What effect does an orchid have on your home according to Feng Shui?

Orchid tubers have long been used by shamans and sorcerers to create amulets against otherworldly forces and to attract good luck. However, modern esotericists recommend purchasing a plant for your home with caution, because the flower absorbs any energy and can greatly weaken the residents. It is better to keep an orchid at home on the balcony or in the corridor so that it absorbs negativity from the street, but does not ruin the energy of the apartment. When choosing an indoor flower, it is important to pay attention to the variety and color of the petals.

The meaning of a flower, depending on the color

Each shade of flowers has its own meaning and energy, therefore the ancient teaching of harmonizing space, Feng Shui, attributes some magical properties to orchids:

  1. White orchids are a symbol of tenderness, femininity, love and purity. They will give you a feeling of calm and tranquility and help you meet true love.
  2. Pink and lilac flowers will inspire you to find harmony and give you a feeling of inner attractiveness and charm.
  3. Red flowers fill the surrounding space with positive energy, which will inspire you to achieve your goal.
  4. Yellow orchids symbolize financial well-being and prosperity in the home.
  5. Variegated, orange and purple flowers will become a source of vitality, increase activity and help cope with depression and apathy.

Flowers of any shade give a lot of positive emotions, filling the space with freshness and improving its energy.

Signs for women

Orchid reveals femininity

It is believed that if a woman treats a flower with tenderness and care and cares for it competently, then it is able to bestow her with feminine strength and contribute to the revelation of her feminine qualities.

It improves both the appearance and internal state of its owner. An orchid in the house will contribute to finding harmony in the soul of the fair sex, and this is so important for every girl.

The effect of the plant on the skin is noticeable - in young girls, inflammation disappears from the face, and more mature women are happy that their wrinkles are smoothed out.

A woman who cares for an orchid improves her sixth sense, she becomes more insightful and begins to understand people better. Well, people, in turn, begin to reach out to her and show signs of attention.

Where, according to Feng Shui rules, is an orchid located?

The teachings of Feng Shui involve placing orchids in a suitable sector so that the properties of the indoor plant are fully revealed and energy flows are activated. Therefore, when placing it, it is recommended to take into account some details:

  1. Think about the location in advance - the flower does not accept changes and can get sick, and according to Feng Shui, sick plants spread the destructive energy of Sha.
  2. This houseplant should not be placed near air conditioners to prevent the flower from drying out.
  3. The place should be warm, bright and sunny, as these flowers do not tolerate cold well.

According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place orchids in rooms such as:

  • office - to attract wealth;
  • living room - to create a harmonious atmosphere in the family;
  • hallway, but not near the entrance;
  • glazed loggia or winter garden.

The placement of flowers in the apartment depends on the sector that it is desirable to activate - each of them is responsible for a separate area of ​​life:

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  • northern - promotes achievements in professional activities, improvement of financial situation;
  • eastern - improves health and brings harmony to family relationships;
  • Western - reveals talents, activates creativity;
  • southeast - brings success;
  • southwest - enhances the passion of the spouses;
  • northwestern - helps improve relationships with partners or patrons.

Not every room can accommodate a plant. For example, an orchid in a bedroom or children's room is not the best choice.

Orchids as a gift - to whom and what

As a gift, orchids are suitable for a woman of any age, since, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, they are feminine flowers. The plant protects from misfortunes and negativity, and also helps its owner:

  • remain charming and gentle;
  • prolong youth and maintain freshness;
  • highlight attractive aspects.

When choosing a cut flower or bouquet as a gift, you should take into account the meaning of the orchid and the feelings that the giver puts into it:

  1. White flowers are recommended to be presented to loved ones as the personification of sincere intentions and admiration.
  2. Pink ones, as a symbol of tender and reverent feelings, are given to beloved girls.
  3. Red and motley symbolize passion and hope for the further continuation of the relationship. For people who long for changes that they cannot decide on, bright red flowers are also suitable.
  4. Yellow orchids will be an excellent gift for a person who dreams of climbing the career ladder and succeeding in life.
  5. Orange, purple and green flowers, symbolizing nobility, can be presented to work partners or colleagues.

You can give your loved ones a houseplant - a symbol of tenderness, care and love. The shade is selected depending on the properties that you would like to impart to the recipient.

Use in magic

Parts of the magical plant are used during the following useful rituals:

To prevent a woman from being damaged by infertility, she should carry the rhizome of such a plant with her.

  • Powerful protection. Shamans who practice the ancient magical art of Voodoo recommend carrying the root of a Dactylorhiz flower in a bag made of natural fabric to repel magical attacks, ward off otherworldly entities and attract good luck. Girls hide the amulet next to their heart so that no one can notice, and men are better off wearing a pouch on their belt or neck.
  • Cleaning the premises after the deceased. If a person dies in the apartment, then a broom is made from the Dendrobium orchid. When the coffin is taken away, so that the deceased does not come back, but is put to rest, you need to carefully sweep the floor up to the door. The orchid is then burned.
  • Fumigation of the home. To expel aggressive otherworldly entities from the apartment, you need to collect several orchids and set them on fire. The smoke from burning leaves will cleanse your home.
  • Search for treasure. A talisman made from a tuber of Orchis male or Palmate root will increase the chances of success and help in the search.
  • A talisman against magical attacks. A stored tuber will protect a woman from the curse of infertility, and a man from the curse of loss of libido.

Residents of the Solomon Islands used to feed dogs the flowers of the Dendrobium orchid, the head of which resembles the snout of an animal, before hunting. This ritual gave the pets courage, speed and excitement in the chase.

Tubers and other parts of orchids for creating amulets can be purchased at markets and flower shops. An alternative is special esoteric shops and stores that sell ready-made talismans, for example, the Lucky Mojo voodoo bag for good luck. To enhance the effect of amulets, it is allowed to draw symbols of the Elder Futhark on the tuber or orchid leaves. The divine rune Algiz is recommended for protection.

Activating the magical properties of a flower

The natural talisman has powerful energy that needs to be properly activated. Special items will be useful for this:

  1. Glass figurine (elephant, lotus), attracting happiness and harmony. Place the orchid next to it in a glass vase without chips or cracks. Hang a picture with a red background on top.
  2. An aquarium that is recommended to be placed near the orchid. An alternative option is a small decorative fountain, in which glass or stone elements predominate.

Orchids must be placed away from sharp corners of furniture or protrusions so that they do not disturb the interaction of the plant with Qi energy.

Images of orchids are energetically no less powerful than natural flowers, so it is not recommended to place embroidery or paintings in the bedroom according to Feng Shui.

What does a flower symbolize among different peoples?

Representatives of various nationalities compare the plant with abstract phenomena. Differences in the meaning of an orchid depend on the mentality and traditions of the country.


Representatives of Asian countries enjoy the flowering of the plant during the Lunar New Year. The celebration coincides with the arrival of spring. Therefore, the flower is associated with youth, natural beauty and renewal.

In Asia, the orchid is associated with youth and renewal.


For Europeans, the appearance of an exotic plant is unusual. Previously, only wealthy people could afford such a purchase. This became the reason why this amazing flower became a symbol of sophistication, elegance and even luxury.


Residents of North and South America believe that the plant is the embodiment of an unusual approach to traditional things.

Exotic appearance indicates a person’s extraordinary nature and his desire to find a new way to complete a task.

And growth through stones symbolizes the solution to life's problems.

Ancient Greek culture

In ancient Greek culture, you can find the most references to the flower, since thanks to trade, a lot of information about the flora and fauna of other states and colonies came to this country.

The orchid was compared to a beautiful unmarried girl from a rich family, so the plant became a symbol of purity, attractiveness and luxury.


The Chinese people retain the meaning of the orchid that was formulated by Confucius more than 24 centuries ago. According to the philosopher, the flower is capable of driving away dark spirits from a person and his family.

After acquiring the plant, all residents of the house will feel that unpleasant thoughts torment them less and less, and interpersonal conflicts have become significantly less.

In China, the orchid is believed to strengthen family ties.

It is important to know! Thanks to the exchange of cultural values ​​and traditions, all the points of view presented above about what the flower symbolizes are still relevant.

How a plant can harm apartment owners

The choice of indoor plants should be treated with caution, since the mood and health of all family members depends on it. According to Feng Shui, if placed incorrectly, orchids can cause harm to apartment owners:

  1. Due to the ability of the flower to absorb energy at night, you should not leave the orchid in the bedroom. The plant can negatively affect a sleeping person, who, upon awakening, will be tired, irritable and apathetic. Perhaps this statement is associated with a specific aroma and the active release of carbon dioxide, so it is better to place the orchid in a well-ventilated place to avoid insomnia or headaches.
  2. It is also not recommended to place a flower in a children's room to avoid whims, frequent illnesses and overwork of the child.
  3. The plant affects the health of men and boys, suppressing their masculinity and destroying their aura. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave flowers in a room where a man spends a lot of time.

It is important to remember that the quality of the emitted energy depends on the condition of the indoor plants. Untidy or diseased flowers will not give positive emotions to the owners and will cause significant harm, absorbing the vital energy Qi from the space.

How is an orchid useful?

Doctors paid attention to the Cypripedium calceolus variety, from which a healing decoction can be made to treat neurology, heart rhythm disorders and serious mental disorders. Previously, infusions were made from the Dendrobium Griffith orchid to stimulate hair growth, from Avicenna - a medicine for sexual dysfunction, and Orchid stopped inflammatory processes in the pancreas. Studies have also found that the subtle and pleasant smell of the plant increases libido. Periodic rest in the circle of fragrant flowers will help you relax and put your thoughts in order, which is why doctors advise placing plants in rest rooms at work.

General information about orchids

The Latin version of the name "Orchidaceae" roughly translated means "originating from God." The main feature of orchids is their endless variety of colors and unusual shapes. For the most part, it is due to these features that these amazing plants are so highly valued by flower growers.

Although there are also rather inconspicuous plants. There are types of varieties reaching two millimeters in diameter. Another difference in orchids is the way they reproduce. The seed capsules of these plants contain more than two million seeds, which are carried by the wind over a long distance and which subsequently turn into new flowering plants.

Orchids have an unusual beauty, but they do not have pollen, which attracts pollinating insects. In addition, not all varieties of orchids have nectar. Therefore, the main advantage of these plants is their unusual beauty, ability to mimic and delicious aroma.

How to extend the life of a bouquet of orchids

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When you bring the bouquet home, be sure to update the cut by trimming the stems diagonally. Carry out the procedure under running water, and update the sections every 2-3 days. The water in which the cut orchids will stand must be clean and softened; you can use boiled or filtered.

Don't forget to change the water to fresh one. Cut orchids, like potted orchids, are very sensitive to temperatures that are too low or too high. Protect them from bright sun and drafts.

Is it possible to keep the plant in the house?

For a person who has cast aside doubts and believes in the positive qualities of a flower, an orchid becomes a protector. The magic flower is truly the guardian of prosperity and a good positive atmosphere in the house.

Placement in design and interior

Orchids decorating the interior indicate the refined taste of the owners.

Attention! By the intensity of the color of the leaves, you can determine whether the orchid has enough light (yellowish leaves with spots indicate an excess, dark ones indicate a lack).

Phytodesigners claim that a blooming orchid can decorate any room.

In the living room, an orchid located in the center will be the highlight of any exhibition created just for it. The flower surrounds itself with a complete single space.

The white orchid in the photo looks flawless and stylish.

Moreover, the color of the flower should play the main role - the color should not be lost against the background of surrounding objects. Different shades of blooming garlands help create the mood in a room.

Orchids fit into any stylistic image of the interior, be it classic or oriental. To emphasize the uniqueness of the design project, the amazing decorative properties of orchids are used.

Orchids during dormancy

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After flowering, the plant begins a dormant period, during which the orchid accumulates strength for the next flowering. During this period, stick to your usual care methods. Maintain the same watering, monitor humidity, amount of light, and also carry out regular prevention against pests and diseases.

One important change: during the dormant period, the frequency and volume of fertilizing should be slightly reduced. If you need to replant a plant, then it makes sense to do it during the dormant period, preferably immediately after the orchid has bloomed.

The influence of orchids: signs and superstitions (good and bad)

First, let's look at the botanical description of the orchid. A number of varieties of these flowers are epiphytes - some mistakenly consider this a form of parasitism. Epiphytic flowers are adapted to live on other, larger plants, as well as rocks (lithophytes), but they absorb moisture and nutrients through aerial roots from the air and plant debris, and not from the “host”. But it is precisely on the ability to be placed on other plants that folk signs are based that the plant absorbs the energy of its owners.

Other superstitions are also negative:

  1. It is not recommended to grow orchids, as they are husbandry plants. So, a woman who loves these flowers will remain lonely.
  2. For widows and widowers, such a plant will only increase the feeling of loneliness.
  3. The flower suppresses the will, especially romantic natures from frequent contact with it become weak-willed, constantly tired, and lose their purpose in life.
  4. The orchid turns men into soft, pampered, indecisive, and even negatively affects potency.
  5. Another interesting sign: plants become attached to their owner and can harm guests, as well as poison the lives of new owners.
  6. Orchids cannot tolerate competition with other flowers. Either place them in different rooms, or grow only orchids.

Some signs say exactly the opposite:

  • for women, an orchid is a symbol of success, attractiveness and youth; lovers of these flowers are lucky; such girls are successful both in business and in their personal lives;
  • In the language of flowers, an orchid symbolizes purity and perfection.

The influence of orchids on the color of the buds:

  1. White varieties pacify, help improve relationships between children and parents, and force younger ones to listen to authoritative opinions.
  2. Fuchsia is the color of prosperity and good luck in business.
  3. Burgundy will raise self-esteem.
  4. A soft pink and beige flower harmonizes relationships in the family, especially between brothers and sisters; it will help spouses understand each other better.
  5. Blue and light blue buds will ward off ill-wishers and unfaithful friends from you.

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Perhaps it’s all about the attitude towards the flower: if you are afraid of its negative influence, you can attract troubles into life only with your thoughts. But the real threat to health must be taken into account - the orchid is an allergen.

Orchid care

Looking at a blooming orchid, many gardeners don’t even think about whether to buy this extraordinary plant or not. Of course, buy! But will it bloom just as well at home? Everyone knows that an orchid is a rather capricious plant and requires meticulous care. You can achieve repeated flowering from it if you know all the factors that contribute to this and follow a certain care regimen. Then the orchid will bloom for 2 to 6 months. And some genera, like phalaenopsis or vanda, can bloom all year round. For an orchid to bloom... The frequency of orchid flowering depends on compliance with certain care rules. In order for a plant to bloom, you should remember 9 important conditions that contribute to this.

1. Find out the age of the orchid. If you bought a plant that is not flowering, and it is in no hurry to please with flower shoots, perhaps it is still too young. Different types of orchids bloom at the age of 1.5 to 3 years. To determine that an orchid is old enough, you need to count the number of shoots. An adult plant ready to flower should have from 5 to 8. If flowers appear on an orchid earlier, this is not always good. The fact is that a plant that is too young may not have enough strength to recover after flowering, and the orchid may die.

2. Don't move the pot. Many people know that moving is a real stress for an orchid. But this flower does not like even minor movements. The orchid reacts to its position in relation to the light. Therefore, if there is a need to rearrange a pot with a plant, it is necessary to place it with the same side to the light source as it was before. Also, do not move the orchid while watering. Movement adversely affects the growth of the flower, especially at the moment the peduncle appears.

Color is also very important

The color of the plant will play a huge role. Each of the orchid shades has its own meaning:

  • a dark red flower is suitable for indecisive individuals who really want to change their lives, but still cannot take a decisive step forward towards their destiny and changes;
  • White orchids symbolize love, purity and femininity. Such a plant will help a person meet his soul mate sooner. In addition, white orchids will add peace and harmony to a person;
  • Variegated flowers will eliminate laziness and apathy.

If you plan to present the plant to your loved ones, give flowers in a bright red hue, and when choosing a gift for family and friends, you should choose pink, lilac and white flowers.

Regardless of its color, an orchid simply cannot leave a single person indifferent and will definitely give a lot of positive emotions.

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