A cat figurine is the most mystical interior decoration

A cat sitting on the doorstep is an alarming sign

However, in order for your cat to feel comfortable in your home, you need to provide it with certain conditions. So, for example, it is advisable to reduce red colors to a minimum, since this shade is a symbol of the element of fire, while the element of cats is Wood. These are opposing elements, so the animal will be uncomfortable in such a home. Also, try to increase the presence of green.

According to experts in this field, the cat is located exactly in the place where there is an increased accumulation of negative energy. You could even say that it is a kind of indicator with which a person can determine where the most bad energy is. When you have found such a place, in order to cleanse the house of negativity, you need to place a cactus or monstera somewhere nearby. After purchasing, it is advisable to light a scented candle.

Often negative Sha energy seeps in from the west, south and southwest. Therefore, if your door is on this side, it is not surprising that your cat spends a lot of time there - she is trying to reduce the negative impact on your home.

In addition, if your cat spends a lot of time sitting on the doorstep, think about it, because in this case, this is an alarming sign that positive energy is leaving your home. To help your pet delay it, place a dragon figurine in the hallway.

According to all the principles of Feng Shui, if a cat in the house is nervous and constantly meows, then this indicates that a lot of negative Qi energy has accumulated in the house, so to eliminate this, do a rearrangement and general wet cleaning.

When your cat starts acting up - rushing around the apartment and jumping from the closet, then do not scold her. After all, in this way she is trying to awaken the positive energy of Qi.

Signs associated with cats

A special place in Russian folklore is occupied by sayings about black cats as a symbol of misfortunes and troubles. A well-known sign says that if such an animal crosses your path, then a series of failures awaits you.

However, not all statements about these graceful and mysterious creatures are so gloomy. There are many weather superstitions associated with cats. Because these animals have a special sense of changes in their environment, people have long observed them to predict metamorphosis in weather conditions. For example, if a cat buries its nose in its own fur while sleeping, it means cold weather will soon set in.

It is also believed that the cat figurine has a set of amazing properties. A black figurine, for example, will help scare away thieves from the house and bring prosperity to the house.

As mentioned above, these animals have a special relationship with the other world. A cat figurine located in the apartment will not allow the brownie to play pranks, as well as various entities from entering the home.

The cat attracts money and love

A cat can help you not only cleanse your home of bad energy, but also attract wealth and love into your home. However, to do this you need to follow a few Feng Shui tips:

When you try hard to attract your pet to a certain zone, but she resists and constantly spends time in another zone, then you should think about where it would be more appropriate to direct your energy. At the same time, remember, there is no need to force the cat to be where it is convenient for you. After all, perhaps, in this way, she is trying to signal about any problems in her career and family.

And to improve one area of ​​life, but your pet does not want to spend time in this area, then simply place a cat figurine. This will help you achieve your goals.

A cat figurine in the house has a magical meaning. Cat figurines have been popular for the last few thousand years. Pets reflect the character and lifestyle of the owner. It's a similar story with cat figurines.

The mysterious magical look of a cat's eyes penetrates the soul, its gentle habits fascinate. The cat understands everything, except that it doesn’t speak. The cat figurine wards off damage and the evil eye. All witches surround themselves with cats and cats.

Cat figurine as interior decoration

Many people who do not believe in any otherworldly forces and mysticism perceive cat figurines as a stylish and trendy interior decoration. A figurine of an Egyptian cat is a special souvenir that not only reminds you of a trip to this amazing country, but also adds a special sophistication to the surrounding environment.

There are cases where people have been collecting such figurines throughout their lives. Thus, the Frenchwoman F. Groff keeps at home more than 2 thousand 100 copies of figurines from different countries of the world, as well as more than 9 thousand other things with the image of a cat on them. At the same time, she keeps four live cats at home. The woman is rightfully considered the owner of one of the world's greatest collections associated with these amazing graceful and mysterious creatures.

A figurine of a cat in the house is good or is it the other way around?

A cat figurine is a magical talisman that absorbs negative energy. The symbol of a cat helps you gain confidence and become the master of your destiny. The cat is the mistress, and she is able to protect the house from the evil eye.

The relationship between people and cats goes back centuries. They began much earlier than is commonly thought. The first domestication of cats is believed to have occurred in Ancient Egypt about 4,000 years ago. In fact, the history of cats and humans is much longer. There is evidence that Egypt is not the homeland of cats.

Which pet is suitable

If a cat has come to the house, it means that nature is bringing a gift that will give the home the Yang energy it lacks and will be a talisman and healer. If you have to choose an animal, then they do it, following certain rules:

  • A black cat should be owned by successful people, it will add good luck to them, and it can add bad luck to the unlucky ones, since black animals attract the energies that are already near them;
  • a ginger cat will help a lonely owner (and a cat - a mistress) find his “soul mate”. But you shouldn’t take home a ginger cat if you already have a black one. It is believed that fiery and black are in a phase of opposition;
  • a gray pet will protect the owner from negative energy; the presence of such a cat is useful for a person whose profession is associated with dangers and risks;
  • A tricolor cat is suitable for any home; animals of this color harmonize the energy in their habitat.

According to numerology in the philosophy of Feng Shui, the names of cats and female cats are selected in consonance (at least by one letter) with the names of the owners. Then between people and animals, in addition to friendship, an energetic connection and support is formed.

Who exactly to have in the apartment - a cat or a cat - is also suggested by the practice of Feng Shui. Qi is energy that exists in two forms: as feminine, calm (Yin) or masculine, active (Yang). In people born in years whose symbols are Boar, Goat, Ox, Snake, Rooster or Cat, Yin energy will be predominant, and for balance they can adopt a cat. For those born in the years of the Horse, Dog, Monkey, Tiger, Rat or Dragon, Yang energy prevails, and it is better for them to have a cat at home.

Figures and symbols of cats in ancient epics

Maneki-neko with raised right paw

In all ancient epics and legends, the cat is mentioned as a mystical animal. In ancient religions, the image of a cat was associated with a deity. For example, in Ancient China, the goddess Li Shuo was depicted as a cat. They offered prayers and sacrifices to her, asking for fertility.

In Japan, a figurine of a cat with a raised paw, Maneki-neko, is especially valued. This symbol is believed to bring good luck. An ancient legend says that a cat that was sitting near the temple raised its paw in recognition of the emperor who was passing by. The emperor saw this gesture and entered the temple. A few seconds later, lightning struck the place where the emperor stood. The cat saved his life, and the emperor helped restore the ancient temple.

A cat with a raised paw is a popular figurine in Japan. A figurine of a cat with a raised paw brings good luck. The Japanese still think so and give each other images and figurines of cats. In addition, the cat is the protector of the home and the keeper of valuable books. It is believed that the raised left paw attracts money, and the right paw attracts clients.

In Ancient Greece and Rome, cats lost their divine significance. Cats continued to be valuable pets, especially for pest control. In ancient Rome, the cat was considered a symbol of independence. Roman mosaics preserve images of cats hunting.

In ancient Greece, cats were not particularly popular as deities. According to Greek mythology, the cat accompanied the goddess of dark forces, Hecate. Cats came to Europe thanks to Phoenician traders who smuggled animals from Egypt. The animals quickly spread throughout Europe.

In the mythology of the Nordic countries in the pre-Christian era, cats had magical powers. They served the forces of good. The Middle Ages became a real test for representatives of the cat breed.

Feng Shui: pets

According to Feng Shui theory, many warm-blooded animals have powerful Yang energy. They are able to treat people from diseases, give positive energy, and even improve our body’s defenses. A pet inevitably affects both family members and the general energy background of the house, since any living creature in the home has its own invisible force, and it interacts with all other energy flows.

A healthy and happy animal is a kind of amulet for your home and apartment. The word itself comes from the form “belly,” which in the ancient language meant “life.” In ancient times, humanity was heavily dependent on livestock and wild animals - they helped feed people, protected people's homes, and performed important work (for example, horses and mules plowed the field). Without animals, the life of modern people would be completely different.

Having warmed or sheltered a pet in one’s home, a person begins to receive powerful energy replenishment from it. Even aquarium fish or a turtle in a terrarium placed in a certain area can have a pronounced protective and beneficial effect on all family members, as well as contribute to the growth of financial well-being or health.

Medicine has long proven the fact that pets have a good effect on a person’s well-being. Such people are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, they practically do not experience depression and insomnia, they are more balanced and calm.

The Chinese believe that warm-blooded pets should be raised and loved in the same way as small children. A cat, dog, rabbit or ferret is a full-fledged member of the family, and not a fun or whim. In order for your pet to protect your home and always radiate positive energy, you will have to care about it no less than about another person.

Therefore, it is better not to have a pet in the house if you are not going to take care of it, give it proper attention and care for it. The pet must be fully and efficiently fed and cared for so that it remains healthy and vigorous.

A sick animal in the house is a sign that there is a problem in the energy supply of the home or some family member. Most often, animal diseases (especially recurring ones and leading to the death of the pet) indicate that the main owner or mistress also has a disease (sometimes not even physical, but mental or mental).

In this case, the pet, entering into energy exchange with all family members and with the energy of the house, begins to suffer and lose health. First of all, apartment owners are obliged to deal with their own problems, recover from illnesses, and put their lives in order so that their pets do not get sick or die before their time.

Feng Shui always names the cause of diseases in domestic animals as a person - the owner of the house and owner, less often - some less significant member of the family.

And, on the contrary, a healthy and cheerful animal is a sign of family prosperity and well-being in the house, this means that under your roof there is peace, comfort and positive energy circulating, and you yourself are healthy and happy. With such an owner, pets often live much longer and become real long-livers.

Before getting a smart animal (for example, a dog or cat), think about whether you can fully shower your pet with your love and care. It is believed that it is the pet that begins to be the first to pay for the flawed energy of its owner. This is due to the fact that pets act as a kind of closing link in the energy flow, passing the energy of all family members and the entire residential building through themselves.

If the owner loves his animal, then the pet will be devoted to him, and this will have a positive effect both on their mutual energy and on the background of the entire house. Otherwise, as mentioned above, the animal will inevitably suffer and get sick, and the blame for such phenomena will fall on your shoulders.

Persecution of cats during the Middle Ages

The Christian Church demonized pagan symbols and sent cats to serve dark forces. The cat became the embodiment of the devil and was associated with evil. All the evil in the world was attributed to the poor animals. Cats were killed, tortured, accused of unimaginable sins.

The teeth and flesh of cats were considered poisonous, the fur caused suffocation, and poisonous breath destroyed human lungs. For several centuries, cats were persecuted. Already in 1658, Edward Topsel wrote in a serious work that witches usually appear in the form of a cat. This beast is dangerous to soul and body.

Residents of medieval Europe avoided anyone who showed kindness to cats. Elderly women, who at all times show kind feelings towards cats and love to look after them, were especially persecuted. They were accused of witchcraft.

What are the attributes of the Maneki mascot figurine...

1) Almost all Maneki neko cats have a collar with a bell or a tiny bell on their neck, a small one (bib) - these items symbolize prosperity and prosperity. 2) Quite often, cat talismans are made with a gold coin in its paws - of course, this symbolizes (and naturally attracts) enormous and wonderful abundance, good luck and wealth. On the coin itself, it is often written: “a million re” - which has been considered since ancient times to be a very large sum. 3) On the tummy of the talisman cat, there are often favorable hieroglyphs inscribed - “Money”, “Wealth”, “Abundance”, etc. 4) In the paws of the “Beckoning cat”, sometimes there are other attributes, for example: * Fan - symbolizes protection and ease of performing any important tasks. * Oar - good luck and success in all endeavors. * Sakura branch (blooming) - symbolizes (pure) unfading love. * Apples, oranges (in short, any fruit) - a large family (prosperous, of course), and naturally the birth of healthy children. * Fish (golden and magic): Money-money-money (a lot, a lot!!!) big money. * Carp (red, gold) - wisdom, spirituality, knowledge. * A wonderful rattle (Uchide - nokozushi) - a symbol of fulfillment, good and wonderful desires. * Extraordinary Gourd Pumpkin: good luck, luck in everything and good (very good) health. * Daru-ma (Japanese! tumbler) - ensures the fulfillment of your most cherished desire.

A cat figurine in the house brings good luck

Cats are human's longtime companions. The devotion of cats to the home comes from time immemorial. Divine or semi-divine beings protect the owner’s peace of mind and bring peace. Today no one will accuse you of witchcraft for loving cats.

A figurine of a cat in the house is a symbol of goodness and hearth. A cat figurine protects the house from the evil eye, absorbs aggression and negative emotions. Cat figurines ward off damage and the evil eye. Today the cat is a home psychotherapist with psychic abilities.

What color should you buy the Maneki neko talisman?

The color of the cat figurine is given great importance, and of course the luckiest ones are considered: 1) Tricolor: red - white - black. Three-colored seals mean good luck in all matters. 2) To bring material wealth into your home, the cat you buy must be of three (monetary) colors: red, white, gold. 3) Here's what the other colors of the cat-mascot mean: * Black - protects the owner from evil, from negative events, people. * White - means kindness and purity of thoughts. * Red - protects the family from the attacks of evil. * Golden color - attracts both gold and money and even possibly great wealth. * Yellow color - represents good health, drives out negativity and illness. * Blue, light blue - personify inner peace and great wisdom. * Orange (red) - good luck in everything. * Green (and all its shades) - brings success in studies and in acquiring the necessary knowledge. * Pink - good luck in love.

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