How to learn to control water with your hands for real. How to master the magic of the elements, magic in real life. Flame that gives extra strength

The great magic of water is that it attracts and repels at the same time. How to find a common language with her? How to catch the wave of this wonderful energy? A real magician is equally good at all four elements and uses them in his practice. The magical energy of water is considered one of the strongest - after all, it personifies life itself. All creatures that now live on our planet should be grateful to the surface of the water for every breath of air. In addition to physical strength, water is also strong on the astral plane. She is connected with Space, her condition depends on the phases of the moon.

People who are under the protection of this element (Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers according to the Zodiac) are distinguished by loyalty and devotion. They are spiritually developed and do not stand still. These are wonderful friends and spouses. Thanks to their flexibility of mind, they find a way out of any situation. Compromise is their thing. Even the strongest power bows to the unshakable element of water.

Properties of the element of water

Water is the feminine element. She has peace, tranquility, affection and care. Like a wise dove covering defenseless chicks with its wing, the water element drives away all troubles and deprivations from us.

Every person consists of more than half water, which means that almost everything depends on its condition: our emotions, feelings, experiences.


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Professional magicians use its mystical properties in order to achieve balance and harmony. It helps to establish connections and overcome communication problems.

But, despite its flexibility and pliability, it cannot be said that water is weak. If she really wants something, she will achieve it by any means. That is why determination is another property of the element.

With the help of water magic, magicians remove negative programs, eliminate evil eyes and damage. Water washes away any mental dirt from a person’s karma. The magic of water has a special vibration that reaches the most hidden corners of the soul and changes the worldview.

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How to become a magician in real life

Magical powers are a pipe dream. But it’s possible to join the magicians. If a person initially does not have superpowers from his ancestors, the path will be difficult. It’s easier for people who have abilities from birth: children grow up in a magical environment, where they are taught to manage the gift.

If there are no magicians among your relatives, you should not despair - the situation can be corrected. A simple person can become a good wizard and turn into a sorcerer.

First you need to choose a patron - a certain element. The task is simple: you can choose the patron element of the Zodiac sign.

If a person feels that that element is not suitable, he can choose any one. To become a sorcerer, it is important to undergo a rite of passage and turn to higher powers with a request to bestow power.

How to learn water magic

At the very beginning of training, you cannot do without a natural water source - a river, a lake, a small reservoir. If you have the opportunity to contact a mountain river, that’s great. After all, a constant flow is a continuous process of energy renewal.

You can try to perform the ritual in a full bath, but the effect will not be the same. If you choose this option, fill the bathtub completely – to the very top. Having plunged into the water, only the head should remain on the surface.

So, you have already guessed how to master water magic - you need to immerse yourself in the water. Try to drive away all thoughts - necessary and unnecessary. Completely relax and get true pleasure from the gentle touches of water. Visualize how it penetrates your body, how every cell is filled with a magical liquid.

You dissolve in the aquatic environment and become one with it. All seas and all oceans are related to you. You can make an appeal to the Higher Powers:

“Boundless expanse of the transparent sea, Sacred Mother of all living things, be my help. Grant me the strength and power to fulfill the unfulfilled, to subdue the rebellious, to heal the incurable.” .

As soon as you believe in this, the goal is achieved. Now ask the water element to wash away all the negativity from you. Let him take away all the garbage accumulated over many years. In many cases, this procedure brought healing.

Everyone who has practiced with water says that after the session there is a feeling of renewal. The mood improves, and there is a desire to give people joy and to enjoy yourself.

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Living and dead water

There is another technique - it is a little more complicated. It includes the recitation of special spells. It is with the help of sacred words that water turns into “living” or “dead”.

As you know, “live” brings healing, helps with mental disorders, and gives a rejuvenating effect.

And the “dead” - although it has such a terrible name - is called upon to heal wounds. According to legend, a magical liquid can bring you back from the other world if you turn to it in time.

But remember that reading conspiracies is not an easy procedure. If something goes wrong, they can turn against you - and this process cannot be returned to the starting point.

And one more thing - remember the most important rule: if you want to make friends with water, do not forget about it during the day. Drink at least two liters.

If you are trying to find the answer to the question: how can you learn water magic in 5 minutes at home, leave this activity. Water magic requires patient and lengthy training. Reserve energy and time to achieve results. If you do not go astray from your intended path, the natural elements will definitely turn towards you.

It is quite possible that none of the methods described will help you in your learning. This suggests that you are not connected with the element of water, you do not have a natural gift for this. Do not despair: it means that you were created to lead another element.

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Practices for managing water at home

A person is subconsciously programmed to control water; it is only necessary to remind him of this. As the object of magic itself, water can be seen in various water resources, and also, of course, vary in its power. For example, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and springs are a stationary source, and the most important power is carried by spring waters. Another source of energy includes precipitation in the form of rain, snow, hail; the more intense the precipitation, the more force it carries.

But unfortunately, recently the situation with the natural atmosphere has worsened and the rains are mostly acidic, they will not bring any benefit. The strongest returns are cold water, ice, and also a combination of steam and ice. Such a ritual as swimming in an ice hole or wiping with snow after a bath is familiar to many; this is an excellent way to replenish energy. The magical power of water mainly relates to healing, but sometimes it can also be used for defensive purposes.

So, let's look at the simplest practice at home. Take a basin and fill it with water, bring your thoughts into balance, raise your hands above the surface and feel its vibration. Ask her to repeat the movements of her hands, after a while it will work out as you wish. Then, ask to change the temperature, strain and everything will work out. Another way to conspire is to close your eyes so that nothing distracts you, stretch your arms over a container of water and imagine how, starting from your fingertips, your body fills with water and becomes transparent.

Imagine this process in detail; when your body is completely “filled,” turn your hands over and feel a cool stream flowing out of your fingers. Do this practice regularly, you merge with the elements themselves and become one. Thus, you will not only be filled with new energy, but also cleared of negative energy, give back to every drop all your accumulated experiences. Believe me, this has a very strong effect on your overall well-being.

Tools for controlling the water element

Internal energy is not always enough to command the element of water. In this case, special tools can come to the rescue - even professional magicians do not forget to use them in their practice:

  • Water symbol . Among the Slavs it was depicted as two wavy lines, among the Aztecs it was two streams intertwined with each other, etc. Choose any one and start your mystical practice.
  • Vessel . Here too, trust your own intuition. Cups, bowls, and glasses will do.
  • Tarot . In the deck, the card Suit of Cups is associated with water.
  • Figures of sea and river creatures (dolphins, whales, mermaids).
  • Natural minerals (pearl, moonstone, aquamarine).
  • Aromatic oils and incense.
  • Representatives of the flora are water lines or daisies.

Strengthening communication

To strengthen the natural connection with water, it is worth performing a ritual of communicating with liquid in nature at least once a year. Summer time, when the reservoirs are warm, is best suited for these purposes.

You need to buy 13 candles in the church and take some attractive container from home without cracks or scratches and come to the shore of the natural reservoir at night. At midnight you should undress and enter the water to the depth to which your growth will allow and stay there as long as possible. Then, returning to the shore and without dressing, light 13 church candles, placing them in a circle.

Water magic rituals

There are several very powerful rituals using water. Here are some simple examples that will be useful to everyone:

Healing ritual

Take a large basin or jug ​​and pour water at room temperature into it. Place the broom on the floor and stand directly on it. Start pouring water over yourself, saying : “Give me strength, water! Help me heal!” Do not wipe off the drops - let them dry.

Ritual for a good mood

Run a bath and soak in it. Slowly close your eyes and imagine that you are a marine explorer. You are interested in the entire underwater world - all its inhabitants, all the plants. Now ask the water energy to cleanse you of negativity and bad thoughts. The procedure must be repeated within a week.

If suddenly during the ritual you feel heaviness or fatigue, stop immediately! Water is not your element, and unnecessary contact with it can cause harm.

Alena Golovina - white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics, author of the MAGiYA website

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So you have learned how to learn to control water. This method of mastering water magic will allow you to do this. Please note that everything does not happen for nothing, so at the end of the article we decided to give some motivating tips:

  • Don't retreat! What you want always seems far away, although it is very close. Don't be afraid to fight for your happiness. A little more and everything will work out!
  • Don't be afraid to stumble! Yes, you will probably fall along the entire path, but any fall means another rise. Let it happen and move on!
  • Don't expect everything at once! The result is the fruit of the efforts and time spent on training. Wait and believe - then everything will definitely work out!
  • Don't listen to anyone! Believe only in yourself, because others may have a completely different opinion. All the ridicule and sidelong glances are just a reason to act harder. Don't lose hope, because everything will work out for you!

That's all! We hope we have helped you learn and understand the basic aspects of learning water magic! We believe in you! You will succeed!


Is it possible to be an airbender in reality?

You can ask the air to become an intercessor and patron of a magician. The main advantage of the element is the power to see the future. If a magician reaches the pinnacle of witchcraft, the future can be changed.

Carrying out the initiation ritual

Spirits of the air! I call you! Come before me! Grant the power to see and know what is unknown to others. Grant strength and power! Become my patrons, protect and protect from enemies!

When the spirits have arrived, the sorcerer once again makes a request, thanks them and bows deeply. Returning home, windows and doors must be opened to let spirits and the wind into the house, which is now a helper and protector.

How to become a fire mage yourself

Fire is the element of warriors. Mages who choose this patron have incredible strength and are capable of inflicting powerful damage to enemies. They are usually quite hot-tempered: if they get angry, they are capable of destroying everything around them to achieve their goal. A person with a large supply of vitality and energy is capable of becoming a strong fire magician. The rituals performed require a lot of strength and are not always available to most magic practitioners.

Rite of passage

To become a fire mage, a special ritual is performed. The place is prepared in advance - deserted and quite large. When choosing a location, the need to draw a circle with chalk is taken into account (it is impossible in a field or forest). Collect three small piles of branches and hay, place them at equal distances from each other in the form of an isosceles triangle.

You need to say the text 3 times and monitor the behavior of the candle. If the flame flickers and decreases, the spirits have arrived. If the fire remains as before, the call is ignored.

When the ceremony is completed, the magician bows deeply to the spirits and thanks them for their appearance and protection. When the spirits leave (the candle flame becomes calm), you can leave the circle - before this, crossing borders is prohibited.


Earthbenders - hardness and power

To become an earthbender requires special persistence. Art is not for everyone. Even after the initiation ceremony, you should not expect that the spirits of the earth will become merciful in the coming days. These forces do not forgive mistakes: to truly join the earthbenders, you will have to arm yourself with perseverance and perseverance. If the magician is not sure of his desire, it is better not to undertake the ritual, so as not to anger the spirits who will subsequently take revenge.

How to perform a ritual

Mother, damp earth, I trust in you! Spirits of the earth, come to me, become witnesses of my formation! Answer my call! Grant me firmness and confidence, perseverance and masculinity. Become my protectors and helpers. Don't let you stumble and go astray from your chosen path!

Then they touch the ground with their hand and take a little in their hand. The collected earth is wrapped in a scarf - this is a magician’s amulet that he carries with him. It is better to leave some of this soil near the house, and wrap the other half securely and carry it in your bag.

After the call, spirits must come to witness the reincarnation. If the entities agree to help, the magician will feel an energy flow.

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