Talisman of love and fidelity according to Feng Shui: mandarin ducks and their power

For many lovers, decorative mandarin ducks are a symbol of an unbreakable marriage union, bringing sublime and romantic feelings to the relationship. A couple of such ducks can become a strong love talisman that will help attract a lonely person to his soul mate, fan the embers of an extinguished fire of passion and restore harmony in married life.

Mandarin ducks got their name because of their unique plumage. This is due to the fact that in ancient times, Chinese noblemen (who were then called mandarins) wore bright, expensive clothes. The feathers of waterfowl are also variegated in color, which was the reason for their name.

Mandarin ducks form only one pair during their existence. If one of this couple dies, the other may die of melancholy. These birds do swimming, flying, foraging, raising chicks and all their other activities together. Their touching devotion to each other represents a tender relationship, love and devotion to each other. Since ancient times, mandarin ducks, as a bright talisman of love and symbols of Feng Shui, have been presented to newlyweds on the day of their marriage.

History of the talisman

Mandarin ducks owe their name to their unusual plumage. In the distant past, Chinese noblemen (they were called mandarins) wore expensive, colorful and beautiful clothes. The plumage of drakes has a variegated and eye-catching color, which is why the ducks received the name mandarin ducks.

But why does a talisman affect love relationships? This is especially true for this type of duck. Mandarin ducks choose a mate for life, like swans.

The birds that have chosen each other do everything together: they swim, raise their offspring, and even take off at the same time. If a successful couple is separated, they will die of boredom.


Colorful birds can be raised in captivity. To do this, they need to create conditions similar to the natural environment - otherwise the females will not mate with the drakes, and they will not be able to get offspring. The maximum lifespan of mandarin ducks in captivity is 25 years.

Place of detention

In summer, the birds are kept in enclosures covered with mesh at the top - the ducks fly well. A canopy must be provided to protect from bad weather and bright sun. If the temperature drops below -7°C, an insulated room is required where the birds will spend the winter. In warm regions, livestock can be kept outdoors all year round. In this case, the ground is covered with a dry bedding of hay or straw.

The area of ​​the enclosure is calculated taking into account the number of pairs - at least 9 sq.m is required for 1. This will avoid fights between drakes over territory. Nests are made in the form of small houses, they are arranged at a height of 1.5 m - this creates a feeling of security, females will be able to quietly hatch their offspring. Instead of trees, you can use logs and poles.

If several families live in the enclosure, then the nests are placed at different heights. A platform must be provided in front of them or bars (perches) must be secured for ease of takeoff and landing. Nests should be installed a couple of weeks before laying - the Mandarin duck lays eggs at the end of March.

Mandarin ducks get along well with other birds in the poultry yard; fights arise only over nests and when there is a shortage of space.

One of the conditions for keeping decorative ducks is the presence of a pond. The optimal solution is an artificial pool. To create it, dig a deep hole 1.5 m wide. The walls are concreted. Provide a hole for drainage. An ecosystem is created in a reservoir by placing vegetation there. It is cleaned every 3 weeks. In winter, make sure that the water does not freeze - hot water is periodically added to the pool. In front of the pond, the area is covered with bedding material so that the birds’ paws do not get frostbitten after swimming.


The diet in captivity is different from the natural diet. Mandarin ducks are given:

  • crushed grains - barley, wheat, rice, corn;
  • cereals – rice, buckwheat;
  • bran;
  • alfalfa, clover, plantain, other herbs;
  • vegetables;
  • meat and bone, bone, fish, grass meal;
  • sources of calcium;
  • small pebbles;
  • sources of animal protein - low-fat cottage cheese, minced meat, fish waste (16-18%).

It is useful to offer acorns to birds. In winter and during mating, the norm of vitamins is increased due to ready-made premixes.


Mandarin ducks are resistant to many infectious diseases - they have strong immunity. Possible health problems when kept:

  • rickets, vitamin deficiency;
  • parasitic diseases.

Problems can be prevented by controlling the diet and keeping the enclosure clean. When cleaning the area, special attention is paid to the pond.


As in nature, in captivity, mandarin ducks create a family with one partner. An incubator may be required to hatch chicks - when kept in an aviary, birds often lose their instinct to incubate. If there is no equipment, you can lay duck eggs on other hens. If the duck sits on the nest on its own, the drake should be moved out for a while.

Mandarin duck chicks are active and curious - they need to be supervised. When properly kept, mandarin ducks become good parents and take care of their brood.

Legend of the appearance

It is said that a wealthy Chinese official had been married to a worthy woman for a long time. One day he realized that love had passed and he was tired of his wife. He decided to divorce his wife and send her back to her parents' house.

Before informing her of his decision, the official decided to take a walk in the garden and collect his thoughts. But at some point his thoughts were interrupted.

The man saw on the mirror surface of the lake two beautiful mandarin ducks swimming side by side and seeming to whisper words of love to each other.

At that moment he remembered the wonderful time spent with his wife and changed his mind about getting a divorce. He realized that it was impossible to escape from problems by destroying relationships.

Gradually, the situation in the family improved and good feelings returned. Over time, a belief arose that ducks preserve the family hearth. If the birds helped one couple, they will definitely help other people. Since then, ducks have been considered a symbol of love, home and good relations between spouses.


(and among the Japanese) - marital happiness and fidelity, beauty, bliss

Duck and drake - union of lovers, mutual attention, fidelity. Identified with the sign of yin (drake - yang)

Mandarin ducks (mandarin ducks) yuan-yang (always in pairs) are a traditional symbol of marital happiness.

The symbolism comes from observing a drake and a duck swimming in sync.

Sad tales about separated pairs of mandarin ducks are popular in Chinese (Japanese) folklore.

Young lovers are called “tangerine ducks in the dew.”

Porcelain figurines of ducks are usually given to married couples; motifs and scenes with tangerine ducks are used in the decoration of wedding rooms, decorate curtains (mats) and bedspreads of matrimonial beds.

“Union of Mandarin Ducks” is one of thirty love positions.

In ancient times, in some areas, the use of the word “duck” (yya) was reprehensible, as it means:

  • in one case - the penis,
  • in another, homosexuality.

A certain “duck egg sect”, which prescribed its members a strictly vegetarian lifestyle, as well as the enjoyment of duck eggs. It was banned due to alleged debauchery in rituals. (???)

The meaning of the talisman

Mandarin ducks help maintain and strengthen the relationship between husband and wife, and also protect against troubles and separation . At the moment of cooling of feelings, the positive impact of the symbol smooths out disagreements in the family and helps restore harmony.

For those looking for their soulmate, ducks have a different meaning. Figurines are used as a magical object that attracts happiness and love into life.

The talisman will be useful for people living together, but who have not yet decided to formalize the relationship. Its beneficial influence will help you make a common decision and enter into a legal marriage.

The figurines will be a wonderful gift for your loved ones if you want to spend the rest of your life together. In China, it is customary to give a talisman to newlyweds on their wedding day as a bright symbol of fidelity and love.

Who did you help?

Reviews of Feng Shui “Mandarin Ducks” are extremely positive. Studying them, it becomes clear that the talisman often helps married couples overcome the deepest crisis in their relationship. There are many cases where the image of mandarin ducks helped its owner find true love. If you suffer from loneliness, and nothing is going well in your personal life, you urgently need to acquire an oriental talisman. Its effect can enhance even the usual image of these amazing ducks, for example, in the form of a picture or desktop background on your computer.

Color and material

Duck figurines are made from a variety of materials. But most often they sell bronze figurines or their imitation. Such products will not become talismans and serve only for interior decoration.

Mandarin ducks made of bronze

In order for ducks to have a beneficial effect, they must be painted in colors close to natural. The predominant color according to Feng Shui should be orange. The figures may not look the same; the drake is usually brighter.

The element of the southwest (zone of love and marriage) is Earth; accordingly, the most suitable material for figurines is natural, found in the earth. Various semi-precious stones, porcelain, ceramics and untreated natural clay are suitable.

Souvenir figurines

Inexperienced buyers should know that it is advisable to purchase mandarin duck figurines in pairs; they do not have the same effect alone. Next, determine the material from which the figurine is made:

  • jasper;
  • nephritis;
  • porcelain;
  • ceramics;
  • natural clay;
  • minerals;
  • onyx.

The most favorable materials are considered to be jasper and jade.

According to Feng Shui, figurines of mandarin ducks are decorated with precious stones. The male individual looks a little brighter than the female. The souvenir is the strongest talisman against the evil eye and damage to family happiness.

Due to the naturalness of the material, the talisman is able to be charged daily with the pure energy of relationships. His presence can generate a holy feeling where there was little chance of finding a soul mate. Not only figurines of birds, but even images of them as a couple bring mutual understanding, harmony and comfort to family life.

How to choose?

Beware of fakes. Manufacturers, in an effort to save money, quickly produce magical attributes. The result of their labors, at best, will become a useless trinket, and at worst, it can ruin a person’s life.

Things to remember:

  • ducks must be liked very much, only then luck and love will come;
  • choose a pair, a duck and a drake. Figurines without a pair are not talismans and will bring loneliness into your home;
  • It is best if the figures resemble real birds in color. The drake has brighter plumage, the duck looks more modest;
  • material of natural origin is preferred. If you buy a painting, choose ducks depicted on natural canvas;
  • pay attention to the location of the figures. When looking at a couple, it should be noticeable that this is a single whole.

When choosing a panel or painting, follow the same recommendations.

What is the reason for the name of ducks?

In ancient times in China, the name "mandarin" was worn by influential nobles who were allowed to wear luxurious colored robes. Mandarin ducks, in their plumage, strongly resemble the multi-colored clothes of nobles, which is why they began to be called that.

Mandarin ducks are unusually attractive in appearance and loyal creatures. Since ancient times, people have noted that they, like swans, couple once in their lives and then remain faithful only to their partner. Having created a family, ducks try to perform all actions together: raise their babies, swim next to each other and even take off together. When one of the ducks dies, the second often follows it out of sadness.

Most likely, it is because of this that in the art of Feng Shui, mandarin ducks began to symbolize pure love and fidelity. This symbol is very common among the Chinese; mandarin ducks are presented to newlyweds on their wedding day.


An adult weighs from 0.5 to 0.7 kg, and its length is about 45 cm. The bird's head is small, round, and its eyes are large, almost black. The beak of females is gray, while that of males is red. The wingspan reaches 0.7 m. The legs are red, with sharp claws. Ducks quickly gain height, easily maneuver through the forest, climb trees and stay on them.

Mandarin ducks swim well and happily, but rarely dive. The birds' voice is not like the usual quack. It is characterized as a kind of whistle.

Drake plumage

The plumage of drakes is especially bright and beautiful. The bird looks like a toy. Attracts special attention to itself. The feathers on the head are a pattern of several colors: red, orange-brown and white.

The central part of the crown has elongated bright red feathers, and their ends and base shimmer in purple and green. Around the beak the plumage is red. The side of the head, including the area around the eyes, is covered with white feathers forming a small colored crest at the back. And closer to the neck, the plumage is orange-brown in color, with a striped pattern. The beak is smooth, red, with a slightly downward white tip.

The body color of the male is similar in brightness to the head. Smooth black back and white chest. The plumage from neck to chest shimmers with violet-blue colors. The middle of the chest has a transverse pattern of two white framing circles. Below the color is beige-orange.

An orange, upturned feather stands out on the dirty beige wings. The tail plumage consists of black and white feathers. The tail itself is slightly lowered. Paws are orange-red.

Twice a year, drakes change their plumage during the molting process. Their plumage becomes very similar to the feather color of females.

Plumage of females

The plumage of females does not indulge in a variety of colors, but it is still attractive in its own way. In the color of a duck, gray occupies a leading position. Only the breast is white, the area around the eyes and the base of the dark gray beak are outlined. The wings are brown-gray, the neck and sides are rippled with a combination of white and gray small spots. The feathers on the crown are longer than the rest and slightly raised. Inconspicuousness is necessary when laying eggs and hatching chicks. Legs yellow-brown.

Where to place figurines of mandarin ducks according to Feng Shui?

The talisman works at full strength only when positioned correctly. Place the talisman in the southwestern part of your home. There, according to the Bagua grid, is the territory of love.

In nature, ducks settle near rivers and lakes, so it is recommended to place the figures near water. The effect of the talisman is enhanced next to a decorative fountain, an aquarium and indoor plants.

The bedroom is a great place for a mascot, the living room is also suitable. For greater efficiency, there can be two pairs of ducks in the house, in the matrimonial bedroom and in the love sector.

The place should be well lit. Ducks standing in a dark hallway or on a closet shelf will be of no use.


Mandarin ducks feed based on where they settle, and most often they choose river banks. They are saturated before dawn and late in the evening. In summer, the bird almost completely switches to plant foods. She prefers to settle in safe places near a reservoir on tall trees, hiding in the thickets.


  • feeds on plant seeds, mollusks, fish eggs, and small river inhabitants;
  • most of all he loves vitamin-rich acorns, horsetail shoots, and worms, which he feeds on in the winter;
  • at home, the bird eats wheat, barley, corn and other grains. Animal protein is supplied to poultry in the form of fish or minced meat, snails, frogs;
  • greens include dandelion, duckweed, grated vegetables, and plantain. The chicks are fed boiled carrots and small insects;
  • during mating games, the share of protein food increases by 1/5.

Reference! The main thing is to return the diet to normal in time, otherwise the birds may develop uric acid diathesis.

The Mandarin duck is a real miracle of nature. Those who see it for the first time do not immediately understand that this is not a colorful toy, but a living creature. Males suffer greatly from their splendor during the mating season, because, despite their place in the Red Book, they still continue to be hunted, because rich people are willing to pay significant money to surround themselves with this beautiful creature.

The bird stands out not only for its appearance, but also for its voice. Not a single duck makes such a strange, unlike anything else sound. The species still won the greatest love and popularity due to its fidelity and beautiful courtship.

What should you avoid?

What should not be allowed in relation to the talisman:

  • never separate a couple;
  • if one of the figures breaks, you will need a new pair;
  • do not leave broken figurines, they are not talismans;
  • do not place figurines in a dark place, darkness weakens the effect of the magic item;
  • No matter how many ducks there are in your house, their number should be even. By placing a third bird next to a pair of birds, you thereby invite someone else into your family life.

Activating the power of mandarin ducks

You need to do the following:

  1. If the figures are small, it is recommended that a man carry a figurine of a female with him in his briefcase, and a woman - a figurine of a drake in her purse. Periodically during the day you need to take out a magic object, carefully study the figurine, remembering the most attractive features in the appearance and character of your life partner. The duration of charging the talisman with love energy is at least 2 weeks.
  2. Figurines should be placed on the table during a romantic dinner. Light the candles, write down your wishes (expectations from your life partner), and then put the leaves with the described hopes under the ducks. When the mandarin ducks are placed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, leaves with wishes can be left under them.
  3. If the drake and duck were purchased separately, then place them so that they appear to interact with each other. The more tenderness the image of the figurines evokes in you, the more joy you will experience in your relationship with your spouse.
  4. Wipe dust off figures frequently.
  5. Additionally, it is recommended to always carry a duck-shaped keychain with you, which will remind you of your life partner. This way you will charge the main talisman daily from a distance.
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