Ideas for paintings in the house according to Feng Shui: how to turn life towards light and luck

A painting with a calm, neutral landscape will help you calm down and relax.

You should never hang photos or paintings of deceased relatives in your home. We all remember very well how sadly centuries-old stories ended, where several generations of heirs decided to hang such portraits above the bed, in the living room, in the office near the desk or along the stairs leading to the upper floors. Oh, these endless tragedies and deaths worthy of Shakespeare's pen! Don't repeat their mistakes.

Advice! Above the bed or in the living room, it is better to hang not images of people, battles or predators, but banal landscapes or flowers - at least the simplest peonies, which will bring happiness and a surge of passion.

In the living room, it is best to hang a picture with a neutral theme.

Clearly correlate goals and rooms. For example, you should not hang pictures of a bag of money in the bedroom above the bed or in the kitchen; this can ruin relationships by shifting the emphasis to the material sphere. If you need more money, it makes sense to attract them by placing a painting or photo of them in the hallway, living room, and best of all, near the desk of your study or office.

Correctly correlate the cardinal directions and elements. To do this, you will have to buy a compass if you don’t already have one. First of all, you need to determine the parts of the world in each room of the apartment. Next, you need to look at which of the existing interior items is located on these sides and whether there is “overload” or incorrect things in any zone of the elements. For example, if in the southern sector there is a fireplace, and in the northern sector, for which the element of water is responsible, there is nothing or even a picture of a flame hangs, you should not be surprised at frequent scandals. In such a situation, you need to change the picture of fire to a picture of flowing calm water. Or another example: many people who complain about a constant lack of money simply do not understand that the area of ​​their desktop where the picture of money hangs is located on the north or south wall, so all their efforts “burn out”, or the profit “flows away” " This can be easily corrected by transferring the painting to the area of ​​wood or metal - to the east or west.

An elegant painting depicting a tranquil landscape

The Chinese determined the relationship between the cardinal directions and the elements:

West – metal/air.

north – water;

south – fire;

east – tree/earth;

The image of an elephant in the painting will bring reliability and stability to your home

Frames. They should be light so as not to interfere with the circulation of the energy of the paintings.

A light, thin frame will not distract from the main thing - the plot of the picture

Having understood the general simple basics of how to hang pictures correctly according to Feng Shui, you can move on to the details.

Rooms and drawings

Hallway - landscapes, still lifes, non-predatory animals or birds, the same universal peonies or other flowers. The place where guests come for the first time should carry a neutral or unobtrusive positive charge.

Light, uncomplicated landscape in the hallway

Living room - running water, beautiful cozy parts of the home interior (fireplace, hearth, house with a front garden, etc.), city square, etc. You can hang unifying and spiritually uniting biblical scenes like “The Last Supper.” Peonies or other flowers also work well.

A painting of a pond is great for the living room

Bedroom – nature, calm running water, love stories, flowers.

In the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, paintings with landscapes and romantic themes are perfectly combined

Advice! Above the bed you cannot hang paintings or photos depicting swamps, ponds and other standing water and fading nature. This can lead to “stagnation” and decreased sexual activity in bed. The water in the paintings should be running, but calm and bright. No tsunamis, waterfalls or dark clouds with thunderstorms and storms!

Kitchen - fireplaces, fields, trees, still lifes, scenes on the theme of cozy cafes.

Delicate tree blossoms in the picture in the kitchen will help you relax and enjoy your meal.

Children's - nothing is simpler if you approach the issue with sensitivity. Here it is best to focus on the preferences of your favorite children; just gradually observe them and find out their favorite activities and colors.

A bright painting with an animal is an excellent choice of painting for a child’s room

Advice! If the child has too strong a character and outbursts of emotions, the drawings should be chosen to be calmer; if the child is too apathetic, on the contrary, increase the activity with scenes with movement. To do this, paintings should not be hung above the bed; they should be placed in the place where the child’s gaze most often falls after waking up.

What should the picture be like?

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the symbol depicted in the picture, but also to the color, as well as the emotional sensations that arise when looking at it. The latter is an important component, since one of the main tasks of the picture is to create the right atmosphere in a certain area and the right emotional mood among the inhabitants of the house. The image should evoke positive feelings: joy, inspiration, dynamics, freedom, light, love, development, well-being, protection, etc.

You should not hang pictures with gloomy subjects, made in dark colors, with images of battles or other bloody events. Animals depicted on the canvas should not be aggressive, sick or dying, flowers should not be withered or withered, houses should not be destroyed, etc.

A painting should not be hung if it evokes negative feelings: sadness, loneliness, fear, poverty, aggression, etc. Even if an innocent-looking painting reminds you of something painful and this causes discomfort, do not hang it in your home.

Do not overuse abstract subjects: even if you like this genre and the painting evokes pleasant feelings, limit yourself to it alone, let the rest of the paintings in the house be clear and unambiguous, not burdening the imagination. Observing only abstractions day after day, you risk getting confused in your own unconscious.

Pictures and colors

Everything is simple here - just read any of the descriptions of the influence of color on character from books on psychology and bring into the interior with the help of a picture what you want to strengthen in yourself.

Feng Shui colors and the human condition:

  • red – passion, aggression;

An accenting element of the interior is a painting in red tones

  • yellow, orange - a surge of energy, cheerfulness, improved mood and a feeling of a surge of happiness;

Yellow, invigorating flowers in the painting in the kitchen

  • green, blue - calm;

Deep blue painting in the interior

  • black, gray - disheartens many.


The main priorities for this room are peace, relaxation and tranquility. According to Feng Shui, it should not be overloaded with paintings - one or two are enough. You should give preference to calm tones: white, light, pastel, and if you want to refresh your married life, hang a moderately bright canvas.


Calming landscapes will be an excellent option for a bedroom. You should not hang a canvas here that depicts autumn or winter; it is better to give preference to summer and spring landscapes. Drawings of graceful plants and birds, made in moderate colors, are well suited for bedroom decor.


Feng Shui is ambivalent about images of water in a sleeping area. Canvases depicting a stormy sea, waterfalls, fast-moving rivers, stagnant swamps and dark pools are not recommended. However, a clean lake, a calm river or a spring stream may well be located here, the main thing is that the plot and color design evoke relaxation.

For love

People or animals on the canvas should be in pairs: a lonely figure serves to attract loneliness or destroy a marriage. To add new colors and passion to your relationship, hang a picture with peonies or poppies. If you dream of offspring, hang a picture depicting a ripe pomegranate or cut watermelon (with an abundance of seeds).

A special ode to peonies

Peonies occupy a special place in the entire flower garden according to Feng Shui. These flowers have such a powerful positive energy that they can be hung as images literally anywhere! Peonies are the best helpers in the search for love, harmony and happiness; they help single people find their match in a matter of months. Many “hardcore bachelors and bachelorettes” have driven their psyche into a corner, cultivating complexes for themselves that do not exist. Peonies break these shackles, give them self-confidence and literally push people towards a happy future and true love. For already married people, peonies help awaken dormant sexuality, enhance passion and discover a different side of attraction to each other.

Delicate peonies on a light background add lightness to the interior

Paintings are not just bright, beautiful color accents in our home; with their skillful and correct placement, you can completely change your life and give it a stable vector in the direction of happiness. And if you have enough money, and even everything is going quite well in your personal life, just in case, it’s still worth posting somewhere a couple of paintings depicting...peonies! They will not let you go astray and will stand guard over your good life, driving away all troubles.

Living room

Be sure to combine colors

Often for this room we select the decor according to the color of the wallpaper, curtains and furniture. However, according to Feng Shui, paintings require a different approach. Of course, the overall harmony of the room is of great importance, but the picture here plays a decisive role: it must be selected according to the plot and your own feelings. It would be a mistake to hang a canvas in the living room that only complements the overall style without carrying any meaning.

Family room

If you spend more time at home with your family, the atmosphere in the living room should be warm, cozy and calm. The canvas that you hang here should have the same qualities. According to Feng Shui, images of animal families, calm landscapes, drawings of cozy houses, fireplaces, and hearths would be a good option.

For parties

If friends often gather in the living room, the painting on the wall should be brighter and more dynamic. Its tasks include creating a festive and lively atmosphere. Drawings with running animals, cities, and bright flowers (roses, peonies, poppies) are suitable for this purpose.


The living room is the place where the most symbolic canvas can hang. Focus on the area in which you want to improve. So, to activate the energy of money, you can hang a picture with goldfish or a money tree; to attract love - a drawing with swans, etc. As for the placement of the canvas, hang it in the living room on a clearly visible wall, but not above the sofa.

Natural disasters, destruction

This is a categorical no. Any kind of destruction has no place in your home. Images of a hurricane or storm do not need to be hung on the wall. One should also refuse drawings that depict old dilapidated houses, rickety, dilapidated buildings. Dry branches and trees are also symbols of withering. You should not decorate the walls with them.

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The meaning of paintings in the house

Often, decorators and apartment decorators select paintings for a house according to one single principle - so that they match the interior, or at least are cute and beautiful. But not all of them think about the meaning that this or that work carries.

Paintings in the house are primarily needed in order to:

  • decorate the interior;
  • hide the imperfections of the apartment, for example, an uneven wall or an ugly electrical panel in the hallway;
  • post a gift from a loved one;
  • hang a picture according to the principles and rules of Feng Shui, if you adhere to its philosophy;
  • just make yourself happy by posting a painting by your favorite artist, or a reproduction of it.

As you can see, there can be many reasons to hang a picture in the house; all that remains is to choose the right one, abandoning inappropriate images.

For study and office

In your personal account or office, it is important to correctly position the paintings relative to the workplace. You need to hang canvases behind your back, symbolizing support and protection. The classic option is a landscape with mountains. Opposite your workplace, place a painting that symbolizes dynamics and growth, brings inspiration and creates a working mood. This could be a seascape with a sailing ship, a moving car, running horses, or a staircase or road going up. For inspiration and to attract profit, you can hang a picture with a beautiful house, an expensive yacht or a luxury car.

You can also place portraits of successful people in classrooms and offices. If a historical figure serves as an example, hang up her portrait, but first find out about the details of the biography. (Personalities like Caesar or Cleopatra can have an ambiguous influence, but if you do hang up their portrait, concentrate not on the person as a whole, but on his outstanding quality that inspires you.) In the office of the head, a picture with a lion would not be out of place as a symbol of intelligence. power, wisdom and authority. In the office hallway, on the left side of the door, you can place a picturesque image of a waterfall, which symbolizes the influx of energy and wealth.

Fish and animals

It is not advisable to hang images with aggressive animals. The grin of a wolf, a tiger, the image of a predator preparing to jump - these are unfavorable drawings from an energetic point of view. They should be abandoned. Otherwise, quarrels and discord will often occur in the family.

But a school of fish is a good omen. This painting can be hung in both the living room and the bedroom. It will definitely attract good luck and success.

Images of people

Hanging portraits of deceased relatives on the walls is not the best idea. Such images carry the spirit of death. It is better to put photographs of relatives in a separate photo album and not mix their photographs with photographs of living people.

Portraits, posters of idols, artists who have already died are also not the best idea for decoration. Even if you really like Marilyn Monroe, for example, it would still be better to hang a beautiful landscape on the wall instead of her portrait.

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