Onyx stone: properties, meaning for a person and who is suitable for it

Onyx is a stone whose magical properties people noticed in ancient times. And they began to use them for their own purposes. Almost all first civilizations used it in rites and rituals.

The mineral comes in different colors: black, white, green. The most common is black. This same option has basic metaphysical and magical meaning for humans.

Gem Horoscope

The stone appears in myths and legends. They decorated royal chambers, tombs, robes and regalia of priests.

The gem is mentioned in ancient Greek mythology. Onyxes are the petrified nails of Aphrodite. While the goddess was sleeping, her son Eros cut them off. Onyx translated from ancient Greek means “nail”. Externally, the pebble also resembles a marigold.

This is a sacred attribute of Islam: the stone in the main Muslim shrine of the Kaaba is black onyx.

Modern architects also use onyx, but more artificial. The tiles are used to cover subway stations, official and private residences, chic restaurants, and clubs.

The mineral is a type of agate. The translucent structure allows you to see parallel veins of different tones. There are white, green, red onyx and even completely black (very rare and valuable). Because of this, it has many other names, depending on the color of the veins. The onyx gemstone is actually not such a thing.

The history of the stone goes back to the distant past. Even in biblical stories it is mentioned that Solomon’s temple was built precisely from this mineral. The semi-precious stone has an amazing property: it allows the sun's rays to pass through it. Later, historians and archaeologists became convinced that ancient palaces and churches actually had onyx inserts on their windows.

In the Old Testament there is a description of the clothes of the high priests: they were decorated with onyxes of different colors. Aaron's confidant, in addition to 11 other gems, included this amazing mineral. The stone was used in many countries around the world - they decorated imperial clothes, symbols of power, and church paraphernalia. It is not at all surprising that onyx received another name - the royal stone, despite its universal availability at a price scale.

Astrologers note that not every zodiac sign prefers a stone. For example, Gemini may suffer from such a proximity. Gemini and onyx have different energies, which means that the mineral will suppress all the owner’s endeavors. Under favorable circumstances, the gem will simply be neutral, i.e. the owner will be neither warm nor cold, but can be worn as decoration.

An amulet made of black stone is suitable for signs with a strong will and determination. Since its coloring is quite aggressive, the owner must know what exactly he wants to achieve. In this case, the gem will work in unison with the owner, multiplying strength and adding confidence. People born under the sign of Leo are most suitable for this characteristic. It is noted that the dark onyx talisman also helps to overcome bad habits.

Capricorns and Taurus will get rid of laziness. The mineral will push you to new successes and will not allow you to stop there. A talisman made of yellow onyx stone, signifying wealth, has the opportunity to improve the financial situation of the owner.

Virgo will receive excellent prospects from friendship with the mineral. The excitement, anxiety, and uncertainty that constantly haunt a person of this zodiac sign will gradually weaken and disappear. The gem will help resist depression and stress.

Onyx has the best compatibility with Aries. The mineral will allow their talent to fully reveal itself, increase their intelligence, and protect them from ill-wishers. An amulet with a stone of cool colors (white, gray, pink) is suitable for this.

It is worth remembering that the gem helps those who really want it and make efforts to achieve the goal. Those who only see success in dreams, lying on the sofa, will only be left with mirages.

Why are they needed?

Not all people can wear jewelry with this stone, sometimes this is due to a dislike for jewelry as such, sometimes due to absent-mindedness - a person constantly loses rings and pendants, so there is no point in buying new ones. Often representatives of the stronger sex refuse to wear jewelry with stone talismans, citing the fact that such things are intended exclusively for women.

Figures have several advantages:

  1. Most protect the entire family, not just the wearer. The protection works even if this particular gem is not suitable for someone due to their zodiac sign or other reasons.
  2. They decorate the interior and become a wonderful addition to the interior of any room.
  3. It won't get lost and the likelihood of it being stolen is small.
  4. Can be given to a man or a woman.
  5. It is not exposed to direct sunlight, which means it will remain beautiful and shiny for a long time.

Let's look at the most popular types of figurines and what occasion they should be chosen for.


One of the properties of this material is to absorb any dirty energy, which often occurs with chronic diseases or pathologies of an acquired or congenital nature.

Famous massage therapists have long noticed that if you use an onyx egg during your procedures, a person will soon feel much better and most ailments and disorders will go away. Our grandmothers used the method with an ordinary egg in order to “roll out” the disease from a person.

The properties of the stone enhance this method many times over and help get rid of:

  • Back pain and headaches.
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Problems with joints and ligaments.
  • Liver and kidney diseases.

Mineral care

Cannot be stored next to other gems. You should have a separate box in which all jewelry and onyx products will be stored. If you ignore this condition, all magical and healing properties will come to naught, and the energy of the stone will be disrupted.

Wipe the mineral every week with a dry and clean cloth. Try to do everything carefully so that the fibers do not get stuck in the cut. It is allowed to use a soap solution if you need to remove dirt. It is better to dry the talisman naturally, so as not to expose it to high temperatures again.

Every month, charge the gem with the energy of the sun. To do this, take it out of the box and place it on the windowsill. At sunset, you need to hide the mineral in a permanent storage location. Moonlight should not be allowed to fall on it: it draws energy from the stone.

Physicochemical characteristics

Onyx is silicon dioxide, a chalcedony variety of quartz. The color of natural onyx is created by impurities.

The physical properties of onyx make it comparable to marble or granite. It surpasses them in frost resistance, water absorption or hardness.

ColorBrown with white and black patterns, red-brown, brown-yellow, honey, white with yellowish or pinkish layers.
TransparencyTranslucent to a depth of 3-4 cm
Density2.65—2.667 g/cm³

Areas of use

The main area of ​​use of onyx rocks is jewelry. Green, black, white and marble minerals are used to make jewelry. They make beautiful rings, earrings, bracelets, beads, rosaries and pendants.

The density of the stone allows it to be used for countertops and window sills. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it is suitable for covering kitchens and bathrooms. Bathroom walls are often decorated.

Marble onyx is used to create asymmetrical shelves and dishes.

Columns made of white onyx are erected in museums. Candlesticks, boxes and figurines are made from black and green minerals. Many figurines are used by sorcerers during magical rituals.

If you want to enhance the properties of a crystal, its frame should be made of silver. Try not to buy gold jewelry, because metals (except silver) weaken talismans.

The cut is created in several ways:

  • oval processing;
  • round;
  • cabochon.


The onyx frog is important in solving the problem of infertility for both men and women. She gives ladies a speedy onset of pregnancy, an easy course and childbirth without complications and unforeseen situations. It pushes men to recognize themselves as fathers, teaches them how to correctly understand their wives, and also solves the problem of infertility at the sperm level. It speeds them up and makes them healthier, which helps to quickly conceive a child without pathologies and abnormalities.

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If you choose such a talisman made of a dark mineral, you will be able to protect yourself from troubles in business, and will also learn to make important decisions regarding your career. The striped frog helps you find love and find happiness.

Remember that this is an amphibious creature, which means it constantly needs water. Rinse it regularly under running fresh water and do not let it become covered in dust.

What does a frog mean as a feng shui symbol?

The Money Frog refers to the financial aspect of our lives, and if you look at the famous Bagua Grid, this is the wealth sector in the Southeast. It’s easy to guess about this affiliation by looking at the pile of coins on which the toad sits.

In a narrow sense, a talisman promises wealth and brings money into the house.

This Feng Shui item ensures prosperity in personal income and success in financial transactions for both one’s own and workers’, so in addition to the home, the frog is often placed in the office at work. In general, it takes over the entire financial sector. This is precisely why many people acquire such a talisman, because it is more pleasant for everyone to live when the financial side of life is in order, and even more so if things are going uphill.

In a broader sense, a frog can also symbolize well-being in the home and be responsible for health. The toad makes sure that luck always accompanies the owner.

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, certain symbols and elements are able to catch and direct the corresponding flows of favorable energy in the right direction. This is how all areas in the house are arranged according to Feng Shui. So, in addition to monetary energy, the frog aims to attract all the prosperous flows of energy that are aimed at storing the hearth.

It also happens that the owners of the talisman tie five coins to its paws, called “Five Emperors” coins. These emperors are the first five rulers of China - the Qing dynasty. By supporting the frog, they provide it with the “Luck of the Five Directions” (North, South, East, West and (happiness, position, salary, longevity and wealth).

Place of extraction

Onyx is widespread on the planet. The most beautiful specimens are mined in Uruguay, Brazil, India, and Arabia. Australia and the USA have rich deposits. In Russia there are many gems in Chukotka, Kolyma, and Primorye. Raw materials for industrial purposes are mined in Turkey, Mexico, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Pakistan.


Turtles, due to their longevity and developed intelligence, compared with other reptiles, have long been revered as wise and important animals. They accumulate the power of the cosmos, bring luck and wealth to their owners, set them in a peaceful mood and teach them to appreciate every minute they live. It was thanks to these abilities that he was often kept as a pet and protected from everything. A similar tradition has survived to this day, especially among the islander peoples.

If there is no desire or opportunity to keep a real turtle, then all these functions and even more will be performed by an onyx turtle figurine.

Let's look at the meaning and influence of such a turtle on a person:

  1. As a collector of energy from space, it amplifies a person’s thoughts and desires and transforms them into reality.
  2. It can be used to improve things at work or with finances.
  3. Ancient people believed that the whole world rested on the back of a turtle, so it could become an assistant in achieving harmony in the family or in internal balance.

Symbol meaning

First of all, the turtle is an ancient symbol of the world order and world order. It is not for nothing that legends believe that it is this animal that supports the earth and everything that is on it. The turtle is a symbol of the basis, foundation, stability. She emphasizes that in order to successfully move through life, a person needs to rely on knowledge of the laws of the world order, spiritual principles, fundamental and inviolable truths. This basis is like a turtle’s shell, protecting from dangers, providing shelter and rest.

The turtle is also considered a symbol of perseverance, determination and hard work. Although not particularly mobile, turtles nevertheless always reach their desired destination, stubbornly overcoming obstacles and difficulties along the way. This animal is a symbol of diligent work, which is never fruitless or in vain. In addition, the work symbolized by the turtle is always well organized and thought out to the smallest detail, as a result of which it is successful.

Description and history of the gem

The characteristic by which onyx is identified is striping. In nature there are monochromatic specimens. The types of stone are classified according to the description.


Varieties of stone are created by alternating stripes of color:

  • sardonyx - brown and red, red and orange or brown and white;


  • Arabic - a thick black stone with barely noticeable white stripes;

    Arabic onyx

  • carnelian - red and white stripes;

    Onyx carnelian

  • chalcedony - gray and white;

    Chaldecone onyx

  • tricolor - white, brown-red, blue.

    Tricolor onyx

There are different examples:

  • onyx agate - gray with small fragments;

    Onyx agate

  • marble - full green range;

    Marble onyx

  • ordinary - the main shade (yellow, pink, beige or blue) with slightly lighter or darker stripes to match.

    Ordinary onyx

Onyx is mistaken for agate. However, in onyx, multi-colored layers form clear parallel lines on the cut. Agate has soft, vague patterns. It is matte and lighter.

Common colors of natural onyx are blue, greenish, brown or pink. The white stone is not pure, but pale aquamarine or tea rose color.

The rarest and most expensive are completely black stones. Next come white, red, green specimens.

Parallel stripes in the structure of the mineral give onyx a unique color background. Depending on the impurities included in the stone (iron, copper, calcium, etc.), the palette can be very diverse. The alternation of black and white veins gave it its name - Arabic onyx. A very beautiful combination in a classic style.

If the palette has white and bright red lines, then the stone is carnelian. Jewelry with it looks elegant and festive.

Brown, brown and white color is sardonyx. He also has another combination: red, white and yellowish-honey tones.

Stones with a greenish tint are called marble onyx. Greens can vary from soft light green to rich emerald.

Chalcedony - gray-white, ash color. Sometimes minerals of this type are found with blue and blue inclusions. A stone with strong energy. Amulets and amulets are famous for their reliable protection against evil influences.

Plain onyx does not occur in nature. What is notable about this stone is the clearly demarcated parallel of different colors.

Where is it used?

The attractive mineral is used in areas that decorate life - jewelry, design and arts and crafts.


Its strength has made the gem a material for jewelry of all types: bracelets, rings, necklaces, brooches, cufflinks.

Natural onyx stone is beautiful in its original form; jewelers put a minimum of effort into creating cabochon inserts.


Everything is made from stone: from figurines to facing panels.

Utilitarian and aesthetic functions in the interior combine:

  • tableware (wine glasses, dishes, bowls);
  • candlesticks;
  • caskets;
  • lampshades, lamps;
  • ashtrays;
  • stands for stationery sets;
  • countertops.

Chess made from dark and light varieties of the mineral is not a shame to present to the most discerning fan of the game.

Onyx chess

Residential, public, and office spaces become elegant with wall panels, mosaics, and stained glass windows made of stone. Especially if lighting is mounted behind the onyx slab. It can even be created in a bathhouse or swimming pool.


Onyx is a semi-precious or ornamental stone. Even jewelry pieces are valued in grams (not carats); ornamental materials are counted in kilograms.

The price is determined by the type of stone, but is always available.

The most expensive black and white onyx: rare because they are mined only in Arab countries. They go for jewelry. Variegated stones are valuable: the brighter and more varied the palette, the finer the stripes, the better.

The cost of onyx jewelry is more influenced by the precious setting or expensive gems:

  • with white or yellow metal – up to 1 thousand rubles;
  • 925 silver – 3–5 thousand rubles;
  • premium segment (gold, diamonds, black onyx) - 13–17 thousand rubles.

The material for cladding is assessed according to the dimensions of the product and the type of stone:

  • slab 18 mm thick - $400/m2;
  • agate raw materials - from 100 rubles/kg;
  • marble material - from 50 rub./kg.

Onyx tabletop
For a tabletop they ask from 10 thousand rubles.
The average price of onyx tumbling is 10 rubles. per gram.


Since the time of the taming of the wolf, the dog has remained a faithful companion, guard and protector in every sense. This loyal animal is capable of sacrificing itself for the good of its owner and does not attack the one who tamed it. The onyx dog, like its living prototype, also has in its meaning the main symbol of protection.

But here the powers are expanded and the protection of this animal mascot occurs in all aspects. This is both protection from dark magical influences (evil eye, damage, lapel, love spell), and physical protection. In addition, the owners of such souvenirs note a decrease in the number of quarrels in the family and an increase in income - the dog, as it were, closes the holes through which finances leak and saves them from discord.

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Christianity, Judaism and Eastern religions

What does a frog mean as a symbol in Christianity? Her image changed over time. At first she was associated with the resurrection. Churches even made candlesticks in the shape of this animal. They were engraved with the inscription: I am the Resurrection. However, the frog is not mentioned very positively in the book of the Apocalypse. It symbolizes ignorance, which wants to appear as wisdom, but in fact destroys it. In popular beliefs, amphibians were often represented as the souls of unbaptized babies and sinner girls. The toad was considered a symbol of money-grubbing, envy and greed.

In Judaism, the three-toed frog is a symbol of the neophyte - a person who has just begun to learn wisdom. He is on the path of development, his soul is still immature and requires a mentor. These amphibians are mentioned in the Pentateuch when describing the ten Egyptian punishments. In later times, the Christian tradition was borrowed - the frog began to be perceived as a symbol of rebirth.

In India and China, the frog is a symbol of the beginning of the rainy season. In both cultures, it is customary to sing a hymn to this animal, which resembles a croak. It was used to cause rain during times of severe drought. She was also associated with the moon, the night celestial body. In addition, in the east, an amphibian without a tail is a talisman for attracting money. We will talk about this in more detail when describing the art of Feng Shui.


An elephant figurine made from this stone has a deep sacred meaning. Despite the fact that we are accustomed to consider these giants to be very kind and even timid creatures, our ancestors would not agree with us. Looking at the elephant's power, incredible memory, kindness, help to the pack and majesty, in Africa and India it was recognized as a real king among all animals.

The largest animal on land was often used as an image for a talisman. An onyx elephant was considered a good gift for a ruler or a high-ranking official or manager, since such a gift combined the leader’s stone and the symbol of the king. It has been time-tested that such a figurine will help you make the right decisions that will affect the destinies of many people, as well as remain calm and reasonable even during times of severe stress.

An important point is the choice of the option with a raised or pubescent trunk. The meaning of an elephant talisman with a raised trunk is wealth, with a lowered one – protection from negativity.

It is best to place the figurine in your office on the table or, if you prefer to keep it at home, in the place where the computer is or where the papers are. When you choose a husband, do not allow him to place it near the family bed or in your bedroom in general. Since the elephant figurine will sow discord, under its influence you will begin to quarrel over the position of the head of the family, which can even lead to divorce.

How to wear and use onyx correctly

  1. Since the magical properties of a crystal are most strongly associated with the root chakra, the most effective jewelry is rings and bracelets.
  2. Onyx is recommended to be worn as a personal amulet when taking night walks, traveling, or any absences from home that could potentially be unsafe, both physically and mentally.
  3. Carry the stone with you during the period of rehabilitation after illness, as well as after any event that required enormous mental and physical strength from you. This could be a complex business project, a diet or fitness course, or a training event.
  4. If you are often teased or bullied by your coworkers, place a rock on your desk.
  5. Keep onyx with you when doing exercises to develop intuition.
  6. Are you afraid of the dark? Then place the mineral on the bedside table.
  7. To combat fungal and bacterial infections of the skin, place the stone overnight in a container of water and, if possible, expose it to moonlight. Treat the affected areas of the skin with “onyx infusion” several times a day.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, people not only enjoyed the beauty of the mineral and decorated clothes and utensils with it, but also knew and used the healing properties of onyx. The crushed stone was used to stop the bleeding and bandages were applied with it to heal the wound, ulcers and erosions on the mucous membranes were treated.

Onyx has a good effect on the nervous system. Helps with insomnia, relieves stress, cures depression. To do this, you need to have direct contact with the stone - take it in your hands, focus your gaze on the object, and relax. Several such sessions will significantly improve your well-being.

This wonderful mineral has a positive effect on all organs. He himself reads the negative situation. If a person is prone to obesity, then the stone will reduce the threshold of satiety. On the contrary, it will improve the appetite of a weakened person. The digestive system will function normally.

Headaches and migraines will leave the inhabitants of a house that contains figurines, vases or other decorative items made of onyx for a long time. Little children in this family will forget about the fears of a dark room and learn to fall asleep quickly.

But the mineral will most comfort the elderly. This is a stone for the wise, experienced, who have gone through a long journey in life. Green onyx will help you find people to talk to and brighten up loneliness, prolong your activity and the feeling of being in demand.

The healing properties of natural onyx have been used for centuries. The stone, its powder and water infused with onyx help:

  • the wound will heal faster if you sprinkle it with onyx powder;
  • powder is used to treat the oral cavity;
  • Water infused with crushed minerals is drunk to improve metabolism or lose weight.

The decoration with the stone is placed at the level of the problem area:

  • eyes, ears - earrings with marble stone;
  • arthritis - bracelet;
  • heart - pendant in red shades;
  • therapeutic massage - an onyx egg is used, and the sore spot is lightly pressed with a stone every day.

Onyx is a talisman that resists diseases:

  • headache or migraine;
  • fever or inflammation;
  • stuttering (black stone);
  • potency (for men you need red-striped);
  • absent-mindedness;
  • rheumatism, cardiovascular diseases, asthma or oncology;
  • colic, kidney pain or liver disease.

Black onyx
The properties of natural stone harmonize the functioning of organs, improving the human condition. The gem fights laziness, fatigue, restores a positive attitude and drives away gloomy thoughts. Prevents drug addiction or alcoholism. The thicker the stripes, the more powerful the magical properties of such onyx.

Green onyx rejuvenates the body, strengthens the immune system or helps overcome fatigue.

Activation and handling of the frog

Just the right location is not enough. Now let's talk about activating the talisman.

I would like to note that if your frog has red inserts in the eyes or on the coin, you can skip the activation, it is considered that the amulet is already working, but you can do this to enhance the effect.

Following the teachings of Feng Shui, the toad should be placed in a small container filled with water, then left for a day, and then removed without wiping and placed in a designated place.

If your toad is not red, you will need to place a red napkin or mat underneath it. You can also tie a red thread or ribbon. Red is the color of activation.

As for your personal affairs, I advise you to start dealing with debts and financial problems immediately after the purchase, since the frog does not like debtors and those who neglect their income. Start planning your budget.

As I already said, the toad’s element is water, so water treatments a couple of times a week will come in handy. Moreover, the toad loves to be treated well.

If you periodically talk to the amulet, respectfully asking for a favor, do not forget to take care of it and keep it in good shape, the talisman will definitely answer you with help.

Magic properties

All varieties have magical properties. The stone helps strong people who are not afraid to take responsibility. The best option for a talisman and amulet for commanders, emergency workers, teachers or leaders in other areas.

Overall Impact

The meaning of a stone for a person is multifaceted:

  • improves memory, develops logic, intelligence;
  • helps to complete the task;
  • activates or develops talents;
  • helps to become a speaker (beads on the neck or a small stone under the tongue);
  • strengthens self-confidence;
  • helps to gain the authority of others.

The stone makes the owner wise, purposeful, resilient and courageous. Suitable for young, hot-headed people: they will assess the situation and act calmly.

Beads made of natural blue onyx
For older people, the stone gives peace, health, and does not allow them to become despondent.

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The magical properties of natural onyx are determined by the variety.

The gem attracted not only its beauty and diversity - the magical properties of onyx stone have been known for a long time. Rulers, generals, and influential businessmen always carried a talisman made from this gem. It gives strength, energy, impetus to achieve your goal. The owner of the amulet is always collected, has a sober mind, and determination. The stone helps you choose the only correct solution in a difficult situation.

The magic of the mineral helps speakers, politicians, and public people to beautifully express their thoughts. It used to be believed that in order to perform well or attract attention, you need to put a blue onyx bead under your tongue. Then success will be guaranteed. There is no need to resort to such extremes now. For this occasion, a pendant, beads or earrings made of a gem of any color are well suited. Even if they are blue or black.

The mineral helps wonderfully in family life - it strengthens mutual understanding, improves relationships, and maintains a warm atmosphere in the home. An onyx pyramid in the matrimonial bedroom will create a favorable and harmonious atmosphere. Quarrels will subside, even already cooling feelings will resume.

A talisman made of white onyx will not allow the owner to be harmed by otherworldly forces. Sentences, evil eye, damage will be ineffective. On the contrary, all bad intentions will be mirrored on the author of the wishes. The magical meaning of the stone in this case is the most powerful. White color instantly reads negative energy and neutralizes it or sends it to the source.

From the magical characteristics of the mineral it is clear that it has strength in different directions. Gives courage and confidence, helps to glue family relationships, protects against bad influence. It is worth noting that onyx is not quite as benign as it looks. He is quite headstrong and capricious.

How to recognize a fake?

Onyx, despite its cheapness and availability, is often counterfeited and sold to the buyer by an unscrupulous seller as a real mineral. In order not to make a mistake when purchasing products made from this gem, you need to know about some of its features:

  1. A natural gem has a harmonious color scheme and pattern, while a fake has sharp color transitions, and its layers can be crooked when viewed through a magnifying glass.
  2. Due to its high hardness, onyx cannot be scratched by the tip of a needle or knife. The stone itself can easily leave a scratch on the glass.
  3. Natural stone does not conduct heat, so it will always remain cold in your hand.

Natural onyx retains color fastness under any influence, while fake stones fade or become discolored.


The power of onyx will be nearby if you have miniature things or stone figurines with you:

  • Pyramid or apple. A godsend for sick people. The gem is applied to the problem area, and after a few weeks an improvement is felt.
  • Fish. Attribute of careerists: attracts good luck, high earnings, will help you pass an exam or win a casting.
  • Dishes. Plates, glasses, glasses are an excellent family purchase. Enhance the taste of food or drinks.
  • Ring with black onyx. Talisman for businessmen: helps to establish connections and avoid losses. The rest will be more confident with this decoration, increase their self-esteem or get rid of old psychological traumas.

The magical properties of the stone are enhanced in silver. Gold awakens leadership qualities. For people eager to achieve career heights in a dishonest way, the stone is useless.

Any object made of stone will protect your home from robbers or destruction.

The meaning of onyx for the human psyche

Magical properties are largely associated with its influence on the psychic sphere.

  • The mineral helps to cope with hyperactivity, inattention, “wind” and “fog” in the head. Gives you the opportunity to concentrate and begin solving any task or lesson with greater zeal and courage.
  • Suitable for people experiencing emotional stress for a long time.
  • Reduces excessive sexual desire caused by lust alone.
  • Helps get rid of old irrational thinking and harmful habits that prevent you from moving forward and lead to neurosis.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

According to astrologers, the stone is suitable for strong personalities of the entire zodiac circle.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion

("" - fits perfectly, "" - can be worn, "-" - strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

Combining magically powerful onyx with other gems requires caution. Current or potential leaders do not need amethyst, ruby ​​or pearl. Gems will calm and relax the owner. But it is dangerous for a leader to “rest on his laurels.”

Silver ring with onyx

The Earth element stone is incompatible with fire minerals. Pavel Globa believes that energetically it conflicts with citrine.

Jewelry stone evaluation

Onyx does not belong to the first row of gems, so it is rarely awarded expensive frames made of gold or platinum. A popular, affordable and sought-after combination for jewelry is onyx in silver.

The gem is not cut, but processed into a round or oval cabochon to maximize the beauty of the stone.

There are jewelry made of stone (beads, bracelets, pendants) and products inlaid with Onyx.

A black monochrome mineral or with white, yellow, golden, green stripes is considered jewelry. But such specimens are rare. They also use light stone - white, gray, blue, pink. A special case is black Onyx. It is used for rings, cufflinks, and bracelets for men that look discreet and status-worthy.

In women's jewelry it is combined with first-line precious stones - emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, rubies and simpler gems - pearls, smoky quartz, and others.

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