Feng Shui in personal life - Yin-Yang energy to attract love and marriage

Greetings dear friends! I recently learned that many people use the teachings of Feng Shui for love and marriage. It would seem that the interior design of rooms, offices, plants and various symbols can attract not only positive energy for home or work, but also harmonize your personal life!

Any person emits a certain energy, which changes depending on how his personal life develops. The science of Feng Shui shows a person to direct his energy in such a way as to bring relationships with loved ones closer to ideal, and to build life in harmony with others.

Feng Shui for love and marriage

Feng Shui is considered the main element in every person's horoscope. With the help of the right direction, you can change the internal energy that affects a person’s destiny. First you need to study all the elements of this movement in order to use them for the benefit of yourself and the people around you.

Feng Shui elements include: Water, Fire, Wood, Metal, Earth. They are able to return love, build harmonious relationships, and build a life in connection with their purpose.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage

Not only doctors, psychologists, but also other specialists have written a lot of books, articles, and developed a huge number of trainings and programs in order to not only find, but also maintain harmonious relationships in love or marriage. Despite this, a perfect union is extremely rare.

Although this area is very individual and subjective, Feng Shui for love and marriage has formed certain recommendations. By adhering to the main points of Taoist philosophy, you can improve your personal life.

How does a love mandala work?

A special place in the practice of magicians is occupied by love mandalas, which can save a person from loneliness or fill outdated relationships with new meaning.

The mandala for attracting love works on a subtle energy level.

During its creation, a person focuses on what he wants, imagines happy moments with a future or existing partner, and frees himself from complexes. Thanks to this, the space around him is filled with positive energy, attracting happiness and love.

Under the influence of the magic circle, a person becomes more attractive and confident in the eyes of others. Soon changes begin to occur in his personal life that allow him to feel loved.

The main feng shui zone for love and marriage in the home

The territorial direction of marriage relations, according to ancient teaching, is considered to be the southwestern zone of an apartment or private house. This is where the foundations of relationships are laid not only between spouses, but also family members, relatives, friends, and colleagues.

The most important principle of harmonious design is the overall balance of all elements:

  1. The strongest elements are Fire and Water, so their presence in all rooms should be moderate unless they become dominant;
  2. Metal and Wood are calmer materials, so their quantity can be increased;
  3. Earth is the most neutral element, so it is used everywhere.

What element controls the love zone according to Feng Shui in an apartment?

As we found out above, the southwestern part of your home, that is, the sector of love and marriage according to Feng Shui, is greatly influenced by the energy of the Earth, supported by Fire, which helps to reveal and strengthen the following qualities:

  • Adoption;
  • Susceptibility;
  • Emotionality;
  • Passivity.

Based on this location, it is best to arrange a bedroom here, because this room symbolizes sensuality, love, partnership. For its interior, it is advisable to use warm shades of orange, yellow or other “Earthly” colors. You should beware of the elements accompanying the element of Water, because it can bring misunderstanding in a relationship, even to the point of betrayal. Also undesirable is the abundant presence of Metal and Wood, which by their nature deplete the nature of the Earth.

Feng Shui love zone in the room. How to find the right one

Of course, the main area of ​​this direction is considered to be the southwestern part of an apartment or private house, but inside each room there is its own territory responsible for this sector. Usually this is a corner or the entire wall. How to choose it, how to activate the love zone according to Feng Shui, we will consider below.

Feng Shui how to attract love and get married - Bagua grid

The best assistant for determining the Feng Shui love sector in an apartment will be a diagram called the “Bagua Grid”. There are 2 options for this image:

  1. Eight equal parts of a geometric octagon, having their own names, colors, elements, directions;
  2. Nine equal parts of the square, also indicating the cardinal directions along with the elements.

Despite this, both images work; you just need to overlay them on top of the plan of your apartment, correlating them with compass readings. The most important criterion is considered to be attractiveness and a comfortable stay in the area where the Feng Shui marriage zone is located in the apartment.

Feng Shui love and marriage sector: activation

If you are haunted by misfortunes in your personal life, you are lonely and your loved one has left you, then you need to experiment with things and shapes of the interior of your home. Such Feng Shui experiments to attract love will help you bring love, harmony, passion, tenderness and other human sensations back into life. There are many ways, for example, if you move your bed closer to the window, your well-being will improve, and this will bring joy into your life. The right environment in the apartment causes the achievement of positive emotions, which contribute to success in various areas.

First, you need to cleanse your home of unnecessary things that carry negative old energy, cause an imbalance of Yang and Yin energies and contribute to memories that do not allow you to set a new life program. First, let yourself and your new home know that you are ready for changes that should improve your life.

How to activate the love zone according to feng shui

These changes need to begin with a symbolic ritual, which should be built on sounds, smells, colors and sensations. The ritual may consist of prayer, lighting candles, or fumigating the room with incense. Such rituals lead to the understanding that from this moment a new life begins.

After the ritual, you need to start changing the interior of the apartment to suit your taste and state of mind. The interior of the apartment should be in harmony with the element of your sign according to the horoscope.

Feng Shui love zone in an apartment and room

Using the Bagua grid, you need to determine the Love Zone in your apartment and room. The interior of your home should always contain the element of Fire, for this you need to have a large number of Wood elements in your home. Wood saturates Fire, thanks to which coziness and comfort appear in the atmosphere of the apartment. To do this, the furniture should be made of wood, there should be a large number of plants around, it is better to choose green wallpaper. This will create good Wood energy in the house, which will be absorbed by Fire.

Feng Shui symbols and talismans of love

Red and orange colors will balance when combined with green and brown. If you and your partner have a lot of passion in your relationship, then you need to introduce neutral, calm colors into the interior of your apartment, because passionate love can absorb you whole. Bright yellow colors in the interior cause despondency and depression. Green aloe plants bring their Wood element into the home, giving a person peace and tranquility.

Various books bring positive energy into the home. Several shelves of old and new books will bring stability and comfort to your home. In the bathroom you need to keep items of blue colors that help the element of Water. Sea stones and shells made from natural materials cause the elements of Water to circulate well, which, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, in turn perfectly nourishes the elements of Earth.

The kitchen should have jars or boxes with spices and aphrodisiacs. Exotic spices such as coriander, nutmeg and cinnamon provide a grounding sensation that opens up the realm of the earth element. It is not recommended to keep cacti and creeping flowers in the kitchen, as they depress the energy of the kitchen, causing constant quarrels and swearing in its territory.

An element of Metal should always be present in the interior of an apartment. He is able to add spice to the intimate life of spouses. The best metal that nourishes intimate interest is gold. You can stick a few gold stars on your bedroom door or hang pictures in a gilded frame. Gold chains and other gold jewelry can be hung on nightstands near beds; gold will return the former passion to your intimate relationships. And Feng Shui love pictures with images of red peonies will attract passion in bed with your partner. You can also hang pictures with loving couples and hearts, and so that you like them. You can also add souvenirs - two ducks or two cats, symbolizing love in a couple.

Symbols of Yin and Yang in Feng Shui

The essence of ancient Chinese teaching is the concept that studies the world through the twins Yin and Yang. In these concepts, the ancient sages saw not opposites, but models that complement each other. In order for one of the twins to live, the opposite principle must be present in his life. Thus, one of the ancient and impressive symbols arose - the Yin Yang symbol.

The Yin-Yang symbol is a simple, meaningful black and white circle. It is in it that all the provisions of ancient Chinese teaching are concentrated. Each half contains the seed of the other half. This means the inseparable and united beginning of the two halves.

Everyone knows that white color means Yang, and black color signals Yin. This means the polarity and duality of our world. A curved line represents opposition and interconnectedness. The dots in each of the twins signify the embryo, which symbolizes one beginning in the other. Yin and Yang are very dependent on each other. They are like the plus and minus of one magnet, they are one whole.

Everything comes from Tao. It is from this that Yin and Yang emerge. And thanks to this, everything is in balance. These opposites reincarnate into each other every time. They never stop and are in constant flow and movement. This is what allows the flow of Qi energy to be born. This process can be compared to the process of supplying alternating electric current.

Yin and Yang are present in almost all things, but not in equal quantities. They always interact with each other. Thus, they generate cyclical changes. These constant changes resemble the movement of a pendulum. Tao is precisely the natural process that is capable of uniting these two forces into one whole.

If you believe the traditional canons of Chinese medicine, then we can say that the human body also needs harmony, which must be maintained every time. The internal state of a person is Yin. The external state of a person is Yang.

If negative processes function in the human body, then there is a disturbance in the Yin-Yang balance. The same can be said about human emotions. In order for all emotions to be under control and harmony to reign at home and at work, it is necessary to balance the amount of Yin and Yang energy.

The teachings of Feng Shui say that if you want to have harmony in your home, you must balance the energy of Yin and Yang. Only then will a person have harmony with the environment and in his personal life.

Now fully use “all the tricks” of Feng Shui to attract love and marriage, especially since you know how to decorate the love zone according to Feng Shui - act and be loved!

Tips for arranging an apartment

The most harmonious combination of colors for arranging a living space is red, orange, which balances with brown and green. For those whose relationships are dominated by passion, it is better to include calm shades in the interior. You should not choose bright yellow tones, because they lead to depression.

For peace and tranquility, the house must contain the element of Wood, for example, aloe plants in pots. You can hang pictures that depict nature.

For stability and comfort in marriage, there should be bookshelves in the house.

The element of Water is also necessary for the circulation of love energy. But it should be located in the bathroom, not in the bedroom. Blue objects, sea stones, and natural shells are suitable. All this will nourish the earthly energy of love.

To furnish the kitchen, it is worth using containers with aphrodisiacs, herbs, and exotic spices: cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg. These foods provide a sense of grounding, which is important for discovering the power of love. You should not place cacti or vine-like flowers in the kitchen. They carry the energy of quarrels.

Indoor plant

The tangerine tree symbolizes fidelity and love fire. Therefore, a pot with a citrus tree should be installed in the marriage sector. Even if feelings have begun to fade, they can flare up with renewed vigor.

Passion can be attracted by images: a painting with deep red peonies in the bedroom. Cards that can be placed on a shelf with a flower are also good:

  • with roses or peonies - symbolize sincerity, trusting relationships, strong feelings;
  • with couples - they project the energy of happy unions onto their own lives;
  • with a full moon - help to attract a chosen one with the desired character traits and appearance.

How to attract a man into your life according to feng shui

Let's try to figure out what needs to be done in order to find your soul mate, increase the romantic side of relationships, learn to love, accept yourself, and improve relationships with the outside world.

Feng Shui to attract love and marriage

Specific activation of the love zone according to Feng Shui

Many people believe that family happiness is like a lottery ticket, but this is not true. Attracting love and men into your life according to Feng Shui is not labor-intensive, but daily work. It is important to remember to have a friendly attitude towards others, try to avoid selfishness and negativity, because it can come back to you like a boomerang.

It is also important to remember the harmonious yin-yang ratio in your personal space, that is, objects that contribute masculine and feminine energy should be approximately equal. For example, if a single lady’s apartment is filled exclusively with pink ruffles, cats, and faded floral patterns, then a man’s appearance here is unlikely. To attract happy love according to Feng Shui, you need to add yang energy - masculine objects, bright, rich colors.

How the power of a mandala attracts love to you

Sacred patterns are used to unleash one's inner energy. The love mandala has a certain symbolism. It can only be used when a person is really trying to attract happiness and good luck into his life. While coloring a picture, powerful energy is released, which contributes to the fulfillment of desires. The work of mandalas is based on cleansing a person from negativity. In this way, positive energy and love spells begin to act on the individual.

It is forbidden to use a mandala to get a specific person. You can acquire the magic that it gives if you strongly believe in the effectiveness of the drawing. Then the person will be able to achieve what he wants. The mandala will work if he is truly ready for a relationship.

Feng Shui Recommendations for Attracting Love and Marriage

Let's dwell on the most common advice from ancient philosophy, instructing how to attract the love of a man:

  • During the full moon, it is best to light candles floating in the water;
  • For a date, it is more correct to choose clothes or its individual elements in red tones. This will enhance the influence of the “Qi” energy;
  • It is very important not to forget about the basic rule - if you need to get something new, you need to make room in the space and get rid of the old. Therefore, throw away trinkets, souvenirs, gifts from previous partners;

Another important rule is to accurately describe your future partner. After all, you need your chosen one as a spouse, and not the first man you come across. The Universe should not, and cannot, reliably know about your preferences or desires. Therefore, it is important to make an extensive list of qualities inherent in your ideal, containing both positive aspects and formulations with the word “not”. For example: “Does not drink alcohol uncontrollably, does not smoke.”

Having decided on a set of qualities, they must be beautifully written on paper in the color of love (pink or red), rolled up, and be sure to tie them with a red ribbon. This tube must be carefully placed in the so-called “rejection corner”. This is the farthest corner from the front door on the right side.

Tidy up your bedroom

A single bed conveys to the Universe that you are focused on loneliness: replace it with a double bed.

Look what the bed looks like. She must have an attractive and seductive appearance. An unsightly, sloppily made bed with ugly bed linen are signs of a lack of personal life.

There should be nothing in the room that reminds you of loneliness. Furniture and accessories - armchairs, ottomans, floor lamps, sconces - must be paired.

There should be no thorny plants or objects with sharp corners in the bedroom - these are sources of negative energy. Fill the room with round objects. Do not keep dry or artificial flowers in the bedroom - they symbolize ashes and interfere with the emergence of relationships.

Prepare a place for your future partner. Clear out a few shelves in your wardrobe. If you sleep on half of an unassembled sofa, unfold it at night.

Buy items that symbolize eroticism: silk bed linen, a beautiful peignoir, candles with the scent of chocolate, roses, myrrh.

Accessories will attract the energy of love and help hold it.

What kind of feng shui painting for a bedroom is needed for love and marriage?

Having found out the location of this sector, you need to know how to strengthen the love zone according to Feng Shui. You can place here various images on photographic paper, paintings, figurines. They are able to support, spread, but also enhance sensual romantic energy. How to choose them:

  • Images of peonies or roses symbolize bright feelings, trust, sincerity, and therefore will help maintain a stormy relationship in the marital bed;
  • Reproductions or photographs of single women (for women) or single men (for men, respectively) can play a bad joke on you, as they can attract similar things into your real life. It is best to opt for paired happy images, projecting this energy onto yourself;
  • The energetic power of the full moon can increase the likelihood of attracting your chosen one. That is why a painting of such a landscape will become irreplaceable;
  • You shouldn’t hang your portraits, but you can find a photo of the person you like in a specific place.

Rearrange the furniture

There is a saying in China: rearrange 28 objects in your house and your life will change. Bulky objects, such as furniture, affect the flow of energy in the house. Furniture must be positioned correctly. Before you move, clean out your home.

In Feng Shui, liberation from the old is important. Old things carry negative energy and memories - they have no place in the house. Take your time and get your apartment in order. Throw away junk you don't need. Clear out the cabinets and dust them.

The house transmits information to the Universe. New energy means new acquaintances. Do not block the energy path with old unnecessary objects that form rubble.

When cleaning your home, don't overdo it. Leave everything that makes you happy and once brought you happiness, even if it’s old items. For example, children's albums with drawings. Exceptions are things left over from old relationships. Hide or throw away photographs, letters and mementos you shared together. They block the path of new love.

Get rid of accessories, paintings, photographs and posters with images of lonely people or animals, as they carry the energy of loneliness. Replace posters of posing but lonely movie stars with pictures of men and women hugging, forming happy couples.

How to choose the right paired items according to Feng Shui

Paired items - Feng Shui figurines for love
Paired figurines of animals and birds are considered a significant amulet of family happiness and attracting romantic luck. Usually this is a pair of dolphins, swans, pigeons, phoenixes or mandarin ducks. They are the guardians and activators of the love sector.

How else can you activate your love zone? According to Feng Shui, you can decorate the interior with beautiful paired sinks. Paired figurines of elephants with their trunks down are also suitable for this purpose. It is believed that they not only bring passion to intimate relationships, but also help in conceiving a child.

The tangerine tree is considered a symbol of fidelity and undying love, so its presence in the marriage zone will bring former passion to faded feelings.

Bright talisman – mandarin ducks feng shui

The most recognizable popular talisman, symbolizing loyalty to family ties, is considered to be figurines of mandarin ducks. It is these birds in nature, like swans, that choose a mate only once, remaining faithful to each other throughout their lives. If one partner dies, the same fate awaits the second.

Mandarin ducks - feng shui for love and marriage

How to choose these amulets correctly:

  • The color of the chosen figurines should be as close as possible to the original, preferably in orange tones;
  • Talismans must be made from materials suitable for the elements of the Earth, because Feng Shui for love and marriage is determined by the southwestern direction. Semi-precious stones will be an excellent choice;
  • When choosing, you should firmly remember that the number must be even, otherwise by adding an extra duck without a pair, you risk inviting someone else into your family relationship.

Mandarin ducks, feng shui. Where to put to strengthen marriage

Even if you buy 10 pairs of these figurines, if you place them incorrectly, there will be no benefit from them. So what criteria should be followed in order to strengthen the existing union:

  1. The southwest zone is the optimal location;
  2. A pair of ducks will make a great home in a couple’s bedroom;
  3. The most noticeable location is suitable so that they catch your eye more often;
  4. An aquarium or your favorite indoor flower will become good neighbors;
  5. It is best to store wedding rings next to mandarin ducks; you can even buy boxes with their image;
  6. To enhance the impact, you can place an image of these birds on the south-west wall, and a couple of talismans in your handbag can bring additional romance.

What to avoid in the love zone according to feng shui

Despite such simple recommendations, some girls ask about how to quickly get married according to Feng Shui, whether it is possible and what should not be allowed. The main points are as follows:

  • Mirrors reflecting the bed in the love zone, especially in the bedroom, have no place at all; they can take away your romantic luck;
  • If the house resembles the lair of a lone wolf (one chair, glass, bedside table, lamp, pillow, etc.), then this must be corrected with a double bed, two pillows, two stools, a pair of sconces;
  • The space above the bed should be free, and shelves with massive decorations should be moved to another place;
  • It is better to remove the workplace from the southwestern zone altogether;
  • An armful of soft toys from your childhood, computers, printers, unnecessary things, dirty clothes have no place in this area.

Experts strongly recommend following this direction in full order.
The more comfortable and cleaner this sector is, the more harmonious your personal life will be. harmony

What is a magical mandala?

The love mandala is created with your own hands.
The first mandala appeared in India, from where in the 8th century. came to Tibet. Its name has a Sanskrit meaning and translated means “the center and what surrounds it”, or simply “circle”.

In Buddhism, the mandala is used as an important tool for meditation. The process of its creation and destruction is sacred, personifying the cycle of life and death, transience and renewal.

The Buddhist mandala is depicted as a geometric pattern consisting of a circle and intricate patterns inscribed in it (spirals, flowers, squares, etc.).

All figures are harmoniously combined and emanate from one point, which personifies the beginning and end of everything that surrounds a person, his external and internal world.

Esotericists use mandalas to attract missing benefits. By drawing a magic circle and decorating it in different colors, you can fill your life with happiness, luck, joy, etc.

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