Magical Egyptian cross Ankh: meaning and application of the symbol and tattoo

Ankh is an amulet that was used during Ancient Egypt. This mysterious sign is still found by archaeologists in Egyptian temples and tombs. It is also present in writing in the form of a hieroglyph. This symbol has many names - for example, "Egyptian cross" or "cross with a loop." It is also often called the key of life or the cross of Anubis. These names are associated with the appearance of the symbol and its mystical properties. Despite the abundance of interpretations of the sign, its main essence lies in eternity, life, immortality and wisdom.

Origin and pronunciation of the name of the Egyptian cross

The Ankh amulet comes from Egypt. It is a cross, with an oval “loop” instead of the top crossbar. The first examples of such amulets date back to the 30-29th century. BC. They were made of flexible material like a tape, and had not one end going down, like the traditional version, but two. The exact pronunciation of the name of the sacred object is not known for certain. There are several variants of spelling and transcription in Russian:

  • ˁnḫ (*нх) . Egyptian way. In this case, the first sound is not known exactly, but it is one of the following: a, e, i, o, u. The second letter is read similarly to the Russian “n”, and the third is a silent consonant or a voiced velar fricative. In the latter case, the lips and tongue are placed in the desired position, but the sound is not pronounced, or an analogue can be a variant characteristic of the southern Russian dialect, which says something between “g” and “x”.
  • Ankh . Considered the classic pronunciation. The sound and spelling comes from the transcription of the English version of the name of the amulet - Ankh. The first letter in Egyptian writing is unknown, but is assumed to be equal to the Latin "A".
  • Ankh . It also comes from the English equivalent of the name, Ankh, only in this case the Russian equivalent is not formed according to the rules of transcription. The combination "kh" should produce the sound "x", but in this case a simple letter-by-letter translation is used and the final result is formed into the form "Ankh".
  • Onh . In the Egyptian language, the combination of symbols that make up the name of the talisman is found in words such as "life" and "live". Their pronunciation is “Onkh”, which made it possible to use this as the name of the cross.

Tattoo acceptable

Some people even prefer to depict the mark directly on their body using a tattoo machine. Moreover, its effect will be as strong as in the usual case . The only difficulty will be the adjustment period, since you will not be able to remove the tattoo after a couple of hours. In this case, activation is not required.

Reference! Many claim that after applying the pattern to the skin they gained psychic abilities.

The Ankh is an ancient sacred symbol that requires the right attitude and understanding of its essence. Before you decide to use it for its intended purpose, you should make sure that you are really ready for the changes that will come into your life with it.

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The mystical meaning of the Ankh symbol

The Ankh symbol is well known and has been widely used since ancient times. Most often, the cross accompanied images of pharaohs, deities, and adorned the walls of tombs. It could also be found on ritual vessels, sarcophagi, some tools and household items.

Ankh is believed to have several meanings. The main mystical interpretations attributed to him:

  1. Life and Immortality . Due to the presence of similar symbols in the name, Ankh was equated to the word “to live.” The cross in the lower half of the amulet had the same meaning, and the circle on top represented eternity. Their connection was interpreted as immortality. In ancient images, the ankh was presented to the pharaoh by the gods so that he could breathe in vital energy and receive a blessing. The amulet was placed in the tomb to ensure the afterlife of the ruler. It was believed that the presence of this talisman on the body could mystically improve health and cure all diseases.
  2. The key to the afterlife, its connection with the real one . It was believed that Ankh was able to open the door to the otherworldly reality. A pharaoh or priest who had it could at any time contact the inhabitants of the underworld, receive a hint in the form of prophetic dreams or help during rituals. The owner of the cross received magical abilities and could control eternity. Also, the letters of the name coincide with the Egyptian word for “mirror,” which has always been interpreted as a door to another reality.
  3. The combination of the feminine and masculine principles . According to some theories, the Ankh is a symbolic union of the organs of both sexes. The upper part is interpreted as feminine (or Isis), the lower – masculine (or Osiris). Thus, the Egyptian cross gives the meaning of the union of opposites, fertility. It was used to attract a soul mate, create a family, and give birth to long-awaited children.
  4. A sign of being chosen . According to ancient images, Egyptian deities presented the Ankh to the new pharaoh as a gift as a blessing for his reign. The one who had it was considered an earthly mentor of people, showing them the will of higher beings. The owner was the chosen one, possessed wisdom and knew all the truths. That is why only the pharaoh, and later also the upper class that surrounded him, could have the cross.
  5. The Divine in Man . Sometimes the horizontal stripe was depicted not as a line, but in the form of outstretched arms. The Ankh personified the connection of higher powers and man, their connection and the fact that people have a divine principle.

Origin of Ankh

According to scientists, the symbol was used by the population of Atlantis and Lemuria long before the inhabitants of Egypt. But the Ankh talisman got its meaning in Egypt. The high priests called “Ankhs” lived here, and the houses in which they lived were also called that way.

People believed that Ankh was able to give a person the power of a god. It was received by the pharaoh, who was a symbol of unlimited sweetness. The rulers were depicted with a cross in their hand and were buried along with the talisman.

Ankh is the personification of the power of the pharaoh.

The shape of the symbol is a bit like a key, so the Egyptians believed that this tool could be used to open the gates to another world. Some pharaohs had two keys of immortality at once. One meant the world of the living, the other - the dead.

Ankh - the key to the immortality of the pharaohs

The symbol was also common in other countries. After the advent of Christianity, it was associated with the key to heaven. He was with the Apostle Peter. The Mayan Indians also used the cross. For them, Ankh also meant a symbol of life. Residents of Scandinavian countries considered the symbol the key to youth.

Usually everyone claims that the sign receives power from the gods of Egypt Osiris (god of the underworld) and Isis (goddess of life). It was their union that became the basis of life after death. But the Egyptians say that the sign is associated with life rather than with death, since the human soul will never die and will live even after death, that is, it will become immortal.

Symbols depicted inside the pyramids

Varieties of the Egyptian cross

There are 3 types of signs, each of which has its own meaning:

  • Traditional Ankh . It is a cross, instead of the upper part of which there is an elongated loop. The sign bestows life, wisdom, health, strength.

  • Ankh of immortality . The cross has all 4 crossbars, as well as the top loop. This option was used by priests and pharaohs. Often decorated with symbols of the 4 elements (like the classic variety). The sign represents the achievement of eternal life.

  • Ankh of death. This dark variety is distinguished by the fact that the upper part lies directly on the horizontal crossbar; most often the part is not elongated, but in the shape of a circle.

What does the symbol look like and its varieties?

The Ankh Cross, along with the scarab beetle and the Eye of Horus, is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of Ancient Egypt. However, not everyone knows that there are three types of this hieroglyph, each of which has special powers:

  • The classic Ankh is a symbol of vital energy and wisdom. It has the ability to protect a person from negative external influences.
  • Ankh, on the crossbars of which symbols of the four elements are depicted - a sign of immortality.
  • An ankh without a vertical crossbar is a sign of death. This symbol was used to call death to ill-wishers.

Who is this amulet suitable for?

The Ankh Cross is a talisman with powerful energy. Anyone who wears it may experience the manifestation of mystical abilities, for example, the presence of prophetic dreams, contacts with otherworldly forces. Therefore, it has always been believed that such an amulet is suitable only for a strong spirit, a chosen one.

Ankh should not be worn by those who are insecure, anxious, impressionable, or people with a “shaken” nervous system. The Egyptian cross is also not recommended for children to wear.

Those who see magical abilities in themselves and want to develop them, as well as people who are strong in spirit and want to achieve more and increase their energy, can wear Ankh. It is also suitable for those who suffer from physical illnesses and are weakened during the rehabilitation period.

The cross is considered a symbol of chosenness, so it is advisable to purchase an amulet made of precious metals to show respect to it.

Do you use such a talisman?

Wearing results

The positive consequences of using the Coptic cross as an amulet are expressed in the following:

  1. The owner's ability to predict events, read the thoughts of people nearby, and feel their attitude towards him.
  2. The appearance of dreams in which the sleeping person sees himself in other eras and alien bodies, and also hears and understands foreign languages. According to esotericists, such dreams tell about past reincarnations.
  3. Loss of fear. The owner of the talisman ceases to be afraid of things that recently caused him horror.
  4. Dramatic changes in fate that a person could not even dream of. Moreover, he does not have to make the slightest effort to make these changes.

With proper use and proper care, the Egyptian cross will reliably protect its owner from negative energy from the outside, and endow him with unique abilities.


Egyptian Meaning of 12 pointed star Erzgamma with a cross inside

How to properly wear and use the Ankh cross in the modern world, what does an amulet mean?

In the modern world, an amulet is used to replenish the owner’s energy, get rid of diseases, protect against dark forces, and awaken magical inclinations. It also allows you to learn new things, achieve wisdom, respect, find your other half, and have a child. Since the 80s of the 20th century, after the release of the film “Hunger”, Ankh has been widely used by adherents of the Gothic subculture.

The activated amulet must be worn gradually so that it gets used to the owner and its energy does not have too powerful an impact.

It is enough to wear the Ankh for 1-2 hours a day, gradually increasing the time. After adaptation has passed, the talisman can be worn all day. You shouldn't take it off at night, because... It is at this time that consciousness is free, with the help of an amulet, to contact the otherworldly and receive clues in the form of prophetic dreams.

Some esotericists believe that you should not wear a cross all the time, because... its energy is too strong and can put pressure on the owner. In their opinion, the Ankh can be worn:

  • when performing a ritual;
  • to receive prophetic dreams, develop magical abilities;
  • during illness;
  • if there are difficulties with conception;
  • during a period when the owner needs a powerful influx of energy (concluding complex transactions, passing exams, etc.);
  • with an active search for the other half.

It is considered correct to wear an Egyptian cross around the neck. It is allowed to use a sacred object as a pendant on a bracelet, as well as on a belt, but only on the right side. To perform its tasks, the talisman requires contact with the owner, so you should not expect the effect of an amulet that is in a bag, wallet, or car.

Question to the expert

What material is best to buy an Ankh cross from?

Men need to choose a product made of gold, women - silver.

How to use an ankh

If you have already chosen an Egyptian cross as a talisman, then treat it with respect. Use a silver or gold amulet. Wear the jewelry around your neck using a leather cord. In moments of loss of strength or depression, turn to the talisman for help, he will hear your request and will help in every possible way.

For the first few days, wear the cross only for a few hours at a time, otherwise its energy may initially cause pain. The amulet must get used to you, and you to it. Once your energy and the talisman are in balance, you can wear it constantly. You should not take off your jewelry at night; it is in your sleep that you will receive signs and tips from the cross. It is not recommended to wear the ankh to children, as they still have a very weak energy field, and the amulet can upset the balance of the baby’s energy.

How to activate and charge the amulet

For the talisman to start working, you need to activate it and charge it. The night of the full moon or the day of the solstice is best suited for the ritual; it is during these periods that the heavenly bodies have the greatest power. First of all, rinse the cross with running water, it will wash away all the negative energy. Now leave the thing for several hours under the light of the moon. In the morning, wash with water again.

During the day, expose it to the sun's rays. Thus, the amulet will receive the energy of the Moon and the Sun and will be activated and charged, and will be able to fulfill its assigned role.

Making a talisman yourself

It is believed that Ankh made of precious metal has the maximum effect. It is quite difficult to make a cross from this material with your own hands, so this option can only be purchased. The purchased symbol should be hung around your neck. To make a talisman, you will need a black cord made of natural material (preferably leather). You cannot use a metal chain, because... it, according to the ideas of esotericists, absorbs the energy of the amulet.

You can make your own Ankh talisman from beads, wire, wood, cardboard and leather. The easiest way to create a cross:

  1. Trace the outline of Ankh on a piece of cardboard.
  2. Cut 3-4 blanks and glue them together.
  3. Wrap it with a strip of leather, after applying glue or double-sided tape to the cardboard.

Instead of cardboard, the symbol can be depicted on a wooden piece; in this case, the cross will be stronger and there will be no need to glue several parts together. The surface is also wrapped with leather tape.

To create a wire version, you may need: the material itself (0.3 mm thick), wire cutters, pliers, a wooden die, small nails. Using pliers, a cross is twisted from thick wire in the shape of an Ankh, and the excess is cut off.

Using thin wire you can make more interesting models. Typically, a piece of thick wire is wrapped in different ways with a narrower cord, creating a relief or pattern.

In some cases, nails are driven into a wooden block along the contour of the cross, around which a thin metal thread is twisted.

Can I do it myself?

If you want to make a powerful Egyptian amulet, then there is nothing complicated about it. For its manufacture, you can use different materials. We offer several ways.

Draw a picture of Ankh on a piece of paper.

Attach the drawing to thick cardboard; the thicker the cardboard, the more reliable the product. Now glue the drawing to the cardboard and trace it.

Cut out the drawn amulet along the outlined contours.

Take paint, choose the color you want and paint the cross.

Once it's dry, take the string and thread it through the top ring. That's all, the homemade amulet is ready, it may not have the same power as the ancient talisman, but it will still serve as decoration.

For better protection, you need to make an amulet from metal, for example, lead. This metal is easy to melt; you can melt it in an iron vessel at home using gas. To cast an ankh, dig a template in the ground and pour melted metal into it.

After the product has cooled, take it out, wipe it off the ground, put it on a cord, preferably leather, and you can wear it around your neck.

If you cannot make an amulet from metal, use beads to get a beautiful and original decoration. You can find the diagram for the product on the Internet.

Activation and conspiracies for the Egyptian Ankh

The purchased talisman contains the energy of strangers - the creator, the seller, the buyers. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the item before use. To do this, the cross should be washed in running water for several minutes.

Natural spring water is ideal for this, but you can also use liquid from the tap.

You can also use salt cleansing. On a full moon, the amulet must be placed in a bowl and completely covered with crystals. It is advisable to cover the plate with a lid on top so that the salt does not become saturated with moisture. The next morning the cross is washed and dried.

The cleansed amulet can be activated. It is believed that this will require the energy of both luminaries. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the procedure on a full moon if it is known that the next day will be sunny. After cleaning, the Egyptian cross should be placed on the windowsill overnight. In the morning, the talisman, saturated with lunar energy, must be washed with water and taken out into the sunlight. After a few hours, the amulet can be considered activated and used for its intended purpose.

Conspiracies to awaken the power of Ankh are not used.

Esotericists note that the Egyptian cross, which is present on the body in the form of a tattoo, does not require activation. This is due to the fact that the symbol is already fueled by the energy of the owner and is tuned to him.

Material selection

According to the well-known location of the masculine and feminine principles in the sky, the former need to pay attention only to gold items, and the latter – to silver items.

The thing is that these noble metals are respectively associated with solar (male) and lunar energy (female).

Advice! In addition, you cannot use all kinds of chains in conjunction with the Ankh, as they can interfere with the manifestation of its power. Only a leather strap can be used.

The meaning of the Ankh tattoo

Many people prefer to depict a magical symbol on their body. The tattoo is in the closest possible contact with the owner and has a powerful influence on him. However, before applying it to the body, you should think carefully; the power and effect of the Ankh are great, and it is unclear whether this symbol will suit the host’s body. Getting rid of the sign, if necessary, will be problematic.

If the decision to apply a tattoo has been made, then you should take into account some rules for depicting an Egyptian cross on the body:

  • place only on the right side;
  • it is advisable to use the upper half of the body (scapula area, ribs, shoulder, forearm, etc.);
  • exclusively black and white images.

It is allowed to apply a tattoo in the form of the cross itself or supplement it with various symbols. Most often, a variety of Egyptian and Celtic signs and ornaments play this role. The owner of a tattoo in the form of an Ankh cross receives a powerful influx of energy, health protection, respect and honor from others, wisdom of judgment and action. He is mystically able to see the right paths to move and avoid trouble.

What magical properties does the talisman have?

Considering the history of the ankh symbol, we can highlight its main properties:

  • Helps you gain wisdom and power.
  • Protects against evil forces and diseases. Promotes a healthy and long life.
  • Attracts happiness in love. Protects the family hearth.
  • Strengthens intuition, helps strengthen contact with divine forces.
  • Gives vigor, vitality and energy, protects against energy vampirism and harmful radiation.

The ankh must be worn on a leather or textile cord. Being worn on a metal chain, the talisman will not work at full strength.

Interesting video on the topic

Master class on making an Ankh cross from beads. The author talks about the meaning of the amulet, the materials needed for its manufacture and shows how to create it correctly:

The video presents sketches of possible tattoo options with the Ankh cross, as well as photos of already completed work:

The Egyptian cross as a symbol of life and immortality has enormous power. It can cure diseases, replenish energy, achieve respect and power, solve complex issues and awaken magical powers in the owner. By activating it with the help of the power of two luminaries and correctly approaching the wearing of a sacred object, you can effectively take advantage of the effect of the amulet of the pharaohs.

How to use it correctly

With the help of a talisman, you can increase a person’s strength and protect him from evil. The symbol helps people who do fortune telling, because these people need additional energy. If you decide to develop in the field of magic, you should definitely purchase an Egyptian cross.

A proper Ankh must be made of a metal alloy. It is best for women to wear a silver amulet.

Men are recommended to wear a gold amulet. The energy of this amulet has much in common with the energy of the heavenly bodies. To wear the cross you need to use a leather cord. Wearing an Ankh on a chain is not permissible.

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