How to make a wish visualization poster correctly - instructions

Perhaps, in childhood, each of us was told by our parents with sarcasm: “Dreaming is not harmful!” Only they forgot to say that it is actually very useful. After all, if a person seriously dreams of something, the whole Universe will help him:

  • Consciousness will push him to study the issue;
  • The subconscious will catch opportunities around that can lead to the fulfillment of desire;
  • Next to the dreamer there will definitely be people ready to help - support, advise, teach, become a partner;
  • And regular visualization of desire will give strength for active work.

“Eh, it’s not that simple!” - you will say, and you will be completely right. After all, motivation is a short-term phenomenon and its spark lasts no more than a week. And it’s unlikely that during this time you will have time to build a business, buy a house by the sea and have children.

But you can always make a wish card for yourself - a poster that will remind you of your dreams and inspire you every morning. Its influence will last for a year, after which you can make a new one and continue moving towards success.

What is a wish card in simple words

Initially, the practice of making collages with dreams was of a purely esoteric nature. It came to us from the Taoist practice of Feng Shui, which determines a number of rules for its compilation:

  • A wish card is a poster or collage made by a person by hand, in complete solitude and silence. The preferred basis for it is wood, paper or cardboard, but the pictures should be drawn by hand or cut and pasted;
  • According to Feng Shui, you should make a wish card 1-2 weeks after the Chinese New Year, with the onset of the waxing moon phase. But it is also possible to make it at the beginning of a new life. For example, if you got married or divorced, moved to another job or moved to another city. In a word, you can’t do without it if you decide to radically change your life;
  • The wish map is divided into 9 sectors, each of which symbolizes one of the spheres of reality - material wealth, love, career, health and others. Each section of the map must be colored in a color corresponding to its energy. Schematically, it looks like this:

Wish board by sector

Feng Shui also prescribes keeping the wish card away from prying eyes. And it is right. After all, if you approached the matter with all responsibility and sincerely reflected your dreams in it, then you may be disappointed by criticism. And believe me, you will have friends who will laugh at the very idea of ​​the card and at your desires. Therefore, it is better to really find a secluded corner for her.

How to fill out a wish card correctly

Eastern teaching prescribes choosing a specific time and position in space to fill. Thus, it is recommended to draw up a card on the days of the new moon or waxing moon. At the same time, it is important to be in a good mood, and also to place yourself facing south - in this case, your desires will achieve your goal faster. If you are not inclined to believe in mysticism, it is enough to follow just a few rules:

  • Fill out the wish card in a good mood. If you feel anger, resentment or disappointment, it can become imprinted on your work and every time you look at it, it will remind you of the negative event. And this certainly doesn’t motivate anyone;
  • Before you write down any wish, make sure that it is personally yours. After all, many of them are imposed on us by society. Thus, since childhood, our parents encourage us to choose a certain profession, Instagram shows off luxury yachts and mansions. But to be honest, 90% of people simply don’t need it;
  • Complete all sections sequentially. None of them should be left empty. After all, we are not able to be happy if some area of ​​our life is empty. Not a single millionaire thinks about his well-being while lying in a hospital bed, and paradise in a hut usually does not last too long - you have to think about money;
  • Place an equal number of desires in each area. Pay special attention to those sectors that you have difficulty filling - this is where the cause of your imbalance lies;
  • Try to choose pictures that most closely match your desires. If you dream of a car - choose a specific brand and color, if you dream of new boots - choose the right model;
  • Do not write more than 3 wishes in one sector. Believe me, even 9 goals for a year are a lot, but 90 are simply unbearable;
  • Write all your wishes in the present tense. Not “I want a salary of 100,000”, but “I earn 100,000 a month”;
  • Don't set deadlines. Unlike goals, dreams should come true freely, without race on your part.

It only remains to note that the wish card is not a magic wand. She will not be able to fulfill your dream of giving birth in two months if you are not pregnant, will not increase your height and will not help you lose 50 kg on a pie diet. Rather, it should be considered as a guide, instructions for action. Therefore, fantastic desires have no place in it.

Let's start filling out

It’s best to start with the design of the central part – your personal sector. And then fill in all the rest sequentially. Before gluing photos and writing wishes, you should color the card in the specified colors in advance.

Sector No. 1. You and your body

Energy color: white, beige, yellow.

Sector You and your body

In the center of the wish card, they traditionally place their favorite photo or one that reminds them of happy moments. Pictures related to desires regarding the body and health are also written and placed here:

  • A snow-white smile, if you dream of getting crowns or veneers, or correcting your bite;
  • Slim body if you want to lose weight;
  • Items that symbolize health for you if you are sick and dream of getting well.

Sector No. 2. Wealth

Color: purple or green.

Sector Wealth

It contains the entire material side of your life. And here it is worth writing desires, the fulfillment of which only lack of finances holds you back:

  • Buying a house or car;
  • Repair;
  • New clothes or accessories.

Sector No. 3. Self-realization and fame

Color: red.

Sector Self-realization and glory

This column contains the most ambitious desires. For example, you can write here:

  • Promotion on the career ladder;
  • World famous;
  • Recruitment of 1 million subscribers on social networks;
  • The release of your first book or a successful performance on stage.

Even if you are an introvert and are uncomfortable with the spotlight, there are likely to be areas of activity in which you want to receive recognition and appreciation from other people. Think and write down what kind of fame interests you.

Sector No. 4. Love and marriage

Color: pink, red, terracotta.

Sector Love and Marriage

The most common desires in this area are the desire to meet your soulmate, attract the attention of the person you like, or the desire to return passion to the relationship. Every family has its own problems - and you probably have an idea of ​​how they can be solved. Write it down.

Sector No. 5. Family

Color: green, brown or blue.

Sector Family

It is no coincidence that this column is separated from the previous one. It denotes not only the relationship with the spouse, but also the connection with the parents. Each person builds them differently. Some people just can’t make peace and establish warm contact, while others dream of giving mom and dad an expensive gift. What is important to you? Write in this sector.

Sector No. 6. Children and creativity

Color: white, grey, gold or silver.

Sector Children and creativity

People tend to transfer their own unfulfilled dreams onto their children. We diligently take care of their development and every victory of a child is our great joy. In this sector you can place desires such as pregnancy, high achievements of children in school and in competitions.

Don't forget about self-realization. If you have long dreamed of learning to knit or play the piano, record a song or master decoupage, feel free to write in this section.

Sector No. 7. Knowledge

Color: yellow, orange, brown.

Knowledge Sector

If in Soviet times it was possible to get a diploma and spend your whole life in one job, now knowledge plays a key role. New technologies force you to study and improve your skills, and sometimes you even have to change your profession. In this column you can write down the following desires:

  • Learn English;
  • Learn a new profession that allows you to work remotely;
  • Get access to new types of services in your profession and much more.

The main thing is to make sure that this is your desire. After all, now every second person dreams of learning a foreign language, but in reality only a few need it.

Sector No. 8. Career

Color: blue, blue.

Sector Career

Perhaps you have stayed too long in one position or even want to leave for a better-paid job or open your own business. It is possible that you are satisfied with everything anyway. Carefully analyze and write down your aspirations in this sector.

Sector No. 9. Trips

Color: gold, silver, beige.

Travel sector

It’s a rare person who doesn’t dream of visiting distant countries or relaxing by the sea. But it is possible that your goal is much closer - for example, it could be a picnic in the nearest forest with your family or a trip to a museum. Write it down and be sure to choose a picture that best reflects your dream.

South-West Zone – Zone of Love and Marriage

In the sector that is responsible for love relationships, place a photo of a couple in love, complement it with images of hearts, flowers, two cooing birds on a branch.

If you are searching and have a good idea of ​​the person you would like to meet, place a photo of your favorite musician or actor who matches this image.

How to make a wish map: tools and materials

Of course, you can write down your wishes on a regular piece of paper. Even pasting pictures will not be a problem. But it is important to take into account the fact that the card works for about 1-3 years. In addition, you have to periodically adjust it:

  • Give thanks and celebrate dreams that have come true;
  • Remove from it those desires that have lost relevance for you;
  • Add something new.

Therefore, it is worth considering using durable materials that will not lose their appearance over a long period of use and will allow you to periodically make adjustments. Some good options might be:

  • Lamination. You can seal the finished card in durable plastic at your nearest printing house. And then it will definitely serve you for a long time, and then it will also be preserved as a memory of wishes that have come true. The disadvantage of this option is the lack of adjustment options;
  • Thick cardboard. Not as durable as lamination, but also quite capable of surviving up to three years, even if you pick up the card every day. A significant advantage is that it leaves the opportunity to supplement and correct written desires;
  • Cork board. You can buy it at an office supply store or make it yourself by purchasing a backing made from this material at a construction market. It is stored for a long time, allowing for periodic adjustments. Disadvantage: it is quite expensive and capacious, it will be more difficult to hide it from prying eyes;
  • Photoshop. An excellent option that allows you not only to insert the desired inscriptions and pictures, but also to visualize yourself against the backdrop of landmarks of the world or while driving a car. Having collected a wish card in Photoshop, you can always place it on your computer desktop or print it - and it will always be before your eyes. The disadvantage of this option is the need for basic skills in working with the program;
  • Paint, Krita and others – you can also find graphic editors that are easier to manage on the Internet. You can use any of them;
  • Graphic services Canva, WishMap and others. They provide ready-made templates, and all you have to do is place pictures and inscriptions in them.

It’s also worth thinking about drawings, pictures, and design. The easiest option is to select all the necessary images on the Internet, print and cut them out. But you can go a more complicated route - draw by hand. Perhaps in cartoon form. If such work brings you pleasure, then the wish map will inspire and delight you every day.

Southern Sector of Glory

The southern zone is responsible for your personal realization - in work, society, career.

Write down all your wildest ambitions here, draw medals and awards. Experts advise highlighting this area in red.

Where to place the wish card: 5 best places

Simply writing and forgetting is not enough. To make your wishes come true, you need to contact the card every day - look at it, reflect and act. Therefore, the optimal place to place it is above the desktop. But if you are not inclined to share your dreams with others and are sensitive to unfounded criticism, it is better to choose places where only you will see the map:

  • On the inner cabinet door;
  • At the bottom of the underwear drawer;
  • In a desk drawer;
  • Inside is a folder with personal documents;
  • In phone.

You can place your wish card anywhere. The main thing is that you unwittingly meet her every day, and strangers have no idea about her existence.

Let's make it work

To make a wish poster a worker, you need to carry out an activation procedure. You need to do this in a good mood. Choose a wish that is easy to fulfill. For example, buy a box of chocolates. Pre-prepare an image of the sweets. There is no need to stick it on the poster. When you buy and open the box, the poster will already begin to work.

After a few months, you can reconsider your goals, remove some pictures or add new ones.

Remember the card every week and thank the Universe for helping you make your wishes come true. If all the rules are followed, your dreams will soon begin to gradually come true.

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