A win-win formula for a perfect marriage. How does the human compatibility system work?

Metal Woman

“Your tender, blessed white arms will encircle me with steel.”
The steely gaze of a Metal woman will unmistakably focus on the man who will be able to offer her independence within the framework of ordinary (in the understanding of the Metal woman) and honest relationship, on the one whom she can trust without fear.
However, in a relationship, she will not settle for less than the role of leader - physically and emotionally. “A magnetic person”—partners, lovers, and just friends say about her
(albeit with different intonations).
One thing is certain: whenever she charms or frightens potential partners, sparks fly in all directions! Very often, the theme of her relationships is devastation, since if a Metal woman joins her fate with someone who is not able to provide her with a lasting existence and respect, but at the same time allows her to realize her wildest desires, she will destroy this relationship without blinking an eye. union to the ground. Like the Metal man, the Metal woman admires sexuality and the power that sexuality gives. Naturally, this does not mean that at night she turns into an insatiable monster; she simply loves to enjoy the dangers and secrets of intimate, erotic sexual relationships. However, no matter how many temptations there are dangers, the Metal woman will not go on a spree: firstly, because she is a property owner and a lover of solitude; and secondly, too “extreme” behavior immediately causes her to feel guilty. Being prone to fierce competition and the realization of her own ambitions, a Metal woman can doom herself to a lonely life filled only with a career - it is clear that in such conditions it is difficult not only to create strong relationships, but also to enjoy them. But taking life seriously is not its only obstacle on the path to close relationships. Submitting to a powerful desire to survive, she involuntarily turns into a steel crowbar, which will instantly take away any desire from those who dare to approach it carelessly. The Metal Woman is allowed to penetrate the spirit of her lover, filling him with herself; but no lover is allowed to do the same to her. The Metal woman has difficulty expressing her anger, and this feature can have the most deplorable effect on those who would like to share life with such a companion. The anger of Metal tends to manifest itself in the people around him, so the partner may have to carry the rage “on behalf of and on behalf of” his better half. The Metal Woman is a born conqueror of all kinds of peaks
She will succeed on any path in life, the main thing is that she feels comfortable walking along it. The prerequisites for her happiness are the highest perfection and integrity, so the fate of a partner who does not possess at least one of these qualities is almost certainly predetermined. She needs position in society, prestige, love, honors, and all this must be presented to her by one person (although she rarely manages to meet this happy combination). This is why a woman of the Metal element prefers loneliness - despite the fact that she may suffer from it; It’s easier for her to live independently, relying only on herself, since the fear of losing love is much stronger than the hope of meeting her ideal. She compensates for this with enormous achievements in other areas of life: in her business career, business, appearance and feigned inflexibility. However, unbending Metal can melt - and the Metal woman is painfully aware of this. Communication never ranks high on her list of priorities; sometimes she may prefer music or dancing all night long to an intimate conversation with a representative of the Wood element or a passionate argument with Fire. By the way, she quite often falls in love with men belonging to the two elements mentioned above. The fact is that they complement her weak ability for abstraction and risk quite well, so the Metal woman usually submits to the provocative optimism of Fire and the freedom-loving nature of Wood. Opposites really do attract. If Fire allows Metal to enjoy its own independence and listens to the slightest changes in its need for erotic relationships, then these different elements will most likely learn to complement each other intelligently. Sexually, a Metal woman can play the role of both a seductress and the seduced. This is partly due to her strong tendency towards independence. If she is given the role of leader, she will be able to leave, but if she is in the position of a follower, she will be able to dissolve in the arms of a man so quickly that there will be no time left for intimate cooing. Like Wood, she is afraid of excessive intimacy, but for different reasons: Metal's determination to penetrate someone's heart often turns into a much greater dependence than she could bear. That is why if a moment of fun turns into a close relationship full of mutual obligations, the Metal woman feels a threat to her independence. For this lady, external shine, money and power are one and the same thing, and for the sake of them she sometimes sacrifices her sexual relationships. And yet, despite her vanity and strong instinct for self-preservation, she is not without disturbing worries. If she had been able to express these worries, she would probably have found a more harmonious life and enjoyed a calmer relationship with the rest of the world. Obviously, for her, the closest path to peace is to not let others get too close to her. But the ability to give a partner freedom, and oneself the opportunity to love and laugh, can free a Metal woman from her fears. In order to at least once look at life not through the bars of her metal cage, she will have to take advantage of the special mobility and sensitivity of the element of Water. A meeting with a man of the Metal element will only lead to a duel, when both partners cross their metal swords and each sees his reflection in the other’s eyes
Such a union often serves as a test of the strength and courage of a Metal woman, but as a result she can prove her indestructibility and insatiability. Probably, only the strong and boundless integrity of the Earth is able to withstand a relationship with such a magnetic and certainly spiritual person. In the end, the Earth knows how to live here and now; she is able to give solid ground to the feelings of love (which the Metal woman really needs).

How to correct your shortcomings with the help of a horoscope

Feng Shui consultant, specialist in Chinese astrology Elena Topolskaya, at the New Year’s seminar “Feng Shui forecast for 2020 Rat” in Almaty, told how to determine your strengths and weaknesses using the eastern horoscope and quickly correct your shortcomings without resorting to complex procedures , reports Zakon.kz.

In Chinese astrology, everything is based on 5 elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Wood and Metal. Each of us, depending on the date, time and place of birth, is endowed with the characteristic features of these elements. But many people lack one or two elements in their individual horoscope, and some elements, on the contrary, prevail. In this case, harmony is disturbed, the missing elements make a person vulnerable, and the dominant elements endow a person with a certain set of qualities.

To find out your strengths and weaknesses, you need to calculate your four pillars of Ba Tzu on a special website. Click on these blue letters, on the website that opens, in the appropriate fields, enter your date, place and time (if you know) of birth, gender and click “calculate”. When the table with hieroglyphs opens, check the box “show names of hieroglyphs.”

After entering the data, the table will look something like this:

Look carefully at all 8 columns of the resulting personal horoscope, and count how many signs of Metal, Wood, Water, Earth and Fire are in your individual ba-tzu chart, maybe some elements (one, two or three) are not at all in your table.

Also important in an individual horoscope is the second top column on the left (circled in a red rectangle in the screenshot below), this is an element of personality that gives a person a very good understanding of himself, his own weaknesses and strengths.

If there are many Earth signs

- This means that the influence of Saturn is strong. On the one hand, this means reliability, behind such a person as if behind a stone wall, but at the same time he is very conservative and stubborn. If he gets stubborn, you can’t do anything with him, you can’t move him. People who have a lot of Earth in their horoscope often suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract,” said Elena Topolskaya.

Yang Earth in the element of personality is the image of a mountain, people of this element are the most reliable, economical, if they decide something, they will do it, if they love someone, then for life. If the Earth element of a person is Yin , then he, on the contrary, is flexible, friendly, you can always come to an agreement with him, takes care of everyone in the family, and is just as sociable at work.

“If a man has a Yin Earth personality element, that is, a moment of erased boundaries between the sexes, he is prone to bisexuality,” shared Elena Topolskaya.

If there are many signs of Metal

Great success is usually associated with areas of trade; people of Metal are businessmen.

— Especially if in the horoscope there is a combination of the Year of the Rooster and the predominance of Metal, then such people are the first “buy and sell.” If there is a lot of Metal, talent in business and finance is good. People who have a lot of Metal have increased sexual activity; this is an important area of ​​life for people with strong Metal,” said the astrologer.

As for the personality element, the presence in the second upper left column ( meaning the personality element ) of the individual horoscope of the Metal Yang element for a person means pronounced determination. People of Yang Metal do not hesitate, they take it and do it at the same moment, they are direct, they go ahead, but they can be rude; people of Yang Metal may lack delicacy and tact, they are too straightforward, they do not disdain any means to achieve the goal.

Yin Metal in the personality element is a sign of aristocrats, attractiveness, people of Yin Metal usually have good appearance, beautiful, smooth white skin, are excellent in finance, but can also be the most cruel people.

“According to statistics that I learned about in Feng Shui classes, there are more criminals, serial killers, and so on among the Yin Metal. Therefore, if a person has the Yin Metal personality element, he runs the risk of going too far, so he needs to feel sorry for more people,” the astrologer warns.

If there are many Water signs in the horoscope

This is intelligence, the ability to quickly grasp everything, to sense good opportunities. If there are few signs of Water in the horoscope, or none at all, then the person lacks flexibility and there is a risk of a large number of missed opportunities.

— Despite the fact that Water people are so smart, they can often experience anxiety and fears. If Water appears in a person’s horoscope 2 or more times, he feels unmotivated fears and anxieties,” Topolskaya noted.

Yang Water in the personality element is pressure; if a Yang Water person wants something, he will get it at any cost. But if he is not interested, he is passive. People of Yang Water always think big, they don’t like to deal with little things and details, so they make poor performers, but they know how to do big things. According to statistics, there are more people on the Forbes world list with the Water Yang personality element. True, there is one nuance - people of Yang Water can clip their wings with their own fears.

Yin water in the element of personality – mystery, the desire to hide all your thoughts. But outwardly, people of Yin Water demonstrate goodwill, friendliness, charm, and make all decisions not by logic, but by intuition. If a Yin Water person listens to his inner voice, he will be successful.

Predominance of the Wood element

This is the influence of Jupiter, that is, spirituality. If a person’s horoscope has 2 or 3 Trees, and also has the sign of the Tiger, then he most often has strong intuition, great spiritual potential, and believes in karma and previous lives. Elena Topolskaya adds that if people with a predominance of Wood develop intuition, they can discover extrasensory abilities.

People with the Yang Wood personality element love to compete, they will always find rivals, but on the other hand, they are very honest and principled. For Yang Tree people, principles and beliefs come first; if something doesn’t fit into their concept, they will never do it for any money. Also, Yang Trees have a good feeling, their weak point is lack of flexibility, and they stand their ground to the end. Because of this, crises often occur in life.

Yin Tree people , on the contrary, are flexible, know how to adapt to circumstances, and there are many successful businessmen among them. At the same time, they have good manners, are smart, educated, intelligent, and can come to an agreement with everyone. The Yang Tree and Yin Tree are also accustomed to thinking big.

Element of Fire in the horoscope

If it is in at least 1 of the 8 columns of the personal horoscope, it gives the person charisma. Especially if in the horoscope and especially in the column “personality element” there is Yang Fire , then the person has great talent for performing on stage in front of the public, kindness, and openness. Yang Fire people often “explode.” Leaders are too emotional and do not know how to hide emotions. Yin fire gives the ability to manipulate other people, hides emotions, they can accumulate everything within themselves for years, and then explode one day. Yin Fire is a risk group for cardiovascular diseases.

— The Chinese say: “If your wife is Yin Fire, it means she controls you and you don’t know about it.” This gives greater sensitivity, understanding of how to find an approach to other people; very often people of Yin Fire are good salesmen. The recommendation for people of Yin Fire is to express their emotions more openly, and not to accumulate everything over the years,” said Elena Topolskaya.

The most important elements in the horoscope are Fire and Water; if they are not there, then it is very important to activate them, since they endow a person with the most important qualities.

If there are no other elements, then this is also a weak point, and it can be strengthened.

- If the resulting table is missing some element, it can be added using simple household methods. You need to understand what your weakness is in order to understand yourself better. But you can compensate,” added Elena Topolskaya.

How to strengthen your weak points?

If the element of Water is not present in a person’s horoscope or is encountered only once, then it can be strengthened through clothing in blue, black, blue, turquoise, lilac colors, visiting places where there is a coast and a cold, humid climate, swimming, water and winter sports, drinking drink plenty of fluids and eat salty foods.

The lack of Fire in a personal horoscope will be eliminated by wearing red, orange, peach, pink colors, visiting countries with a hot climate and plenty of sun, doing fitness through cardio and aerobic exercise, running, tennis, if health allows, a bath or sauna, and also through warm cooked food.

For a deficiency of Earth signs in the horoscope, it is recommended to wear sand, beige, light brown clothes, visit mountainous areas, walk more, meditate, and eat food. Rich in carbohydrates.

The element of Metal, if it is a weak point in the personal horoscope, can be replenished through white, gray, golden clothes, visiting big cities, regular workouts in the gym and the sour taste of food.

If your personal horoscope lacks the element of Wood, astrologers recommend wearing green clothes, going to the forest, where there is a lot of greenery, doing yoga, Pilates, spiritual practices, and eating vegetables and fruits.

For a detailed horoscope for everyone for 2021, see this link.

Albert Akhmetov

Yin Metal

For the element of Metal-Yin, sexual desire means, perhaps, no less than sexual satisfaction

. Subtle and sensitive Yin Metal simply irradiates a potential partner with its desire. At the same time, you, like a metal detector brought to the beach, are able to acutely sense the energy around you, subtle vibrations, the tiniest electrical charges. And this feeling is so acute, your perception system is so electrified, that sometimes it is difficult for Yin metal to even go out into the world - especially if there is a riot of passion and your own energy around you. If you belong to the element of Yin Metal, you may encounter the problem of excessive secrecy, when an intimate heart-to-heart conversation does not work out not only at the bar, but also in the bedroom. The point here isn't that you can't trust anyone; you're most likely afraid of becoming dependent on your partner for sexual satisfaction. For a person belonging to the element of Yin Metal, love is associated with deep sexual need; but his sexuality must constantly be fueled by romantic and honest relationships. You need deep erotic experiences, but at the same time you must be wary of the temptation of casual sexual encounters that have no meaning for you. Yin Metal strives for a varied and vibrant sex life precisely because love for it is Sex; So, no matter how hard it may be for you to control your need for physical control over your partner, understand that giving your partner the freedom to make sexual decisions and take initiative in the intimate sphere is the real path to inner confidence. The dilemma for Yang Metal is that it can encourage others to experiment with sex, but its own rigid energies will create a lot of internal friction. Your advocate is honesty; If you really want to explore forbidden forms of sex or its exotic variants, it is better to directly communicate your desires to your partner. No matter how crafty you are, understand that others don't always share your tastes (or your energy)!

Metal Man

“His forehead was decorated with gold, And a heavy chain lay on his chest...”

To be confident in yourself, in your rightness to such an extent as to convince everyone around you of this - for most of us, such a task seems almost unattainable.
For us - but not for the Metal man, who is not only obsessed with the sense of his individuality, but also absolutely determined to prove to everyone how special he is. The point is not that the Metal man is impudent - he is simply so convinced of his infallibility, honor and ability to control other people and events that any person who meets him on the way will be convinced of the same thing when he says goodbye. In the elemental cycle, Metal symbolizes wealth and prosperity; accordingly, people belonging to the element of Metal turn out to be the most ambitious, often the most ruthless and usually the most successful in any path and in any field of activity. Perhaps the only problem for the Metal man is that having finally discovered a treasure trove, he does not feel the highest and final happiness for which he hoped. The same thing happens in his intimate relationships. The most difficult thing for Metal is the need to agree that in personal relationships, sometimes you just need to stop and listen carefully to your partner. Metal initially assumes that the partner he has chosen (and he always chooses himself) will quickly respond to his every whim. He will easily and without hesitation take on the roles of breadwinner in the family, seducer, lover and father at the same time. For a woman who managed to get closer to him, at first glance he will seem like a good find, but the indestructible chain symbolizes not only the beliefs of the Metal man, but also his heart. Most of all, Metal loves to feel the reins of power in its own hands
he understands what it means to rule. The word “Power” is invisibly inscribed on the forehead of the Metal man, and therefore, as soon as new love knocks on his door, Metal will use his favorite “cool”, subtle and (oddly enough) intrusive approach to guide the budding relationship into the direction he needs. Such narcissism and independence of this type of personality suggests that this piece of Metal has the same one-directional attitude towards women. However, this gives him a certain advantage in personal relationships. Having truly cemented a relationship with a partner that supports his initial perception of the woman he loves, Metal is unlikely to go “on the side.” However, at times Metal can become lonely. In this state, he is prone to self-criticism, doubt and soul-searching. During such a period, it is very difficult to be close to Metal; it is better to leave him alone with himself; from another point of view, such periods of depression are absolutely necessary for him to recuperate and be ready to continue with new energy from where he left off. An important aspect of Metal's insatiable hunger for power is ambition, so don't be surprised if, when a conflict arises between personal life and career, Metal abandons the former for the latter. His sense of independence and superiority forces Metal to be incredibly dedicated to his chosen path in life, and if the partner he meets has forged her path in a different direction, at some point he may well tell her where the door is that she can slam behind her. Metal always proceeds from the assumption that it builds its personal relationships infallibly
. If a woman moves away from him for some reason, he is quite capable of changing his attitude to what is happening so as to come to the conclusion that everything is happening according to his plan (oddly enough, his plans usually include such options). Sometimes Metal, stopping at nothing, destroys those relationships that, in its own conviction, it created. Here, if you will, you are dealing with the "wrong type" of Metal - the type who suffers from his own delusions about power, who has lost his sense of self and refuses to rely on anyone else for emotional support. Such people really do occur among Metal men. In some ways, the Metal man is completely impenetrable. His strength and serious attitude towards life can make him feel cold, devoid of feeling and love. However, in reality, he has extraordinary intuition, is able to withstand where others break, and the steel of his nerves will amaze anyone. Endurance is a word from the Metal vocabulary that plays a major role in achieving goals. In physical relationships, the Metal man can be difficult to rise to: the romantic beginning can strike from him only a spark of first interest, and only on the condition that this is followed by some form of intellectual stimulation. There are also single Metal men; a fleeting flirtation or a casual acquaintance will not have much meaning for them - but this will not affect the qualities of Metal as a lover! Metal's powerful intuition means that he usually knows what turns his partner on even before it's time to make love. At the first moment, Metal in the bedroom may seem calculating, too experienced and wise, but over time it is able to “soften”, turning into a truly tender and passionate lover. However, sex for a Metal man always remains a very strong pleasure and at the same time a form of self-exploration. The partner better be prepared for the fact that Metal will at times give the impression of a person who thinks only about himself. Sometimes the mask of seriousness that Metal wears in its intimate life actually hides the loneliness of restless flesh. Metal is capable of remaining happy and alone with himself, but in the company of a woman who respects and appreciates Metal's entrepreneurial spirit and self-obsession, he can become a faithful and devoted partner. Integrity is the connection that prevents the links of his indestructible chain from falling apart. Metal coexists remarkably well with the Earth; he is quite happy with the ability to control the ebb and flow of Water. In a sense, the adaptability and restlessness of Water is exactly what Metal lacks in understanding that relationships with people are more than the jingle of an iron chain on the chest. In union with Fire, he can feel like a hot, white-hot Metal that has been lured out of his own autonomy! The almost childlike restlessness of Fire is very different from the conviction and motivation of Metal, so “despite the mutual attraction of opposites (which sometimes leads to incredibly erotic relationships), there may come times when Fire gets tired of Metal’s regular desire to be alone, and Metal literally turns black with ardor Fire's love for pleasure. A partner who belongs to the Wood element may lose her general and social functions; she will discover everything. lives that it is incredibly difficult for her to live with a person so preoccupied with himself. On the other hand, as soon as Metal realizes that its importance in relationships is nothing in comparison with the global altruistic values ​​that excite Wood, all the attractiveness of Wood will fade in its eyes. The greatest challenge for a Metal man (remember Iron Man in The Wizard of Oz?) is to find his own heart, because this lonely, independent soul truly has one!

Jansky Metal

An integral part of the sexual expression of the Yang Metal element is friction, be it physical or mental. Sparks fly from Yang Metal, as in maintaining your sense of independence, you are likely to seek variety in your sexual relationships to test your untamed needs. Having succeeded in self-expression, you can feel for a while that you are “ahead of the whole world” or simply break off a relationship that is impossible for you - all just to prove your own independence. On the one hand, you feel the need to be responsible for your love relationship; on the other hand, you may find that very few people are able to satisfy your sexual hunger. The magnetic fluids that you spread around you excite rather than attract. You may feel intensely aroused by sending your partner to explore the unknown erotic space

. In your desire for physical intimacy, you prefer to take the initiative, which is certainly the optimal way for you to feel truly close to your chosen partner. Feeling devotion to your own bed and everything that goes on in it is one thing; however, you are unlikely to ever swear allegiance to any other bed, unless its owner promises you in return lifelong access to the realm of eternal Eros. The dilemma for Yang Metal is that it can encourage others to experiment with sex, but its own rigid energies will create a lot of internal friction. Your advocate is honesty; If you really want to explore forbidden forms of sex or its exotic variants, it is better to directly communicate your desires to your partner. No matter how crafty you are, understand that others don't always share your tastes (or your energy)!

How to determine compatibility?

First, you need to take the personality element literally. And then a lot will be clear right away. Well, for example: two Tanks in the house, that’s a lot – it’s already a war. Metal men love women with the Fire element. They cannot resist them and literally melt, melt before our eyes. But it's not very good for them. The Earth woman is like a mother for Metal. The relationship with Water is also not very good. Water takes away energy. But the Grass is not afraid of any Tank, it will grow again.

For Tree-Oak men, Water woman is a resource. But not so much for a companion. He will drink all the juices. Wood is not friendly with Metal. Such a union is a punishment for everyone. Fire burns. The ideal union is Oak and Front Garden. These are always together and friendly.

Water women are contraindicated for a Sun man. Boiling. The tree is drying nearby. It is good for the Earth - Fire gives birth to the Earth, therefore, you can always recharge. The union of Fire-Sun and Metal-Jewelry, which shines under the rays of the Sun, is considered ideal. There are no two Suns in the sky. But two Candles burn brighter.

Mountain does not meet Mountain. It’s the same in life. If you are two Earths (mountains), then don’t even try to start a family. It won't work. The small Palisadnik and the big Mountain still have some chances. Fire is not very comfortable near the Earth, because Fire is a resource for the Earth, which means it needs to share its energy, and this causes rejection. Earth is a resource for Metal, and I don’t want to share it either. The best partner for the Earth element is Yin Water. Morning dew on Earth evokes only delight and admiration.

Water-Ocean men are the favorites of all women. Merry fellows and jokers who can replace a mother. But not everyone can withstand their onslaught. The Candle woman copes with this best of all. She simply does not notice his pressure and, like a lighthouse in the ocean, quietly and calmly shows the way. Well, Water and Water will always merge.

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