Pillar of the Day #28 乙亥 Yi Hai (Yin Tree on Pig)

Today I want to write about the colors of our life. Of course, we are talking about women belonging to the Yin Tree element. Let's consider the characteristics of the Yin Tree woman and what distinguishes her from others?

Firstly, these are creative individuals with a refined taste and sense of style. Their home is always cozy and comfortable.

Secondly, it is softness, flexibility and complaisance. Depending on the circumstances, it is able to change and adapt to any conditions. Yin women achieve whatever they want through flexibility. Never directly, but smoothly bypassing the interests of other people, this woman takes hers. Elegance and fluidity is a manner of purposeful movement. They also say about such women that they always get away with it.

Also, the Yin Tree woman does not become attached to anything and easily adapts to new conditions. She can easily change her place of work and residence.

Yin Tree women are good diplomats. They know how to negotiate and have a special gift for reaching agreement on everything. Non-conflict, tactful, stress-resistant.

The symbol of the Yin tree is climbing plants that need support to grow. Thanks to support and support, they can grow upward. Likewise, the Yin Tree woman needs support and support, allowing her to grow and develop. Such a woman moves upward, not noticing obstacles, trying to find a workaround when difficulty arises on her way. The classic version of such support is close people, friends of the element Yang tree.

Among the disadvantages of such women, I would include their ease with which they succumb to the influence of others. Also, women of the Yin tree are good manipulators who use other people for their own purposes.

Do you want to compare yourself with famous women of the Yin Tree?

First you need to know your Personality Element. You will learn how to do this here.

Now let's look at the base cards of famous women of the Yin Tree.

Women's Bazi Yin Tree - Opry Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is an American television presenter, actress, producer, public figure, and host of the talk show “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Date and Place of Birth: January 29, 1954 (age 67), USA. You can find out the biography here.

Oprah's personality element is the Yin Tree (I have highlighted this element with a red arrow in the map). And as we know, the Yin Tree has flexibility and pliability. It bends easily, but is difficult to break. The season (Ox month) does not support the personality element. The pillar of the year is what first impression we make on people. The annual pillar contains Yin Water (Oblique Seal) and Yin Fire (Spirit of Pleasure). Water in Bazi is traditionally responsible for wisdom, intelligence and sociability, and Fire is for brightness, playing to the public, and attracting attention. Therefore, Oprah's talent manifested itself at a fairly early age.

The annual pillar contains Yin Water (Oblique Seal) and Yin Fire (Spirit of Pleasure). The oblique seal says that Oprah was raised not by her mother, but by her grandmother.

Now let's look at the House of Marriage. The Yin Tree Day Pillar on the Rooster is quite problematic for relationships. Here the Element of Personality sits on the 7th Killer. It is difficult to have a happy marriage. Moreover, it is also a peach flower whose root has been cut off. The Rooster's Yin metal is like cutting off Oprah's flower. Getting married with such a pillar is a rather risky undertaking.


Author of the article: Feng Shui specialist Nadezhda Romanova

Every year we always have two signs running. One is the well-known sign of the eastern calendar (earthly branch). The second is the heavenly trunk. That is why eastern years are always called differently: wooden horse, water snake, metal sheep. This is associated with the celestial trunk of the year. For example, 2015 is the year of the wooden Goat. Since the heavenly trunk of the year is the Yin Tree, and the earthly branch of the year (sign) is the Goat. The year of birth is a very important factor in the horoscope. In Chinese astrology, the celestial trunk of the year of birth is called the “sign of fate.” My forecast is based specifically on the analysis of the Heavenly Stem of the year of birth. It's very easy to find. There are 10 celestial trunks in total. They repeat every 10 years. To get your 2015 forecast, you need to know the Celestial Stem of your birth year. Below is the information you need.

IMPORTANT = the eastern year always begins around February 4-5. If you were born in January or early February (before February 4-5), you need to take the previous year! If your birth year ends in 4 = Yang Wood If your birth year ends in 5 = Yin Wood If your birth year ends in 6 = Yang Fire If your birth year ends in 7 = Yin Fire If your birth year ends in 8 = Yang Earth If your birth year ends in 9 = Yin Earth

If your birth year ends in 0 = Yang Metal If your birth year ends in 1 = Yin Metal If your birth year ends in 2 = Yang Water If your birth year ends in 3 = Yin Water For example, you were born in 1970. The year ends in 0, see the forecast for Yang Metal. BUT, if you were born, for example, January 28, 1970 = see the previous year, that is, your Heavenly Stem of the year of birth = Yin Earth (as if you were born in 1969). Forecast for 2015 for the 10 celestial trunks of the year IMPORTANT = Forecast for the Year of the Goat for the 10 celestial trunks of the year will begin on February 4, 2015! Yin Earth General trends of the year A very prosperous year awaits you, full of favorable events. You will be able to implement most of your plans. The main theme of the year is the beginning of a new life, new projects. This could be opening a business, starting an important business project, or moving. You will devote a lot of time to work and you need to do it. If you are looking for a new job, this is the year when the long-awaited success may come. The main thing is not to stop. Not everything will work out quickly and easily during the year; the horoscope contains an indication of success through obstacles. However, if you set clear goals and don’t get distracted by trifles, you can avoid big problems. Be more openly generous during 2015. Remember that it is extremely important for you to devote a lot of time to spiritual development and meditation in the year of the Goat. Perhaps you will find your spiritual teacher. For people involved in metaphysics, this is a wonderful year, a year of recognition and serious achievements. * Many of you will open a store or retail outlet in the Year of the Goat. * Particular success in work awaits people associated with the legal field. * If you have to go to trial, you will most likely win. * This will be a year of big changes * You will have at least one very important and long-distance journey, perhaps immigration or a change of residence * You will be successful if your work involves flying, airplanes and the sky, but be careful when traveling by air * Be be careful at heights, avoid tall buildings, skydiving Job = very good, success, new, profitable job. Money = good, you can make money, but you spend a lot of effort on making money. Love, marriage = extremely unstable, there may be divorces, confrontations with a partner, you need to show calm, compromise. If you are single and looking for a partner, the situation is better. If you are in a couple or married, there is a danger of breaking up the relationship. * Love can arise with people born in the years of the Snake and Dragon. Health = the year may not be very good for health, especially you need to take care of the cardiovascular system, eyes, bleeding and blood problems are possible. An excited state of mind and stress will be the main cause of the disease. However, there will be no serious danger, you will be helped in time, the diagnoses will be correct, the doctors will be good. Risk of injury from falls, especially from heights. Avoid such situations. Enemies = There is no need to be afraid of enemies; they will not cause you serious harm. Real estate = unstable, I don’t recommend buying or investing in real estate, at least be careful. Studying, exams = excellent, success and victories. You can easily enter the chosen institution and pass exams. Good relationships, help from people born in the years = Yin Wood, Yin Metal, Yang Wood. Difficult relationships, harm from people born in the years = Yang Water, Yin Fire, Yang Metal Yang Earth General trends of the year In general, you have a favorable year, many of your goals and desires will come true. However, you may behave overly emotionally throughout the year, which will lead to quarrels and conflicts with people. Try to control your emotions. If you are associated with the artistic field, advertising business or entertainment field, then everything is easier for you. This year will bring sharp, unexpected events, like a bolt from the blue. Events can be both good and bad. In any case, be prepared for the unexpected. You won't be bored in the Year of the Goat. A year of increased injuries, be careful, there is danger from fire, explosions, and transport accidents. High risks of open bleeding. Avoid risky situations. Do not get involved in fights; all these unpleasant events are mostly associated with impulsive, thoughtless behavior. You will only have yourself to blame. There may also be serious errors due to haste. This year is also associated with secrets and deceptions. Either you are deceiving, or you are being deceived. If you are starting serious business, business, or signing important papers, please be as careful as possible. Check everything several times. * Beware of darkness, dark rooms, blows from the quiet * Be as honest as possible, then you will be deceived less throughout the year * If you are a woman, then pregnancy is possible in 2015, but you should be careful so that the pregnancy does not end in failure * Avoid lawsuits, they will not be in your favor * Beware of the color red Job = excellent prospects, career growth, promotions are possible. Take advantage of the moment. Money = good, you can earn money, but it’s not easy money, you have to put in a lot of effort. Love, marriage = difficult, there is no unity with your partner, you can put too much pressure on your partner, which will cause conflicts and quarrels. You yourself will spoil the relationship. Avoid impulsiveness and aggression. Men are luckier in their personal lives than women. * Love can arise with people born in the years of the Goat and the Monkey. Health = an extremely dangerous year for health, serious problems are possible. Take more care of your body. You may be misdiagnosed and given the wrong treatment. High risks of injury and bleeding. The gastrointestinal tract, nose, hands, fingers, and left leg are most vulnerable. Enemies = danger from secret enemies, conspiracies. Don't walk on dark streets. Real estate = good, you can buy or invest in real estate. But check the contracts carefully, do not forget that you are entering a year of deception and fog. Studying, exams = bad, there may be difficulties. Pay special attention to this area of ​​your life. Good relationships, help from people born in the years = Yin Water, Yang Fire, Yin Earth Difficult relationships, harm from people born in the years = Yin Metal, Yin Wood, Yang Water Yang Tree and Yin Metal General trends of the year People born in years of Yin Metal and Yang Wood will have similar trends and events in many ways. But for people born in the year of Yin Metal, the risks are much more serious; it is especially important for them to listen to the recommendations and create protection. Also, Yin Metal will behave much more aggressively than it will provoke problems in its life. The yang tree has more protection in the year of the Goat. The outer side of the year is quite difficult and stressful, but you have the protection to overcome many obstacles. In the year of the Goat, it may seem to you that everything is falling out of your hands, that luck is constantly eluding you. Many will feel a state of swamp, a serious stupor. Be more active, strive to take leadership positions throughout the year, develop resilience and self-confidence. It is very important to comply with the law and do everything legally - this is protection from future problems. In the Year of the Goat, luck doesn’t just fall on your head. You will be helped by people in a higher position than you. These could be your bosses, high-ranking officials, people in power. It is important to maintain good relations with such people, not to provoke conflicts or speak out against them. Many will face serious legal problems and courts in the Year of the Goat. It is not very good to sue or start legal proceedings. This is not the best year. Especially when it comes to divorce and property. Try to resolve all issues peacefully. * Strengthening your reputation, the opportunity to occupy an important position. * Injuries on the road, be careful in transport. * It is better not to go on long journeys, not to move. If you travel, avoid risks. * Women should be especially careful about their behavior, otherwise they risk creating serious problems in relationships, ruining their reputation, and losing their partner. * Be careful with heating devices in the house, stoves, ovens, etc. This is a source of danger. Work = a good year for work, especially for those who strive to make a career, move up the career ladder, and occupy important positions. You also need to remember that luck in the year of the Goat is 90% of your diligence and activity, and not just a coincidence of the right circumstances. Try to gain the trust of people in power; you can find good patrons. Avoid any fraud at work, you may have legal problems. Money = You will have to work very hard to earn money in the Year of the Goat. Love, marriage = for single people - a more successful year, an opportunity to find a partner, although far from ideal. For married people, there is a danger of betrayal in marriage. This applies more to women; men cheat. The husband can file for divorce. Therefore, marriage must be protected! *Love can arise with people born in the years of the Snake and Dragon. Health = injuries on the road, danger of accidents, be careful in transport. Danger from green and red cars. There will be no serious health problems, but there may be a severe loss of strength, especially due to work. We need to find some way to replenish energy throughout the year. Take care of your reproductive system and immunity. In winter, joint problems may worsen. Enemies = great danger from enemies, especially in April, May, October and November 2015. It is better not to get involved in conflicts, you will lose. Real estate = bad, you can’t do any serious real estate transactions. There may be serious losses, especially due to legal cases. Studying, exams = good, success and support from teachers, but it’s worth being active in your studies. Good relationships, help from people born in the years = Yang Water, Yin Wood, Yin Metal. Difficult relationships, harm from people born in the years = Yin Fire, Yang Metal. Yin Tree General trends of the year People of the Yin Tree will live a rather difficult year, I would not advise planning something important, opening a business, making serious investments, etc. It is advisable to live the Year of the Goat with maximum restraint and moderation. Just like the Yang Tree, a certain stagnation, slowdown in business, a swamp, and a feeling of helplessness can be felt. You will have to put in a lot of effort to implement your plans. The yin tree will encounter the effect of serious transformation, both internal and external, in the year of the Goat. This could be a big move, a radical change of job or partner. The changes are somewhat fatal in nature, I would advise you not to resist them, but to calmly endure them. Then it will be easier for you to move to the next stage. The good side of the year is that you will be able to get a lot of useful information, undergo training, important seminars, and trainings. A good year for studying, both literally and figuratively. Be especially attentive to the lessons that fate teaches this year. Develop positive thinking, positive visualization. Work on your internal programs. * Sudden and thoughtless steps can lead to a fall. * Beware of gossip and conspiracies, keep your mouth shut. * Develop your spirituality, practice meditation, yoga. * Signs will indicate the right path. * Do not give or borrow money. * The man in red will play a decisive role in your destiny. Job = there may be a radical change of job or a major change in the current job. Beware of secret enemies at work, gossip and anonymous letters that can destroy your reputation. This is not a good year to start a business or build a career. The work will take a lot of energy. Money = average year, serious risks with money are prohibited. Then there will be no losses. Love, marriage = jealousy and imbalance can kill a relationship. For single people, this is a good year on a personal level; you can change everything radically and find a partner. For families - if you don’t strain the relationship itself, everything is stable. If you get into trouble yourself, your partner will not tolerate it and will leave. * Love can arise with people born in the years of the Pig and Dog. Health = all illnesses will be from nerves. Most of all you need to be wary of problems with the nervous system, depression, neuroses, etc. Insomnia, bad thoughts. Also watch your liver and legs. Leg injuries. We must take care of this part of the body. Eliminate any risks, since the year is associated with increased danger. It is deliberately better not to go under the surgeon’s knife. Enemies = Enemies are dangerous and ruthless and can cause serious damage. Unfortunately, friends can become enemies. Real estate = bad, you can’t do any serious real estate transactions. There may be serious losses. Check the wiring for electrical hazards in the house. Strengthen the Feng Shui of your apartment. Studying, exams = good, success and support from teachers, but it’s worth being active in your studies. Good relationships, help from people born in the years = Yang Water, Yang Wood, Yin Metal. Difficult relationships, harm from people born in the years = Yin Fire, Yang Metal. Yang Metal General trends of the year A very active year, you are determined to move forward firmly and achieve big goals. This year will be similar to a period of hostilities, with a lot of tension, confrontation, and clashes of interests. But you also have a great potential to win! You definitely won't be bored. This year is especially successful for those who take an active position in life, for example, you are actively (and somewhat aggressively) building your business, moving up the career ladder, etc. Or your profession is related to law, police, military, surgeons. Then the year can bring great success. But if you are by nature a quiet and calm person who is not used to taking risks, this year will create a lot of stress, and you need to be prepared for this. Also, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to start a war or a lawsuit, you may lose. * Beware of theft, take care of your belongings. * Do charity work, this will help protect against problems. * Many will start a new business in the year of the Goat. *Be careful with water. * Birth of children. Work = active progress, but a lot of confrontation. Good luck for those whose profession is related to sports, aggressiveness, police, military, lawyers, surgeons. For everyone else, the year may be difficult in work, with many attacks. Money = very good, you can make money, especially in business. But we must be wary of thieves. Love, marriage = good, you are actively interested in your personal life, you will spend a lot of energy on this area. But you should be wary of secret connections and self-interest - this will lead to big scandals and danger. Forget about married men)) * Love can arise with people born in the years of the Rabbit. Health = bad year for health, serious problems may arise, especially you need to take care of your head, brain, gynecology, and kidneys. Injuries and injuries are possible, especially head injuries. Enemies = enemies are secret, but not dangerous. The situation can be controlled. Beware of magical effects, damage, and the evil eye. Put up protection. Real estate = good, you can buy or sell real estate. Invest in real estate. Studying, exams = not very good, there may be difficulties with entering universities. You'll have to put in a lot of effort. You can also find your love while studying, at courses, seminars, in libraries. Good relationships, help from people born in the years = Yang Fire, Yin Fire, Yin Water, Yang Earth. Difficult relationships, harm from people born in the years = Yin Earth. Yin Fire General trends of the year People of Yin Fire are the luckiest of all. They will receive the most bonuses from the coming year, especially in material terms. The beginning of a new life, success, fortune awaits you. Many things will work out on their own. The main thing is to clearly define your goals and objectives for the Year of the Goat. Take the time at the beginning of February to write down all your plans for 2015, it’s good to make a large vision board where you symbolically depict your goals. Many of you will experience cardinal events - starting a family, getting married, buying a new apartment, having a child. Don't miss out on the opportunities of the coming year. Luck comes suddenly this year, you need to have time to grab the bird of happiness by the tail. This is the main recommendation for Yin Fire. If you lie on the couch, the year will not bring big problems, but there will be zero achievements. It is better to concentrate on solving material problems and real estate issues. * Small people will interfere, but will not be able to cause damage. The dog barks, the caravan moves on. * Turn to the angels for help more often, pray to your gods. * If you have not been able to conceive for a long time, this year may give you a long-awaited child. * You will receive expensive gifts and jewelry from a loved one. * Wealth will come from older relatives. * The trial will be won. * Don't forget to share your wealth with your loved ones. Job = better not to change job, then promotion and success. If you are looking for a new job, there will be difficulties at first, then success. Those who work independently and have their own business will have more luck. Money = great! You may receive large sums of money, inheritances, gifts and winnings. Don't miss this year to make money. Love, marriage = good, for single people – new partners, weddings. For families – the birth of a child. * Love can arise with people born in the years of the rat. Health = Health is not very good, but you have protection, if you get sick, you will quickly recover. Take care of your teeth, throat, esophagus, also kidneys. Enemies = enemies can not be afraid, you are stronger. Perhaps minor theft, without serious consequences. Or you yourself will lose something (phone, jewelry). Real estate = excellent! Study, exams = badly, it is better not to do this year. If you learn, pay attention to your studies, otherwise you can fly out. Your thoughts this year are more busy with money and love, not study. Good relations, help from people born in the years = Fire Yang, Metal Yang, Water Yin, Earth Yang. Complex relationships, harm from people born in the years = Earth Yin. Water Yang General trends in the year quite a calm, measured year. Achievements are possible, but you are unlikely to want to waste your hand. A tendency to laziness may manifest itself, the desire to leave, hide from problems, to lie on the bottom. Such a strategy is quite reasonable. Nevertheless, for ambitious persons - there is a possibility of success, but you need to be prepared for slow progress, nothing will work quickly. The more you hurry, the more obstacles will occur in the way. Your active actions will not notice immediately and will not immediately appreciate, do not worry. Everything has its time. If you focus on the main thing - at the end of the year you will get what you want. If you spray your strength and be nervous, you will find yourself in a broken trough. Yang water is more preoccupied with a love life in the year of a goat than work and money. For many years, important changes in personal terms, new serious relationships, marriage, engagement will bring. It is very good to look for your love, get married. * You can meet your love at the water or a partner will be somehow connected with water. * You will have creative talents. * In the year of the goat you can easily solve old psychological problems. * Pay attention to dreams, there will be many tips in them. * Black color will show the road to success. Work = not the best year to change work. If you leave everything as it is, there will be stability. If you strive to change the work, there will be failure. It is difficult to advance in a career. If your profession is associated with water, consultations, psychology, travel, medicine - you will earn money. Money = undesirable to perform serious financial transactions and investments. Do not take loans, loans, then it will be hard to give. The fewer changes in this area, the more safety. Love, marriage = wonderful year, gaining love, wedding, finding a good partner. * Love can arise with people born in the years of the rooster. Health = carefully, a year is not very good for health, sharp, unexpected diseases. Take care of the reproductive system, ears, kidneys, blood, immune system, hormonal system. Drink more water. Also in 2015, you may encounter incomprehensible symptoms and irregular diagnoses. Therefore, it is advisable to check the diagnoses in several places. Enemies = you may not be afraid of enemies, on the contrary, their actions will benefit you. Your main enemy is your absent -mindedness and inattention, laziness and irresponsibility. Real estate = quite normal, you can make real estate transactions. But carefully check all legal issues. Study, exams = good, you can easily go where you planned. Exams is not a problem. If only love does not distract you from study. Good relations, help from people born in the years = fire yin, metal yang. Complex relationships, harm from people born in the years = fire yang, water yin, land yang. Fire Yang and Water Yin General Trends in the year people born during the years of yin and fire of Yang will largely have similar trends and events. But the fire was a little more lucky, it is much easier for him to overcome the negative trends of the year. Although for both signs a year is good, fruitful, much can be achieved in life. You worked a lot and worked in the past years, the time has come to collect the fruits of your labor. The year of the goat will be a very successful time for you, provided that in past years you did not lie on the couch. You will have the opportunity to take a break, make a pleasant journey, enjoy your favorite things. Although the year is also suitable for new undertakings, it is simply hardly that you will have a strong motivation for large purposes. Your attention will be more concentrated on family and children. Fire Yang is in a more advantageous position, it will receive more bonuses from children and family, from real estate. Yin water is also able to receive support and benefits from this sphere, but only after some struggle and resistance. The main advice for water water is less than conflicts in the family, less pressure and manipulations with loved ones, then everything is fine. For many women, the water and fire of Yang - the year of the goat will bring pregnancy, the birth of a child. But the Yang fire is easier to implement this topic. Yin water may encounter health problems, it will be more difficult to wear a child, it is more difficult to give birth. Therefore, the yin water should in advance lay a straw. If you do not have children and family, then probably all your goals will spin around the topic of real estate and moving. This is a good year to resolve such issues, you can really move successfully. But Yin water will face a large number of obstacles. * You buy a house or apartment by the water. * A trial with a woman is possible. * You may encounter spirits or inexplicable phenomena in the house. * Your mother will help you, will play an important role in life. * Check the pipes in your home, there may be problems with water. Work = a wonderful year, both for those who are looking for work, and for those who want to move up the career ladder. Particular benefit if your work is related to real estate, water, agriculture, products, children, school, medicine. Yin fire will move faster, it has more good luck. Yin water should overcome its fears and laziness. Money = good, you can earn. But a lot will have to be spent on a family, children, parents. You may have to invest all the money in construction or real estate. Love, marriage = good year, but you are inclined to unnecessarily control your soul mate, it concerns the people of yin water. A year can bring a long -awaited pregnancy. * Love can arise with people born during the years of the goat and monkey. Health = special health problems will not be. But it is worth protecting the gastrointestinal tract. Proper nutrition will be very helpful. Enemies = enemies are not dangerous. Real estate = good, you can carry out real estate operations. Construction of a new house. Successful repair work. Study, exams = bad, no good luck in this area. It is better to act in another year. If you are learning, then pay special attention to study. Good relations, help from people born in the years = Earth Yang, Earth Yin, Fire Jan, Water Yin. Complex relationships, harm from people born in the years = Yin tree, metal yin, wood yang.

May the year of the goat 2015 bring with it Fun, joy, happiness and hope!

Bazi Beyonce

I want to stop on Beyoncé's bazi map. Date of birth September 4, 1981 Houston, USA. at 10 am

Beyonce is a Yin Tree by nature. Looking at her map, we see a skew of the Metal element, which represents the element of power. Women with such a card are power-hungry and want to rule the entire planet. They are very popular among men. Also, the prosperous metal in the chart gives her a strong voice. The year of birth brings Beyoncé charisma and the desire to shine always and everywhere.

As for her personal life, she also has a Rooster in her marriage palace. For Beyoncé, this is power, i.e. the husband's star is in place. And being her husband is not easy. Moreover, in the marriage palace there is a symbolic star “Team Influence”. It is difficult to have a happy marriage in which a woman often does not control her words and can offend. But along with this, she will do a lot so as not to remain lonely.

Looking at Beyoncé's map, we can say that we have a commander, a general and a leader all rolled into one. This is evidenced by her stage image and the presence of several other types of business.

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