Reward 10 Heavenly Trunks Together with Plunder Demon

The Chinese fear this demon most of all, because its main function is loss and loss. If it is present in the Ba Tzu chart, then this means that the risk of the threat of losing something increases. Such loss can be both material and spiritual in nature. One way or another, this is the Demon of Loss. The presence of the Demon of Plunder in the card carries significant meanings. These may be various obstacles, increased demands, as well as exhaustion. It manifests itself in such a way that people cannot correctly assess the current situation. Real events may also be ignored. It confuses the mind, so it can be difficult to determine what needs to be done at that particular moment.

If the Demon of Robbery is present in the fortune-telling chart, you should pay close attention to inheritance and other profits. It is especially bad when it is in the pillar of the year, and if this card belongs to a woman.

If the location of the Demon is in the Qi phase, then usually this person has developed wit, he is quite peaceful and intelligent. If this phase is weak, then the person does not live well and is always in need, and it is also difficult for him to determine what needs to be done in order for the result to be good. Often such people look at their surroundings and repeat their actions or, in other words, swim in the direction of the current.

The situation is considered successful when the Demon simultaneously meets the Spirit of Pleasure, then wealth appears in the person’s hands, and he has power over others. In addition, this is an interesting personality by nature, which is fully developed.

In separate meetings between the Demon of Robbery and the Canopy, this means that the person has a well-developed sense of taste.

When the Demons of Robbery and Destruction are found together at the same time, this means that a person has a unique opportunity to correctly express thoughts and speak beautifully.

If the card contains power and the Demon of Robbery in one of the pillars, he has excellent self-control and will be able to get out of any situation. It is difficult to anger such a person, and he will not be offended over trifles.

When the Demon meets the Spirit of the Source Constellation, such adversities as committing crimes or offenses become part of a person’s life. If the earthly branch is empty and a Monkey or Rooster is present in it, then this does not bode well. As a rule, such people have a desire to get a tattoo on their body, and such decisions in China have always been associated with crime.

A person is cut off from society when the Demons of Robbery and Beating Sheep are together.

When the Demon is in the hour, you should pay attention to children; at least misunderstandings are possible between children and adults.

A person experiences fear when a Demon meets Extreme Power, so he can attract bad luck.

For example, if a client's card shows that he is a thief, then a 10 is usually rolled out - this is a reward. These people specialize in theft, and this affects them favorably. The character of such a person can be distinguished by his behavior against society.

Symbolic stars in Ba Zi

Symbolic stars in Ba Zi

[email protected] @ » 03 Jun 2015, Wed at 06:30

Symbolic stars provide a lot of information about the fate and character of a person. There are about 200 symbolic stars, there are Masters who work only with these stars and interpret a person’s fate based on them. Noble man (Aristocrat Star). It is very useful to have such a star in your pillars, then in life someone will always help and provide protection. If a Noble person comes in the pillars of good fortune, it means that during this period you can expect outside help. If this star is represented by an unfavorable element, then help may come late, or when the misfortune has already happened. The star brings achievements, fame, success, career advancement, good health, and mitigates the negative characteristics of bad stars. This is the strongest spirit of luck, symbolizes noble influential people, heavenly helpers, ready to help. But the person in whose chart there is such a star also has nobility and is ready to come to the aid of others. A strong star gives a pleasant appearance, dignity, style, and a clear understanding of the truth of things. imparts experience, wisdom, knowledge, but can also endow a person with strong stubbornness and arrogance. With this star, a person has the opportunity to make a good career, climb the career ladder, and his successes and achievements will be recognized by society.

Traveling Horse (Postal Horse). This star brings to its owner a tendency to move, to freedom, to progress, to exchange information, and endows a person with wisdom. He does not like to be tied down, he strives forward, overcoming obstacles. There is a tendency to move, in the broad sense of the word, advancement in society. achieving a high social rank. Such a person is successful in the fields of transportation, diplomacy, and trade. If the star is in collision, then it is difficult to achieve great success, a person rushes aimlessly through life, worries, is afraid, runs away from problems, and isolation from society is possible. This star makes a person travel or move. Many horses in the map - a nomadic way of life. If the post horse represents the aspect of money, then this trip will be associated with earnings; if the horse represents resources, then the person will go to study or for new knowledge. If the horse represents the aspect of power, it means that there is a meeting with the authorities or employment. If the post horse is represented by an element of self-expression, then it will simply be a vacation trip. If a star stands in the pillar of the year and is represented in the element of wealth, then it gives a person the ability to accumulate and transfer to other people not so much material as spiritual wealth, investing in them his understanding and wisdom. This is an opportunity to travel abroad (and for work) even in difficult situations. If “traveling horses” collide, this means moving or changing jobs. If the element of power is affected, then a change of job. If it meets with the Star of Prosperity, it indicates that the person will earn money, especially in a distant (ALIEN) land.

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Peach blossom (Flower of romance). This star brings its owner charm, charisma, and sexual attractiveness to the opposite sex. Such a person is endowed with a sense of taste and beauty. He can flirt a lot, he is sociable and amorous. The unfavorability (when it coincides with an unhelpful element for the chart) of a star can give rise to debauchery and debauchery. If there is only one Peach in the chart, then finding a spouse will not be difficult; the marriage can be long-lasting. If there are more than 2 Flowers of Romance in the chart, then there may be problems in the marriage and such a person is too sexually active. If the peach blossom is at the hour, then it is called “Flower behind the wall”, and this will be an indication of adultery. If it is in the month, then it is a sign of a harmonious marital relationship. The appearance of the Flower of Romance in the pillars of luck can lead a person to marriage or such a relationship can last for 10 years. If the Flower element is unfavorable, then such a relationship can cost money and bring big troubles, a person will invest a lot of love, care, money into his partner, and the partner will turn out to be ungrateful and disappoint in the end. The auspiciousness of this star is influenced by the phases of qi. In the strong phase, the CM is attractiveness. In the low phase of qi - debauchery. This star can be activated in space to search for romantic relationships. On a good date, you need to place a water activator or fresh flowers in a vase in the animal sector of the “Flower of Romance”. For married people, activating this formula can lead to love triangles.

Star of the Arts (Blooming Canopy). An artistic star speaks of having a sense of taste and the ability to appreciate beauty. Such people have a rich inner world and imagination; they may prefer a calm environment. This star is often found in the cards of artists, actors, directors, and creative people. In a strong map, as well as when there are Resources in the pillars, it makes it possible to achieve high social status. In the House of Marriage, it indicates problems with a spouse based on mutual understanding; a person may withdraw into himself and establish contacts poorly. People can live together, but everyone seems to be on their own, without understanding, without warmth, without love. Blooming canopy + Post horse - a person can be a good diplomat. If the Canopy is represented by an element of power, there is a high probability of making a successful career and achieving financial well-being. The Star of the Arts is also called the Star of Loneliness. Then the condition must be met: The Star of Arts must be located only in the pillar of the day or hour.

Academic star (Star of the Academician). A person with such a star in the four pillars of fate has very good learning abilities, favors abilities in music, painting, science, and gives a high position in society. Often found among businessmen and entrepreneurs. If the star element represents Self-Expression (of the same polarity as the NA of the day), then this person may be talented in the fields of art and have acting abilities. Sometimes it is called the Star of the Aristocrat, and this indicates the opportunity to occupy a high social rank in life. More useful for the strong lord of the day. This star can also be activated in space. It is especially good to place a child in the Academician Star sector for successful studies.

General's Star (Star of Domination). This star is the dream of any ambitious person; it means power, authority, influence. Such a person will never mix with the crowd, because he is endowed with natural authority and dominance. Strong charisma and courage, the makings of a hero, literally “Stars on uniform.” The person will have wealth and followers, people will strive to imitate him and see him as a consummate hero. If the star is favorable, then the person is able to become a leader - a general, a politician and stand in power. In combination with strong Power in the chart, a person can make a military career; in combination with strong Wealth, it gives the opportunity to make a career as a financier or be the head of a large enterprise. If the element is unfavorable or is part of self-punishment, then inappropriate behavior and obstinacy are possible. In the element of Self-Expression (Spirit of Pleasure) - a person can be a general director, this is a person’s ability to manage an enterprise.

The Demon of Annihilation is a problem hidden within man himself. May bring low self-esteem. If it is useful, then the negative effect is mitigated. These can be experiences, complexes that prevent a person from leading a full life. Such a Demon gives a person subconscious fears and a feeling of failure, and this prevents him from achieving success in his profession or building a full-fledged relationship with a partner. This star also contributes to making mistakes in documents. In a strong qi phase with Wealth, Power and the Right Seal in the chart, the person will be talented and smart. A high qi phase is important for this star, because in the low phase, unpleasant qualities manifest themselves more strongly.

Heavenly doctor - I haven’t found an interpretation, but the star recommends starting treatment if it is present in the day.

The yin-yang error no, it causes possible problems in marriage (there is more than one marriage), or maybe simply inflated demands on a marriage partner (if there is that same partner - constant nagging at him), there is also an opinion that this is the star and works ONLY in the daytime pillar, in the rest it does not manifest itself. If it stands in the pillar of the day, then in 90% of cases the first marriage will end in divorce. If you get married in a year or tact with the Yin-Yang Error, divorce can also not be avoided, especially if there are additional instructions. If all the pillars in the chart have a Yin-Yang Error, then this is a built-in karmic difficulty with love.

Reward 10 heavenly trunks (Star of Prosperity). In ancient China, having such a star in your Ba Zi chart was considered a very lucky sign; the star brought prosperity and well-being. A person with such a star, even if born into a poor family, is able to achieve a lot on his own, thanks to his work and diligence, and will receive a well-deserved reward. A person is able to provide for his family, even without the help of family and friends. For a strong lord of the day, this star indicates an early departure from his father’s house. If the element of the star is favorable, then a person is guaranteed an advantage in any field of activity; he is characterized by determination, endurance, and the desire to always achieve his goal, so success awaits him in any field. This star is especially favorable for the weak lord of the day. The star does not like collisions, its beneficial effect is destroyed. High phases of qi increase the power of the star and give good health. Weak qi phases make a person slow and indecisive. The best position of this star is in the day pillar, there is a concentration of wealth, pre-programmed success. In the pillar of the month it is favorable, in a high qi phase - a person can inherit a family business from his parents, over time becoming a businessman, the richest person. But you can also consider the star in the great life cycle (in the coming pillars of luck). The Star of Prosperity has only one phase - this is the Lu phase, that's why it is called that, for any daytime dominant it can be calculated, it has no other phases.

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Vault - if there is Vault in the pillars - this is an opportunity to get rich sooner or later. When there are a lot of earthen elements in the pillars of fate, this means that a person stores a lot of things, and you can only store material values, money. For a person with the celestial trunk of the day - Earth, money will be represented by the element Water, but if there is no such element in the earthly branches, but only the Dragon, he is the Storage of Water, which means his money is hidden in the pillars of fate. When a collision occurs, the Vault opens and the person can become rich. Vaults are also ambiguous, if you don’t have a crowbar to open the vault, then don’t expect money, and in general, if your card is “poor,” then don’t expect wealth, it won’t happen, because it’s not destiny. Hacking method - CROWBAR. CROWBAR is an animal that collides with your Ground animal. It’s just that both the scrap and the Storage itself in the map must satisfy several conditions: 1) Both should not be in the Void (why the year works with a Noble person, because a Noble person, if there is a Void, cancels the Void); 2) The Vault must contain YOUR money (i.e. if for you money is Water, then your Vault is the Dragon - the key to it is the Dog); 3) In this sense, those who have the lord of the day, Tree, are the luckiest; for the Tree, money is the Earth; 4) The Vault is also opened by the interaction of harm, harm to the Dragon, for example, Rabbit, Dog-Rooster, Ox-Horse, Goat-Rat.

A sheep's knife means emotions, lack of self-control; a person cannot control himself and often breaks into a scream. If there is a lot of this star in the pillars of the birth chart, this indicates the uncontrolled and explosive character of the card owner. Having a star on your birthday means you have to change and restrain yourself. In the hour, the Sheep Knife means that a person will have conflicts with his own children in the future. In the children's home - illnesses and injuries in children, difficult relationships with children not in the future, but in general. If this star is in the year, it may indicate poor relations with relatives. If the star is favorable, its energy can be used, then the person will be persistent and consistent in achieving the goal. The sheep's knife is unfavorable in the House of Marriage. He brings misunderstandings with his spouse, even disaster, and an unstable personal life.

Networks of heaven and hell - there are several varieties here and they are further divided depending on the gender of the native. But in general, it speaks of increased intuition (especially the combination of Dog and Dragon). The Dragon and the Dog are not only psychic abilities. With good indicators, this is also a flair; the person himself may be far from esotericism, but he will have a flair! And under certain indicators, a network of heaven and hell can bring mental problems, including hospitalization.

Lonely Planet - for men. Shelter of loneliness - for women. The demon of loneliness - withdrawal into oneself, search, emotional poverty. Much attention is paid to external inharmonious manifestations; they often leave their homeland. Man has no land, and is forced to move in orbit as a lonely planet. Psychologically – inability to find a partner, suspicions, excessive expectations, schizoid, depressed, need for autonomy. In difficult situations, they avoid conflicts, interrupt communication, then resume the problem again, “stepping on the same rake,” since everyone has already forgotten. Together with Power and Seal - spirituality, isolation. If the ZV is empty, then the person is not able to build relationships. The strong Qi phase does not affect it, does not improve the situation, and the weak Qi phase only strengthens it. With the Post Horse - disputes, showdowns. And if with a Blooming Canopy, a person deliberately leads a lonely life. That is, this is a regressive sign. This demon can be eliminated by paying attention to it. It can be solved without problems by working on yourself.

Red Luan (Wizard of Love, Red Phoenix) - a beautiful and happy star that brings love, marriage and the birth of children - this is Red Luan. This spirit (only in a beneficial element) gives love relationships, reunites lovers, and if it comes in the year or in tact, it certainly contributes to marital success. If Red Luan is located in the pillars of Fate, then it endows a person with beauty, charm and attractiveness. With such a star it is very easy to meet a worthy partner. Among other things, Red Luan does not skimp on material gifts - such a person is guaranteed career growth and financial well-being. Gives its owner noble attractiveness and beauty. As a rule, it is very easy for such a person to find a partner and get married. By the location of this star in your map, you can determine the place where to look for your soul mate. success with the opposite sex, career success.

A golden carriage brings its owner a high social status, a decent standard of living, a rich house, a luxury car and other joys of the material world.

Lunar virtue - allows you to carry out any endeavors, transforms failure into success.

The original constellation is a state of sadness, disorientation and depression.

Red Beauty Demon - You are constantly waiting for something better, and do not appreciate what you have. It takes you away from the world of reality into the world of dreams and illusion. The ability to charm, lure, seduce (if favorable). The red beauty is responsible for love, romance, sexual attractiveness, and seductiveness. The very disappointment and unfulfilled dreams and hopes. Truth and deception. The danger of sexual addiction, dependence on another person. The demon of red beauty (Glamourous bird of illusions and unrealistic hopes) takes its owner from the world of reality to the world of dreams and dreams. Found only in the Pillars of Fate. Red beauty is enhanced by killing 7th position, shelter of loneliness and kuigang. The person is very sensitive, lives in a fantasy world, is romantic, and has many delusions. The spirit can disappear if a person realizes that he is doing wrong. A strong Qi phase weakens the spirit of red beauty, the ability to manipulate other people, a weak Qi phase makes him angrier, hiding from troubles, lack of hope. If a red beauty is found in the day pillar, this concerns the spouse: In the annual pillar, it is associated with family or expectations, or life strategy. The monthly pillar includes high expectations from friends. In an hour - inflated demands or expectations from children. Or too high demands on the outcome of events.

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Bankruptcy star (damaged pillar) - it can bring an unsuccessful marriage, poor health, and of course financial losses. The most unpleasant thing is if she stands in the pillar of the day, especially for the weak lord of the day. In this case, you cannot engage in risky financial transactions and business. With the advent of an ominous period, the life of a person with such a pillar of the day can deteriorate sharply. If the affected pillar is tact, then it is better in such a period to insure your property, not spend money, take care of your health and take care of your relationships.

Four pillars of destiny

Weak, but with all the features characteristic of Yin Metal. The difference is that she is a Rooster by year of birth, and he is a Dragon. Merger by year. Love, equality and partnership in marriage. They have been together for 8 years. Complex, tender, stormy and scandalous. There is enough of everything in this marriage.

For a mother, a birth is a child. For dad, too, a creation, but a hope for pleasure, for self-expression. The son is closer to his father, he is with him as one whole. Dad and son are always together, dad is always on his son's side. Mom is strict, demanding, tough. Dad is soft, pliable, compliant.

Ba Zi Reference Book “Symbolic Stars”

In ancient times, in China, fate was read precisely by the Symbolic stars. This is a very interesting, informative section, take my word for it. But this requires knowing the characteristics of symbolic stars.

Here are the characteristics of the most popular symbolic stars of Ba Zi, combinations and tables with calculations of symbolic stars.

List of symbolic stars:

Auspicious Stars (Spirits of Fortune)

  • Noble man
  • Three consecutive noble
  • Star of the Helpers
  • Lunar Virtue
  • Heavenly Virtue
  • Heavenly joy
  • Noble with luck in personal life
  • Noble heavenly power, control
  • Noble heavenly cuisine
  • Noble heavenly fortune
  • Noble right size
  • Noble literature
  • Noble Taiji
  • Noble man of the state (heavenly) seal
  • Noble man of the star of happiness
  • Noble man of wealth
  • Three mystics
  • Dragon Spirit
  • Golden Spirit
  • Blooming canopy
  • General of the monthly pillar
  • General's Star
  • Red Luan
  • Reward 10 Heavenly Trunks
  • Storage
  • Golden carriage
  • Star encouragement and celebration
  • traveling horse
  • School Classroom and Word Pavilion
  • Academician's star
  • Yansky region
  • Sky Medic
  • Heaven and Hell Network

Unfavorable Stars (Demons of Bad Luck)

  • Void Star
  • Annihilation Star
  • Plunder Star
  • Bloody knife
  • Evening dawn
  • flying knife
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Disaster Star
  • Sha fetters and shackles Sha separation angle
  • Funeral doors, hanged
  • Tomb
  • Sheep knife
  • Fifth Spirit
  • White Tiger
  • Heavenly dog
  • Legal confusion
  • steel broom
  • Romance Star
  • Flower of romance
  • Star of beauty and illusions
  • Salty pond
  • Lonely Phoenix
  • lonely planet
  • Shelter of loneliness
  • Original constellation
  • yin yang error
  • Kuigang (Faikong)
  • Bankruptcy Star
  • Networks of heaven and earth
  • Personal Destroyer
  • Seasonal Destroyer
  • Eight Zhuan
  • Six troubles
  • Ten vices (nine chow)
  • Demon of relationship destruction
  • Flathead Demon
  • Double drake

Reference format pdf. You can not only study it on your computer or tablet, but also print it out.

Team Influence

We paid attention to the Lonely Phoenix in the previous article. It is also present in this map. Therefore, let’s add just a few more words about it. Men with the Lonely Phoenix in their chart are often passionate about their work and spend a lot of time at work.

Demon of Plunder

The Academician's Star gives a person patience and perseverance in achieving goals. Intelligence - he is able to quickly absorb knowledge. For Mark, the Academician’s Star is expressed in a useful element, which allows it to reveal itself to the fullest.

SPINE AND BACK. The spine and back are associated with the elements of Water and Wood, as well as with the Robber of Wealth, the earthly branches of the Pig, the Monkey, and most strongly with the earthly branch of the Goat. Each of these earthly branches are primarily associated with the spine. The spine is also associated with the birth hour pillar (internal parts).


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Reward 10 Heavenly Trunks

How does this spirit reflect on character? He is responsible for the willingness to help other people. Gives a person long-term thinking and intelligence. Healthy and unhealthy cunning can manifest when a person begins to use others for his own purposes.

What could be happening then? We see that it is difficult for a person to concentrate on income. He constantly runs after it, but does not receive it. In this case, you definitely need to do what you love! Something that brings pleasure. Then the money will come on its own.

Robbery Demon

Demon of robbery: function - threat of loss

Alternative names: Demon of Loss, Plundering Demon, Jie-Sha.

The demon of robbery can influence different areas of human life and manifest itself very individually. And when the enemy has many faces, it is difficult to recognize him. It is not for nothing that the Chinese consider this demon the most harmful, because the Demon of Robbery creates situations fraught with losses. Moreover, this means not just the banal loss of a wallet, but also losses that are difficult to express in monetary form: you can ruin your health, waste your time, lose face, and miss out on favorable opportunities.

The demon of robbery is the stereotypes of thinking and behavior inherent in a person that involve him in situations that inevitably lead to losses: money, authority, property, quarrels, courts and divorces

If the Demon of Robbery is present in a personal chart, then it seems to attract all sorts of vicissitudes of fate to its owner, which he cannot cope with. Usually people perceive this course of life as someone’s external machinations and complain about a difficult fate, but in fact it is connected with the characteristics of the mind and patterns of behavior. Imagine that a man and a dog are walking along a mountain path. The man, step by step, approaches the goal of his journey, and the dog explores the area, jumps over stones, sniffs mouse holes, chases butterflies, and grabs a bumblebee with its teeth. As a result, she gets into a lot of trouble and runs three to four to five times the distance that a person has covered.

A person with the Demon of Robbery moves through life in much the same way as a dog through the mountains. He wants to do something, but he doesn’t think at all about whether he is capable of this task? He chooses the wrong direction, sets himself too difficult tasks, does not have a plan of action - and faces obstacles that he did not expect. And when people ignore existing circumstances, strive for unattainable goals and overestimate their strengths, then very soon they come to understand the intractability of problems and their own helplessness. Incorrect assessment of the situation, inability to set priorities, inability to foresee the development of the situation - all these are the true reasons for failure. The consequences will not keep you waiting: lack of fulfillment, financial losses, emotional and mental exhaustion, stress, depression, alcohol. This is how the Demon of Robbery affects a person.

—Search by diary

The Sheep Knife or the demon of killing a sheep is a star that gives stubbornness, perseverance, determination, but also hot temper and cruelty. A person with a strong card can bring problems, but a weak card with a sheep's knife can achieve success in the military field.

— Regular readers

Even if you know that the star in the map is a Demon, you cannot immediately say that it adversely affects fate. After all, it will be important whether the bazi card is strong or weak, in which pillar the symbolic star stands, what other stars it meets, whether it is useful or not in this card. The qi phase (strength) of the star is also important, since Demons standing in a high qi phase lose some of their negative qualities, and, in some cases, even bring good luck. You can learn more about symbolic stars in a special correspondence course.

In the annual pillar is the symbolic star “Command Influence” (represented by the earthly branch of the Rat). It gives its owner leadership qualities, helps to gain authority, and gives Mark management skills (a person easily manages people).

Art of Bazi

In cycle 60 of Jia Zi 甲子, there are several pillars in which the energy of “Prosperity” enters the branch of “Death and Emptiness” (don’t be alarmed by the term). In these pillars, the flow of Prosperity Qi becomes empty and dries up. For example, in this map there are two pillars Jia/Chen 甲辰 (hour) and Ren/Shen 壬申 (year). Prosperity in our time is associated with wealth, and therefore in the spheres and palaces associated with these pillars it will be difficult to achieve an increase in wealth.

At first glance, the analysis of symbolic stars seems simple, but in reality it has many nuances and can be quite accurate. Not all “bad” stars are actually bad, and “good” ones are favorable. Therefore, a flexible approach to assessment, knowledge of the characteristics of stars, their interactions with each other, energy phases, the strength of the personality element and other factors are important.

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