Heavenly trunks. 5 elements and their Yin and Yang manifestations. Interaction of Heavenly Stems in Ba Zi

Celestial trunks are cyclic signs of the decimal cycle.
Used in conjunction with the duodecimal signs - the Earthly Branches, also known as the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar. Most often, the joint use of two cycles of calculation is explained as a symbol of the interaction of yin and yang, Heaven and Earth. Figuratively, one can call the manifestation of the influence of the heavenly trunks an intangible component - “the will of heaven.” They represent a manifestation of energy in the five elements, each of which has two properties - Yin and Yang. While the Earthly branches are the material manifestation of these energies.

SignPinyinTranscriptionFive elementsFive directionsYin and Yang
1jiǎJia木 Tree东 East阳 Yang
2AND阴 Yin
3bǐngBean火 FireSouth阳 Yang
4dīngDean阴 Yin
5U土 Earth中 Center阳 Yang
6Ji阴 Yin
7gēngGengMetalWest阳 Yang
8xīnXin阴 Yin
9renRenWaterNorth阳 Yang
10guǐGui阴 Yin

It should be taken into account that the influence of the elements is cyclical relative to the seasons. Here, seasons refer to the decades of seasons according to the solar Chinese calendar of agricultural seasons.

. At the same time, the element of Earth (Soil) dominates in the third month of each season.


Heavenly trunks 甲 (JYA) and 乙 (Yi) elements 木 Tree

The element Tree is represented by two Heavenly trunks: JIA, I. More about the element Tree Earthly branches, which represent the Heavenly trunks of the Tree element: YIN, MAO. Trunks in branches: YIN, MAO, CHEN, HAI, WEI. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Water gives birth to Wood, Wood gives birth to Fire. Metal overcomes/controls Wood, Wood overcomes Soil.

甲 (CZYA) - Yang Tree

The tree of the TZYA sign is a Yang Tree.
Represents beams and rafters. It is defined as dead, hard Wood. Its roots have already been cut off and its branches have already been cut off. Therefore, in order to prepare utensils from it, it is necessary to chop it with a sharp ax. Interestingly, the character 甲 (CZYA) also has the meaning “main” or “first”, which is directly related to the Chinese calendar. And besides, it means “carapace, armor, armor, armor.”

乙 (I) - Yin Tree

The tree of the Yi sign is in order after the JZYA sign.
It develops and nourishes everything that exists, without ceasing, it gives birth to life. This is a Yin Tree. It is called a living tree. The I sign tree enters the career stage in the MAO sign. In addition to the meaning of the term in Chinese metaphysics, the character 乙 (Yi) has the meaning “second in order”, as well as “swallow”.

Academy of Metaphysics Victoria Baykova

If you have been studying Chinese forecasting techniques for some time, you could not ignore one of the fundamental theories - the theory of the trinity of Heaven, Earth and Man. According to the ideas of Chinese culture, everything that exists consists of three principles: Heaven, Man and Earth. The concept of the Cosmic Trinity describes their mutual influence and is manifested in the interaction of three types of energy: qi of heaven, qi of earth and qi of man .

Thus, in the human body, three parts are initially distinguished (upper, middle and lower), and in each of these parts the region of Heaven, Earth and Man. At the bottom, the Heaven region is used to determine the condition of the liver, the Earth region is used to determine the condition of the kidneys, and the Human region is used to determine the condition of the spleen. In the middle part of the human body, the Heaven region is used to determine the condition of the lungs, the Earth region is used to determine the condition of the chest as a whole, and the Human region is used to determine the condition of the heart. In the upper part of the human body, the Sky region is used to determine the energy state in the temporal region of the forehead, the Earth region is used to determine the energy state of the mouth and teeth, and the Human region is used to determine the energy state of the ears and eyes.

The three-level structure is also fixed in the symbolism of trigrams, where the first level (bottom) is the level of the Earth, reflecting all the processes occurring on its surface. The third level (upper) is the level of the Sky, reflecting the movement of Celestial bodies and weather changes. And finally, the middle level is the level of Man, who must follow the laws of Heaven and Earth.

In relation to Ba Zi, it is believed that the energy of Heaven is carried out by the Heavenly trunks. The Earth's energy is carried out by the Earth's branches. As for the Human principle, it is represented by the Heavenly trunks hidden in the Earthly branches. In each of the twelve Earthly branches there are hidden Heavenly trunks. We will talk about their nature and some properties below.

List of Heavenly trunks hidden in Earthly branches:

If we carefully look at the table, we will see that inside some Earthly branches one Heavenly trunk is hidden, inside others there are two or even three Heavenly trunks. For example, in the Rat (yav) we will find only Water (iv), since the Rat (yav) is pure Water. In the Rabbit (id) there is only one Heavenly Tree trunk (id). However, if we look at the Bull (from), we will see that the Heavenly trunks of Metal (from), Earth (from) and Water (willows) are hidden in it. Why is this happening?

The fact is that each of the elements (except for the Soil) lives through three main phases of life :

All animals, based on how they are located in the table, can be divided into three groups. The first group is animals in which elements are born. The second - in which they reach the maximum of their strength and the third - in which they are very weak (in which they are preserved).

Rat is the strongest Water, so it is a pure element and nothing else can be there. The Rooster is the strongest Metal, so like the Rat, it is a pure Metal element, similarly, the Rabbit has only Wood. The exception is the Horse. Despite the fact that it represents the strongest element of Fire, in the summer another element, Earth, also reaches its maximum, because it is Fire (the element of Summer) that it is supported by. Therefore, the Earth can also be found in the Horse.

The remaining Eight Animals are more complex. So the Tiger is the birthplace of Fire, therefore it contains Fire, but it itself is a Tree and comes in Spring, in the season of the Tree, therefore it also contains a Tree. Since Fire and Earth share one life cycle, then together with Fire the Tree is born, hence, together with Fire in the Tiger we find the Earth. And so on.

What are the hidden Heavenly Stems ? Let's look at some meanings.

Firstly, as should be clear from all the above discussions, the hidden Heavenly trunks are the human principle that provides the connection between the Heavenly energy, represented by the Heavenly trunks, and the Earthly energy, represented by the Earthly branches . It is through the hidden Heavenly trunks that the Earthly branch of the month in the Ba Zi layout communicates with the element of personality. This factor is used in particular when carrying out structural analysis in Ba Zi.

Another area of ​​application of the Heavenly trunks hidden in the Earthly branches is the analysis of Houses in Ba Zi layouts. For example, when analyzing the Pillars of Destiny, we look at the House of the spouse. What can we see in the hidden trunks?

For example, a woman has the Earthly branch of Shen (Yam) or Monkey in her husband’s House. However, Monkey is not just Metal. It contains the Heavenly trunks Wu (yaz), Gen (yam), Ren (yav). Hidden trunks in this case will speak about the character, or, more precisely, about the quality, of her husband. In this case, since for a woman with a Yang Fire personality element, Earth is Self-Expression, Metal is Money, Water is Power. Based on all of the above, we can say that the husband of this woman will be a powerful person, or at least have good administrative abilities, will have money and women (since for a man they seem to be one element) and, in addition, he will be smart (self-expression, most often , speaks about the level of intelligence).

However, I should note that this interpretation of the hidden Heavenly trunks is not entirely accurate, since much depends on the strength of the card in question and the favorableness of the elements. For this reason, I would not recommend that you attach much importance to such interpretations.

Another meaning of the hidden Heavenly trunks that is directly related to Ba Zi is that with their help it is determined whether the manifested Heavenly trunks in the map have roots in the Earthly branches . This factor plays an important role in determining the strength of a personality element.

In the table below of the Four Pillars, in the birthday trunk we see the Heavenly trunk 甲 Jia. We also see this same trunk, 甲 Jia, in the hidden Trunks of the Earthly branch of the month 寅 Yin. In this case, we say that 甲 Jia has roots. This can be compared to a Tree having roots.

Heavenly trunks 丙 (BIN) and 丁 (DING) elements 火 Fire

The element Fire is represented by two Heavenly trunks: BIN, DIN. Read more about the element Fire. Earthly branches: Sy, U. These Heavenly Stems are also present in the branches: Si, Wu, Wei, Yin, Xu. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Fire is generated by Wood, generates Soil, is overcome by Water, overcomes Metal.

丙 (BIN) - Yang Fire

The fire of the BIN sign burns in the center of Heaven, it illuminates all six limits with its light. In Heaven it corresponds to the Sun and lightning, on Earth it corresponds to the furnace and smelter. It is defined as dead Fire, the Fire of death. His career falls in the sign Sy. He loves the dead Tree of the Chia sign, which generates his flame. Does not like Metal and Soil, which hide and extinguish his light.

丁 (DIN) - Yin Fire

The Fire of the DIN sign - in Heaven it corresponds to rows of stars, and on Earth it represents the Fire of the lamp.
His career falls on the U sign. When there is a Tree of the I sign inside, it is capable of generating the Fire of the DIN sign. The I sign represents a living Tree, and the DIN sign represents a living Fire. The DIN sign rejoices at the Tree of the I sign that generates it. The character 丁 also has the meaning “full-grown person, male”, as well as the meaning “cut into pieces.”

Heavenly Trunks hidden in Earthly Branches.

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If the Heavenly Trunks are a reflection of the command of Heaven, as their name suggests, and the Earthly Branches are a manifestation of this command on Earth, i.e. the Earth itself, then where is Man?

The system of the Trinity of the World tells us that the “human factor” of the interaction between Heaven and Earth must be “hiding” somewhere.

In ancient Chinese metaphysical practice, the interaction of time (Heaven) and space (Earth) was usually written down in two hieroglyphs, from which the Pillar is composed. At the top of the Pillar is the Heavenly Trunk, and at the bottom is the Earthly Branch. In this way, you can express all time values: year, month, day and hour (two hours). For example, the Pillar of 2009 will also consist of 2 hieroglyphs - Ji (Yin Soil) and Chou (Ox /Yin Soil/). The characteristics of this year can be expressed as follows:

Each "animal", or each cyclic Sign, which is expressed by the image of an animal from the duodecimal cycle, also contains the Celestial Stems.

In our example, the sign of the Ox (丑, Chou) contains three Heavenly trunks: Yin Soil (己, Ji), Yin Metal (辛, Xin) and Yin Water (癸, Gui). Thus, one Earthly Ox Branch contains three Heavenly Stems. Why these particular Heavenly Trunks? Because the presence of certain Heavenly Stems in the Earthly Branches is attributed to the stages of life of the Elements. So, the Ox is a sign of the Soil (earth sign).

In the Bull we “find” the Soil itself, Metal, which “goes to the grave” in winter, and Water (the Bull is a winter sign, and winter is the period of Water).

It turns out that three Earthly Branches are hidden in one Earthly Branch. They are called “Heavenly trunks hidden in the Earthly Branches.” This will be the “human factor”!

Finally, this picture can be written as follows:


“Hidden Heavenly Stems” is a kind of indicator that complements the existing evidence. The most common application of Hidden Trunks is in the analysis of Ba-Tzu cards, in predictive practices, etc.

If the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches describe to us the spatio-temporal characteristics of the analyzed aspect, then the Hidden Heavenly Stems reveal certain “secrets”, additions, clarifications for the human factor.

Different Earthly Branches contain different numbers of Hidden Trunks.

Thus, Mao (卯, Rabbit, Yin Tree) contains only one Hidden Heavenly Stem - 乙 (Yi, Yin Tree), because Mao is a “pure” Tree, it is the exact direction to the East on the Luopan compass. And the East is the season of spring (the flowering of the Wood element).

In order to remember all the Heavenly Trunks Hidden in the 12 “animals”, you can simply memorize them.

The table below shows all the Hidden Heavenly Trunks in all the Earthly Branches.

Earth Branch

Name of the Mark

HieroglyphHidden Heavenly StemsRatZiZi子癸BullChouChou丑己辛癸TigerYingYing寅甲丙戊RabbitMaoMao卯乙DragonChenChen辰戊乙癸SnakeSiSi巳丙庚戊L HorseWuWu午丁GoatWei未己丁乙MonkeyShenShen申庚壬戊RoosterYouYou酉辛DogXuXu戌戊辛丁PigHaiHai亥壬甲戊


One of these definitions, which is often found in many recommendations and forecasts, is the mention of Tai-sui or, as it is otherwise called, “Prince of the Year” or “Grand Duke”. So, what is or who is Tai-sui?

The Chinese called Jupiter Tai-sui (太岁). He was also called the "spirit of Sui" (Sui shen, 岁神). In ancient times, people believed that there was a star in the sky, Sui-sin (岁星), which personified the Azure Dragon and that it completed one Heavenly Cycle in 12 years. And on earth there is Tai-sui (Great Sui), which is Tai-yin (太阴), Super Yin, and goes along the 12 Earthly branches. 12 Earth years constitute one cycle.

In the year of the Rat it is towards the sign 子 (Zi, Rat), in the year of the Ox it moves into the sign 丑 (Chou, Ox) and so on, when finally it does not reach the sign 亥 (Hai, Pig) in the year of the Pig.

To find out where the location of Tai-sui is in the current year, you need to know which animal “rules” this year and where this animal (Earthly Branch) is located on the lo-pan compass.

Animal of the YearLocation of Tai Sui
Rat345° — 15°
丑 Bull15° — 45°
寅Tiger45° — 75°
卯Rabbit75° — 105°
Dragon105° — 135°
巳 Snake135° — 165°
午 Horse165° — 195°
Goat195° — 225°
申 Monkey225° — 255°
Rooster255° — 285°
Dog285° — 315°
亥 Pig315° — 345°

In general, it must be said that Tai Sui, by definition, does not bring misfortune to people, as it may seem from the initial information. In the direction in which Tai-sui is located there is a huge force of acceleration and strengthening. This force is a combination of the universal force of the Universe, the Heavenly force, with the geomagnetic field of the Earth.

For example, in the year of the Rat, such a field is especially strong in the direction of the sign 子 (Zi, Rat, compass direction - North). If large movements occur in this direction, in this position, for example, building a house, excavation work, setting in motion any mechanisms, lighting stoves, etc., then gradually the energy of this field can increase here. Then there can be great harm from this activity, especially for people who make their way into the Tai Sui year according to their year of birth. In our example, these are people born in the year with the sign 午 (Wu, Horse). They may experience injuries due to this type of activity and other serious consequences.

It is unfavorable to face in the direction of Tai-sui. It is believed that in this way you challenge the strongest energy (chi) of the year. (If your workplace is located in this way, then most likely you will face troubles and misunderstandings in your relationship with your superiors for a whole year. Try to turn your back on Tai-sui.)

The simplest recommendation is not to disturb the sector with Tai-sui in any way, do not sit facing it. And, conversely, by positioning yourself so that Tai-sui is behind you throughout the year, you can enlist the support of the strongest energy of the year.

This is the shortest and most understandable explanation of the essence of the concept of Tai Sui. In practical Feng Shui, great attention is paid to location

Tai-sui by year, direction of the house and the influence of Tai-sui on it, year of birth of a person, breakdowns by day; both for each of these values ​​individually and in aggregate.

Based on knowledge about the location of Tai-sui, judgments and recommendations are made about the happiness or unhappiness of the home, the favorableness of the Luck Period in a person’s bazi, when selecting favorable dates for making decisions or accomplishing events.

Elements of personality in Bazi.

Yang tree, Jia (甲 Jia) is associated with a large, slender tree, unbending and powerful. Its roots firmly adhere to the earth, which provides the Yang Tree with a reliable character and clear moral principles. The tree strives to grow upward, to be higher than everyone else, to constantly develop. His inflexibility often turns into inflexibility, severity, straightforwardness and stubbornness. He can directly express what he thinks to his face, without worrying about tact, and has difficulty changing his mind. Such a person is fair, faithful, and knows how to be friends. He is honest and persistent. Sometimes it may seem insensitive, but this is not so - the Yang Tree simply does not always notice what is happening around it.

Yin Tree, Yi (乙 Yi) is a delicate, flexible shrub that bends from the wind, but does not break. A person born on the day of the Yin tree most often has a developed intellect and strives to acquire new knowledge and self-development. He is elegant, delicate, tactful, flexible, and easily adapts to unfamiliar conditions. The downside of this ability to adapt can be excessive conformism and compromise. Often Yin Trees are creative people. Adversity does not break them; like grass in the spring, the Yin tree sprouts again and again and achieves its goal not in a straightforward manner, but slowly, clinging to the right people and circumstances, like supports.

Yang fire, Bing (丙 Bing) – Sun man. Just as the Sun warms everything it sees without asking, so Yang Fire is generous, open, passionate, honest, knows how to make friends, and strives to warm everyone with its rays (even if it is not asked for it). Often such people are popular and generous. Directness and frankness are the main qualities of Yang Fire. He moves through life easily, without getting hung up on little things. Monotonous work makes him bored. Enthusiasm and curiosity help him get joy from what is happening. Yang Fire can be impatient and quick-tempered, sometimes its friendliness turns into short-term depression - even the Sun in the sky is sometimes covered by clouds.

Yin Fire Ding (丁 Ding) is similar to the fire of a candle - unstable, sensitive to fluctuations in the surrounding space. People of Yin Fire are characterized by increased emotionality, caution, attention to detail and suspicion. Sacrifice, unfailing help to others to the detriment of oneself is both a plus and a minus of the character of Yin Fire. Such people are often tense and subject to mood swings, although they can be emphatically polite and secretive. A candle can help us in the dark, just as people of Yin fire can take on the mission of showing the way to others. They have an amazing gift for seeing hidden opportunities around them.

Yang Land of Wu (戊 Wu) reminds us of a mountain or rock. What associations do we have when looking at a stone? Stability, reliability, but at the same time the inability to move and change. The man of the Yan Land is reliable and solid, constant in his passions, but conservative and stubborn. He can be secretive, difficult to communicate with, showing selfishness and stubbornness, and clumsy in expressing his feelings. He thinks a lot, but when he makes a decision, nothing can turn him off his chosen path. Before doing anything, he prepares for a long time, but his slowness can serve as a disservice: missed opportunities that need to be responded to quickly cannot be returned.

Yin Land Ji (己 Ji) is a blooming, fruit-bearing garden. Yin Earth people are intelligent, polite, and eager to help others—just as Mother Earth nourishes and supports the plants that thrive on her. Caring and maternal instinct are fully inherent in them. It is this quality of character that can turn sideways - Yin Earth does not see bad in others, is easily persuaded, is suggestible and does not know how to refuse help. Like his fellow Earth element, such a person can be slow and will take too long to make decisions - spontaneity is not a quality of his character. Fertile soil is soft and moist; the Yin Earth person is not only malleable; he knows how to easily adapt to external changes.

Yang Metal Geng (庚 Geng) is compared to a bladed weapon, merciless and reaching its target. Such people are truly brave, honest, resilient and open. They know how to be friends, but do not forgive betrayal and insults. Their straightforwardness and assertiveness can serve them poorly in communication. They act quickly, without hesitation or doubt, without wasting time. Their energy allows them to achieve a lot, although they are not too attentive to details. Yang Metal is not used to losing and does not know how to accept defeat. He is ambitious and loves to impress others. The sword is a punishing weapon, so a person of Yang Metal is sensitive to any kind of injustice; his criticism falls on those who he thinks deserve it.

Yin Metal Xin (辛 Xin) is a beautiful, ringing decoration made of noble gold or silver. Earrings and rings add charm to their owners - Yin Metal decorates life and likes to present itself in the best light. As a rule, such people are beautiful, elegant, thin, have good skin and teeth. They are afraid of losing face and starting to look unattractive in the eyes of others. External shine is more important for them than internal harmony - they are not indifferent to material values ​​and rely on them; love to be the center of attention. For Yin Metal, comfort and convenience are very important. They are impatient and do not like to wait. Relationships with others may be important to them, they may even be sentimental, but the feeling that a Yin Metal person is constantly on stage can spoil the impression a little. Their apparent rigidity and principled nature can be overcome if you know exactly how to influence them - after all, metal, although it is strong, still melts with fire.

Yang Water Ren (壬 Ren) will remind us of the ocean.

Calm or violent depending on the mood, it stores a lot in its depths. It is impossible to resist a huge amount of water - a person of Yang Water will achieve his goal, sweeping away everything in his path or simply filling all the available space. Energy, mobility, impulsiveness, carelessness and love of freedom are the main qualities of a person of Yanskaya Water. He may not have a good memory, may not pay attention to details, and also does not like to argue and go ahead, choosing alternative ways to achieve what is needed. He is smart, fickle and capricious. Water is also characterized by high adaptability and good learning ability. Sometimes you may feel pressure from Yang Water, but you will almost always succumb to its charismatic influence.

Yin Water Gui (癸 Gui).

Most often it is compared to fog or dew, which glistens in small droplets on the leaves of plants. People of Yin Water are flexible, modest, patient, pleasant to talk to, and most often they are introverts. They are a little prone to worry and suspicion due to their rich imagination and sensitivity. However, despite the impression they make, they are not as gentle and defenseless as they seem. A person of Yin Water knows how to achieve his goal and is capable of action. Also has such qualities of Water as adaptability, the ability to achieve a goal and a perceptive mind. At first the dew does not attract much attention to itself, but if you start to look at it, in the rays of the rising sun it resembles a small diamond. In the same way, people of Yin Water hide many attractive qualities in the depths of their character.

Jia Tzu: descriptions.

JIA ZI , Metal. These are precious items. Loves the land of the flowering of Metal and Wood. Stars: Shen Xi, Fu Xing, Ping Tou, Xuan Zhen, Po Zi. And CHOW, Metal. This is hard ore. Loves Fire and South, as well as their corresponding time. Stars Fu Xing, Hua Gai, Zheng Ying.

BING YIN , Fire. This is coal in the oven. Loves winter and the element of Wood. Stars Fu Xing, Lu Xing, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

DING MAO , Fire. This is smoke from the stove. Loves the land of the gua sign XUN, as well as autumn and winter. Stars Ping Tou, Jie Du, Xuan Zhen.

WU CHEN , Tree. This is a tree from a mountain forest, from wild mountainous places, which cannot be used as a material. Loves Water. Stars Lu Ku, Hua Gai, Shui Lu, Ma Ku, Ben Zhang, Fu Shen, Ping Tou.

JI SY , Tree. Flowers and herbs on the top of the mountain. Loves spring and autumn. Stars Lu Ku, Ba Ji, Que Zi, Qu Jiao.

GEN U , Soil. Dry soil near the road. Loves Water, as well as spring. Stars Fu Xing, Guan Gui, Jie Lu, Ban Zhang, Xuan Zhen.

XIN WEI , Soil. Concealing myriads of jewels, when autumn comes, it becomes perfect. Loves autumn and water. Stars Hua Gai, Xuan Zhen, Po Zi.

REN SHEN , Metal. Ax and halberd. He loves the signs ZI, Wu, MAO, Yu very much. Stars Pin Tou, Da Bai, Fan Hai, Long Ya, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

GUY Yu , Metal. Metal awl and chisel. Loves Wood, as well as the YIN and MAO signs. Stars Fu Shen, Po Zi, Long Ya.

JIA XU , Fire. The place where Fire rests. Loves spring and summer. Stars Zheng Ying, Hua Gai, Ping Tou, Xuan Zheng, Po Zi, Ban Zhang.

And HI , Fire. Hot breath of fire. Loves the soil and summer. Stars of Tian De, Qu Jiao.

BING ZI , Water. Rivers and lakes. Loves Wood and Soil. Stars Fu Xing, Guan Gui, Ping Tou, Long Ya, Jiao Shen, Fei Ren.

DING CHOW , Water. A completely transparent place where there is no flow of water. Loves Metal, as well as summer. Stars Hua Gai, Jin Shen, Ping Tou, Fei Ren, Que Zi.

WU YIN , Soil. Embankment, rampart, fence, wall. Loves Wood and Fire. Stars Fu Shen, Ban Zhang, Long Ya.

JI MAO , Soil. A destroyed embankment, a broken wall. Loves the Shen and Yu signs, as well as Fire. Stars Jin Shen, Duan Yao, Jiu Chou, Que Zi, Qu Jiao, Xuan Zhen.

GEN CHEN , Metal. Tin solder. Loves autumn, as well as weak Trees. Stars Hua Gai, Da Bai, Ban Zhang, Ping Tou.

XIN SY , Metal. The most hidden of Metals, mixed with sand and stones. Loves Fire, as well as autumn. Stars Tian De, Fu Xing, Guan Gui, Jie Lu, Da Bai, Xuan Zhen, Qu Jiao.

REN WU , Tree. Dry willow branches. Loves spring and summer. Stars Guan Gui, Jiu Chou, Fei Ren, Ping Tou, Long Ya, Xuan Zhen.

GUI WEI , Tree. Willow roots. Loves winter and water. I also like spring. Stars Zheng Ying, Hua Gai, Duan Yao, Fu Shen, Fei Ren, Po Zi.

JIA SHEN , Water. Sweet well. Loves spring and summer. Stars Po Lu Ma, Jie Lu, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

And Yu , Water. Water in the gutter. Loves the East and also the South. Stars Po Lu, Duan Ya, Jiu Chou, Qu Jiao, Po Zi, Long Ya.

BING XU , Soil. Pile, hill. Loves spring, summer and water. Stars Tian De, Hua Gai, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

DING HAI , Soil. Plain. Loves Fire and Wood. Stars Tian Yi, Fu Xing, Guan Gui, De He, Ping Tou.

Wu ZI , Fire. Thunder. Loves Water, as well as spring and summer. Comes into contact with the Soil and deifies Heaven. Stars Fu Shen, Duan Yao, Jiu Chou, Zhang Xing, Fei Ren.

JI CHOU , Fire. Lightning. Loves Water, as well as spring and summer. Comes into contact with the Earth and becomes darkness. Stars Hua Gai, Da Bai, Fei Ren, Qu Jiao, Que Zi.

GEN YIN , Tree. Dry branches of pine and cypress. Loves autumn and winter. Stars Po Lu Ma, Xiang Xing, Zhang Xing, Long Ya.

XIN MAO , Tree. Pine and cypress roots. Loves Water, Soil, and also spring. Stars Po Lu, Jiao Shen, Jiu Chou, Xuan Zhen.

REN CHEN , Water. Dragon Water. Loves thunder, lightning, and spring and summer. Stars Zheng Ying, Tian De, Shui Lu Ma Ku, Tui Shen, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

GUI SY , Water. This is the non-stop movement of water, streams flowing into the sea. Loves the signs HAI and ZI, that is, changes and transformations. Stars Tian Yi, Guan Gui, De He, Fu Ma, Po Zi, Qu Jiao.

JIA Wu , Metal. The thinnest metal melted a hundred times. Loves Water, Wood and Soil. Stars Jin Shen, De He, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

I WEI , Metal. Metal remaining after melting in a furnace. Loves big Fire and Soil. Stars Hua Gai, Jie Lu, Qu Jiao, Po Zi.

BING SHEN , Fire. Fire in the wild from white reeds. Loves autumn, winter, and also Trees. Stars Ping Tou, Long Ya, Da Bai, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

DING Yu , Fire, Wonderful reflection of spirits and gods. Fire without form. Loves the signs XU, CHEN, CHOU and WEI. Stars Tian Yi, Xi Shen, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Long Ya, Da Bai.

WU XU , Tree. Stems of dry wormwood. Loves Fire, as well as spring and summer. Stars Hua Gai, Da Bai, Ba Zhuan, Zhang Xing, Jie Lu.

JI HAI , Tree. Wormwood leaves. Loves Water, as well as spring and summer. Stars Q Yue Zi, Qu Jiao.

GEN ZI , Soil. Voids in the soil. Space in a room, house. Loves Wood and also Metal. Stars Mu De He, Zhang Xing.

XIN CHOU , Soil. Grave Hill. Loves Wood, as well as Fire and spring. Stars Hua Gai, Xuan Zhen, Que Zi.

REN YIN , Metal. Metal Jewelry. He loves Wood, as well as weak Fire, the Stars of Jie Lu, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

GUI MAO , Metal. Metal buttons, fasteners, bells. Loves strong Fire and autumn. Stars Gui Ren, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

JIA CHEN , Fire. Lamp. Loves the night, as well as Water. Doesn't like the day. Stars Hua Gai, Da Bai, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

AND SY , Fire. Lamp light. Similar to the previous one, and also loves the signs of Shen, Yu and autumn. Stars Zheng Lu Ma, Da Bai, Qu Jiao, Que Zi.

BIN U , Water. Lunar disk. Loves the night and also autumn. Water in bloom. Stars Xi Shen, Yang Ren, Jiao Shen, Ping Tou, Long Ya, Xuan Zhen.

DING WEI , Water. Light of Water. Just like the previous sign. Stars Hua Gai, Yang Ren, Tui Shen, Ba Zhuan, Ping Tou, Po Zi.

WU SHEN , Soil. Soil on an autumn field. Loves the signs SHEN and YU, as well as Fire. Stars Fu Xing, Fu Ma, Zhang Xing, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

JI Yu , Soil. Rice in the autumn field. Loves the signs SHEN and YU, as well as winter. Stars Tui Shen, Jie Lu, Jiu Chou, Que Zi, Qu Jiao, Po Zi, Long Ya.

GEN XU , Metal. Remains of a dagger and sword. Loves weak Fire and Wood. Stars Hua Gai, Zhang Xing.

XIN HAI , Metal. Massive objects, bells and tripods. Loves Wood, Fire, and also Soil. Stars Zheng Lu Ma, Xuan Zhen.

REN ZI , Tree. A tree damaged by excess water. Loves Fire, Soil, and also summer. Stars Yang Ren, Jiu Chou, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

GUI CHOU , Tree. A tree damaged by lack of water. Loves Metal, Water, and also autumn. Stars Hua Gai, Fu Xing, Ba Zhuan, Po Zi, Que Zi, Yang Ren.

JIA YIN , Water. Rain. Loves summer, as well as Fire. Stars Zheng Lu Ma, Fu Shen, Ba Zhuan, Ping Tou, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen, Long Ya.

And MAO , Water. Dew. Loves Water and Fire. Stars Jian Lu, Xi Shen, Ba Zhuan, Jiu Dao, Qu Jiao, Xuan Zhen.

BIN CHEN , Soil. Embankment, shore. Loves Metal and Wood. Stars Lu Ku, Zheng Ying, Hua Gai, Jie Lu, Ping Tou, Long Ya.

DING SY , Soil. Soil in a swamp. Loves Fire, as well as the North-West. Stars Lu Ku, Ping Tou, Que Zi, Qu Jiao.

Wu Wu , Fire. Disk of the sun. In summer people fear him, but in winter people love him. Avoids the signs WU ZI, JI CHOU, JIA YIN, AND MAO. Stars Fu Shen, Yang Dao, Jiu Chou, Ban Zhang, Xuan Zhen.

JI WEI , Fire. Sunlight. Doesn't like the night. He is also afraid of the four. Stars Hua Gai, Yang Dao, Que Zi, Qu Jiao, Po Zi.

GEN SHEN , Tree, pomegranate flowers. Loves summer. Doesn't like autumn and winter. Stars Jian Lu Ma, Ba Zhuan, Zhang Xing, Po Zi, Xuan Zhen.

XIN YU , Tree. Pomegranate seeds. Loves autumn and also summer. Stars Jian Lu, Jiao Shen, Jiu Chou, Ba Zhuan, Xuan Zhen, Long Ya.

REN XU , Water. Sea. Loves spring, summer, and also trees. Stars Hua Gai, Tui Shen, Ping Tou, Long Ya, Zhang Xing.

GUY HAI , Water. All rivers. Loves Metal, Soil, Fire. Stars Fu Ma, Da Bai, Po Zi, Jie Lu.

In its most developed form, the gan-zhi system was used, among other things, for predictions using the concept of wu-xing.

YearPinyinTranscriptionYin and YangFive elementsZodiac animal
1甲子jiǎ-zǐjia tzu阳 Yang 木 Tree鼠 Mouse
2乙丑yǐ-chǒui-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
3丙寅bǐng-yinbin-yin阳 Yang 火 FireTiger
4丁卯dīng-mǎoding-mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
5戊辰wù-chenwu-chen阳 Yang 土 EarthDragon
6己巳jǐ-sìji-si阴 Yin蛇 Snake
7庚午gēng-wǔgen-u阳 Yang Metal馬 Horse
8辛未xīn-wèixin-wei阴 YinSheep
9壬申ren-shēnren-shen阳 Yang WaterMonkey
10癸酉guǐ-yǒugui-yu阴 YinRooster
11甲戌jiǎ-xūchia-xu阳 Yang 木 TreeDog
12乙亥yǐ-hàie-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig
13丙子bǐng-zǐbingzi阳 Yang 火 Fire鼠 Mouse
14丁丑dīng-chǒuding-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
15戊寅wù-yínwu-yin阳 Yang 土 EarthTiger
16己卯jǐ-mǎoji mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
17庚辰gēng-chéngeng-chen阳 Yang MetalDragon
18辛巳xīn-sìxin-sy阴 Yin蛇 Snake
19壬午rén-wǔren-wu阳 Yang Water馬 Horse
20癸未guǐ-wèigui-wei阴 YinSheep
21甲申jiǎ-shēnchia-shen阳 Yang 木 TreeMonkey
22乙酉yǐ-yǒui-yu阴 YinRooster
23丙戌bǐng-xūbing xu阳 Yang 火 FireDog
24丁亥dīng-hàiding-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig
25戊子wù-zǐwu-tzu阳 Yang 土 Earth鼠 Mouse
26己丑jǐ-chǒuji-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
27庚寅gēng-yingen-yin阳 Yang MetalTiger
28辛卯xīn-mǎoxin mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
29壬辰ren-chenren-chen阳 Yang WaterDragon
30癸巳guǐ-sìgui-sy阴 Yin蛇 Snake
31甲午jiǎ-wǔjia-wu阳 Yang 木 Tree馬 Horse
32乙未yǐ-wèiYi-wei阴 YinSheep
33丙申bǐng-shēnBing Shen阳 Yang 火 FireMonkey
34丁酉dīng-yǒuding-yu阴 YinRooster
35戊戌wù-xūwu-xu阳 Yang 土 EarthDog
36己亥jǐ-hàiji-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig
37庚子gēng-zǐgengzi阳 Yang Metal鼠 Mouse
38辛丑xīn-chǒuHsin-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
39壬寅ren-yinren-yin阳 Yang WaterTiger
40癸卯guǐ-mǎogui-mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
41甲辰jiǎ-chenjia-chen阳 Yang 木 TreeDragon
42乙巳yǐ-sìi-sy阴 Yin蛇 Snake
43丙午bǐng-wǔbin-u阳 Yang 火 Fire馬 Horse
44丁未dīng-wèiding-wei阴 YinSheep
45戊申wù-shēnwu-shen阳 Yang 土 EarthMonkey
46己酉jǐ-yǒuji-yu阴 YinRooster
47庚戌gēng-xūgeng xu阳 Yang MetalDog
48辛亥xīn-hàihsin-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig
49壬子rén-zǐrenzi阳 Yang Water鼠 Mouse
50癸丑guǐ-chǒugui-chow阴 Yin牛 Cow
51甲寅jiǎ-yínjia yin阳 Yang 木 TreeTiger
52乙卯yǐ-mǎoi-mao阴 Yin兔 Rabbit
53丙辰bong-chenBing-chen阳 Yang 火 FireDragon
54丁巳dīng-sìdin-sy阴 Yin蛇 Snake
55戊午wù-wǔooh阳 Yang 土 Earth馬 Horse
56己未jǐ-wèiji-wei阴 YinSheep
57庚申gēng-shēngeng shen阳 Yang MetalMonkey
58辛酉xīn-yǒuxin-yu阴 YinRooster
59壬戌ren-xūren-xu阳 Yang WaterDog
60癸亥guǐ-hàigui-hai阴 Yin猪 Pig

Heavenly trunks 戊 (Wu) and 己 (JI) elements 土 Earth

Heavenly trunks: Wu, Tszi. Read more about the element Earth Earthly branches: Chen, Chou, Wei, Xu. These Heavenly trunks are present in the Earthly branches: Chen, Xu, Wei, Si, Wu, Yin, Shen. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Fire generates Soil, Soil generates Metal. Tree overcomes Soil, Soil overcomes Water.

戊 (U) - Yang Soil

The soil of the sign U is a mountain. Her career falls on the sign Sy. She loves Yang Fire - this is the Fire of the BIN sign, with which they give birth to each other. She is afraid of the robber energy of Yin Metal, when the Metal is in its prime, the Soil is devastated. The character 戊 (U) also means “lowest score” (lowest grade, unit).

己 (TsZI) - Yin Soil

The soil of the TsZI sign is Yin soil.
This is the true Soil. Therefore, it is necessarily present in the other four elements, and in all four times there are periods of its flourishing. She (Soil of the sign ZI) loves the Fire of the sign DIN, which generates her. She is afraid of the Yang Fire, which dries her. Her career falls on the U sign. After all, the Fire of the DIN sign, located inside the U sign, is capable of generating the Soil of the TsZI sign. The tree of the sign And steals her energy. As for the area of ​​the Yu sign, the Fire of the DIN sign is born there. This means that the Soil of the TsZI sign is also capable of being born. The character 己 (TsZI) also has several meanings other than astrological ones. First of all, it is the possessive pronoun “oneself; himself, personally, his own, own.” It also has a verbal meaning “to manage, to put in order, to establish.”


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 09:01 + in quote book If you have been studying Chinese forecasting techniques for some time, you could not ignore one of the fundamental theories - the theory of the trinity of Heaven, Earth and Man. According to the ideas of Chinese culture, everything that exists consists of three principles: Heaven, Man and Earth. The concept of the Cosmic Trinity describes their mutual influence and is manifested in the interaction of three types of energy: qi of heaven, qi of earth and qi of man. Thus, in the human body, three parts are initially distinguished (upper, middle and lower), and in each of these parts the region of Heaven, Earth and Man. At the bottom, the Heaven region is used to determine the condition of the liver, the Earth region is used to determine the condition of the kidneys, and the Human region is used to determine the condition of the spleen. In the middle part of the human body, the Heaven region is used to determine the condition of the lungs, the Earth region is used to determine the condition of the chest as a whole, and the Human region is used to determine the condition of the heart. In the upper part of the human body, the Sky region is used to determine the energy state in the temporal region of the forehead, the Earth region is used to determine the energy state of the mouth and teeth, and the Human region is used to determine the energy state of the ears and eyes. The three-level structure is also fixed in the symbolism of trigrams, where the first level (bottom) is the level of the Earth, reflecting all the processes occurring on its surface. The third level (upper) is the level of the Sky, reflecting the movement of Celestial bodies and weather changes. And finally, the middle level is the level of Man, who must follow the laws of Heaven and Earth. In relation to Ba Zi, it is believed that the energy of Heaven is carried out by the Heavenly trunks. The Earth's energy is carried out by the Earth's branches. As for the Human principle, it is represented by the Heavenly trunks hidden in the Earthly branches. Yes, in each of the twelve Earthly branches there are hidden Heavenly trunks. We will talk about their nature and some properties below. List of Heavenly trunks hidden in the Earthly branches: Earthly branch of the month Hidden Heavenly trunks WATER yang Zi - Gui Yiw EARTH yin Chou - Ji FROM Xin IM Gui Yiu TREE yang Yin - JIA DIA Bing YAO WU YAZ TREE yin Mao - YI EARTH yang Chen - U YAZ AND ID Gui IV. FIRE yin Sy - Gen YAM Bin YAO U YAZ. FIRE yang Wu - Ding IO Ji FROM EARTH yin Wei - Ji FROM Ding IO AND ID METAL yang Shen - WU YAZ Gen YAM Zhen YAV METAL yin Yu - Xin IM EARTH yang Xu - WU YAZ Xin IM Ding IO WATER yin Hai - Zhen YAV JIA YAD If we carefully look at the table, we will see that inside some Earthly branches there is one Heavenly trunk, inside others there are two or even three Heavenly trunks. For example, in the Rat (yav) we will find only Water (iv), since the Rat (yav) is pure Water. In the Rabbit (id) there is only one Heavenly Tree trunk (id). However, if we look at the Bull (from), we will see that the Heavenly trunks of Metal (from), Earth (from) and Water (willows) are hidden in it. Why is this happening? The fact is that each of the elements (except Soil) lives through three main phases of life: Birth Prosperity Grave Water Monkey (yam) Rat (yav) Dragon (yaz) Metal Snake (io) Rooster (im) Bull (iz) Fire Tiger ( poison) Horse (yao) Dog (yaz) Tree Pig (iv) Rabbit (id) Sheep (iz) All animals, based on how they are located in the table, can be divided into three groups. The first group is animals in which elements are born. The second - in which they reach the maximum of their strength and the third - in which they are very weak (in which they are preserved). Rat is the strongest Water, so it is a pure element and nothing else can be there. The Rooster is the strongest Metal, so like the Rat, it is a pure Metal element, similarly, the Rabbit has only Wood. The exception is the Horse. Despite the fact that it represents the strongest element of Fire, in the summer another element, Earth, also reaches its maximum, because it is Fire (the element of Summer) that it is supported by. Therefore, the Earth can also be found in the Horse. The remaining Eight Animals are more complex. So the Tiger is the birthplace of Fire, therefore it contains Fire, but it itself is a Tree and comes in Spring, in the season of the Tree, therefore it also contains a Tree. Since Fire and Earth share one life cycle, then together with Fire the Tree is born, hence, together with Fire in the Tiger we find the Earth. And so on. What are the hidden elements? Let's look at some meanings. First, as should be clear from all the above discussions, the hidden Heavenly trunks are the human principle that provides the connection between the Heavenly energy, represented by the Heavenly trunks, and the Earthly energy, represented by the Earthly branches. It is through the hidden Heavenly trunks that the Earthly branch of the month in the Ba Zi layout communicates with the element of personality. This factor is used in particular when carrying out structural analysis in Ba Zi. Another area of ​​application of the Heavenly trunks hidden in the Earthly branches is the analysis of Houses in Ba Zi layouts. For example, when analyzing the Pillars of Destiny, we look at the House of the spouse. What can we see in the hidden trunks? Hour Day Month Year Heavenly trunk - Xin IM - Bin Yao - Jia YAD - Zhen YAW Earthly branch - Mao ID - Shen YAM - Chen YAZ - Yin POISON Hidden elements AND ID - Wu YAZ, Gen YAM, Zhen YAW - Jia YAD, Bin YAO, U YAZ For example, a woman in her husband’s House has the Earthly branch of Shen (yam) or Monkey. However, Monkey is not just Metal. It contains the Heavenly trunks Wu (yaz), Gen (yam), Ren (yav). Hidden trunks in this case will speak about the character, or, more precisely, about the quality, of her husband. In this case, since for a woman with a Yang Fire personality element, Earth is Self-Expression, Metal is Money, Water is Power. Based on all of the above, we can say that the husband of this woman will be a powerful person, or at least have good administrative abilities, will have money and women (since for a man they seem to be one element) and, in addition, he will be smart (self-expression, most often , speaks about the level of intelligence). Another meaning of the Heavenly trunks hidden in the Earthly branches is as follows. It is believed that through the Heavenly trunks hidden in the Earthly branches, the latter (Earthly branches) control the corresponding cycles. So, for example, it is believed that in the month of Yin (the hidden Heavenly trunks - Jia, Bin and Wu) 7 days are ruled by the Soil of the Wu sign, 7 days by the Fire of the Bin sign and 16 days by the Tree of the Jia sign. In the month of Mao, 10 days are ruled by the tree of the Jia sign and 20 days by the Tree of the I sign. In the Month of Chen, 9 days are ruled by the Tree of the Yi sign, 3 days by the Water sign of Gui, 18 days by the Soil of the Wu sign. In the month of Si, 7 days are ruled by Soil of the U sign, 7 days – Metal of the Gen sign, 16 days – Fire of the Bin sign. In the month of Wu, 10 days are ruled by the Fire of the Bin sign, 9 days by the Soil of the Ji sign, 11 days by the Fire of the Ding sign. In the month of the Wei sign, 9 days are ruled by the Fire sign of Ding, 3 days by the Wood sign of I, 18 days by the Soil of the Ji sign. In the month of the Shen sign, 7 days are ruled by the Soil of the Wu sign, 7 days by the Water sign of the Ren sign, 16 days by the Metal of the Gen sign. In the month of the Yu sign, 10 days are ruled by the Metal of the Gen sign, 20 days by the Metal of the Xin sign. In the month of the Xu sign, 9 days are ruled by the Metal of the Xin sign, 3 days by the Fire of the Ding sign, 18 days by the Soil of the Wu sign. In the month of the Hai sign, 10 days by the Wood of the Jia sign, 20 days by the Water of the Ren sign. In the month of Zi, 10 days are ruled by the Water of the Ren sign, 20 days by the Water of the Gui sign. In the month of Chou, 9 days are ruled by the Water sign of the Gui sign, 3 days by the Metal sign of the Xin sign, 18 days by the Soil sign of the Ji sign. If you are familiar with my course “Five Elements. In-depth analysis of the Pillars of Fate and the Cycles of Time through the quantitative ratio of elements,” then you will find in the above figures a correspondence to the quantitative ratio of elements in the Pillars. Please also pay attention to the months of Chen, Wei, Xu and Chou. In the second paragraph of this newsletter, I said that I am inclined to the point of view that considers not these entire months to be the time of true flowering of the Soil, but only the last 18 days of each of these months. If we now look at the Heavenly trunks contained in the Earthly branches of these months and the time of their reign, we will see that in each of these months the Soil rules precisely the last 18 days.

Ba Tzu Message Series:
Part 1 - Mini Course. Part 2. Beginning the analysis Part 2 - Mini-course. Part 3. Life aspects in the Pillars of Destiny ... Part 12 - EXAMPLE Part 13 - Some aspects of the manifestation of the energy of the Five Elements in the season depending on the Strength Part 14 - Heavenly trunks hidden in the Earthly branches. Part 15 - Date of birth and health. Part 16 - Date of birth and marriage Part 17 - How to add the money element to your life? Part 18 - Who can get rich in 2012 of the Dragon?

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Heavenly trunks 庚 (GEN) and 辛 (XIN) elements 金 Metal

Heavenly trunks: GEN, XIN. More details about the element Metal Earthly branches SHEN, Yu. These Heavenly trunks are present in the Earthly branches: SHEN, YU, XU, SY, CHOU. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Metal is generated by Soil, generates Water. Overcome by Fire, overcome by Wood.

庚 (GEN) - Yang Metal

The metal of the GEN sign has the power to punish and destroy.
This is Yang Metal. He controls all changes in human space associated with the use of weapons. On Earth it takes the form of iron. He achieves a career in the sign SHEN. He loves the Soil of the U sign, which gives birth to him. He is afraid of the Water of the sign GUI, in which he drowns. It increases under the sign SY. The soil of the U sign, which is contained within the SY sign, is capable of generating the Metal of the GEN sign. It is interesting that the character 金 (Metal) itself is also used in the meanings: gold, golden (in relation to metal or color), money, payment, treasures, valuables. And since Metal corresponds to the autumn season, the hieroglyph 金 can be found in poetic lines meaning “autumn, autumnal.” The character 庚 also means “age” and “path, road.”

辛 (BLUE) - Yin Metal

The metal of the BLUE sign is an ore in a rock, it is a soft Metal.
It is defined as a Yin Metal. His career falls under the Yu sign. The soil of the TsZI sign inside the Yu sign is capable of generating the Metal of the SIN sign. The character 辛 also means “tart, sharp”, as well as “difficult, heavy”.

Art of Bazi

Very often, when beginners in Bazi read a map, they take into account the elements only in the heavenly trunks and earthly branches, but forget to look at the hidden heavenly trunks, which are to a certain extent the keys in Bazi. Because of this, sometimes questions arise: “Where did you see this element on the map?”

Each earthly branch contains hidden elements, and their composition may differ slightly depending on the school of bazi.
And if in modern bazi systems, for example, the earthly branch of the Rabbit contains both the Yang Tree and the Yin Tree, then in the classical Zi Ping Zi Ping (子平), the main flow of qi in the Rabbit is only the Yin Tree. Therefore, in calculators using the Zi Ping Zi Ping (子平) system, you will see a smaller number of elements (structures) in the bazi map. Hidden heavenly trunks in earthly branches (according to the classic 子平)

Tiger Rabbit Dragon
戊甲丙 癸戊乙
Snake 巳 Horse Goat
庚丙戊 丁己 乙己丁
Monkey 申 Rooster Dog
戊庚壬 丁戊辛
Pig Rat 子 Bull 丑
壬甲 辛己癸

Hidden sky trunks play a significant role in chart evaluation. The essence of an earth sign is determined by the element that represents the main flow of qi within a given branch.

The ancient books on bazi say that “Heavenly qi is pure and clear, and Earthly qi is complex and dense.” This is because it contains several elements, the SNS. Hidden trunks in bazi represent “auxiliary” stars, additional details. They can show hidden facets of personality, real and not ostentatious attitudes towards others, fears, hidden desires, as well as potential, talents and abilities that can be developed. Often a person is not aware of the possibilities that lie within him, and bazi here can effectively help to see the inner potential. Any deep analysis of the bazi must include an assessment of the hidden celestial trunks, and this is especially important when interacting with the incoming energies of the year or beat.

The table shows the earthly branches and hidden heavenly trunks, taking into account the seasons. The leading flow of qi is highlighted in large font. For example, in the sign of the Tiger 寅 it is the Yang Tree 甲. In a season, each hidden celestial trunk corresponds to a certain number of days, which may differ slightly depending on the bazi system.

The 12 earthly branches can also be divided into 3 groups of four signs. These are the 4th “cardinal”, 4th “growing” and 4th “grave” signs.

Cardinal signs: Rat, Horse, Rabbit and Rooster. They carry pure qi of the element. According to the classics, they contain only one hidden trunk, with the exception of the Horse. Contains only Yin elements.

Growing signs: Tiger, Monkey, Snake, Pig. The qi energy in these signs is at the stage of growth, which is why the signs are called growing. All of them contain three hidden trunks, with the exception of the Pig sign. As you can see, all the trunks are yang. These earth signs are also called "movable".

Grave marks: Dragon, Dog, Ox, Goat. Represent the element of Earth in the earthly branches. These signs are also considered as Vaults as they contain excess qi elements. With the exception of the main qi of the Dragon and Dog, all other signs contain yin trunks. All "grave" signs include three hidden celestial trunks. Don’t be afraid of the name; the signs are called “grave signs”, since they end the corresponding seasons, where the main qi of the season decreases and is in the “grave”. And here there is often confusion about which element is in the grave and which is in storage. For example, if we consider the earth sign of the Goat, which contains three hidden heavenly trunks: Yin Tree, Yin Earth, Yin Fire, then the Yin fire here is in the grave, since the Goat ends the summer season and the Yin Tree is in storage.

In addition to the hidden celestial trunks, there are also invisible elements in some maps that are assessed using advanced bazi techniques.

As an example, let's look at the following interesting map. The question arose about the absence of the fire element and what to do about it. To effectively use such an amount of metal in a card, fire is needed, in particular Yin Fire 丁, which melts the metal to give it shape.

There are three invisible lights in this bazi card, although they are weak. In this map, the beneficial qi of fire has an effect when interacting with other energies. Want to know more? Attend specialized Bazi courses.

Heavenly trunks 壬 (REN) and 癸 (GUY) elements 水 Water

Heavenly trunks: REN, GUI. Read more about the element Water. Earthly branches: Hai, Zi. Trunks in branches: Hai, Zi, Chou, Chen, Shen. According to the cycle of generation and overcoming (control): Water is generated by Metal and generates Wood. Overcome by Soil, overcome by Fire.

壬 (REN) - Yang Water

The water of the REN sign represents autumn dew.
The water of the REN sign is born in the Shen sign. Water of the REN sign loves Yang Soil, but she is afraid of Yin Wood. She achieves a career in the sign of Hai. The character 壬 is a symbol of water as an element and a symbol of winter as a season. In addition, the character 壬 has the meaning “ingratiating, flattering” and “great, majestic.”

癸 (GUY) - Yin Water

The water of the GUY sign represents spring rains. The water sign of GUI is born in the month under the sign of Mao. It is called Yin Water. She achieves a career in the sign of Zi. The water sign dies in the Shen sign.

By what principle are hidden celestial trunks formed?

The presence of one, two or three elements in the earthly branches is explained by the life cycle of the elements:

- water is born in the Monkey, flourishes in the Rat and ends its cycle in the Dragon; - fire is born in the Tiger, flourishes in the Horse, and ends its cycle in the Dog; - the tree is born in the Pig, flourishes in the Rabbit and ends its cycle in the Goat; - metal is born in the Snake, flourishes in the Rooster, and ends its cycle in the Bull.

In the birth phase, the energy is weak, it is the seed from which the element it generates grows, and in addition, it contains the element of earth. The latter occurs because there are only five primary elements, and four seasons. Therefore, for example, the Monkey has its native element - Yang metal, the water it generates and the earth that supports it. By the same principle, the heavenly trunks are contained in the earthly branches of the Tigre, Pig and Snake.

When energy is in the prosperity phase, it is full. For example, in June there is the fire of the Horse, in September the metal of the Rooster, in January the water of the Rat, in March the tree of the Rabbit. Therefore, in the classical version, the heavenly trunks hidden in the earthly branches are designated only once, in the modern version - as yin and yang energy. Only the Horse contains earth, because in the Bazi it is believed that fire always shares a place in the cycle of elements with earth.

When energy in the grave phase completes its cycle, it becomes vulnerable, so it reveals itself, as, for example, in the case of the Dragon - water, the fifth element - earth and wood - the element of the spring period. By the same principle, the Dog contains fire, the fifth element - earth and the element of the autumn period - metal. By analogy, Ox and Goat.

Interaction of Heavenly trunks

According to the Wu Xing circle of generation and control, the elements are in certain relationships with each other.

Elements that are in relation to control, but at the same time have different polarities, are subject to fusion.;-) Therefore, each of the Yang elements merges with the controlled Yin element. Wood Yang + Earth Yin = Earth Metal Yang + Wood Yin = Metal Fire Yang + Metal Yin = Water Water Yang + Fire Yin = Wood Earth Yang + Water Yin = Fire If the fusion occurs in the ba-zi chart, then the resultant is the Heavenly Stem Yang , if it stands on the Earthly Yang branch, and the Yin Heavenly trunk if it stands on the Earthly Yin branch. If two elements participate in a Merger with the generation of an element, then these two elements are “occupied only with each other,” i.e. they do not participate in other interactions. Only opposite Heavenly trunks take part in the merger: Yang + Yin (like a boy and a girl ). The merger occurs in the direction of control/destruction, which is why it is clearly visible on the Wu-Sin diagram (and is easier to remember).


: Control relationships involve elements that have the same polarity. Moreover, how successful this attempt at control/suppression will be will depend on the strength of the controller. Wood Yang -> Earth Yang Wood Yin -> Earth Yin Metal Yang -> Wood Yang Metal Yin -> Wood Yin Fire Yang -> Metal Yang Fire Yin -> Metal Yin Water Yang -> Fire Yang Water Yin -> Fire Yin Earth Yang -> Water Yang Earth Yin -> Water Yin


: Wood Yang Metal Yang Wood Yin Metal Yin Fire Yang Water Yang Fire Yin Water Yin Heavenly trunks of only the same polarities take part in the collision: Yang Yang (or Yin Yin). The collision occurs in the control/destruction direction, i.e. for example, in the pair Yang Wood - Yang Metal, the attacking element is Yang Metal. But in a collision, the stronger element will win in this interaction. Strength or weakness is determined by the Qi Phase of the element (Phases of development of the 5 elements in the season and their designation). The table below clearly shows the dependence of the manifestation of the power of the Heavenly Stem (NS).

From the book The Code of Destiny. Bazi - Doctor Jin Peh, Lily Chun

Description of heavenly trunks.

甲 Yang Jia Tree

The Yang Jia tree is an image of a tall tree with a thick and straight trunk. People born on this day are direct, persistent, and punchy. A person whose personality element is represented by this celestial trunk (甲) is inflexible and stubborn. He clings to his principles, does not compromise, does not accept change, and suffers unexpected falls. It is difficult for him to change in accordance with circumstances and surroundings. Under strong pressure, a person like a tree is more likely to break than bend. The weak point of the yang tree is its lack of flexibility; if a hurricane breaks the trunk or turns out the root, this tree will not recover. In other words, people born on this day should not be driven to depression and emotional breakdowns, since it is extremely difficult for them to recover and come to their senses.

乙 Yin Yi Tree

The Yin Yi tree is an image of a small climbing plant that adapts to any conditions. The yin tree, unlike the yang tree, is very flexible; it can change, adapting to circumstances. Such people do not suffer from nervous breakdowns; they can bend, if necessary, in any direction. These are usually very smart people. Just as a flower climbs upward, following the shape of a hedge, wall and other large trees in search of sunlight, so the yin tree man often falls into dependence, becomes a follower. He doesn't have a strong opinion of his own. When the direct path is difficult, he finds a workaround and can give up his own desires, adapting to other people. Strong winds and hurricanes cannot harm the yin tree. It will bend in the wind, and then again reach for the sun. The main qualities of people born on this day are flexibility, the ability to make compromises and survive in any conditions, and high adaptability.

丙 Fire Yang Bing

The Yang Bing fire is the image of the sun that shines on everyone. People born on this day are optimistic, open, can be quick-tempered, but easy-going, they say what they think. He is a warm person and easy to make friends with. He has an open mind, he speaks directly about his desires and thoughts, so he does not accumulate anger. He's popular. The Bin (内) fire (sun) is highest in the sky, selflessly illuminating and warming the earth. Just as the sun shines in all directions, so this person moves easily through life. He is direct, passionate and generous, energetic and inquisitive with enthusiasm for everything. Quick in action and speech, he is often misunderstood due to his impatient nature. Such people do not know how to dose out their love or attention. The sun warms everyone equally, but some people don’t need that much sun, so to avoid getting burned, you need to hide in the shade. That is, close people must set their own boundaries, since yang fire does not feel any boundaries. If a person with a Yang fire master of the day was born during the day, then it is easier for him to realize himself, since the sun is active precisely during the daytime hours.

丁 Fire Yin Ding

Yin Ding fire is an image of a candle that is visible only at night. Therefore, it will be easier for people with the yin fire personality element to realize themselves in life if they were born at night. Their peculiarity is that they are sensitive, like the flame of a candle - they opened the window and the flame began to flicker. Therefore, they feel all the emotional changes occurring in the team or family. Yin fire is a flickering light that gives a person instability and high sensitivity. He has an even hotter temperament than representatives of yang fire. The person thinks a lot, often sleeps poorly and is very sensitive. When talking, tension may emanate from him. He needs to learn to relax. Yin fire people can be emotional and explosive. Yin fire people are more touchy because they remember everything that others have done wrong. They endure for a long time and explode only after the cup of patience is overflowing.

戊 Land of Yang Wu

The land of yang wu (戊) is the image of a mountain. People with this master of the day are very stable, reliable, responsible, you can rely on them, they think about others. But sometimes they think too much and act slowly, since the mountain is stability itself and has nowhere to rush. So, yang land is a mountain, a strong and heavy land. This is a reliable, solid person, but he can be too heavy, both literally and figuratively. He is often somewhat clumsy, conservative, and inflexible. The earth hides many resources within itself, thus showing its generosity, so the people of the yang land are friendly and sentimental. They readily help others and become their friends. The emotion of the earth is reflection. Someone with a dominant earth element tends to think a lot.

己 Earth Yin Ji

Yin Ji Earth is an image of fertile land, a young fruit-bearing garden, it provides shade for rest and fruits for food. People with a yin earth personality element are the most caring and think a lot about others. Wherever they appear, they create comfort around them. Their weakness is that they can obsess and overthink. Yin earth is associated with the garden, with fertile soil. Usually he is a thin, slender intellectual, he is flexible and intelligent. Fertile soil absorbs enough water and contains many minerals, which is ideal for agriculture. At the same time, like mother earth, yin earth has a strong maternal instinct. The Yin Earth person is honest and caring and tends to worry about children. Serious and kind on the outside, but inside he is a hurricane. Usually conservative, does not have his own point of view, so he can be easily controlled. Tends to submit to the will of others and may end up in bad company.

庚 Metal Yang Geng

Metal Yang Gen is an image of raw metal, a weapon made of metal or a tank. People born on Geng day are leaders and good speakers. They believe that their word should always be the last, because only it is correct. They are inflexible and find it difficult to compromise. But they are principled and very direct. Such a person has leadership qualities, he is a loyal and reliable person, devoted to his friends. Metal Gen is a symbol of endurance and hardness; its shape does not change. Because knives and swords are sharp and tough, the Yang Geng metal man has destructive potential as he is heavier than any other materials. Such a person is observant, assertive, direct, purposeful and never admits defeat. His quick and decisive actions may seem too rushed at times. He is not going to waste time worrying and is ready to take decisive action. Always ready for combat, he rushes forward without hesitation.

辛 Metal Yin Xin

Metal Yin Xin is an image of a precious metal, like a thin wire of gold or silver. You can make anything out of it, and everything will be beautiful. People with a yin metal day master are easily influenced, they are good followers, and they are easy to inspire. They say that the most beautiful people are also born on the day of the yin metal, especially if there is water in the chart to wash this metal.

Yin metal is a wire, jewelry metal, delicate and attractive. Often these are beautiful people, sometimes a little feminine. Precious metal means elegance, people of yin metal are full of charm, they attract everyone's attention. Such people often place a strong emphasis on material comfort. They can be proud and care very much about their image. Due to the craving for luxury, people of yin metal are susceptible to monetary or material temptations, which sometimes leads to loss of self-control and devaluation of human principles.

壬 Water Yang Ren (Ren)

Water Yang Ren (Ren) is the image of the ocean. People born with the yang water personality element have a deep inner world. After all, we know no more than 20 percent about the ocean, and a person with the master of the day, yang water, cannot express everything that is happening inside him. If yang water needs something, then there is no use arguing. These people will force the situation to suit themselves, and will still achieve what they want.

Yang water is a very strong water and is associated with the water of rivers, seas and oceans. These are impulsive people who rush into action thoughtlessly, they are full of energy and can be careless. They may put pressure on you when they ask you to do something. Streams of water flow down from the upper source and never turn back - people are not inclined to look into the past. Water collects in large rivers, which then break into smaller streams. Likewise, people of Yang water can embrace a lot, which implies outstanding learning abilities.

癸 Water Yin Gui

Yin Gui water is an image of dewdrops, droplets, fog or rain. People born on the day of yin water are very sweet, they look gentle and defenseless. But it is this water that wears away the stone drop by drop. Therefore, despite their modest appearance, these are the people who will later surprise everyone with what they were able to do.

Yin water (癸) - dew, a drop of water. This is the most yin element. He is a modest, flexible, patient person. He is very nice because he can accept people for who they are. He is tolerant and will smile even if he doesn't like you. At the same time, a person of Yin water is not weak: he is capable of surprising or even shocking with his actions. He appears soft and his actions are not always what you expect from him. A person easily becomes anxious and suspicious, and may worry too much about ordinary things. At the same time, he is punctual and tends to think negatively.

Secrets from Violetta

Rescue of drowning people... Is Bazi astrology? More likely no than yes. Astrology takes into account the position of the planets at the time of birth, and Bazi and all Chinese metaphysics are based on the understanding and application of the Chinese solar or lunar calendar, the concept of Yin - Yang, and the interaction of the 5 elements. Perhaps the essence of these concepts does not yet fit into your consciousness, but try to penetrate and the Secrets of predicting Fate will be revealed to you...

5 elements Imagine that absolutely all things in the Universe have energy. The energy that exists in the Universe consists of 5 Elements, which correspond to 5 elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. They are also the names of the planets known in ancient times: Jupiter - Wood, Mars - Fire, Saturn - Soil, Venus - Metal, Mercury - Water. Many researchers believe that the theory of 5 elements arose as a result of observing the planets and this may be why Bazi is called Chinese astrology. Elements of the Elements in our environment form objects and natural phenomena. Water . The phenomenon that describes Water can be sea, river, spring, rain, dew, winter. Properties of Water: running down, flowing, taking the form of a vessel, supporting life. Tree . The phenomenon that Wood describes is a tree, wooden columns, wooden products, forests, spring. Properties of Wood: growing upward, endurance, willpower. Fire . The phenomenon that Fire describes: heat, light, flame, summer. Properties of fire: shining, giving heat, spreading. Soil(Earth) . The phenomenon that describes the Soil - stones, mountains, walls, sand, earth, off-season. Properties of Soil - stability, concentration, stubbornness. Metal . The phenomenon that Metal describes is a dagger, a sword, tools, jewelry, autumn. Properties: cutting, sharpness, seriousness.

Interactions of the 5 elements If all objects and phenomena in the Universe consist of elements of the Elements, then for their existence and life they need movement and interaction. The elements of the Elements interact with each other and form 3 types of relationships: generation , weakening of control. Circle of generation : considered a favorable interaction between the energies of the elements. Wood gives birth to, gives life to Fire (a tree is a forest, firewood, by adding wood to the fire we light a fire) Fire gives birth to Earth (after the fire burns, ashes are obtained - soil) Soil gives birth to Metal (there is ore in the bowels of the earth) Metal gives birth to Water ( ), and Water gives birth to Wood - a circle has formed in which the energies of the Elements are in constant motion, giving birth to each other. Circle of generation: Water - Wood - Fire - Soil - Metal Circle of control : (or overcoming). This type of relationship between elements indicates the partial limitation or complete destruction of one element by another. Metal overcomes (causes damage) or completely destroys Tree - with an ax you can cut off the branches of a tree or cut down a forest completely. Fire controls Metal - fire (fire) partially damages your car or the car burns out so that its further functioning is impossible. Water controls Fire - in case of a fire, fire is extinguished with water. Soil controls Water - the flow of water (flood) can be stopped by sandbags (soil). The tree controls the soil - tree roots can open the asphalt. Circle of control: Metal - Wood - Soil - Water - Fire - Metal Circle of weakening is a type of relationship when one element takes the power of another element, weakening it: Wood weakens Water - a large number of trees planted along a small river can dry it up with their roots. Water gives its strength to the tree. Fire weakens the Tree; the tree gives up its strength to the fire, destroying itself. The soil takes the power of Fire, burning and turning into ashes. Metal is weakened by water - covered with rust, corrosion. The soil is weakened by Metal, giving birth to ore in its depths. Circle of weakening: Water - Metal - Soil - Fire - Wood 3 types of relationships between elements are the key to understanding and analyzing the Bazi map and all Chinese metaphysics.

Yin-Yang The concept of “Yin-Yang” originally appeared as a result of the description of the sunny and shadow sides of the mountain (D. Walters). In ancient times, men worked in the sun in the fields, and women were indoors, and over time they began to mean the masculine - Yang and feminine - Yin principles. The light, sunny side means Yang, the shadow, dark side means Yin. Yang is day, Yin is night, Sun is Yang, Moon is Yin. Cold and Warmth. White and black. The solar calendar is Yang, the Lunar calendar is Yin. The 5 elements also have Yang or Yin qualities. The yang element is activity, pressure. Yin element is passivity, gentleness, calmness. Following the Yin-Yang concept, the 5 elements form 10 Heavenly Stems.

10 Heavenly Stems Following the Yin-Yang concept, the 5 elements form 10 Heavenly Stems. Wood Element - Yin Wood And Yang Jia Element - Fire Yin Ding Bin Earth Element - Earth Wu Metal Element - Metal Yin Xin Metal Yang Geng Element - Water Yin Gui Water Yang Ren

Calendar Knowledge and understanding of the Chinese solar calendar will answer skeptics why predictions are possible... but more on that much later... For now, about the calendar... You will see that in Chinese metaphysics two calendars are used for different techniques - lunar and solar. To analyze the Bazi map, they use the solar, solar or climate calendar, in which the new year begins on February 4 (sometimes February 5).

The climatic, solar year is divided into 4 climatic seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter. Each climatic season consists of 3 months, the first two months correspond to the element of the season, and the third month, in any season, always corresponds to the element of Soil. Spring Season - Corresponds to the Wood element. Includes three months: Tiger month, Rabbit month, Dragon month Summer Season - corresponds to the Fire element: includes the Snake month, Horse month, Sheep month Autumn Season - corresponds to the Metal element: includes the Rooster month, Monkey month, Dog month Season of Winter - corresponds to the element of Water: includes the month of the Pig, the month of the Rat, the month of the Ox. We have 12 months, which correspond to 12 animals. From the names of the 12 animals we get the names of the 12 Earthly Branches.

12 Earthly Branches

Change of seasons Month of the Tiger -Yin - February 4.5 - March 5 - the first month of the new solar Chinese year, the spring season, corresponds to the Wood element Month of the Rabbit - Mao - March 6 - April 4, spring season, corresponds to the Wood element Month of the Dragon - Chen - April 5-May 6, spring season, corresponds to the element of Soil. Month of the Snake-Sy- May 7-June 7, the first month of summer, summer season, corresponds to the Fire element. of the Horse. U-June 8-July 8, summer season, corresponds to the Fire element. Month Sheep - Wei - July 9 - August 8, summer season, corresponds to the element of Soil Month of the Monkey - Shen - August 9 - September 9, the first month of autumn, corresponds to the Metal element Month of the Rooster - Yu - September 10 - October 9, autumn season, corresponds to the element Metal Month of the Dog - Xu - October 10 - November 9, autumn season, corresponds to the element of Soil Month of the Pig - Hai - November 10 - December 8, the first month of winter, corresponds to the element of Water Month of the Rat - Zi - December 9 - January 6 next year, season winter, corresponds to the element of Water. Month of the Ox - Chow - January 7-February 3, winter season, corresponds to the element of Soil. By the way, from the information about the change of seasons it is clearly visible why warm, truly summer days come so unexpectedly in May, and August resembles early autumn. Have you guessed it?

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