Amulet Spiritual Strength - help for those who do not strive for material wealth

Practitioners recommend purchasing or making the Slavic amulet Spiritual Strength for people who want to give up material things and choose the path of the spiritual. Along with the talisman, the owner will receive the help and support of the gods of the pagan pantheon, as well as the knowledge of their ancestors. The amulet is suitable for people who respect their parents and want to bring good to the world.

The most famous signs

Almost every ancient civilization had its own symbol of wisdom and knowledge, which helped a person to obtain these properties and correctly apply them in life. The most famous symbols of intelligence and wisdom are:

  • Caduceus. This sign looks like a rod with snakes entwined on both sides. In Orthodoxy, it is he who is considered a symbol of wisdom, since he is a requisite of Sophia, that is, God’s Wisdom. This mandala has ancient roots; it was used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. The talisman is good for those people who are not confident in themselves.
  • Bay leaves. This mandala dates back to Ancient Greece. According to myths, the nymph Daphne turned into the leaves of a laurel tree. And the oracles also sniffed and chewed them. The amulet is suitable for active people.
  • Rune Ansuz. This fourth rune signifies God and makes it possible to acquire not only wisdom, but also to find creative inspiration.
  • Ankh. This sign looks like a cross with a ring at the top. It was used by various ancient cultures. Many current subcultures wear the Ankh amulet to gain immortality and wisdom.

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When should the symbol be used?

Practitioners recommend purchasing a talisman when there is a desire to improve yourself, to gain spirituality, but at the same time you lack spiritual strength and knowledge. You can turn to the Slavic Kolovrat for help if you need help coping with mental pain, for example, accepting the death of a loved one. The amulet will give strength and bring peace to the soul, teach you to accept what has happened and let go of the past.

Often, a talisman helps a person overcome certain addictions.

A good time to purchase a talisman is the period before global changes. The amulet of spiritual enlightenment will protect you from mistakes, give you wisdom and determination not to give up. As a gift, a symbol of spirituality can be presented to a person who is confused and mired in darkness, for example, who has become addicted. However, the talisman will harshly cut off old connections and changes can be painful.


Why is the owl called a symbol of knowledge and wisdom? Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question. It is only known that the North American Indians believed that in difficult situations it was the owl that came to the rescue.

Its feathers were considered a powerful amulet. Residents of Ancient Rome and Greece called the owl a symbol of knowledge, since it was the companion of the wisest goddess Athena.

By the way, this bird hears and sees well in the dark. That is why there are rumors that owls can know what is hidden from humans.

The most suitable material for a talisman

Practitioners recommend making Spiritual Power from metal - silver, which has long been considered a magical material, is better suited. However, gold, iron or tin will also work. It is necessary to determine with which deity of the Slavic pagan pantheon the connection is better established and select the metal that personifies his powers. Another option is to make a talisman from the following types of wood:

If such an amulet is made of oak, it will help a person develop fortitude.

  • Beech. The magical tree establishes contact with deceased ancestors and helps to recharge with the power of the family.
  • Pine. The material is suitable for overly emotional, unrestrained or tired and frustrated people who want to find harmony and calm. Wood will give you perseverance and help strengthen your spirit.
  • Ash. The male plant will help you find the truth and answers to sacred questions.
  • Oak. The most powerful and resistant type of wood best strengthens character and helps to cope with mental pain. Preference for this breed is best given to men.


The spiral is a display of movement towards the center, wisdom and enlightenment. That is why it is often depicted as a coiled snake (a sign of wisdom).

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Painted in white, black or red, it wards off the entities of the shadow world.

Tattoos denoting fortitude

Men's tattoos have several traditions of execution. In North America, Australia and Oceania, men decorated themselves with images of animals, believing that the spirit of the totem animal would inhabit them.

In the Slavic tradition, closely intertwined with the Viking tradition, the basis is geometry: circle, triangle, square. The combination of these symbols can tell a lot. The circle is the sun, the square is the earth. It is more difficult with a triangle, since a triangle with its apex facing upward, itself a phallic symbol and a sign of masculinity, is a sign of air and spirit as such. But if you turn the triangle upside down, you get the image of water falling like a waterfall, embodying the feminine principle.

Among the peoples of the American continents, as well as Australia and Oceania, tattoos of forces often have easily recognizable animal features, for example:

  • the wolf is a symbol of valor and courage, readiness for self-sacrifice and loyalty;
  • bear - the image of a bear on a man’s body speaks of his power and authority;
  • crocodile - vigilance, a person with a crocodile image is always on the alert;
  • The bat is a symbol of power, but there is a second meaning: this tattoo attracts spirits that bring good luck.

Symbol of will and fortitude

The theme of fortitude is very developed in Eastern philosophy, which is why traditional tattoos from the Far East are especially popular. For example, the image of a dragon means magical power and power over the world, the desire for victory, determination and invincible fortitude.

Symbol of inner strength

What man wouldn't want to put a mark on his shoulder that would give him even more self-confidence? In the tradition of the northern peoples, there are a number of amulets that were used specifically for the purpose of imparting inner strength.

Kolovrat or solstice is a sign of the sun, the main amulet among the Slavs. Symbolizes the change of natural cycles, inspires confidence, and is a symbol of absolute power.

Thor's Hammer represents rage, determination and power. As you know, Mjolnir had not only destructive power, but also creative power.

The helmet of horror is the most powerful amulet of northern warriors, a sign of fearlessness, which will provide the warrior with courage and bravery in battle.

Svarog Square - justice and honor inherent in the supreme god of the Slavs.

Symbol of strength and firmness

Courage, bravery, bravery - these are the qualities that have been valued in the successors of the family from time immemorial. In any part of the world, on any continent, these qualities were vital for a man. After all, they had to defend their children and their land with a shield and sword. Armor and edged weapons can be divided into a separate group. They are usually stuffed on large open areas of the body, chest, thigh, lower leg, shoulder. All tattoos depicting armor indicate that this is a warrior.

Sword - willpower

Shield - protection and fortitude, strength of character, will

Chain - connection and integrity

Armor - the courage and strength of a warrior

Symbol of purpose and aspiration

A strong and successful person sets a goal and certainly achieves it. Phrases in Latin, Japanese and Chinese characters are perfect for those who like to record their aspirations. It should be noted that you need to be careful here; you should not blindly trust the master; it is better to check in several sources what a particular sign or phrase should look like.

  • Abiens, abi. Leaving go.
  • Divide et impera. Divide and rule.
  • Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt. Fate guides those who want to go, but those who don’t want to, drag them along.

There are a great many examples of Latin catchphrases. Having delved a little deeper into the topic, each person will find a suitable quote to express their desire.


Photos of symbols of knowledge and wisdom are presented in the article. Grapes also signify wisdom. A bunch of grapes is an attribute of the deities of agriculture and fertility. She embodies the wine of life and, accordingly, immortality. Often associated with Bacchus (Dionysus) and marks sacrifice, as wine is associated with blood.

The same motif is used in Orthodox iconography: Christ is depicted between grapes as the Lamb of God. The grapevine also personifies orgies, hospitality, youth seething with life, and rapture.

Tattoos symbolizing strength: photo

In any salon you will be offered a selection of ready-made sketches, as well as a portfolio with photographs of the master’s work. However, if you want to come to the master with a ready-made idea, you can consider a selection of photos that present the best works of masters from all over the world.

Slavic signs of wisdom

The Valkyrie was the symbol of knowledge and wisdom among the Slavs. This amulet is designed to preserve wisdom, as well as honor, justice and nobility. The Valkyrie was most popular among warriors. After all, they protect and protect Family, Wisdom, Faith.

But this sign could also be seen among priests and magi, since they keep the Holy Slavic-Aryan Vedas.

The Slavs also had a Vedara - a sign of the Guardian-Priest of the ancient faith of the Ancestors (Kapen-Ynglinga), who preserves the Shining Ancient Wisdom of the Gods. This amulet helps to study and apply ancient Knowledge for the benefit of the Prosperity of the ancient Faith and the Clans of the First Ancestors.

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Using a magic amulet

It is better to make a talisman with your own hands - by carving the Kolovrat sign on wood or casting it from metal. If this is not possible, then you can purchase the pendant from your hands. Before use, the amulet must be cleaned with salt in order to remove the energy of the master who made it. Practitioners recommend wearing a symbol representing spirituality around the neck so that it touches the chest. It’s better to hide it behind your clothes and not tell anyone. If you wear a talisman of spiritual enlightenment without taking it off, then you can unnecessarily withdraw from the material world, therefore, in order not to become an ascetic, it is better to periodically remove the magical sign of the Slavs and store it in a separate box.


The snake is also a symbol of wisdom and secret knowledge. She personifies the renewal of the Universe and eternal movement, deep knowledge, feminine beauty, and wisdom.

People depicted the most ancient pagan gods as large snakes. In later folk beliefs, snakes were sent by higher powers to test people, requiring them to demonstrate honesty, valor and intelligence. The winner was given a reward, and those who failed the test faced severe punishment.

European alchemists and philosophers painted a snake biting its own tail, which personified the infinity of the Macrocosm.

The raven is also a symbol of secret knowledge, longevity, wisdom and loneliness. Also, the picture of this bird can symbolize the pain of loss.

Who is it suitable for?

If you put on the amulet so that the rays look clockwise, then it will share the power of creation, and, on the contrary, the flame of destruction. One is impossible without the other, but it is advised to approach the purification of practice with preparation.

The Spiritual Power Amulet is suitable for anyone, regardless of gender. However, it is better not to give children such a powerful and destructive symbol. The difficulties that arise along the way may become insurmountable for them, and wisdom at an early age may be unnecessary. The talisman is most suitable for people who honor their ancestors, family and cultural heritage of their homeland. Due to its close connection to the clan, the amulet is not suitable for people who turn to deities of other pantheons for help.

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