Professions and activities based on the 5 elements (ba-tzu)

Have you chosen your profession in the right direction? Does it bring you moral satisfaction and good income?

Choosing a profession according to the Ba Zi map is unique in that it not only determines the type of activity that suits you. It can also help identify a profession that can help correct an unfavorable period. Interested? Then let's work in the right direction.

In order to choose a profession using the Ba Zi map , you need to connect 3 components:

  1. Element of the profession
  2. Personality type
  3. Palaces of fate

When we connect all 3 points, we get an ideal profession that will benefit a person: money, pleasure, career growth, etc.

It is best to make the ideal choice of profession using the Ba Zi map If you are interested in analyzing your birth chart , if you want to find yourself an ideal job that will bring money, joy and pleasure, write to the site's email.

Now I’m posting a list of professions by element and personality type , which you may find useful.

Professions in the Ba Zi map by element


  • Wood products, logging, wood carving
  • Furniture, clothing, textiles
  • Joiner, carpenters, carvers, wood sculptors
  • Stationery
  • Fashion design
  • Working with natural fur, leather, silk, wool
  • Paper, paper production
  • Publishing house, libraries, books, newspapers, magazines
  • Learning, teaching
  • Literature, art, culture
  • Writers, poets
  • Written translations
  • Children and creativity
  • Creative professions related to creating something
  • Flowers, florist, botanist
  • Trees, garden, forest
  • Plant growing. Plant nurseries
  • Agronomists, landscape designers
  • agricultural products
  • Social assistance, nannies, teachers, tutors
  • Children's institutions
  • Physical education, body work, fitness
  • Medical therapy
  • Massages, treatments.
  • If yoga is physical education, then this is a tree, and if yoga is meditation, then this is fire.
  • Homeopathy, herbal preparations
  • Herbalists, pharmacies
  • Massage therapists
  • Household services


  • Food production
  • Storage, warehouses
  • Notary
  • Something routine, the design of something, monotonous
  • Insurance
  • Professions that deal with secrets
  • Accounting
  • Sedentary work
  • Stone, pottery production
  • Ceramics, porcelain
  • Sale of land and real estate
  • Stone building materials
  • Architecture, construction
  • Construction
  • Real estate work
  • Supplies for construction
  • Livestock, agriculture
  • Confectionery production


  • Professional sports
  • Cooking, warm food, bakery
  • Fireplaces, heating
  • Light, oil, gas stations
  • Gasoline, oil, gas, fuel
  • Energy, combustion, melting
  • Chemistry, plastic production
  • Production of synthetic products
  • Photo
  • Glass, optics
  • Electricity
  • Holidays, entertainment, decorations
  • Fireworks
  • A television
  • Toys
  • Advertising, show business
  • Dancing, especially Latin
  • Creative professions with self-expression
  • Marketing
  • Couture fashion, makeup artist, stylist
  • Sauna and bath
  • Software, computer technology
  • Computer work
  • Electronics
  • Mental activity, science
  • Psychology
  • Analytics
  • Religion, esotericism, metaphysics
  • Exchange, game on the stock exchange
  • Professional sports


  • Metal jewelry
  • Production and sale of jewelry
  • Metal sculptures, metal forging
  • Manufacturing of metal products
  • Metalworking industry
  • Mechanical engineering, metal rolling
  • Heavy industry
  • Steelmaker, roofer, pipe fitter
  • Cars, car dealerships, car services
  • Industrial technology
  • Instruments, including medical ones
  • In general, where everything is metallic it refers to metal
  • Computer equipment store (computer hardware)
  • Watch
  • Financial services
  • Financial markets
  • Economists, statistics, reporting
  • Banking
  • Money, loans
  • Martial arts
  • Safety
  • Judge, arbitrator
  • Lawyer
  • Metal is justice
  • Government, army, military
  • Defense industry
  • Weapons - production and sales
  • Civil service, management
  • Tax service
  • Manager, administrator, business manager
  • Administrative legal system
  • System, hierarchy in the company
  • Law office
  • Again, lawyers are different:
  • Where tough issues are resolved, there will be metal
  • Surgeon, dentist, cosmetologist, acupuncturist
  • Hairdressers
  • Western medicine
  • Strong alcohol
  • Music, musical instruments, singing
  • Breathing practices
  • Acupuncture


  • Entrepreneurial activity
  • Trade, buying and selling, speculation
  • Network marketing
  • Cash flows, trade flows
  • Professions with shifting activities
  • Those. where everything is done unclearly is water.
  • All water related industries
  • Firefighters, fire extinguishers
  • Fishing
  • Navy, sailors, divers, oceanographers
  • Everything related to ships, sea, ocean, rivers
  • Swimming and water sports
  • Pools, fountains
  • Skating
  • Ski resorts
  • Tourism, travelers, guide
  • Transportation, couriers, drivers
  • Transport, logistics, any transportation
  • Logistics support
  • Hotel business
  • Contacts abroad, meaning businesses that have many contacts.
  • Cold dishes, ice cream, frozen foods
  • Production and sale of mineral waters and drinks
  • Tea culture
  • Tea shops, clubs
  • Food, drinks
  • Cleaning, dry cleaning
  • Pubs, bars, restaurants, discos
  • Bartenders
  • Restaurant business is water
  • Media, journalism, information flows, announcers, reporters
  • Any profession related to communication
  • Internet, telephony, television, mail
  • Translators
  • Artists, theater, cinema, circus
  • Striptease, sex
  • Sewage treatment plants, plumbers, plumbers
  • Laying and operation of channels
  • Irrigation, irrigation
  • hydroelectric power station
  • Consulting


A place to live.

Preferably in areas with little traffic, in quiet areas of the city, perhaps with close but not high buildings. In red brick houses, in houses with triangular or tiled roofs. In the southern districts of the city. In private homes.

Give preference to interiors with bright and interesting accents. It is good to have a fireplace or fireplace for candles, leather chairs and sofas.

Sector in the house, apartment: south. Direction for sleep and work: south. Compass direction on the head of the bed - where the head is directed during sleep (if the location of the room allows), on the desktop - where the gaze is directed - (157.5 - 202.5)°


In nature, Fire itself refers to fire, flame, lava. Color – red, pink, bright yellow (Fire + Earth), orange (Fire + Earth).


Your work may be associated with the element of Fire.

Fire includes areas such as education - schools, institutes, various courses, research institutes, the field of psychology and various trainings for personal growth and development. Internet industry, Internet technologies, website creation, advertising, Internet design (+Tree). The sphere of holidays and entertainment, show business, circus, show creation, fireworks. Beauty industry, beauty salons. Professional sports, demonstrations, competitions and awards. Animal husbandry, chemical industry, power plants, boiler houses, pharmacies (+Wood).

Professions: teacher, tutor, professor, mathematician, analyst, scientist, chess player, economist, accountant (+Metal), programmer (+Metal), expert in any field. Psychologist, fashion model, hairdresser-stylist (+Tree). Electrician, chemist.


It is useful for you to go south from home, both on short trips and on long trips. You can go to the mountains, high mountain ranges. You can live in the mountains during your vacation, walk along mountain roads, admire the triangular distant peaks from the hotel. Going to the mountains in winter is Fire and Water, because snow belongs to the element of Water in Ba Zi theory.

You can also go to warm, hot countries, to Africa, to deserts, on safari. The heat and hot climate are favorable.

Hobbies and activities to strengthen the Fire element.

Intellectual and logical games: chess, checkers, backgammon, Go, monopoly, sea battle, crosswords, etc. Reading educational literature, studying reference books and encyclopedias. Participation in competitions and olympiads. Writing scientific, educational articles (+Wood and Water). Astrology and some esoteric sciences.

Any learning process enhances Fire, especially when it comes to learning abstract things rather than practical skills. Learn, or teach others. Fire also includes various personal growth trainings and group games. Psychology, psychotherapy, visiting a psychologist. Psychological and esoteric trainings. Any process of learning and development of the mind.

Horseback riding. Speed ​​sports – auto racing (+Water).

Programming (+Metal), games on a computer and tablet, speed games. Gambling, cards. Participation in gaming competitions. Internet, online entertainment, games, gambling, social networks. Maintaining pages and blogs. Internet design.

Creativity: creating figures from wool, felting felt boots. Knitting. Crafts made from plasticine and all non-natural and chemical substances, plastic. Chemical experiments.

Stylized photographs. Photoshoot. Creation of images, hairstyles and makeup. Makeup. Manicure.

Participation in festivals, carnivals, holidays, processions, parades. Costume events, folk festivals, ethnic festivals, anime festivals, medieval reenactments. Creation of costumes. Visiting circus performances. Fireworks, jumping over fire. Participation in bright, festive events.

Visiting zoos, safaris, keeping animals at home - cats, dogs, rodents, except fish and amphibians. Breeding animals, maintaining home zoos (+ Wood).

Bath, sauna, steam room (+Water).


The shape of the element Fire is a triangle, and you can choose a triangular-shaped talisman.

Fire is the most “unearthly” element. Unlike other elements, such as Water or Wood, Fire is extremely rare in nature. These are volcanic eruptions or forest fires. Fire includes the sun and stars, and these symbols can also be chosen as a talisman.

You can wear leather jewelry. This material belongs to the element of Fire, just like fur. And also plastic, plastic decorations.

Items related to favorable elements seem to give strength and energy throughout the day.

Personality types when choosing a Profession according to the Ba Zi map


  • freelancing
  • customer service
  • partnership
  • advocacy
  • accountant
  • areas where it is easy to get support from others and succeed at it
  • legislation
  • singer, movie star
  • electrician
  • mechanic
  • trade in raw materials
  • athlete
  • implementation of equipment
  • packaging business
  • industrial business
  • aquatic products
  • stuntman
  • researcher
  • work involving physical contact with others

Wealth Robber

  • winemaking, wine related business
  • mining
  • food production
  • electrician
  • mechanic
  • production of metal apparatus
  • athlete
  • industrial equipment, tools
  • underground business (shadow business, services)
  • water products
  • fisherman
  • armed forces, police
  • conductor
  • director
  • researcher
  • jobs that require competition
  • places where there is an opportunity to capture a career

Challenge to power

  • human creative potential
  • information (awareness, intelligence)
  • expressive skills
  • wounding an official is when *I go against the norm*
  • achieving extraordinary
  • a person stands out in a crowd
  • beginning of the plan (strategy)
  • the person has persuasive power
  • communication skills
  • performer (arts such as singing, painting and other artistic work)
  • use of public speaking skills
  • not suitable for repetitive and monotonous work
  • the work is lively, stimulating, rich in variety

Spirit of pleasure

  • diplomacy
  • services sector
  • business management
  • hospitality (hotels)
  • artist
  • musician
  • art and beauty
  • fashion projects
  • religious preacher
  • judge
  • aesthetic spheres
  • advocate
  • economist
  • film production
  • talent, literature, art
  • chef, working in a restaurant will bring huge profits
  • human creative potential
  • information (awareness, intelligence)
  • expressive skills
  • achieving extraordinary
  • a person stands out in a crowd
  • beginning of the plan (strategy)
  • the person has persuasive power
  • communication skills

Stable Wealth

  • business, commercial development (financial sectors, securities, finance)
  • foreign affairs
  • broker
  • retail
  • control
  • pharmacist
  • financial and economic industries
  • lack of spirit of adventure - not suitable for speculation, for work involving risk, more consistent with the static properties of the work
  • shop, department store, industry

Propensity for Wealth

  • sales, trade
  • foreign affairs
  • broker
  • control
  • production
  • real estate investment
  • stocks
  • securities
  • plant investments
  • finance
  • suitable for risky and complex work – where you need to lead and challenge
  • not suitable for heavy and static work

The right power

  • politician
  • military
  • civil service
  • administrative services
  • director of company
  • judicial branch
  • journalist
  • salary man
  • administration
  • control
  • organization
  • career leadership (boss)
  • power
  • charm
  • nobility
  • law and orders
  • strict adherence to rules and regulations

7 killer

  • armed forces
  • police
  • athlete
  • surgeon
  • supervisor
  • commanding
  • working with special effects
  • adventure explorer career (destructive, competitive)
  • literary qualifications
  • sport
  • mobile occupation
  • power
  • charm
  • nobility
  • law and orders
  • strict adherence to rules and regulations

Correct seal

  • literary and human resources
  • culture
  • education
  • academic areas
  • religion
  • philosophy
  • astronomy
  • predictions
  • welfare
  • teacher
  • priest
  • work with children
  • nurse
  • flight attendant
  • work involving high thinking and high nature
  • management
  • consultant
  • publisher
  • artist, artist
  • not suitable for commerce
  • personal insight
  • thoughts and knowledge
  • learning abilities
  • wisdom
  • family background, roots
  • support and help from above
  • intuition and sixth sense

Oblique seal

  • researcher
  • inventor
  • creator
  • planning
  • technology
  • doctor, medicine
  • religion
  • divination
  • martial arts
  • assistant manager
  • work related to creativity and use of information
  • job that requires adaptability
  • study
  • interrogation
  • espionage
  • investigator
  • personal insight
  • thoughts and knowledge
  • learning abilities
  • wisdom
  • family background, roots
  • support and help from above
  • intuition and sixth sense

Depending on how the elements are manifested in the natal chart, we can recommend activities that require certain abilities:

  • creative,
  • organizational,
  • analytical.

These are just general recommendations; the situation is discussed in more detail in the analysis of the Ba Zi card on the topic of choosing a profession.

During the consultation, we will analyze your money luck, see how you can improve the situation, and choose the ideal profession for your chart, taking into account useful/unhelpful elements, personality types, symbolic stars, 12 palaces.

Online consultation – 3000 rubles (about 2 hours)

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