Merger of Earthly Branches. Six combinations of Earthly Branches. Six Harmonies.

The family union in the compatibility of a Horse man and a Snake woman is quite complex with difficult to predict consequences. The spouses have a big difference in their views on life and family relationships.

The Snake woman is constantly offended by the rashness of actions, decisions and selfishness in the actions of the Horse man. And his active nature and freedom-loving character do not allow him to live differently.

In addition, it is difficult to combine with the violent temperament of the Horse man the refined taste and desire for beauty of the Snake woman. Also, the activity and energetic energy of the Horse man does not quite fit with the slowness, caution and delicacy of the Snake woman.

Therefore, given these circumstances, frequent conflicts are possible in the family. It will take a lot of joint effort to make family relationships more or less harmonious and stable.

It is necessary to focus on the positive sides of each other, and then the partners will discover more and more new and pleasant qualities in each other, achieving greater compatibility.

Horse man and Snake woman – compatibility

The compatibility of a Horse man and a Snake woman is far from ideal and ambiguous. On the one hand, it is extremely difficult for them to understand each other and come to a mutually beneficial solution. On the other hand, opposites attract, and besides, everyone has exactly those qualities that their partner lacks.

The Snake woman seeks stability in life, loves to plan everything, analyze and control every step of her chosen one.

And the Horse man is her complete opposite. He values ​​his freedom, desires creative fulfillment, never makes promises and does everything his own way. They cannot justify each other's hopes for a cloudless life together.

Their compatibility will be achieved only through compromise and acceptance of each other as they are. If both try, a wonderful union can result in which both will have good personal growth.

A man born in the year of the Horse has an assertive, lively, impetuous character. He is ambitious, courageous, stubborn at times, energetic and purposeful. He has a lot of energy and physical strength, he is resilient, active and an enterprising leader.

The Horse man is a hard worker, he does everything with his own hands and knows how to do a lot, and if he doesn’t know something, he learns it. He never shifts work to others and does not sit idle. He is very smart, intellectually developed and will find a common language with almost any person. He engages in self-education a lot, so it is not difficult for him to carry on a conversation on any topic.

This man is the dream of all women. Any housework is not a problem for him. You don’t even need to ask him for anything, since he himself sees what needs to be done. He always has a lot of fans, but he is very careful when choosing his wife.

He does not want to see a leader in his beloved. He needs a woman who understands and supports him as a reliable friend and assistant in his work. He also values ​​constancy, thriftiness and stability in women. He will always be the head of the family and the leader in the relationship, and if a woman accepts such conditions, then he will pamper her and fulfill all her whims.

A woman born in the year of the Snake is distinguished by stunning beauty and grace. She captivates with her gaze, dexterity, and grace. She has deep feminine wisdom, so men crave her attention, and at the same time fear and respect her for her high spiritual, human and intellectual qualities.

The Snake Woman lives separately. She never lets her into her family and prefers to do household chores. She is an excellent housewife, wife and mother. A bright, noisy life is not interesting to her and she concentrates mainly on her own life and the concerns of her family.

The Snake woman is a materialist and is tuned only to material wealth. She usually chooses her life partner herself, but at the same time suppresses her partner with her insolence and authority. Relationships develop most successfully with a balanced and calm partner, which cannot be said about a Horse man.

The Snake woman is very sexy and charming. The Horse man, with his irrepressible passion, will simply go crazy from just the memory of her. In addition, this woman always has a lot of fans, so the Horse man will always have to keep himself on his toes, shower his beloved with gifts and attentions, so as not to miss his happiness.

The Horse man, open and courageous, will also really like the Snake woman, who is very suspicious of everyone. The romance of this couple will be stormy, bright, passionate and memorable for a lifetime. True, its outcome is unpredictable and ambiguous. This couple can either fall in love and get married, or break up just as quickly.

Disagreements in this union will arise constantly, on almost any basis, from everyday trifles to large joint purchases. It will not be easy for them to live together and it will take a lot of patience and work to bring this relationship to perfection.

The Snake woman will have to accept the flighty and fickle nature of the Horse man. He lives only in the present moment, never plans anything or thinks about the future. He values ​​his freedom and will resist all attempts by the Snake woman to tie him to her.

And if the Horse man somehow accepts the demands of the Snake woman, then it is very difficult for her to adapt to her unpredictable spouse and give up her plans and hopes. Therefore, we can safely say that this union will depend entirely on the Snake woman, on her wisdom, desire and ability to reconcile herself and adapt to the incomprehensible goals of the Horse man. But his dynamism gives these relationships excitement and lightness.

And his creative impulses will help the Snake woman feel useful and needed. And if she learns to interact with him correctly, then the Horse man will be able to achieve a lot and provide her with a comfortable existence. And the Horse man, in turn, will appreciate the stability and reliability of the Snake woman, and her ability to give the right advice at the right time.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 08:36 + to quote book The elements of the Pillars of Fate, the Pillars of Luck and the Pillars of Time do not exist on their own. They interact with each other, and it is the nature of such interaction that largely influences certain events in our lives. The topic of interaction itself is too broad to be considered within the framework of this mini-course, but we will still consider some aspects of such interaction. 8.1 Collisions of Earthly branches. As you remember, each of the twelve Earthly branches corresponds to one of the 12 animals. Moreover, there are many different relationships between animals. They may like each other or be at enmity. If you look at the diagram of the arrangement of animals, you can say that animals located opposite each other on the diagram will be at enmity. Collisions of the Earthly branches Rat (yav) – Horse (yao) Ox (iz) – Sheep (iz) Tiger (yam) – Monkey (yam) Rabbit (id) – Rooster (yaz) Dragon (yaz) – Dog (yaz) Snake ( io) - Pig (iv) Let's look at the collisions in more detail: Rat (yav) - Horse (yao): We see that during this collision there is a conflict between the elements of Water and Fire. Moreover, since, according to the control cycle, Water suppresses Fire, Fire suffers more in this collision. Such a collision can mean problems associated with Fire and Water for a person. Also, such a collision is associated with injuries, since Fire is responsible for blood circulation. Therefore, if there is this collision, there may be bleeding and injuries. Ox (from) - Sheep (from): This collision means a lot of troubles associated with the Earth. Earthquakes, building collapses, mudflows, and glacier meltdowns most often occur in the years of the Ox or Sheep. Tiger (poison) – Monkey (yam): Tiger and Monkey are Traveling Horses (more on this in the next part of the course), so this collision is associated with accidents on land transport. Therefore, if there is a Tiger in your Pillars of Destiny and the Year of the Monkey is coming (or vice versa), then it is better for you to reduce your driving trips so as not to create additional risks of getting into an accident. Moreover, this recommendation will be especially relevant for the month of the Monkey, September. If you have a Monkey in your Pillars of Destiny, then the month of the Tiger, February, will be the most dangerous in the year of the Tiger. Rabbit (id) – Rooster (im): collision means a knife cutting into the body (Yin Metal colliding with Yin Wood). Such a collision signals danger associated with a weapon, small metal, possibly a surgical instrument. If you have the Rabbit in your pillars and the Year of the Rooster arrives, you need to be careful with your back and spine. Dragon (yaz) - Dog (yaz): a collision means earthquakes, collapses of bridges, buildings, etc. Snake (io) - Pig (yev): a collision signals sea, railway and air accidents, as well as troubles associated with reptiles, sharks, dolphins. If there is a Snake in your Pillars, then in the year of the Pig it is better to refrain from traveling by air, sea and rail. The most dangerous month for this is the month of the Pig, November. If you have a Pig in your pillars, then the year of the Snake may be the most traumatic for you. The impact of conflicts on relationships. Collisions can occur in our Pillars of Fate if there are two animals involved in the collision at once. For example, you were born in the year of the Tiger and the month of the Monkey. In this case, only interactions between animals located in neighboring Pillars are considered. For example, between the pillar of the month and the pillar of the day, the pillar of the year and the pillar of the month, the pillar of the day and the pillar of the hour. If warring animals are in pillars separated by other pillars, then such collisions are not considered. For example, if one animal is in the pillar of the year, and the second is in the pillar of the day, or hour. Then the pillars in which the warring animals are located are separated by the pillar of the month and/or day and no collision occurs. Such clashes indicate hostility between your relatives. For example, a clash of year and month indicates hostility between your parents and your father's parents. But it could also mean that your parents moved far away from your father's parents. A clash between the Day Pillar and the Hour Pillar may indicate that your children will not live near you, most likely they will live quite far away. It is possible that your relationship with them will be strained. In general, collisions in the Pillars of Fate themselves are considered only from the point of view of relations between relatives close to a person. Of much greater interest are the collisions that arise between animals that come with the Pillars of Luck or other time cycles (years, months, days), with the animals of the Pillars of Fate, since they are the ones who cause certain events in our lives. There are other forms of interaction between the Earthly branches, such as Mergers, Combinations of 3, Punishments, Self-punishment and so on. However, their consideration is provided only in the complete Ba Tzu Course - Four Pillars of Destiny. 8.2 Mergers of Heavenly trunks. Heavenly trunks, like Earthly branches, enter into various combinations, collide and merge with each other. Mergers between the Heavenly trunks are described in other words as “the union of husband and wife,” since in this combination one element defeats the other. For example, Jia (poison) in combination with Ji (from) form a relationship in which the Tree controls and conquers the Earth. This is similar to how a man conquers a woman, but since here the yang element conquers the yin, they do not fight, but become husband and wife. That is, they like each other. In life, if two people meet, one of whom was born on the day of Jia and the other on the day of Ji, an attraction automatically arises between them. And if their birthday Pillars combine completely, that is, the merger occurs not only at the level of the Heavenly trunks, but also the Earthly branches, a relationship will definitely arise between them. Fusion of Heavenly Stems Jia (poison) – Ji (iz) Gen (yam) – I (id) Bin (yao) – Xin (im) Ren (yav) – Ding (io) Wu (yaz) – Gui (iv) If fusion occurs within the Pillars of Destiny, it signifies harmony between the relatives whose “houses” they represent. At the same time, taking into account the identity of the connecting trunks, we can obtain additional information with certain aspects. Let's take the pillars that we have already considered during the course: Hour Day Month Year Xin IM Bin Yao Jia JAD Zhen YAV Mao ID Shen YAM Chen YAZ YIN POISON Rabbit Monkey Dragon Tiger We see that the Heavenly trunk of the Birthday enters into a combination of merging with the Heavenly trunk of the Hour of Birth . On the one hand, this suggests that the person in question will love his children very much and their relationship will be very harmonious. On the other hand, given that the Metal for the person in question is Money, we can conclude that this person loves Money and Women. Each combination, therefore, needs to be considered at different levels of interpretation, extracting from it as much information as possible for analysis. Any combinations between Heavenly trunks are connections between people. They can be either favorable and then people love each other, or unfavorable and then they argue with each other. But in both cases they are in contact with each other. And although collisions usually mean conflict, and mergers mean harmony, this does not mean that one is bad and the other is good. Any merger removes, neutralizes the elements involved in it, and these elements can be favorable for you. For example, the pillars of a person (03/1/92): Hour Day Month Year I ID Bin Yao Zhen YAV Zhen YAV Wei IZ Ji YAV YIN POISON Shen YAM The element of this person’s personality is weak Fire. Wood in the pillars of destiny is a favorable element. In 2000, the pillar of which is: 2000 Geng YAM Chen YAZ Heavenly trunk Geng (yam) merges with the Heavenly trunk I (id) of the hour of birth, depriving the personality element of the support it needs so much. From an aspect perspective, merging with the element of Power in the Pillars of Heaven may deprive you of the support of your superiors. Merging with the Money element can rob you of your commercial acumen. Merging with an element of personality promises a person a meeting, as a result of which a romantic relationship may well arise, or, at a minimum, means an increase in your attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Ba Tzu Message Series:
Part 1 - Mini Course. Part 2. Beginning the analysis Part 2 - Mini-course. Part 3. Life aspects in the Pillars of Destiny... Part 5 - Mini-course. Part 6. The Five Elements - Some Lesser-Known Aspects of Analysis Part 6 - Mini Course. Part 7. Five elements - the most important aspects of relationships Part 7 - Mini-course Part 8. Interaction of Heavenly trunks and Earthly branches. Part 8 - Mini-course Part 9. Symbolic stars. Part 9 - Mini course. Part 10. A few words about “emptiness”. ... Part 16 - Date of birth and marriage Part 17 - How to add the money element to your life? Part 18 - Who can get rich in 2012 of the Dragon?

mini course part 8

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Horse man and Snake woman - compatibility in love

Compatibility in “intimacy” between a Horse man and a Snake woman is quite good. At first, the Horse man, with his excessive activity and desire to experiment, may seem like a kind of wild barbarian to the cold Snake woman.

But gradually, with his heat, he will be able to melt the ice of his wife. She will appreciate his relaxedness and liberation. She will feel loved and desired, which will allow her to receive the highest pleasure.

True, their intimacy will always be just a physical act, without spiritual unity.

How to make a Horse fall in love with you?

Starting a relationship with such a man is not so difficult. He attends many events where there is an opportunity to meet people. He makes contact easily. Although there are always many women around the Horse, he is looking for a reliable, sweet and faithful one. How to make a Horse man fall in love with you?

  1. Get ready for him to flirt, even if you are in a serious relationship. If you manage to behave wisely and not create scenes of jealousy, consider that the first step in conquering the Horse’s heart has already been taken.
  2. Know how to dress nicely. He has someone to choose from, so he needs to be able to withstand the competition.
  3. Have an interesting holiday. Keep in mind that he is already “bored” of ordinary parties, so in order to interest the Horse, you need to come up with something unusual.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Horse Man and Snake Woman couple

The family relationship between a Horse man and a Snake woman is not easy, but if there is love in their relationship, not profit, and for the sake of this relationship they are ready to make sacrifices, an alliance between them is possible and they can come to the point that they will only complement each other .

But they will have to change a lot in their habits and character, to accept their loved one with his problems and shortcomings. Also, both need to develop, receive education and self-education and be at the same level of development.

Also, to achieve family happiness, the Horse man needs to moderate his ardor and become a more reliable partner, and the Snake woman needs to loosen the “collar” on her loved one’s neck and give him more freedom.

It is worth noting that much in this union depends on the Snake woman. It is her wisdom that can increase overall compatibility and make a marriage happy.

  • Pig Man (Boar) - Snake Woman Compatibility
  • Dog Man - Snake Woman Compatibility
  • Rooster Man - Snake Woman Compatibility
  • Monkey man - Snake woman compatibility
  • Goat Man (Sheep) - Snake Woman Compatibility
  • Snake man - Snake woman compatibility
  • Dragon Man - Snake Woman Compatibility
  • Cat Man (Rabbit) - Snake Woman Compatibility
  • Tiger man - Snake woman compatibility
  • Ox Man - Snake Woman Compatibility
  • Rat man - Snake woman compatibility

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How to make a Goat fall in love with you?

You can meet such a man in a quiet company of friends. Due to his indecisiveness, he does not like noisy companies in which he can simply get lost. He is well-mannered and tactful, so if a girl finds an opportunity to start a conversation, she can count on the future. How to make him fall in love?

  1. Show yourself strong. If the Goat man feels that you have a lot of problems that you will solve with his help, consider that you have lost him.
  2. Show interest in his person. Such a man will highly appreciate your attention and care.
  3. Try to pay attention only to him.
  4. Refrain from criticism. The Goat takes to heart any words that point out his shortcomings.

The compatibility of Goat and Horse can be very good if these two want to build a relationship.

Horse Features

This patron animal gives its charges a bright character. This year's representatives have the following qualities:

  • perseverance;
  • love of active recreation;
  • optimism;
  • love of truth;
  • moderate egoism.

According to the horoscope, such people know how to take responsibility for themselves and loved ones; they are loyal friends and wonderful family men.

The horse lives by communication and new impressions; it is not able to stay within four walls for a long time. Its characteristic features are sincerity and the inability to lie even in small details.

These people are used to achieving success through willpower and hard work; they are born leaders and love public recognition.

This sign should not be considered ideal: the Horse can be wayward and stubborn, depending on the situation, it does not accept disrespectful treatment. Such a character may soften the zodiac sign or the position of the planets at birth, but in general this year has a dominant energy.

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