Feng Shui forecast for October 2021 - month of the Water Dog

The month of the Water Dog - the last month of autumn - will be relatively quiet and calm. Now it's time to finish things, but not start new projects. During the month, time will seem to flow slowly and lazily, so don’t be surprised by your own laziness and reluctance to move forward. But even in this situation, you can achieve good success in business. Just don't set strict deadlines and allow a little more time than required when planning.

Particular attention should be paid to health and attention to the organs of the digestive system. At a minimum, you need to eat right, walk more and give your body moderate physical activity. However, for those who do not benefit from Earth and Water, it is advisable to take care and not overexert yourself at work and at home, and also check the genitourinary system. It is highly recommended not to engage in dangerous sports, visit places with possible earthquakes, or go underground.

October 2021: favorable days

October 13, 25 – suitable for long-term projects or events from which a lasting effect is planned (wedding, starting a business, signing papers, financial investments, purchasing real estate). Not suitable for those born in the year of the Monkey.

October 17, 29 - choose these days for any positive and favorable affairs, as well as events from which a positive effect is expected (engagement and wedding, financial investments, starting a business, starting a trip, looking for a job, starting treatment). Not suitable for those born in the year of the Rat.

October 9, 21 and November 2 are suitable for starting a process, for example, an engagement (but not a wedding!), taking office, interviews, negotiations, training, moving, the beginning of construction and treatment. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Dragon.


For most Dragons, financially, the year will pass quietly, without any particular losses or achievements. In the first months, expenses for food, medicine, and household needs may increase. From March to mid-May, try to spend money only on the essentials. Avoid spontaneous purchases, succumbing to momentary desires and moods, otherwise you yourself will not notice how the money will slip through your fingers. At the same time, reasonable savings will have the most favorable effect on the financial side of your life in the near future. In the first half of summer, be careful in financial matters if you are dealing with people you do not know well. The risk of encountering deception or outright fraud will increase dramatically. During this period, it will be more beneficial for you to rest than to solve financial problems. And in the fall, if necessary, feel free to take on a part-time job and look for new ways to make a profit. Your financial situation will be better the more actively you act.

Flying Stars forecast for October 2021 by sector

In our forecast, the annual star comes first, and the monthly star comes second. For example, 1-7, where 1 is annual, and 7 is monthly. If the star has flown into an important residential sector (bedroom, study, as well as on the front and interior doors), then you should listen to the forecast’s advice and follow the recommendations given below. If the Star flew into a closet or toilet, then such areas are not important.

Southeast 8-5

There is a monthly Yellow Five in this sector, which means it is necessary to limit the presence of household members here: it is strictly forbidden to sleep, work, or eat (especially for weakened and unhealthy people). If you can't follow this advice, then at least move the bed to a better place in the room. Listen to your body and accept its signals as a call to action. Do not start new businesses, do not borrow or borrow money, do not engage in extreme sports. Remedy for Yellow Five – Salt, water, coins. It should definitely be placed in the room.

South 4-1

A good sector that favors romantic relationships. For unmarried people, the recommendation is simple - go where you can meet representatives of the opposite sex, use all opportunities for meeting people, including dating sites or agencies. For married couples, the advice is also simple: if possible, do everything together, spend more time with each other, it would be nice to do something creative together. A suitable area for studying or preparing for exams - a desk, a bed or a door to a room in this sector will contribute to the fastest learning of the subject. Control your expenses – don’t spend a lot of money on immediate desires!

Southwest 6-3

The main advice is don’t take risks. This applies to business, money, sports. A huge number of new ideas may appear this month, but they will not lead to success and may even ruin your reputation. An unfavorable sector for men in the prime of life and women of advanced age - take care of your legs (now there is a high risk of injury) and watch your liver, it may fail. Eat right and be careful with physical activity - don't overdo it.

West 2-8

It is not advisable to spend time working or sleeping here. Be sure to pay attention to your health - don’t skip morning exercises, toughen up, take a course of vitamins, sign up for a massage. It would be a good idea to visit a doctor for a preventive examination. Take care of your digestive organs, joints, genitourinary system, and skin.

North-West 1-7

A bad sector that provokes gossip and discord, which can even lead to lawsuits. Therefore, do not give anyone unnecessary information about yourself (a reason to gossip) and do not discuss others yourself. Be careful with your savings - there is a risk of theft. To remove negativity, place a vessel with salted water in the room for a month. Do not abuse alcohol and take care of your health - now the nasopharynx, lungs and skin are at risk.

North 5-2

An extremely unfavorable combination of stars. If you are still sleeping or working here, then immediately leave this sector or go on a trip or visit for a month. As a last resort (if the previous two recommendations fail), move the table or bed to a better location within the room. Be sure to use protection - Salt Medicine (if Five is in the room) or a bell on the door (if Five is on the door). Take time for yourself - take care of your health. Exercise, a preventive visit to the doctor, vitamins and massage will help avoid serious consequences.

Northeast 3-9

A good sector that will help you fulfill your desires and make money. If your bed or table is located here, then you have only a month to realize your goals - now you can change jobs and invest money, get married and work on conceiving a child, offer new ideas and open your own business. Activations can also be carried out in this sector if the natal stars are favorable.

East 7-4

Bad sector - high probability of injury and injury from piercing and cutting objects; sympathies may arise for a representative of the opposite sex, which will not live up to desires and will disappoint; chance of losing money; Quarrels are possible. If there are two women's beds in the room, then the ladies may quarrel if they are not more restrained towards each other. As for health, the psyche and legs may suffer, and a cough is best treated at the initial stage, avoiding complications. To neutralize negative energy, you can place a small container of salted water. However, all these problems will not be an obstacle to new knowledge and creativity - there is every chance to succeed in these matters.

Take risks - you will get results!

The image of the Green Dog is a watchdog. Decisive, courageous and at the same time harsh and impulsive. Usually the month of the Green Dog brings a lot of anxiety (often unnecessary). This is a fast-paced time of daring people who are willing to take risks to achieve their goals. The Green Dog is very sociable and loves to work in a team, which she creates herself. This will be especially important in October, as the month can bring instability and disruption to already established habits and plans. In this situation, a group of like-minded people - friends, relatives or colleagues - will come in handy more than ever. Take advantage of the moment of the month of the Dog, because the mistress of the year, the Pig, favors it, and if you act and make decisions not alone, you will receive double support. Those who are not ready to take risks should take care of their home and strengthen their family, and for those who have not yet found a mate, self-development classes will be successful. Sign up for trainings, read books. The Chinese “Book of Changes” speaks about this period of autumn like this: “...isolation is favorable.”

Activations: Bird falls into nest

Attract good luck in business, business, finance, and study with the help of this simple activation that is loved by many people.
Its essence is not at all complicated - you need to find the desired sector in the apartment and stay there for a specified period of time. You can do whatever you want here - relax, work, study, send proposals to customers or send resumes, make investments or look for new business partners. DATE

20.10.2018NEDragon (7-9)A rabbit
23.10.2018NEDog (19-21)Horses
26.10.2018SWDragon (7-9)Rooster
26.10.2018SWMonkey (15-17)Rooster

Dragon Man

For Dragons, this is a very dynamic year and generous with favorable situations. They will be able to rise to new heights in the first half of the year. Stable partnerships and joint projects with representatives of foreign companies will open up broad horizons for the Dragons. In the second half of the year, in the wake of grandiose plans, they will ironically recall their own mistakes and failures. If the Dragons think through and prepare each stage of their activity well, then they will feel very confident all year. First of all, this applies to women of this sign, who will enjoy success. However, some situations will make them think in the second half of the year about whether they have the right partners around them. The circumstances that men of this sign will have to face in the first half of the year will force them to reconsider their views and be more critical of their business partners. Intolerance, a tendency to discuss and argue about any matter will often hinder many Dragon men in the second half of the year.

Warming the Money Star

As the name suggests, this activation is directly related to money. By performing a simple ritual, you can discover an increase in cash flow, an unexpected source of income, an unexpected gift, etc. Even the very preparation for activation in the form of buying a candle and choosing the “right” place for its location sets you up to attract monetary energy. The table indicates the desired sector of the candle's location and the period of time during which it should burn.

09.10.2018SV 2/3Tiger (3-5), Snake (9-11), Goat (13-15), Pig (21-23)CandleDragon
14.10.2018SV 2/3Tiger (3-5), Rabbit (5-7), Horse (11-13), Dog (19-21)CandleRooster
19.10.2018SV 2/3Ox (1-3), Snake (9-11), Goat (13-15), Dog (19-21)CandleTiger
26.10.2018SV 2/3Tiger (3-5), Rabbit (5-7), Horse (11-13), Dog (19-21)CandleRooster
29.10.2018SV 2/3Tiger (3-5), Rabbit (5-7), Goat (13-15), Dog (19-21)CandleRats

What should be done?

At the specified time and in the specified sector, you need to light a candle. I take thick candles that burn for many hours - they are stable and do not melt much. The candle should burn for 1.5 hours, but you can leave it until the end of the day (this is more effective).

Be sure to take all safety measures - place the candle in a cup so that it does not tip over, if there are small children or pets in the house - make sure that they do not have access to it.

Do not light a candle in the toilet or bathroom - the effect will be very weak.

Happy month!!!

Walking to find a job, promote a business, increase the number of clients, orders

08.10.2018SWHorse (11-13)A rabbit
28.10.2018SESnake (9-11)Pigs
31.10.2018NERooster (17-19)Tiger
01.11.2018NEMonkey (15-17)A rabbit
03.11.2018SWMonkey (15-17)Snakes
06.11.2018SWDog (19-21)Monkey

Walking to Increase Romantic Luck

18.10.2018NERabbit (5-7)Bull
19.10.2018SWRabbit (5-7)Tiger
20.10.2018SWRooster (17-19)A rabbit
02.11.2018ZGoat (13-15)Dragon


For health, the coming year 2021 may not be as favorable as we would like. In January, Dragons will not feel too good and will more often succumb to depression. In matters of nutrition, some frivolity may appear, which can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the intestines, liver, and pancreas. The desire to treat yourself to something tasty may be due to the fact that you lack positive emotions. Try not to support yourself with abundant high-calorie foods, since not only disturbances in metabolic processes are possible, but also rapid weight gain. March and the first half of April are a difficult time for health: the body is susceptible to colds and infectious diseases, and exacerbation of chronic ailments is possible. This is also a very traumatic period. In the summer you will be able to take a breath, tune in to a positive mood, improve your health and restore your strength. At the end of November and December, the lumbar region may be especially vulnerable, so you need to avoid hypothermia, drafts and not lift heavy objects.

Walking to improve health, cure illnesses and seek medical help

30.10.2018ZPig (21-23)Bull
02.11.2018INDragon (7-9)Dragon
03.11.2018SZ 2/3Horse (11-13)Snakes
04.11.2018SZ 2/3Goat (13-15)Horses

* the article indicates solar time

Author of activations: Tiana Berdych.

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Love and family

Love, romantic or family life will come to the fore for many Dragons in 2021. Free representatives of this sign will feel most comfortable. They will not be ignored by the opposite sex. Family Dragons will face serious challenges in March, late May and the first half of June. Relationships with a loved one may be tested for strength. It is important not to make decisions rashly. Don't look for an outlet on the side. Having succumbed to a passing hobby, Dragons connected by marriage can get into an unpleasant situation. But by July everything should fall into place.

Dragons will also have doubts about their personal lives. Even if you have reasons, be reasonable. And best of all, listen to your heart. Mythical creatures often do not see the difference between reality and dreams. Forgive your partner's shortcomings if you truly love her.

For those Dragons who do not yet have a loved one, it is best to leave the active search and take care of themselves. The Year of the Dog promises you an unexpected meeting in the most unusual place with the appearance of the first snow. Health problems, if they arise, will be due to nervousness. Get your thoughts in order. Take up meditation, yoga, qigong, Pilates or other practices aimed at harmonizing your consciousness. For those who like to philosophize, these activities will bring more benefits than ordinary physical activity.

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