Mandarin ducks according to Feng Shui are symbols of love and harmony

A waterfowl, partly domesticated, with a symbolic meaning narrower than that of the goose.

Wild ducks are, first of all, the object of hunting.

Domesticated approx. 1500 BC e. in Ancient Egypt and are often found on surviving ancient objects of fine art.

Some features of the images and scenes suggest that she has a completely unknown erotic aspect in both ancient Eastern and Hellenistic art (Eros with a duck, a girl with a duck).

Basic values:

  • superficiality (floating on the surface);
  • talkativeness;
  • happiness for two, marriage, devotion;
  • deception
  • mediation between sky and water (more common figures are the swan and the goose);


(and among the Japanese) - marital happiness and fidelity, beauty, bliss. Duck and drake - union of lovers, mutual attention, fidelity. Identified with the sign of yin (drake - yang).

Mandarin ducks (mandarin ducks) yuan-yang (always in pairs) are a traditional symbol of marital happiness.

The symbolism comes from observing a drake and a duck swimming in sync.

Sad tales about separated pairs of mandarin ducks are popular in Chinese (Japanese) folklore.

Young lovers are called “tangerine ducks in the dew.”

Porcelain figurines of ducks are usually given to married couples; motifs and scenes with tangerine ducks are used in the decoration of wedding rooms, decorate curtains (mats) and bedspreads of matrimonial beds.

“Union of Mandarin Ducks” is one of thirty love positions.

In ancient times, in some areas, the use of the word “duck” (yya) was reprehensible, as it means:

  • in one case - the penis,
  • in another, homosexuality.

A certain “duck egg sect”, which prescribed its members a strictly vegetarian lifestyle, as well as the enjoyment of duck eggs. It was banned due to alleged debauchery in rituals. (???)

Rules for choosing ducks

Here you need to adhere to a few points:

Point 1. Just as when choosing any other amulet, the most important thing is that it evokes your inner sympathy.

Point 2. When purchasing a love talisman, you need to settle on a pair of ducks, and not on single individuals. After all, you can find such options on sale.

Point 3. Try to make your amulet look as realistic as possible. It is important that the ducks are as similar in color as possible to natural birds. Please note that drakes are usually brighter in color, while ducks are not so colorful.

Point 4. Ideally, the material used to make the figurines should be of natural origin. And more precisely, it refers to the element of earth. For example, mandarin ducks can be ceramic, porcelain, plaster, or made from any other breed. Additionally, jewelry in the form of precious stones is used. At the same time, jasper and jade have the greatest magical power.

Point 5. In the process of choosing mandarin ducks, according to the art of Feng Shui, you need to pay special attention to their location relative to each other. In a harmonious version, a pair of ducks should be located on the same stand or touch each other with the help of their wings. In this case, the birds can have their heads turned to each other, sit on lotus flowers, and so on. And the most important thing is that the amulet conveys the atmosphere of the combination of two lovers. It should be obvious from the first glance at this couple that they are one.

At the same time, the option is completely inharmonious when the ducks have nothing in common and they just sit next to each other. This symbol should be abandoned

Please note that these recommendations must be followed if you choose a painting depicting mandarin ducks or a panel.



  • Absorbing everything, I care only about my womb.

A symbol of a stupid and gluttonous person who does not think about anything else but his own womb and vain affairs, but does not honor heavenly affairs.
The duck constantly swarms in the mire and mud and rarely rises to the skies. EMSI 21-1 Diving duck.

  • I fall, but I will rise again.

A symbol of a righteous man who, although he falls at times, still rises again. Here the idea is expressed in symbolic form that life’s difficulties cannot completely defeat and enslave us forever. EMSI 55-13 ———— You often see ducks surrounded by water, However, again they float through time. So, modest, you are either destined to be beaten, or, with God’s help, completely successful. Hochberg

Myths and ancient legends

There is a legend in the Celestial Empire that one day a noble nobleman got tired of his wife and decided that love had passed. He thought about divorce, but did not have enough determination to start a conversation. The nobleman decided to take a walk and collect his thoughts, so he approached the lake. Seeing a couple of ducks gliding along the surface of the water together as if they were tied to each other. The birds devoted to each other looked reverent and seemed to radiate tenderness.

The nobleman remembered how he first met his wife, and also his dreams of a happy life together. He understood that there are no easy paths and you can’t just get a divorce - you need to move towards the goal together. Happy and inspired, he came home to his wife. Since then, tenderness and love have returned to the relationship. It is believed that ducks can save any marriage, even if misunderstanding has long reigned between the spouses.

In various cultures and myths, the Duck symbol means the following:

According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, the goddess Isis was the patroness of these birds.

  • The ancient Egyptians believed that the bird was protected by the powerful Isis. The goddess symbolizes femininity, beauty and patronizes mothers.
  • In Greece, the god of love Eros was often depicted together with a bird, and therefore it became a symbol of ardent passion.
  • In North American tribes, the duck became a combination of Heaven and the water element.
  • The Jews believed that the duck was a symbol of eternal life.
  • Among the tribes of Roman Gaul, the bird was sacred.
  • The pagan Slavs living in the territory of Kievan Rus associated the duck with the goddess Makosh. Since ancient times, she stood on a par with men in the divine pantheon and personified the feminine principle. Therefore, the Duck symbol primarily favors the fairer sex.

Appropriate place

You can carry ducks with you

The main place where you need to place mandarin ducks in the house or hang their image is the southwestern side of the room, where the sector of love and family relationships is located. Also, a suitable place where a loving couple can live would be the spouses’ bedroom, even if it does not correspond to the southwestern direction.

For greater efficiency, there can be two figures in the house at the same time - one in the love sector, and the other in the marital bedroom.

For single people who want to quickly enter into a marriage relationship, Feng Shui recommends not only placing figurines of mandarin ducks in their home environment, but also carrying a miniature with them in their pocket or bag.

Location in the house

Arrange the figures according to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to place the tangerine in the southwestern part of your house, because... this living zone is responsible for love in marriage. The figurines have a positive effect on creating a romantic atmosphere that helps renew passion in relationships.
  2. On the wall next to the figurines, hang a picture of love birds.
  3. The talisman should be placed in the bedroom opposite the marital bed so that intimacy with your loved one always brings pleasure.
  4. Some experts argue that ducks should be hidden from prying eyes to avoid the destructive influence of the envy of house guests.
  5. You can create a composition with ducks and house plants.
  6. It is advisable to place the figures near the water. We can talk about a decorative fountain or an aquarium.
  7. It is recommended to place the figurines in the place where spouses keep wedding rings or love letters.

How to choose?

Beware of fakes. Manufacturers, in an effort to save money, quickly produce magical attributes. The result of their labors, at best, will become a useless trinket, and at worst, it can ruin a person’s life.

Things to remember:

  • ducks must be liked very much, only then luck and love will come;
  • choose a pair, a duck and a drake. Figurines without a pair are not talismans and will bring loneliness into your home;
  • It is best if the figures resemble real birds in color. The drake has brighter plumage, the duck looks more modest;
  • material of natural origin is preferred. If you buy a painting, choose ducks depicted on natural canvas;
  • pay attention to the location of the figures. When looking at a couple, it should be noticeable that this is a single whole.

When choosing a panel or painting, follow the same recommendations.

What should you avoid?

What should not be allowed in relation to the talisman:

  • never separate a couple;
  • if one of the figures breaks, you will need a new pair;
  • do not leave broken figurines, they are not talismans;
  • do not place figurines in a dark place, darkness weakens the effect of the magic item;
  • No matter how many ducks there are in your house, their number should be even. By placing a third bird next to a pair of birds, you thereby invite someone else into your family life.

What does a duck mean as a symbol and the rules for its use

Eastern practitioners recommend keeping figurines in the house in the form of a pair of ducks in love, which act as a symbol of real feeling. Birds will help strengthen a marriage, restore love or mutual understanding. For singles, the symbol will also help them soon meet their soulmate. However, for ducks to bring positive changes to life, they must be made from natural materials. The more often the owners communicate and pick up magic figurines, the more happiness there will be in the family. If you do not pay attention to the purchased talisman, then you should not expect any effect.

Do single people need a talisman?

According to Feng Shui, tangerines are considered a talisman of marital fidelity; they bring harmony and prosperity to the home. Therefore, you should purchase a talisman for a number of reasons:

  1. If a woman has been single for a long time, then the figurines will help attract a future spouse into their life.
  2. After a divorce, after a year of restoring internal resources, the acquisition of figurines symbolizes readiness to marry another person.
  3. The talisman charges with positive energy, so its owners radiate joy and happiness into the outside world, which helps attract love.

But you should also remember about the possible negative consequences of purchasing decorative ducks:

  1. There is a high risk of forming codependent relationships, especially when it comes to single women who have long wanted to start a family and have children. People with increased anxiety and excessive emotionality should not buy a talisman.
  2. If figurines are purchased with expressed negative feelings towards members of the opposite sex, then the result of such a purchase may be a marriage that will only bring suffering.
  3. It is not recommended to cast spells after buying ducks, because... there is a blockage of the favorable energy of the figurines.
  4. Single men and women should not give ducks to similarly lonely acquaintances, because... they may be left without a partner for the rest of their lives.

Color and material

Duck figurines are made from a variety of materials. But most often they sell bronze figurines or their imitation. Such products will not become talismans and serve only for interior decoration.

Mandarin ducks made of bronze

In order for ducks to have a beneficial effect, they must be painted in colors close to natural. The predominant color according to Feng Shui should be orange. The figures may not look the same; the drake is usually brighter.

The element of the southwest (zone of love and marriage) is Earth; accordingly, the most suitable material for figurines is natural, found in the earth. Various semi-precious stones, porcelain, ceramics and untreated natural clay are suitable.

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