New meaning of the Eagle symbol - Spiritual Guardian of the Russian Federation

According to Feng Shui, the Eagle figurine represents a proud bird with a wide wingspan, strong and beautiful, braking with powerful legs before landing. The carriage of the head is proud and majestic, and there is fire in the eyes. The magnificent pose and shape of the strong body show that this is the King of the Birds. He does not know doubts and defeats, weaknesses and lack of will, his gaze is clear, his movements are swift, he is a winner. And this is the victory of the sun over darkness, because the eagle is also a symbol of the sun and the forces of light.

The Eagle figurine is designed to increase the energy of courage, bravery, bravery, fearlessness, which this bird is endowed by nature. The Lord of the skies - the eagle has always been a symbol of power, authority and military valor. This figurine is given as a gift when they wish a man strength, perseverance, victories, and success in his field. According to Feng Shui, the energy of the Eagle helps to make the right decision, anticipate situations and react to them correctly, separate the important from the secondary and follow your destiny. There is an expression “eagle eye”, that is, keen-sighted, seeing what others do not see. The eagle attracts to its owner well-deserved success, fame and a good reputation, for which one must work hard, sparing no effort and fearing nothing. According to Feng Shui, the eagle brings good luck to businessmen, military men, executives and everyone who wants to achieve success in life and does not sit with their hands folded. The eagle loves tireless fighters and workers. It is useful for single women to have an eagle figurine in the house to attract a protector - a man, a husband - into their lives.

The figure of an eagle in the house of omens

According to Feng Shui, the Eagle figurine represents a proud bird with a wide wingspan, strong and beautiful, braking with powerful legs before landing. The carriage of the head is proud and majestic, and there is fire in the eyes. The magnificent pose and shape of the strong body show that this is the King of the Birds. He does not know doubts and defeats, weaknesses and lack of will, his gaze is clear, his movements are swift, he is a winner. And this is the victory of the sun over darkness, because the eagle is also a symbol of the sun and the forces of light.

The Eagle figurine is designed to increase the energy of courage, bravery, bravery, fearlessness, which this bird is endowed by nature. The Lord of the skies - the eagle has always been a symbol of power, authority and military valor. This figurine is given as a gift when they wish a man strength, perseverance, victories, and success in his field. According to Feng Shui, the energy of the Eagle helps to make the right decision, anticipate situations and react to them correctly, separate the important from the secondary and follow your destiny. There is an expression “eagle eye”, that is, keen-sighted, seeing what others do not see. The eagle attracts to its owner well-deserved success, fame and a good reputation, for which one must work hard, sparing no effort and fearing nothing. According to Feng Shui, the eagle brings good luck to businessmen, military men, executives and everyone who wants to achieve success in life and does not sit with their hands folded. The eagle loves tireless fighters and workers. It is useful for single women to have an eagle figurine in the house to attract a protector - a man, a husband - into their lives.

A similar sign

Various sculptural miniatures fit perfectly into a modern interior. But not all of them attract happiness and good luck. And not every person will find them equally useful.

For example, keeping a figurine of an owl in the house is advised only by people engaged in mental work. This bird is considered a symbol of wisdom, so such a talisman would be appropriate on a schoolchild’s desk or in a student’s room.

But this representative of the feathered family is a real night killer. Her image may turn out to be a very dubious amulet for the family as a whole. Amulets in the form of predators provoke conflict situations and increase the degree of aggression.

  • That is why the sign does not recommend placing the “owl” figurine in a place where everyone in the household gathers - in the dining room or kitchen.

There are different types of figurines:

Different birds according to feng shui - meaning


Many winged amulets have a special mission - to preserve home peace, love and harmony. True, paired symbols are more often used for these purposes.

  • Two doves or two mandarin ducks mean good luck in finding a loved one, fidelity and purity of relationships.
  • A pair of cranes is a kinship of souls, a strong union based on mutual interests.

It is best to place such amulets in the Sector of Marriage and Love.


  • A lone crane standing on the back of a turtle symbolizes longevity, so it would be most appropriate in the Health Sector.
  • The Rooster attracts great success and universal recognition; it is especially good in the Glory or Career Sector.

Please note that the image of birds according to Feng Shui can be either sculptural or pictorial. The choice of material and other nuances are dictated by the tasks that the amulet is designed to solve.

  • For example, a porcelain figurine of a heron protects the house from dark forces, so it should be kept in a well-lit place and near water.

Pictures and images of princes

According to Feng Shui, a “birds” painting can be placed in almost any room - it is an ideal activator of hidden reserves.

  • The image of a wise owl is perfect for a student’s room or a scientist’s office.
  • A proud eagle will share its strength with a born leader, an ambitious and decisive person.
  • The peacock will help you gain fame and financial success, and the magpie will speed up the process of “building a nest.”

Firebird and Phoenix according to Feng Shui

In general, birds in Feng Shui interiors are used not only for the sake of beauty. Some of these talismans can be unexpectedly powerful, so you should choose them wisely.


The first, most obvious example is the phoenix, a symbol of eternal life, constant burning and rebirth.

The purpose of the amulet is to help its owner climb to the very top, to success and all kinds of honors. But desire alone is not enough; certain abilities are required. If a person has any talent, the talisman will help develop it. To do this you need:

  • Choose a figurine made of shiny metal or natural stone, and then place it in the Southern Sector.
  • The room should have plenty of air and light, ideally a source of open fire somewhere nearby.

It’s a completely different matter if a person has only unsupported ambitions. The phoenix can drive such an owner to nervous exhaustion, all the time enticing him with unrealistic hopes and forcing him to tilt at windmills.


The Feng Shui meaning of the firebird is similar, but this amulet works more softly:

  • For men, it promises fame and luck;
  • Girls - beauty and happiness in marriage.

It is believed that such a patron is able to warn the owner about upcoming problems, sharpening his intuition at the right time.

There are different types of figurines:

  • An eagle sitting with folded wings and vigilantly looking into the distance will add vigilance to the owner in relationships and foresight in business.

  • An eagle landing on a mountain of coins symbolizes success and success in business and career. He will bring his owner not only luck, fame, but also money

  • An eagle with outstretched wings landing on a piece of rock is a symbol of the winner. It will bring its owner strength and will to win in his endeavors and lead to success and fame, bestow wisdom

  • An eagle with a snake in its claws symbolizes the victory of the spirit over low passions, in which it will help its owner. This is a beautiful spiritual symbol in which the snake represents everything dark and unclean.

  • An eagle landing on a crystal attracts luck and money

Origin of Chinese symbols.

In traditional China, there has long been a “Doctrine of Symbols and Numbers”, based on the ancient predictive practice of the I-Ching. In this teaching, the entire variety of elements of the external world is described using numbers and symbols. Of particular importance in Chinese culture are images of hieroglyphs, which cover the entire diversity of human life.

These above principles were used by Thomas Lin Yun when creating his own school of the Eight Life Aspirations (or the Blackcap school), which actively uses the symbolism of objects and images to activate certain sectors. Talismans and symbols in Feng Shui are designed to harmonize space, really express our aspirations, help create additional information about various aspects of our lives: protection, wealth, family happiness, career advancement, etc.

But please note that the methodology of the Blackcap school and its recommendations for arranging and using symbols in a room have nothing to do with the tools of classical feng shui!

Further in this article you will find basic descriptions of symbolic images and objects used in Chinese culture, as well as in “pop feng shui”.

Eagle figurines are made from various materials: natural and artificial:

  • brass
  • bronze
  • tree
  • Ivory
  • crystals
  • gypsum
  • porcelain
  • polystone with metallic paint

It is preferable to buy figurines made from natural materials: stone, wood, metal alloys. The natural material itself already carries positive energy, which is enhanced by the image of the figurine. Metals are most suitable for the image of the Eagle; their energy is associated with composure, endurance, endurance and promotes entrepreneurship.

Feng Shui location of the eagle

Feng Shui suggests placing Eagle figurines in the office of a leader, a businessman, and those people who want to become one. The eagle will help you look at things and those around you from a new point of view, and rise above the problem.

It should be placed indoors in the south, in the zone of fame and reputation, which is under the rule of the element of fire. The image of the Eagle in the glory zone will help a person become eloquent, sociable, persistent, purposeful - the way a good leader and successful businessman should be.

Source of the article:


Ladybug means changes in your personal life for the better. Such a talisman can be given to a lonely person who wants to start a family. It is also a talisman of good luck, harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

The tiny creature is able to absorb all the negative energy that is in the house, and the more spots on the back, the stronger the talisman.

The ladybug has one dot on its back - the talisman will help in a new endeavor, no matter in what area it occurs - at home, in the family or at work.

The ladybug has two spots - your sleep will be sound and calm, you will be able to understand those around you, irritability, anger, fear and misanthropy will go away.

Three spots on your back - such a talisman will protect you from hasty decisions and rash actions.

The talisman has four spots on its back - place it in the corridor or hallway, but so that guests cannot see it. Rest assured, your home is under reliable protection. Fire, robbers and the evil eye are not afraid of him.

Five dots - the talisman will help you unleash your creative potential, you will feel that you are capable of more, be confident in your abilities, because only then will others appreciate you.

A talisman with six dots can help a child master the basics of science easier and faster, just place it directly on the student’s desk, this will only enhance its impact.

Feng Shui eagle: meaning in Eastern culture

The Chinese identify this bird with courage, strength, and victory. If the lion is the king among animals, then the eagle has the same honorary title among birds.

  • In symbolic terms, it also personifies the victory of Light over Darkness, sublime personality traits over mundane ones, strength of spirit over weakness.

According to Feng Shui, a soaring eagle has a slightly different meaning than an eagle sitting with folded wings. A bird that soars high in the clouds symbolizes triumph.

  • Such a figurine is worth acquiring for those who want to put an end to their throwing, to finish a protracted matter in their favor.

An eagle with open wings in Feng Shui means spiritual strength, rebirth, the beginning of something new, extremely positive and long-awaited. If you are about to embark on a difficult task, if you are facing a move, a new job or marriage, a figurine of an eagle that has spread its wings and is preparing to fly will be very appropriate.

Feng Shui: animals guard your home

Feng Shui Animals

The desire to achieve well-being, health and material wealth is natural for people of all ages and races. For many centuries, to achieve these goals, various amulets and talismans have been used that can concentrate and direct the flow of energy in the right direction.

Animals have a special place in Feng Shui. Moreover, when creating talismans, images of both real-life animals and mystical creatures endowed with special properties are used. According to the philosophy of Feng Shui, animals brought in to help can enhance and change the energy of your home in accordance with your needs and wishes.

Real animals

  • Elephant.
  • Stork.
  • Turtle.
  • Carp.
  • Owl.
  • Eagle.
  • Mandarin ducks.

Mystical animals

  • Kirin.
  • Three-legged toad.
  • Heavenly Lion.
  • Fu Dog (Pi Yao).
  • The Dragon.
  • Dragon turtle.


Owl according to feng shui

If you are lucky and the location of a favorable star coincides with the entrance to your home, then luck will enter directly through the door without encountering obstacles on its way. Unfortunately, such a favorable layout is rare, and then an elephant figurine will come to your aid. It is believed that an elephant can attract something from afar with its long trunk. It is placed on the windowsill in the direction of a favorable star, and with its trunk the elephant will attract good luck to your home.


The stork figurine helps to gain and maintain health and beauty. He also assists in the speedy appearance of an heir. The most effective is the image of a stork with Lao Tzu, the ancient sage, sitting on it, holding in his hand a peach from the Heavenly Garden of the Lady of the West. This symbol would also be appropriate in the office if you are looking for a worthy successor to your business.


According to ancient legend, a turtle once appeared from the Lo River, on whose shell there was an image of a diagram of flying stars. This pattern was called the “Lo Shu square”. In Feng Shui, a turtle symbolizes a reliable rear, so it is better to place it behind your back, especially when improving your workplace. This is especially important if you are unable to rotate your desk so that you have a windowless wall behind you. To achieve greater harmony, you can also place a figurine or other image of a dragon on the left hand, and a tiger on the right.


The sacred carp fish (Tai) brings good luck and promotes spiritual growth. Two carp bring harmony to the relationship between a man and a woman. Nine carps promote wealth and prosperity. Ideally, you should install an indoor aquarium with live golden carp. But you will have to monitor their health and, if one of the fish dies, immediately replace it. Do not be upset: this means that the carp took the blow intended for you, and now you are safe. If it is impossible to have an aquarium, simply decorate the wall with a picture (postcard, poster) depicting golden carps.


Feng Shui eagle

The owl symbolizes wisdom and protects against stupid thoughts and unreasonable spending, so its image is often placed on the money tree as a vigilant guard. The money tree is a powerful symbol of wealth and prosperity, representing a tree with coin-like fruits. Such a composition would be appropriate in the room where transactions are made, where you keep money, or in the sector responsible for material well-being.


This proud bird symbolizes success in all endeavors. The most powerful talisman is the image of a soaring eagle, especially if it soars above the sun. The eagle helps in choosing the right decision and helps ensure that your efforts receive proper assessment and reward. The best place for this symbol is the Glory sector, located in the south.

Mandarin ducks

A pair of mandarin ducks symbolizes the undying love and fidelity of the spouses. This talisman not only protects marital happiness, but is also able to attract love into the life of a lonely person. They should be located in the southwest (possibly in the southwest sector of the matrimonial bedroom).


Kirin - mystical animal

The Kirin has the head of a dragon, the body of a deer, wings and a horn on its forehead. Despite its terrifying appearance, it is a kind and positive creature whose task is to strengthen the protection of your home. Usually they use paired figures, but there are also single ones. They are installed where there is a possibility of negative external influence: doors, windows.

Three-legged toad

This is perhaps the most famous mystical animal in Feng Shui symbolism. It brings good luck and prosperity. According to legend, the toad, evil and vengeful, was conquered by Buddha, and, in atonement for his sins, he is now obliged to help people by giving them wealth. She is depicted sitting on gold bars, with a coin in her mouth. It is believed that if a toad drops a coin, it is a sign that money will soon be received. The three-legged toad is placed at the entrance to the house, inside, as if it had jumped over the threshold.

Heavenly Lion

Heavenly lions - guardians of the home

Heavenly lions are home guards. Usually they are located on both sides of the entrance, with their faces towards the street. The lion has a ball under his left front paw, and the lioness has a lion cub under her right front paw. This couple protects the house from uninvited guests and the penetration of negative energies from the outside. Images of celestial lions can be installed not only at the entrance, but also, for example, on the windowsill, if it is necessary to protect the house from the window side.

Fu Dog

Fu Dog or Pi Yao

Fu (Pi Yao) dogs, often confused with Heavenly Lions, also protect the home and bring good luck, joy and prosperity. A pair of Pi Yau can be placed anywhere in your home or office. They differ from celestial lions by the presence of horns and unfolded wings. The Chinese love these animals very much and believe that they bring happiness and prosperity.

The Dragon

The dragon is depicted with a magic pearl in its paw. This composition symbolizes spiritual and material wealth. The talisman brings success in business and promotes well-being. It is believed that without a pearl the dragon becomes angry and sad, so such a figurine should not be used. It can cause an imbalance between your spiritual and material aspirations.

dragon turtle

dragon turtle

This funny animal with the body of a large turtle and the head of a dragon is used to protect against the wrath of the Grand Duke of the year Tai-Sui. It is believed that the sight of this awkward creature surprises and amuses the Grand Duke, distracting him from people. In 2012, Prince Tai-Sui is located in the southeast. You should not make noise or make changes in the southeastern sector, and also sit facing the Grand Duke. At the same time, if you can position your workplace so that Tai Sui is behind you, then you will be provided with the support of its powerful energy.

As you can see, Feng Shui animals not only decorate your home, but also harmonize the space according to your goals.

Eagle according to Feng Shui: where to place the figurine in the house

The location of the eagle figurine depends on which sector you want to activate with it.

  • In the Career sector (north), it will attract success in the professional field. If a person wants to retire safely and quickly, it is recommended to purchase a figurine made in the shape of an eagle landing on a rock.
  • In the Family sector (southwest) you can place a figurine with wings folded behind its back and its head held high - it will protect your peace and stabilize the family situation. If a person does not have a family, but really wants to start one, he needs a figurine of a flying eagle.
  • In the Children's sector (west), the eagle will come in handy if the chicks have fled from the nest - it will help them from a distance, while at the same time not letting them forget their parents and their father's home.
  • In the Wealth Zone (southeast), there will be a statue of a bird landing or sitting on a pile of gold coins.
  • In the northeast (learning and knowledge), the king of birds is useful if a person decides to start studying or dramatically change his professional preferences in adulthood.


The Feng Shui painting of an eagle also has a deep symbolic meaning. As in the case of figurines, what the bird is doing is of great importance - soaring, about to take off or land, sitting. Eg:

  • The sitting eagle symbolizes stability;
  • Soaring - victory;
  • Taking off - the way up;
  • Landing - a smooth retreat from business after the successful completion of something.

And under no circumstances should you hang a picture of a wounded, killed, caged, tormented by another creature or a bird with its head downcast on the wall of your home, so as not to clip the wings of your own freedom and success.

Source of the article:

Totem Eagle

The Eagle totem can also be called the Soaring Eagle totem. These people often have a truly aquiline appearance, delicate but strong facial features, a proud and piercing gaze, and a large nose - so it is difficult to confuse them. They have sharp movements, and their voice is harsh and hoarse.

People who have the Eagle as their main totem have the potential to gain wisdom and often have a philosophical mindset. Their strongest quality is the ability to observe for a long time, comprehend, not interfere with anything for the time being, and then make a sharp move and get everything.

Their power lies in their inner aristocracy and pride; they believe in themselves, do not like to complain and are not inclined to share their experiences with other people.

They are full of a sense of their own exclusivity, freedom-loving and stubborn. This is what allows them to achieve their own goals, often breaking laws and rules that seem artificial to them.

Eagles have patience and responsibility, and are able to endure difficulties and hardships in life. And no matter how difficult it may be for them, they always leave inside themselves a corner of light from where they can look at the world and believe in justice.

They value strength and knowledge in other people, and cannot tolerate weaklings and whiners.

Eagles build strong relationships, although they are harsh and love change. But internal scrupulousness and loyalty to their choice allows them to be considered monogamous. They have a conscience that fuels loyalty in friendship, business relationships, and love.

These people have the ambition and strength to make their dreams come true and other people can look up to them.

Often, intelligent professions are chosen for self-realization, where intelligence and the ability to act with lightning speed and without error are required. They make good scientists, surgeons, teachers, trainers. If it’s a business, then it’s related to information.

Some types of Eagles become tough bosses, capable of making decisions with lightning speed and using their subordinates to achieve goals; they are especially good at exploiting the stupidity of others.

There are also military eagles, “beautiful, hefty”, these are very strong leaders and fighters.

If the Eagle is your totem, then it is important for you to have a house located as high as possible. Choose the highest floors of houses, because you like to be above everyone, so that there is no one above your head.

Whenever such an opportunity presents itself, always try to climb higher - onto a tree, mountain, tower, roof, etc. This gives you a special feeling of freedom and sharpens and refreshes your senses. It is also best for balancing and restoring your energy.

Learn to observe before you rush into battle. Take your time and fully understand the situation you are about to enter. Wait patiently, but don't miss your finest hour.

Try not to betray your ideals, do not get involved in stories that are below your level of interest. Know your worth!

Remember that other people are built differently, many of them are naked, earthlings, unable to fly. Don’t demand the impossible from them, but don’t bring them closer to you either.

Talisman Eagle

The Eagle symbol as a talisman, amulet and amulet is most suitable for those people who:

  • has the Eagle as his totem;
  • born in the years of the Eagle - 1939, 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003;
  • has in its horoscope the harmonious sign of Sagittarius and strong Jupiter;
  • born in the palace of the Eagle - approximate dates from July 13 to August 4 ;
  • has in its horoscope manifested degrees associated with the symbolism of the Eagle: 6 degrees of Aries (royal); 26 degrees Aries (white-headed); 5 degrees Virgo (mountain); 29 degrees Scorpio (white-tailed eagle); 22 degrees Sagittarius (bearded man); 7 degrees Pisces (snake eater).

The Eagle talisman can be based on the image of this bird or on a symbol. For example, the Palace of the Eagle amulet represents the Svarog circle and in the center the sign of Perun - lightning.

Such decorations will functionally demonstrate the best, eagle qualities of those people who were born in the palace of the Eagle.

For men, the Eagle talisman can work to strengthen wisdom and determination, willpower and courage. With this symbol you can reach maximum heights in your profession, social status, and spiritual development.

For women, the Eagle talisman or the Eagle's Hall amulet is suitable unless you are a woman at home. Not a chicken, but an eagle - proud, active, creative. If you have the ambition, desire and strength to achieve internal and external goals.

Then he will help you in business, in social life, in active professional realization. In personal life, this amulet is unlikely to be useful. Unless it reminds you of the boomerang air symbol - what you put into a relationship is what you get back.

Eagle amulet - helps a person develop a quick understanding and reading of the meaning of a situation, develops foresight, allows him to notice Signs better and faster. More affects the mind and its capabilities than the body.

The Eagle amulet also gives the ability to see snakes (low and negative people and entities) and neutralize their poison and harmful effects on you. You can experiment with this symbol in situations of poisoning.

Remember how in the movie “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” the tears of the phoenix neutralized the basilisk’s poison? - this is how the internal juices of an eagle act on snake venom. And an amulet with the eagle symbol helps to quickly cleanse the body and restore clarity to the brain.

On the topic - the section “Totems“

Tags: Talismans and amulets, Totems of birds and animals

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

  1. Vera:
    05/21/2021 at 14:09

    Thank you very much for the interesting articles. It was only in my retirement period that I decided to study this topic. Although I have always been interested in this topic and its impact on people. Everything is interconnected: we are united in Nature and in Space.


Eagle in Feng Shui - the meaning of figurines and paintings, where to place them in the house?

In many religions, the eagle is associated with something free, majestic, and proud. In the totem system, this bird occupies one of the leading positions, because it is the personification of absolute freedom, pure, unclouded. She is close to the gods, because she flies so high.

The Eagle totem helps its owner make difficult and sometimes tough choices in the most difficult conditions, when there are no signs from above about the future. Accepting this totem helps to learn the secrets of the body and soul and “conquer” the top of the universe.

Selection rules

The Slavs firmly believed in the power of their amulets. Moreover, it didn’t matter what it was depicted on or what the talisman was made of. What matters is how much a person trusted him and what emotions he experienced. It could be any thing on which the symbol of the palace is drawn. The magical object had to be hidden from prying eyes. They wore the sign on a cord under their clothes or kept it in a dark, inconspicuous place.

Metal selection

Halls can be smelted from any metal or carved from wood. But they are mainly made of gold or silver. First of all, a person listened to himself and used the material to make his totem that found the maximum response in his soul.


The amulet should be cleaned periodically. For the ritual you need to be pure in body and spirit. You can cleanse with fire, snow or salt:

  • To clean with fire, you need to make a fire; it is better to use the friction method and throw only logs made of noble wood (oak, birch) into it. Hold the amulet over the fire for a while, asking the patron god to cleanse the amulet;
  • to clean with snow, you need to bury the amulet in the snow and leave it for about a day, the cold will remove all the negativity;
  • sprinkle the talisman with salt, take it out after a day, and throw away the salt.


If you have made a talisman for yourself, then it does not need activation - the magic symbol has sufficiently interacted with the future owner and they have already established an energetic connection. But for a purchased talisman or one made to order, this ritual is mandatory. Activation is done with the help of fire, air, water, earth, i.e. the forces of the four elements of nature.

When activated by fire, build a fire in the same way as for cleaning the amulet. You can use a white candle; you can light it with matches. Hold the amulet over the fire, if it is made of gold or silver, place it near the fire so that the flame illuminates it and ask the gods to bestow the qualities you need. The candle must burn completely.

Activation by air can be done with the help of wind. You need to choose a windy day, go out into the field, raise the amulet so that it is blown from all sides, and turn to the gods with a request to endow the amulet with power.

To charge with water, you need to find a river or other source, immerse the amulet in it so that it reaches the bottom, and make a request to higher powers.

When activated by earth, you need to bury the talisman in dry soil for a day, then pull it out and be sure to dig up the place where it was. If this is difficult, then the soil can be replaced with salt.

Amulet of light

The eagle talisman is a powerful amulet of light; it is a solar symbol, because it is directly associated with the Sun - the spiritual principle. Thus, the original meaning is strength of spirit, will, freedom from earthly suffering and shackles. The eagle talisman endows its owner with supreme wisdom, power, presence of mind and frees him from earthly bonds. This attribute of the solar gods is identified with the Sun, the king of all stars. In different cultures it was considered the sacred emblem of the Supreme Deity - Zeus, Mars, Odin, Mithras, Jupiter.

Origin story

Like all peoples, the ancient Slavs had their own astrological circle - a totemic yearbook. According to legend, the god Kolyada gave it to people. Godoslov, or the Svarog circle, consists of 16 palaces and symbolizes the rotation of the wheel of Time and the movement of the luminary across the sky. The halls were named after a bird or animal. Each of them corresponds to a specific patron god and symbol of plant origin.

The Svarog circle is the progenitor of the modern horoscope. But there is a significant difference between them, which lies not only in the different number of totems. Unlike the zodiac, the Slavic circle is a sacred system of knowledge that includes all aspects of the Universe and human existence in it.

Sign of the Eagle's palace in the Svarozh circle

What does the talisman mean?

There are several Slavic horoscopes.
Just like the zodiac, they characterize people, their behavior, aspirations, and capabilities. But there is a significant difference: the protective talisman and patron are immediately determined. So the Falcon amulet belongs to people born during midsummer: July 14 – August 4. Protection is provided by Perun. One of the strict gods who gives no room for error. Since the ancient Slavs were close to nature, all gods had a talisman tree. In this case, oak. Owners are characterized by strength, perseverance and wisdom. A distinctive feature is the desire to reach heights in the name of justice and honor. Like their patron, they are capable of good deeds and deeds. But if they see injustice, they will definitely punish those who do not respect the laws. The Slavic amulet, namely the Griffin, endows its wards with kindness, responsibility, and a desire to help and save. Sacred wisdom is transmitted after the presentation of the totemic sign. The transformation from a kind and fair person into a responsible and strict sage is immediately noticeable. The sooner you put the amulet on a boy, the faster he will become a man, a warrior. Read on the topic: How to make an amulet bracelet from threads with your own hands

The falcon is not just a talisman, but a totem. Moreover, one of the 7 most powerful of the entire Svorozhe circle. Based on the name, the Eagle bestows its capabilities. And this:

  • learn and achieve goals;
  • have logical thinking;
  • to be wise and strong;
  • see and receive new information.

Patron Perun, in turn, complements the meaning, endowing a person with strength, seriousness, responsibility, integrity and honor. The deity protects and protects its charges, but also punishes for misconduct and wrong lifestyle.


With a carp figurine, good luck will help you and you will grow spiritually. If a man and a woman lack harmony, place two figures in the room. Nine carps will increase wealth and bring stability in solving financial issues. Golden carp can swim in a large aquarium, but not everyone has this opportunity, but a picture or panel with their image can be hung on the wall.

A talisman in the northern part of the house will help you advance your career; if you place it in the southeast, your financial problems will be solved by themselves.

Solar essence

The entire nature of the eagle is imbued with solar energy - there was a legend that only it could fly to the king of all stars and look at the Sun without blinking, and then unite with it in a life-giving dance of light. This is where the eagle image is endowed with the highest spiritual values. The eagle soars in the skies amid thunder and lightning, and therefore is a symbol of true courage, the ability to overcome life's adversities.

A duel between an eagle and a snake or dragon shows the superiority of the spirit and intellect over mortal matter, lower forces and instincts. This battle personifies the clash between the solar forces of good (eagle) and the chthonic forces of evil (snake-like creature). In addition, the eagle is the unmanifest light, and the serpent is the unmanifest darkness; when interacting, these elements form a cosmic whole, the unity of the spiritual and material worlds.

Hunting Eagle Tattoo

The image of an eagle rushing to the ground in order to attack its prey speaks of an aggressive attitude against its enemies. The sharp claws of a bird of prey, ready to grab prey, symbolize a person’s desire to defend his principles, no matter what. The owner of such a tattoo is ready to start fighting for what is dear to him. He is confident that he will emerge victorious.

A swooping eagle, or representative of the birds holding prey, is a popular theme for tattoos among criminals.

Heavenly lord

Being associated with the fire and air elements, the eagle is seen as the king of the air, having the same power as the lion on earth. Like Prometheus, this messenger unites the earthly and heavenly firmament.

According to the Sumerian-Akkadian tradition, the solar talisman of the eagle belongs to the god of war Ninurta (Ningirsu), as well as Ashur, the Assyrian god of lightning, storms and fertility. The two-headed eagle is identified with Nergal, the deity who radiates the scorching heat of the sun at its zenith.

Also, the Anzud bird, which is depicted as an eagle with a lion's head, acted as an intermediary between deities and people.

The eagle talisman, depicted with human hands, symbolizes sun worship. He was credited with the ability to rejuvenate after being immersed in water three times, like a Phoenix reborn from the sun's flame.


Eagles have fantastic vision, it is six times better than that of humans. Eagles fly out to hunt during the daytime. The bird is not disturbed by the sun's rays, the glare of the water; they can easily see the smallest objects and small living creatures in the grass from a bird's eye view. An eagle can simultaneously monitor two objects with one eye. The human eye “catches” one object.

Eagle eyes are protected by two eyelids (transparent and dense). The first eyelid protects eagle eyes from air currents and the claws of prey. A thick eyelid closes the eye during sleep.

Eagle in Hinduism

In Hindu teaching, Garuda is a giant bird from the Ramayana, belonging to the Vedic god Vishnu. Garuda is represented as a creature with a human body, an eagle's head and wings. In myths, he is constantly at odds with snakes, so he was dubbed the “devourer” of snakes (here again there is a reference to the eternal duel between solar and chthonic forces). This mythological motif formed the basis of the legend about Garuda’s abduction of the drink of immortality (amrita); here there is a reference to the Vedic myth about Indra’s abduction of soma.

In Chinese philosophy, the eagle symbolizes the Sun, power, yang, courage, warrior, keen vision and perseverance, strength and fearlessness. Sitting alone on a rock, it is equated to the symbol of a single fighter, and on a pine tree it is a symbol of longevity and full bloom of strength.

In Buddhist teachings, Buddha flies on an eagle. His name is Amoghasiddhi, his earthly manifestation is considered to be the Buddha of the new world order - Maitreya.

In Greek beliefs, the eagle is not only the spiritual power of light, but also good luck and royalty. This undoubtedly gives the right to call it a talisman of wealth. The eagle talisman, the photo of which you see, originally served as the emblem of Pan, and later of Zeus, as his assistant with lightning in his claws. Homer also wrote that an eagle with a snake in its claws displays a symbol of victory. Often he plays the role of not only a companion and messenger of the great gods, but he himself is identified with their personalities. So, for example, when the Olympian gods needed a cupbearer, Zeus sent an eagle for Ganymede or, turning into an eagle, flew after him himself.

According to Roman tradition, the king of the skies, that is, the eagle, is one of the most common ancient emblems of victory; military success was associated with its flight. Even in the times of Romulus and Remus, he was depicted on flags as the “bird of Jupiter.”

The same association is built in Iran - flight is equal to victory. Cyrus the Great placed an image of a soaring eagle on his banner as a symbol of victory and triumph.

He was considered the oldest deity of vegetation in Mesoamerica, also a symbol of tellurgical forces, matter, darkness, and at the same time the heavenly spirit, space born of light. The eagle also represents Aztec warriors and knights. It was common practice for leaders to decorate their robes and thrones with eagle feathers to strengthen the military spirit. Even one day in the Aztec calendar was given the name "cautli", which means "eagle". Anyone born under this sign was doomed to military activity.

Eagle symbols - meaning and significance

The main meaning of the symbol:

  • this is heaven, height and exaltation, and hence vigilance and great knowledge;
  • it is the ability to surpass and destroy lower forces;
  • this is an opportunity to rise above the ordinary bustling world and look at what is happening from above, through the eyes of the Spirit. This allows us to see the general scenario of ordinary life, its cause-and-effect relationships, its meaning.

The eagle is one of the evangelical symbols; it belongs to John the Theologian, who spread the Holy Word among people. In this regard, the eagle is associated with divine inspiration , therefore it is used on church pulpits.

Eagle in heraldry

The eagle symbol in heraldry is second only to the lion in popularity. The eagle is used as a symbol of power and dominance, the foresight of rulers, which allows them to achieve and maintain their supremacy.

Even in Sumerian heraldry there was an eagle with the head of a lion.

From historical films, we remember the ancient Roman battle insignia with an eagle, predatorily spreading its powerful wings. By the way, the eagle was often called the “Roman bird,” although the Roman Empire borrowed its Aquilla from the ancient Hittites. But with this eagle she turned 45 countries of the ancient world into Roman provinces (by the way, only the Empires had eagle heraldry before).

Since then, the flight of an eagle over the army has been interpreted as a good sign, an omen of victory.

The image of an eagle, which can vary in color and number of heads, was present in the emblems of Byzantium, and now adorns elements of the state heraldry of Russia, the USA, Germany, Austria, Egypt, Jordan, Poland, Nigeria, Zambia and many others.

The symbol of the double-headed eagle of Russia , which is embedded in our symbolism, means:

  • initially the union of church and secular power - as the archetype of the planet Jupiter;
  • vigilantly looking at its eastern and western neighbors, maintaining a balance between the eastern and western paths of development;
  • symbol of the two-faced Janus, looking both into the past and into the future;
  • holding emptiness - between two eagle heads, where unpredictable changes occur - according to the law of Time.

Often in heraldic theory, the Eagle symbol is given such a quality as immortality . And it should be noted that ideas associated with state entities that have the Eagle symbol live longer than their carriers and try to return again even after the death of the latter.

For example, the double-headed eagle of the Russian Empire, having rested in Soviet times, now crowns the state symbols of the Russian Federation.

And the eagles of the victorious Holy Roman Empire were resurrected through the eagles of the Third Reich.

The Garuda eagle symbol is used in eastern state heraldry. It is the national symbol of Indonesia and Thailand, and is present on the coat of arms of the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. It is also the state symbol of the Altai Republic.

Picture taken from Wikipedia

The image of the eagle Garuda was also present on the battle flags of Kalmyk military units in the Russian Empire. It is now the symbol of air force and airline units in several countries, and is also featured on the emblem of the Patriot Party in Indonesia.

The soaring Eagle is a symbol of 2021 according to the Slavic-Aryan calendar

If you were born in the years of the Eagle (1939, 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003), then rejoice - this is your year, it will bring you the brightest signs. This can hardly mean happiness in the traditional sense. But in the year of the Soaring Eagle, events will definitely await you that will tell you who you are and what else you need to do in life.

So don't click your beak... By the way, this applies to everyone.

What to pay attention to in 2021?

In the Slavic-Aryan system, the patron of the Hall of the Eagle is God Perun - an analogue of traditional Jupiter. And it is in 2021 that Jupiter is in its own sign - in Sagittarius, which often means happy coincidences, success and luck.

Therefore, in the year of the Eagle it is necessary :

  • form your own worldview , expand it through touching new knowledge , including spiritual ones;
  • take trips that will allow you to take a new, broader and freer look at your life;
  • Treat your life strategically , ask yourself the question more often - what do I really want in life?
  • try not to become immersed in what is happening, but watch everything as if from above , including yourself. But as soon as the right moment to act presents itself, turn into lightning-fast activity .

Remember that in the year of the Soaring Eagle, your strength lies in calm observation and allowing yourself to soar on those vibrations, on those flows of energy and information that the Higher Forces leading you organize for you. Trust what is happening, but be prepared to actively participate in events.

Reproduction and offspring

Typically, a couple has two eaglets per year. The family life of eagles resembles the everyday relationships of people. The male must get food, the female raises and feeds the babies, and protects the nest. The cool temperament of the eaglets manifests itself as soon as they get out of the shell; it is the children who carry out natural selection; usually the strongest eaglet survives.

For two months, the chicks fight for life; if the weaker eaglet manages to survive, then after eight weeks both eaglets will live peacefully in the nest. Kids are very gluttonous. Father and mother often have to fly away to hunt in order to feed the ever-hungry eaglets. A month and a half after birth, the eaglets begin to get food themselves; now they no longer need parental care. The eagle's diet consists mainly of meat.

Birds of prey, which include eagles, reach full sexual maturity at approximately five years of age. Typically, eagles of any species nest in shrubby plants or trees, but their nests can sometimes be found on cliffs, including nesting sites for mountain eagles. The construction of the nest is carried out by both partners, but most often the females invest more effort, skill and time in this process. A fully prepared and reliable nest can be used by birds for several years.

Sometimes birds of prey seize other people's nests, made by fairly large birds, including the raven and falcon. Females lay eggs only once a year, and their total number can reach three. The features of the process of hatching eggs directly depend on the species characteristics of the eagle.

Eagle in Christianity

Christians perceive the eagle as the embodiment of boundless divine love, fortitude, courage, justice, a symbol of the Resurrection, and elevating gospel ideas. The flight of an eagle is associated with the ascension of Christ, with prayers sent to heaven, with God's mercy and victory over the sinful nature of man and the machinations of the devil (an eagle with a snake in its beak). The eagle is a Christian soul that only grows stronger through numerous virtues.

Along with other Christian religious traditions, the eagle is considered a messenger of heaven. Therefore, the lecterns on which the Gospel was placed for reading often had the shape of an eagle in flight.

The meaning of tattoos in religion

An eagle tattoo on the chest or other part of the body can change its meaning if you look closely at the additional details depicted with it. A proud, predatory bird that grabs a snake with its powerful claws and torments it with its beak speaks of victory over evil spirits. This is due to the fact that the snake has been associated with deceit and evil since ancient times.

In the Middle Ages, among Christians, the eagle was associated with Jesus Christ and his ascension. Currently, an eagle tattoo on the chest speaks of love for God and strong faith in the Almighty.

Slavic tradition

The Slavs consider the eagle to be the lord of heaven, a divine manifestation on earth, since it lives much longer than other birds and can rejuvenate over time, because, according to beliefs, with the onset of old age it goes to the ends of the world to swim in living, rejuvenating water. Wealth is another property that the Slavs attribute to the eagle talisman. The golden talismans “Sirin” and “Simargl”, named after the pagan Slavic gods, really have powerful energy, which is especially emphasized by the noble metal - gold, which already carries a positive cumulative installation. Sirin (a bird of paradise-maiden with eagle wings) brings not only prosperity, but also divine protection from the evil eye and envy. Simargl is the guardian of the family hearth, fields and harvest (a dog with eagle wings). It protects fields from pests and rodents. Considered a defender of peace.

Family life

All eagles are monogamous. They live in pairs. Scientists have found an eagle couple who have been “married” for more than thirty-five years. “Family life” for eagles begins with a wedding dance, which is performed by both partners. The female eagle is twice the size of the male.

Eagles are monogamous birds, capable of choosing one partner for life. They often live in pairs. To get food for themselves and their offspring, they can circle in the sky for hours, looking for prey. Seeing the prey, the eagle quickly flies down, a strong bird, so it easily bites into the prey and kills it with its beak.

Birds can prey on large animals (foxes, wolves, roe deer), small animals (hares, gophers) and, of course, other birds and fish. If hunting does not bring results for a long time, the eagle may begin to feed on carrion.

They hunt on land and in water. Having caught prey, the bird tries to eat it immediately, except if it is necessary to feed the chicks. Some species kill highly venomous snakes. After lunch, he absorbs a lot of water and spends a long time carefully cleaning his plumage.

In general, hunting takes little time; eagles spend most of their lives observing everything that happens around them. In addition, they do not need to hunt every day, since they can store food in their crop for several days.

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