What does an onyx apple souvenir mean? The magical power of onyx apples

Eastern practitioners recommend purchasing an onyx apple for your home to bring harmony to all areas of life, advance your career, improve your health and get rid of depression, blues or apathy. It is better to install a stone talisman, adhering to the rules of Feng Shui. Onyx does not give negative side effects and has only a positive effect, and therefore it can be placed in the nursery. It is not necessary to charge the talisman, but you need to keep it clean.

Onyx - concentrator stone

Onyx is a disease stone. Strengthens memory. It moderates pain, it is placed for relief on inflamed areas and tumors, and also placed on the stomach in order to ease colic. Wearing it sharpens your hearing. Set in silver helps with heart pain and treats insomnia.

Mystical properties of onyx

Mystical properties: Onyx is considered a symbol of eloquence. Onyx the color of a raven's wing arouses in its owner a passion for enrichment, making him energetic and enterprising. Onyx was known as an ornamental and facing stone in Ancient Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. In Rome it was used for inlay and mosaics. According to legend, in Jerusalem, in Solomon's temple, the walls did not have windows, but they let in enough light, being made of this stone. In the Gur-Emir mausoleum in Samarkand, the interior decoration was made from it. Onyxes have been known and widely used since ancient times. During the heyday of glyptics, it was onyxes that served as the main material for products.

Onyx apples

Onyx apples

Oddly enough, such a simple fruit - an apple - has many meanings in the cultures of different countries. For some peoples it means spring rebirth and joyful love, while for others it means discord and forbidden fruit. The dual nature of love between and a man is also symbolized by this stone fruit.

An example is the apple of the ancient Roman goddess Ceres, which plunges people into passionate madness. It is contrasted with another symbol - the romantic and gentle “apple tree”.

In folklore, an apple means hope for a very successful marriage and strong family ties. Quite a few popular “Apple” expressions have entered the cultural fund of the Russian language.

Apple - forbidden fruit

There is a well-known saying that forbidden fruit is always sweet. According to the Bible, the apple gave people knowledge, the ability to distinguish between good and evil. But it also led the first people on earth to the Fall.

Eve not only dared to pick and taste this fruit, but also to give it to Adam. The consequence turned out to be terrible - expulsion to earth from paradise. Nevertheless, the apple also personifies heavenly bliss. Many researchers believe that the name of the legendary island of Avalon means “apple” in translation from the Welsh (Welsh, Cymric) language.

Apple - a symbol of eternal youth

The apple is often mentioned in the legends and myths of various peoples as a symbol of unfading beauty.

Many Russian folk tales also tell about the ability of such fruits to restore and preserve youth.

The ancient Greek hero Hercules obtained these magical fruits from the nymph sisters of the Hesperides, which promised their owner eternal youth. In addition, the Scandinavian god Loki also did not want to grow old. And to prevent this process, he simply stole the rejuvenating apples.

“Apple” symbolism in Slavic culture

Among the ancient Slavs, the apple symbolized not only health, a happy marriage, fertility and prosperity, but also the mystery of life and death. It was believed that this particular fruit helps to preserve in the memory of the living the image of the departed. In this regard, the ancient Slavs always brought an apple to the grave of their ancestors.

Stone fruit is not spared from wedding celebrations either. They used not only the fruit itself, but also apple tree branches. Accepting an apple as a gift meant for the girl her consent to the marriage. Apple tree branches were often used to decorate the wedding table.

An onyx frog has the following meaning: it brings wealth and love to the owner. There is almost no place left for magic and the supernatural in everyday life. But recently, stories have increasingly appeared that talismans save the life of their owner, bring him wealth, and make wishes come true.

Mineral deposits

Onyx rock piece

Onyx is a common mineral. It is mined in many countries. The most valuable specimens are supplied to the market by Uruguay, Arabia, Brazil and India.

In Russia there are also deposits of striped gem. It is mined in Primorye, Chukotka and Kolyma.

Industrial mining of the mineral is carried out by Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico and Iran.

In Turkmenistan there are onyx caves - the Karlyuk and Kap-Kotan deposits, in which the walls and floor are entirely made of striped gems, and in the latter you can also see onyx stalagmites and stalactites.

Magical properties of the frog

A frog is an amphibian that can be found both on land and in water. The frog figurine will protect its owner from various “swampy” situations. She will bring good luck and luck in business. For a novice businessman who is just planning to make his first transactions, such a talisman will bring success in business. But you need to remember that the frog does not like unnecessary eyes and touches; the best place for the figurine is a desk drawer or a shelf in a cabinet behind a glass door. It is believed that you need to touch the frog figurine with your hands soaked in fresh water, then success is guaranteed.

It is no coincidence that the frog helps in money matters, because its relative the toad symbolizes abundance according to Feng Shui.

But the most important purpose of the frog is not wealth, but love and fertility. If you remember Russian fairy tales, a very beautiful and wise girl, a princess, was turned into a frog. This is no coincidence. Here the frog symbolizes not the fertility of the soil, but women’s health and reproductive function. Every woman has a destiny - to become a loved one, a wife, a mother. But due to poor ecology, poor lifestyle, and psychological aspects, the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur for everyone. A talisman in the shape of a frog will help you achieve what you want, will protect its owner while waiting for the baby, and will protect you from difficult childbirth.

The figure also retains youth and beauty. There is a belief that such a talisman will preserve the family hearth if the wife owns it. The husband will never even look at the opposite sex and will not leave the family. And if there is a divorce or your significant other arranges their personal life on the side, then the frog will help you more easily survive the collapse in your personal life and build happiness with a new person. The talisman can be made from any material: wood, stone, glass. But it’s best when the amulet is made of a stone that has magical properties. Or made of metal - gold or silver. It is better to purchase an onyx frog mascot.


An elephant figurine made from this stone has a deep sacred meaning. Despite the fact that we are accustomed to consider these giants to be very kind and even timid creatures, our ancestors would not agree with us. Looking at the elephant's power, incredible memory, kindness, help to the pack and majesty, in Africa and India it was recognized as a real king among all animals.

The symbol of the lion as a king appeared much later, when the population of herbivores began to decline and the number of predators began to increase.

The largest animal on land was often used as an image for a talisman. An onyx elephant was considered a good gift for a ruler or a high-ranking official or manager, since such a gift combined the leader’s stone and the symbol of the king. It has been time-tested that such a figurine will help you make the right decisions that will affect the destinies of many people, as well as remain calm and reasonable even during times of severe stress.

An important point is the choice of the option with a raised or pubescent trunk. The meaning of an elephant talisman with a raised trunk is wealth, with a lowered one – protection from negativity.

It is best to place the figurine in your office on the table or, if you prefer to keep it at home, in the place where the computer is or where the papers are. When you choose a husband, do not allow him to place it near the family bed or in your bedroom in general. Since the elephant figurine will sow discord, under its influence you will begin to quarrel over the position of the head of the family, which can even lead to divorce.

Magical properties of onyx

Onyx is a unique stone with unusual properties. There is a legend that the Greek gods created this stone from the nails of Aphrodite. Aphrodite lost the nails on two fingers of her left hand when Eros cut them off. Since then, such a beautiful stone has appeared on Earth, symbolizing love. The color range of onyx is very wide, it varies from light striped shades to almost black colors. Depending on the color, the magical properties also change:

  • helps in solving problems;
  • plain onyx helps to gain patience and endurance;
  • striped onyx pacifies anger.

Properties of onyx frog

The green onyx frog talisman has the following meaning: to solve the problem of infertility in both men and women. For women, he grants easy pregnancy and childbirth. A frog made of dark, almost black, onyx helps its owner to concentrate and make the right decision in business, make a profitable deal and protect himself from failure in financial matters.

The striped frog helps to find true love and find family happiness. The frog itself helps in love affairs, and if the talisman is made of striped onyx, then this doubles its magical power.

Onyx frog means health. Onyx has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys - this refers to the red and white varieties of the stone, which is also called carnelian. White-gray stone improves the condition of skin, nails and hair. And for people who work in a field where they have to talk a lot and prove their point of view, for example, in court, it helps to develop eloquence.

A frog is an amphibian that needs water and land. Likewise, the talisman needs water. The onyx frog loves to be wiped with a damp cloth and does not tolerate dust.

If the amulet becomes dusty, its protective and magical properties are reduced. Onyx absorbs negative energy and human ailments, so a frog made from this material should be washed under running water at least once a month.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Black onyx cabochon

Onyxes, despite their availability, are still counterfeited. You can identify the unnaturalness of a stone like this:

  • Check his weight. It should be quite heavy compared to common counterfeit materials - glass and plastic.
  • Estimate thermal conductivity. Natural stone absorbs the heat of the human hand very slowly and reluctantly.
  • Check hardness. A true striped gem cannot be scratched by a needle or a blade.
  • Assess brightness. If the color of the stone is too bright, then one can suspect that its coloring is artificial, since the color of natural onyx is always soft and muted.
  • Compare prices. Amazing cheapness (especially of black onyxes, they are most often counterfeited) is a sign of deception on the part of the seller.

Talisman in relation to zodiac signs

Aries by their nature are very hot-tempered, they quickly cool down, but quickly light up in a fit of argument or in a fit of anger, they can mess things up or get into an unpleasant situation. A talisman in the form of an onyx frog will bring peace to its owner, pacify his hot temper, and help him make decisions adequately and calmly. When communicating with business partners, Aries will become more balanced, and in love they will not make hasty decisions. But Aries should not buy frogs in green, blue and bluish shades. They are contraindicated for them. It is better to stick to the reddish shades of onyx.

It is very difficult for Taurus to make decisions, so the onyx frog will help stimulate his determination and force him to work. Onyx is energetically suitable for earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn). The frog will help Virgo get rid of excessive suspiciousness, become more open and get closer to people. The onyx frog helps Capricorns become more collected, get rid of confusion, and collect their thoughts.

For representatives of the water element, the onyx frog can become a powerful amulet; it will bring good luck not only in financial and love affairs, but also protect against accidents and protect against serious illnesses. Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces are from the same element as the amphibian frog, and onyx is close to them in spirit. For other zodiac signs, an onyx frog can be an excellent energy boost. Depending on the color, the talisman will bring good luck in certain matters.

The only zodiac sign for which an onyx talisman is contraindicated is Gemini. This zodiac sign is too versatile, its nature is dual. And onyx will limit his actions. Geminis can have a figurine in the form of an onyx frog in their arsenal, but use it extremely rarely: when there is a need to focus on some serious matter or problem, or when it is necessary to urgently make an important decision.

In addition to the frog figurine, turtle, toad and elephant figurines are popular around the world. The turtle is a very ancient symbol of good luck and cosmic energy, which is designed to strengthen people’s thoughts and materialize them to fulfill their desires. The turtle, like the frog, is also used to improve the financial situation of the family and troubleshoot career problems. In ancient times, it was believed that the land was a huge turtle that swam in the ocean, and all of nature was located on the back of the turtle. Therefore, an onyx tortoise will be a strong talisman against all ailments and adversities.

The toad figurine is designed to improve the financial affairs of any person. If you place it in the hallway of an apartment or near the entrance door to an office, it will attract money into your home or business. You cannot place a figurine of a toad near an open window or vent: the wind can carry the money to another house, to another hearth, then the toad will cease to perform its functions of attracting money. In ancient times, the king of beasts was considered not the lion, but the elephant, because it is the largest animal on land. An elephant amulet will help you make wise decisions and help you remain peaceful and calm. The elephant is the head of all living beings. The amulet will acquire full power near the head of the family: in his office or on his desk. You should not place an elephant near the bed, it can cause discord in the family. Husband and wife will begin to fight for leadership in the family.

Whatever the amulets, they need to be selected correctly. You need to consider what material they are made of and what shape they have. But the most important thing is that the amulet should be sweet to its owner, please his eye, and warm his soul. Then the talisman will protect the owner and bring him luck and prosperity.

Eastern practitioners recommend purchasing an onyx apple for your home to bring harmony to all areas of life, advance your career, improve your health and get rid of depression, blues or apathy. It is better to install a stone talisman, adhering to the rules of Feng Shui. Onyx does not give negative side effects and has only a positive effect, and therefore it can be placed in the nursery. It is not necessary to charge the talisman, but you need to keep it clean.


Since the time of the taming of the wolf, the dog has remained a faithful companion, guard and protector in every sense. This loyal animal is capable of sacrificing itself for the good of its owner and does not attack the one who tamed it. The onyx dog, like its living prototype, also has in its meaning the main symbol of protection.

But here the powers are expanded and the protection of this animal mascot occurs in all aspects. This is both protection from dark magical influences (evil eye, damage, lapel, love spell), and physical protection. In addition, the owners of such souvenirs note a decrease in the number of quarrels in the family and an increase in income - the dog, as it were, closes the holes through which finances leak and saves them from discord.

The magical meaning of an onyx apple

Eastern practitioners believe that the dimensions of the talisman do not matter, and therefore you should choose the stone amulet you intuitively like.

A figurine in the form of an onyx fruit signifies fertility and a rich harvest. In ancient times, such a magical apple was given as a wedding gift with the wish of passionate feelings and many children. In China, the fruit of a fruit tree is a symbol of prosperity, peace and absence of disease. The figurine of a round, smooth, blemish-free apple has magical properties; it is important that it has a small tail. 1-2 leaves are acceptable.

Onyx, which comes in yellow and light green colors, is the most suitable natural material, long considered the patron saint of kings and warriors. The stone gives the owner a cool mind, helps to understand other people and protects from dangers. It is believed that onyx gives spouses happiness, helps them relax and brings harmony to the soul. Indian practitioners believe that the talisman will absorb excess energy. However, only kind and honest people can use the magical properties of onyx. Owners of the stone apple note the following effects of the figurine:

With the help of such a talisman, an entrepreneur will be able to successfully conduct any negotiations.

  • stability in all areas of life;
  • gaining strength of character;
  • improving self-discipline;
  • success in negotiations;
  • attracting finance;
  • strengthening leadership skills;
  • gaining power;
  • normalization of sleep and wakefulness;
  • treatment of heart diseases.

Physical and chemical properties

Onyx is a fibrous variety of quartz that is rich in impurities. In many respects, the mineral is similar to marble and granite, and is somewhat superior to them in terms of moisture absorption, frost resistance and hardness.

ColorWhite, black, blue, green, red, pink, brown, yellow and others, the pattern is always striped
TransparencyOpaque or translucent 3-4 cm
Density2.65-2.667 g/cm3

Use of the talisman

Practitioners recommend keeping a stone figurine in the shape of an apple in your home. It is better to place it according to the rules of Feng Shui. If a girl wants to get pregnant, then an onyx talisman is placed in the south of the bedroom. However, this position is contraindicated if the couple is not yet ready to have a baby. If you hang the figurine over the bed, for example, tie it with a red ribbon, then the household will feel a surge of strength, will get a good night's sleep and will retain beauty and youth for a long time.

To cure depression, neurosis or panic attacks, practitioners recommend applying a stone apple to the chest. 5-10 minutes is enough. per day, but the procedures must be regular.

Feng Shui symbol - Apple

Each specific fruit in Feng Shui often symbolizes some symbol of longevity, wealth, and prosperity. Let's focus on the Feng Shui symbol, the Apple.

The Apple symbol in Feng Shui is inextricably linked with good health and harmony in the home. Most likely this is due to one of the meanings of the Chinese character peace, which can also be translated as Apple. The favorable colors of the apple symbol in Feng Shui are: red, green, golden and are used depending on the properties of the given color. You can read about the symbolism of flowers in Feng Shui here.

In addition, the apple is one of the popular Feng Shui symbols associated with prolongation of life - immortality, that is, the desire to have good health. That is why the symbol of an apple and semi-precious metals, crystal or stones, such as onyx, are often used as gifts for business partners, as well as for relatives and friends who have health problems. In Feng Shui, an apple strengthens ties between family members or business partners.

In modern Feng Shui, the apple symbol has also become associated with wealth, health, abundance and longevity.

By using Feng Shui symbols in your workplace or home, you can correct the flow of negative energies and transform them into positive ones, bringing harmony and prosperity to your home or business. Feng Shui symbols will not only improve your well-being and mood, but also add decorative and enlivening elements to your environment.

Souvenir. Below the cut are various interpretations of such an apple as a souvenir according to Feng Shui and other worldview systems.

1. Such an Apple brings stability and firmness to the owner’s life, disciplines him in his work, and helps in business negotiations. The energy of this stone is strong - in good intentions, onyx has magical powers: An apple attracts easy money to the house, i.e. not “crazy” ones, but earned through hard work. Onyx also enhances leadership, gives power and strength. An onyx apple can “pull out” diseases such as neurology, insomnia, anxiety, and heart disease.

2. Talismans in the shape of apples enhance the energy potential of their owner, rewarding him with such traits as responsiveness, kindness, and sincerity. An apple promotes learning and acquiring various types of knowledge. Apples are talismans of the family hearth and motherhood. Onyx is a disease stone. Strengthens memory. It moderates pain, it is placed for relief on inflamed areas and tumors, and also placed on the stomach in order to ease colic. Wearing it sharpens your hearing. Set in silver helps with heart pain and treats insomnia. Mystical properties: Onyx is considered a symbol of eloquence. Onyx the color of a raven's wing arouses in its owner a passion for enrichment, making him energetic and enterprising. Onyx was known as an ornamental and facing stone in Ancient Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. In Rome it was used for inlay and mosaics. According to legend, in Jerusalem, in Solomon's temple, the walls did not have windows, but they let in enough light, being made of this stone. In the Gur-Emir mausoleum in Samarkand, the interior decoration was made from it. Onyxes have been known and widely used since ancient times. During the heyday of glyptics, it was onyxes that served as the main material for products.

3. An apple is the fruit of the tree of life, a symbol of immortality. Means fertility, love, joy, knowledge, wisdom, deification, abundance and prosperity. Being round, it represents integrity and unity, promotes learning and the acquisition of various types of knowledge. Apples are talismans of the family hearth and motherhood. The apple is a symbol of pure, bright and long-lasting love, family relationships.

In Feng Shui, the Apple is one of the famous iconic objects, symbolizing good health, prosperity, harmony, and youth.

The Apple figurine is a copy of a natural apple, always with a twig and one or two leaves.

The lucky colors of the Apple figurine in Feng Shui are: red, green, golden, crystal - transparent and are used depending on the properties of a given color. The sizes of such an apple can be very different: from 3 cm in diameter and above.

Where to place an apple figurine according to Feng Shui?

An Apple figurine is excellent to keep on your desktop or at work, attracting career growth and good luck in business.

At home, a still life of an Apple, can be combined with other fruits, will remove negative energies, transforming them into positive ones, which will bring well-being, health, prosperity, change life for the better, and also decorate the interior as decor.

For the health and well-being of your loved ones, it is advisable to place an apple in the center of the table in the living room or dining room.

An apple tree is good to place on the south side of the bedroom for a couple who wants to have children.

You can also hang an apple on ribbons above the bed, this will give the owners physical strength, longevity, youth and wealth.

What does a souvenir apple mean?

There is no doubt that an apple brings happiness, especially if it is carved from onyx. In addition, stone fruit is believed to be able to change the owner’s life for the better. Everyone who receives or purchases an apple will become more decisive and purposeful, learn to be disciplined and firm. It is believed that onyx fruit attracts money, not random, but earned through honest labor.

Where to put

To enhance the effect of the onyx apple, place the souvenir in a visible place, for example, on your desk or bedside table. It is not forbidden to combine the fruit with other types of fruit, also made from ornamental stone. A beautiful element of decor and a source of positive energy will be an onyx dish with colored fruits of minerals of different colors.

An interesting solution is an apple above the bed on a beautiful chain or ribbon to enhance its properties. In this situation, an onyx fruit will help the owners remain young, energetic and happy.



is a type of agate.
semiprecious stone. Magic properties:

Onyx has long been considered the stone of leaders and fighters. It gives the ability to dominate other people, clears the mind and allows one to penetrate the enemy's plans. Onyx improves memory and protects against sudden death and attempts on life. Onyx strengthens spiritual strength and gives marital happiness. It is believed that it helps get rid of indecision, shyness and suspiciousness. In India, onyx has always been considered a symbol of luck and good fortune. It takes away excess energy, calms and reconciles.

Medicinal properties:

Onyx is believed to help relieve stress, relieve pain, and promote emotional balance and self-control. It is used for nervous system disorders, depression, insomnia, and in the treatment of heart disease. Indian astrology believes that onyx is useful for any person, as it concentrates bioenergy and draws out diseases.

Products may differ from the photographs shown on the website in color, shape and size. The stone cannot be the same - this is its main advantage. Handmade is also determined by the individuality of each product.

This symbol is the most controversial of all, since it is considered both a savior and a destroyer. All associations come from ancient times. Perhaps this is due to the shape of the apple, because it consists of two equal parts. If we recall myths and legends, we can give many examples related to the use of apples. For example, Russian fairy tales about rejuvenating apples, or the biblical tale about the sin of Adam and Eve are also associated with apples. It is worth noting that most often this fruit was guarded by someone, and usually animals acted as guards. In Judaism, an apple symbolizes prosperity, in China - peace. And also, thanks to its shape and beneficial properties, the fruit has become a symbol of youth, purity, and immortality. But for all of us now, an apple is the fruit of a beautiful tree - an apple tree. Over time, people began to identify the apple as a talisman and a faithful assistant. The amulet is not only the fruit itself, but also the branch of the apple tree. This symbol gives a lot of energy to its owner and rewards him with positive properties. With the help of this amulet, new knowledge is easily acquired, and it is also used as a guardian of the family hearth and motherhood. If the symbol contains images of apple tree flowers, then this symbolizes tenderness, prosperity, and eternal youth. This symbol usually serves young girls, boys, as well as poets and cultural figures.

How to care for stone

Caring for onyx is simple:

  1. It must be protected from exposure to bright light, especially sunlight, as it may turn pale. Therefore, in summer it is better not to wear jewelry with stones openly (only under clothes).
  2. It is advisable to store striped gems in a spacious box, and to prevent them from scratching other stones, they should be wrapped in soft cloth.
  3. Clean the stones as they become dirty, for which you can use a medium-hard brush, soda and running water.

Energy cleansing involves regularly rinsing the stone with cold water, and charging involves placing it under the moonlight.

Apple in feng shui

In Feng Shui, any fruit is a symbol of material wealth and longevity. Apple is no exception either. In addition, this amulet brings health and harmony. The color of the symbol is usually red, gold or green. In addition, the apple symbolizes immortality and the desire to always be healthy. You can give such a symbol to your business partner with ease and confidence. The material can be precious metal, crystal or stone. Such a gift will strengthen the relationship between partners. If you purchased such an amulet for yourself, then there will be a place for it both at home and at work. It will convert negative energy into positive energy. It will improve not only your mood, but also the external environment in the house.

Compatibility with other stones

Green onyx beads

Energetically strong onyx does not like being placed next to other gems in decoration. He will suppress their influence in every possible way, spending his strength on it.

The effect of many jewelry (pearls, amethyst, ruby ​​and others) is aimed at relaxing the owner. Onyx activates leadership qualities, stimulates activity, composure and constant readiness for action. Therefore, it is not wise to use such stones in one piece of jewelry.

It is especially worth avoiding combining a striped gem with fire stones - diamond, garnet, red tourmaline and others. Their proximity can completely nullify the effect of onyx or lead to the release of accumulated negative energy towards the owner.

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