Dragon in Feng Shui: a protector that attracts wealth and happiness

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the dragon is a fundamental creature for veneration - strong and wise, endowed with a bunch of qualities that were attributed mainly to emperors. And to be born in the year of the Dragon is generally the grace of heaven. For any Chinese, you will directly become a matchmaker, friend and brother if he finds out that you were born in the Year of the Dragon. Why is that?

Dragon in feng shui

There are many versions about the role dragons played in the life of humanity. For some, these are some ancient civilizations that lived on our planet and were simply animals - dinosaurs. For some, dragons are the same mythologically interesting ancient animals of a mythical nature that accompanied various ancient cultures, for example the culture of Ancient China.

It is known that this ancient race of Dragons were protectors of people and the Earth, their main task was to maintain balance and preserve secret knowledge about the structure of the world. After all, everyone has seen films in which dragons in caves guard some untold riches and what tests those who come for gold have to go through.

Dragon in the cave

Only in films do we see a more down-to-earth picture, that these riches are precious stones and precious metals, but in fact, dragons kept knowledge, information about the structure of the universe, which is more valuable than any gold. Hence the belief that defeating a dragon or taming a dragon means going through fire, water and copper pipes, and ultimately taking the path of spiritual development.

Do you remember in Russian fairy tales what the good fellow had to do with the Serpent Gorynych? That's right, definitely win! That's it.

Zmey Gorynych, Kudykina Mountain, Lipetsk region

Dragons have a unique property - they can control the ether (in Feng Shui, Qi Energy) at a level that we have never even dreamed of. They are literally woven from ether and everything that exists around them is magic. Dragons themselves are a clot of that same magic, therefore, when in some chronicles and fairy tales they are described as fire-breathing, this is not an entirely correct phrase.

The fact is that they control the ether so much that they melt it with thought forms. Do you know that if you melt a gas, and ether has the ability to do this, then plasma is formed. This is how the same plasma-fire that we see in images or films about dragons is formed. Of course, the force here is mostly not fiery, it is more like a radioactive or nuclear explosion, that is, the power is absolutely stunning.

Chinese Dragon - Long Wang

But this is not the only ability of dragons. They are also able to change shape, take on certain forms, moreover, they are able to speak telepathically, and this is the highest measure of magical development. Knowing this, people in Asian countries have always revered dragons and have intensively used and continue to use images and figures of dragons in all areas of life, from architecture to jewelry, talismans, and coins.

What does a Chinese dragon look like?

I think everyone knows perfectly well what a dragon looks like - it is a powerful flying reptile that breathes fire. But we must understand that dragons are different.

There are a large number of classifications, but the simplest is associated with 9 types of dragons:

  1. Heavenly
  2. Spiritual
  3. Winged
  4. Serpentine
  5. Horned
  6. Nosy
  7. Yellow
  8. Water
  9. Guardian Dragon

Conventionally, this entire classification of dragon species differs by habitat (water, air, underground, etc.) or by body features (with wings, without wings, with a large nose, etc.).

Water dragon

So, according to Feng Shui, the Chinese worship the king of all dragons, the largest of all representatives - Long Wang, the lord of water and sky, who has the body of a snake, the head of a camel, the antlers of a deer, the scales of a carp, the legs and claws of an eagle, the paws of a tiger, the eyes of a demon and the ears of a cow. He has a bump on his head that allows him to fly into the sky without wings. And unlike European dragons, Chinese is a symbol of goodness, wisdom and protection. He is not aggressive towards a person, but rather patronizes him. Lun lives in the sky in summer, in the sea in autumn, and sleeps underground in winter.

True, its descriptions may differ in different treatises. For example, if this concerned the dragon as a symbol of the horoscope, then it was believed that it absorbs the attributes of 11 other signs: the mustache of a rat, the claws and teeth of a tiger, the horns of a bull, the body of a snake, the beard of a goat, the legs of a horse, the comb of a rooster, the ears of a dog, the muzzle a boar, but the resourcefulness of a monkey. That is, such a collective image, the main one above all.

Western dragon

What is also noteworthy is that the Chinese dragon (龍, lun) has its own digital codes associated with the universe. There are 117 scales on his body - this is the number of 1/3 days in a year. Of these, 81 have the energy of the masculine (Yang), and 36 of the feminine (Yin). These numbers are multiples of 9, and nine is known to be a fundamental number in many cultures, not just Chinese. Thus, we get 9 male nodes (9x9=81) and 4 female nodes (4x9=36). All together this gives the beginning of new life and energy.

Chinese culture and mythology

In Chinese mythology, the magical animal occupies a dominant position. This essence is the king of folk legends and tales. There were a lot of legends, myths, and fairy tales, since he himself is a fantastic creature.

A book called “Journey to the West” gained great popular popularity. It is written in Chinese and occupies an important place in the country's literature. The main characters of the book are dragons.

The dragon in Chinese culture means wisdom, life, light. In old times, the creature was the guardian of jewelry, later it was considered the patron of fertility. The appearance of an animal is a joyful omen. On this day great and brilliant people are born. There is a legend about Confucius: when he was born, two winged mythical beasts descended into his house - harbingers of a joyful event.

There is a belief that the creature is the personification of masculinity, strength, and power. And a long time ago, people believed about his relationship with girls. If a woman saw an entity in a dream or in the sky above her house, then an outstanding sovereign, an emperor, will definitely be born to her or appear in her family.

Dragon and China

For the Chinese, a dragon is the personification of strength, flexibility, intelligence, elusiveness, power, power - in a word, those qualities that should be inherent in an emperor. All the symbolism associated with the dragon, first of all, was at one time available only to emperors and had a pronounced Yang energy, and counterbalancing it with Yin energy was the image of the mythical bird - the Red Phoenix. Therefore, the empress (the emperor's wife) had the right to use images of the Phoenix in her clothing and jewelry.

Dragon and Phoenix

Often on souvenir products you can see a combination of images of the Dragon and Phoenix - this is a reference to the tandem of love, harmony, family, and relationships.

From the point of view of astronomers and astrologers of antiquity, the Dragon was associated with such a compass direction as the East. This group of stars symbolizes the Palace of Spring, and the voice (or voice) of the Dragon is the sound of thunder.

In ancient times, the image of the Dragon was on the national flag of China, but with the arrival of the European “masters,” the authorities had to remove the dragon, since it had a rather intimidating effect on foreigners and evoked thoughts of hidden aggression and disobedience.

Dragons on the roof

However, the common people were against this and still continued to worship the dragon and use its images everywhere. This has been preserved to this day - there is no dragon on the flag, but it is in the culture of the country and the souls of the people. Every year in China there are festivals of veneration with massive processions of dragon figures.

During the years of the Dragon, China experiences birth booms (the next Year of the Dragon will be in 2024), therefore it is believed that in such a year a gifted, intelligent person is born, who can even become a ruler. Or if he doesn’t become a ruler, he can easily achieve heights in life. This is a great honor for the family. If such a child is born into a poor family, then high hopes are placed on him.

Dragons - from fearsome predators to gods

All the dragons known to mankind are gathered here together.
What they are called, the properties inherent in dragons and the perception of dragons by different cultures of mankind. A dragon is a mythical creature, typically depicted as a large and powerful snake or other reptile endowed with magical or spiritual qualities. Dragons have some abilities typically associated with them in almost all cultures of the world. Origin of the word The word "Dragon" comes from the Greek drakon

(genitive case;
), which means "snake, sea fish."
The lexical root of this word is drak
, or otherwise
, “to see clearly.”
The literal translation of the word drakon
is from the Latin “sees alone.”
Overview Dragons are usually depicted as snakes or reptiles that hatch from eggs and have extremely large, usually scaly bodies. Often depicted with large eyes. This feature is the basis of the word "dragon" in the local dialect of many cultures. Also often (but not always), dragons are depicted with wings and fiery breath. Some dragons have no wings at all, and look more like long snakes. Dragons can have a different number of legs: none, two or four. In modern understanding, dragons are very large in size, but some early European descriptions of dragons indicated that they were the size of a bear, and in some cases even smaller, the size of a butterfly. Although dragons (or dragon-like creatures) are present in legends throughout the world, different cultures have represented them differently. Chinese dragons, and oriental dragons in general, are usually benevolent, while European dragons are usually malevolent (there are, of course, exceptions). Malevolent dragons are also present in Persian mythology, and in other cultures. Dragons are especially popular in China. Their figurines are made there and then used in celebrations. Dragon figurines are often kept in homes, and have spiritual significance in various religions and cultures around the world. This happens in many Eastern and American (indigenous) cultures, and in some others, and are representatives of the basic forces of nature and the universe. Many cultures say that they are wiser than humans. However, dragons have powers of magic or other paranormal abilities, and are often associated with wells, rain and rivers. In some cultures, dragons can even speak human language. Chinese dragon, Chinese school style engraving, 19th century
Dragons are very popular characters in fantasy literature, role-playing games and video games.
The term "Dragoon" in the infantry, denoting a soldier who rides a horse but still fights like an infantryman, comes from their first firearm - the "dragon" - a wide musket that emitted a large flame when fired and therefore was named after this mythical animal. Symbolism In medieval symbolism, dragons were often symbols of treason and betrayal, as well as anger and envy, and ultimately symbolized great evil. Several heads symbolized decadence and oppression, as well as heresy. But they also symbolized independence, leadership and strength. Many dragons also symbolize wisdom. Killing a dragon not only gave access to its treasures, but also meant that the hero had defeated the most cunning of all creatures. In some cultures, especially Chinese and Himalayan cultures, dragons are believed to bring good luck. Joseph Campbell, in his work The Power of Myth, viewed the dragon as a symbol of theology or superiority because it represents the unity of Heaven and Earth, combining the form of the serpent (earthly) with that of the bird (celestial). Dragon drainpipe in Ulm Munster
Dragons have both masculine and feminine traits, as in Aboriginal myths, where a dragon raises a child for future adulthood, teaching how to survive in the world.
Another contrast in dragon depictions is their ability to breathe fire yet live in the ocean. Those. combine fire and water together. Joseph Campbell's work states that they also include the opposing elements of earth and sky. Dragons represent a combination of opposing forces of the cosmos. Dobrynya Nikitich kills the Serpent Gorynych, Author Ivan Bilibin
Another symbolic representation of dragons is
- “a serpent eating itself.”
It symbolizes eternity. Natural cycles, their beginning and end. Drawing by Theodoros Pelecanos Engraving by Lucas Jennis (Theodoros Pelecanos), in the alchemical treatise "Synosius" "De Lapide Philisophico" Dragons in Christianity The Latin word "dragon", "draco" (genitive case: draconis) actually means snake , emphasizing the common ancient European association of dragons with snakes rather than lizards or dinosaurs, as is commonly done today.
The medieval biblical interpretation of the Devil, who appeared in the form of a serpent who seduced Adam and Eve, served as a reason for identifying the dragon with evil. In biblical literature itself, such an association is practically absent, with the exception of the “Apocalypse” (Book of Revelation) of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian. The demonic opponents of God, Christ, and all Christians were usually depicted as reptiles or chimeras. In Genesis Chapter 41, there are references to the sea monster Leviathan, which has some dragon-like features. In Revelation chapter 12, verse 3, a huge red animal with seven heads is described, whose tail spans one-third of the stars from Heaven to Earth (symbolizing the fall of the angels). Most translations use the original Greek word “dragon” to refer to this animal. In iconography, some saints are depicted slaying a dragon. This is how Saint George is depicted in Egyptian and Coptic iconography, Saint George the Victorious on the coat of arms of Moscow and Saint Mercerialis in Italy. Saint Jalian of Le Mans, Saint Veran, Saint Crescentinas, and Saint Leonard Norblak were also depicted as slaying dragons. But there is also a statement that the dragons were good before they fell into sin, just like the people expelled from the Garden of Eden. Also in Christianity it turns out that if dragons really existed, then they were created just like any other creature. What Brian Davis wrote about in his book “Dragons Among Us.”

Dragon carved on the facade of Hopperstad Church in Norway
Dragons and the Chinese Zodiac The years 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048, 2060 are considered the years of the dragon in the Chinese Zodiac.
The Chinese Zodiac implies that people born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, intemperate, and stubborn. They are also honest, sensitive, brave, and can be trusted. The Chinese Zodiac implies that people born in the Year of the Dragon are the most eccentric of all people born under any other sign. They do not like to borrow money, do not make pretentious speeches, but have a tendency to be soft-hearted, which often makes it possible to manipulate others. People born in the year of the dragon are compatible with people born in the year of the Rat, Snake, Monkey, and Rooster. In East Asia , Dragons in Asia are usually symbols of good luck or health, and are sometimes even worshiped. Asian dragons are seen as mythical rulers of weather, rain and water, and are usually depicted as guardians of pearls.

In China, as well as in Japan and Korea, the Blue Dragon is one of the four symbols of the Chinese constellation, symbolizing spring. Chinese dragons are often depicted clutching a large pearl, although some say it is actually a dragon's egg. The Chinese believe that dragons lived primarily underwater, and sometimes give rice as a gift to the dragons. Dragons are not depicted with wings like European dragons because they were supposed to be able to fly using magic. Yellow dragon (Huang long)

with five claws on each foot, symbolizes the change of seasons, the element of Earth (this is a kind of Chinese 'fifth element') and the center.
In addition, it symbolizes the imperial power in China, and one might say that of all Chinese people. Chinese people often refer to their ancestry as "Dragon Descendants" as a sign of ethnic identity. The dragon is also a symbol depicted on coins in Bhutan (the coin is called Druk Gyalpo
, or King Dragon).
In Vietnam, the dragon is the most important and sacred symbol. According to the ancient creation myth " Kinh
", all Vietnamese people are descended from dragons.
The eldest of their 100 sons founded the first dynasty. The image of Naga, a minor deity who takes the form of a snake, is often found in Buddhism and Buddhist traditions. Technically, Naga
is not a dragon, although it is often presented as such.
The term is ambiguous, and refers both to the tribe of people known as the "Nagas" and to elephants and common snakes. Within a mythological context, Naga was a deity who took the form of a snake with one or more heads. Sometimes the Buddha is depicted sitting on a coiled snake, with several snake heads crawling over his body. This is Mucalinda, the Naga who protects the Buddha during his training. People unfamiliar with the story of Buddha see only Makalida's head and think that he is a dragon and not a deity in snake form. The railings of staircases in Buddhist temples are often made to resemble the body of a Naga, with the head at the base of the railing. In Thailand, the head of Naga, presented in an even more unusual form, is often visible on the corners of the roofs of houses, while the body of Naga adorns the gables. Those. Naga seems to protect the house. Naga guard of the temple of Wat Sizaketa in Viang Channel, Laos
In Hindu mythology,
are creatures similar to snakes, or dragons.
Indra, the Hindu storm god, killed Vritra, a large snake living on the mountain. The Vietnamese dragon is a combined image of a crocodile, snake, lizard and bird. Historically, Vietnamese people lived near rivers and greatly feared and revered crocodiles. The Vietnamese called them " Giao long
This was the first species of Vietnamese dragon. Then, many types of dragons appeared in architecture, painting, literature and in the consciousness of the Vietnamese. In Greek mythology, there are many legends about snakes or dragons, in which, as a rule, the snake or dragon is guarding some kind of treasure. The first kings of Athens, according to legend, were half men and half snakes. The dragon Ladon
the Golden Apples of the Sun
, belonging to the Hesperides.
Another serpentine dragon guarded the Golden Fleece, protecting it from theft by Jason and the Argonauts. Likewise, Pythia
, a pair of snakes, guarded the temple of Gaia and his oracle, before the Delphic Oracle was captured by Apollo, who decorated his winged caduceus with the skins of these snakes, which was given to him by Hermes.
The Greek myths of Hercules, Ladon, and others are believed by some to be based on an earlier myth from Canaan in which the Israelite god Yahweh overcame Leviathan. These stories also go back to even more ancient stories about Hitt or Harrian, who had to overcome the dragon Illuniakas
, who lived in the sea.
In Australian Aboriginal mythology, the Rainbow Snake
was a hero of myth in many parts of Australia.
It was known by many names in all places from Waugala, in south-west Niagara, to the Gunba deserts in the north, to Wanambe, in southern Australia. Associated with lakes and rivers, the rainbow snake was to be respected and feared. Speculation about the origin of dragons Where the original concept of "dragon" came from is currently unknown, since there is no generally accepted scientific theory, and there is no evidence that would confirm the existence of dragons now or in the past. While the very existence of dragons may be true or false, the undeniable fact is that dragons are present in myth in so many places that have had no contact with each other. It is theorized that dragons may be some kind of common representation of a creature among humans, along with common psychological tendencies among groups of humanity. Some believe that the dragon may have had a real prototype, from which various legends arose. For example, dinosaurs or other archaeosaurs. But there is no evidence to support this hypothesis, only supposed sightings studied within the framework of cryptozoology (the targeted search for animals whose existence has not been proven or is considered impossible in a given area and/or at a given time (for example, the Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot and etc.)). According to this hypothesis, there are giant lizards, like Megalania
, which are descendants of dinosaurs.
All of these hypotheses are considered by many to be pseudoscience or myth. The first dinosaur fossils found were once thought of as "dragon bones." This discovery, made in 300 BC in Sichuan Province in China, was named Chang Qu
It's unlikely, but there's a chance that it was this discovery that sparked or strengthened the legends of flying monsters. Herodotus, often called the "father of history", visited Judea in 450 BC and wrote that he had heard of caged dragons in neighboring Arabia, near Petra in Jordan. Out of curiosity, he traveled to these places and found many skeletal remains of snakes and collected many reports of flying snakes flying from Arabia to Egypt, but being fought off by Ibises. According to Marco Polo's journals, as he walked through Anatolia into Persia, he encountered actual living flying dragons that attacked his personal caravan in the desert. He reported that dragons were very scary animals that almost killed him when they attacked. Polo did not write this story down in a journal right away, but dictated it to a cellmate while he was in prison, and there is currently a great debate about whether this man may have simply made up a dragon to embellish Marco Polo's story. Polo was also the first Westerner to describe Chinese "dragon bones". These bones were apparently the fossils described in Chang Qu, or the bones of other animals. The ancient Mesopotamian god Mardak and his dragon, on a Babylonian seal
There is another hypothesis put forward by supporters of the catastrophe theory.
It says that comets and the lines in the sky they form gave rise to legends of flaming serpents in the sky. In Old English, comets were sometimes called fyrene dracan or flame dragons. Volcanic eruptions may also have been responsible for reinforcing the belief in dragons, although instances of eruptions in European and Asian countries were rare. Saint George slays the dragon. Red dragon on the Flag of Wales Painting by Paolo Uccelo, 1470 Classification of dragons
Russian dragons Origin



Slavic dragons

Serpent, serpent, serpent

Similar to European dragons, but with many heads. They breathe fire and leave a trail of flames as they fly. In Slavic culture and related ones, dragons symbolize evil. Dragons are often given Turkic names (for example, Zilant), symbolizing the long-standing conflict between the Slavs and the Turks.

Tatar dragons Zilant Looks like a winged snake. Zilant is a symbol of Kazan. Zilant himself is the Russian personification of the Tatar dragon, that is, the snake.

Siberian dragonYilbegan Similar to European, Turkic and Slavic dragons

Chuvash dragonsVere Selen Chuvash dragons represent the pre-Islamic mythology of this republic.

European dragons


Scandinavian and Germanic dragons The lindworm, also called the "Snake Dragon", is a very large wingless snake with two legs. But Lindworm is actually closer to a winged dragon. Such dragons were believed to eat cattle and symbolize pestilence. On the other hand, seeing Lindworm was considered good luck. The dragon Fafnir, slain by the legendary hero Sigurd, was called ormr ('worm') in ancient Norse. He really was a giant snake. He didn't fly and didn't breathe fire. On the other hand, the dragon killed by the English hero Beowulf actually flew and breathed fire and was actually a European dragon.

Welsh DragonY Ddraig Goch, Zomok The red dragon is a traditional symbol of Wales and can be seen on the Welsh national flag. A large snake living in the swamp that regularly kills pigs or sheep. But she can easily be killed by several shepherds who go hunting for her.

Hungarian dragons Sarkanyok Sarkanykigyo Sarkany A giant winged snake that is actually an adult Zomok. Often uses garabonciasok (this is a special type of magic). Sarkanikigio controls storms and causes bad weather. Dragon in human form. Most of them are giants with many heads. Their power lies in their heads. If they lose their heads, they become weak.

Romanian dragonsBalaur (balaur) Balaur is very similar to the Slavic serpent. Very large, and with many heads.

Austrian Dragons Cuelebres In Austrian mythology, Cuelebres are giant winged serpents that live in caves, where they guard treasures and kidnapped Khanas (nymphs). They can live for many centuries and, when they become very old, they begin to use wings to fly. Their breath is poisonous and they often kill cattle for food. The Austrian word Cuelebre comes from the Latin colubra, meaning snake.

Basque dragonsHerensuge SagaarIn Basque it means "dragon". According to legend, Saint Michael descended from heaven to kill Herensuz, but only when God agreed to accompany him. Because Mikhail was frightened by this creature. One of the gods of Basque mythology, also called Maju, was similar to a snake, although it could take other forms.

Asian dragons


The Indonesian dragon Naga or Nogo Naga is a mythical animal from Vindonesian mythology. The myth about her covers almost all the islands of Indonesia, especially those influenced by Hindu culture. Like its Indian counterpart, the Indonesian Naga views this as something divine in nature. Is benevolent, and is often associated with sacred mountains, forests, or certain parts of the sea. In some parts of Indonesia, the dragon or Naga is depicted as a giant snake with a golden crown on its forehead. And there is a belief among some Indonesian peoples that Nagas still exist on uncharted mountains, lakes and active volcanoes. In Java and Bali, dragons are represented as perfect creatures that the gods sent to the earth to support the goodness and prosperity of people. Some who live there claim to have seen this legendary animal and considered it a good omen. But if the dragons spoke to them, then this is considered a warning of trouble or failure.

Chinese Dragon Lung A lightweight creature with a long, serpentine shape, combined with various characteristics of other animals. Most (but not all) are wingless. The creature has four claws on each foot (five on the Imperial emblem). They are the lords of weather, water, and also a symbol of power. The paws may carry dragon eggs, although some sources say they are pearls.

Japanese dragon Ryu (Ryu) Similar to Chinese and Korean dragons, but with three claws instead of four. They are benevolent (with some exceptions) and can grant wishes. Rarely seen in Japanese mythology.

The Vietnamese dragon Longo Balaur is very similar to the Slavic serpent. Very large, and with many heads.

Austrian dragons Cuelebre The bodies of these dragons bend in 12 waves, which symbolize the 12 months of the year. They can influence the weather and are responsible for the harvest. On the back of the dragon there are several horns. The head has a long mane and beard. Big eyes, a ridge on the nose, but no horns. The mouth is depicted as large and open, with a long, thin tongue. They always keep a gem in their mouth (a symbol of humanity, nobility and knowledge).

Korean Dragon Yong Yo Kyo The Heavenly Dragon is essentially equivalent to the Chinese Leung. Like Leung, Yong and other Korean dragons control water and weather. A hornless ocean dragon, sometimes called a sea serpent. A dragon living in the mountains.

Indian DragonsVyalee and NagaThere is some debate as to whether Vyalee can truly be considered a dragon. It was found in ancient temples where Goddess Parvati was worshiped. Naga is the main dragon of Indian and Hindu mythology. Nagas are magical snakes that live in water. Their king wears a golden crown on his head. Nagas are associated with Buddha and mainly with the god Vishnu and his incarnations - Dasavataras. When Krishna was still a child, he fought with Naga, who captured the water of the lake.

American dragons


Central American dragon Amphitere A winged deity who takes the form of a snake. Should have given knowledge to humanity. Sometimes it was also a symbol of death and the beginning of a new life.

Inca Dragon Amaru A dragon (sometimes called a snake) in Inca culture. The last Inca emperor Tapak Amaru had a name that translated means “Dragon of God”

Brazilian dragon Boi-tata A dragon-like creature (sometimes snake-like) in Brazilian culture.

Chilean dragons Caicaivilu and Tentenvilu Dragons in the form of a snake. Kaikaiwilu was the sea god and Tentenwilu was the god of land. Both originate from the Chilean island of Chiloe.

African dragons


Amphisbaena's African Dragon Perhaps first appeared in northern Africa (and later myths about it moved to Greece). Amphisbaena was a two-headed dragon (one head was in front, the other was at the end of his tail). The front head held the tail (or neck as appropriate) in its mouth. Those. the dragon created a wheel from its body that allowed it to roll.

Dragon-like creatures


Basilisk The Basilisk is the offspring of the union of a rooster and a snake. He looks like a lizard or snake, and can kill with his gaze, voice, or touch of the victim. Like Medusa, a basilisk can die if it sees itself in a mirror.

Leviathan In Jewish mythology, Leviathan was a large creature with huge teeth. Modern translations present leviathan as a crocodile, but in the Bible, leviathan can breathe fire, can fly, cannot be penetrated by a spear or harpoon, can crawl along sheer walls, its teeth are very close together, could swallow a person whole, thus he doesn't look much like a crocodile. For a long time, this word was used to refer to any large sea creature. In modern Hebrew, "leviathan" simply means whale. Leviathan is more snake-like and lives in water.

The Winged Dragon is more similar to a regular dragon than any of the other creatures listed here. A winged dragon is a winged snake with two legs or no legs at all. The winged dragon is often used in heraldry, where it is very different from the four-legged dragon.

SerpentDerived from the Slavic dragon. The serpent takes the form of a man, can fly and breathe fire.

Cockatrice A bird-like reptile that is often confused with a basilisk. In Gerald Derrell's book, they attempt to kill all the dragons by stealing the last eggs

Quetzl: A Central American or Mexican creature with both scales and feathers, worshiped by the Toltecs and Aztecs. Also called the Feathered Serpent.

Famous dragons

Azhi Dahaka

was a three-headed demon, often described as resembling a dragon. It is part of Zoroastrian mythology.

Ugarian myth describes a seven-headed sea serpent named Lotan



in Greek mythology, a water snake with many heads and magical powers. When one head is cut off, two more immediately grow in its place. This creature was defeated by Hercules.

Smoke Wawelski

- a Polish dragon that terrorized all the hills around Krakow in the Middle Ages.

Y Drag Gotch

(Y Ddraig Goch) - a symbol of Wales, originally depicted as a red dragon from the Mabinogion story of Lludd and Llewelis.


- a dragon from Norse mythology who was said to live in the darkest part of the Underworld, waiting for the coming of Ragnarok to free him to unleash destruction on the world.


- an eight-headed snake killed by Susanoo in Japanese mythology

Dragons on emblems The dragon is the emblem of Ljubljana, Slovenia. There is a dragon bridge in the city, which is decorated with four dragons. The city's basketball club, nicknamed the "Green Dragons". City car licenses also contain an image of a dragon.

Y Ddraig Goch (Welsh for "Red Dragon") is depicted on the national flag of Wales (the flag itself is also called "Y Drag Goch").

This dragon is the most famous in Great Britain. There are many legends about him.

Representations of the creature

According to illustrator Todd Lockwood, dragons have much in common with cats, which is expressed in their structure and character, but they cannot resemble snakes or lizards. Dragons must have developed muscles to fly. The artist also considers them intelligent creatures[14]

In a similar way, the main character of the How to Train Your Dragon book series by British children's writer Cressida Cowell is depicted as a dragon with the varied habits of a cat, the same goes for film adaptations of books (How to Train Your Dragon, etc.)

Dragons in fantasy and video games:

Alduin from Skyrim - His nickname "World Eater" comes from Nordic myths that describe him as a terrible, furious firestorm that destroyed the previous world so that this one could begin. For this reason, the Nords see him as the god of time, both the creator and harbinger of the apocalypse. He does not lead the Norse pantheon, but he is its source, albeit dark and frightening.

Galakrond is a giant proto-dragon, the progenitor of the entire dragon family in the world of Azeroth from the game Warcraft, who went crazy and terrorized all his children.

He was the threat that five proto-dragons of different colors - future aspects - united against.

It is believed that the Aspects were created by the Titans. However, this is just a rumor so that the truth about Galakrond remains closed to most dragons.

I would also like to touch on one more boss of this game.

World of Warcraft's third expansion, Cataclysm, released in 2010, saw drastic changes as the dragon Deathwing wreaked havoc across Azeroth. The destruction affected entire locations and changed the world around us. Naturally, Deathwing became the final boss of the expansion and a ferocious opponent for players. Years have passed, and now you can humiliate Deathwing by riding a dragon mount in his likeness so you don't forget who defeated him.

Ancalagon is the first winged dragon of Middle-earth, the ancestor of all winged fire-breathing dragons. The winged dragons represented the last reserve of Morgoth's forces in the War of Wrath. Thanks to their onslaught, for the first time in the entire war, the Dark Lord managed not only to stop, but also to reverse the troops of Valinor advancing on Thangorodrim.

Balerion was the dragon of Aegon the Conqueror during the War of Conquest. Also known as the Black Horror. He was the largest and oldest dragon of the Targaryens and all of Westeros. It was so large that its shadow could cover the entire city.

Villentretenmert (also known as Borch Three Jackdaws) is one of the most powerful dragons in Sapkowski's stories - the Witcher. It is a unique golden dragon that can change its appearance to human or any other. The golden dragon is the rarest and most legendary type of dragon. The scales have a golden hue. It was he who later gave birth to a daughter, Saskia, the heiress of his gift or curse.

Saesentessis is the daughter of the golden dragon Villentretenmerth, better known as "Borch Three Jackdaws", and probably the green dragoness Myrgtabrakke. Since Saskia is not a pure-blooded golden dragon, she does not have all of her father's polymorphic abilities and can only be either a dragon or a human.

Ukrainian armored belly - The largest and most powerful dragon in the world Harry Potter. Weighs up to six tons, and in flight it is slow and clumsy, but is capable of crushing an entire house with its own carcass. The scales are gray with a metallic tint, the eyes are deep red, and the claws are very long and dangerous. These dragons have been closely monitored by the Magical Magistrate of Ukraine, ever since the armored belly was dragged into the Black Sea by a sailing ship (fortunately, empty) in 1799.

The Ancient Dragon is the largest and strongest Dragon in Drangleic. In fact, the dragon is not real, but it is still a Dragon. After inspecting the Aldia Citadel location, in one of the rooms of which you can find the bodies of giants dumped into the mountain, you can make the assumption that Aldia created this dragon from the Soul of a Giant, this is confirmed by the fact that after killing him you will only receive the Soul of a Giant.

“Undead Dragon” - The strongest and most durable in the Gothic world. Practically Immortal. Located in his own chambers on the island of Irdorat. The most important dragon, the ruler of all undead, in particular the Seekers and Orcs.

The dragoness is the wife of the Donkey. She guarded Fiona's tower in Shrek. The dragon first appears guarding an abandoned castle, which serves as Princess Fiona's prison. It can be assumed that this is her long-standing, permanent place of residence, since the tower contains a lot of treasures and, as it happens, the castle is strewn with the bones and armor of many failed knights who tried to save Fiona. One can only imagine how many warriors, soldiers and knights she incinerated with her breath.

In the world of Heroes of Might and Magic, dragons, starting from Part 5, are not just “giant winged fire-breathing reptiles,” but primordial gods and the embodiment of magic.

The inhabitants of Ashan know about their existence and revere them, even tremble before them.

Oaths are taken in their names and in their presence

The meaning of dragons in feng shui

Let's consider the meaning of the dragon in Feng Shui, how it can be used with the help of images or figurines, from the point of view of symbolism that we can place in a house or apartment.

The first and most important thing is that the dragon brings good luck in a career, plays a role in increasing wealth and in business in general.

2nd is attracting favorable energy Qi. The dragon, as a Yang symbol, is capable of attracting powerful flows of energy, especially if you have some kind of stagnation in places at home.

Dragon - protective talisman

3rd - function of protection against the evil eye, acts as a protective talisman.

The 4th dragon is the symbol and patron of men in the house, so if a man has some difficulties and we want to support him, then an excellent solution would be to use an image or symbol of a feng shui dragon in the house.

The 5th dragon as a talisman is more suitable for married couples who strive to create harmony in their relationships, as well as for those who are still searching, that is, it helps to improve their personal lives.

The 6th is a symbol of wisdom, calm and harmony.

When is the next year of the dragon?

According to the eastern calendar, the year indicated above had the following dates:

  • 1976;
  • 1988;
  • 2000;

Accordingly, the year of the dragon will come to us in 2024 . What should we expect from him? For those born this year, it will be unsuccessful in all directions: career, love, health. You should be careful and not tease fate.

For other signs everything will turn out differently:

  • Rats will be successful in all endeavors;
  • It will not be easy for the bulls; competitors of various types will appear on their way;
  • The Tiger will achieve success at work and in business;
  • The rabbit will conflict a lot, but if it behaves correctly it will emerge victorious;
  • The snake, if it listens to its wisdom, will gain financial well-being;
  • But it is better for the horse to postpone all serious matters; during this period, all undertakings will remain unpromising;
  • The Goat also needs to rest and not take any serious steps, just go with the flow;
  • Monkeys and roosters, with the right attitude towards life, will have great luck;
  • This is a time of conflict for the dog; disagreements with loved ones are possible;
  • For the pig, time will pass without any special events or shocks.

2024 – year of the green wood dragon.

It is impossible to tell clearly about the dragon symbol and its meaning for people. It became clear that this is a character with many images. For some it is power and might, luck and protection, for others it is evil and death. There are so many myths and legends in our world, each representing it in its own way.

Dragon color meaning

Green and Golden Dragon
1) Green Feng Shui dragon is a symbol of the military, a symbol of spring and happiness, as well as a symbol of change.

2) The golden dragon (considered the imperial color) is used mainly to attract wealth.

3) Blue or black is the color scheme of the element of water, helps in harmonizing space.

4) Red is a symbol of the sky, which represents powerful Yang energy. Therefore, if there is not enough energy, then you need to use the red dragon.

Black and Red Dragon

Obtaining official status

In 1953, this symbol became officially considered the Royal Badge of Wales, honorably added to the coat of arms of the shield, divided into two halves. An animal from myths was placed right in the middle of the picture. The garter that frames the composition says that this symbol is an inspiration for courageous and decisive actions. There is also the crown of St. Edward. In 1956, shield holders wore collars bearing the Welsh royal badge as part of the Cardiff coat of arms. A bill to adopt the red dragon as a symbol of the country was passed in 1959.

Norman Sillman created sketches based on the drawing, the authorship of which belongs to the Heraldic Chamber. The Welsh dragon was featured on the one foot coins in 1995 and 2000.

How to choose the right dragon according to Feng Shui when buying

It is better to purchase the size of a figurine or image in a medium or small size. There is no need to acquire too much, because the symbol itself is already quite powerful in energy, and when it becomes too much, it can lead to conflicts in families or some unpredictable and unpleasant events.

Dragon figurine with pearl

There is no need to take huge wall-length panels with a dragon or some huge statue in the garden; after all, we are not in China, and without knowing all the laws, the actions of huge dragon symbols can easily cause harm. And ignorance, as they say, is no excuse from responsibility.

Color also matters, but it is not as critical as, for example, in a situation with size, if you are simply buying a dragon to attract good luck, prosperity or harmony in the family, but it would be nice to take into account the color of the Feng Shui dragon.

Dragon on buildings

Quantity. Try not to keep more than one dragon in your house, because if there are many of them in your house, the dragon will begin to dominate you and dictate terms to you. The dragon is a symbol of a man, that is, this can lead to the fact that the man in the family begins to suppress the woman.

The presence of a pearl in a water dragon.

The Omen

The earth was dug up. The lizards were still alive and were extremely happy that they could finally be released. This time they start a fight again and the outcome is beneficial for the people. Ambrose told Vortigern at that moment that all these images are not so simple, there is a subtle allegory here: the lake is the personification of the image of everything that surrounds the kingdom, the winner is the king’s people, and the white dragon is those people who came to Britain to capture it territory and enslave the local inhabitants, that is, the Saxons.

Red dragons are symbols that also speak of the reign of Uther, whose surname (Pendragon) itself means “presiding winged serpent.” This king was Arthur's father. Red dragons are directly associated with magic, everything magical and mysterious. So this also includes the image of Merlin, to whom such a creature revealed the future in his prophecies. In particular, they talked about the great reign of Uther's son.

Dragon Pearl

Feng Shui dragon with pearl
It is believed that water dragons have this favorite toy and symbol of power, through which they interact from heaven to earth, throw from the sky, giving either thunderclaps and floods, or blessed rain. This is part of the ether (Qi energy) that gives additional energy to the dragon. Sometimes it is depicted as if with tongues of flame on top, however, this is not flame, but plasma.

A pearl in the mouth is a symbol of fulfillment of desires, a pearl in the paw is a symbol of greatness, power, wisdom and dignity.

Dragon with pearl, Thailand

If there is no pearl, then he may become very angry and such a talisman in the house will not bring results, or will begin to cause obstacles in business.

Royal symbol

According to the History of the Britons, in 655-682 the Kingdom of Gwynedd was ruled by Cadwaladr Cadwallon, who had his own dragon. The ruler needed to enter the battle of Bosworth. It went down in history as a large-scale battle between the Lancastrians (ruled by Henry Tudor) and the Yorks. Henry VII was then a contender for the rule of England.

His Welsh ancestry with distant roots favored this. The symbol with a fire-breathing creature was on his banner, and then migrated to the family’s coat of arms. Henry VII issued his coins using this image. Neither the predecessors nor the successors of this king did such things within the mint, which makes the precedent unique.

In addition, in other symbols the dragon was overthrown by the Victorious George. Henry used it not as a bad sign, but rather as a symbol of personal strength and an emblem, on which the creature’s wings were beautifully and powerfully opened, striking in their strength and power. He sat on a mountain covered with greenery. Such a beautiful image was enshrined as a state sign.

Where to put the dragon - cardinal directions and rooms

Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
The best place for a dragon according to Feng Shui is in the east of a house or apartment, and it is better if it is in the east of the living room or dining area.

Meaning in the East:

  • family patron - protecting the whole family from troubles
  • family well-being - luck, including material
  • health of the whole family
  • supporting men or even attracting men
  • to strengthen a man’s affairs or position in the family

If it turns out that it is not possible to place a dragon in the east of the living or dining area, then you can place it anywhere, but it should face the east. Single women can do this, buy a dragon figurine, place it in the east or facing the east.

In the southeast and north:

To advance in your career, even if you are in the southeast or not the north, the dragon’s face must look east, towards its home sector.

The same information applies to your workplace. A Feng Shui dragon can be placed on your desk or within your work office, if you have the opportunity. You can install it in the southeast, in the north for a career or in the northwest (this is a sector that helps attract help and support, including from superior people), if you feel that you need such support, then feel free to install it there figurine or image of a dragon.

If you want to use a dragon for protection, then you need to install it in the hallway, next to the entrance area. To the left of the entrance, not lower than 60 cm from the floor, but should not be higher than your height or almost at head level. Otherwise, the dragon will begin to dominate you and not eat well. Moreover, by placing the dragon to the left of the entrance, we often strengthen the position of a man in the family if he has difficulties with his physical or psycho-emotional health or is lazy and does nothing.

You can put a dragon on a window if the view from the window overlooks an active part of the road. Only this is not a road along which a couple of cars pass per hour, but an active route or vital intersections.

Dragon with a pearl in its mouth

If the view from the window overlooks water bodies, even if they are not visible, but you know that there is a river, lake, sea or ocean in that direction, then it is very good when the dragon looks at the water. By the way, it could even be a water tower or something similar. The water must be clean and flowing, it should not be reservoirs with stagnant water, such as ponds in which there are no underground sources, and water does not circulate in them, some dirty rivers or polluted reservoirs. The dragon absorbs this energy and accumulates it, thus mentally attracting energy to your home, so it is better not to use such an activator.

Dragons love cleanliness and fresh air. Since these are mythical animals that either live in water or move through the air, therefore this freedom and purity of natural thoughts is very important, try to wipe the dust off it as often as possible and ventilate the room where it is located.

If the dragon is under an air conditioner or fan, this is also good.

Unraveling the mystery

Red dragons are also mentioned in the history of the Britons. Vortigern, a famous king, planned to build a castle called Dinas Emrys, which would later be renamed the fortress named after Ambrose. However, no one knew what strange things were happening to the walls. Some creature destroyed them every night, so that in the morning the work had to start from scratch.

The ruler wanted to remove the evil spell at all costs. On the advice of local magicians, he had to arrange a sacrifice, choosing for this a boy who did not have a father at birth. It was Ambrose who fell into this difficult lot. He is also considered the prototype of the legendary Arthur, the English king.

The boy was not taken aback and told the head of state that the matter was in an underground lake, in the waters of which the bodies of two mythical creatures still lie - winged snakes, the same ones that were trapped when the war between the red dragon and the white dragon ended.

Where should you not place a dragon?

Where you can’t put a dragon
In the bathroom, in the toilet, in rooms that are not actively used or used for hygiene purposes, the image of a dragon or its figurine cannot be used. It is believed that being in water bodies (bathroom, bathtub, etc.) the luck that we attribute to the dragon disappears, and if we lock it in dark closets, then it is not comfortable there. He feels abandoned and unnecessary, which can lead to various breakdowns in the house and troubles in the family.

You cannot install or hang an image of a dragon in the bedroom, since the dragon has active Yang energy - the energy of growth, development, noise, and the bedroom is a Yin position, where there is silence, calm, harmony. It will not contribute to quality sleep and most likely it will not bring you good luck there either. Even if your bedroom falls in the eastern zone and this is the only eastern sector of the house, then you will use other suitable locations, but of course not the bathroom or toilet.

It is not recommended to install a dragon in the south, because the South is a fiery zone.

The dragon does not like to be treated with disdain, as it is a majestic animal, so it cannot be put in a corner. He will think that you have driven him into a corner, punished him for something, or are dismissive of him; accordingly, he may get upset and begin to act differently than you wanted, becoming aggressive towards you and members of the entire family.

Where to place the talisman

The dragon amulet has special power, so there are several rules for wearing it:

  1. If a pendant is chosen, it must be placed on a short chain. An ancient creature cannot be carried near your heart.
  2. The brooch is attached to the collar. Women place it on the right side, men on the left.

If a winged serpent is chosen to guard the house, a container of water should be placed next to it. It will help the proper circulation of energy. Eastern sages do not recommend placing a dragon in such places:

  • bedroom;
  • sanitary rooms;
  • on the fireplace;
  • taller than the residents;
  • below the first floor level.

Respectful interaction with the winged serpent will ensure harmony in the home, health of residents, happiness in love and good luck at work.

Feng Shui Dragon Hour and its activation

Bulging eyes of a dragon - activation
Take black mascara or gouache and a regular brush. Dip it, place it where the dragon’s eyes are just black dots on the eyes, thus drawing his pupils. If you look at the figurines, their eyes are the same color as the color scheme of the entire body. This must be done from 07.00 to 09.00 in the morning during the hour of the dragon. There is no need to change the time, to complicate everything, just at this time in the time zone in which you live.

That is, we awaken the dragon and, as it were, tell him: “Look, now you will live here.” We install it according to the rules described above. That's all. This way, your talisman will be in working order.


The dragon symbol does not require mandatory recharge. Its powerful effect should be corrected with other symbols in the form of animals, as well as furniture or wooden decor. Place fresh flowers or paintings with a spring theme in the room.

Perform the ritual: dip your brush in ink, make two marks on the eyes of the figurine and turn it to the east.

This is how the talisman awakens. Dragon Day is determined according to the Chinese calendar, the ritual takes place in the morning between 7 and 9 o'clock.

Dragon with other animals

Dragon turtle
1. Dragon with phoenix feng shui. The dragon is a symbol of the emperor, the Phoenix is ​​a symbol of the empress; when depicted together, it is used to improve family relationships and the personal life of spouses.

2. Dragon turtle. A symbol of harmony and is also a protective symbol from troubles and misfortunes. Most often, such a figurine is installed in the active Yan parts of the apartment, for example, the dining area, living area, or in the hallway, so that the dragon turtle looks at the entrance and controls all people entering your house or apartment.

3. Dragon and tiger feng shui. The tandem is not bad. The dragon is a symbol of a man, the Tiger is a symbol of a woman. It is believed that the Dragon is located to the left of the entrance, and the Tiger is to the right of the entrance. They need to be placed opposite each other, but in such a way that the dragon is higher than the tiger.

The tiger is psychologically less stable than the dragon, so the dragon knows how to control it. If we move on to the prototype of a man and a woman, it is clear that a woman is much more emotionally and psychologically unstable (meaning the same hormonal changes per month, mood changes, emotional changes, worries, fears, etc.) than a man, so her must always be monitored.

It would be more accurate to control - it sounds somehow rude; it would be better to say to calm her down, to give her protection. If you want to harmonize the theme of masculine and feminine principles in the apartment, you are in the apartment, look at the front door and then there is a Dragon on the left, a Tiger on the right.

Famous people born under the sign of the dragon

Guillaume Apollinaire, Roald Amundsen, Joan Baze, Count Basie, Kenneth Stark, Bint Crosby, Salvador Dali, Neil Diamond, Prince Edward, Che Guevara, Joan of Arc, John Lennon, Yehudi Menuhin, Francois Mitterrand, Florence Nightingale, Gregory Peck, Clif Richard, Bernard Shaw, Garrld Wilson, Sarah Bernhardt, Mary Pickford, Sigmund Freud, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Bros Tito, Jean Gabin, George Balanchine, Lewis Carroll, Imanuel Kant, Marlene Dietrich, Julia Christie, Alexander Eiffel, Franco Braamonde, Frederick the Great , Harry Grant, Graham Greene, Edouard Manet, Andre Maurois, Charles Louis Montesquieu, Napoleon III, Nicholas II Romanov, Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert Oppenheimer, Henri Philippe Pétain, Francesco Petrarca, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Edmond Rostand, Immanuel Swedenborg, Emil Gilels , Vitaly Ginzburg, Dmitry Kabalevsky, Constantine II, Luis Corvalan, Olga Lepeshinskaya, Nina Makarova, Marcello Mastroianni, Vasily Merkuryev, Jean Victor Moreau, Pablo Neruda, Edson Pele, Tatyana Peltzer, Anna Saxe, Ineko Sata, Evgeniy Svetlanov, Eduard Shevardnadze.

Dragon tattoo on the shoulder: tattoos that will be in trend

Note! If you still decide to tattoo a lizard on your foot or calf, the best option would be a sketch in a Chinese theme. This style implies thin lines, and the office itself is not painted over with pigment too tightly. Therefore, the drawing will look like a beautiful sketch.

Another great tattoo option is the lower back. In this case, it is better to depict a flying serpent. A small, colorful sketch is perfect for:

  • shoulder blades;
  • wrists;
  • or neck.

When choosing a place for a dragon tattoo, be sure to take into account your lifestyle and social status. You may not always be able to appear everywhere with an open tattoo. In this case, choose a place to apply it so that the design can always be hidden under clothing.

European themes

Tattoos in the form of a lizard above the fortress in the zone indicate the theft of state property. Very rarely such a drawing indicates the inevitability of karma.

Europeans treat him as evil. For many, the dragon seems to be the personification of gluttony, greed, stinginess, and hoarding. Residents of Germany correlate with greed and dark forces. According to their ideas, the creature lived in the underground parts of the Earth.

In Ancient Rus', the dragon was represented by an image depicted in fairy tales as the Serpent Gorynych, having three heads and posing a threat to life. This is an entity with large wings, spewing fire from its mouth, scorching territories with heat. In the mythologies of European people, the dragon usually appears periodically, attacks, takes captive the best, devours everyone around and leaves the villages burned behind him.

In Russia, criminal officers draw a dragon in the form of a figure eight, which means theft. The lizard on the body is a symbol of the power of the convicted person.

Scandinavia divided the dragon natives into three components:

  • Nidhogg - represents the most powerful, personifies the status of a negative hero without honor or conscience.
  • Jormungandr is a terrible enemy, sworn for all time.
  • Fafnir is very tricky, guarding gold, and has no mercy for the sake of profit.

Asians imagine the dragon as a serpent with 4 legs and no wings. Western dragons, according to the inhabitants, have long necks, large bodies and wings.

Where did myths about dragons come from?

The dragon is a magnificent huge reptile that is mentioned in the myths and legends of various civilizations. Moreover, all these myths are very similar to each other. Scientists believe that the snake became the prototype of the dragon. Others are sure that this was the name given to the descendants of dinosaurs that people saw with their own eyes. On the other hand, many sailors swear that they have seen lizard-like creatures in the oceans. And Komodo dragons are somewhat similar to these mythical creatures.

It is known that in ancient mythology, dragons took a direct part in the creation of the world. They controlled the elements and subjugated people. It is noteworthy that in the East the dragon is considered good, and in the West - evil. The most popular is the Chinese dragon, which is still highly revered today.

What part of the body is best to get a dragon tattoo?

Above, we looked in detail at what a dragon tattoo means in different cultures and in different types. Now let's talk about which parts of the body this image will look best on.

So, the lizard is great for impaling on:

  • hand;
  • back;
  • hip;
  • spatula;
  • shoulder.

Note! Do not think that the size of such a tattoo must be huge. In fact, it all depends on your personal wishes. If you like, then let it be even a miniature tattoo in the intimate area.

However, most often the mythical creature is impaled on the back. Especially if it is a Japanese-style sketch. The large area allows you to draw literally every detail of the dragon and create a full-fledged plot. In addition, the back does not change so much with age, and therefore even after many years the dragon will look quite presentable. A dragon tattoo on the shoulder is also a good option. Especially if it gradually “flows” from the shoulder to another part of the body. Placing a tattoo on the lower part of the leg would not be the best option. Since space is limited there, it will be very difficult to pin a beautiful sketch. In addition, the features of the leg relief below also have an effect.

How to do it yourself?

Needlewomen and craftsmen can make a figurine of this magical creature on their own. Dragons are woven from beads, drawn on paper, carved from wood, and embroidered on fabric. While working, you need to think about your desire, then the image of the dragon will be correctly charged.

Before starting work, it is worth remembering that European dragons do not have a hump on the neck, they are endowed with an elongated body, more like snakes. Eastern dragons have a characteristic hump, spikes along the spine, and few ornate swirls of scales. The sharp tip of the tail, resembling an arrow, is found in almost all dragon species. But those dragons that do not live in water have wings.

The color scheme for the amulet is as important as the accuracy of the image. Preferred colors:

  • Golden – wealth, strength;
  • Green – health;
  • Red – power;
  • Black – defense, attack;
  • White – Divine principle;
  • Blue is the element of water and ice.

Before creating a dragon look with your own hands, you need to take into account a lot of details in order to really get what you intended. Even a simple framed photo can help ward off trouble if it features a dragon and is placed in the right place in the house.

Review of a money amulet from Svetlana Basharova:
HOW DID I GET RICH THANKS TO A SIMPLE TRICK? Good afternoon dear friends! Today I want to share with you a very unusual story that recently happened to me. Two months ago I worked as an ordinary cashier in a hardware store. One day, a very nice woman was standing in line at my checkout. She bought some small items for the house. This woman was positively beaming in a wonderful mood. When the time came to pay, she handed me 5 thousand rubles and said: “Thank you, no change needed.” Her purchase amount was 809 rubles, which surprised me very much... Read more"

An amulet charged by oneself has greater power than one simply bought in a souvenir shop. A person spends his energy on its production, which already partially pays for his desire in the Heavenly Office.

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