I’m sitting with my back to the window, what should I do? Feng Shui desktop to attract money. Learn how to build a favorable home based on Feng Shui

It often happens that you are a responsible employee and work as hard as you can, but there is no recognition in the team, and your colleague is an outright slacker - in good standing with the boss. One of the reasons for this state of affairs may be... an unsuccessful workplace and office environment from the point of view of Feng Shui.

A person should never place a table on another person's table. This can also lead to many arguments and complications. This is especially important for people who share an office. If they want to get along better, they need to remember that their desks don't bump into each other.

Lighting in the office

Keep it clean and always allow it to move easily in any direction. The chair should be adjusted so that your feet can rest firmly on the floor. Bring lively energy into the space by prominently placing a tree, plant, fresh flowers or even a bowl of fruit. “Some plants—like peace lilies—actually purify the air.” Opening a window, turning on a fan, or using an air purifier can also help as it helps maintain air and energy flow.

So let's try to neutralize the unfavorable energetic effects of people, objects or interiors, and also enhance the influence of positive flows of qi energy. After all, when everything around is harmonious, work goes much better!

Turn the office desk towards career and money

Do you go to work without joy? Are your relationships with colleagues and superiors not working out? Do you think that you could have fewer job responsibilities and a higher salary? Probably the root of these problems is that. your workplace is in an unfavorable location for you.

Facing the door

-What are they? - Rule one. You cannot sit in front of the front door. If a person sits directly facing the door, he will not stay in this place for long. Place your desk diagonally so you can see the front door.

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Rule two. Try not to sit with your back to the door. Also avoid sitting in the corner.

Rule three. Don't sit with your back to the window. If it is impossible to move the desktop to another location, then close the window with a thick curtain or blinds.

— But what if the head of the organization does not approve of these reshuffles and changes? “If he is interested in his employees working efficiently and feeling comfortable in the office, he will support these changes. Moreover, it is not difficult to comply with such rules; they do not require any financial costs.

Back to the wall

— If there are a lot of people working in a room and there is not enough space, how can you protect your personal space? — It is very important to outline the boundaries of your personal space. Place some bright trinket on your desktop: a mug, a souvenir, a photo that reminds you of pleasant moments, a postcard, a beautiful notepad, a desk calendar. All this serves as a protective screen. Sometimes just one look at these objects is enough to recharge with positive emotions and lift your spirits.

— What Feng Shui techniques can you use to activate the career and money zone on your desktop? — In the northeast of the table, in the sector of wisdom and knowledge, there must be a cup or bottle of water. Also in the northeast there is a place for working documents and folders. In the southeast, in the wealth sector, place a cash envelope with a bill. If there is no bedside table with drawers in this sector, then attach the envelope with tape under the table. This will work great too.

Always keep your work area tidy and clean. Regularly wipe the table with a damp cloth, adding a little salt to the water: salt has the ability to absorb not only visible dust and dirt, but also negative energy. At least once a week, audit all papers and get rid of unnecessary business cards, documents, and notes. Cluttered tables, cabinets, racks, and shelves filled with various folders and books mean an inability to perceive new things and limit your professional growth. Therefore, paper deposits must be sorted out, everything unnecessary and obsolete must be thrown away.

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Color in the workplace

One of the important elements that you need to pay attention to when decorating your place is the color scheme. Each color according to Feng Shui reflects a certain type of energy. Color affects our health and mood.

You should not use gray, black and white colors on your desk. They are not harmonious at all. Gray is a variety of black, which according to Chinese teaching is not a color at all. We see black when the surface does not reflect anything, but only absorbs light. White color is neutral, which means it does not carry any energy.

How not to ruin your back if you work at the computer every day

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Pain in the back and neck, fatigue, stiffness of movement - these are the inevitable companions of such a lifestyle. If you are forced to spend most of the day at the computer, do not neglect the simple rules of working at it.

Feng Shui talismans

Talismans of prosperity and wealth help you achieve financial success if you follow the rules of Feng Shui.

The most famous office talismans:

  • gilded ship with jewelry and coins. Perfect as a talisman. Its open sails mean prosperity and wealth. The bow of the sailboat should face the center of the room;
  • turtle . Helps achieve goals and career growth, and also improves financial condition. Choose a metal turtle sitting on coins. The figurine is placed on the windowsill or on the north side of the table. The figurine's head should be directed towards the center of the room;
  • the Dragon . Promotes good luck, business activity and prosperity, helps to make a career. The talisman is placed on the left side of the desktop surface;
  • three-legged toad on coins or Hottei figurine . Associated with financial independence, wealth and abundance. The ideal place is on the left side of the desktop;
  • figurine of Ganesha . Helps make important decisions. At a difficult moment, it is useful to stroke his trunk. It is recommended to place assistants in the area;
  • crystal pyramid . Promotes forward and upward movement and stimulates career growth. The best place is opposite the person sitting at the table;
  • Chinese coins . A talisman helps in the flow of money if it decorates a computer or lies under a phone.

How to sit at the computer correctly

The average office worker spends 6-10 hours at the computer. This is a serious load for all body systems – and especially for the back muscles. The consequences of this lifestyle do not appear immediately. First, short-term pain in the back worries you - between the shoulder blades and in the lumbar region. The load increases and the discomfort intensifies. Pain becomes a constant companion: it occurs after 1-2 hours of sedentary work, and persists during rest. To prevent this, choose the correct position for working at the computer - as in this illustration:

How to arrange a separate office in an apartment

More recently, the concept of an “office” in an apartment or residential building has firmly entered our consciousness. Previously, due to the lack of living space in the country, the office was combined with both the bedroom and the living room, very often even the kitchen acted as an office. So talking about using Feng Shui methods to decorate an office was simply ridiculous. And why was this necessary, if for the bulk of the population the ceiling for material success was expressed in the amount of 300 rubles. It's a different matter now. Any more or less successful person considers it necessary to have a separate office in the apartment, because, properly equipped from the point of view of Feng Shui, it is the key to the material success of its owner.

Do exercises

Here are three simple exercises:

If gymnastics does not help and the pain does not subside, consult a doctor: a therapist or an orthopedist. Get examined - sedentary work provokes the development of scoliosis and osteochondrosis, leads to the development of “tunnel syndrome” and other health problems. Keep your body in good shape so you can continue to lead your usual lifestyle and work at the computer.

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Decoration of the manager's office

The most suitable place for the manager’s desk is the diagonal corner farthest from the entrance. It is recommended to place the table with its back to the wall for additional support. Wall means mountain and provides protection and support.

The effect can be enhanced by painting with mountain landscapes. The manager's desk should be larger than the employees' desks - it symbolizes position in society and power.

It is not recommended to place the table with your back to the door; this leads to discomfort and loss of faith in your abilities. A table standing at the entrance to the office negatively affects the authority of the boss.

According to Feng Shui traditions, a manager needs an expensive, solid chair with a high back and comfortable armrests. The backrest symbolizes protection and a reliable rear; the armrests are associated with the control function.

How to sit correctly without back pain

Specialists from the multidisciplinary medical center KIT say: most people do not know how to sit correctly, which is why they experience back pain, discomfort in the spine, and suffer from various diseases and pathologies.

We spend a lot of time sitting: at work, at home, in transport, outside in the park. We sit on a sofa, a chair, an armchair, or a bench. The lumbar spine experiences enormous stress, and it is this area of ​​the back that is considered the most vulnerable. Incorrect body position, incorrect posture, in which a person stands for a long time at a computer, book, or business papers, will inevitably lead to back pain and the development of various diseases:

There should be no overhanging structures overhead

When arranging your workspace, it is important to refrain from shelves and air conditioners above the desk and your head. Overhang is considered unfavorable. Overhanging beams and other structures above you will bring illness and failure. According to Feng Shui, open shelves and similar objects with sharp corners symbolize knives. Being above you, they concentrate destructive energy, from which you can hardly expect anything good.

If changing seats or removing structures does not work, you can neutralize the negative effects of objects. For example, put a pot with a plant or a vase with fresh flowers on a shelf. To harmonize, you can use fabric or a garland, and in a critical situation, a thick thread of wool stretched along sharp corners will do. This will help improve your workspace.

How not to sit

Often we don’t notice how we change our posture to a more comfortable one, causing harm to our back. The first signal that your posture is incorrect should be the appearance of discomfort. This may be numbness of the limbs, tingling caused by impaired blood circulation, headaches.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most common poses that KIT clinic specialists call uncomfortable and unhealthy for the back when held in them for a long time:

Particular attention should be paid to the posture of children and adolescents. During puberty, children develop bones; any deviations can lead to problems with the spine in the future. Therefore, it is important for parents to teach children to sit correctly and regularly stop attempts to take one of the incorrect positions listed above, do not allow them to sit for a long time at the computer without moving, or read while lying in bed.

How to choose an office location for business success?

There should be no hospitals, morgues, cemeteries, prisons or similar institutions near the office building.
A huge amount of negative energy concentrated in them will have a bad effect on business. The office building must have a symmetrical, regular shape. The most unfavorable option is a pyramid; in this case, energy will not be able to circulate freely in space and will stagnate.

Buildings with mirrored windows are also not suitable. Due to reflective surfaces, positive energy will not be able to penetrate inside. You should not choose rooms with many overhanging cornices and protruding beams.

Buildings with a larger upper floor area than the lower floors are also not suitable. In these cases, the likelihood of conflicts in the team is high. The best option for locating office space is in the middle, not at the ends of the corridor.

Exercises to relieve back pain

You can perform these exercises right at your workplace; they will help eliminate pain in the neck and back.

Please note that such exercises are only a warm-up for long-term sedentary work. To maintain a healthy back, you should exercise regularly or perform an effective set of exercises. The most useful are crunches, push-ups, squats, and abdominal strengthening. Every day you should stretch your spine; to do this, hanging on the horizontal bar for 1-2 minutes is enough. Strength training, yoga, swimming, amateur sports and even regular walking - all can bring some benefits and help maintain posture and a healthy spine.

You cannot place paintings depicting water behind your back or aquariums.

Water is a fairly important element of monetary luck in Feng Shui. However, it should be used with caution. Avoid images with ponds, waterfalls, fountains and similar objects behind your back - this can negatively affect stability and deprive you of support in life. Ill-wishers and colleagues who dream of taking your place can literally “sink” you. Remove landscapes with mountains - they symbolize barriers and obstacles on the path to success.

It’s easy to solve the problem – you just need to hang photos or paintings of other subjects in the back. Landscapes are suitable, as well as images symbolizing fertility and success. Water features can be safely placed in front of the workplace - this is where they will play in your favor and indicate inflows of finance. Walls facing east, southeast or north will increase the positive energy of water paintings.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the aquarium. As a body of water, it should not be behind your back. It's better to put it in an unfavorable place. It’s easy to identify - this is exactly the part of the room where people are least likely. The water should always be clean, and the number of aquarium housings should be odd. It is recommended to have goldfish.

Amulets for the career field

First of all, you can use all the items directly related to the element of water, for example: aquariums, small fountains, models of ships and sailboats and, of course, fish.

Sailboats or ships are the most suitable solution for those people who have their own business or dream of it. Then the model of the sailboat must be placed in such a way that its bow is directed towards the wall or towards the corner of the room, but in no case looks at the window or door. But the stern of the ship must be placed exactly the opposite way to the front door, so that your ship seems to float into your home and bring with it success in all respects.

As for fish, you can, of course, purchase real fish, but it is better to turn to artificial ones, made in the form of figurines, for help. In this case, the fish figurines must be gold or bronze. In addition, you can place a fan on the wall, decorated with images of fish, and the more of these cute creatures painted on it, the better.

It is also allowed to use talismans that indirectly relate to the element of water and also enhance the metal element. Among them, the first place is deservedly occupied by the turtle, symbolizing wisdom and support from above. Therefore, if you dream of getting help from higher-ups (for example, your boss), be sure to purchase a turtle figurine.

A rather unusual item that will help enhance your luck in business is a voluminous spherical vase. You need to place white flowers in it. The metal will help increase financial well-being, so the vase will not just stimulate career growth, but will help you get much more than before.

It is recommended to hang wind chimes in those areas where you most need to attract good luck (such as doors to your home, dimly lit places). In this zone it can be formed by several metal tubes. In order for the tubes to make sound, additional parts should be attached to them, for example, metal sticks.


Office layout

A good office layout seriously influences a person’s financial success, maintains a good mood, and stimulates labor productivity. For an office to bring good luck, it must have the correct shape. A perfect rectangle or square guarantees that you will be successful in the material sphere. When there is a missing corner in the office, the luck represented by that corner will be sorely lacking. For example, if the northern corner is missing, then the owner of the office will face the problem of career growth; if the southeastern corner is missing, then luck in the field of material enrichment will leave you; if the eastern corner is missing, then the owner of the office will be haunted by chronic illnesses.

Feng Shui masters give recommendations on almost all missing corners and recommend avoiding rooms with irregular and strange shapes. Cabinets shaped like the letters “T” and “U” are especially dangerous. The owner of such an office will never be rich and healthy; he will be haunted by failures in his family life. A large number of sharp corners in the office also adversely affects luck in the material sphere.

The most effective method of protection is good, even very bright lighting. Illuminating unusually shaped corners with bright light eliminates the negative energy of sha qi and creates an excess of “yang energy,” which is very beneficial for the work space. You can use furniture and partitions to shape oddly shaped corners and protruding corners. Missing corners can be filled with some pieces of furniture.

Feng Shui masters do not recommend setting up an office in a room where there are sharp protruding cornices or ceiling beams. The simpler and more regular geometric shapes are present in the office, the better for its owner.

Signs associated with doors

The door, according to Slavic signs, is a kind of portal to the other world. This is a special boundary that divides the world of spirits and reality that is familiar to us. Our ancestors believed that passing some objects through doors, such as bread or money, was not good. Even if a person could not leave the house, in order to pick up something, he had to step outside the threshold with at least one foot. Also, don’t say goodbye and shake your hand over the threshold.

It is believed that if you stand at an open door for a long time, a person’s luck may run out. Young girls were not allowed to leave the door ajar at all. According to popular beliefs, in this case there was a risk that her future husband would walk to the left.

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feng shui office number

  1. victory and independence;
  2. diplomacy and love;
  3. growth and creativity;
  4. the number four in the east symbolizes “death”, so it is better to refuse an office with a number where there is a four;
  5. heavy changes, diversity;
  6. financial well-being, home, family relationships;
  7. spiritual development, wisdom and knowledge;
  8. prosperity, wealth and money;
  9. long life and love.

If the number has a two-digit or more meaning, for example 78, then look at what numbers go from left to right - through spiritual development, wisdom and knowledge you will achieve wealth and prosperity.

Read more about Feng Shui numbers>>

Aligning the table with the window

Placing your desk facing a window is a convenient solution if you like to view the outdoors while working. However, even indirect sunlight can affect you, increasing fatigue while working. It's good to look into the distance from time to time.

Many experts advise that the table should be at right angles to the window. This, however, will not completely protect you from intense daylight, especially if the sun's rays enter the room directly through the glass. Then the only solution will be to cover the window, for example with blinds, which will reflect the sharp rays, but still let in some light. We recommend models of blinds and curtains that are adjustable both at the top and bottom, allowing them to cover only that part of the window through which the greatest amount of light passes at a given time.

An additional advantage of the window is the ability to ventilate the room. Bringing fresh air into the room helps you stay focused and recharged. You can also outfit your home office with an air purifier.

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