Pillar of the Day #3 庚午 Gen Wu (Yang Metal on Yang Fire Horse)

Today I decided to write an article about women whose Personality element is Yang Metal. Perhaps, due to the presence of the Metal element, such women are also called “iron ladies.” These include Margaret Thatcher, Elena Baturina, Scarlett Johansson, Cindy Crawford. And the Lord of the Day, Metal Yang, unites them all. The male Yang energy is strongly manifested in the Cards of these women. Therefore, they are more energetic, open and decisive. One can say about them “he will stop a horse in its tracks and enter a hot hut.” Let's look at the general characteristics of women of Yang Metal.

Characteristics of Yang Metal Women

First, let us remember that Yang Metal (Gen) is an image of raw metal, it is a material for making weapons. Therefore, women of Yang Metal are distinguished by rigidity and sharpness, integrity and stubbornness. They find it difficult to compromise. For such people, a strong sense of equality and justice is expressed.

Metal Yang women have a serious attitude towards life and have a strong desire to achieve more. The internal metal rod helps with this.

They set goals and achieve them. In this they are helped by endurance, observation, assertiveness and determination.

If Metal has to make a choice between career and personal life, then believe me, the choice will be made in the direction of career. The ambitions of such women prevail. They are ambitious and often ruthless.

However, at times such women can become depressed and prone to self-examination and self-criticism. But she needs such periods to restore strength and energy.

In some mythical way, women belonging to this element almost always succeed in any field of activity. They love to manage and dominate. And most importantly, they know how to do it. These are born leaders.

What also makes Yang Metal women stand out is their self-confidence, that they are right. She can easily convince everyone around her of this. Believe me, for most people this task seems almost unattainable.

These are strong women who take life seriously. When communicating with them, you may feel that they are cold, devoid of feelings and love. However, they have nerves of steel, strong intuition, and are able to withstand where others break.

Yang Metal women do not like to show emotions. It is important for them to impress other people with their calmness and composure, keeping the situation under control.

They are also usually good speakers and have good vocal abilities.

Let's consider how the bazi card plays out in the fate of strong women of Yang Metal.

But first, let me remind you that bazi is Chinese astrology, in which the day, month, year and hour of birth are transformed into 4 pillars, each of which has two hieroglyphs. The top row is the Heavenly trunks, the bottom row is the Earthly branches. So, from the interactions of these hieroglyphs, their combinations, we can learn a lot about a person. To do this, you need to go to the Bazi calculator and build a map. Read how to do this here.

Metal Yang on the Horse in Margaret Thatcher's card

One of the brightest representatives of the Metal Yang personality element is the “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher. Date of birth: October 13, 1925, England. Thatcher's tenure as Prime Minister of Great Britain lasted 11 years. Let's look at her destiny card.

Personality element – ​​Yang Metal. He is surrounded by Yang Fire in the palace of marriage (Horse) and in the celestial trunk of the month. Using the example of a card, we see how fire tempers the steel of its Personality element, melting it into a sharp and valuable weapon. Yang Fire is the element of extraordinary or extreme power, which is called the 7th killer. Power is manifested in the Heavenly trunks and represented by Fire. And Fire gives action, charisma, power over people. We see extreme power exerted, which is seen and felt by other people. It manifests itself in a person’s ability to stand up for himself, the desire to command and manage.

In Margaret Thatcher's chart, the element of children and self-expression (Water element) are not manifested in the main map, but are located in the hidden celestial trunks (SNS). This indicates that children and their upbringing are not in the first place in her life. She devoted all her strength to her work and political activities.

We see a lot of the Earth element in the Earthy branches of her chart, which gave her a good physique, highlighted by Metal.

But the Earth is also reflection, a penchant for analysis, philosophy. For a person, Geng is a resource, support, intelligence. Therefore, Margaret Thatcher is an educated and thinking person. I would like to give a few quotes from her statements that reveal the character of Jansky Metal:

As a rule, 10 seconds are enough for me to form an opinion about a person, and then it rarely changes.

Being powerful is like being a real lady. If you have to remind people that you are, you definitely aren't.

Yang Metal, Yang Metal.

The most important element in the Ba Tzu chart is the Personality Element .
This is the core of a person, his essence, his innermost content. This is the indicator by which the entire horoscope is built.

Although the first impression that is created about a person most often corresponds to the description of the characteristics of the animal year of birth , and not to this indicator.

Imagine that the company you work for gets a new employee.

Even at the stage of hiring him, competent employees will evaluate him and decide whether he fits the available vacancy.

For example, if a person was born in the year of the Fire Dragon, then it is unknown whether he will be hired if they are looking for responsible and conscientious workers who know how to obey for the vacant position. It is most often difficult for a typical Dragon to make such an impression at the first meeting. In this case, preference will be given, for example, to Roosters or Bulls.

But if a company is looking for charismatic and creative people, then HR managers will take the Dragon’s candidacy much more seriously. In this case, the taciturn Ox or the pedantic Rooster will not make the right impression.

When a new person begins to get acquainted with the team, he still makes the first impression in accordance with his year of birth .

The year of birth shows how a person relates to people in general and how others perceive him when they first meet. It matters what year the horoscope rules. So, the Tiger can be Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

For example, a person with the Yang Tree Personality element, born in the year of the Wood Rooster, in the eyes of others will look like a debater, a person who easily makes enemies. And a Yang Tree person who was born, for example, in the year of the Fire Dragon, will give the impression of a self-confident, influential and talented person. Read more…


Metal Yang on Monkey in Scarlett Johansson's card

Scarlett Johansson's date of birth is November 22, 1984. In the first place in the heavenly pillars we see the element of wealth, which makes her the highest paid actress in Hollywood in 2021 and the world in 2021. Scarlett's films have grossed more than $14 billion. It should be noted that she knows how to profitably realize her abilities and talent.

In the Earthly branches we see two traveling Horses, which makes her energetic, active and brings a lot of movement into her life. Due to her parents' divorce, Scarlett is forced to constantly travel between New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The element of Personality sits on the Monkey, and this suggests that Scarlett likes to be in the spotlight, she is not satisfied with minor roles. She needs fame and popularity. And it should be noted that she does it well.

Metal can be seen in her manner of speaking, confidence, even some kind of harshness. Yang metal gives a girl a strong masculine character. Scarlett is characterized by perseverance and perseverance. She has charisma and leadership qualities. But despite this, in some strange way, she exhibits feminine attractiveness, sexuality and magnetism.

Scarlett Johansson was born in the month of Water (Pig). And this is aggressive self-expression, a clear talent that allowed her to realize herself as an actress even in her teens. Water also gives Scarlett wisdom and well-spoken speech. Let me quote from her statement about herself:

I look and immediately know everything about this person. And I use this knowledge. That's why I find it easy with people. Especially with those who are hiding something

Scarlett also sings great. Moreover, she has already recorded three studio albums. Let me remind you that Metal, Water, and the presence of self-expression are responsible for the voice in the bazi chart.

Metal yang on the Dog in Cindy Crawford's chart

Cindy Crawford took first place in the list of the sexiest stars of the twentieth century according to Playboy magazine.

Let's look at her bazi card. She was born on February 20, 1966.

The girl's Personality Element is Yang Metal. Metal people are considered very attractive, having a good, well-proportioned figure. Well, isn't this about Cindy Crawford?

In the celestial trunk of the year, she has very strong emergency power, which helps Cindy achieve certain heights in business. Moreover, the element of Power is represented by Fire, which in itself gives action, performance, power over the viewer. She is able to make a decision and is ready to overcome difficulties. Discipline and responsibility are important to her. This is a brave, successful and hardworking woman who prefers to keep everything under control. Cindy has innate leadership charisma and a keen sense of justice. However, unbending Metal can melt, and I think Cindy realizes this.

We looked at the bazi cards of strong, independent, admirable and respectful women of the Metal Yang element.

Jansky Metal

Yang Metal Gen is like a sword. The value of people of this sign manifests itself in difficult times. They can be trusted and are able to work persistently and methodically to solve problems. They are true leaders and fighters, always wanting to be the best. When they see a goal in front of them, they are unstoppable.

Sometimes Geng people become so immersed in their activities that they cannot relax even in moments of rest. It happens that under the influence of anger or emotions, their mind becomes clouded. But even in such moments, they strive to maintain the image of strong and invulnerable individuals.

They are straightforward and do not know how to pretend. Cunning is unnatural to them, their weapons are courage and directness. They are confident in themselves and their abilities, but failures can shake their self-esteem. The consequence of this can be a bad character and difficulties in communication.

Combining with the yang earthly branches, Geng forms the pillars of Geng Zi, Geng Yin, Geng Chen, Geng Wu, Geng Shen and Geng Xu.

Geng Zi, Yang Metal on the Rat

Depending on the set of elements in the map, this pillar can have either the image of a bell - ringing Metal, or the image of a sword, the blade of which is buried in the snow. In any case, the identity of a Geng Zi person is often ambiguous. They can be both arrogant and vulnerable. Both stubborn, powerful, self-willed dictators and generous, altruistic, sympathetic idealists.

These people are usually talented, ambitious, determined and have leadership abilities. They have intuition, charm and attractiveness. They are able to give the right advice and maintain optimism. They benefit from active self-expression—then they worry less and ultimately achieve more. If they lack discipline, motivation and clear goals, then they become bored and end up dissatisfied with themselves and the results. Their potential is fully revealed in difficult, crisis situations: they are fearless and capable of taking the initiative into their own hands. Geng Zi are demanding, efficient and expect a lot from themselves and others. They can easily manipulate others without revealing their feelings, and can be harsh. But despite their confidence and independence, it is difficult for them to succeed alone. Fortunately, they usually have a lot of helpful people around them.

Geng Yin, Yang Metal on the Tiger

This pillar is a conflicting combination of Metal and Wood, and its image is a spear, a hammer, an ax. Geng Yin people are characterized by intelligence, kindness, truthfulness and often excessive talkativeness. They are hardworking, principled, ready to take risks and challenges, and believe in themselves. They are distinguished by good coordination of movements, physical activity and a strong body. Combined with determination, this often develops a sporting character and the will to win. They are easy-going, value appearance and beauty.

Geng Yin are visionary and know how to inspire others. At the same time, they like the path to success much more than success itself. They value their freedom very much, although they understand that loyalty and reliability are important for strong relationships. They are usually calm and friendly, they may seem somewhat naive, but sometimes they can be quick-tempered. They value material things and everything that money can buy. They are talented, inquisitive, strive for knowledge and do not shy away from challenges. It often seems to others that they are insensitive, but this impression is deceptive: Geng Yin people listen to their emotions and intuition, worry and are jealous, sometimes even excessively.

Geng Chen , Yang Metal on the Dragon

Geng Chen people are tough leaders, stubborn and resilient. The image of the pillar is a military shield. They are very smart, stern and taciturn. Hardworking, stubborn, believe in themselves. They often have a powerful physique and prefer actions to words. Optimism and pride always lead them forward. Being natural leaders, they nevertheless understand the importance of teamwork. They like to be among people, they know how to inspire and motivate: next to them, the most ordinary individuals begin to feel special and strive to express themselves to the fullest. At the same time, Geng Chen can be dominant and aggressive, while maintaining flexibility, tolerance and a willingness to protect others. Balanced, straightforward and honest in expressing feelings and emotions, they believe in the power of money and their value system sometimes suffers from this.

Despite all the qualities of a warrior, the Geng Chen person can remain somewhat naive in many matters of life. Often these people have a talent for art, are interested in religion, philosophy, and become wise over the years. If they receive a good education, they expand their horizons and gain inner self-confidence. In addition, they often feel lonely and need a home—a place where they will feel calm and safe. Sometimes Geng Chen becomes sensitive, altruistic and touchy. It is impossible to predict whether he will forgive the offender or remember the offense for a long time. However, generosity and attention to loved ones are also part of their nature.

Geng Wu, Yang Metal on Horse

The image of this pillar is Metal, forged and tempered by Fire—for example, a sword that has gone through a forge and a crucible. Behind such elements lies strong character, energy and leadership qualities. Pillar people are naturally talented and have broad interests. They are strong, resilient, and able to cope with many challenges. They love freedom and are ready to go into battle. Justice is important to them; they honor their internal code of rules and honor. They do not abandon their comrades in trouble, they always remember the good, although they themselves rarely ask for help, because... We are sure that this is a sign of weakness. They are more loners than team players. Being people of action, Geng Wu may dislike those who tend to slow down and think before moving forward. They themselves usually act without warning and are aggressive and swift. Moreover, not every result of such thoughtless haste satisfies Geng Wu themselves. Sometimes they imagine their future success so vividly that they forget about the present moment and current needs.

Geng Wu are logical, executive and responsible. Only their own perfectionism can slow them down. They are straightforward and usually strive to dominate, although idealism and a sensual nature are often hidden under external aggressiveness. They are open towards loved ones, sociable, enjoy recognition, and can be artistic, creative and sharp-tongued. It happens that their generosity and willingness to help leads to problems with money.

Geng Shen , Yang Metal on Monkey

The image of this pillar is an ore or an ingot of metal—raw, but valuable. Geng Shen people are noble, good-natured, artistic, generous, talented and, like raw materials, can take any form if properly processed. Their principles and character are formed throughout life.

Geng Shen are easy-going, active and always ready to learn new things. They are always attentive to their appearance and strive to look perfect. They understand people well and are able to sympathize. They strive to help, but can be too straightforward. They have a great sense of humor, many different talents, energy and creativity. At the same time, they remain strong-willed, stubborn and have difficulty changing their minds. They usually take other people's positions into account, but do not like it when others try to influence their plans. They are drawn to extreme sports. They appreciate and understand beauty and art. They are generous, which often leads to financial problems. Sometimes they themselves get tired of their excessive enthusiasm. If they manage to gain emotional stability, they will only become more productive. For Geng Shen, it is important to remember that if you overthink everything, you may miss opportunities. Plus, they need to avoid too materialistic views on life and the desire to control everything.

Geng Xu, Yang Metal on a Dog

The image of this pillar is a sword. Geng Xu is the toughest of all the 60 pillars, and people born under him are ambitious, ruthless and created to follow their own personal path. They are distinguished by physical strength and unbending character. They are confident in themselves, in their goal and in their ability to achieve it. If they get bored, they set a new task and are ready for exploits to achieve it. Only boredom can drive them into depression. In a “peaceful” state of mind, Geng Xu are straightforward, honest and friendly. Always ready to give advice and support the weaker. They can show kindness, sacrifice and even touchiness. Sometimes they feel lonely. Sometimes they show indecisiveness in personal relationships. For them, appearance is very important - their own and those around them. Materialists to the core, they are usually skeptical about all spiritual parts of life, including their intuition. However, sometimes circumstances teach them to understand that not all strength is like a sword. And if a person Geng Xu wants to understand more subtle matters, he will plunge into struggle and overcoming within himself. For the sake of enlightenment, he is able to lead an ascetic lifestyle, live in solitude, train hard, etc.

Despite their outward harshness, the people of Geng Xu are able to see the beauty of art and nature. Sometimes it happens that they are overly keen on luxury, while at the same time fearing to be left without money. Materialism is combined in them with an internal feeling of insecurity and selfishness. It happens that they are actively involved in charity work.

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