What is the meaning of the Elephant talisman? How to make a talisman with your own hands and where to place it?

An unusual and very beautiful talisman, the Elephant , will turn your life into a fairy tale if you correctly use the energy emitted by it. Luck, success, and prosperity will become your faithful companions. Elephant mascots help you find your way and attract useful acquaintances to a person. In addition, amulets develop good qualities - such as trust, compassion, respect.

The action of the protective figurine is aimed at harmonizing the atmosphere in the house, at acquiring mental balance and tranquility. In eastern countries they believe that an elephant can instill great strength in a person. Thanks to this, any illness, even fatal ones, recedes. A wise animal comes to the rescue of those who seek to gain new knowledge. It bestows patience, endurance, and the pursuit of goals. Elephant endurance helps athletes.

In Feng Shui, the elephant represents eternal peace and friendship between people. It does not allow negative emotions to take over a person’s soul.

What is the significance of the amulet?

Universal qualities are attributed to this talisman in all cultures and religions. The elephant helps solve the most difficult problems and life situations. The animal is a symbol of longevity and health; it is he who is asked to save the life of not only the owner of the amulet, but also his loved ones.

It is strictly not recommended to hang jewelry on an elephant's trunk or use it as a stand. The energy flow of the Universe passes through the animal’s trunk, and its use for other purposes can “offend” the animal.

  • The elephant promotes the development of analytical skills. They will not only improve the financial situation, but will also help to use existing resources more efficiently.
  • An elephant with a calf is a symbol of childbirth and fertility and will help a married couple conceive a long-awaited child.

Reference. His friendly attitude, inner strength and constant desire to reach new heights make him a “welcome guest” on many coats of arms and banners.

How many Elephant figurines can be installed at home?

Maybe someone remembers that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had seven figurines of elephants on their chests of drawers, small or small, lined up by height? Remember? But they, even in those years, had never even heard of the science of Feng Shui and its symbols and talismans, and there were no elephants in Rus'. And then you put up the elephants, and they wiped the dust off them, and they didn’t allow anyone to touch them. And therefore, our ancestors intuitively felt the beneficial influence of talismans such as the Elephant. And they placed these figures in their home and took advantage of their positive influence, because... the energy of knowledge, the laws of science in the Universe, are universal. Well, let's get back to our elephants. Let's now look at how many of them you need to place in your home in order to find abundance and happiness, and not only: 11 elephants - They bring health, strength, energy (provided that you lead a healthy lifestyle. They do not help smokers and drinkers!) . 10 elephants - Promises positive changes in life. 9 elephants - You can install as many figures in a child’s learning room. This talisman helps develop intelligence. 8 elephants - help in any matter, in achieving any goals. And since the number 8 is the number of luck, the number of infinity, then in Feng Shui it symbolizes good luck in all your endeavors and dreams. 7 elephants - the number seven, according to Feng Shui and in other teachings, means “A Cup full of harmony”, then this number is the fulfillment of any of your good desires and dreams, as well as help in business. 6 elephants - help in finding good luck and success in love. 5 elephants - help you rise above everyday life, forget about routine, and start a new, interesting business. 4 elephants - bring wealth, abundance, stability. 3 elephants - help in childbirth. 2 elephants - can help in finding and finding a loved one. Preserve existing relationships. 1 elephant - brings self-confidence, charm and faith in one’s own strength. And don’t forget about harmony and a sense of proportion. If you place two dozen elephants in each room, this will most likely introduce an imbalance in the energy of the premises and can cause harm.

What types of amulets are there?

The sheer variety of elephants on the market can confuse anyone. Before purchasing, it is important to determine the purpose and functions assigned to this talisman:

  • A raised trunk is a symbol of financial well-being and prosperity.
  • A lowered trunk helps protect the home from external negative influences.
  • Two identical elephants with combined proboscis will have a beneficial effect on family relationships.
  • A mother elephant and a baby installed in the bedroom will facilitate conception.
  • Seven animals installed in turn are the strongest talisman. This is due to the magical meaning of the number “7”: seven planets, seven Chinese gods, seven well-known metals.

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Combining an elephant figurine with other magical animals can cause a negative effect. The animal itself is a very strong representative of the fauna, and it does not need “helpers”.

Types of figurines with an elephant according to Feng Shui

  • An elephant figurine made of white porcelain or ceramics wards off negative external influences. She also copes well with family discord.
  • For lovers who dream of a baby, but all attempts are in vain, the image of a mother elephant and a small elephant is suitable. In addition, such a defender helps families with children. It strengthens relationships and supports. The talisman will become a real helper if conflict situations constantly arise between parents and children. Removes tension and promotes mutual understanding.
  • To achieve inner balance and balance with the outside world, a symbol depicting three elephants is suitable. Animals represent the energy of earth, sky and man, fused together.
  • Seven elephants are a sign of wealth and prosperity. The talisman will attract everything the owners want into the house.
  • Figurines of thirty-three animals attract positive energy, which spreads to all family members.

Who is it suitable for?

The choice of one talisman or another depends on the specific situation. All religions of the world confidently declare the magical qualities of not only figurines, but also images of this animal.

  • The amulet is able to protect its owner from diseases and illnesses. The owner of the magical amulet will live a long time. But due to the fact that the elephant is also a symbol of moderation, you should not expect lightning-fast results.
  • People who want to gain wealth and prosperity can also use the power of the figurine. The owner’s actions will not be spontaneous and thoughtless. All actions and expenses will be planned.
  • The wisdom and prudence attributed to this animal will allow you not to lose strength in achieving your goal.

On which finger should I wear a silver ring?

In ancient times, various magical properties were attributed to jewelry, especially those made of precious metal. It was possible to learn about the secrets and innermost desires of the owner of such treasures through what part of the body they are located on. Particular importance was given to the hands and fingers. After all, it is on them that the largest number of active points are located, responsible for the activities of various organs.

On which hand are rings worn? If the product is on the right hand, then it displays the internal picture of a person in the current time. On the other hand it helps in obtaining the desired state.

Important! For left-handers, this rule applies in reverse. Let's consider which finger to wear a silver ring on.


This finger is under the influence of Mars. The planet influences the head and is responsible for volitional abilities, logic, and thinking. Products should be worn in this place by those people who want to enhance the above qualities.

A silver ring on the thumb is a good option for emotional, stubborn individuals who have huge energy reserves and try to assert themselves. It is able to restrain their ardor and pacify aggressiveness towards other people, making communication more relaxed.

But there is another trait that characterizes the wearer of the ring - excessive talkativeness, boastfulness and uncompromisingness.


This finger is under the powerful protection of Jupiter. It helps in creativity, is responsible for emotions and the sensual part of the personality, and indicates life purpose. The benefit of the ring is to increase self-esteem, strong-willed qualities and expand the horizons of thinking, therefore it is recommended for shy and weak-willed people.

But, when worn regularly, negative traits such as pride, selfishness, and a painful craving for recognition and glory can develop. If the ring is worn on the right hand, then this indicates the sanity of the owner, and if the ring is on the index finger of the left hand, it speaks of excessive elevation above others and the person’s hysteria.

And if your friend puts such rings on both hands at once, it means that, no matter what, he will definitely achieve all his goals.


This is the most neutral of all fingers. It is ruled by Saturn and symbolizes the path of life, a penchant for learning, and oratory. Products on the middle finger can only be worn if they are made of silver, and for those whose soul requires change.

The middle finger represents condescending narcissism. Decoration on this finger helps to overcome life's ups and downs and imparts wisdom.

The rings on the middle finger of the right hand help in achieving complete harmony. They are often worn by narcissistic individuals, emphasizing their individuality, who like to be who they are.


This finger represents the Sun. It attracts love, luck, and develops creativity. This is why most ladies intuitively try on rings on this finger.

If you want success, recognition, well-being in your personal sphere, then wear silver jewelry in this place. If a person likes rings on the ring finger of his left hand, this indicates his romanticism.

Products on the ring finger of the right hand indicate marital status.

Little finger

Its patron is the planet Mercury, which personifies unique thinking and a craving for affairs. Those who wear a ring on this finger are prone to lies, deceit and deception. Gamblers and people who break the law like to decorate this finger. You have to be very careful with them, because they are born adventurers who can fool you around their finger in an instant.

There is another category of personalities who adorn the little finger - these are people of creativity. You can find actresses, artists, and fashion designers wearing such jewelry. Regularly wearing a ring on this finger increases narcissism and inconstancy.

How to do it yourself?

An Elephant amulet or talisman can be made from a wide variety of materials. The figures are:

  • wooden;
  • ceramic;
  • rubber;
  • or even paper.

It is strictly not recommended to purchase a figurine made of ivory. She will bring misfortune and misfortune to the house.
In this matter, the most important aspect is the symbol of the elephant itself, and not the material from which it is made. To protect your home and yourself, you can even use photographs or drawings depicting this sacred animal. Self-sewn elephant figurines are also great. If activated correctly, they will carry no less magical power than those acquired.

Important! A large number of protective figures or images will cause disharmony and will not bring positive results.

What does an elephant with a different trunk position mean?

A figurine of an elephant with its trunk raised up symbolizes wealth and attracts various material benefits. Such an elephant will be an excellent gift for the head of a family or a leader.

If you bought a figurine of an elephant with a lowered trunk, then give it to a woman, because it is a symbol of motherhood. Such a figure will help to get pregnant even for those who have already given up on trying. It happens that their offspring are depicted next to such elephants. It is these figurines that will help protect children from problems and failures. Also, if you have problems with conception, then a paired elephant figurine placed in the bedroom will have a positive effect.

There is an opinion that if you become the happy owner of seven elephant talismans, then your home will be filled with luck, prosperity, love and prosperity. But their number is not the decisive factor for attracting good luck. You must choose the number of elephant figurines based on your personal desires.

What does the elephant standing in different places in the apartment mean?

When choosing a place for an elephant figurine, you need to take into account that the most suitable place for it is the south-eastern and north-western sectors. But you can place the figurine in other places - the elephant is not a capricious animal in this regard. If, however, you place it in the southeastern sector (zone of wealth and prosperity), then it will assist the head of the family, and if in the northeastern sector, then it will attract a strong patron to the house.

However, the most popular place for an elephant to be is a windowsill, but only if your figurine of an elephant is with its trunk raised and it is pointed towards a bright star. In this case, your home will be filled with powerful positive energy.

If you place your elephant looking inside the house, it will mean that luck is already in it, and you have achieved a lot in life.

Also place the figurine in the corner of the room, then it will remove the negative energy accumulating in it.

However, the elephant can be placed anywhere.

And if your elephant is depicted in a painting, a box or in the form of a toy, then the result of the action will be the same.

The elephant talisman is quite powerful and does not require auxiliary activation. But still, it is advisable to charge it and carry out a cleansing ritual. To make this symbol serve you better, “pamper” it with jewelry - a chain made of good metal or a rosary made of gems. Remember to never use ivory jewelry.

This slightly clumsy, but very cute family elephant will become your faithful assistant on the path to gaining confidence, strength and prosperity.

Author: Ilona Magdik. Source https://www.brocante.com.ua/2014/01/simvolika-slona/

A detailed description of various Feng Shui elephant figurines that are responsible for luck, prosperity, success, wealth and wisdom.

An elephant figurine is a small sculpture that depicts a majestic animal with its trunk pointing upward. This is one of the most revered symbols in Feng Shui. This talisman is used to attract good luck and prosperity, success and wealth, wisdom and vitality, endurance and power to the home.

The figurines are made from a wide variety of materials: glass, ceramics, porcelain, metal, wood. Among the traditional figurines there are sometimes special figurines:

  • The white elephant serves to protect the home, preventing negative energy from entering it, which destroys the family.
  • A figurine of an elephant standing on gold coins , with a toad or monkey sitting on its back, is a symbol of wealth and stability. It helps you quickly climb the career ladder. The money toad on its back, together with the elephant, has double the power of protection and beneficial effects on its owner.
  • A figurine of an elephant with its trunk facing down is very rare in homes. In some cultures, this position of the trunk is a symbol of longevity. Such talismans are also revered by those who are expecting an heir in the family.
  • An elephant carrying Buddha on its back is considered a very auspicious sign in any home in Feng Shui. It can be placed in the room where family members often gather together. This figurine guarantees prosperity and happiness.

How to properly clean and activate?

Like any other amulet, the Elephant requires constant care. The figurine must not only be wiped from dust, but also washed in salt water from time to time. This is done in order to wash away the accumulated negative energy.

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What is the meaning of a talisman and how to make it? The elephant talisman does not require any special activation. It carries magical power in itself and works without much prior preparation. The only thing to do is to appease the elephant:

  1. hang on a precious chain;
  2. decorate with any shiny decor;
  3. put it on something sparkling and bright.

Make a good talisman yourself.

Yes, in this article we have already looked at many types, colors, materials from which Elephant figurines are made. But what to do if you cannot find such a figurine or have found it, but it does not quite meet your requirements. Let's find a way out and try to improve the situation with our own hands. If you still can’t buy the elephant figurine you need, you can try making it yourself. Take plasticine, polymer clay, or as a last resort, make a very salty dough (pour salt into flour, the same amount as flour, gradually add water and knead the dough, knead well, then sculpt, just like from plasticine), sculpt an elephant (children they will help you with pleasure), then bake the clay or dough in the oven, once your product has cooled down, paint your Elephant with acrylic paints. But that is not all. For those who wish money, wealth, abundance, load your good talisman with symbols of wealth: hang coins, tiny gold bars (these are sold in Feng Shui stores and can be 1-2 cm in size) on the Elephant’s back, square golden beads (look like gold), small chocolate squares (sold in candy stores), tiny money toad (these are sold for wallets or as pendants for a keychain), if you don’t find any, take small stones (brought from the sea), paint them with gold paint and load your elephant with them. In principle, anything that you associate with wealth and is small in size (in relation to the size of the elephant, maybe you will make yourself a large elephant, therefore hang larger symbols of wealth on its back), for example, if you do not want to burden your Elephant , then using gold paint and a thin brush, draw the Chinese character “Wealth” or “Money” or “Abundance” on his back or sides. If you need good luck and success in business, as well as fame and honor, hang small red flags on the sides of the Elephant, which can be made from red paper, and insert a red triangular flag into the trunk (the Elephant’s trunk should be raised up) ( make it from a red triangle of paper, and the shaft from a toothpick, for example), you can also hang tiny bells or put a small figurine of an eagle or a kite on the Elephant’s back (such figurines are sold in toy stores, in sets with birds). Naturally, if your desire is to find your love, improve or preserve an existing relationship, then hang or attach hearts, angels, roses and flowers to the backs of your (two) elephants. For any desires and goals: attach a small elephant to the trunk

Where is the best place to place it in the house?

For different purposes, there are different rules for placing a talisman in the house:

  1. You can attract money if you place it on the window, the trunk should be directed towards the street.
  2. Installing a figurine in the southeast of your home or office will help stabilize your financial flow.
  3. Two identical figures with their trunks raised up will help protect you from envy and bad people, and they should be looking towards the entrance to the house.
  4. Corners in many cultures are considered a concentration of evil spirits. Placing symbols opposite all corners will help neutralize this negative phenomenon.
  5. To cope with health problems, you should place or hang a talisman on the eastern wall of the house.
  6. Two paired figures installed in the bedroom can restore harmony between spouses.
  7. By placing an elephant on your desk, you can avoid envious glances and negative messages from your colleagues.

Before installing or hanging a talisman, it is important to decide on the end goal and desired result.

It is necessary to clearly understand the power of the animal and its ability not only to create positive energy around the owner, but also to destroy it.
Failure to follow the placement rules may lead to the opposite result.
If everything is done correctly, the talisman that takes its place will faithfully serve its owner, helping to achieve life goals and protecting from troubles.

The use of ivory as a manufacturing material will definitely lead to the wrath of the talisman for the death of its fellow. Damaged or defective figurines must be immediately destroyed, as they carry negative energy and attract disease and evil.

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How to make an elephant figurine work

It's no secret that in order for a figurine to begin to properly serve its owner, it needs to be activated, that is, made to start working. What ways are there to do this?

  • Hang some jewelry around the elephant's neck. For example, a chain or beads. Elephants love decorations very much, and they will definitely thank their owner for decorating them.
  • Place the elephant figurine on a bright, catchy napkin or rug. The ideal option is when you sew a rug or knit a napkin yourself. First of all, elephants love everything bright. Secondly, the product you created with your own hands will be literally saturated with your energy, which will allow the elephant to feel your desires and needs.
  • Talk to the elephant figurine. From time to time, when you are alone at home, you can talk to the figurine, wiping dust from it, for example. Share your problems with the elephant, express your desires out loud, and then the figure will respond to your requests faster.

Myths about the majestic animal

In the Greco-Roman Empire, the powerful elephant was called a symbol of wisdom and belonged to the planet Mercury. One Roman writer said that the elephant is an animal of faith that worships the Sun and stars. With the onset of the new moon, the animal, bathing in water, turns to the heavenly powers, thus cleansing its soul. However, in the minds of the ancient Roman people, the elephant was always associated with health and longevity, fame and invincibility. It was a symbol of superiority over fatal diseases and death.

After some time, the beliefs of the Romans were gradually transferred to the Christian people. Now in Christianity, the elephant has become a symbol of happiness and victory over the dark forces of evil and death.

In Buddhism, the elephant is a sacred animal, one of the 7 treasures of this faith. For example, the stone elephants standing over the tomb of the Ming family are objects of worship for all women who do not have children. Women who cannot get pregnant come to the tomb and pray for the birth of a baby. In the east, the elephant has always been and is a symbol of moderation and longevity, as it lives from 75 to 100 years. Elephants usually die not because of old age, but from hunger, since at this age their teeth fall out and they have nothing to chew food with.

What does an elephant mean in Feng Shui?

The powerful animal in the science of Feng Shui is considered very wise and happy. It symbolizes constancy and reliability.

Experts are confident that an elephant’s trunk can attract prosperity and success in the home. You need to place the figure near the window so that the trunk is turned towards the street; it is in this position that it will attract good luck into your home. If you turn the elephant with its trunk into the room, it will mean that there is already success and good luck in the home.

This amulet removes bad energy from the corners of your home. In addition, a kind animal is a real embodiment of a powerful force. To ensure that the elephant helps the family in every matter and attracts only good people to the home, experts recommend placing it in the south-eastern or north-western part of the apartment.

The elephant is awarded with miraculous magical power in any of its variations; it can be a figure or a simple drawing on a sheet of paper or cardboard. As a Feng Shui amulet, you can use figurines made from any material you like, be it ceramics, bronze or bone. Any rag or rubber elephant toys will even work as an amulet.

Symbol of wisdom

Images of the elephant are often found in Indian mythology; this animal is sacred to Buddhists. The elephant is a symbol of wisdom; it is good to place it in a room where children study or where you gain new knowledge.

As you can see, elephants symbolize many things, but they do not carry anything negative. They bring only good and bright things to the house where they are present; they will never be out of place. The main thing is that they evoke positive associations in you!

The elephant is one of the so-called feng shui animals. He is considered not the most important figure, but one of the strongest talismans. If the elephant is on your “side,” life may well take on a stable and even course. Lack of balance and constant shocks threaten the life of those who “offend” the elephant.

Porcelain, stone, silver, gold, brass, bronze, ceramic, wood - you can’t find them on store shelves and on the Internet. What's important about figurines? What is important is the position of the elephant's trunk. It can be raised up, or it can be lowered down. If an elephant is depicted with its trunk raised, this is a very good sign! Such an elephant is capable of attracting good luck, stability and prosperity to the home. Feng Shui teachings say that the elephant should be placed in the window with its raised trunk pointing towards the lucky star. It is believed that with its trunk an elephant can “draw in” the positive qi energy emanating from a lucky star. This way you can achieve a “full cup” state at home. Be careful. If everything is fine in your house, then use your trunk to direct the elephant into the house to “maintain” stability. To combat the negative energy of Sha, a figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk is perfect. Where does negative energy most often “gather” in the house? In the corners of the house. Place the elephant image alternately in each corner of the house. The elephant is the strongest talisman against evil spirits. Do you think that an elephant with its trunk down is not good? Very in vain, because an elephant with a lowered trunk is also a strong positive symbol, but only if used correctly. For example, an image of an elephant with a lowered trunk (yes, also surrounded by baby elephants), located in the western sector (in the children's area) will help a married couple conceive a child. For the same effect, the elephant can be placed on the bedside table. If on the nightstand on the side of the spouse, then male power will increase, and if on the side of the spouse, the ability to conceive increases. So how many elephants should there be? Answer: seven. Why seven? This number is most often found in ancient books of different faiths and in magic books. For example, God spent 7 days creating the world. 7 planets are visible without telescopes: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars. 7 Gods of Fortune in China, etc. Remember that the elephant, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, does not like excesses. And yet, with the skillful use of this “tool”, you can get stability, moderation and prosperity in life. It is believed that an elephant figurine will help a family maintain and increase wealth or increase the number of children. Appease the elephant, decorate it with flowers or beads, and the elephant will “answer” you, attracting positive QI energy.

In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, much attention is paid to talismans. According to ancient Asian mythology, figurines of animals and gods attract good luck in business.

and have a beneficial effect on all areas of life. One of these talismans in Feng Shui is the elephant.

It should be noted that the elephant is revered in many Asian countries. The image of this animal can be found on coins, religious attributes and symbols of power.

What does this big beast represent? Is it possible to use his image and image in the form of a figurine to obtain the desired benefits?

How to wear silver rings for women

Ladies, before decorating their hands, they should know how to wear them, which finger is best. Small items speak of the calmness of their owners, but large and extravagant ones belong to impulsive people who want to be noticed.

Sometimes large items are also worn by very modest women who want attention, but do not know how to attract it in other ways. Rings should be worn carefully on the middle finger. They limit female attractiveness.

Ladies should not wear jewelry on their thumb, as they attract unbalanced men, suppress the feminine essence and can cause celibacy. In this case, a strong drop in energy occurs, which can provoke suicide.

Is it possible to wear silver rings with gold ones?

Today, girls easily mix gold and silver, although many of them have probably heard that this should not be done. Let's figure out whether it is possible to wear jewelry made of different metals together?

Since ancient times, people have known about the properties of precious materials and their different effects on humans. For example, gold was worn by those who suffered from headaches, and silver by those who had cardiovascular diseases.

Scientists have also studied the properties of these metals. As it turned out, gold not only energizes, but also accelerates inflammatory processes, while silver, on the contrary, reduces them and has a calming effect.

Therefore, from a medical point of view, combining diverse metals is extremely undesirable. This advice should not be ignored, since even in a healthy body, failures can occur.

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But what then should fashionistas do? According to experts, if you really like the combination of these materials, you shouldn’t give them up completely. You just need to remember how to wear such products correctly. Elegant ladies need to know the following:

  • only those people who have ideal health can combine these two metals;
  • You can wear jewelry no more than 3 hours a day;
  • When planning to wear silver and gold items together, you need to carefully think through your image so that the accessories are harmoniously combined with each other.


Can I wear silver wedding rings?

In our country, there is an opinion that wedding jewelry should be gold, or, if finances allow, platinum. Expensive means beautiful, that’s what most compatriots think.

Silver jewelry is extremely rarely considered as decoration for such events due to the lower cost of jewelry material compared to gold.

But these are all stereotypes, for example, in Western countries, silver wedding rings are a generally recognized fashion trend. Which, among other things, are also hypoallergenic, can improve the health of those who wear silver wedding rings.

Today in jewelry stores you can purchase the most unusual products with intricate weaves, smooth lines and various elements. They are distinguished by their unique style and originality. And with their aristocracy they will give both gold and platinum a head start.

Such jewelry with the blackening technique looks very impressive, adding relief and nobility to the products. Silver wedding rings will be the best gift for 25 years of marriage.

Amulet – 7 elephants

An amulet of 7 elephants has greater magical power than a single figurine. This is explained by the fact that the number 7 in itself is miraculous and often accompanies every person in everyday life. For example, in ancient times people knew only about 7 metals - silver, mercury, copper, gold, tin, lead and iron.

Next are 7 planets that every person can easily see - Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Sun and Saturn. The listed planets are always located at the same distance from each other and rotate in the same orbit, and only thanks to them the concept of eternal Universal harmony appeared. There is also an opinion about the 7 Chinese gods who bring happiness, etc. There are a lot of such examples in which the number 7 occurs, so it is believed that if there is an amulet figure with 7 elephants in a home, then this room will always be filled with love, happiness, luck, prosperity, health and mutual understanding.

According to Feng Shui, the elephant represents a symbol of wisdom, greatness and good nature. Elephants in the Asian world are considered divine animals; they are strong, resilient, endowed with patience and intelligence. They rightfully bear the title of royal animal. In China, the elephant is considered a symbol of health and longevity, it symbolizes spiritual knowledge and serves as a symbol of harmony.

Buddhist texts say that a white elephant will help people free themselves from earthly shackles. In Thailand, elephants are worshiped as a powerful and wise animal that protects against evil spirits. Local architecture in almost every building has an altar with figurines of deities, on which elephants are necessarily present.

How to Wear Silver Rings for Men

By decorating themselves, people try to stand out from the masses and show their uniqueness. This is characteristic not only of women, but also of a strong part of humanity.

Men are happy to wear rings and rings. Palmists believe that a person wearing jewelry thus declares to the world that he is beautiful and successful. Moreover, the degree of its irresistibility is proportional to the size of the product.

Often rings are heirlooms passed down from generation to generation. A man, wearing such a product, strives to emphasize his belonging to the clan. Family jewelry has strong energy, so to protect against adversity and troubles, you should wear a ring on the middle finger of your left hand.

The presence of jewelry on both hands indicates detachment from everyday worries. In ancient times, the decoration of the thumb was personified with the phallus. Iron rings were strung on it in order to curb its aggressive power.

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