author reveals the meaning of the symbol, talks about who this talisman is suitable for, and how to wear it correctly.

The Svarog Square is an exceptional Slavic symbol that will serve as a powerful amulet and become the protector of the owner for life. The ambivalent attitude towards the sign only adds to its mystery and makes it even more popular. The strong energy of the Star of Rus' will not allow a characterless person who has no connection with his ancestors to own the amulet. Only true admirers of family values ​​can confidently claim the right to become the owner of the Svarog Square.

What is the difference between the Star of Rus' and the Star of Lada

Some believe that these are the same symbol. It seems so at first glance: the signs are visually very similar, although not identical. The different details of the ornaments encrypt the sacred meaning of the images . The star dedicated to the Virgin Mary looks more gentle, since the petals are smoothed and rounded. The symbol of Svarog has them sharp and sharp.

External difference is only a form demonstrating a difference in content. The symbols are fundamentally different in content, magical properties, and purpose. The Star of Lada is a female amulet that helps the fair half. The Svarog Square is predominantly male, military, and craft.

Svarog is the god who patronizes warriors and artisans

Useful information about using the amulet

When using a talisman you need to know some subtleties:

  • To wear this amulet, you need to deeply understand your actions and listen to your inner voice. When you find yourself in difficult life situations, it will help direct your thoughts in the right direction.
  • If a dark person tries to use the amulet (for example, to cause harm), no effect will happen. Moreover, such actions can incur the wrath of the gods.
  • It happens that a talisman is given to a child - but there is no point in this, because, most likely, there is no awareness in the choice.
  • For a stronger connection to yourself, you can give the amulet a name.
  • Like any other talisman, the Star of Rus' amulet must be regularly cleaned and recharged. This happens with the help of a symbol of the element whose properties one would like to impart to the amulet.

Appearance of the Star of Rus' amulet and its magical properties

The power of the amulet is explained by its connection with three planes of existence: Navy, Reality, and Rule. The basis of the magical pattern is an eight-pointed star. Nav inscribed in it is the world of the departed, the abode of souls, hidden from the living and filled with peace. It is here that the dead find eternal peace. Reality is the plan of life, the real world. Rule is divine, the most important. He rules the rest of the universes.

It is known from history that the eight-pointed star meant for the Slavs the progress of time and the three elements that shape a person: consciousness, body, internal power.

The rhombus included in the ornament encrypted the fertility of the earth. The most important place was considered to be sown with wheat.

4 lines extend beyond the main figure. They encode positive human traits:

  • honor;
  • justice;
  • love of freedom;
  • faith.

Some historians believe that the Slavs encrypted the world they knew with these lines, since the lines are directed to different parts of the world.

The sign symbolizes the unity of male and female. Previously it was believed that the universe exists only as a result of the interaction of man and woman, light and darkness. The solar circle, which protects the symbol, concentrates the protective qualities of the amulet, reflects the love for the world around us, the vision of existence. If you look closely, you can also see Kolo in the Svarog square, filled with the energy of the sun. This element reflects the development of the soul, movement. The interaction of the pattern details has not been fully deciphered to this day.

The most powerful magical property of the symbol is the ability to curb evil . This is possible through the unity of male and female. The sign merges energies of opposite nature into a single good flow. The star is a unique amulet, since other Slavic symbols are filled with the energy of only one gender .

The amulet protects the owner. The power of the sign drives away troubles, failures, and unfavorable circumstances. It connects the owner and secret Slavic knowledge, the power of the roots. The Magi use the symbol to receive great wisdom from the higher world. Achieving enlightenment is not easy: it is only accessible to a person with pure thoughts. It will not be possible to use the ornament for selfish purposes - it will immediately lose energy.

Svarog Square protects from evil and enemies

Other talismans with the star sign

For the Slavs, talismans were of great importance. We are talking not only about pendants, but also about embroidering special signs on clothes, belts, towels, jewelry in the form of rings, earrings.

Not every magical sign can be applied to clothing, which the Slavs understood very well. The Star of Rus' is not included in this list; this pattern was one of the most often applied to the clothes of men, women, and children.

If a woman performed embroidery, which was supposed to protect the family, then some rules were necessarily followed:

  • The amulet is not created for oneself, only for a blood relative.
  • It is customary to begin production on the waxing moon, so that along with it the talisman gains strength.
  • In each stitch you need to put a good thought about the person for whom the embroidery is being done.
  • Near the place where the talisman is embroidered, you need to light a candle, which will burn all the negative energy with its flame.
  • The drawing must be perfect; such work does not tolerate any distortion.
  • Threads are taken only from natural materials.
  • The material on which the Star of Rus' is embroidered does not stretch onto the hoop.
  • The stitches should be even and the threads on the reverse side should not be tangled.
  • If the work is not finished yet, then it should not be shown to strangers or placed on a bed.

If the symbol is embroidered to protect your home, then this can be done on curtains, towels or bed linen.

Ring, ring

The power of the talisman does not depend on the form in which it is worn: ring, ring, pendant. A person’s faith in the power of the amulet plays a big role; the rest can be considered only a matter of convenience.

Svarog's hammer with a star

Svarog's hammer with a star is a strong male amulet. The Star of Rus' greatly enhances the power of the Hammer of Svarog.

A man who wears such a talisman has a unique chance to adopt the wisdom of the older generation, their knowledge of the universe, develop his intuition and intelligence, and become more successful.


The rune in the form of the Star of Rus' is applied to clothing and to the walls of the home. This ritual is carried out in order to rid the family of diseases and the evil eye. The convenience of using the rune lies in the fact that it can be hidden from prying eyes, but does not lose its power.

The Slavs applied the sign using ash.


The sign is most often used in the form of a paired tattoo - the same image remains on the body of a man and a woman. This is due to the fact that one of the meanings of the Star of Rus' is family hearth. Such a tattoo will preserve strong relationships.

Image for smartphones and computers

An image on a phone or computer has no practical effect. The only reason you can save an image on the screen of a gadget is so as not to forget about your roots and honor the memory of your ancestors.

Forms of amulet

The classic type of star is the Square of Svarog. With a slight change in the lines, the amulet turns into the Star of Lada. The circle and rhombus included in the ornament are associated with the hearth and hearth, kept by a woman. The female version of the symbol was used to bring harmony, balance, pacification of anger, and knowledge of wisdom into the home.

The Star of Lada, akin to the Square of Svarog and revered by others as its form, helps an unmarried woman find a spouse, and who has found a soul mate to comprehend female happiness. The symbol protects the family from harm, provides personal protection, and stabilizes personal life. The Svarog square, owned by the spouse, symbolizes the divine forge, protects the entire house and clan, and protects the owner in war. The power contained in it strengthens and unites relatives. The owner of the amulet gains the wisdom of his ancestors, feels divine support, gains confidence in his abilities, increases military and craft skills, becomes more hardworking and wiser.

The Square of Svarog is related to the Star of Lada

Features of care and cleansing of the talisman

Svarov's ring
In order for Svarog's amulet to last for a long time, you need to properly care for it. It is necessary to clean the talisman several times a year. The number of times will fluctuate depending on how long the time has passed. If the year has been difficult and full of troubles, then cleansing should be done more often.

Experts recommend following these rules when storing the amulet:

  • you need to store the Svarog amulet in a hard-to-reach place where family and friends cannot find it;
  • It is strictly not recommended to transfer or lend the talisman to another person;
  • The talisman should be stored in a buried wooden box that is not covered with paint or varnish. This will help the product to be nourished with the help of the forces of nature.

You can clean the amulet using coarse salt. To do this, you need to place the product for several days in a vessel filled with salt. The container must be placed in a place where moonlight will fall.

Attention! When the ritual is completed, the salt must be thrown away. It is not recommended to reuse it or store it in the house. Since salt has absorbed all the negativity that has happened in your life.

The second way to clean the amulet is with water. For these purposes, it is better to go to a natural reservoir. Tie the talisman with a thread and lower it into the water with the current. The Svarog amulet must be held in this way for 24 hours.

You need to take special care of your silver amulet. Provided that the owner of the talisman wears it on an ongoing basis, the product must be cleaned at least once a month. It is recommended to wipe it with suede or flannel cloth. Rough materials can damage the surface of the talisman, thereby disrupting the design and accuracy of the lines. Which will lead to the loss of sacred properties.

It is important to take the Svarog amulet seriously. There is no need to perceive it as a useless toy, otherwise the consequences may not be the most pleasant. But with proper treatment, the talisman will bring a lot of benefits to its owner.

Who is it suitable for and how can you wear the amulet?

The ancient Slavic sign combines male and female lines and features, so the ornament is suitable for all adults . It is not worn on children: the power is too great for an immature person. The amulet protects the hearth, brings peace and harmony to the house. A personal amulet reflects energy attacks, helps resolve conflict situations, and protects against the evil eye and curses.

The Star of Rus' brings positive vibrations to a woman. The bright power of the amulet helps to find a spouse and create a comfortable atmosphere at home. The amulet will protect you from dishonest guys. For men, it will help awaken the wisdom of the family, the memory of generations. Previously, the sign was used by warriors, it gave confidence, and took away the fear of death.


  1. The amulet is good as a protector against the evil eye, evil force. You can hang a picture with such an element on the wall of your house. A suitable room is where the whole family gathers. The ornament is stronger if it is embroidered or drawn by hand, using natural materials.
  2. As a personal amulet, the sign is worn on the chest, near the heart.
  3. Creative and military people expect special help. The symbol will attract good luck and open up new opportunities.
  4. Previously, the amulet was used by women who were left alone without male support. Now it is recommended for those in leadership positions, single mothers and victims of family conflict.

The ornament symbolizes the secret connection of generations, divine power, the disclosure of internal resources, and the development of intuition. The Slavs believed that thanks to the amulet, a person always knows how to do the right thing. The owner of the ancient pattern follows the right path, realizes himself, and copes with the most difficult life situations.

The healing powers of the amulet are known. It eliminates apathy, calms the nerves, and harmonizes the soul. Esotericists recommend the sign to a connoisseur of natural perfection . When learning the secrets of the world order, they must call upon the help of the gods through the Star of Rus'.

The Star of Rus' treats nervous diseases

How to activate the amulet

Making or purchasing a ready-made amulet is only half the battle. In order for the talisman to work at full strength, it must be properly charged. The optimal time for this is the new moon or waning moon.

The ritual includes all the elements:

Amulet of Svarog

  • Earth;
  • water;
  • fire;
  • air.

It is best to carry out the ritual in a remote, quiet place in complete solitude with nature. An ideal option would be memorable places where you liked to walk as a child, or where your family tree grows. If the time of year allows, it is advisable to have bare feet.

To activate, a handful of native soil is poured onto the amulet. After which it must be washed under water and dried over fire.

And if performing a ritual in nature is impossible, then it is possible in the house. To do this, you should choose the most spacious and bright room. Decorate it with fresh flowers or other decor. Before the ceremony, take a bath and put on clean clothes. Activation of the amulet in the house should take place exclusively with oneself. To do this you need:

  1. Place vessels with elements on the table: a lit candle (Fire), earth or salt, water and incense, symbolizing Air.
  2. Place the Svarog amulet in the middle of the table. The ceremony usually begins with the lighting of a candle. Next you need to reproduce the images in your head. Imagine that the talisman has already begun to work, imagine what benefits it brings to the life of the owner. Then take the amulet in your hands and warm it with your palm. This will help the amulet recharge with energy.
  3. Then the Svarog amulet must be carried three times over the candle flame. At the same time, saying: “I sanctify you with the power of the Holy Fire.”
  4. The next step will be charging the amulet with Air. The talisman is carried over the smoke from lit incense and they say: “I will activate your powers with the energy of Air.”
  5. Next, the Svarog amulet must be lowered into the water and said: “I consecrate you with the power of Water.” It is important to take into account that if the amulet is made of a material that cannot be heavily wetted, then it is necessary to spray water on it using the middle and index fingers of the non-working hand.
  6. To charge the amulet with the energy of the Earth, it is placed on the palm and sprinkled with earth or salt on top, while saying: “I consecrate you with the fertile power of the Earth.”

The ritual with the four elements is completed. Now you need to take the amulet in your hands, bring it to your mouth and say to yourself: “I activate you with my spirit.” And the last stage is an appeal to the Slavic gods. To do this, you need to take the amulet in your working hand, raise your head up and ask them for what you want. Then place the talisman in the center of the circle of elements and leave it in this position until the candle burns out.

Making a talisman

You can buy an amulet, but the most powerful amulet is one made with your own hands. Anyone who sincerely believes in the power of the gods and honors their ancestors can create a talisman. Operating rules :

  1. Work with pure thoughts.
  2. Making an amulet for a blood relative.
  3. Make an item from natural material. Metal, wood, leather or clay are preferred.
  4. While working, think about the recipient.
  5. When drawing details, take into account the proportions, making sure that the lines are not distorted, otherwise the energy will be disrupted.
  6. When working with wood, check the compatibility of the species and the person for whom the product is intended.
  7. Not knowing how to work with wood or metal, they embroider ornaments with natural threads or draw on thick paper, making wall panels or straw appliques.
  8. When choosing a metal for making the Star of Rus', they prefer copper to silver and gold.

Svarog Square will help a righteous person

The Slavs did not make amulets for themselves, but received them as gifts from blood relatives . You can make a talisman for yourself, but one given to loved ones is stronger. The recipient who honors the Slavic gods will receive the power and wisdom of their ancestors. In order for the amulet to preserve energy, you need to live correctly, without harming others. If the owner of the product goes against the laws of man and nature and harms another, the pattern will rebel against him.


The ritual is performed to saturate with energy. The item is placed on a clean surface, bent down, called on the patronizing gods and asked to imbue the talisman with power. The parameters of the amulet are listed sequentially, then sprinkled with earth and left for several minutes. Taking some spring or well water, water the object with it. Having finished, they take the product and go out into the open space, allowing the wind to blow on the amulet. Finally, place the talisman near a candle or leave it to lie in the sun.

During activation, be sure to say out loud the name chosen for the emblem . When determining, they focus on the plan, the goal.

Svarog - god-blacksmith

How to make it yourself

The amulet will only work if its owner is a devotee of the Slavic gods. a person must have pure thoughts and not wish harm to another person. Silver and gold are not used in making an amulet; it is better to pay attention to copper.

Basic Rules

The amulet is made as a gift for a blood relative. When manufacturing, it is important to follow the rules:

  • the mind must be clear of negative thoughts;
  • only natural materials are used (stone, wood, natural fabrics and threads, etc.);
  • the manufacturing process must take place without prying eyes.

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