A selection of desktop wallpapers that will attract money and good luck

Good luck talismans promise good luck in business, victory in everyday trials and protection from the slander of ill-wishers. Isn't it an attractive idea to wear the favorites of the capricious Fortune? “Whoever believes in his own luck is lucky,” the famous playwright Christian Hebbel used to say. However, many prefer not to be content with faith, but to constantly carry amulets with them in the form of keychains, jewelry, figurines and other items that attract luck. Let's take a closer look at the symbols that guarantee owners success in business.

Picture with a dream

Dreaming is not harmful, but very useful. It's no secret that if you really want something, it will certainly come true.

In psychology, there is a technique for visualizing what is planned: for example, you want some event to happen, which means you should imagine in all colors exactly how it will happen. By doing this, you subconsciously program yourself to take certain actions that should lead to the accomplishment of your plan. The same visualization technique is also used in the practice of Feng Shui.

Chinese masters went beyond mental images - they suggested that we use a special tool that helps us achieve our goals and help make our dreams come true. If you want to buy a new car, choose a picture depicting the same or similar car. If you want to spend your vacation on the ocean coast, set your screensaver to a landscape that illustrates your idea of ​​an ideal vacation.

Correct placement

It’s not enough to buy the right painting, you need to hang it in the right place. According to Feng Shui, the zone of wealth is the southeast direction. It is necessary to determine which walls in the room correspond to it and place it there.

Also, the frame of the picture should not be bulky. It is best to choose the simplest and most definitely wooden frame. And most importantly, the images should not cause negativity in a person. Even if the picture is chosen correctly, but is associated with something bad, then it is necessary to abandon it in favor of another plot.

Oranges and tangerines

These citrus fruits are orange in color and round in shape, symbolizing abundance, prosperity and a successful marriage according to Feng Shui. In China, the tangerine has the same meaning as the money tree because it bears fruit as a symbol of wealth.

A picture of oranges or tangerines should be installed on the desktop for women who want to get married successfully and find family happiness. Also, the image of tangerines is recommended for married couples to rekindle lost passion and for spouses who want to conceive a child.

Experts' opinion

Astrologers advise to sincerely believe in your dream. If deep down you think support from above is stupid, then nothing will work out. The stars, whatever one may say, rule our world. Shocks and rewards are the work of their ray-hands.

Optimal installation on a birthday or new moon. The screensaver should be changed several times a year.

Bioenergetics experts know for sure about the interdependence of visualizations and financial situation. It is recommended to use the phone as an energy amplifier. For example, the Yera rune promotes wealth and maintains the budget.

Avoid saving photos with negative associations in your mobile memory - they hinder financial growth. It is not advisable to choose a family photo as a background. The screen is seen by others, among whom there are many envious, ogling, and simply angry people. The negative easily penetrates through the photograph into the family field. If you still decide, then turn the device upside down in the presence of colleagues, friends, and clients.

According to psychologists, the drawing expresses the state of the owner. This is our internal resource, a visualization of desire and a reminder of the goal. A successful process is built on faith in implementation. According to studies, those who have photos of families are more successful and less likely to find themselves in unpleasant situations. But provided that the picture was taken independently.

But in fact, when a person selects a picture, the request has already been generated. And if so, then it will definitely work.


moving water

A turbulent river flow, sea waves, a waterfall - all these Feng Shui images symbolize cash flow. In Chinese practice, water itself signifies wealth and money.

By setting a picture of a pond as your desktop wallpaper, you will attract enough Chi energy to strengthen your well-being. Images of water are only slightly inferior in strength to real bodies of water; they can be safely used to enhance monetary luck. Every time you look at a river or waterfall, imagine that it is streams of money flowing into your life.

Runes - signs that attract money

Scandinavian futhark is widely used in magical practices. It contains 24 signs, four of which are directly related to monetary luck.


Fehu is the main rune for attracting material resources and life energy. Its key quality is the patronage of the gods, the acquisition of new opportunities, growth and expansion, as well as the protection of existing wealth.

The symbol helps to increase capital, both through honest earnings and through undeserved luck. Traditionally, Fehu was considered a talisman of cattle breeders, who not only raised herds on their own, but also engaged in livestock theft.

This magical sign should be used by those who decide to take the path of getting rich quick. The vibrations of the rune will help to recount all the resources a person has in order to find the most profitable way to use them.

However, Fehu will not bring wealth to those who are accustomed to wasting money and do not know how to save what they have accumulated. Those who make money on mature and established financial markets should also use the symbol with caution. The rune opens up more opportunities for business activities in developing industries. Helps attract new investors and clients.

Also, a magic sign is used to ensure a favorable result of a real estate transaction and the safety of things when moving.

The effect of the Fehu rune is not limited to material objects. The symbol also helps to find a way out of a difficult and incomprehensible situation, make the right choice, and accumulate social and reputational capital.

When using Fehu, it is important to remember that the action of the rune should be aimed at achieving a specific goal, and not just achieving “wealth”. This is too abstract a concept, by which each person means something different. A wish made through Feha must be extremely specific. For example, you can “order” a specific position, a certain amount of money for apartment renovation, or the purchase of a specific brand of car. After such a detailed request, the magic sign will create the necessary circumstances for the realization of what you want.

It is best to apply the symbol to jewelry worn on the hands - rings, rings, bracelets. During the ritual, you can also turn to the god of fertility Frey and the goddess of love Freya, to whom the rune is dedicated.

Opilla (Odal)

The Othila rune symbolizes clan, family, tradition and property. The magical properties of a sign include the ability to perceive reference information and act in accordance with accepted norms and rules. In money magic, the symbol takes on the meaning of material property and its preservation.

Opilla facilitates the acquisition of land, real estate and other benefits, develops practical ingenuity, helps maintain labor discipline and helps improve relations with the work team. It is used to protect property, when dividing property between heirs or divorced spouses, and to conclude profitable contracts.


The Jera rune symbolizes the cyclical nature of the world process, the year, the harvest. It is drawn before the start of any large and important enterprise to ensure its safe development and success in the final result. Runes are also used as magic when there is not enough strength to complete the work started.

The magical sign of Yer does not force events, but helps to tune in to the natural rhythms of the Universe. As a result, a person gets rid of unnecessary fuss, false goals and values, and begins to intuitively lean only towards those actions, activities, and business connections that bring him success.


Dagaz is one of the brightest and most positive runes of the Scandinavian futhark. Symbolizes unlimited prospects and possibilities. Helps to escape from a difficult situation and poverty. Helps to gain an adequate understanding of the world around us. Eliminates ideas about a lack of resources from consciousness, eliminates negative associations with wealth and other psychological restrictions in the monetary sphere.

Screensaver with hieroglyph

Feng Shui adherents also like to use hieroglyphs as money talismans. For example, the hieroglyph “wealth” works to attract money, increase wages, and good luck in all endeavors. Such a hieroglyph helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, and creates positive Qi in the home or office.

One of the most popular hieroglyphs in Taoist practice is “money”; it attracts prosperity and wealth in the places where it is placed. Unlike the hieroglyph for “wealth”, this hieroglyph promotes the formation of several sources of income, and the hieroglyph for “prosperity” will help growth in all areas of life.

“Tik-Tok trends”: Manifesto 369 or what is wallpaper charged with love

Now the most “youth” platform is Tik Tok. It is clear that this is where many trends are born today, one way or another influencing our daily lives. Did you know that on Tik Tok you can tell your future and attract the attention of your lover using pictures? Today we decided to talk about this.

Manifestos on Tik Tok are a kind of concentration of one’s own desire. There are many manifestos on this platform, one of the most popular is “Manifesto 369”.

The creators of this trend recommend writing on paper three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon and nine times in the evening what you want and endlessly believing in it. “Tik-Toks” with “Manifest 369” received hundreds of thousands of views in 2021. By visiting this platform now, you will understand that this trend has not been in the recommendations for a long time, but there is something more interesting.

Wallpaper charged with love

Sonya conducts master classes, at one of which she, together with blogger Ksyusha Mannequin, painted the very picture charged with love.

What's the point? The guys put the picture on their wallpaper and after a couple of hours they receive a message from the person they like so much. Videos with this topic are quickly included in recommendations, becoming the main trend of this summer.

Over time, not only this picture turned into a trend, but also Sonya’s other works. Many girls put them on the screensaver of their smartphones and hope for good luck in love.


The dragon is a symbol of prosperity; it brings its owner a lot of money, power, prosperity, generosity and wisdom. The dragon's magical abilities allow him to help solve problems for anyone in need. This talisman symbolizes security, rebirth and change.

A picture with a dragon on a computer monitor protects businessmen from unscrupulous partners, promotes career advancement and provides support in financial transactions.

Screensaver with goldfish

Goldfish are also considered a symbol of wealth in Feng Shui. The Chinese character "yu" means fish, prosperity and prosperity, which makes it an excellent amulet that brings good news and joy to its owner in new stages of life.

A pair of fish on your screensaver will bring you good luck and protect you from unkind views and wishes. One of the most famous money symbols is considered to be an aquarium with nine fish - eight gold and one black - such a picture can improve the financial situation of a family.

How to make your own good luck amulet

Making your own talisman is easy. To do this you will need the following “ingredients”:

  • paper;
  • magnet;
  • two markers - red and green;
  • three copper coins;
  • three gold candles;
  • a small bag of yellow fabric.

How to create and charge a talisman for good luck

  1. Take a green marker and a piece of paper. Draw your own good luck symbol on paper.
  2. Then take a red marker and indicate in the same area in which area of ​​​​your life you want to succeed.
  3. Fold the sheet into quarters and place it in a yellow cloth bag along with three copper coins and a magnet.
  4. Place three golden candles near the bag.
  5. Just after midnight on Wednesday, light three golden candles one after the other, saying: “I call upon good luck to make my talisman sacred and happy. My luck. My hope. My formation. Let it be so".
  6. Wait until the candles burn out.

Keep the talisman with you and take it with you the next time you have a presentation or an important event, and luck will definitely be on your side!

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