A win-win formula for a perfect marriage. How does the human compatibility system work?

This is a system of the Four Pillars of Luck, which is compiled according to a person’s date of birth. astrologer, numerologist and Feng Shui specialist Lyudmila Nikishina told us how to use this system .

Now every home has the Internet and you can easily get ready-made Four Pillars of Luck. To do this, you need your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner. Type on the Internet: Pillars of Luck, enter your date of birth, and you will receive ready-made Pillars of Luck completely free of charge. You can also refer to the Chinese calendar, but for those who are not familiar with it, it will be difficult.

So, we have received a natal personality chart. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the element of personality is determined by the Heavenly Stem of the birthday. If a person was born in the year of the Dog, and the Dog is the element Earth, this does not mean at all that all people born in this year belong to the element Earth. The personality element is determined by the birthday; in the natal chart it is the second hieroglyph in the top row. It also says what it means.

How to determine compatibility?

First, you need to take the personality element literally. And then a lot will be clear right away. Well, for example: two Tanks in the house, that’s a lot – it’s already a war. Metal men love women with the Fire element. They cannot resist them and literally melt, melt before our eyes. But it's not very good for them. The Earth woman is like a mother for Metal. The relationship with Water is also not very good. Water takes away energy. But the Grass is not afraid of any Tank, it will grow again.

For Tree-Oak men, Water woman is a resource. But not so much for a companion. He will drink all the juices. Wood is not friendly with Metal. Such a union is a punishment for everyone. Fire burns. The ideal union is Oak and Front Garden. These are always together and friendly.

Water women are contraindicated for a Sun man. Boiling. The tree is drying nearby. It is good for the Earth - Fire gives birth to the Earth, therefore, you can always recharge. The union of Fire-Sun and Metal-Jewelry, which shines under the rays of the Sun, is considered ideal. There are no two Suns in the sky. But two Candles burn brighter.

Mountain does not meet Mountain. It’s the same in life. If you are two Earths (mountains), then don’t even try to start a family. It won't work. The small Palisadnik and the big Mountain still have some chances. Fire is not very comfortable near the Earth, because Fire is a resource for the Earth, which means it needs to share its energy, and this causes rejection. Earth is a resource for Metal, and I don’t want to share it either. The best partner for the Earth element is Yin Water. Morning dew on Earth evokes only delight and admiration.

Water-Ocean men are the favorites of all women. Merry fellows and jokers who can replace a mother. But not everyone can withstand their onslaught. The Candle woman copes with this best of all. She simply does not notice his pressure and, like a lighthouse in the ocean, quietly and calmly shows the way. Well, Water and Water will always merge.

Yan Land, Yang Land.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…


What to do when you find your other half.

Of course, you need to try to maintain a good relationship for many years. There are many means for this. A powerful symbol of family well-being is the sign of double happiness. Depicting this sign in your home will create great “chi” (energy) of happiness. Don't forget about the paired symbols that should be in your bedroom. These are two lamps, two vases, paired figures. And no images of lonely people. Remove all pictures above the head of the bed. To improve your relationship with an older man, activate the east with plants. To improve relations with a man of your age, activate the southern sector; to improve relations with a man younger than you, you can put crystal balls in the northeast or simply hang a crystal chandelier.

It is best not to have any plants in the bedroom. This is especially true for cacti. There should be no cacti in the house at all. I have long noticed that lonely people always have them.

Be happy!


Author of the article: Feng Shui specialist Nadezhda Romanova

In this article I want to show how important it is to approach the horoscope individually, taking into account all the nuances and how those born in the same year can receive very different effects. Let's take a man. He was born on February 22, 1982 at the hour of the Rabbit. This is what his pillars of destiny look like.

First, let's define personality strength.
He is a Yang Fire personality. Born in spring, when Fire is not particularly strong. There is a lot of water in the card, which weakens fire, so in this case we have the personality of “weak Yang Fire.” Useful elements for it are Wood, Fire and partially Water. Unuseful elements are Earth and Metal. Let's describe what each element in his map is responsible for. Fire - himself, friends, partners Wood - resources, mother Earth - expression, ideas, activity Metal - money, wife, father Water - power, career, children Now let's see what will await him in 2012. 2012 is the year of Yang Water on the Dragon (earth). Water is moderately beneficial for this person, as it nourishes the beneficial tree. Water is a symbol of power, so we can say that in 2012 he will be actively moving up the career ladder. Not everything will be simple, since there are 5 elements in the system, Yang Water conflicts with Yang Fire, that is, it will “attack” the person. There may be conflicts with superiors, competition, tension, but in the end the person will achieve his goals. A clash is always change, here there is a clash with elements of power, so in 2012 the man will change jobs. And perhaps he will move to a new place of residence. Now let's look at the Dragon. The dragon is an earth animal. We saw that earth is an unhelpful element, BUT in this map there is a transformation Dragon (2012) + Tiger (birth month) + Rabbit (birth hour) = TREE This is a very strong fusion, a seasonal fusion of spring, which brings the energy of the Tree into the map. And the Tree is extremely useful to him, it provides resources and support. Therefore, the Dragon will have a very successful year. The children's palace (Rabbit) is involved in the merger, it is very likely that he will have a child this year. When resources increase, a person can buy real estate, a car, or get a good education. The seasonal triple merging cancels out many of the negative effects of the year. In particular, a collision with a Dog. Here it will not be so tough, but on the contrary, it will open up new opportunities. And the coolest thing is the opening of the vault. In an article about business, I wrote about storage facilities. For this person, the Dog is a storehouse of money. The Dragon arrives and confronts the Dog - the vault opens. In such a year, a person can become very rich, open a successful business, or receive an inheritance. Since the depository is in the year of birth, the inheritance may come from the parents. This is a very promising year. That is, for him it is even a profitable clash between two animals. Of course, not everything will be simple, since the earth still remains an unfavorable element. But the person will overcome everything and achieve great success in 2012. So, after analysis, we can say that in 2012 this man will successfully change jobs, there will be an opportunity to move up the career ladder, he will move to a new place of residence, a child may be born in the family, it will be a very successful year financially, you can earn a lot of money, buy real estate, receive an inheritance - if you wish, you can get a prestigious education - start a successful business - buy a car Now let's take a woman, also born in 1982, that is, in the year of the Dog.
The woman was born on July 8, 1982 at the hour of the Rabbit. This is what her chart looks like.

Again, first we determine the strength of the card.
This girl was born on the day of Yang Water. She was born in the summer, when the water is very weak, there is no support for water in the chart, so this card belongs to the personality of “weak Yang Water”. Useful - Metal and Water Unhealthy elements - Wood, Fire and Earth. Let us describe for her what the elements mean. year 2012. Let us remember - this is the year of Yang Water on the Dragon. Water is not useful - this is a minus. Next we look at mergers. Yang Water + Yin Fire (birth month) = TREE The merger into Tree occurred again. But if in the previous example the Tree was useful, then here the tree is extremely unhelpful. Because Wood weakens the already weak personality of Water. What can happen? For this girl, water is an element of brotherhood. Therefore, in 2012 she will have very difficult relationships with people, there will be many conflicts, enemies, envious people, and competitors may escalate. There will be misunderstandings with brothers and sisters, especially with sisters. For example, under no circumstances should you open a business with someone, the money will be taken away and there will be a serious betrayal. Merger occurs with fire, and fire for a given person is money, so someone comes and takes away the money. Next, let's look at the Dragon. The dragon is the earth. Earth is also a very unhelpful element. And here the Dragon does not merge with anyone, so the qualities of the earth remain. You see, both Water and Earth are extremely dangerous elements for this card. Will it be a good year? Of course not! Great difficulties are expected. What exactly? We have already talked about money and the danger of betrayal. Look closely at the pillars of 2012 and the pillar of the year of birth. This is a complete duplicate! The years of duplicates are always a very fateful time. Here everything will be negative, since the elements are entirely negative. Duplicate with the palace of matrimony, so 100% of the year will bring very big problems to your personal life. There will be a divorce. A duplicate means that another woman comes and takes her husband away. Moreover, there is one more unpleasant moment. Two Dragons form a combination of “self-punishment”, all this in the palace of the spouse. And the earth itself is the element of the husband. Self-punishment is when the owner of the horoscope himself makes mistakes and then bites his elbows. She herself can create a bad situation in the marriage, such that her husband will be forced to look for another home. Or maybe introduce him to a friend who will take her husband away. But the situation will be very difficult in any case. Everything is aggravated by the fact that the Dragon collides with the Dog, the year of birth. This is exactly the case when the collision will play out very negatively. Two elements of the Earth collide, and the earth is the husband. That is, again an indication of divorce. Therefore, here this event can be predicted almost 100%. But land is also power for a girl. In addition to everything, there will be problems with work, conflicts with superiors, etc. The dog (year of birth) is also a storage facility and it will also open in 2012, only the situation will not be as rosy as in the previous example. There will most likely be a divorce and, against this background, a large division of property. The girl will want to get something from her husband, but will not receive anything. Even a lawsuit is possible, but I would not advise filing a lawsuit - it is useless. In 2012, power is of no use to her, and the court is an element of power, so she will definitely lose. This is such an unpleasant picture. There will also be a move here, but a forced one, due to the divorce from my husband. So, for this particular girl we can make a prediction of the following events in 2012 - a sharp deterioration in life - problems in her personal life, conflicts, divorce - the risk that her husband will leave for another woman - problems with work - division of property and unfavorable situations with the courts - forced relocation - difficult relationships with others Of course, I exaggerated things a bit. We did not take into account 10 year periods and other things. There are many ways to correct the situation. Even just through behavior. Why do we look at the forecast in order to take action in advance? Such a girl herself can ruin everything in marriage, since the “self-punishment” of dragons comes to the palace of marriage. Therefore, you need to give advice to be attentive, calm, etc. And if there is a divorce, then do everything as peacefully as possible, since luck in 2012 is not on her side. There's definitely no point in suing - it's useless; suing her will only anger her husband and get nothing. By thinking through your behavior, you can already avoid many problems. And if you add other means of correction here, even more so. You see how important it is to take into account a specific horoscope, all the pillars of fate, and not just the year of birth. These are two people born in the year of the Dog who will receive completely different effects from 2012. For one, things will go uphill, while the other risks going through a serious crisis. Therefore, be careful with general predictions, especially when you want to make an important decision. For example, the man from the first example could read that all Dogs are not allowed to start new things in the Year of the Dragon. But on the contrary, it is very desirable for him to open a business this year. And so on. Everything is individual, we take into account many nuances when we make a forecast based on the pillars of fate. And you see how much detail and accurate information can be extracted from this technique. Although the biggest charm of Ba Zi is not so much the ability to predict, but the ability to correct difficult situations. Source

Series of messages "Bazi":
Part 1 - Symbolic stars of Bazi Part 2 - Flower of romance ... Part 6 - Childbirth (example) Bazi Part 7 - Childbirth (example 2) Bazi Part 8 - WHY GENERAL FORECASTS DO NOT WORK Part 9 - Symbolic stars (Bazi) Part 10 - Golden carriage (Bazi) ... Part 13 - Several Demons of failure in Bazi Part 14 - Correlation of the elements in the Bazi chart with the 5 life aspects. Part 15 - Model of your ideal relationship according to Bazi

Love of a woman of the elements Earth according to Feng Shui

The greatest test of love for a woman on earth will be to give freedom to her partner in the sense that he does not feel the tenacious grip of her affection. If the earth woman understands that freedom of action does not necessarily mean threat and that by allowing her partner to be himself she is not betraying her interests in life, she may find that her deep sensual love is met with reciprocal feelings.

According to Feng Shui, a woman of the earth does not look for one-night stands when she is confident in the man she loves. She is monogamous and sees her partner as a permanent life partner. The furnishings of her home reflect key elements of her need for peace and security. Change is difficult for her, especially in relationships.

Characteristics of a woman of the earth. It doesn't hurt for an earth woman to do risky things from time to time. She can learn a lot from a partner who belongs to the element of fire, and this combination, although not always cloudless, is often very successful. The passionate directness of the fire flatters the silent dignity of the earth, and she never forgets the feeling of power it gives her.

Temperament of a woman element Earth according to Feng Shui

An earth woman instinctively strives to nourish and support others, but she is easily carried away, and her care can turn into painful bonds. Her affection for her partner easily turns into adoration, but she wants him to be hers completely. She may quarrel with his parents or work colleagues just to keep him with her. On the other hand, she can graciously keep in any company, cooks well and carefully monitors the household. Behind all this is a desperate need for reliability and inviolability of the foundations of life, and the woman of the earth sincerely believes that owning her favorite things (including men) will give her confidence in the future.

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