Feng Shui Forecast for May 2021 – Month of the Water Snake

Flying Stars Map for 2021

The map of flying stars will help you decipher the favorableness of the sectors in 2021. It is a square with nine cells, each of which corresponds to its own cardinal direction. And inside each cell there is a number. Behind each number lies an energy that has a certain character.

By default, “white” Stars 8, 1, 6 are always considered favorable. Others have a complex character and can “knock” you out of your comfort zone. They will have their own requests or even whims that have to be satisfied. But by understanding how to communicate with them, adapting them to their character, you can establish contact and benefit from them.

In addition, it is also worth paying attention to the “Personal Palace”. A star that “arrives” in the Personal Palace in 2021 will also influence a person throughout the year. Its influence cannot be corrected by auxiliary means; all that remains is to take it into account.

So, let's understand the flying stars of 2021.

Flying Star System

The astrological forecasting system of the 9 flying stars used in Feng Shui is slightly different from Chinese astrology, although it also uses the 5 elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.

Each star is represented by a number from 1 to 9. They have their own functions and change sectors every year from February 4th to take a new place on the standard Lo Shu square. Their movement from year to year along the Lo Shu square gave them the name flying stars. In addition, each star is also associated with one of the 5 elements in the form of Yin or Yang (with corresponding colors). In case of activation or weakening of a sector, the interaction of the element of the standard Lo Shu square and the flying star is analyzed to apply the most suitable solution.

South 2021

Star 1 "white" in Feng Shui is described as wisdom and knowledge. It is represented by the element of Water, and Water means depth. The knowledge is deep and truly valuable. And noble, influential people often turn to sages for advice. Therefore, the influence of star 1 will help attract noble and well-connected people with impressive resources. Metaphorically speaking, this will give access to the Information Ocean. And then both promotion and financial success largely depend on the acquired intellectual baggage and cleverly expressed thoughts. When others see not just an interlocutor, but a source of wisdom, they are imbued with respect and trust.

North 2021

Star 2 “black” - initially it is earth or black soil, with which fertility and savings are associated. However, now the savings received from the “two” are untimely. And when something bad accumulates inside, it can cause painful problems. Therefore, star 2 is often called the “star of diseases.” The north in 2021 falls under its influence, so if you often have to visit the northern sector of your home, then you should pay more attention to your health. This especially applies to older people, pregnant women, and young children. It is recommended to adhere to preventive measures to keep the body in good shape - proper nutrition, rest, massage, moderate physical activity.

North correction in 2021

Star 2 is the star of savings. She can bring good luck in the field of real estate, antiques, medicine, here she offers many financial opportunities. It is like a treasure chest buried deep underground. However, when extracting it from the depths, you will have to spend a lot of energy, health - and probably get sick. Therefore, traditionally, Feng Shui masters advise avoiding star 2 and weakening it with elementary means. In the sector with the “two” you can place metal feng shui accessories for a year that weaken the “earth” - this could be a wind chime, a copper hu-lu gourd, or a bunch of 6 coins.

South-West 2021

Star 3 “jade” has many interpretations. These are aggression, quarrels, discord, competition, competition, speed, risks, stress. She is far from peaceful, and her character resembles a bully. But you can make friends with her, “pretend” that you are similar to her, and get involved in a fight. And then she will help you emerge victorious. The process may be painful, but the final result is quite good! If you need speed in completing a task, but there is a catastrophic lack of time, then you can be in the southwestern sector and start doing something, or at least think about the process. And then stress is transformed into speed, and the goal will be achieved. It’s not a fact that it’s of high quality and “polished” to perfection, but at least - in the shortest possible time, “cheap and cheerful”!

Southwest correction in 2021

Too much activity can lead to internal overstrain, which will increase nervousness. As they say - “overflow the banks.” The influence of star 3 can be reduced by adding the element of Fire to the southwestern sector - red objects, or by burning candles from time to time, or by turning on a red lamp. This will prevent conflicting energy from becoming excessive. During 2021, long-term use of the southwest is not recommended, but in some months it becomes incredibly good!

Vostok 2021

Star 4 “green” – for “passionate people” engaged in the areas of information dissemination, training, and creativity. In addition, she is considered one of the “romantic stars” - after all, it is known that people associated with creativity and education have a special charm. Often, school teachers become objects of adoration for high school students in love, and respectable university teachers “have affairs” with young students.

So, the influence of star 4 will bring attractiveness, romance, charisma, and as a result - increased interest from other people. For those who have a goal to learn something new or deepen their skills and become a super-specialist, as well as those who seek to bring romance into life, it would be appropriate to spend more time in the Eastern sector of their home or office.

East correction in 2021

Star 4 does not belong to the class of uniquely favorable stars. She is not averse to enjoying life, neglecting moral standards. Only in the company of good monthly stars does she reveal her best features. And during these months it can be strengthened by placing a fountain or active water in the East. And the rest of the time, it is advisable to weaken star 4 by frequently lighting candles so that it expends its frivolous energy. Or be especially eager to learn something. It is not a fact that the acquired knowledge will be immediately monetized, but someday it will certainly “take off.”

Characteristics of flying stars in November

Starting from November 7, 2021, we will have several difficult dates for which there is no need to plan serious events. These will be November 7, 10, 17, 19, 22, 29.

To understand what awaits you specifically in the period from November 7 to December 6, look at the table below and find your year of birth. Opposite it is the number of your star, which will indicate the path of this time period.

1. The star is in the north, which promises a difficult period and difficulties in business. People will feel that things are getting out of control, but there is no point in trying to catch up with a departing train. Something unplanned will certainly happen, and you can only be responsible for your reaction. Try to relax more, while reflecting on the effectiveness of your actions. Nerves will not help you with this. Feng Shui Tip: Wear the Fire Wheel icon around your neck and wear more red clothes.

2. Your star is in the southwest, which means that the month will be successful and easy. Possible advancement up the career ladder, success in communication. Many people whose flying star is under this number will succeed in the financial sphere, while others will think about procreation. But all this will happen only if you do not sit back.

3. The month will be a little more turbulent for you. Get ready for changes, because your star is in the east, and this promises a lot of new things. Attitude to change plays a key role. Tune in to the positive and believe that everything that happens is for the better. It is recommended to think about changing your place of residence and/or work. The new will probably suit you better than the old.

4. The star of people born in years corresponding to the four will be in the southeast in November. This means that all changes will cause a strong emotional response in you. Don't stress yourself over small things. Those who have problems with the kidneys, liver, and genitourinary system need to be especially careful. You also need to get the Fire Wheel pendant and dress in red.

5. Since your star is located directly in the center, everything you do will cause additional difficulties. Therefore, it is better to lie low, being satisfied with what you have at the moment. Transactions with money are especially dangerous. Dressing in bright colors and a pendant in the form of a pagoda of the 5 elements will help protect yourself from troubles.

6. Your star is in the northwest, which promises a favorable period. The Universe has prepared many pleasant surprises for you: from cash bonuses to a pleasant trip. You will have time for a lot, so you can start drawing up an action plan right now. A career leap is possible, but be consistent in your actions.

7. Next month you will experience an ambiguous situation, when there will be both a reason to rejoice and a reason to be sad. It may be that being unwell will not allow you to fully enjoy the gifts of fate. But you will receive strong support from family and friends. During this period, a fateful acquaintance is possible, so do not reject communication with representatives of the opposite sex.

8. People born in years corresponding to the number eight will struggle with themselves in November. The cause of the problems will be found in your own reaction to current events. But you will soon understand it and cope. The main thing is to learn to control emotions and not provoke conflict situations. A pendant in the form of a pagoda of 5 elements will become your amulet.

9. Your star will be in the south, which promises success in many matters. You will be able to show others all your talents, including oratory abilities and the power of suggestion. Those who often speak in public will be especially lucky. Since you will be the center of attention, don't be surprised if people talk about you behind your back. You should wear brown and yellow clothes, jewelry with citrine and yellow jasper.


Southeast 2021

In 2021, the formidable star 5 “yellow” will arrive in the Southeast. This is the emperor star, among other stars it is special and the strongest. After all, “5” is the central number. The Emperor is always exalted, he looks down and acts only by his own rules. This energy is the most difficult to find a common language with, and therefore in Feng Shui it is considered problematic and evil. Feng Shui masters usually recommend avoiding the Yellow Five so as not to complicate your life. Only quiet time is allowed.

Southeast correction in 2021

Only people similar in character to her, that is, those who have exceptional power, can fully communicate with star 5. Star 5 will help them “accelerate” even more. But if you are not one, then it is advisable to visit the southeastern sector less often in 2021. Otherwise, all sorts of troubles can happen, because not everyone has a high enough conductivity to pass such strong power through themselves. It is not recommended to disturb the South-East, that is, to carry out repairs or even short-term activations with a fountain or candle in this sector. If the front door is located in the southeast, then it is advisable not to take risks with money throughout the year, and hang a metal bell on the handle as a proofreader. It is recommended to place the special Feng Shui product “Water-Salt-Coins” in the south-eastern bedroom or study for a year.

Feng Shui and Flying Stars 2021

Feng Shui (“wind and water”) is a Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space, the purpose of which is to search for favorable flows of Qi and use them for the benefit of humans. Feng Shui is based on the I Ching - the Book of Changes - ancient Chinese philosophical texts written about 5 thousand years ago.

Feng Shui is a science, philosophy, and art . Feng Shui was first practiced 4 thousand years ago. The most important Feng Shui tools, which are also used in other Chinese traditional arts, are the 8 trigrams - Bagua . Pairwise combinations of 8 trigrams give 64 hexagrams of the I Ching .

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese method of living in harmony with the energies of the living Earth . The main criterion is the mysterious metaphysical force - Qi energy , which is distributed and moves in space and changes in time .


Flying Stars Feng Shui is a popular Feng Shui technique that deals with the aspects of time . It offers a method for calculating the luck of every corner of every room in any given year, month, or twenty-year period. In addition, the Flying Stars Feng Shui technique provides a specific method for drawing up a natal chart for each building, house or apartment.

Feng Shui method , known as San Yuan ( Flying Stars ), there are 9 time periods. Each period lasts for 20 years , a complete cycle takes 180 years. According to the Chinese calendar, we are currently going through Period 8 , which began , 2004 and will end in 2024 . The number " 8 " is the "reigning" number of this period.

In the 8th period, which will last until 2024 , 4 of the 9 Flying Stars have a negative energy potential - these are 2, 3, 5 and 7 , and the remaining 5 stars have a positive one.

One of the main symbols reminiscent of the ancient origins of Feng Shui is the nine-sectored Luo Shu , which is usually associated with the divine turtle.

Legend has it that four thousand years ago, a divine turtle swam Luo the Bagua . The image on the tortoiseshell dates back to 2200 BC.

In a nine-sector Lo Shu the numbers are arranged in such a way that the sum of any three numbers taken vertically, horizontally or diagonally is equal to 15 . This is the number of days it takes the Moon to go from new moon to full moon. Therefore, numbers reflect the passage of time . Every year the Flying Stars “fly” to a new place, changing the annual energy of space .


Flying stars mean numbers from 1 to 9 , located in the magic square of Lo-shu . The numbers in the grid shift, that is, they change over time . Each day, month, year and each twenty-year period corresponds to its own arrangement of numbers in the square.

Astrological 202 1 year ( 3, 202 1 3, 202 2 ) is the year of the White ( Metal ) Ox . In the Chinese calendar, the year is indicated by a pair of two elements: Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. 202 1 year of the Metal Ox represents Yin Metal (Heavenly Stem) combined with Yin Earth (Earthly Branch – Ox ).

What Feng Shui will the Flying Stars bring for 202 1 ?

To analyze and predict events occurring in an apartment, house or office, a natal chart using the Flying Stars . On the plan of an apartment, house or office, divided into sectors using the Lo Shu square , you need to superimpose the Flying Stars diagram, and then rotate it so that the directions in the square coincide with the directions of your house, determined by the compass.

In 202 1 , the Flying Stars are positioned as follows:

Southern sector - Unit

The unit is usually associated with the success of endeavors, victory, and good luck. It means intelligence and wisdom, prospects for further education, career development and prosperity, symbolizes well-being and the beginning of something new.

Fire lives in the south , and in 2021 the 1st element of Water . To remove the conflict of energies, you need to place the element of Wood . According to the cycle of birth and destruction, which describes the relationship between the 5 Elements, Wood “gives birth” to Fire.

Northern sector – Deuce

In the eighth period, the Two is negative and can bring health problems. In 2021, the northern sector, where the “ star of diseases ” Deuce has settled, is best avoided.

The deuce belongs to the element of Soil and controls the element of the Northern sector - Water . To smooth out the conflict of energies and create a smooth flow of Qi Metal element here (Metal “gives birth” to Water).

The traditional “cure” for Two is a metal air bell made of 6 hollow tubes Shi energy . Two belong to the element of Soil , which Metal depletes with a bell. Just do not forget that air bells should be hung against walls, and not in doorways, not above the heads of people sitting, and not above the bed.

You can also hang copper, bronze Chinese pagodas, bells or a bunch of six metal coins the northern of to drain this star.

Also use health talismans ( bamboo, turtle, crane ).

Southwestern sector - Troika

Wooden star Troika - the “ star of quarrels ” in 2021 falls into the southwestern sector of the house, where the energy of the Soil . Three brings conflicting energy to any relationship, especially love.

Three is the element of Wood . Arriving in the Southwest sector, she comes into conflict with the energy of the Soil . According to the cycle of birth and destruction of the 5 elements , the element of Wood - Three is depleted by the element of Fire and destroyed by the element of Metal. Metal is white, any metals as such (especially gold), round shapes. A good amulet against the effects of the Three would be a figurine of the Laughing Buddha with a gold bar or a large bag.

Protection from the Three can be anything that belongs to the Fire element - bright light, red color, triangular shapes. A good way to reduce the negativity of the Three is to use red candles and bright lamps. In the Southwestern sector of a house or apartment, it is good to place paintings in which red color predominates.

In 2021, in the south -west there will also be Sui Po or the Yearly Destroyer, which is always located opposite the God of the Year (Tai-Sui). This star should not be “irritated” by repairs and other noisy activities. Do not sit with your back in this direction for a long time, it is better to face it.

Eastern sector – Four

In the year of the Metal Ox the auspicious flying star Four the eastern sector of the house, where the energy of Wood , which patronizes good luck in love (in creating a family) and in all activities related to art, science, and culture.

Four is the element of Wood ; in the wooden sector in the East it will be as strong as possible. You can enhance your love luck by activating the eastern sector with love symbols - pairs of birds, a dragon and a phoenix.

Southeast sector – Yellow Five

In 2021, the Flying Star Yellow Five , the most dangerous star that causes all kinds of losses and accidents , occupies the southeastern sector of the house. In the wooden sector, its energy weakens, but this star does not become less harmful. Yellow Five can cause serious tragedies and even catastrophes when it affects the sector in which your bedroom or front door of the house is located.

The most powerful antidote to the destructive energy of the Yellow Five is the Five Elements Pagoda , in which the soil is symbolically “sharpened” into metal. You can also “drain” the Five with an air bell made of 6 metal tubes . You should not light candles in this sector of the house, since Fire “gives birth” to Soil, and Five is a soil star.

The most powerful way to neutralize the energy of the Yellow Five is considered to be a vessel with water, coins and salt, which is placed in the sector of the star, regularly renewing the water in it. It is better to remove any items related to the element of Fire in 2021 from the southeastern sector.

In 2021, the southeastern sector of the house comes under the influence of the dangerous star “ Three Killers(Three Sha) , which attracts violence and robbery. Therefore, it is undesirable to start rearranging or repairing in the south-eastern sector, drilling, sawing, knocking, do not rebuild this part of the house, but keep it in complete peace. Do not sit with your back in this direction for a long time, it is better to face it. three crystal balls in the southeast .

Center of an apartment, house or office – Six

In 2021, the center of an apartment, house or office will be ruled by the auspicious Flying Star Six - the “heavenly” star that is responsible for happiness and success. The Six is ​​considered to bring " heavenly luck " because it corresponds to the " Heaven " ( Qian ) trigram.

Element of Six - Metal . The Metal Ox most closely matches the energy of the central star of the year. of the Soil reigns in the central sector . According to the cycle of birth and destruction, which describes the relationship between the 5 Elements, Soil “gives birth” to Metal.

The traditional talisman for activating the Six is ​​a bunch of six Chinese coins . You can place several objects made of ceramics, natural stone, crystal in the central sector, and place a figurine of an elephant in this area, symbolizing wisdom, strength, fertility and protection of the home.

Northwestern sector - Seven

In 2021, close attention must be paid to the northwestern sector. It is in this sector that the Flying Star Seven - the star of thefts, violence and robberies . This star is completely out of place in the bedroom; it causes strong emotions and passionate arguments.

According to the Chinese metaphysical system of interaction of the 5 elements, Metal - Seven is depleted by Water . a Yin water body in the northwest for the whole year , which will deplete the energy of the Seven. A traditional means of weakening the energy of the Seven is 3 or 4 branches of bamboo in a glass vase with water.

Place in the northwestern sector of the apartment paired figurines of animals symbolizing protection: rhinoceroses, elephants with tusks and raised trunks, or Fu dogs . Animals must “look” at the front door.

Western Sector - Eight

In 2021, the western sector becomes one of the most favorable. “Money energy” comes here . Eight is traditionally associated with material success. This is a very favorable money star, the positive influence of which is enhanced by the fact that its number coincides with the number of the period ( 2004-2024 ). During this period, the best expectations are associated with the Eight: luck, success, prosperity, wealth, abundance.

Unfortunately, in the western metal sector, the soil Eight is slightly weakened (Metal “depletes” the Soil). The Star can be activated by objects of the element of the star itself - Soil and its supporting element - Fire . These are red objects, candles, incense sticks and aroma lamps, bright lamps, figures and figurines made of ceramics, natural stone and crystal.

Among the most powerful activators of the Eight, use the Money Tree to attract wealth and good luck. A traditional talisman that activates the positive energy of the Soil is a crystal ball , the effectiveness of which increases if light is directed at it.

Northeast sector of an apartment, house or office – Nine

Nine the North-Eastern sector of the apartment (house) in 2021 The element of nine is Fire . This means that everyone who spends a long time in the northeast of an office or apartment will experience the beneficial influence of this star throughout the year. Nine will provide bright results in all areas of life.

strengthen the energy of Nine with the help of Fire - the element of the star, and the verses of Tree . Bright lighting, candles, red and orange objects, wooden figurines or wooden household items. From Feng Shui talismans, you can install a money tree . The best activator of Nine energy is the image of nine dragons .

In the northeast in 2021, the God of the Year ( Tai-Sui ) or Grand Duke Jupiter is also located - this is the spatial energy of Feng Shui, which is considered neither “malefic” nor “auspicious”, but “problematic”. It always occupies the compass sector of the animal that gives its name to the year.

In 2021, Tai-Sui is located in the Ox - North -East . Several important Feng Shui taboos are associated with Tai Sui: do not stand facing the God of the Year for a long time, so as not to “offend” him. But on the other hand, if you sit with your back to the God of the Year, you will enjoy his protection.

Throughout the year, do not make any changes or start repairs in this sector.

Every year for the past fourteen years I have changed the Feng Shui of our apartment according to the Flying Stars and noticed that everything done to awaken the Chi really brings positive results.

There is nothing mysterious or supernatural about Feng Shui Feng Shui also has nothing to do with magic. Don't think of Feng Shui as a spiritual or religious practice. This method has existed for about 4 thousand years , and if used correctly, you will feel that Feng Shui “works”.

As the Chinese say: “Fate comes first, Luck comes second, and Feng Shui comes third.”

Whatever the energies around us, the main source of everything beautiful and joyful is ourselves, our inner state, which creates our reality!

I wish you, dear readers, all kinds of good luck and prosperity in 2021 !

Center 2021

Star 6 “white” helps “service people”, performers, officials, military personnel, and all those who work in a hierarchical structure. It imparts discipline and the ability to complete things. This helps to create mutual sympathy with superiors and bring opportunities for career advancement. Since star 6 is in the center in 2021, it will influence “background” on all people. Probably, such things as rules, power, service, veneration of rank will play an important role in 2021. The centralization of power and control throughout the world may increase.

It will be possible to “take” directly the energy of star 6 only in certain months, when it “flies” into the sector to the favorable annual stars and spreads its influence.

Feng Shui Correction Methods

In order to activate and harness the positive influence (but also avoid the negative consequences) of the location and direction of the current year and apply them in the home according to traditional Feng Shui methods, it is necessary to analyze the types of interaction that occurred during the meeting between the flying star and the constant number of the standard magic square . When there is positive interaction within a sector, the life aspirations associated with a particular sector can be activated. On the other hand, when it comes to the destructive connection between the flying star element and the standard Luo Shu square element, it is important to make adjustments in Feng Shui to neutralize and balance the resulting negative effects of the opposition between the elements.

North-West 2021

Star 7 "red" - characterized by wounds, theft, gossip, rumors, speech, as well as metaphysical knowledge. Therefore, if in 2021 you involuntarily fall under the influence of the star “7”, then be sure to study metaphysics! Including using our website. If this area is not alien to you, then purposefully use the north-west - and then you will be saturated with metaphysical knowledge from head to toe and achieve a metaphysical breakthrough! Or learn foreign languages ​​and improve your public speaking skills. In the northwest, all this will be very appropriate.

North-West correction in 2021

To weaken star 7 in the northwestern sector, it is recommended to place an elemental correction device related to the element of Water - a vessel with calmly standing water, or “virtual water” - a noticeable blue object, or images with black or blue fish.

Dangerous energies of 2021 White Ox

First of all, I would like to talk about the most dangerous energies of the year, in addition to flying stars, make a forecast and methods of correction.

  • Tai Sui , or Prince of the Year. The location of the Grand Duke in 2021 is entirely the Ox sector - this is Northeast-1 plus 7.5 degrees on each side of the Northeast. Under no circumstances should you disturb the Master of the Year.

Helpful tips : - noise, repairs, loud sounds are prohibited; — try to sit with your back to the North-East sector, facing the South-West; — place the Pi-Yao figures facing northeast for protection; - good protection from Tai Sui and Three Killers - dragon turtle, Tai Shan stone.

  • Sui Po . This is Destroyer of the Year. In terms of the strength of his negative energy, he is in no way inferior to the Prince of the Year. During this period, the Destroyer will occupy the Goat sector, which falls on the South-West 3 + on each side of itself at 7.5 degrees. Sui Po doesn't like the same things as the Prince of the Year. But this energy can also be used for your own benefit. It is best if you are facing him. After all, it is easier to see danger than to get stabbed in the back.
  • Annual Sha . This year it is in the Dragon sector Southeast-1. If you disturb this energy, it will slow down any of your actions and endeavors. Stagnation can affect all areas of life.
  • Sha of Disaster . Rabbit Sector East-2. If you touch it, you will not be able to avoid conflicts with others and loved ones, violence, and illness.
  • Sha Qi Robbery . Occupies the Tiger sector Northeast 3. From the name it is already clear what this energy can bring - thefts, losses, robberies. These are not always real thieves; you can run into large fines and the like.

Methods of protection: - silence and rest are necessary in dangerous sectors, so as not to provoke negative events in life; - maintain cleanliness and order; - place the Qi-Lin figurine.

West 2021

Star 8 “white” - money thanks to hard work. This is the star of stable wealth, slow but sure prosperity. She is considered one of the most popular stars for the mass segment, as she brings not only money, but also reliability. After all, most people strive for everything to be stable and predictable. If you conduct a survey “would you like to get 100 thousand right now or 1 million in a year?” - many will choose the first option as more reliable.

Star 8 is the universal “money star”. Its influence, although it does not provide opportunities for a big financial breakthrough, will help improve the financial situation in general. For this, it is useful to spend more time in the West - constant work and development will be guaranteed!

Northeast 2021

Star 9 “purple” - belongs to the element of Fire. And when the fire flares up, it instantly engulfs everything. Now star 9 is timely, and therefore very favorable. It brings rapid expansion and is ideal for rapid financial growth and earning big money. Unlike star 8, this is rapid progress. It is good for creating a personal brand, advertising, presentations to demonstrate strong features and show everything in the best light. In addition, warmth and comfort are often associated with Fire. Therefore, star 9 is also a “romantic star”. Comparing favorably with star 4, she brings a feeling of joy and true happiness to the relationship, which can end as a “Happy End”.

Northeast correction in 2021

With all its undeniable advantages, star 9 is, first of all, an “amplifier”, capable of multiplying the effects of not only good, but also bad. The favorability of the Northeast in 2021 will depend on which monthly stars came to visit the “nine”. Sometimes the northeastern sector will be above all competition, and then it is advisable to further intensify it. But when “problem energies” come to the northeast, they will also intensify! And therefore, the means of correction may be different and vary depending on the month. So, if you use the Northeast a lot in 2021, don't get too euphoric.

Standard Lo Shu Square

According to Chinese cosmology, the standard Lo Shu square itself is divided into 9 sectors. Knowing that the central sector symbolizes the center, the remaining 8 sectors indicate the main and intermediate directions (North, Northeast, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest).

The Feng Shui compass points north at the bottom and south at the top, as opposed to west. Each sector of the standard Lo Shu square correlates with one of the 5 elements, number and direction.

In a standard Lo Shu square, adding numbers horizontally, vertically or diagonally always gives the result 15.

Thus, the central sector of the standard magic square is occupied by number 5, the Yang earth element. The numbers 2 and 8 represent the elements of Yang Earth and Yin Earth. Then the number 1 represents Yang Water, the number 3 is Yang Wood, the number 4 is Yin Wood, the number 6 is Yin Metal, the number 7 is Yin Metal, the number 8 is Yin Earth, and the number 9 is associated with the Yin Fire element.

Finally, in the standard magic square configuration, the number 5 represents the center, the number 1 is associated with the North, 2 with the South-West, 3 with the East, 4 with the South-East, 6 with the North-West, 7 with the West, 8 with the North-East and 9 with the South.

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