What spell or prayer to read to successfully pass the exam

Spells > For good luck in the exam

It is always interesting to gain new knowledge, gain experience and develop. However, if you study at a higher educational institution, you understand that this process is associated with a very unpleasant episode - a knowledge test.

This is the most terrible day when you have to show what you have learned. Moreover, the mark is extremely important if you study on a budget and plan to continue receiving a scholarship. An exam is a stressful event, which causes many to worry and fail, even if they know everything. But you will not allow anything like this if you follow our rituals. We invite you to familiarize yourself with 12 Spells for good luck before the exam, operating at a distance, which will allow you to pass it calmly and work instantly and immediately. Find out how to read them at home.

  • Spells for the record book Spell with a window
  • Salt spell
  • Conspiracy at Dawn
  • Simple spells for good luck in the exam
      Coin spell
  • Conspiracy on the threshold of the house
  • Conspiracy for a lucky ticket
  • Water spell
  • Plot on a note
  • Conspiracy to successfully pass the exam
  • Spells for good memory
      Waxing Moon Conspiracy
  • Conspiracy to fire
  • Button plot

Spells for success in studying and passing exams

The exam spell has some nuances, the observance of which is important on the eve of the exam:

  • refrain from swear words and alcoholic libations;
  • follow the exact actions prescribed for the ritual (pay attention to the place and time of reading the magic words);
  • concentrate all your attention on what is said and believe in the effectiveness of the event.

An exam is a big test for the person taking it.

I recommend reading:

  • Rules for reading conspiracies

Possible consequences

Magic should not interfere with your studies. Society needs specialists with an understanding of the matter. An employer will be happy to hire an intelligent person into his company who can fix a problem in a matter of minutes. Therefore, you should not get carried away with reading conspiracies and stop studying the basics of your future profession. Otherwise, there is a danger of remaining forever at the level of a helper with low pay.

Svetlana Raevskaya will share psychological secrets for successfully passing the exam:

Written words acquire magical powers when repeated many times. But even the most powerful and influential conspiracy will not increase your erudition and will not increase the percentage of the Unified State Exam. Try to acquire knowledge in a proven way - by recognizing and analyzing new material. Then you won’t have to perform ceremonies and rituals.

About the author: Evgeniy Tukubaev

The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

In the University

The spell before taking the exam is effective and practically guarantees success for the person taking the exam.

It is carried out as follows. In the morning, say the following words on the clothes you are wearing to go to university: “I will go to university in this dress. In it I will pass a difficult exam. Get the mistakes out of the dress, the correct answers stay in the dress. And no matter what I say, I would get excellent grades.”

You can say magic words after the examiner. Look at the back of the person who will be taking the test or exam, and whisper the following text:

“If you go into the classroom, it’s better not to touch me (your last name), don’t ask difficult questions, accept all my answers with joy.”

To the traffic police

Special whispers used to obtain the long-awaited license will help you pass the driving test This spell must be recited 4 times before getting into the examination car. The text is short and easy to remember. If this is difficult, write it on a piece of notebook paper or in your notebook.

The following words will help you pass your driving test: “A boat is moving along the river, a storm is coming, the boat will sail away. And I will go to the exam, and I will come with a good result. Amen".

To avoid nervous anticipation and jitters, try reading this prayer before the exam:

“Gracious Father, please let me pass this test and get my driver’s license (say the day you want to get it). Save and help me, Holy God!”

Theoretical exam in the traffic police.

At school

When performing the necessary magical actions for exams, remember that you cannot talk or discuss them. Fortune, like happiness, prefers peace and quiet and does not tolerate discussion and condemnation.

When you leave the threshold of your apartment for a school exam, read the following words:

“All the wisdom of the world is available to me, I have in my hands the boundless knowledge of the ancient kings. I know everything that the stars, planets and other universes know. I’m waiting for the exam, I want to pass it.”

Read also:

  • Ring spells for all occasions

Astrological talisman

To create a symbolic talisman for the exam, the sign of the planet Venus is suitable, since it is she who can attract victory to the customer’s side. Take a sheet of thick paper or cardboard and draw a heptagonal figure on one side, and on the other place the sign of Venus with your initials. It is also required to set a certain mental message with the presentation of the task at hand while you draw the signs. For application, choose a green paste.

On green paper you can also depict another symbol in the form of a person on a tablet holding a key in his hand. The essence of the mental message does not change with this option. The talisman should always be kept with you.

Conspiracies with a record book

good luck in the exam . Almost every student has used a similar ritual and knows: correct and precise observance of all magical actions promises help at such a difficult moment as testing knowledge. The result largely depends on the coordination of actions, especially since conspiracies with a record book are not labor-intensive actions.

With window

A spell with a record book will also contribute to a positive outcome of the exam. The most popular conspiracy among students is magic words read with it in their hands. The plot is read the night before the exam.

You need to open the window and wave the open record book, saying: “I’m waving it now, I’ll hand it over in the morning.”

The conspiracy is simple, but effective for any student, and has been tested by more than one generation of students.

With salt

During this conspiracy, you need to be alone in a peaceful state, you cannot be afraid or nervous. Just you, your notebook or diary. The ritual is no less simple than the previous one.

You need to sprinkle salt on the record book and say: “If the salt gets here, then the five (four, three, depending on the desired score) will also get here.”

Read this plot as many times as you need to score points. If you want to get the highest score, say it 5 times in a row. Three is enough - say 3 times.

At dawn

This easy text, read at dawn, will bring success and a long-awaited completion with a plus sign to all complex events that relate to school, college, and even work (if it is related to periodic qualifying tasks or you are simply going through difficult times at work). As soon as you wake up, go outside. Do not eat or drink before the conspiracy, do not comb your hair, wash your face or brush your teeth.

Stand facing east, towards the sun, and say:

“I ask the sun for good luck, kindness and good endings. I ask that my words be heard and fulfilled. Unkind people and all enemies fall away from me, troubles and misfortunes bypass my home. I'm telling the truth! My words are made of stone. Let it be so".

When you return home, if possible, do not eat for another hour. You can drink water and get yourself in order.

A spell at dawn will bring success in all complex events.

The power of ritual

The exam rituals themselves are simple. The result depends on the person's faith in actions. The more you want to achieve what you have in mind, the more likely the success of the event will be positive. The attitude and incredible desire to get a good mark will overcome excitement and fear.

Magician Svetlana Raevskaya will show you how to perform a ritual to easily pass any exam or test:

The simplest

The rituals consist of a few words with minimal movements. For example, by sprinkling salt on your record book (diary) and saying the phrase, you guarantee excellent scores:

“As the salt hits, so will the mark.”

After performing the ritual 5 times, you predict a rating of “five”.

For those who don't believe in omens

Sometimes skeptics, ignoring advice, deliberately do everything the opposite in order to prove they are right. For such people the following ritual.

Wash your hair before the exam and say the following words:

“As the sky is clear and bright, so are my thoughts clear and bright. Just as my parents cherish and love me, so will my teachers take pity on me! Amen!"


For parents who are not indifferent to their child’s success, the button ceremony is suitable.

One button is cut from the school uniform. Hold over a lit candle and then place in a bowl of water for one minute. When the button is removed from the water, the words are read:

“Bring, button, good luck to the servant of God (name), so that she will have luck in her studies. I sew you tightly, I ardently conjure you. As long as a sewn button sits, the servant of God (name) will succeed in her studies! My word is strong. Amen"

The button is then sewn onto the uniform.

With candles (most powerful)

The ceremony with burning candles is strong, so be prepared.

Place five candles blessed in the church on the table. There is space between them. At night, on the eve of the exam, the candles are lit. Read the words three times and whisper, so as not to scare away your luck before the exam.

“Let me get the easiest ticket. May I know the answer to the question contained therein. Let me pass the exam, get a good mark and not disturb my family. I call on successful energy, I turn the forces of fortune to myself. My word is firm, so be it! Amen"

The candles are blown out. It is advisable to spend the rest of the night in bed, gaining strength and patience before the test.

Studying and conspiracies are good. But you need to rest a little:

This is interesting: Strong conspiracies for money and to attract good luck

For tea

The tea ritual is held on the eve of a test or exam. To do this, you will have to get a new cup and buy a pack of black tea, maybe with bergamot. Brew tea directly in a mug. After waiting for it to brew, add a spoonful of honey to the drink.

When the tea is ready, whisper to the liquid: “Tea, tea, help out and get an A.”

After that, drink your tea with feeling, sense, and balance. Take your time and enjoy your drink.

This tea ritual has also been practiced for decades. This tea ceremony is aimed at attracting good luck, wealth, love and health. This is a universal ritual, with the only difference being that the texts of the whispers change.

Conspiracy to pass any exam

The conspiracy to pass the exam is attractive because it does not require much effort on the part of the student. Similar magical actions are also suitable for applicants. But the key to a positive result will be not only rituals, but also good knowledge of the material. At the same time, conspiracies and whispers are a necessary help in the difficult life of a student.

With water

The water ritual is simple.

The evening before the test, pour yourself a glass of water (preferably it should be settled, take care of this in advance) and say this text to it:

“I call upon all divine powers. Tomorrow will be a happy day, I got the grade I needed.”

Read these words several times (no matter how many). The main thing is to concentrate. When you wake up, drink water and calmly go to an important event in the life of every student.

With a note

There are many conspiracies with a note. You must take a prepared note with you and bring it to the exam in your pocket.

You can write the following short spell on it:

“Just as my mother adores me, so does the examiner adores me today. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

With clothes

A conspiracy before taking an exam involves manipulating the clothes you will wear for the test.

Say to her: “God always guides me, gives me everything I need. Today I need knowledge for all questions. I don't ask for anything more. Amen".

Before the exam, you can talk about the clothes you will wear to the exam.

There are a number of other conspiracies for passing the exam:

For cheat sheets

They do not need to be written on both sides.

On one should be written the following words:

“A transparent cheat sheet that is visible only to me. No one sees her anymore, and I pass my exam with flying colors. Yes Yes Yes".

For salt

It is better to perform the salt spell on the last Sunday before the exam.

You need to take a handkerchief, pour a tablespoon of coarse salt into it and read over it:

“Trouble will pass me by. Knowledge will come to my home. I know everything, I know everything, I answer tickets easily. Let it be so".

Then wrap the scarf in a knot and place it under the pillow. He must stay there until the exam day.

With paper sheet

On an A4 sheet of paper, write in large letters (you can use a green or red ballpoint pen, or you can use a marker, also green or red):

“What I remember, come, what I don’t remember, go.” Then roll up the sheet and take it with you.

The most popular and effective

  • The best answers are in the top ten. Typically, teachers believe that the best students answer first. Don't give them bad grades;
  • Even if you know all the material perfectly, do not be lazy and prepare test sheets for yourself. Writing down text activates visual memory and makes it easier to memorize material. And repetition is the mother of learning;
  • wear the same set of clothes for all exams and tests during the session. It can be washed, ironed and refreshed with the help of various accessories;
  • the day before the exam you cannot wash your hair, cut your nails, hair or shave;
  • At night, place a notebook or textbook under your pillow. It is believed that knowledge will come in a dream;
  • during a food break, you should not close the textbook or notes you are studying from;
  • you must put a five pound coin under the heel of your shoe;
  • you can tie a ribbon or lace on your hand (bind your knowledge);
  • Usually on the day of the exam you have to curse and scold everyone.

Before the exam, it is advisable to say “no” to the exam topic. Or the day before the exam. The day before the exam, give yourself a rest, do not study or worry about anything. As they say, you can't breathe before you die.

With coins

When casting a spell for good luck before an exam , you need to take 5 yellow coins on the eve of the test and whisper 5 times on them:

“Everything I want is done. Everything I decide comes true.”

Place them in a bag (or case) that you will have with you until the end of the test.

Before the exam, you can carry out a spell with coins.

Conspiracies for good luck before exams are inexhaustible. There are other interesting and non-labor-intensive rituals.

Mother's conspiracy for a nickel

In order for the child to pass the exam, the mother can also read the plot.

You will need a five-ruble coin on which the following whisper is read 9 times: “This patch is a clue to the pupil.”

You need to give it to a schoolchild (student) for an exam in the morning, and warn him not to spend the enchanted coin that day.

Prayer for a child to pass the exam :

“Father, help your son (daughter) in his studies and exams, send your holy help, bless him and do not abandon him in difficult times. Amen".

Student conspiracy for a nickel

The words are: “Piglet, stay with me, get me a fiver.”

The coin must be with you until the end of the session. A lucky talisman may come in handy more than once.

Prayers before an exam

Guardian Angel

Conspiracy to the Guardian Angel.

Sergius of Radonezh

Conspiracy of Sergius of Radonezh.

Matrona of Moscow

Conspiracy to Matrona of Moscow.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Conspiracy to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

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