Glass and small pyramids of the Louvre - the original environment of the Parisian museum

30 years ago in France, in the center of Paris, at the entrance to the Louvre - the main art repository of the planet - a strange and mysterious structure appeared: a glass pyramid, which caused an ambiguous attitude among Parisians. Even before construction was completed, the glass object was fiercely debated. Some considered the pyramid, which looked ugly against the backdrop of the elegant Louvre, “a wart on a noble face,” while others defended the ambitious project. Located at the entrance to the famous art museum, the structure is surrounded by secrets, legends and speculation.

Purpose of construction

In 1981, French President François Miterrand decided to make Paris the cultural center of Europe.
The main object of attention of the head of the country was the ancient Royal Palace, which, thanks to Francois Miterrand, turned into an art museum of world scale. The president launched a project called the Grand Louvre, which involved modernizing the historical palace. The pyramid was built within its framework. It was intended to complement the look and give it a touch of modernity.
It also had a practical meaning - it expanded the entrance, thereby eliminating long queues. However, it was still not possible to completely get rid of the crowds of visitors. About 9 million people visit the museum every year. The flow of tourists does not dry out either on weekdays or on weekends.

Rebirth of the palace into a museum

Work on rebuilding and decorating the Louvre almost ceased after 1682, when Louis XIV chose Versailles as his residence. Enlightenment leaders increasingly proposed turning the Louvre into a museum, but this only happened during the revolution. On August 10, 1793, the doors of the Louvre were opened to visitors for the first time.

Further construction resumed under Napoleon Bonaparte. Architects Charles Percier and Pierre Fontaine built the northern wing of the palace - the Marchand Pavilion. The final work on this building was completed in 1852 under Napoleon III. No one else was involved in the construction of the Louvre. The building acquired its modern appearance after the fire that destroyed the Tuileries Palace in 1871. Over the course of many years, all premises of the Louvre were restored, and the former palace became a museum.

History of creation

In 1981, the mayor's office of the French capital announced a competition among architects who would take part in the Grand Louvre project. A huge number of participants submitted their applications, offering their options, both in traditional and completely original and innovative styles.

The architect BeiYuming (IeohMingPei) won the competition. This talented architect of Chinese origin proposed a design for a glass building that was quite bold at that time, which was successfully implemented.

Like the construction of the Eiffel Tower, the architectural style of the future building caused discontent and a huge amount of controversy among the residents of the capital. They believed that this would only spoil the appearance of one of the most grandiose buildings of the Renaissance. The controversy surrounding it became widespread and divided the residents of Paris into right and left.

Despite numerous discontent among the townspeople, the structure was still erected. Construction began in 1985. The opening of the facility took place in the spring of 1989. It is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the start of the Great French Revolution.

Main characteristics

It is located above the underground hall, on the territory of which there are ticket offices, information desks, a cafe and entrances to the 3 main wings of the museum. Thanks to its design, enough light penetrates into the room, allowing you to avoid the use of artificial lighting during the day. Around it there are 3 small ones that act as illumination.

Main characteristics of the object:

  1. Height: 21.6 m.
  2. Weight: about 180 t.
  3. Total area of ​​the multifaceted base: 1000 sq. m.
  4. Length of the sides of the base: 35 m each.
  5. Angle of edges: 52º.
  6. Construction: 603 diamond-shaped and 70 triangular segments.
  7. Segment thickness: 0.21 cm.
  8. Materials used: glass, aluminum and steel.

You can get to the attraction by metro lines 1 and 7. Get off at the PalaisRoyal-MuséeduLouvre station.

Legends and interesting facts

Among particularly original people and fans of world conspiracy theories, there is an assumption that the structure is the creation of the devil himself. According to their calculations, the number of inserts is 666. Dan Brown’s famous work “The Da Vinci Code” added fuel to the fire, where the author depicted it as a ritual temple of the mysterious Illuminati. However, in official sources the number of inserts remains equal to 673.

Some interesting facts:

  1. It is the 3rd most popular cultural site among tourists. It is surpassed only by the legendary creation of Leonardo da Vinci “Mona Lisa” and the ancient Greek sculpture of the Venus de Milo.
  2. The author, Bei Yuming, wanted the building to be built in the “Coca-Cola bottle” style. Initially, he wanted the glass segments to be slightly darkened. However, this would significantly worsen the lighting of the underground hall.
  3. The passage to the Louvre is the beginning of the Triumphal Route - the historical axis of Paris, which has a length of 9 km. This is one of the most ambitious projects of Francois Miterrand, which was implemented at the end of the 20th century.
  4. In 1793, revolutionaries from the French Masonic lodge attempted to build a pyramidal structure made of glass on this site.
  5. It is often associated with the activities of the Freemasons, the Illuminati and even aliens. However, there is no evidence of a connection with these “organizations”.
  6. This is not the only entrance to the Louvre territory. You can get there without queues from Rivoli Street or directly from the metro, from the side leading to the Carousel.
  7. In addition to the architect himself, a team of physicists, meteorologists, technologists, biologists and programmers worked on the project.
  8. Bei Yuming used the principles of Feng Shui in his work. It is surrounded on 3 sides by fountains. With this layout, the architect sought to harmoniously combine the two main elements - air and water.


The world's oceans contain many secrets closed to humans, which for hundreds of years still remain under a veil of uncertainty. Among the first are the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle - a mysterious region of the western Atlantic, about which myths and legends .

I accidentally found information from 2012 that Canadian scientists, studying the obtained sonar photographs of good resolution, found a sunken city on the ocean floor in the Bermuda Triangle area. Not far from the Cuban coast, at a depth of one hundred and eighty meters, there is a huge sunken city with pyramids, tunnels, roads and other buildings. One of the pyramids is glass (or ceramic), there is also a sculpture of a sphinx, and hieroglyphs are visible on the walls of the buildings.

Researchers believe that the city is similar to ancient Latin American cultures, for example, with the culture of the lost Teotiucan civilization, which was located in Mexico and reached its peak in the first millennium. It is believed that the Aztec tribes who arrived later were greatly influenced by this civilization. It is believed that the sunken city was built 1.5-2.0 thousand years ago.

Reference. Canadians Pauline Zalitzky and Paul Weinzweig were invited by the Cuban government to map the ocean floor. Searching for sunken ships with jewelry was one of the goals of the work. But instead of treasures, the Canadian couple found an ancient city at the bottom... As it turned out, they were not the first here...

Scientists have found a sunken city at the bottom of Bermuda

History of the discovery of the pyramids

Back in 1977, the echo sounders of a vessel that was fishing near Bermuda recorded an irregularity resembling a pyramid at the very bottom of the ocean. Based on these facts, the American Charles Berlitz organized a special expedition. During it, a pyramid was discovered at a depth of about 400 meters. According to Charles Berlitz, it had the following parameters: an approximate height of 150 meters, the side of the base was 200 meters long, the slope of the faces of the pyramid was the same as that of the famous Pyramid of Cheops, which is located in Giza (Egypt). One side of this pyramid turned out to be longer than the other.

The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean in which mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft and other anomalous phenomena allegedly occur . The area is bounded by a triangle whose vertices are Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. The area is very difficult to navigate: there are a large number of shallows, cyclones and storms often form

American oceanographers in the early 90s also discovered a pyramid using sonar instruments in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle. After processing all the data, scientists suggested that the plane of the pyramid-shaped structure is completely smooth and, possibly, glass! In size it was approximately 3 times larger than the famous Pyramid of Cheops. After deciphering the echo signals that were reflected from the surface of the pyramid, it was concluded that the pyramid consists of some unknown material, very similar to crystal or very well-polished ceramics.

The sensational news was announced in Florida at a press conference. The journalists were presented with echograms, photographs, in a word, all the relevant research materials. Data from shipborne sonars and computer analyzers with very high resolution have established that the pyramid has a very smooth and clean surface, not at all overgrown with algae. The pyramid does not consist of blocks. There are no visible cracks, or any kind of connectors, or seams, as if it was carved from a single monolith.

However, in the following years, the US government classified the available information about the so-called “glass pyramid”, and all information was closed to the media. In this area, according to US Navy intelligence officers, unknown objects have been repeatedly observed entering the depths of the sea, i.e., UFO flights have been recorded. Recently, intelligence officers have been conducting targeted tracking in this area and quite often record such flights.

They recognize the fact that anomalies do occur in the Bermuda Triangle, which are caused by the work of a very powerful energy complex of unknown inhabitants of the underwater space, perhaps even the Atlanteans, who at one time survived after a tragic disaster. There is a version that it is the glass pyramid that is the center of such a complex, which was once built by the priests of Atlantis.

A similar set of structures, which are luminous pyramids, was discovered near the south of Chile (Bellingshausen Trench) at a depth of 6000 meters. We can talk a lot about the mystical aspects of this topic. But facts are stubborn things.

Here we can recall the prophecy of the scientist-soothsayer Edgar Cayce, namely, about a large crystal with monstrous power that can give rise to destructive cataclysms and destroy our civilization. But information about pyramids allegedly found in the area where the Bermuda Triangle is located comes in regularly. According to US Navy hydrographic documents, the American Scout Peak was first mentioned in 1948.

This is a huge structure with a base at a depth of 4400 meters, and reaching up to 37 meters, if you count from the ocean floor. After careful measurements, using the most modern equipment, which were carried out by the Atlantis-11 research ship, it turned out that the existence of an underwater object in this area was not confirmed. Based on this, geologists concluded that data on the existence of a seamount were obtained based on the concept of the so-called “false bottom.” Again some questions...

Isn't this the pyramid that Charles Berlitz talked about? According to Alejandro Perez, who is a shaman and a direct descendant of the Mayans, as well as the Elder of the Two Americas, the cities that exist in Yucatan were built by the ancestors of the Mayans who came from Bermuda. (The word “Maya” initially sounded like “May” (Atlanteans)). At first they lived in Bermuda, in the so-called “Diamond City,” and from that place they already came to Tollan. The most important city is the city of Diamond, which was located in Bermuda, where there was also an underwater pyramid.

Meanwhile, in 2003, a message came saying that two mysterious huge pyramid-shaped structures had been discovered in the Bermuda Triangle. Oceanographer Berlag Mayer, using unique equipment, managed to establish that they consist of a substance resembling glass. The pyramids located in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle have dimensions incomparably larger than the parameters of similar structures on land, including the famous Pyramid of Cheops. However, according to preliminary information, the age of these pyramids is no more than 500 years. Who built these structures and for what purpose still remains a mystery...

According to Mayer, the method by which the pyramids were made is unknown to earthlings. Again, complete mysteries... Modern people know very little about Atlantis.

According to the legends, the Atlanteans were very tall, incredibly beautiful and could exchange thoughts without using speech. They could also overcome gravity. The mystery of the disappearance of the Atlantean civilization worries the minds of both serious scientists and enthusiastic researchers. There is a legend that some of the surviving inhabitants of Atlantis moved to Tibet. The people of Tibet have a legend that talks about huge pyramids that were crowned with large rock crystal crystals and that served as antennas for receiving the life-giving energy of the Cosmos.

But let's get back to the pyramids... What are underwater glass pyramids? Here is another interesting incident that happened to Dr. Ray Brown. In 1970, he decided to relax on the island of Bahrie, which is located near the Bahamas. He was very fond of scuba diving. And once, while diving, at a considerable depth, I discovered a well-preserved pyramid, which was equipped with unknown technology. Among the rods and various holders was an unusual crystal. He managed to lift this crystal to the surface. And for 5 years he carefully protected this find. However, in 1975, he still decided to present it at a congress of psychiatrists in the USA. Psychologist Elizabeth Bacon from New York, looking at the crystal, unexpectedly received a “message” from it that it belonged to the Egyptian god Thoth, the god of death.

A few years later, high-energy crystals of unknown origin were discovered at the bottom of the Sargasso Sea. With their radiation, these crystals demoralized people and ships. It is possible that the anomalies of the Bermuda Triangle appear due to the influence of this energy complex. Edgar Cayce repeatedly warned about the dangers of shipping in the Bermuda Triangle, because, according to him, the destructive power of crystals clearly operates in our time. That is why in this area there is a “paradox of time and paradox of space.”

Here are some interesting facts... In 1993, the American weekly publication News reported on an amazing incident involving an American submarine that was sailing in the Bermuda Triangle at a depth of 70 meters. Suddenly the sailors heard a terrible noise and felt a very strong vibration that lasted for several minutes. And then... the whole team instantly aged. But the most surprising thing was discovered after the submarine surfaced. It turned out that the ship is located 10 thousand nautical miles from the place where it was previously, in the Indian Ocean!

It may well be that the strange event happened under the influence of those same energy crystals, hidden, according to Casey, not far from the island of Andros, at the bottom of the sea, where the depth of the sea is 1500 meters...

This article talks about the most interesting facts related to the Bermuda Triangle and underwater glass pyramids. It is difficult to judge where this is fiction and where the truth is. However, I would like to believe that one day humanity will reveal this secret, and perhaps this solution will bring us closer to the next stage of civilization. Whether all this will be to our benefit, time will tell...

PS. And the latest information on this topic: A sensational discovery was made in the Bermuda Triangle area. A group of divers led by Michael Johnson made a deep-sea dive to explore the recently discovered complex of pyramids located underwater in the named area. Indeed, a full-fledged city was discovered, hidden by sea sands and silt that had accumulated for at least 3,000 years.

Amazing “glass” pyramids were also discovered there. They have a perfect smooth surface, very similar to glass. However, the material of the pyramids is much harder than glass; even diamond drills could not be drilled through it!

Source of text, etc.

Architectural style

Built in Art Nouveau style. Bei Yuming managed to realize his idea - to use as few parts as possible, while endowing each component of his creation with maximum functionality. Thanks to the use of triangular and diamond-shaped blocks during the construction process, the structure became resistant to the passage of time and various manifestations of the environment.

The main source of inspiration for the creator of the work of art was the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops. The interior of the lobby was decorated with snow-white Burgundy stone. The ceiling was decorated with an elaborate mosaic, symbolizing the sky, slightly overcast with clouds.

The building is given a special mystery and a certain mystical appearance at night by the skillful illumination that Claude Engle worked on. Along the internal perimeter he installed halogen lamps, which were later replaced with less power-consuming metal halide lamps. This “cool lighting” gave the building a modern look.

Inverted pyramid

The lower part is an inverted pyramid that adorns the lobby. Tourists paid attention to it after the release of Dan Brown's sensational bestseller, one of the main settings of which was the Parisian museum.

In the author’s interpretation, it was under the inverted part that the tomb of Mary Magdalene was located. She also pointed to the place where the mythical Holy Grail was kept. This theory was never confirmed, which did not stop crowds of “pilgrims” and fans of the talented science fiction writer from coming to the Louvre.

The main reason for the legends and fantastic assumptions was that the inverted pyramid is a symbol of the Freemasons, which, by the way, includes Francois Miterrand. In the architect’s idea, it simply symbolized the earth and the underground world, and the above-ground part acted as a symbol of the sky. Between these 2 parts a beautiful spiral staircase was made, along which visitors descend into the small but cozy Napoleon hall.

It has become one of the symbols of Paris. The geometric figure reaching twenty and a half meters in height is equipped with a spiral staircase, an escalator and even an elevator.

Famous exhibits of the Louvre

Venus de Milo

An ancient Greek marble statue of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology) created around 130-100 AD. BC. During the Hellenistic period of art in Ancient Greece, sculptures were given realistic features of living people.

The world famous statue of Venus de Milo.

The Venus de Milo was found by archaeologists in Turkey in 1820 on the island of Milos, after which the French ambassador bought it for the museum from the Turkish authorities. The statue can be seen in a separate gallery No. 16 on the 1st floor in the Sally wing.

Sarcophagus of the Muses

The marble sculptural composition “Sarcophagus of the Muses” dates back to the 2nd century. BC. and created in Rome. It is intended to decorate the tomb. The deceased is depicted surrounded by muses who will help him enter a better life. The Sarcophagus of the Muses is kept in room 26 on the 1st floor of the Denon Gallery.

Nike of Samothrace

The sculpture of the Greek goddess of victory Nike was created from marble in the 2nd century. BC. (about 190). It was sculpted by the sculptor Pythocritus from Lindos on the island of Rhodes. The Nike of Samothrace was discovered by the expedition of Charles Champoiseau in 1863 on the island of Samothrace. The sculpture was split into pieces, so it had to be restored. The Nike of Samothrace stands on the Daru staircase on the 2nd floor in the Denon Gallery.

"Slaves" by Michelangelo

The two statues, "The Rising Slave" and "The Dying Slave," depict bound captives. The first is struggling to escape his bonds, while the second has resigned himself to his fate. Michelangelo worked on "Slaves" in 1513-1519. He was going to make 6 sculptures, but only managed to make two. The work was intended for the tombstone of Pope Julius II. The statues are in room 4 in the Denon Gallery.

Horse Marley

The dynamic marble composition “Marley’s Horse” was sculpted by the sculptor Guillaume le Cousteau in 1739-1745. by order of Louis XV. It is located in a separate mezzanine located in the Richelieu zone.

"Marley's Horse" by sculptor Guillaume le Cousteau.

Winged Assyrian bulls

The figures of benevolent bulls with human heads were created between 721-705. BC. They stood at the entrance to the palace of the Assyrian king Sargon II Dur-Sharrukin. The sculptor created the illusion of movement by adding one extra leg to each bull. When viewed from the front, the bulls appear motionless (2 legs visible). From the side, the figure looks as if the bull has stepped forward (4 legs are visible). The sculptures are located in room 4 on the 1st floor in the Richelieu zone.

Pyramid in photographs

There are many images of the glass figure from different angles. A unique photo will be taken from the balcony of the Louvre, located on the second floor. But the most incredible photo is of the disappeared landmark. This masterpiece was invented and brought to life by street artist and graffiti artist JR. The edges of the figure were pasted over with a life-size image of the building. A photograph taken at the right angle displays the facade of the museum, as if in the absence of a polyhedron.

Day and night

In the daytime, the main entrance to the Louvre looks very unusual against the background of the palace. The overall picture contains notes of modernity and the grandeur of the past. The almost transparent geometric figure, surrounded by fountains, serves not only as the main entrance, but also as a means of illuminating the lobby.

In the dark, polyhedra look incredible; something mysterious appears in their outline, elusive to the human eye. This effect is created by special lighting installed around the perimeter.

Collection building

The very first collections were collected by kings. Francis I acquired paintings by Italian artists. Louis XIV bought another 200 paintings by various artists from a famous banker. When the museum opened its doors to visitors, its collection consisted of 2,500 paintings.

Over the years, the museum's collections have been constantly replenished with masterpieces. Collections from other museums were transferred here. Many famous artists donated or bequeathed their paintings to the Louvre. Some works were confiscated during the revolution, obtained during military campaigns or found during archaeological excavations of the 19th century.

Now the Louvre collection has about 300 thousand exhibits. Among them, only 35 thousand are exhibited in the halls, because many works must be kept in special conditions.

9 exhibitions are constantly open:

  • The Ancient East;
  • Ancient Egypt;
  • Ancient Greece, Etruria, Rome;
  • Islamic art;
  • sculptures;
  • objects of art;
  • art;
  • graphic art;
  • history of the Louvre.

The museum staff is constantly working to preserve masterpieces of art, for example, work is underway to digitize paintings.

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