The meaning of pyramids of stone - huge buildings and pocket talismans

Studying the cultural heritage of the past, you can find references to small pyramids made of stone. Depending on the intended meaning and geographical location, they are called differently. Among the indigenous northern European peoples this is called seid (Northern Sami: sieidi). When visiting places of power on many continents, you can often notice seids - modest piles of various stones stacked on top of each other. Similar to the tradition of hanging ribbons on trees and poles, the creation of such “monuments” is fraught with a deep sacred meaning, which largely depends on the nature of the stone slides. Depending on the meaning and location on the map, the customs of many countries use their own definition of seid.

Seid in different cultures

is being built on the highest point on earth, in the Himalaya mountains . This view represents huge pyramidal piles of stones. Such pyramids are erected from large blocks of stone, usually on passes and mountain tops, as well as in places of power. Their construction is dedicated to those deities who protect this area. By design, they are more of a gesture of respect, in their appeal to a higher power.

Pyramids made of large stones are widespread not only among local residents of the Himalayan mountains, but also among pilgrims visiting these places.

A lot of this kind of stone seids can be found on mountain treks in Nepal. It is believed that such a pile of stones has particularly powerful energy. Pilgrims and tourists can add their own pebble to the overall composition by making a wish and making a request to a specific deity. Deeply religious people place notes with wishes under every stone. Thus, persistently highlighting the list of your desires and requests.

Stones are houses or shelters for living beings

Not everyone knows how the freshwater ecosystem works, so remember: rocks in streams are really important to many species of life, especially young insects and amphibians. Between and below them are habitats for many species of life that originate or live in water.

“You could accidentally remove the top of a crayfish's nest or damage the cradle for future generations of salmon. Removing rocks from a stream is essentially the equivalent of removing bricks from someone else's house,” Bonner writes.

Further East

On the territory of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples, obaa (abbr.: ob) are common. Such compositions do not have strict forms and purposes. Any traveler can install them in a place that he liked, where he stopped and chose a place for meditation . Such pyramids of stones can be built both near holy places and without reference to them. Such stone pyramids are very popular in Indian culture. Their analogue also exists among the Inuit, who create such structures at the burial sites of their loved ones - as a symbol of the replacement of the soul that has gone to heaven.

Doche can be found in the mountains of Tibet . This is the name given to pyramids made from piles of stones that pilgrims brought with them to the holy place. The compositions being built can be found throughout the Tibetan ridge. After all, almost every place in this territory has colossal power and energy. Comparable in pronunciation Chedo , are also common in Tibet, but have a slightly different message. Such compositions are created exclusively from flat pebbles placed on edge. They do not carry any sacred meaning and can be erected anywhere. Their main meaning is to mark a place for a traveler. It's kind of an environmental record with a sense of "I was here." Such a seid for travelers traveling a similar path may mean that he is not alone on his road.
Such symbols help a lot in difficult moments and give strength.

It harms wildlife

There is also a negative impact of laying rocks on living organisms living in and around water, especially in freshwater ecosystems that are already under threat. Researcher Randall Bonner wrote in Wide Open:

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“Every stone in the stream has life. Everything from aquatic plants to microorganisms are attached to them. The rocks also provide habitat for crustaceans. In the crevices, fish spawn eggs, which become fry.”

Other meanings of cairns

The meaning of compositions of superimposed stones may vary depending on the country. The myths and legends that exist in it add greater meaning and message. For example, in Scandinavian countries and Iceland, stone pyramids are erected when traveling through the mountains to protect oneself from the evil spells of trolls. It is also believed here that a mound of chipped pebbles is a kind of omen for good luck along the way.

On the coast of Canada, pillars of stones have long been erected as an analogue of a coastal lighthouse for fishing boats.

Several other seids were common in the ancient culture of Japan. Structures made of flat stones on uneven surfaces were erected by samurai as evidence of their indomitable spirit and endurance. This activity helped to sharpen the sense of balance and at the same time served as a kind of meditation. The warrior identified a higher goal for himself and adjusted his energy in accordance with the task.

A stone is on a stone, and on it is another stone. Amazing physics with magical powers

Decorative structures made of stones can be found in every corner of the world. The more tourists visit this place, the more such pyramids are built. This stone town is located on the way to Teriberka. It is difficult not to notice it, which is why many guests of the village do not pass by, but stop to complement the composition with their work.

Vladimir Isaev: “It has a magical meaning, yes. The most important thing is good wishes to all the people who live, have lived, and, God grant, that our lives continue. For us, our family, friends and children.”

Such buildings are called tours. In ancient times, they were monuments and were used for astronomical purposes. Such a pyramid could contain some kind of message or indicate the path through mountain glaciers. In North America, tours were laid out on trails where bison walked, in the Arctic they marked the length of the path or indicated the direction, and in the coastal provinces of Canada they served as a guide for boatmen. Tourist tours, as a rule, are small in size and have no practical use. But many believe in their magical properties.

Irina Tretyakova: “They told me that if you build this pyramid, then when you build it, you have to make a wish. Well, at the moment my husband is in the hospital and I wished for him to recover quickly. I think it must come true. I climbed, as I think, to the very height. Here, I made myself a pyramid.”

Similar structures, only larger in size, were built by the Sami. They are called seids. Murmansk resident Iraida Glebova is convinced that these structures can also be called seids.

Iraida Glebova: “The word “seid” comes from the Finnish language. No one knows for sure why they put pebbles on top of pebbles and so on the hills there stands, for example, a seid - a large stone on two small ones. And it doesn't fall. This is where the laws of physics for some reason don’t work.”

For some it is a memorable sign, but for others it is a great creative work. Stone balancing is developing as an art form. And very difficult. This is not to say that the laws of physics do not apply to these buildings. Accurate calculations, selection of stones and long, painstaking work - such a masterpiece cannot be built just like that. And it will most likely not last long - the fragile structure can be broken by a bird or even the wind.

For tourists, simplicity and reliability of the design are more important. Is it really that easy to create a tour? Curiosity forces you to go in search of free stones.

Even a simple pyramid is not very easy to build. There are no perfectly even stones here, and stone polygons do not always want to be adjacent. Without patience, you can’t even make three stones. Therefore, you have to exhale and take on a new job.

Seyd of modern man

Today, any knowledgeable person can build his own seid. Some compositions are erected in a variety of places. As a conductor for the match, any pebbles found in the surrounding area are used in the construction. A note with an invitation is placed between the stones. This peculiar form of communication in some cases takes on a comical character.

Many people believe so deeply in their seid that they put notes under every pebble in the pile. Just to be sure, otherwise there might be an interruption in communication. “Sending error”, “Please try again later” - we all know how this happens. A similar meaning can be observed in the previously mentioned monument - Latza. But unlike the latter, a personal seid of your choice does not have to be built to a gigantic size. To express your will or request, your own meaning and nearby stones are enough.

There is a similar tradition of creating cairns among climbers, although in this case it has a more practical than esoteric meaning. In mountaineering, such structures are called tours. They indicate important (often the most difficult) points on the route to help colleagues or rescuers find their way. Often inside such pyramids of stones there is a note with information about who, when and in what weather passed along the route.

Create your seid and beware of the spell of evil trolls!

Obsidian pyramid

Obsidian is considered one of the most powerful cleansing stones. It is associated with the first chakra - Muladhara. The energy of Muladhara is associated with the element of earth. Like a magnet, obsidian conducts the energy of this chakra into the human physical body. Obsidian cleanses well all “low vibrations” and helps dissolve energy blockages in the body. The normal functioning of this chakra ensures a rise in energy to the upper chakras. This effect harmonizes the functioning of the entire body and helps a person begin to feel more confident.

How to use

Place the palm of your right hand at the level of the solar plexus. Place your left palm on top of it, and place a pyramid on top. Relax and sit for 5 – 10 minutes.

Feng Shui pyramid as it is

Crystal Pyramid

The talisman is made of wood, crystal, less often paper and cardboard. But the most popular materials are glass and stone. When making a talisman, it is necessary to use the “golden ratio rule”: one face must be oriented towards the North Star. It is believed that this form absorbs the wisdom of humanity accumulated from time immemorial. The accumulated energy is perfectly transferred to household members. The latter can be cured of various diseases.

It is believed that the talisman can do more than just that. If you write your wish on a piece of paper and put it under the pyramid, it will definitely come true. You can even charge minerals in hollow pyramids; the talisman transfers its properties to the crystal.

Among other things, the pyramid is one of the best shielding means. The negative energy of the room is literally “pumped out” by the talisman. It is replaced by positive Qi. This is especially effective if you place it on a windowsill so that it can be illuminated by sunlight.

The crystal pyramid is also an excellent assistant for meditative practices. Since ancient times, crystal has been considered the material of magicians, sorcerers and wizards. He can cause visions. In certain lighting, it is easy to succumb to its charm and become imbued with its hypnotic essence. Ideally helps those who like to just sit in silence or in deep practices of various meditations, admire the beauty of the facets.

The pyramid can also help protect against the influence of unfriendly people or energy vampires.

Where to put the pyramid

The pyramid is the most powerful tool

Research shows that the feng shui pyramid has a strong energetic effect on a person. This is most clearly expressed when organizing the interior. The arrangement of furniture according to sectors and zones also affects the flow of Qi, but it is the pyramid that is the key link that brings everything into harmonious compliance with the laws of Feng Shui. The pyramid must be placed so that its edges and sides are strictly oriented towards the cardinal points. Check them with a compass.


It is worth placing a talisman both at home and in the workplace. If you place the pyramid in the northern sector of the room, then it will improve your career and business at work.

South and southeast

In the southeastern sector, the crystal pyramid will help strengthen and increase your financial well-being.

The southern sector is the glory sector. This is the most favorable sector for a triangular pyramid shape. Placing a crystal talisman in the South brings well-being and prosperity in one's career.


In the eastern sector, the pyramid helps improve health and family relationships.


In Western, you will receive support from nature, as well as establish relationships with people and protect children.

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